t The) SlaUtmcm, Solom, Oregon, Wdn day. SpL 3. 1917 New York Stock Quotations New York, Al Chem & Dye American Can ... Am Power & Lt Sept. 2-IVTodayi -! iGen Foods .88 Gen Motors 11 'i Goodyear Tire Am Tel Tel Anaconda Atchison v Bendix Avia .. Beth Steel Boeing Air .... Calif Pack .... Canadian Pac Case J 1 Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Edison .. Con Vultee .. Crown Zel L Curtis Wr Douglas Air .. Dupont de'Ne Gen Electric .. 159. Gt North pfd . 35i!lnt Harvest ... 83HInt Paper 32 J Manville ... ST'ijKennecott 17'.iLonf Bell A , 3 P.! Mont Ward .... IP Nash Kelvin ... 384Nat Dairy 59i'N Y Central ... 3s ! North Am Co 25 . Northern Pac 13 Pac Am Fish 31aiPac Gas Elec 5i!P T & T 55 i i Pan American 192 Penny J C .... 36 S! Radio Corp .... I'orllaml I'riHiuce PORTLAND. Ore, Sept. 2 (API Butterfat Premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 85-90c; first quality S3-88c; second quality. 75-82c: valley routes and country points, 2 cents teas than first, or Sl-Mc. Butter wholesale. F O.B. bulk cube: '.grade AA. S3 iicore. 79c: grade A. 92 score. 78c; B. 90 score. 71c; C, 69 score. He. Cheese ' Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 41-Slc: Oregon i lb. loaf 43-S2c. Ert To wholesalers: A grade, large. 64'i-5'i: medium 61',i: A trade. smaU 49'ic: : B grade, large I'-5,.ic. Eg ft Purchases ' from farmers, current receipts. 56-S0c: buyers pay 3-3'c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for beet; hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broiler under 2' lbs. Sue; to 3 lbs. 35-38c: fryers 3 to 4 It. 37 -40c: roasters ft lbs. and over 37-3Sc: fowl Leghorn under 4 lbs. 17-lsc: 4 lbs. and over 20-2 lc: colored fowl all weights -27c: sUfS all weights 12-14c lb. Hay U. S. No 3 rreen alfalfa or better, carload Iota, r O.B. Portland. S30-33 ton: U. S. No. 1 timothy (east ern Oregon or Washington I. carlots FOB Portland. 334-37 ton: oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. S22-25. baled -at Willamette val ley farms, depending upon quality end location. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48 2c lb dressed: price to producer". 43c. fryers live, white. 30-25c lb.: colored. 17-2lc lb . Onions Green, local mld-Colum-bia. BO-90c dozen bunches. Onions 50-lb tacks,; Wash, yellows. 3 Inch 32 65-3 85; Brook. Ore., $2-2 13 50 lb sacks: reds. S2.25-2.3S. Potatoes Oregon Boardman. White Rose No. Is. twt.. S3 15-3 15: Deschutes Rusaet No. 1. 100-lb- . 83 35-3 50; Ba kers. 33 90-4 00: No. 2 Bakers. $2.80 28: med No. 2. 32.2S-2 35 cwt : Wash ington White Rose. cwt.. $2.75-3.00. Dressed meata Veal Light, top Quality. 33 -34c: hesvv, top quality. 2S-30c; B. 25-26c: C. 22-24c: cull. 18-20c: Hogs Block, butchers, packer style, 125-160 lb. 34-36c: over 213 lbs. 32-33c lb., sows, all wts. 2S-30C lb. Lambs Bert (trade. ZS-alc. others according to ouality Mutton 10-13c R. according to quality Beef Best quality. 35-39c lb. B. 25-30c: C. 23-24c; canner and cutter. l8-20c: bologna bull 27 28c lb Cascara bark Green 10c lb.;, dry 13c lb. Mohair 42c lb. on: 12-month growth Port land Livestock PORTLAND. Ore..; Sept 2 (API (USDA I Cattle: Salable 2550. total S3O0; calves salable 525. total 550; hold over cattle 200; market rather slow: steers, heifers and lower grade cows mostly steady-weak; some steers slight- WEDNESDAY'S Kilocycle: KSLM KOCO 1490, HOUR : 0:1$ 00:30 00:4S BKSLM News (Timekeeper IMarch Time INews KOCO KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCK KOCO KLOCK JNews OIN News Roundup KOIN Klock KOIN Klock IKOLN Klock KGW Dave West IDave West., News iBallads KEX Farm Hour Farm Hour Farm Hour Farm Hour 7KSLM News I Rise. Shine INews fOrchestra KOCO Lemar Show iTex Ritter I News . Sammy Kaye KOIN KOIN Klock INews - (News Fred Beck KGW Farm Time IFarm Time iOld Songs Sam Hayes KEX Sing Cowboy lAgronsky Uame Abbe Jame Abbe 8JCSLM Rest Haven IRest Haven ! Pioneers . Orchestra KOCO News. Orch. INews, Orch. (Serenade I Over Coffee KOIN User News lAunt Jenny Helen Trent jGal Sunday KGW Fred Waring Fred Waring I Jack Berch Music KEX Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club 9KSLM Kate Smith !R. Maxwell (Pastor's Call lArt Baker , KOCO R Lelbert IChurches IJan Garber iMarchtime KOIN Big Sister IMa Perkins IDr Malone (Guiding Light KGW Once on Time Kneas News News IBelieve It KEX Travelers ITravelers iBrk. Hollywood Brk Hollywood K8I.M News iVarlety Show Orchestra (Harmony I C KOCO Dmningf iRhythm Hawaii Varietles III KOIN Wendy Warren Perry Mason Lone Journey iRose Dreams I U KGW Today's Child 'Woman White" Masauerade ILight World KEX G Drake iTed Malone ITrue Story ITrue Story nKSLM Waltx Time I Day Dreams Queen Today I Queen Today KOCO News Latin-America alon Concert Salon Concert KOIN Dbl.. Nothing 'Dble. Nothing Mrs. Burton IGrand Slam KGW ' Life Beautiful !Mi Perkins Pepper Young (Happiness KEX Hymns IMclodics Listening lEthel. Albert a KSI.M Hit Time News (Hillbilly Vr",tlrr . 