10 The Start man, Salim, Ortgon, Thursday. SepL 4, 1947 Valley Briefs Reberts Leonard Zielki in jured nil left eye when hit with a wire. , Mallear Melon night will be observed Friday, September 5 at Macleay grange. Mrs. Harry Mar tin, sr, is in charge of the pro gram. Union Hill Guy Scott is stay ing on the fairground this week helping care for livestock there. Union Hill Charlie Henry Is seriously ill in a Salem hospital where his son. and daughter are with him. Hue Green The Hazel Green e.Hri will roen for a half day at 9 s4h. Friday, September 5, and classes will begin full-time Monday. Kaberts Lyn Clymer has re turned from a combined business and pleasure trip to Auburn, tVath. Orchard Heights Glen South wick is picking his Marshall strawberries for the second time thii'year. This is unusual but the berries are reported to be good tasting, and nice size. fberte Roberts school will open September 5 with Mrs. Bina Stajgg teaching the upper grades; Margaret Zumstein,' primary. Vtin HU1 Mr. and Mrs. Erjest Speed entertained her son and his family of Estacada Sun day. Orchard Heights Mrs. Robert Gannon and daughters Eileen Kay and Linda Jane of Killitas, Wash., are visitiag her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Withere this week. Gannon will join his family, here Friday for the return home Sun day, September 7. : Roberts little Julie Higgins has been confined to the hospital with an attack of appendicitis. Orchard Heights The Moun tain View school opens September 15. Considerable work has been done on the schoolhouse during the summer months. Central Howell Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roth. Shirley and Jerry and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roth and Ervin and Josephine Haury drove to ML Rainier and coastal points for four days last week. BoberU Mr. and Mrs. George Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Higgins attended a picnic Sunday at Harry Carpenters in Salem. Central Howell D. J. Stein er has returned from several -weeks stay in middle states in cluding Illinois where he visited hw son Ernes and family and In diana where he attended the Men nonite church conference at Berne. Union Hill Jasper Phillips, now of West Stayton but former ly of this community i seriously ill in a Salem hospital. THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS ,) Kilocycle: KSLM 1 390, KOCO 1490. KOIN 7a. KGW 820. KEX 110 HOI 6 KSLM KOTO OlN KGW KEX 00:00 00:15 Mom News Timekeeper rMarch Time I News KOCO KLOCK IKOCO KLOCK iKOCO KLOCX INews News Roundup 'KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock Dave West I Dave West I Kneass News Ballads Farm Hour (Farm Hour Farm Hour Farm Hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Eddie Lamar KOIN Klock Farm Time Sing Cowboy I Rise. Shine Tex Ritter INews (Farm Time lAgronsky 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Haven Rest I Haven Rest (Pioneers lOrcnestra News. Orch. News. Orch. I Serenade (Over Coffe User News Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent IGal Sunday Fred Waring I Fred Waring I Jack Berch '.Barry Wood Breakfast Club 'Breakfast I Breakfast IBreakfast 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Kate Smith IR. Maxwell Pastor's Call Organ (Churches IJan Carbcr Big Sister IMa Perkins IDr. Malone Once on a Tim Kneass News News Travelers ITravelers (Breakfast 10 KSI.M KOIN KGW KEX News Peggy Lee Wendy Warren Today's Child G. Drake (Variety Show Lullaby 1 Perry Mason (Woman White I Ted Malone KSLM Organalities IDay Dreams I Queen Today I Queen Today KOCO News Latin Airier. I Salon Concert ISalon Concert KOIN Dble. Nothing jDble.. Nothing Mrs. Burton I Grand Slam KGW Ltfe Beautiful IMa Perkins Pepper Young (Happiness KEX Hvmns (Melodies IHal Willard 'Ethel. Albert 11 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hit Tim Sunset News Kneass News W Kiernan 'News IVince Lbpet I Come Get It IStella Dallas iToday's j Hits 1 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Cone. Hour Hello Again House Party Girl Marries P. Whiteman Cone. Hour (Hello Again IHoum Party I Portia faces IP Whiteman KSLM Heart s Desire Heart's Deslr Orchestra KOCO KOCO Kapers iKOCO Kapers ' KOCO Kapers KOIN Air Newspaper lAIr Newspaper 'Lullaby KGW Road Life Lor a Law ton I Aunt Mary KEX What's Doln ' I What's Doin' I Bride, Groom 2 3 Kftt.M Orchestra I Orchestra WHO KOCO Kapers KOtO-Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOIN Art Klrkham Clare Hays KGW Woman Secret 'Joyce Jordan KEX Be Seated IB Seated 4 KSI.M Voble Show ! Vobl Show ! Flit Frolics (News KOCO Pick. Plav 'em Pick. Play 'em Women News 'Women News KOIN Bryan Trio 'One for Book 'Young One iTodds KGW . C70 Matinee 620 Matine Istars Today INews V.CX ; Sunnyside Up (Northwest I Dick Tracy !Dirk Tracy 5 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW Kf.X H Harrigan Melody Theatre Adventure , (Torn Mix Off Record Off Record Sports News I Ranch Knox Manning Sparkle Music I News I Bob Garred World News Geo Moorad ISunny Sid IE Peterson Tenn, Jed !Terry. Pirates ?ky King I Sky King 6 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX G Heater (Tune-up (Block Party Manhtt Muik Manhat Music 'News Radio Digest Radio Digest I Called X Peter Lor re 'Peter Lorre (Allen Roth Dinner Music ; Rhythms- (Harry James 7 KSI.M Famtly Theatre Family Theatre-Playboys KOCO Public Service DeVol DeVol KOIN L. Thomas (Jack Smith IMr. Keen KGW Carle Orchestra F. I -awl on fCol Flack KEX T. B. A. IT. B. A. IT. B. A. 8 KSI.M Country House Country House INews Medicine KOCO Orchestra Dugout Dope (Baseball IBaseball KOIN M Wilson M. Wilson (Club 13 (Serenade KGW Bums. Allen (Burns. Allen IN. Webster IN. Webster KEX Kenny Baker -Kenny Baker (Mr, President Mr President 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Baseball Lawyer Nelson Eddy Willie Piper (Mystery (Baseball I Lawyer Nelon Eddy iWillie Piper 10 KSI.M Fulton Lewis KOCO Baseball KOIN 3-star Final KGW News HEX " News I News (News. Sports (Orchestra Melodies iTapplng Out 11 KSI.M Open House KOCO Buddy Rich KOIN Serenad KGW News KEX Concert Hour I Open House (Buddy Rich IM. Charles (Russ Morgan (Concert Hour lOrchestra KOAC -IMU. - 10:00 News; 10:13 Sum. Listening 11 00 Con. Hail: 12:00 News; 12.13 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Oregon State Fair: 2:00 Intermezzo: l Memory Music; 3O0 News; 3:13 Music of