The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 31, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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Hearing ha been tet for Wed
nesday morning on defendant's
demurrer in the habeas corpus
proceedings of Harley A. Borders
vs George Alexander. The hear
ing, to be presided over by Marion
County' Circuit Judge George
Duncan, involves a release suit
instituted recently by Borders, a
convict in the state' prison, alleg
ing false imprisonment Alexand
er is prison warden.
See the exhibit of watercolors by
the Northwest Watercolor Society
at Elfstrom's galleries, 340 Court.
River silt, top soil and fill dirt.
Com 1 Sand & Gravel Ph. 211)66.
Notice cf appeal to Marion
county circuit court was filed Sat
urday in the caM of James Frank
Cannon. 1560 Bellevue U ar
retted Augut 4 by state patrol
men on a charge of driving while
intoxicated. Cannon was fined
1250 and coMs Friday In Marion
county diMiict court on the charge
and sheriff deputies repdrt that
he is still being held in lieu of
payment and for the state parole
New 20 pO Capistrano pottery
dinner are, just arrived, 695.
Third floor, Elfstrom's.
VTet Salem Toggery, 112 Edge
water, now open for business.
William E..Lamberson, Tacoma,
Wash., was transferred from Mar
ion county jail to Oregon state
penitentiary Saturday by sher
iffs deputies to begin a sentence
f three years on a charge of
forgery placed against him Aug
ust 22 by Marion county circuit
court, according to the sheriffs
Let . Vic keep your car as well
gruomed as you are. Cars washed
and polished. Vic's Shop. Ph.
'24648, 5S5 Highland Ave.
Insured savings earn mdre than
two per cent at Salem Federal
saving Association, 120 South
Liberty street
After a two-weeks vacation at
the court. Circuit. Judge and Mrs.
E. M. Page .returned home Satur
day. Obi I liar j
At Panama City. Fla, Saturday. Au
tust 22. Mrf. Kainryn Favik Coady.
itc of tort tienmng. Ca., and
former resident of Salem, at tria age of
3 year. Mirvived by tier husuand.
(apt. Ur raid (i. Coacy of Fort Hrn
tiing. Ca ; her paienla. Mr. and Mis.
k L. f'ak of Independence; a broth
er, Mulum fawk of Sairnu and a
aiCT. Mm liarcd freeman of Mar
ritburg. Service will b held Tun
car, ixpiefuber 2. at 10 a in. at St.
Jo pus Catholic chutch Willi inter
ment in. City Vew cemetery. Direction
W. T. Xidon company.
Ijf'ti Kendall McLaren, late resident
of iZM N. M inter t . at a local hospital
Aurut XC, at lle aie ot Si year, sur
vived by ier husband. Waiter McLaren
cf Saiera: four toni. Waiter C. Mc
Laren and V illiarn McLaren, both of
Lua Angeles. Wilmer McLaren of Van
couver, B. C. and Ellis McLaren of
Htchmond. Ontario. Can ; and - a
slaughter. Mr, laura Kinnaman of
Monroe. Wash.: Mvtn grandchildren
and great giandcriildren. Mem.
Ir of trie Pirrt Baptist church of Sa
. Jem Funeral aervices will be held at
the Howell-Edwardt chapel. Tueaday,
frepteniher J. at 10:30 a rn.. Willi the
httv Lloyd Anderson officiating. Con
cluding services at Belciet Memorial
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Demmore at Scto
Itudence, Aujruat 7k Survived by
hufbattd. J. D. Dennmore tit Scio;
son, J D. Denrnore. Jr , of Scio; ni
ter. Mr. Anna Irvine of Leavfna
wvrth. Kan ; b rot Her, C. A. McFar
Jand of Danville. Hi., and grand
daughter. Fatiicia Dcnrmir of Scio.
fuoe-fal aerviee will be 1ield at the
liaplurt church al ftcto. -Tuenday. fcep
tenibet I, it 1 p m , under direction
f the Clouf h-Ba'mcIt company, the
Jtev. V. IxmxM of filiating Intel ment
t CltyV'iew cemetery.
Manuel Oren Edwards, late resident
of HO Cltauibet at . Eurene, at a local
hutpital. Thursday. August 2S. at the
are of 7fl Suivivrd ry wile. Mrt. Mary
t-dwaida of Cux-ne: dauchter. Mrs.
Nadine Wheeler of Stan wood. Wah i
snter. Mrs Emma Hart of Walla Walla.
ah ; and two nephews,, B. t. Ld
nards and Miles Edwards ; of Salem,
f-ervicrs will be held at 1he Poole-l-rwn
rhbDel in Eufene. Wednesday.
frrptember 3. at 1 p rn under the dl- '
rection of the Howell-Edwards chape L
Concluding services In the lOOf ceme
tery in Salem.