1 r KOCO Sunset, Vine JNovatone (News iChuck Wagon I I KOIN News ICome Get It E. WlnUrs lArt Baker m KGW Kneass News ! Stella Dallas L Jones Widder Brown KEX W Kiernan iToday's HiU P Whiteman 'Paul Whitcman 1KSLM Our Faith News fOrchestra Bing Sings KOCO Hello Again lello Again Hello Again Hello Again KOIN House Part House Party Meet Missus Meet Missus KGW Girl Marries iPortia Faces Plain Bill E"rreJI. . KEX P Whiteman P. Whiteman Kay West Kay West 2 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Heart's Desire 'Heart s Desire Bill Gwlnn Orchestra KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapera iKOCO Kapers (KOCO Kapers Air Newspaper' Air Newspaper 'Lullaby IRosemary Road Life ILora Lawton Aunt Mary Dr. Paul What's Doln" I What's Doln iBrkle. Groom 'Bride. Groom 3 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Orchestra KOCO Kapers Art Kirkham . Woman Secret Be Seated Orchestra KOCO Kapers (Went Back I Joyce Jordan IB Seated KSI.M Fulton Lewis iHeminrway INoble Show KOCO Pjck. Play m Pick. Play em IWomen News KOIN , Melody Hour IMelody Hour IMeditarlon KGW 620 Matinee 1620 Matinee IStars Today KCX SUnnyside U INorthwest lEd. Duchln 4 KSI.M H. Harrigan Melody Theatre'Adventure KOCO Off Record 'Off Record ISports News KOIN . Knox Manning Sparkle Music 'News KGW News !Geo. Moor ad "Sunnyside KEX Tenn. Ted irerry. Pirates IJ. Armstrong 5 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX G Heater Allen Roth Rhythm Big Story Music 7 KSI.M Amer. Forum (News KtM'U Public Service Devol Orch. KOIN I.. Thomas 'Jack Smith KCW Tex Beneke ILawton KEX Lone Ranger 'Lone Ranger 8 K SIM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX That Song? OrcheMra The Whistler Dennis Day l.um n A liner (That Song? 'Dugout Dope (The Whistler I Dennis Day 'Kenny Baker News (Mystery IChUholm Trail lOrchestra Raneball Baseball (Baseball I Baseball The Saint The Saint iNelghbors Ifelghnors JtnxandTex- (Jinx and Tex 'Dial Attorney 'Dlst Attorney Phil Silvers IPhll Slivers IRhythm Rhythm gXS KOCO 1 KOIN rj KGW 10 KSI.M Fulton Lewis KOCO Baseball KOIN 5-Star Final KGW News KEX - News 11 KSI.M Open House 'Open House KOCO Buddy Rich (Buddy Rich KOIN McLean Orch. M. Charles KGW News !Russ Morgan 'Harry Owens KEX Concert Hour (Concert Hour (Holiday KOAC. S5 hx. 10 OO News: 10:15 Summer Listening: 11 00 Concert Hall: 12 W News: 12 1 J Noon Fsrm Hour: 1 00 Oregon State Fair; 2:00 In termezzo: 2 30 Memory Mu)c: 3 4)0 News: 3 10 Muif ot Masters; 4 :00 Ore gon Reporter; 4:13 Favorite Hymns; Closing Quotations: - 3,!Rayonier 26 Rayonier pfd 37 Reynolds Met Zl - , Richfield Safeway 23 Mr pfd ISears Roeb 38 Sinclair Oil A. IB',4 So. Pacific 44 Stan Brands 30 ft Stan Oil Cal 59 Studebaker 21 Sun Mining 9 '.4 Onion Oil 224 Un Pacific 139. Un Airlines 19 Un Aircraft 19k 404lU S Steel 7P4 Warner Bros .... 14T 10l4West EJec 28 Vi 44 yi Wool worth 47 8l ' ly lower: medium-good beef cows very slow; most bids and few sales 25-50 cents lower; bulls steady; vealers strong: few loads good grass steers 23.00-25.00; load good fed steers held above 36.00: few loads feeder steers 20.00-21 JO; common steers down to 17.00; good heifers 22.00-75; common medium grades 15.00-21.00; few good beef cows 17.00-18.00: canner-cutter cows fairly active at 11.00-13 00; shells down to 10.00; good beef bulls 18.00-75; medium-good sausage bulls 16.00-18.00; good-choice vealers 22.00-24.00; one lot range ealers 24.50. Hogs: Salable 350. total 2300: market active, 50 cents higher; good-choice 180 240 lbs largely 30.50; 255-300 lbs 27.00 29.00; good 400-500 lb sows 22.50-23.00: heavier weights down to 22.00; lighter weights to 23.50; no feeder pigs avail able; choice quoted to 32.00. Sheep: Salable 1500. total 1800; mar ket active, fully steady with last week's best time: extreme top spring lambs 23 cents higher at 22.75 for experiment station lambs: good-choice springers largely 21.50-22.50: common down to 17.00; few feeders 17.00-18 00: medium good yearlings 16.00-17.00: good ewes 50-75, FE 7.00; common down to 3.00. Porllanti Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. (API Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38-lb white 71.00; barley No. 3 45-Ib B.W. 73.50; No. 1 flax 6.05. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2 JO; soft white (excluding Rex) 2.30; white club 2.30; western red 2.30. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 per cent 2.30; 11 per cent 2.34; 12 per cent 2.44. . Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2.58; 10 per cent 2.58; 11 per cent 2.64; 12 per cent 2.70. Today's car receipts: Wheat 75; bar ley 48; flour 8; corn 2; hay 2; Mil feed s. Stocks and Bonds (Compiled by the Associated Press! Sept a STOCK AVERAGES 30 13 IS 60 Ind. Rails Util. Stocks Tuesday - 92.6 34.4 43.1 65.6 Previous day 92.0 34 0 42 8 65 2 Week ago !. 33.7 42 8 64 9 Month ago 84 8 34 8 42.5 66 6 Year ago Ml 37.3 46.6 66.3 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Rails Ind. 94.0 103.3 10 Util 105.0 105.0 1053 105.3 107.2 105.7 104.0 10 For. 70.5 70 8 70.4 71 1 77.2 78 6 70.4 Tuesday Previous day Week ago ...... Month ago Year ago 1847 high 1947 low 940 94 0 94.7 991 97.1 89.9 103.4 103.4 103.5 1034 104.2 103.2 BROADCASTS KOIN 970. KGW 620, KEX 1190 INews KOCO Kapers lArt Godfrey IStage Wife ICome Get It lOrchestra KOCO Kapers (Art Godfrey Bob and Vlrky iSunnyiide Up Noble Show Women News The Todds News Dick Tracy iTom Mix I Ranch Rhythm I Bob Garred IE Peterson Sky King ... aw 444 ... 40 - 86 48 44 45 'i 60 16 31T4 154l 25 I 20141 13 4! iNews JAmer. Forum lAmer Forum I Allen Roth I News 'Novelty (Rhythm 'Life's Doorway Liie s Doorway I Big Story 3. Theatre IS Theatre Lt Am. Music (Albert Show (Albert Show Cisco Kid Devol Orch (Cisco Kid Band Cone. Dr Christian Band Concert M. Loring Dr. Christian Band Con. M. Lor In g Twilight Time iTwIllght Time JRaoehall Baseball lAntl-Rales Tax iWe Serenade Musical Musical 'Paul Whiteman 'Paul Whiteman INews (News "News 'News. Sports - (Classics (Classics iTalks I About Town Army Voice (Current. Cholce'Let's Dance I Band Wagon (Serenade (Concert Hour 'Concert Hour 'Open House fNews I Buddy Rich INews ! News (Holiday I Buddy Rich lAir-Flo 4:43 Children's Theatre; 5:00 On Up beat; 5.55 Spotting Sports; 6:00 News; 6:13 French Music; 8 30 Band Stand; 6 43 Song Shop; 7:00 Oregon State Fair: 6 00 Melody Time: 8:30 Veteran's News; 8:45 News; 9:00 Music That En dures! 