Masters: 4:O0 Oregon Report er: 4 13 Song of Hawaii; 4 .43 Child The Brown Swiss, Jerseys Get Fair Ribbons Among additional stock . and other competitive entries judged Wednesday at the Oregon state fair here were the following win ners: BROWN SWISS Albert Meier and son. Beverton: Bull. Sr. yearling: Sr. calf; Jr. calf: Jr. champion; cow, 4 years: cow 3 years: cow 2 yeari; heifer. Sr. yearl ing; heifer. Jr. yearling; heifer. Sr. calf; female Jr. champion; dairy herd; get of Sire; Jr. get of Sire; butterfat producer. John Boeckli. Portland: bull. 2 years; bull, Jr. yearling; Sr. champion bull; grand champion bull; cow, S years; heifer, Jr. calf- female Sr. champion: female grand champion; produce of dam; btst thtee females, any age. bred and owned by exhibitor; cow in milk. JERSEYS Melott Jersey Farms. Hillsboro: Bull, diopped between July 1, 1943 and July 1, 144; Bull, 2 years; bull Junior yearl ing; bull, senior champion; get of Sire; cow in milk. E. E. Gourley and son, Albany: cow, & years' female, senior champion; female, grani champion. Theodore T. Jacobs, McMinnville: bull, senior calf: cow. 3 years; cow, 2 years; heifer, senior yearling; dairy herd. L. S. Lorenzen, Dayton: bull. Junior calf: cow, 4 years: produce of dam; best three females, any age, bred and owned by. exhibitor. N. V. Shelly and sons, Albany: bull, senior yearling; bull. Junior champion; bull, grand champion; heifer, junior calf: Jr. get of Sire. Oregon Grand Farm, Woodburn: heifer, senior calf. Lloyd rorster. Tangent: heifer. Jun ior yearling: female junior champion. IN THE cmCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate ) of A. J. GRnTITH. Deceased. ) No. 12716 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPER TY AT PRIVATE SALE TO BE PUBLISHED Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,' for the County of Marion, duly made, rendered, and en tered of record tn said Court on the ISth day of August. 1947. in the matter of the estate of A. J. Griffith, deceased, the undersigned. executor of said estate, will proceed to sell at private sale, wholly and In one piece and with out being divided, from and after the 30th day of Sept.. 1947. to the highest and most r responsible bidder, on the terms and conditions hereinafter men tioned and subject to confirmation by said Court, all said decedent's , right, title and interest in and to the follow ing described real property, to-wit: ' The South One-half lS',a) of Lot j No. Six in Block No. Eighteen i 1S in the Town of North Salem. tn Marion County. State of Oregon. as designated on the recorded plat of said town on record In Marion County. Oregon. Term and conditions of sale of last described property: Cash or credit terms. ' Dated August 21. 1S47. G. C. PATTERSON Executor of the Estate of A. J. Griffith, Deceased TYRONE GILLESPIE Attorney for Executor 413 Masonic Building Salem. Oregon Date of first publication : August 21, 1947 Date of last publication: Sept. 23. It47 AI-28-S.4-ll-l-25 00:30 00:45 INews INews I Bob G aired Old Songs I J antes Abbe IFarm, Homo South Sing I Fred. Beck INews I Stocks I Break fast ; Slim Bryant -News Believe ft Breakfast (Orchestra I Hawaii J Lone Journey (Masquerade (True Story I Harmony Orchestra I Rose Dreams (Light World (True Story Hillbilly (News IE. Winters L. Jones IP Whiteman (Variety I Jamboree I Art Baker IWidder Brown IP Whiteman Orchestra (Hello Again I Meet Missus Plain Bill I Kay West IBIng Sings IHello Again I Meet Missus IFarrell I Kay West Orchestra KOCO Kapers Rosemary Dr. Paul Bride. Groom INews lOrchestra KOCO Kapers Art Godfrey Hob. Vicky Sunnysid Up 'Art Cort'cey Stage Wile ICurrent 'Block Party IN Cloutier Called X I A lien Roth IT. B. A. (Playboys I Band Cone. IMr. Keen Col. Flack (Newt Half Hour IBaseball (Over Rainbow IN. Serenade I Retribution (Half Hour IBaseball Over Rainbow IN. Serenad IRetributJon " INews Classics Orchestra Music Tim Concert Hour (News . (Classics Orchestra Music Tim Concert Hour I Open House I Buddy Rich Air-Flo I Harry Owens (News Buddy Rich Air-Flo Harry Owens' Orchestra atre; 3:00 On Upbeat; 8:43 Spotting Sports; -00 News; S IS W. Meeder; 30 'Round the Campfire: 7:00 Ore gon State Fair; 3:00 Guest Star; t:13 Research; 3:30 Songs to Remember: 43 News: 3:00 Music That Endures; -43 Evening Meditations; 100 Sign Oft NOTICE OP SPECIAL, ELECTION Tuesday, October 1, 1347 Notice hereby Is given that on Tues day, October 7, I94, a special election win d neia in eacn precinct in tne city of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, and In each of the five areas or territories first hereinafter particularly described, for the purpose of , submitting to the electors of the said City of Salem, for their approval or rejection, six separ ate propositions for the annexation to in said city ox baiem of trie six sep arate areas or territories hereinafter particularly described; and for the pur pose of submitting separately to the electors of each of the live areas or territories first hereinafter described being the areas captioned as Territor ies A, B, C. D and E. for their ap proval or rejection, the propositions of annexation to the said City of Salem or sucn territories. The said areas or territories are de scribed as follows, to-wit: Territory A Beginning at a point where the east line of the Fourth Street north of tne present city limits, if extended south erly, would intersect the south line of Locust Street, said point being the existing city limits of Salem, Marion County, Oregon; thence northerly along the said southerly projection and the east line of North Fourth Street) to the south line of Tryon Addition in said Marion Coun ty as said addition is shown in Vol. 14, page 10, Records of Town Plata for said Marion County; thence east erly along the south line of said Try on Addition to the southeast corner of said Tryon Addition; thence north erly along the east line of said Try on Addition and the northerly pro jection thereof to the south line of the T. D. Keizer Donation Land Claim No. 38, in Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian: thence westerly along the south line of said Donation Land Claim to the west line of a county road commonly known as North River Road; thence northerly aloiur tffe west flln of said county road to the north line of that certain property conveyed to the Defense Plant Corporation by deed recorded in Vol. 303, page 566. Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence westerly along the north line of said property described in said deed, and the westerly projection thereof, to the middle channel of the Willamette River; thence southerly along the middle channel of the Wil lamette River to a point that will in tersect the westerly projection of th now existing north city limits of the City of Salem; thence easterly along the now existing north city limits to th .point of -beginning. Territory B Beginning at a point where the east line of Fourth Street, north of the present city limits, if extended south erly, would intersect the south line of Locust Street, said point being on the existing north city limits of Sa lem. Marion County. Oregon: thence. easterly along said city limits line to - the west line or nerry Avenue; thence, northerly along the west line of Cherry Avenue to the south line of the T. D. Keizer Donation . Land Claim No. 38; thence, westerly along said claim line to the northwest cor ner of that property conveyed by deed and recorded In Volume 107, Page 384. Deed Records for Marlon County. Oregon: thence southerly along the west line of said property to the north line of th Samuel Pen ter Donation Land Claim No. 32. which point is also the southwest corner of Tryon Addition shown by plat in Vol. 14. Page 10, Records of Town Plats for Marion County, Ore- f on; thence westerly along the south me of Tryon Addition to the east line of a road known as North Fourth Street: thence, southerly along the east line of said road to the point of beginning: all of said property being situated In and being a part of Sec tion 14. Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. Marion County, Oregon. Territory C Beginning at a point on the now existing ejty limits where the same intersects the west line of the David Presley Donation Land Claim No. 60 In Section 14. Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Me ridian, in Marion County, Oregon: thence northerly along the west line of the said Presley Donation Land Claim to the south line of the John Force Donation Land Claim No. 68: thence westerly along the south line of said Donation Land Claim No. 68 and the westerly projection thereof to the west line of Cherry AVenue; thence southerly along the west line of Cherry Avenue to the now existing along the now existing city limits to the point of beginning. Territory D Beginning at an angle on the now existing city limits of the City of Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, th same point being on the quarter-section line running easterly and wester ly through section 34. Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willam ette Meridian. Marion County, Ore gon. where th northerly projection of the west line of Block 26. Nob HiU Annex would intersect th said quarter-Section line; thence southerly along the said, northerly projection and .the west line of said Block 26 to the southwest corner of said Block 26; thence easterly along the south line of said Block 25 to a point that will intersect the northerly projec tion of the west line of Summer street; thence southerly along th ald northerly projection and th west line of Summer Street to the north line of Lot 8. Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2, In Marion County, Ore- J:on; thence easterly along the north ine of said Lot to the northeast corner of the same; thence souther ly along the east line of Lots 8 and 9 in said Smith's Truit Farms No. 2 to the southeast corner of said Lot 9; thence easterly and along the south line of Lots 12. 10 and 9. Smith's Fruit Farms No. 3 in said Marion County to th southeast corner of said Lot 9; thence northerly along the east line of Lots 9, 8 and 1 in said Smith's Fruit Farms N- ' he northeast corner of said Lot 1: thence south 89 30 west along the north line of said Lot 1 to a point that is south 89' 30 west 181.5 feet and south 0 45' west 40 feet from; the southeast corner of that certain property con veyed to Lewis Judson by deed re corded in Volume 201, Page 616, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon: thence north 0' 45' east 203 02 feet; thence north 59 55' west 25? J feet; thence north 14 33' west 159.2 feet: thence north 21 39' west 314.16 feet to a point on the easterly projection of the south line of 'Block 26, Nob Hill Annex to Salem, Oregon: thence westerly along the said easterly pro jection to a point that Is 50 feet east erly from the southeast corner of said Block 26; thenc northerly and paral lel with th east line of said Block 26 to the south line of Hoyt Street: thence 1 northerly to th southwest corner of Block 16 of said Nob Hill 'Annex; thence northerly along the west line of said Block 16 to the quarter-section line running easterly and westerly through the aforemen tioned Section 34; thence westerly' along the said quarter-section line to? th point of beginning, i" Territory E Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Smith Fruit Farms No. 3, Marion County. Oregon: thence northerly along the East line Of Lots S. 8 and 1 in said Smith's Fruit Farms No. 3 to the northeast corner of said Lot 1: thence South 89 30 west along the North line of said Lot 1 to a point the: is South 89 west 181.5 feet and South 0 45' West 40 feet from the Southeast corner of that certain property conveyed to I wis Judson by deed recorded In Volume 201, page 616. Deed Records for, Marion County. Oregon: thence North 0 45' East 203 02 feet; thenc North 59 55' West 257.3 feet; thence North 14 33' West 159 2 feet: thence North -21 39' West 314.16 feet to a point on the easterly projection of the South line of Block 26. Nob Hill An nex: thence Westerly along the said Easterly projection to a point that is SO feet easterly from th southeast corner of said Block 26; thence north erly and parallel with th east line of said Block 26 to the south line of Hoyt Street: thence northerly to the southwest corner of Block 16, Nob Hill Annex: thence northerly along the west line of said Block 16. to the quarter-section line running east erly and westerly through section 34. Township- 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, said County and State, the same being the now existing southerly city limits line; thence easterly alone the said south erly -cltv limits- line to the east line of South 22nd street: thence south erly along th east lln of South 