Cora Leona Prescott. late resident
f 2a S Liberty at . at a local hoa
rttal. August 2V. Survived by a sister.
Vers Isabel White of Salem: a niece.
Mrs T J. Shipler of Salem; three
grand nieces and one grand nephew,
f-ervices will be held from the Clough
Bamck chapel Wednesday. September
$ at IS a. m. with interment in the City
View cemetery.
Eetor Lou Rogers, late resident of
J 30 S. 24th st . at a loral hospital. Au
gust 30. Survived by her parents, Mr.
and Mr Grant C. Rovers of Salem;
a sister. Mrs. Myron Feig of Portland;
nd her grandmother. Mrs. Marie
Oisen f Portland. Services will be held
Vednesdar. September 3. at 1 p. m.
t Holrran and Lutz Funeral home.
yortland. under the direction of the
Cluuch-Barrfck company.
Whenever Labor
marches on Labor Day,
and with a firm step,
it can march proudly
for Labor has demon
strated to the world
its desire and its abili
ty to serve well in
even the greatest em
ergency. HOlll'EDUlRROS
MOM.. .367
juCTii'i. ji:sr'nLnmniiil j
".; ti "lit Of 1MI
ass) QSfrtt I jfw jfll sOtgtt flasj
Members of Marlon county
court, Judge: Grant Murphy, and
commissioners Roy Rice and E. L.
Rogers investigated the new north
Marion county garbage disposal
site northwest of Wood burn Sat
urday morning. John Schmid,
Can by, has been granted custo
dianship of the plant, which will
go into operation as soon as the
county establishes access roads
and clears one side of the site,
work for which is to begin this
week, according to Judge
Improved Elberta peaches $1.50 to
$2.50 per box. George W. Maurer,
6 mi. so. Liberty rd., 1 mi. east,
Rt. 4. Bx 159. .
Notice Bristol Insurance Agency
new address 1326 State St.
Officials of the Chin-Up Club
of Oregon announced Saturday
that the club's booth at the Ore
gon state fair will be located on
the eat wall of the grandstand
building this year. The booth will
feature fancy work, costume
Jewelry, myrtlewood and other
novelties, officials said.
Picking will start in the John J.
Roberts it Co. hop yard MonAy,
September 1.
See the new shipment of famous
tumbletwlst rugs. Third floor,
Edward Albert Salchenberg,
Salem route 3, was arrested Fri
day night by Marion county sher
iff's deputies on a charge of
malicious destruction of person
al property and was given by
Marion" county district court until
September 13 to plead, according
to court records Saturday.
Dinnerware is coming in Elf
strom's third floor.
We have just received several Paul
Immel originals in flower sub
jects, small sizes $5.00, $0.00.
$7.50. Art Dept., Elfstrom's.
PFC Clarence Peerenboom, son
of Mr. and Mri. T. C. Peerenboom
of 2640 Brooks ave.. arrived home
Friday after spending more than
a year with the military police
in Japan. Peerenboom, a student
at Sacred Heart academy when
he enlisted, is on terminal leave.
For rent Floor Sander. Wood
rows, 450 Center SL
Need time to shop on your lunch
hour? Try Nohlgren's air condi
tioned cafeteria for good food and
fat service. Open 11 A.M. to 2
Reduce the scientific way. Latest
modern massage (myopathy). 543
N. Church. Phone 6253.
Johns-ManviHe slate surface
shingles applied by expert roofers.
Nothing down, 3 years to pay
Boy the best at no extra cost. Free
estimates. Ph. 4642. Mathis Bros
Roofing Co. 164 S. Com'l.
Announcing Ihe Opening of
We Wholesale
4375 mVMfOfl
at Lancaster Drive
C. S. Orwig and H. E. Bosell, Owners
Successors to George Hardy & Son
n sisi?mm 'ist
ftir.f r.KN IN TDCMJAT .
Parking meters will be Installed
beginning Tuesday in the 200
block of North High street where
widening and paving was com
pleted Friday by city crews, ac
cording to City Manager J. L.
Franzen. Approximately 25 head
in spaces will be provided on each
side of the street, Franzen said,
though spaces immediately in
front of the city hall will: be re
served for city police and emerg
ency parking. Under parallel
parking methods, he- said only
about 15 spaces are provided on
either side of the street.
Splendid windfall peaches $1
bushel. You pick. Bring contain
er. Jess Mathis Fruit Stand and
Orchard, 6 miles north on 99E.
McAlvin's Top Shop, Furniture
Upholstery. Call 9560.