9:45 Evening Meditations; 10:00 Sign Off Newberg FFA Wins Sheep Flock Honors Newberg chapter of the FFA li'nn the cheeo fltvlr hnnnr . at the Oregon JState fair judging Tuesday. Other awards in the sheep division included: SHEEP Sheep Showmanship, medium wool: Rex Vollstedt, Albany, 1; Kenneth Humphrey, Corvallis, 2; Maurice Jernstedt. McMinnville, 3; Gene Mul key, Siiveiton. 4; Gene Mullert Al bany, , Francis Lane. Newberg, 6; Delbert Bauer, Newberg. 7; Glen Mills, Newberg, 8; Bob Kouns, Albany, 9; Fisher. Silverton, 10. Long Wool: Robert Aff otter, Mo lalla, 1; Donald Helinlg, Molalla. 2; Robert Mueller. Perrydale, 3; Darrell Root, Corvallis, 4. Grand Champion Showman Rex Vollsteat. Albany. Shropshire and Southdown: Ewe Rex Vollstedt. Albany. 1 and 2; Wayne Goin. Albany, 3 and 4. Ram Lamb Kenneth Humphrey, Corvallis. 1. - Ewe Lamb Rex VolUtedt. Albany. 1 and 3; Kenneth Humphrey, Cor vallis. 2. Hampshire: Ewe Dick Re id, Mo lalla, 1; Rich McKee, Amity, 2; Glen Mills, Newberg. 3; Norm McKee. Amity, 4; Francis Lane,- Newberg, 5; Dick Reid. Molalla. 6. Ram Lamb Dick Reid, . Molalla, 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb Francis Lane, New berg. 1; Delbert Bauer, Newberg, 2; Tommy Casey, McMinnville, 3; Glen Mills, Newberg. I; Dick Keid, Mo lalla. 8; Glen Mills. Newberg. 6. Suffolk: Ewe Bob Kouns, Al bany, 1 and 3 ;Bill Mulier, Albany, 2; Delbert Bauer, Newberg, 3 and 4; Gene Mulier. Albany, 8. Ram Lamb Kouns. Albany, 1; Mulier, Albany. 2 and 5; Fisher. Sil yerton. 3 and 4; Delbert Bauer, New berg, 6. Ewe Lamb Roy Shumway, Red mond, 1; Mulier, 2; Kouns, 3 and 4; Fisher, 5 and 6. Romney: Ewe Robert Mulier. Ferrydale. 1 and 2; Bob Affolter, Mo lalla. 3: Barnes. 4: Darell Root. Cor vallis. 5; Bob Affolter, Molalla, 6. Ram Lamb. Donald Helmlg, Mo lalla, 1 and 2; Darrell Root, Cor vallis. 3. Ewe Lmb David Patterson. Mo lalla, 1; Darrell Root. Corvallis. 2. Other Breedt: Ewe Duane Dru shella. Albany, 1; Gene Mulkey, Sil yerton. 2 and 3; Duane Drusheila. Al bany. 4: Gene Newton. Corvallis, 5; Lee Ruthrufi. Albany, 6. Ram Lamb Gene Mulkey, Silver ton. 1; Lee Ruthrurt. Albany, 2 and 3. Ewe Lamb - Mulkey, l; Kenneth Humphrey. Corvallis. 2; Gvlan Mul k1j Corvallis 3 and 4; Lee Ruth ruff. Albany, 5 and 6. wPnn of,2 ,at 'mbl Kouns, 1; Mulier, Albany, J. Champion Ewe, Medium Wool Kouns, Albjny. Champion Ewe. Long Wool Robert Mueller. Perrydale. Champion Medium .Wool Ram Lamb Dick Reid, Molalla. Champion Medium Wool Ewe Lamb Francis Lane, Newberg. Champion Long Wool Ewe Lamb Die Patterson. Molalla. Grand Champion Female Kouns. Sears Roebuck Foundation Special. Medium Wool Norman . McKee Amity, 1: Francis Lane. Nswberg. 2. Long Wool Robert Mueller, Perry dale. 1. The American Hampshire Sheep As sociation Special Francis Lane, Newberg, 1: Delbert Bauer, Newberg, 2: Gylen Mills. Newberg. 3. The American Suffold Sheep So ciety Special j Ewes. Kouns. 1 and 2; Mulier. 3 Ewe Lamb Mulier, Al bany, 1. The American Shropshire Registry association special ewe. Vollstedt. 1 and 2: Wayne Goin. Albany, 3 and 4. Ewe Lamb Volstedt. I: Kenneth Humphrey. Corvallis, 2; Vollstedt, 3. The automotive industry is the chief market for gasoline, rubber, steel, upholstery leather, mohair, lead and nickel. Salem Market Quotations BUTTKRFAT Premium No. 1 No. -2 PRINTS Wholesale M M .75 Si J7 .65 .60 M M Retail Kblil Huvlflf frtrm Extra large J Medium and standard Pullets Cracks . EGG 8 Selling Prlca - wholesale. large Mediums Retail, tare Retail, medium POULTRY Colored hens, No. 1 XI No. 2 . 21 Fryers je LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Choice spring lambs 19 00 Yearling up to 13.00 Ewes 2 uo to 5 00 Fat dairy cows to 12 50 Cutter cows 8 00 to 11 50 Dairy heifers 9.00 to 1450 Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) uo to 17 00 Bulls 12 00 to 17 50 Veal (150 to 300 lbs.) uo to 20 00 Legal Notice I have been appointed administrator of the estate of ANNA C. PURDY. de ceased, and have duly qualified. All persons having claims against the es tate are notified to present them with proper vouchers to me at the office of my attorney. STTVB ANDERSON, 211 Oregon Bldg.. Salem, Oregon, within six momns from August 271h. 1947. KENNETH A. PURDY. Administrator. A27-S3-10-17-24 Livestock and roultry NEW Hampshire pullets 4 mo. old. Geo. F. Robinson. Rt. 1. Box 193A. Salem. Wallace Rd. 3 ml. from bridge. GravelRd. fn). FOR SALE: 2 Jersey cows 61 one milking, one to freshen Sept. 5. One IV mo. old roan Shorthorn bull. H. E. Baker, Rt. 1, Box 47, . Brooks. On Wjconda road . Saddle horse, black, for sale. 2', yrs. ld. Phone 6531. DUROCTHOGS grow faster on less feed. If interested in breeding stock, see any Duroc Breeder; be sure to see the Northwest Duroc Breeders Ex hibit at th Oregon State Fair. Salem. C. E. Stretcher, Secretary,' Beaverton. Oregon. HORSE, sound and breeding, fine for trail riding or stock ranch work. genne tor cnuaren. fnone BULL Service by aitlficiai insem ination Sires from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artiflcal Insemina tion station Ph 65S5 WANTED: Fat or thin cattle, calves and bulls. Will call at farm. Write Claude Edwards, 330 8. 1 41 h St. 3 ATSbLhoYses "Vv prlvatewner. 