22nd Street to the north line of the Gar den Home , Tracts: thence easterly along th north line of said Garden Home Tracts to the west line of Lot 11. Millers Mill Creek Rural Home Tracts: thence Northerly along the west Unci of said Lot 11 to th north west corner of said Lot 11; thence easterly along the north line of said Lot 11 to tne northeast toiiui ui said Lot 11; thenc northerly along the east line ol lota io and to tn now existing South city limits line, the same being the quarter-section line running easterly and westerly through Section 36; thence easterly along said quarter-section line to the east line of Lot 8, Millers Mill Creek Rural Home Tracts; thence southerly along said east line of Lots 8 and 9 to the southeast corner of said Lot 9; thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 9 to a point where tne same intersects the section line run ning northerly and southerly between Sections 35 and 38 of Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willam ette Meridian and Sections 1 and 2 of Township 8 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; thence southerly along said section lines to a point where the said section lines intersect the southerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacilic Company; thence northwesterly along the said south erly right-of-way line to a point where the same intersects the north line of the Abijah Carey Donation Land Claim No. 41; thence westerly along said Donation Land Claim line to a point that is 1407.08 feet easterly from the northwest corner of said Abijah Carey Donation Land Claim; thence Southerly and parallel with the east line of Market Road No. 25. the same being also known as Pringle Road, 1353 feet, more or less, to the center line .of said Market Road 25 where the same runs Easterly and westerly: thence south 62" 08' East 116.6 feet; thence Jjbuth 35 48' east 309.7 feef thence south 657.7 feet; thence west 1661.58 feet to the east line of County Road No. 839; thence northerly along the east line of said Road No. 839 and the east Hne of Market Road 25 to a point where the same would intersect the easterly projection of the south line of Rose Garden Addition: thence westerly along said easterly projection and said south line of said Rose Garden Addition and th westerly projection thereof to the west line of 12th Street: thence northerly along said west line to the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 8, Morningside Addition: thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 3, Block 8 and Lot 12. Block 9. Morningside Addition to the Southwest corner of said Lot 12, the same being a point on the east line of Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2: thence northerly along said east line to the southwest corner of Lot 9. Smith's Fruit Farms No. 3. the same being the place of beginning. Territory T Beginning at the northwest cor ner of Lot 31 of Riverside Acres ir Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, - Marion County, Oregon, and running thenc easterly along the south line of Han sen Avenue 376 feet, more or less, to the southerly extension of the east line of Lot 33 of said Riverside Acres; thence northerly along the east line of Lots 33 and 35 of said Riverside Acres and the west line of Haight Street 404.78 feet; thence west 523.82 feet to the east line of a count v road: thence south 41" 40' west 128.7 feet along the east line of the county road; thence west 20 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 34 of said Riverside Acres; thence north 80" 30' wftst along the north line of Lot 26 of laid Riverside Acres 262 02 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 26: thence south 2 IS' west along the west line of Lots 26 and 27 of said Riverside Acres, 385.34 feet, more or less, to the township line dividing Townships 7 South and 8 South; thence westerly along the township line 1360.27 feet, more or less, to the re-entrant corner on the east hne of Lot 16 of Laurel Springs Fruit Tracts in Township S South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian: thence northerly along the east line of said Lot 16. 831.6 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said east line with the east line of the south River Road (Market Road No. IS I; thence southerly along the east line of the said road to the Intersection with the north line of Lot 1 of said Laurel Springs Fruit Tracts; thence southeasterly along the north line of said Lot 1. 411.84 feet to the most easterly northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence southerly along the east line of said Lot 1, 686.4 feet to the most southerly southwest corner of Lot 10 of said Laurel Springs Fruit Tracts: thence easterly along the south line of said Lot 10, 526 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of said Lot 10: thence south 0 02' east along the west line of Laurel Springs Addi tion. 792.0 feet to the center of Ma drona Avenue: thence south 89 46' east along the south line of said Laurel Springs Addition and the cen ter of Madrona Avenue 571.56 feet: thence south 83 26' east along the south line of Laurel Springs Addi tion, 1110.12 feet to th southeast cor ner of said addition-, thence north 1077.62 feet, more or less, to the south line of Salem Heights Avenue: thence easterly along the south line of Salem Heights Avenue, 990 feet to the east line of Lot 12 of Ewald Fruit Farms as recorded in Volume 3, Page 84. of the Marion County, Oregon. Records of Town Plats: thence northerly along the east line of Lot 7 of said Ewald Fruit Farms and the east line of Haight Street, 696.75 feet to the northeast corner of Creai-View Addition and Lot 7 of said Ewald Fruit Farms; thence west erly along the north line of said Crest-View Addition. 459 15 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 31 of Riverside Acres as recorded in Vol ume 8. Page 113. and Volume 10, Page 160. of said Town Plats; thence northerlv along the west line of said Lot 31 of Riverside Acres. 