The Portland Gas and Coke
company was granted permission
by Marion county court Saturday
to lay 900 feet of one-inch pipe
on the south 24 feet of Idlewood
avenue, west from an existing
main on the we.t line of Sunny
side road.
Desk lamps for school & home
study. Elfstrom's third floor.
Old Salem, 23 karat, hostess) sets,
1 cake platter and 6 cake saucers,
while they last $4.95. Third floor.
Bert Major Davis, 20, 420 Elma
ave., returned Thursday from
Valparaiso, Ind., to face a charge
of forgery, will be .given prelim
inary examination on September
24, following action in Marion
county district court Saturday
Hardy 6c Son have just completed
their cold storage locker plant
and modern food market at Sil-
verton Rd. and Lancaster Drive.
Lockers now available. The meat
and grocery department will be
operated by Mr. Orwig and Mr.
Bosell under the name of C. S.
Oiwig Co.
Notice: Bristol Insurance Agency
new addressXt326 State St.
City Recorder Alfred Mundt
was busy Saturday entering pub
lication notices and posting
notices for the approaching spe
cial election October 7. At that
time six new areas are to be voted
upon for inclusion within the Sa
lem city limits.
1946 Ford Super Deluxe 2-dr. se
dan. Completely equipped. "20,000
mi. Private owner. Call 21569.
Red Dragon Cafe , 2055 Fair
grounds Rd. will . remain open all
night during the Fair beginning
5 pm. Sunday afternoon, ?
American Legion, Capital post
9, will not meet this Monday night
but will resume meeting again on
September 15, when installation
of new officers for the coming
year will take place.
Wanted: Men, 18 or over, $1 hour.
Report Mr. Schultz or Gresham,
8 a.m. State Fairgrounds, Sun.
Douglas Shows.
! o
500 Gold Storage Lockers
Meat to Locker Customers Meat Cut, Wrapped
and Prepared for Storage.
R. E. Daugherty, Stayton. was
sentenced by Circuit Court Judge
George Duncan on Saturday to
serve a year in the county jail on
a charge of obtaining money by
false pretenses. Sentence was sus
pended upon restitution, and the
defendant has been placed on
three year's probation and re
leased, according to the sheriffs
office. Daugherty pleaded guilty
to passing a check for $35, ac
cording to court records.
Watch for the opening "The Re
pairtory" Salem's Toy Clinic.
Alvin L. Finn, filed notice of
retirement Saturday from the as
sumed business name of Salem
Music company, Salem, with the
Marion county clerk.
The accounting officer of David
M. Nyberg and Co. will be closed
for 2 weeks vacation from Sept.
2 to Sept. 15.
Check your valuables inside the
Fairgrounds. Your car could be
broken into. State Fairgrounds
Check Room in the Quonset be
tween the Administration Bldg. At
Agricultural Bldg.
Work of resealing the South
River road and similar paving
work on the North River road
over the county are being held up
due to failure of oil cars to ar
rive, according to Marion county
court. The county paving crew
finished the road in the Union
Hill district last week.
Oilcloth, superior non-chipping.
Wallpaper Department, Elfstroms.
Immediate " possession. 3 bdrm
home on corner lot. Rural and
West Nob Hill near Leslie and
McKinley schools. Living rm. with
fireplace, din. rm.. kit., bath and
1 bdrm down. 2 bdrms up, full
bsmt with auto heat. Furniture
available. Call at 365 E. Rural.
A marriage license was issued
to Herbert G. Shaffer, Portland,
and Marjorie B. Knox. Salem, at
Portland recently. Halvin Hend
erson and Dorothy M. Bennett,
both of Lebanon, and Vernon Lee
Mespelt. Albany, and Eileen F.
Hardenberger, Corvallis, have
been issued marriage licenses at
Vancouver, Wash.
America's Largest Selling Electric
Water Heater at Salem's Lowest
PriceV. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l.
Phone 4141.
A. Hunt was issued a building
permit by the city engineer's of
fice Saturday to alter a house at
1040 N. 14th st.
POWER To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Power, Lyons, a son, Sat
urday, August 30, at Salem Dea
coness hospital.
ROWLAND To Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Rowland, 635 N. Commer
cial st., a daughter, Saturday,
August 30, at Salem General hos
pital. MYNATT To Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Mynatt, Stayton, daughter,
Saturday, August 30, at Salem
General hospital.
Dismissed Saturday from the
Salem General hospital with baby
sons were Mrs. Earl Basset t. Mill
City; Mrs. Victor Collins. 2310 S.
12th st., and Mrs. Donald Row
land, Rickirall. Taking daughters
home were Mrs. Frank Masselli,
340 E. Lincoln st.; Mrs. Jerold
Mulkey, 861 N. Liberty St.; Mrs.