1 American bred gelding, solid sorrel wllh light mane and tail, 15.2 hands tall, weight. 1,050 lbs. age 7. Guaran teed sound and breeding. Very stylish but gentle. Excellent choice for lady or average man 'for posse or drill team. Price 3500. Also offer Morgan gelding solid sorrel. 16.5 handa tall, weight 1.250 lbs., age 8. Guaranteed sound and breeding. A fast walker and well man nered. This is a real man's horse for trail riding or stock ranch work. Price 400. Will show under saddle at request Thursday. Friday, and Saturday. 10 a. m. to S p. m. Interstate Tractor St Equipment Co., 3055 Silverton Road. At rear of the building. Owner. Collis .iohnon FOR SALE: Christie N H ban chicks every Wed Bovtngtons 3718 ytate St . Phone 4969 WANTED AU klnos of cattle, fa I hogs sows a boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C MrCand-Mxh- Rt 9 Bos 233, across from Waters Ball Park on S 23 St Ph 8147 CUSTOM dressing ot chicaens any number Prompt service Dressed ooul ry wholesale our specialty. Phone a-2Ml. Lee s Hatchery. .64 .75 50 Livestock antl Poultry NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start ed chicks A oldei pullets always avail able Ph 22861, le's Hatchery " wANli:D All Binds ul callie snd nogs Will call at farm Write C I Snelhen. 1560 Lancaster Drive Ph tt34!t morn or eve HlUHtSl QUALITY CHICKS New Hampshire and Whit Rocks 100 free of pullorum. Hatches every rues day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore Auctions Lane SutlteH's auction salesyard, Wed., Sept. 3 at 10 a.m. Located lVi'mi. east of fairgrounds on Sil verton Rd. Ph. 6098. 8 piece dining rm. set, davenports and chairs, beds, springs, tables, chairs, radios, and many other items of fur niture. One new scroll saw and other tools. New h p. motor. Chickens, rabbits and turkeys, day old and veal calves, cows, heifers, and horses. Always open. Hel planted CLERK. Apply In person. Grand Sweet Shop. M 1DDLE-AGED couple to mana.t 15 rm. hotel. Man could have other employment. References required. Liv ing quarters and wages. Statesman, Box. 483. COOK wanted from 5 P. M. to 1 P. M Call at 26220. MEN wanted for Hop picking ma chines. Housing furnished 20 day lob. Day and night shifts 95c per hour. Ft. Vannoy Hop Yards. Inc. 5 ml. Lower River Road, Grants Pass, Oregon. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS John J. Roberts A Co. Bus Schedule Transpoitation facilities leaving each morning beginning September 1. 1947 At 6:00 A. M. from Capitola Boresteele Garage Fairgrounds Road k Myrtle Avenue Highland School Larmer Warehouse Commercial and Center Ladd 4 Bush Bank Owens and Commercial Capitol and D Capitol and Garden RoaJ Garden Road and 21st D and 21st D and 17th 17th ard Center 21st and Center 24th and State 19th and State 12th and Mate Ferry and Cottage Farm Employment Ofc, 361 Chemeketa Lee and Turner Road 12th tnd Mission High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt Jefferson Hwy. and Hansen Ave. Salem Heights School. Yard 4 miles out on South River Road. For further information Ph. 9623. HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 ml. SW of Salem. 250 acres of Choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept 1 Fine shady camp ground, fine cab Ins. Stoves, wood, electric 'iebts, rhow er baths, tables, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaursnt on grounds. Bus transportation. Pleace write JOHN J ROBERTS 4 CO . Sa lem, Oregon stating number of adult pickers and enclose fl for registration and use of cabin, which will be re funded at close of season. HOP PICKERS Start Hate hops Sept. 1. Good crop. little mildew. One-half mile east of Auburn school. Apply Steve Van Houten. Supr. ILLIHEE HOP RANCH, Route No 8. Salem, Ore. Phone 2-2631. ' HOP PICKERS now picking late hops close to Salem on South River Road. Drive to farm or bus leaves Farm Labor office at 6:30, for information call 6137. Rogers a Bishop STARTING About Aug. 28. Cabins & store. Register now. Phone 22766. Orey Hop Ranch, Rt.2. Box 197. BOP-Picking starts Aug. 28. 9 mi. no. on St. Paul Rd. R. P. Pomeroy. Rt. 1. Box 21. Brooks Ph. 23425. 500 HOP Pickers needed at Mitoma Hop Farm, Rt. 1. Box 260, Independ ence. Ore. Picking starts Aug. 27th. We pay 5c pei pound. Help Wautec) Male MEN Interested in positions with a future. Earn 8200 to 8400 per mo. while learning. We train you free. Apply 465 Ferry. APPRENTICE for garage and serv ice station. 809 Edgewater St.. West Salem. FRAMf and front-end mechanic. Top wsges. Apply United Wheel Alignment Co.. 190 S. 12th St. Help Wanted Female WOMAN Prers operator. Salem Laundry Co., 263 S. HighL WOMAN to care for invalid and housework. 2 in family, no laundry. Box 246 Statesman. WANTED: Competent bookkeeper for bookkeeping and general office work at our new branch now open ing in Albany. Interviews from 9 to 4 or by special appointment. Walkers Truck and Trailer. 2000 Santiam High way. Phone Albany 1360. '"STENOGRAPHER, also clerk-typist with some statistical experience. State DepJoFucationLStateLibraryBld. "SCHOOL GIRL to live lnnew home. Nice large room and private bath in exchange for some help in house and help with children. Small wage for right party. Ph. 3345. GIRL for general office work, typing and ability to meet public required. Permanent. 40 hr., 5 day week. Call after 8:30 a. m. Tuesday morn. Port land Gas & Coke Co.. 107 S. Com'l. HOSPITAL receptionist for night duty. Phone 3141. GIRL or woman to work in my home for about 2 weeks. Good pay. Ph. 21582. 