692.05 feet to the point of beginning. The electors of the said City of Salem are hereby invited to vote upon the propositions of annexation of eacn of the said areas or territories to the said City of Salem. The electors of the - territory first above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory A", are hereby in vited to vote upon the proposition of annexation of the said Territory A to the said City of Salem. The electors In the territory second above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory B", are hereby in vited to vote upon the proposition of annexation of the said Territory B to the said City of Salem. The electors in the territory third above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory c . are hereby in vited to vote upon the proposition of annexation of the said territory C to the said City of Salem. The electors in the territory fourth above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory D", are hereby in vited to vote upon the proposition of annexation of the said territory D to the said City of Salem. Th electors in the territory fifth- above described, being the area cap tioned Territory E , are hereby in vited to vote upon the proposition of annexation of the said Territory E to the said City of Salem. The polling places at which said election will be held in the said City of Salem are designated as follows: ward i: Precinct 9 Broadway Tire Service 1108 Broadway Precinct 10 Basement Salem Wom an's Club tfo N. Cottage Precinct 15 Office of Hunt Bros. Cannery 165 Division Street Precinct 22 Parrtsh Junior High School Capitol and Parrish Streets WARD 2: Precinct 2 Christ Evangelical Church 1760 State Street Precinct 11 Hotel Senator Court and High Streets Precinct 23 Court House High and Court Streets Precinct 37 Washington School - East Basement 12th and Center Streets Precinct 29 Court Street Christian Church 17th and Court Streets WARD 3: Precinct 16 City Hall - Municipal Judge's Office Chemeketa Street Precinct 17 Marion Hotel - Banquet Room Commercial and Ferry Streets Precinct 31 Calvary Baptist Church 1230 S. Liberty WARD 4: Precinct 4 State Heating Plant 12th and Ferry Streets Precinct 5 Basement Richmond School Richmond and Mill Streets Precinct 12 Deaconess Hospital N. E. Corner Basement Winter and Oak St. Precinct 30 Knight Memorial Church 19th and Ferry Streets WARD 5: Precinct 7 Karnes Electric Company 2090 N. Capitol Street. Precinct 8 lason Lee Church - Base ment Jefferson and Winter Streets Precinct 14 Immsnuel . Baptist Church Hazel and Academy StreeU Precinct 21 Veterans Foreign Wars 640 Hood Street Precinct 26 Highland School - Base- LAFF-A-DAY j Was r s fc..-- ... v- 2 "Iff food to Ulk over old crimes fain!" ment 5th and Highland Precinct 32 Oregon State Fair groundsCare Taker's Cottage WARD 6: Precinct 1 U. B. Church - Basement 17th and Nebraska Precinct 3 Four Square. Gospel Church - Basement 19th and'Brey man Precinct 19 New High School -North End. Rm. 115 14th and D Streets Precinct 20 John Spranger Residence 2373 State Street Precinct 25 Englewood School - Au ditorium 19th and Nebraska Precinct 281380 Madison Street WARD 7: Precinct 6 1118 S. 13th Theo. Kling sporn Precinct 13 Leslie Jr. High School - Basement Howard and S. Cot tage St. Precinct 18 Leslie M. E. Church -Basement S. Commercial and My t ers St. Precinct 24 Friends Church - Base ment S. Commercial and Washing ton St. Precinct 33 McKjnley School S. High Street The polling place at which said elec tion will be held in the territory .first above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory A", is designated to be at Kash and Karry Lumber Yard 3155 N. River Road. The Polling place at which said elec tion will be held In the territory second above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory B", is designated to be at Oregon State School for the Deaf Locust Street. The Polling place at which said elec tion well be held in the territory third above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory C". is designated to be at Salem Nut Growers Cooperative 2826 Cherry Avenue. The Polling place at which said elec tion will be held in the territory fourth above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory D". is, designated to be at 2590 S. Summer Stieet. The Polling place at whirh said elec tion will be held In the territory fifth above described, being the area cap tioned "Territory E". is designated to be at 1351 Hoyt Street. The said election will be held at said polling places, and each thereof, be ginning at 8 o'clock in the morning and continuing until 8 o'clock in the eve ning of the said 7th day of October. 1947 BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SALEM. OREGON, the 25th dav of August. 1947. ALFRED MUNDT Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon S4-II-18-2S-0 2 Livestock and Poultry 9 CHOICE weaner pigs. Rt 5. Box 95 Ph. 2-2944 or 2-2940 ,a Iter 6 p m YOUNG-Turkeys, 38c lb. Rt. 9. Straight east on Center. Boxl 12. NEW-Hampshire pullets 4 mo. old Geo. F. Robinson. Rt. 1. Box 193A. Salem. Wallace Rd. 2 mi. from bridge. Gravel Rd. 'ml. FOR "SALE: 2 Jersey cows 67. one milking. One to freshen Sept. 5. One 11 mo. old roan Shorthorn bull. H. E. Baker. Rt. 1, Box 47, Brooks. On Waconda road. DTFROC" HOGS grow Taster on Teis feed. If interested in breeding stock, see any Duroc Breeder; be ure to see the Northwest Duroc Breeders Ex hibit at th Oregon State Fair. Salem. C. E. Stretcher, Secretary, Beaverton, Oregon. BO LL Service oy artificial Insem ination Sirjs from the best of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artlflral Insemina tion Station Ph 6585 "WANTED": Fat or th'ln cattle, calves and bulls. Will call at farm. Write Claude Edwards. 330 S. 14th St. 3-SADDLE horses by private owner. 1 American bred gelding, solid sorrel with light mane and tail. 15 2 hands tall, weight. 1.050 lbs. age 7. Guaran teed sound and breeding. Very stylish but gentle. Excellent choice for lady Or average Irian for posse or drill team. Price $500. Also offer Morgan gelding solid sorrel. 16.5 hands tall, weight 150 lbs., age 6. Guaranteed sound and breeding. A fast walker and well man nered. This is a real man's hore for frail riding or stock ranch work. Price S4O0 Will show under saddle at request Thursday. Friday, and Saturday, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Interstate Tractor A; Equipment Co.. 3055 Silverton Road. At rear of the building. Owner, Collis Johnson FOR SALE: Christie N H baby chicks every Wed. Sovtngtona. 