L. R. Wilkinson, Rickreall; Mrs.
Wilbur Pearson, 815 Plymouth
dr.; Mrs. Richard Clement, 665
Breys ave.; Mrs. A. L. Mason, jr.,
268 W. Miller st., and Mis. J. B.
Mennis, 3980 Center st.
America's Largest Selling Electric
Water Heater at Salem's Lowest
Price!! Judson's, 279 N. Com'l.
Phone 4141
Members of the Salem Model
Airplane club are preparing scale
mnrleU of uirrraft for vhihilinn
at the state fair this week. They
will be entered in the art exhibit.
A date for the fall initiation
will be set at Tuesday night's
meeting of the Salem council.
Knights of Columbus, beginning
at 8 o'clock ifi the council chambers.
and operated bv C. S. Orwig and
America's Largest Selling Electric h. E. Bosell will open tomorrow
Water Heater at Salem's Lowest, at 4375 Silvcrton id. Groceries.
Price!! Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. meats and other staples are to be
Phone 4141. carried. The 40 by 60-foot market
hop Pirvivr ac i-ci'AT fronts a building housing 500
tiur ru, as l M AL looktrs. operated by George Har-
Transportation will be furnish- dy. Orwig for 15 years operated
ed as usual from the farm labor the Orwig market t 155 N. Corn
office, 361 ChemeketH st.. for hop merri;il, now owned by J. Parker
pickers between 6 and 7 a. m. ! Lineberry. Bost-ll formerly was
both today and Monday, the farm i with the Table Supply company
labor office announced. jand at one time was state dairy
FIRM CLOSED TWO WEEKS !and fdod insPeclor-
The Western Paper Converting : KIMSEY TO SPEAK
company is closed for two weeks, State Labor Commissioner W.
until September 15. for its an-i E. Kimsey will talk on "What
nual vacation period. j Labor Day Means" before the Sa-
Water Heater at Salem's Lowest
Price!! Judson's, 279 N. Com'l.
Phone 4141.
The condition of Mrs. Bernard
Herzigcr, Portland, who was in
jured in a car-truck accident near
Jefferson Thursday night, was
described by attendants i.t the Al
bany General hospital as 'fair'
last night.
Canning fish direct from Newport.
Phone 2-2129 evenings.
West Salem city council meet
ing will be held Tuesday, Sep
tember 2, because the regular
meeting day falls on Labor day.
this frame
'Apex" Modern Flexible Glass
. Now Available
(10x6 Ft.)
(10x9 Ft.)
(10x12 Ft.)
On Display al
Portland Road Appliance Shop
2605 Portland Koad, near Siiverton Road turnoff
New Jewelry
Store to Open
Due to be opened this week by
H. M. Boesch is a new jewelry
store at 1316 State st., the first
Salem agency store of the Port
land jewelers' firm of Weisfield
and Goldberg.
Boesch this week end is rush
ing toward completion the re
modeling of part of the building
until recently occupied by Grocer
Paul Bale and Butcher Terry
Randall at State and 13th sts.
i .lney nave n ovea to store space
! JU" acs 1 J.xn . ,L
Boesch s store, furnished w ith
I latest type equipment, will offer
I jewelry lines and services includ-
i iwa,(;h repair.i l weU 5, "l'08
end apphances, dishes and leather
, uul-"- " '" J"1 ....-.. i.
of the Salem Cherrians, was with
Portland Gas and Coke Co. here
for 12 years before the war and
since has been sales manager for
Ralph Johnson Appliances Co.
Otmij; ami Bonell
Open New Market
A new market constructed for
luncheon meeting in the Marion
anas 7V4
Front & Court St.
Phone 9163
of mind?
Comes in sections for ea
sy asembly with screws
and bolts. Can be put up
by yourself any time,
any place.
Thm StaUamon. Solom, Orexjon.
City firemen answered two
false alarms within a period oft a
few minutes Saturday night. Per
i tcnoot svmns
National Zipper School Hinders Plastic Imitation
and Genuine Leather.
Priced from 3.50 up 2 and 3 Dings
465 State Street
tA FL!lETIi I10IL IlliPIi
mmi ripe peaces
ila roujsrns yrehiv ripe
Sunday, Auquat 31. 19475
sons mistaking smoke for fire in
both instances reported the fires
at Dobli tile's service station and
at 1039 Broadway sL
We're Beady for
The First Day cl
School ...
With' laads af new
ftchoal sapplie,
Eslerbrook Pens
All calars, large St smalL
With pencil, f J.0 per seL
SheaUer Pens 3.50
Early at