534 Rose St. KIND, reliable lady for housework and care of girl 5 for employed widow. References required. Call 4023 before II a. m. DEPENDABLE efficient housekeeper and cook for family of four. Rm.. bd. and salary Couple employed. Refer ences. Phone 288. Stayton, Ore. TXffiRjENCEDWaitres. day shift. Court St. Dairy Lunch. 347 Court St. WOMAN for housework and stay with small girl on sch. days. Go home eves. Ph. 8767 1 495 N. 18th. SALESLADY. 20 to 35 years old. for Jewelry store. Air-conditioned sur roundings, Permanent position. Some typing experience. State particulars and references. Write Box 484. States man. Salem, Ore. Salesmen Wanted ENERGETIC real estate salesman. Write Statesman Box 4119. . REAL ESTATE salesman by one of Salem's oldest firms. Excellent oppor tunity for good man. Experience nec-'JLry-;JSx. 468tStalesman.. j YOUNG "salesman wanted residing in Salem to cover Willamette Valley points. Transportation experience pre ferred. Salary, expenses and car al lowance Good opportunity. Apply by letter. Acme Fast Freight, Portland. Ore. Siluntionsi Wnntcil Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 D1CKJ0REY 6265 PAPERING arid Paining. Quality perpetuates preferences. Prices rea sonable? Yes Ph. 9797. CHILD CARE. Ph. 2-6876. DEPENDABLE woman desires house keepmg for gentleman, no objection to children. Box 198 Statesman. ""WANT Job for Pi ton flat beti truck. Ph 25117. See me on 412 Ever gretn Ave. : LAWN. yard, wood and" sawfutt maintenance. Phone 25514. j CH ILDREN cared for evenings dur Ine Fair week. Ph. 2-6227. GENERAL cement contracting, 2?J5T. LAFF-A-DAY "Even at that age I had a swell head of hair only then It was my own!" Situations Wanted House Movers Kay Simmons St Co. Ph 3147 a ft. 6p m . LADY with 2 yrs. child nursery ex perience, would like to care for child ren while mother works. On bus line. Reasonable. 1604 Chemeketa St. : TAILORING and dressmaking. 560 j25th St. . CURTAINS Washed stretched. 385 b. 22nd Mrs. B. Lieske. Ph. 2-6822. PAINTING. COMPETENT workman ship. Reasonable rates. Ph. 2-2773. PieSchooi Playschool 1381 State Ages 2-11 Part or all day Ph 8430 BULLDOZING, Grubbing and Log ging. Clearing teeth and 22" breaking plow, by hour or contract. L. C. Mit chell. Ph. 23227, Salem. ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleanlnn Service Phone 4457 DRESSMAKING, designing altera tions. Ph. 31. WdUIITTike to bid on your spray painting. Your paint or ours. Phone i246ML.Gottenberg, ,50 N19th gt. PAINTER and" Papernanger Reason able prices Free estimates H J Wood worth Ph 31114 BALING: Hay straw baling, also mowing a raking Chapman a Allen- by. Ph 109F13 6871. WILL Do landscape, pruning, ceme tery 4 park work. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church EXPERT-Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph 25100. WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. JRA.LnG House and store plans Ph. 9621. Painting snd paperhanglng. 4325 Mike's Septic Service K79 Flm.West Salem Ph MM or 5327 PIANO Tuning. Edwin Hamilton. Wills Music Store. Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt 6. Box 3M Phone 2-2308 Spray Painting Ralph Alsmin Phone 2-424S 1720 Lancaster Dr Hollywood Transfer For local St long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Statin Septic Tanks Cleaned K F. Hamel. 1143 Sin West Salem Phone 7404 PAINTING dt Papernanging W Q Crowlv 857 Shipping Phone95l3 "CHIMNEY swtep. Northness. pit. 4450 For Sale Miscellaneous GARDEN Tractor 8100. D. A. John son, 173 Senate St.. West Salem. Call after 6 P.M. SINGLE Simmons box spring and stands 8 22.50. Callafter6 P.M. 4079. ' TOMATOES' for Juice $1.00 per bu. For canning $1 50 per bu. Out Silver ton Rd. 2 miles past city limits. Look foi sign. L. D. . Egbert. SMAEL Wedgewood gas stove. Maple bed, spring 4 mattress like new. Steel cot & pad. - Small oil , healer. Kitchen table 4 4 chairs. Writing desk a china closet (comb). 3 4 4 drawer chest.'. Truck 4 laundrv tubs. MACS 145 SChurch RESTAURANT Type electric ranges 4 burner snd 2 burner with grill, also 24 inch square electric grill. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Thone 431J ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry Furniture Mkt Ph 5110 RADIOS and record plavers. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 Ni. Liberty Street 4 Salem. Oregon P'lone 4311 STOVE Repairing and parts. Woodry's Mkt.. 1605 N Summer St PRESSURE Cookers for "canning, also 4 quart sire for every dav cooking. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. liberty Street Salem. Oregon phone 4311 ' BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile southon River Rd Phone 5968 "VACUUM Cleaners and floor pol ishers. , Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Liberty Street i Salem, Oregon Phone 431' "TWO Girls' bicycles, one . large, one small Phone 2-5411 LIGHTING Fixtures for the home, office or fhop YEAT5R APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salnn. Oregon Phone 4311 FU LLfeRBrushes" 1745 Grant "P 83Vi FENCE Controller electric " or batterv. Y EATER A1PLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 . A1 SfUD Napa Flash, reg. American Saddle bred Stallion, dk chestnut with white markings Has proven himself as one of the outstanding Stallions on the Coast. Fee 'or non reg mares $25.00 Roy H. Simmons owner. Rt 4. Box 270 Salem Ph 21143 OIL Circulators fan and radiant l,YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Liberty St. NEW limiting Moon at small coat Rent a Dieadnaiiglit Sander Ph 7177 Western Auto Supply Co. BUTTER Churns (electric). Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon j Phone 4311 i GOOD Canning sweet coin, toma toes now ready. Call evenings. Bring containers Box 167 Auburn Road Ph. 22081. "WATER heaters 20, 30, 42. 52 and 66 gat s VEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Phone 4311 ELECTRIC Clocks and door chimes Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 ' N. Liberty St. SPfNET PIANOS $50 or yourj old piano as down pay ment. We hajndle our own contracts, so can give I you easy flexible pay ments on balance to meet vour needs Fine selection at present. Shop now before the tall rush. Spinets are till rcarce tAIXMAN S. 395 S. 12th A mile from '.high prices "SMALL Sizie oil circulator.'1 Good man's suit tie 34. Dinette set. I'll. 24425. DISSTON Gasoline and pneumatic f:owcr chain raws and Darts. Immedi ate delivery. Industrial Supplv Co. of Salem, 1058 S. Com'l. Ph. 8023. For Sale -Miscellaneous J R Watkins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 3395 Free del SPECIAL rNICE on vanity tables. 5 Toevs Furniture Co. - 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. A HUNTERS Sportsman, very fine selection of rifles, all calibres and some with scopes, fhot guns, pistols and ammunition: rubber and small plywood boat: also boy's bike. 1509 N 5th Ph.6074. FRONT Door 2-6x6-8. hardware in cluded. 88 00. Two good 550-16 tires. Ph 2-6230. BALDWIN Grand "Piano 6 ft. 5 inches. Beautiful resonant tone. Finely balanced action. This Grand is like new in every respect. Shop Tailmans and save over 81000 on this bargain. 3?SS. 12th. FINE-Spinet Pianos. Knabe. Kra kauer and Lester Betsy Ross Spinets at prices and terms ou can handle. Trade In your old piano as down pvmt Tailmans. 395 5. 12th. a mile fom highprics. MILTON Bungalow Piano. Can not be told from new. A snap. Tailmans. 395 S. 12th. "SPECIAL Price on child's wardrobe. 81975. Toevs Furniture Co. r 1550 Fairgrounds Rd Linoleum Rugs Choice of patterns it colors. Get yours now at the WOODRY'S FURNITURE MKT. N- Summer BOWERS and " Snn' Piann ivmnHI. tioned. $175. $25 down. $io a mo. ' Shop Tailmans and save. 395S. 12th. ' WASHING Machine with electric pump and mangle $50. Ph. 9538. I G. T. Electric range, bed room set, 9x12 rug, china cupboard, rose daveno. platform rocker, radio, book case, coffee table. 2 desks, clocks, lawn mower. miscel745 E.Jst. Phone 376I. BEAUTIFUL Che'val mirror, heavy mahogany frame. 873.00. Silver, elec tric coffee urn $50.00. Complete wood lift $8.00. Framed pictures. Dressmak ers form sire 36 $4.00. 3 ladies coaU $6 00 each, Ph S785. BEAUTIFUL Wal. cab. upright grand piano. Boy s brn. gab. sport suit sue 16. Man's all wool blue business suit siv.e i. 13flStateSt. FOSTERIA Cups.l 654N. Cajjitol. MODERN Spaik gas range. Buffet top with clock 4 light. Ex. condition. Available about Sept. 15th. $115. 365 Bel.Tion Ph. 25343. USED Roll-top desk $25. New five piece dinette t $24 75. WOODRY'S FURNITURE MKT. . 1605 N. Summer GIRL'S Bicycle. New " tires! Good con.1. Reasonable. 1825 N. 22nd. Ph. 5678 LINED Dra drapes with traverse rods for 2 windows. 89 in. wide by 84 in. high, and 41 in. wide by 87 in. h'gh. Slip covered davenport, dinette set. mahogany finished knee hole desk and Krawl baby carriage. 1160 Marlon St. '- ELECTRIC Hot water heater. 42 gal., unused. $79.50. 14 cu. ft. borne freezer. Phone 4284. VAUGHN Drag saw. 40 modeTrnag; neto; make offer. 150 Williams Ave. See Smith. OfL Circulator, good condition, med ium size $45.00. Call after 5:00 P M. Phone 21281. OAK Roll-top desk $27.50. Library tables $6.75 4 $7.75. Davenos $59 50 to $79.r)0. Coil springs $8 50 to $19 50. 4 piece bed room set $59.50. Unfmbh- forks and hand pruneis. Slate St. ! Furniture. lSOO State Phone 7596. i UPRIGHT Eureka vacuum cleaner, ! waxrr attachment. New model. Ph. 26039 CORN: Golden Cross Bantam, large ears, 25 and 30c per doz. .40 Hansen Aye. Ph. 22361. NEW Lumber: 2x4s. 2x6s. 2x8a 2x1 Ob. $35 a thousand feet. Will's Service Station. 837S. Com'l. Ph. 7167. 200 SACKS for grain. H. B. Aker. Brook!-. Ore.. Box 205. DALTON " Adding machine. good condition. Reasonable. 103 Marion St. Ph. 21503. OLIVER' Tandem "disc. 6 ft., used very little, $150. 1 John Deere orchard flow, Geo. F. Robinson, Rt. 1. Box j)3AVallace Rd. 2 ml. from bridge. 1946 MASSEY -Harris 101 Jr. tractor. Gravel rd. t mi 2-bottom 16 in. plow 4 cultivator. Del bert Slater. 3 ml. north. 3 ml. west of Independence. Rt 1, Box 324. FOR SALE;" Sweet corn. Golden Cross irrigated $1.25 per box. L. H. Zielke. Ph. 2-2578. Left of Roberts soil., third house. - PLASTER BOARD. Rte. 7. Bov 431 L. McCain Ave., off Silverton Rd. 5-TUBE table model radio, $10. UiO N.21st. COMPLETE household furnishings, mostly 'antique. Sewing machine, lino leum, white enamel cookstove. 265 N Com'l.. Apt. 10 in rear of building. GASOLINE plaster mixer Used slightly Call eves. Paul Archer. Falls City. Oregon, General Delivery. HEAVY hall safe, inner manganese compartment: oak consultation table: oak roll-top desk: oak 6 ft. settee. 211 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 6108. APPROXJMATELY 1.000 ft. 1x4 fir used flooring. Camp Adair furnace snd 400 gal. hot water tank and heater. Also Holland No. 22 furnace, complete, 4 wheel flatbed trailer. Write Joe Mil ler, Rt. 8, Box 576, or call at 2nd street N of Cherry ave. and River Rd. Junction. PRO'MPT; efficient repairs on all watches and clocks. SALEM WATCH SHOP. 2381 State. Ph. 2-1957. A few guaranteed watches for sale. Cash paid for old gold. MALLARD ducks. Call at 6 p. m. Rt. 4. Box 291. out 99E South to Fabry Rd.. turnright, second houe. WOOD range with coils, all enameT: hot water tank; $50. 