3716 Stste St Phone 4969 WANTED: All kino ol cattle, fat nogs, sows A boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C McCand lish Rt 9. Box 233. across from Waters Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 CUSTOM dressing ot chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-2861 Lees Hatchery NEW "Hampshire baby chicks, start ed chicks k older pullets always avail- able Ph 2286L Lees . Hatchery WANTED: All kinoa ot cattle ana nogs Will call at farm Write B. 1 Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph 21.141 morn or ev "HIGHEST " QUALITY CHICKS New Ham of hires and White Rocks. 100 fr nf nnllrtnim Hatches every Tues day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery fouitry farm. Lyons, ure Hon Picker Wanted HOP PICKERS John J. Roberts 4 Co. Bus Schedule Transportation facilities leaving each morning beginning September 1, 1947 At 6:00 A. M. from Capitola Boresteele Garage Fairgrounds Road - Mrtle Avenue Highland School larmtr Warehouse Commercial and Center Ladd Bush Bank Owens and Commercial Capitol and D Capitol and Garden RoaJ Garden Road and 2Ut D ana 2:t D and 17th 17th ard Center 21st and Center 24th and State 19th and State 12th and slate Ferry and Cottag Tarm Employment Ofc, 361 Chemeketa Lee and Turner Road 12th nnd Mix ion High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt Jefferson Hwy. and Hansen Ave. i Salem Heigh:s School. Yard 4 miles out on Sonth River Road. For further information Ph. 9623. hop Pickers wanted For our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem. 250 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept Fine snady camp ground, fine cab ins. Stoves, wood, electric Mghts. show er balhs. table, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transportation. Pleaje write JOHN J. ROBERTS CO.. Sa lem. Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose $1 for registration and use of cabin, which will be re funded at clone of season. HOP PICKERS Start late hops Sept 1. Good crop, little mildew. One-half mile eat of Auburn school. Applv Steve Van Ilouten. Supt. 1LLIHEE HOP RANCH. Route No 9. Salem, Ore. Phone 2-2631. STARTING About Aug, 28. Cabins k store. Register now. Phone 22766. Orey Hep Ranch. Rt. 2. Box 197. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS now picking late hops close to Salem on South River Road. Di iv to farm or bus leaves Farm Labor office at 6 30. for information call 6137. Rogers Bishop. HOP "Picking starts "Aug. 28. 9 ml. no. on St. Paul Rd. R P. Pomeroy. Rt. l.Box 21. Broqks Ph 23425. 500 HOP""Plckers needed at Mrtoma Hop Farm, Rt. 1, Box 260, Independ ence. Ore. Picking starts Aug. 27th. We pay 5c per pound. Help Wanted COOK & Waitress Union wages. Sa lem Hotel Coffee Shop. 139 N. High. No phone calls. Help Wauled Male FARMER on dairy' and truck gar dening farm, 4 mi. West of Jefferson. 2 mi. N.W. of Corner School. Tom j Marshall. Rt12.Albajiy, MEN Interested in positions with a j future. Earn S200 to $400 per mo. while learning. We train you free. I Apply 465 Ferry. APPRENTICE for garage' and serv ice station. 809 Edgeualer St.. West I Salem. I FftAME and front-end mechanic. , Top wtges Apply United Wheel Alignment Co.. 190 S. 12th St. Help Wanted Female SELL "Sunshine Line" leading re ligious Christmas cards. Original de signs, warm greetings, choice Bible texts. Preferred because they express the true spirit of Christmas. Easy to sell big profits. Write for money mak ing plan today. Triumphant Art Pub lishers. N2. San Jose. Calif. WOMAN Press operator. Salem La u noryCo., 263S.H WOMAN to care for invalid and housework. 2 in family, no laundry. Box 246 Statesman. WANTED: Competent bookkeeper for bookkeeping and general office work at our new branch now open ing in Albany. Interviews from 9 to 4 oi by special appointment. Walkers Truck and Trailer.SlOQ Santiam High way. Phone Albany 1360. KIND, reliable lady for housework and care of girl 3 for employed widow. References required. Call 4023 before 11 a. m. t DEPENDABLE efficient housekeeper and cook for family of four. Rm., bd. and salarv Couple employed. Refer ences Phone 288. Stayton. Ore. EXPERIENCED Waitress, day shift. Court St. Dairy Lunch. 347 Court St. SALESLADY, 20 to 35 years old. for Jewelry store Air-conditioned sur roundings. Permanent position. Some typing experience. State particulars and references. Writ Box 484, States man, Salem, Ore. Salesmen Wanted REAL ESTATE salesman by one of Salem's oldest firms. .Excellent oppor tunity for good man. Experience nec- YOUNG salesman wanted residing in Salem to cover Willamette Valley points. v Transportation experience pre ferred. Salary, expenses and car al lowance Good opportunity. Apply bv letter. Acme Fast Freight, Portland". Ore. Situations Wanted PLOWING. Bob Hulst. Ph. 2-1128. Rt. B. BoxS87. JOB" far flat bed truck. Ph. 2-1T2T: 510 Beck Ave. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK OREY 6263 ; PAPERING and Paining. Quality i perpetuates preferences, prices rea- sonable? Yes Ph. JTJ97. J - I CmLTJ-CARE. Ph. 2-6876. DEPENDABLE woman desires house", keeping for gentleman, no objection to children. Box J98 Statesman. WANT Job- for 1," ton flat bed truck. Ph 25117. See, me on 412 Ever green AVC; LAWN. yard, wood and sawdust maintenance. Phone 25514 GENERAL cement ce-ntracting. 24751. House Movers Kay Simmons A Co. Ph 3147 aft. 6p.m. LADY with 2" yrs. child nursery ex perience, would like to care for child ren while mother works. On bus line. Reasonable.- 1604 Chemeketa St. PAINTING. COMPETENT workman, ship. Reasonable ra les. Ph. 2-2773. PieSchooi Playschool. 1381 Stat Ages 3-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 BULLDOZING. Grubbing and Log ging. Clearing teeth and 22" breaking plow, by hour or contract L. C. Mit chell. Ph. 23227, Sa lem. , ALL .Work guaranteed. Windows" walls woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleanlne Service Phon 4457 DRESSMAKING designing altera- lions. Ph. 6.T61. WOULD Ok" uToTd on your spray painting. Your paint or ours. Plson 4246 M. L. Gottenberf JJ430 N 19th St. PAINTER end Papei hanger Reason able prices Free estimate H. J W ood wort h Ph 301 BALING: Hay k straw baling, also mowing k raking. Chapman Allen by. Ph I09F13 68F21. - WILL Do landscape, pruning, ceme tery park work. Ph.- 7558. 1150 N. Church. EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph 25 1 00. WANTED Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. OKAwTNG Hous and store plans n,962L Painting end paperhanglng. 4325. Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm.Wet Salem Ph 9468 or 5S27 PIANO "Tuning. Edwin" Hamilton. Wills Music Store. 