1 mi. east of Broqks. Eddie Gaub. Brooks. MOHA WK-BRADLEY beige 10x12 rug. $90. 425 Fawk Ave. HOTPOINT 80 gal. water heater used . Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 " ELECTRIC Blankets, comforters and heating pads YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone4311 SEVERAL 5 gal. cans of Sherwin Williams 4 Miller paint, brick red. green and dark gray. No light, at S2 per gal. or will trade. Ph. 6821 or call at 1694 N. Com'l. . NO Waxing required when you use transparent Plasti-Kote on your floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 ELECTRIC Room heaters, steam", radiant, and fan types. t YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St. CANNING CORN and' tomatoes. Imlah Fruit Farm, 'i mi. on Wallace Rd Ph. 22326. Salera Screen Shop Windows and sash Frames, storm sash, screens made to order. Glass replacement and general cabi net work. SALEM SCREEN SHOP 1444 So12th. Ph. 2-5574 FANS, Exhaust, pedestal and stand models. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 233 N Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Pno.ie 4311 Mil KING Machines, milk coolers and home size milk pasteurizers. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 HOSPITAL Beds wheel chairs, rent, tell, trade. Max Buren. Ph. 7779. 743 Court St. "WESTUsiG HOUSE Laundromats, the completely automatic washer. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N Libert ySL OIL CIRCULATORS bought, told, exchanged, repaired. Ph. 6072. ICE" Cream machine. 6 quart Mills with 40 gal hardening cabinet This is an excellent machine for serving frosted malted and making quarts, etc. Also 2 new Hamilton Beech milk shake machines. Saving Center Portland Rd. . FOR Bitter reception at the coast the Tropic Master radio $59.50. YEATFR APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 For Sale Miscellaneous Visit SEARS EXHIBITION IN MACHINERY BLDG. STATE FAIR DEMONSTRATING Leach Silo Unloader SEARS FARM STORE Phone 9192 or 6333 173 S. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1968 - 2-31QQ CINDERELLA Electric table wash ers ideal for apartments or trailer houses. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 431 1 . CHARIS CORSETTErE - dresses'. RAINCOATS. Ph. 7074. 437 S. Liberty. MAHOC7ANY Twin bed set complete, reasonable. 504 N. 14th. downsta irs. PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST. BLOCK CO, $ 13th St at Vista Ave Ph eve- 8904 SEWING Machines Rented. Repair, ed. Bought. W. Davenport. Ph. 7671 1930 N 18th. . ELECTRIC Loom wire convent tence outlets. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 Nt Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone431 PIPE Check with us for your pipe needs Limited quantities available. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. "TJIOB Washing machines (Auto ma sic I. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St RED Shingles, delrvereo anywhere, also lumber. Ted Mulier. Ph 21196 or 25950. Eola Lbr Co., Salem, Ore. ELECTRIC Irons steam, travel and domestic. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4J 11 SWINGS. Heavy clothes poles, Linco trailer axles and wheels, wrought Iron "work" to order. 1145 N. Liberty. 15s COOLER Inside: That's your home this summer if you Install HOME GUARD Insulation now. For FREE estimate Ph. 7177. Western Auto Sup ply Co. 6TLHeater. Nearly new. 1155 Les- ne St. "HOTPLATES, single and two burner. YEATER APPIJANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone 4311 ""WESTJE Automatic ""electric room heaters now available in most sires YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 2MN.JUbertySt . LITTLE-iant washers, full sire, to fit on your laundry trays. YEATEH APPLIANCE COMPANY 258 N. Liberty Street Salem. Oregon Phone4311 COFFEE Makers and replacement bowls. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 i N. Liberty Street Salem Oregan y Phone 4311 Wante! Furniture TOP Prices paid for used furniture, tools and hardware. Call Mr. Reiser, 9885. 285 N. Com'l. Furniture 4 household goods Sun dale. S94N Liberty P.55ll day or eye 2"usEd Furniture Phone Sno WANl To" Buy UseO Caineias a lenses McEwan Plioto Shop 435 Stale ' CASH loi used piano other mu sical Instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings- or send description to Jaqutth Music Co, 191 S High WHYTAkiesB for your furniture ee rum Brigr.t rn oil Us ed rtKNiTOKirphnnfi Wanted -Mifcetlaneout 100 good rifles. Ph. 23311 or bring to 594 N. Liberty. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Miscellaneouai Rawlin's Music Studio j Violin and Piano. Ph. 26013 "IMattreBses .Caplladl4b69 AUIU oaintmg lust a shade oetlei by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co S502 . PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur A Maen. 173 So Com'l Phone 6223 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer k Basement Equipment Rental IS B-'s yds 812 00 per hr 10 B-s yds. 9 80 per hr D-7 Cat k Dozer , 9 60 per hr D-6 Cat A Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat k Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone Days 940S Evenings 8246 or 34408 Sa lem . Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State kt Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio- Banjo, tlktilele etc 1533 Cmirt Ph758 WATER WECL drlhlng. Domestic or irrigation Duf field Bros. Rt 9. Bos 423 Phone 2-1313. MEN'S HA i'S cleaned and blocsed 91 nn t.r .PRINGF.H 4M Cmirt For a Good Well Through any formation, call Stude baker Bros ; in the business 22 vesrs Ph. 2-5MW 01 8931 "WEA THERTtripa.' Pullnan-Ph-965 Financial 1, 'MONEY $ f 4'i REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We buy real estate mortgages k contracts Mortgage for investors net 5. amounts 8500 to 85000 State Finance Co. 153 S. Hij,li St. Lie S 116 M t22 Money to Loan Mr. Gallinger Knows 21 Ways To Say "Yes" No matter how I say "Yes." 4 out of 9 who ask for a loan, get one! Don I borrow needlessly, but if you ran use extra cash avoid the risk of a "NO" see me first. Come in or phone Per sonal Finance Co., 518 State St . Rm. 125. Lie. S122. M163. Phone 3191 It's 4 to 1 you can get a Loan HERE! 'Personal' likes to say and does sav "Yes to 4 out of 5 folks who apply tut a loan here. $23 to 8300 on signature, furniture up to 8500 on auto Phone ot come in today See E. Gallinger. the YES MAN at Personal Finance Co.. 811 Stale St., Rm, 123, Lie. S122. M163. Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TH FIOOH GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M l.m U General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestcek. farm marvhinerv. contracts refinanced sad additional tones advanced N co -signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized tm 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a wan Ap plications tot fcnana made b phone 130 Sou'b Commercial Sis Salens Phone. 9168 It"" si is hm n Farm and CTTV"T5a.v$ 4', and 5 Your own terms of repsvment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mori gases CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7163 . Ktr H-nl Hoomi LE"-,NO for cleen men. 2035 McCoyPh. 6093. COMF. Room for 2 gn'!emen in E-y.gliy.me.JCafe us. 13W S'ate St FOR FAIR WEEK "iN. ior ' jJtrT'- "nt" N uh'- 'ad -!i!!Vrw-for m V.r.te Mr. Martin, 833 Union?' SaTerrt Room and Board WANTED By business man. board For Kent Apartments : 7 ScS, n00m ft,rn- P' Sut"- oreTjrrll '"iV-' P7rr k,n Call 773 N Mnokln or dfinkm. FTVeek 1 For Rent Edger. Polisher. " Buffer., Ga ciec. spray outfit. Wall paper steamer. Sand blaster t Roller scaffold ftubu'ari gjortVng; sS?"' 4f M-riSnt's,tW,d U""m e?5Lr?' rrodern hoseTi i Portland for rm. house la Salem. Pn Cherry 2927 uWHY RENT? I bd. tm. home nice vie. Large lt Close In School and stores. H OehseSMJO Com'l. Cabin No 13 mill rua - r ... fn;.,V- xx,:'"".-!1:- bra. ;.. " ' w m mi. 1SU3 N. . V --vj runo. n L Stiff mWDCT'- ZTl!"l?K kn Good hearth. g-nt-clt H C Pugh. 884 N 17 4b rl' ','?Lr e1 "fioo7SoT-n and lawn roller, weed burner Rswltas Ph 687T arshau W.Ila .tore! Wanted to Kent ONE or S unfurn. rrts. Adulta, employed, references. PH. 51M4 or SI 37. URGENT: 4. or 6 rm. umfurn, hZZZ or apt. Adults only. N- pets. No drinking. Ph. 5044 or 613i? or wrVti Statesman Box 503 j 'GARAGE Barn or building to Ca,r'25489,,'r hOU aen'nc "RW A RD?or i 3 jvfrTr unfuTnl house by Oct. 1. Ph. xq. WANTED uTRent: FX'RJf.APT. for ruf,k ver At wife. Needed Immeo-!i'r- Ph35 fr8 to das .Y., 7te,r,, "'-ntTinUi-, gTOwiihXhr-.,r7ito OT'a c'd VET arid wife need turn ! or ur.furn. apt. or house. No children or peta. Ph Muriel at 7777 between II u mi and 7 p. m. a J?.ErRR BYSITl5t REFTN tf S or RM. HOUSE. PH. 6006 or 2-554. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER: Two new I bdrm. houses, close to Swegle aehj Elec. b. w. tank, wired for range Garage. On rents for 850 a mo. Inquire at Rt. 9. Bo34. Bra vine Rd. j S B&KM Modern house. ' aero. f70D. IrrmtMlOM 9nr g BY OV.fi ER: OpenfVr InSiuoi sun. 2 bdrm. home, oak floors, fire- C,Pe- uto air cond. bamt.. irodens it. Excellent location near Holly wooc- Dist. ?440orv.. FOfi Efficleni and effective sale HZV,JSaU he lem Realty Co NOW. SPACIOCS Home, good coriditicn. slate, roof. Small house on D rem See. beautifully terraced lawn, full sprink ling system, gorgeous lanlacaoing 4 car garage, near school and stores arvd new Capitol Street business sect-. Suitable for business or prnfexfcnnal purpose No parkins poblems, Cieek property. 744 N. Cap:tl S BY OWNER "Splenic" bfurn, new, modern 3 bdrm. home With gararo on bus line. S blka to scrfMl. 2', a D.rr.Mn)l market. Easy terms. Ph. 3K20. It)RMIIUYTl430. now onlv ' tXi. Tout room house with hafh. Excellent location Near school. On bus lines. SS Falrvtew Avenue : MONEY "TO LOAN on first mort sges 4 to 1 CaU tor details BYRKIT St POTTS et tr- Shoo WJ THDDRM HonTrIWwHwsfiie- vZVn4rr,t- arte. tf-e. t4 3fMJ. No. 125 Wander Way. 614O0 dow-n. Tf rtttw. B Y "OWfii Vrnsit5rnTuim0tiit acre More Und svaiiabie Wired for ran weather strtpoed k insu lated. Fruit k nut tree. Lota of shrub John Blue. Browning Ave. R 9. Box 60s. No Saturday calks please "KElfER Heights Lot. Phone 790X" ADVERTISING Western Advertlsinf RepresenUUre Ward-Griffith Comnany. Ine. in Franeisco Eastern Advertlsinf RepresentaUve Ward-Ortffttfi Com pans, tne, Chicago New York. DoUoit, Boston. Attanu Member Pacific Cuast DIVUIon Bureau of Advertlsinf entered al Ine PosfaffVe al "a !". Orepos) as Second Clam MnU ter FbUsnaw etx-ry ntorma) esw cept Monday Bwrines wfftce 118 South Commercial Street. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Pubacriptlon Rate as AoV. vanco: Within Oregon: Daily an4 Sunday. Mo SO cents; 6 moe, S3 U; I year. 86 00 Elsewhere 80 cents pet ma or 17 20 tor t Fear ta odtrtaeo. Per ropy 5 cents. By City Carrier. 79 cents a (nontax. 89 00 a year In advance) to Marteai ami adjacent count. se.