1' aintins Contract or by th hour. Spray or brush - PAUL BASSETT Rt3fi:,. Phone 2-2.306 Spray Painting Ralph Aliman 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 24248 ' Hollywood Transfer For local St long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Station Septic Tanks Cleaned K F. Hamel 1143 8th West Salem Phon 7404 PAINTING" Papernaiigfng W Q Croulv 857Shipping Phone95l3 CHIMNEY sweep. Northness. pn, 4450 For Sale Micellaneu SMALL Wedgewood gas stove. Maple bed, spring mattress like new. Steel cot l pad. Small oil heater. Kitchen table k 4 chairs. Wilting desk A china closet (comb). 3 A 4 drawer chestr. Truck k laundry tubs. MACS 143 S.jChurch ALWAYS a big stoca. Woodry Furniture Mkt Ph S19. RADlOSand record" plavers". YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon PNone 4311 STOVE Repairing and parts. Woodrv's Mkt. 1605 N Summer St PRESSURE ' Cookers for canning, also 4 quart size for every day cooking. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Phone4il I BUILDIiNC BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT, SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING lmlle south on River Rd. Phone 8968 VACUUM Cleaners and floor pol- ixhers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phon 431' For Sale- Miscellaneous Mil KINO Machines, milk coolers and home size milk paateurtrera. V EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 253 N. Liberty ftlieet Salem, Oregon Phone 4311 HOSPITAL Beds wheel chairs, rent, ell, trade. Max Buren. Ph. 7775. 745 v oiiri m. . WESTING HOUSE Launoromata. th completely automatic washer. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St, OIL CIHCTjLATORSnboughl. ioW. exchangedrepaired. Ph 6073. ICE Cream machine. 6 quart Mills with 40 gal hardening cabinet This is an excellent machine for serving frosted malted and making quarts, etc. Also 3 new Hamilton Beech milk shake machines. Saving Center. Portland Rd. j FOR Better reception at the coast the Tropic Ma-ter radio M 50. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 NEW lAimber: 2x4s. fx 6a. 2x8s 2x10s. S35 a thousand feet. Will's Service Station. 837 S. Cpm'L Ph7167. 200 SACKS for grain. H. B." Aker Brookr. Ore Box 203. D ALTON" Adding machine, good condition. Reasonable. 103 Marion St. Ph. 21503. OLIVER Tandem disc, ft..' used very little. $150. I John Deere orchard plow, Geo. F. Robinson, Rt. 1. Box l93A.Wallace Rd. 2 ml. from bridge. 1946 MASSEY-Harris 101 Jr. tractor'. Gravel rd. ' nil 2-bottnm 16 In. plow 4 cultivator. Del be rt Slater. 3 mi. north. 2 ml. wet of Independence. Rt.. 1, Box 324. FOR SALE; Sweet coin. Golden Cross irrigated 31.25 per box. L. H. Zieike. Ph. 2-2578. Left of Roberta sch.. third house. PROMPT; efficient repairs on all watches and clokks. SALEM WATCH SHOP. 2381 State. Ph. 2-1957. A few guaranteed watches for tale. Cash paid 1 for old cold. HOTOINT"- gal. water heater Ued. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 ELECTRIC-Blankets, comforters and healing pads. Y EATER. APPLIANCE COMPANY 253 N. Liberty Street . . Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 SEVERAL S gal. cns of Sherwln Williams Miller paint, ' brick red. green and dark gray. .No light, at 82 per gal, or will trade. Ph. 6821 or call at 1694 N. Com I. , BOWERS and Son Piano, recondi tioned, (175. $25 down. $10 a mo. Shop Tallmans and save. 395S. 12th. BEAUTIFUL Cheval " mirror." Heavy mahorany frame. 375.00. Sliver, elec tric coffee urn 350.00. Complete wood lift $8-00. Flamed pictures. Dressmak- mrm InMn fm I.H i. $6 00 each. Ph. 5785 BEAUTlFUL Wal'cabTuprTght era"nd ibikj. jjov s Di n. gao. spoil sun sie 6. Man's all wool blue business suit sixe ). 1366 State St. FOSTERIA Cups.1654r3CaitoL MODERN spar it gas range. Buffet top with clock ft light Ex. condition. Available about Sept ISth. $115. 365 Bel.nont.Ph.2534X V GIRL'S Bicycle. New tires. Good LINED Dra drape with traverse rods for 2 windows. 89 In. wld by 84 L!h, nA !.,n "d by J7 ,n' h'gh. Slip covered davenport, dinette set. mahogany finished, knee hole desk and Krawl baby carriage. 1160 Marior St. . - ELECTRIC Hot water heater. 41 gal., unused. $79 SO. 14 cu. ft. home freeier. Phone 42S4. VAUGHN Drag saw. 40 modeFmag. neto: make offer. ISO Williams Ave. See Snith. OTfT Circulator, good condition. meoT ium six. $45.00. Call after 3:00 P.M. Phone 21281. OAK' Roll-top desk $.S07 TTibrarv tables $.7S k $7 7S Davenos $6 50 to $79 50. Coil springs $8 50 to $$So. 4 piece bed room set $5.S0. Unfinu-h-ed dinette tables $7.95 $9 IS. Pitch forks and hand pruners. State St. Furniture. IWWtatePhoneSJW. UPRIChT Eureka vacuum cleaner, waxrr , attachment. New model. Ph. 26039 CORN; Golden Cross Bantam, large ears, 23 and 30c per dos. 40 Hansen Ave. Ph. 22361. TSSSTON Gasoline and pneumatic power cnain saws ana pans, immed iate delivery. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem. 1058 S. Coml.Ph. $023. i RTWatkins'Co '"product I717C ter St. Salem Pn SJBft Free del SPECIAL PRICEtn vanity tables. $6.95. Toev Furniture Co. 1 550 Fairgrounds Rd. A HUNTERS-! portsman, very fin selection, of rifles, all calibres and some with scopes, shot guns, pistols and ammunition: rubber and small plywood boat; also boy's bike. IS09 N 6th. Ph. 6074. FRONT Door 2-6k$3. hardware In cluded. $8 00. Two good 050-16 tires, Ph 2-6230. : J; BALDWIN Grand Piano ft7J Inches. Beautiful resonant linne. Finely balanced action.. This Grpnd is like new in every respect. Shp Tallmans and save over $1000 on this bargain. 395 S. 12th. J FTNlTSpinet Pianos, Knabe. Kra kauer and Lester Betsy Hoes Spinets at prices and terms you can handle. Trad In your old piano as down ?ymt Tallmans. 393 S. 12th, mil iom high prices. ; ' MILTON Bungalow Piano. Can not be told from new.- A snap. Tallmans, 395 8. J2th. SPECIALPric on child's wardrobe. $19.75. Toevs Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. NEW Looking rtoors at small cont. Rent a Dreadnaught Sander. Ph. 7177 Western Auto Supply Co. BBTtT.R Crnirns electric V : ' YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 355 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 GOOD Canning sweet corn, toma toes now ready. Call evenings. Bring containers box 167 Auburn Road. Ph. 22081. WATER.lea ieTij, 30.-4273 and 66 gal YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Phne4311 LlfCTRIC Clocks and door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St SPINET" PIANOS $50 or your old piano as down pay ment We handle our own contracts, so can give you easy flexible pay ments on balance to meet your needs. Fine selection at present Shop now before th fall rush. Spinets are still rcarce. TALLMANS, 395 8. 12th A mile from hlfh price. &MAfX Six oil rtrcuiator. Good man's suit six 34. Dinette aet. Ph. 2-442S. . IGHHNGrixtures for th home, office or shop. YEATSR APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone431 1 FULLER Brushes l5jGra nTjFTSs? FENCE Controllers electric "or battery. YEATER AKPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 431 1 AT STUD : Napa Flash, reg. American Saddle bred Stallion, dk. chestnut with whit markings Has proven himself as one of th outstanding Stallions on th Coast. Fee for non reg. marcs $23 00 Roy II. Simmons, owner. Rt 4. Box 270 Salem Ph 21143 OIL Circulators fan and radiant types. ' YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Llberty St GARDEN Tractor 1100 D A. John son. 173 Senate St, West Salem. Call after 6 P.M. SING CE Simmons box spring and sjand$22 50. CalJafter P.M. 4079. TOMATOES-. or Juice-$1 00 per bu. For canning $1 SO per bu. Out Silver ton Rd. IxBiiles past city. limit. Look foi sign. L. D. Egbert. ' ESfATjKAWTy eWirlc ranges 4 burner and 3 burner with grill, also 24 Inch square electric grill. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 253 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon fhone 4311 For Sale Miscellaneous Visit SEARS iXIHBiTIOX IN MACHINERY BLDCS. STATE FAIR DEMONSTRATING Leach Silo Unloailrr SEARS FARM STORE Phone 9 1 02 or 6333 1T3 Liherty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE . MIX. READY MIX ALL KINDS QF GRAVEL Cement Commercial : Sand and Gravel Co. PHj:1966 - 2-3:00 CINDERELLA Electric tabi wah--rs ideal for apartments or trailer houses. YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY 25S N Liberty S:reet Salem. Oregon . Phone 4.111 j. CHARTS CORSET! Rf RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 43T S. UbertV MAHOGANY Twin "bed ft"complTti. g"Jb'- 504 N. 14th, downstairs. PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AMD BRICK 12th ST BLOCK COV-a llth St at VJta Ave Pn eve.. asQ4 SEWlNGMachines Rerrted. Repair ed. Bought. W. Davenport Ph. 7671 193-1 N !8th. ELECTRIC Loom wire - convent lence millets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY v 255 N. Liberty Street J Salem. Oregon ST Phone 4311 ' TIPE Check with us for your p re needs Limited quantities, available. CapitalBargain House,14j Center RED Shingle, delivered anywiniri: also lumber Ted Muller. Ph 21196 c ?59&0 Eola Lb. Co- Sal em. Or" -JfZSi-. Iron" - "'. fi and domevtie. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Ore son Phone 4." II SWINGS. Heavy clot n ix u.m i ?.r,,e1..x, nd wheels, wrought Iran i I145N Lioerty, ' i, 7 ,lrm,rt M ' nir.n ArrilAML COMPAAY 355 N Liberty Street Salenr. Ore (on Phone 4311 I "WESIX A-h-nane T heated now aT.l. hi. ?, . toom , vaTApS&&WCMAsF' 2M N Ubertv sT ; o tit on your laundn- trars I Y EATEN APPLIANCE r-M'PAVV 1 255 N Liberty sTrWt. Baiem. Oregon -A- rv - Fhon 43,1 2 . ilYP:kR Canaiies $;o" .act,. Call Z9! nurnings and rvrr.ir.it - Call 2-S2S3 morning o:t-nm FOR SALE: 3 Tavart o- er head - '"r RD 8, Box as. "DOUBLE Bed. " springs: dresser, several shirts, s ea ers. 2 men. suits sire 38 - 39. Tel. 67:5 y B-iaitrea, TUBEROUS begonias. 1 bioum tr.m 27?tSt P" d "j?" ST. Kitchen sinks, smg'.e.an, "douba Shower stalls, fracture ipilaj beds., single steel bed. double bunk beds. ELECTRICAL. SPECIAL ON 41 rEV ?JE,0 "ECTR'C WAT- HEATERS. Looirtt switches boxes, convenience) autVu eaW. weather head. p;g tails. Steel cabinets. Shower stal.'s. wai bu i ?" ,h?!1er Shop 'tracer with trailer train. Clark' Fork lift 6000 lb capacity. 3 and 3 Ton chain ro Windows' with frame. 1351, HOYT ST, E. of i'n, iei 791B. ,P'?itirno'.h,K,ti'"- pi 2-6058. 713 Columbia St iTJ'ile1 tux. Wain very little, like new. Also aerge sail. Set of golf clubs, 3 woods, 5 iron At bar; Ph. 3-1181 r,.,i47ROttlLL,!:R ver ,- Dirt blade, spar tire. Used. SO hrs. $580. 4 x 8 all-steel vd BrH. ! J"er. suae asxl cover. $J0. M tcox- ood condition. $18 Wood rir- culator. good eond . $13 Day bed. gnrag ui.Hui.wry, ,ia. ing ..mm) rang. $20. I pair extra-heavy wotk mora, sue 6 S. 1350 N. 21st Si bel ire las and Sun w GITlLSloveTy outgrown sweaters, all rotors, 32 to S8. new coaditin. $1 us. Plain , plaid shirts, wai.t 24 to t llKenew. Phone 53A5. LARGEST M on tag wood or coal circulator. Could heat star or fcaiL Phone 538B. BLUE" White i-diarr.jnd weddinc band. Total karet. Se it to appre ciate. Statesman Box M2 UNDER WOOD portabe typewriter", good cond. $35. Virgil Woodward. Rt. Box J ?' iL?rr y- w.EWL Ju n' rfrigerator. 341 N? 14th after 3 p.m. ' OiLCircuUlor ' 11 gal, baTreX Good eond. 15.15 6th St T.ARGE-Daven porFa nd cluh chairT Pre-war spring construct ion. sllp-ere-ered in new brown floral rhinu: Ma ple coffee table, redwood oionic table and two benches, new. Call T4i0 eve nines. NOW,ln required when vou u transparent Plasti-Kot on your floor or linoleum. YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY 355 N Liberty Sueet Salem, Ore -in Phon 4311 ELPCTRir Room" heaters, steers, radiant, and fan type YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY ,, S N Liberty St. CANfNO "CORN ar d I.MT.iu,, L ri!r,rm' ' mt " Rd Ph 22326 Salem Soreen Shop ' Window and sash Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cabi net work . i44. Ph J W4 FANS" Exhaust. pe.ettaF'and stand models. -YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY 253 N Libert v Street Salem. Oregon Phorte 4311 ADVERTISING Western Advertising Represent-tive W ard -Griffith Cornnany. (no. Sin Francisco j Eastern Advertising Representative. 1 Ward-Griffith Company, tne. Chicago New York. Detroit. Boston, AUanU Member 1 Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertiin Em ere mt tke Poatofftr mt Sa lem. Oreposi as lecomd Class MaU ler Pwbitsh) every swrmss ex cp Monday firte(j oftc il$ South Commercial gtreet. SUBSCRTPTION RATES Mall Suriacrtpttoa Rat tn Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily n4 Sunday. Mo 60 cents: 6 mo. $323: 1 year. $4 00 Eleewhere $4 cents awe mo. or $320 for I y r la advai Per copy cent. By City Carrier. TS cents month, $9 00 a year In advaac to Maria and adj-ceol counties.