(Dntty , News nBirnffs PERMITS ISSUED A building permit was ksued Thursday by the City Engineer"! department to W. A. Stevens, 1235 Leslie s-t, to build a dwelling and parage estimated to cost $5,300. Other permits issued were to O. J. Lewis, 1375 Lee st., to reroof dwelling, $150; G. A. Austin, 1535 State St.. to reroof dwelling, $395; W. Swartwout, 1721 Chemeketa ft., to reroof dwelling, $50; R. E. Adams, 1267 Norway st., to erect a garage and shed, $50, and Joe Block, 1110 Cross st., to re pair a dwelling, $50. Dance Sat, Crystal Gardens. See the exhibit of watercolors by the Northwest Watercolor Society at Elfstrom's galleries, 340 Court. I SCOUT LEADERS TO TRAIN Marion and Linn districts of the Cascade area Boy Scout coun cil this week decided to begin commissioner training courses dur ing the first week in October and to reume this year the scout leaders' conference program de veloped last year. District round ups were scheduled for the Marion group at Stayton October 17 and the Linn group at Sweet Home October 24. Faded blue denim slacks. Jackets to match. All sizes. Alex Jones. 121 North High st -" HIGHWAY LEADERS TRAVEL Slate Highway Engineer R. H. Bildock. accompanied by Attorney J. M. Devers and member A. W. Schaupp, Klamath Fall, of the highway commission, will leave next Thursday for New York City to attend a convention of the American Association of State Highway Officials. - River tilt top soil and fill dirt. Com! Sand St Gravel. Ph. 21966. REMINDER ON REGISTRATION Citizens who 8re not registered for the October 7 special election mut register prior to 8 p.m., Sat urday. September 6. according to Registrar Gladys White in the Marion county clerk's office. Per sons are not eligible to vote in the election who have not voted with in the county during the last two years, Mrs. White-said. McAlvin's Top SPp. Furniture Upholstery. Call $560. Dance Sat..: CrvstalGardens. TOASTM ASTERS NOMINATE The names of Marion Curry and Dr. Harry Moran were plac ed in nomination for the presi dency of the Capjtol Toastmas ters club at Thursday night's meeting in the Hollywood Lions den. Elections will take place at the club's next meeting on Sep tember 11, as next week's meet ing will not be held. Last night Bob Batdorf was chairman of a program involving meeting rules, and Elmer Amundsen was toast master. William Blivens is in cumbent president of the club. Dance Sat. nite, Silverton armory. Woodry's orchestra. JJice business corner for sale. Good income. Call 9569. Mrs. Nestor Tokstad, 556 Hood it., was discharged Thursday from Salem Deaconess hospital with her baby daughter. Kew 20 pc. CapUtrano pottery dinnerware, just arrived, 6.95. Third floor, Elfstrom's. GENERAL DISCHARGES Discharged Thursday from Sa lem Genetal 'hospital with her baby Rirl was Mrs. Howard Ra gen, Silverton. Permanents $2.50 and up. Modern Beautv College, 179 N. Liberty. Call 8141. Reserved and box seats for the Oregon State Fair Rodeo-Horse-how. hor?e races and the nightly State Fair Follies will be on sale all. this week at booths, corner State and High st? , on the Court House lawn. HENDERSON CONDITION GOOD William Henderson, Albany, was reported to have had a "good" day at Salem Deaconess hospital Thursday. He was injur ed in an automobile accident aouth of Salem on August 8. West Salem Toggery, 1126 Edge water, now open for .business. Reserved and box seats for the Oregon State Fair Rodeo-Horse-ahow, horse races and the nightly Etate Fair Follies will be on sale all this week at booths, corner Etate andHigh sts., on the Court House lawn. WORKER INJURED Salem first aid men Thursday treated Arthur Johnston of Port land, a concessions wocer at the atate fairgrounds, after a particle of steel lodged in his face while pounding a tent stake. Let Vic keep your car as well groomed as you are. Cars washed and polu-hed. Vic s Shop. Ph. S4648, 595 Highland Ave. ; MOODY BETTER The condition of Ralph E. Moody, Salem attorney, was re ported as improved by Salem General hospital Thursday night. Moody was confined to the hos pital recently following a heart attack. Day's Ranger whipcord pants. Jackets to match. All sizes. Alex Jones, 121 M. High Bt. PRIBBENO RELEASED Charles W. Pribbeno of Inde pendence, Mo., was released Thursday morning lrom Dallas hospital, where he had been con fined with head and neck injuries following an auto accident near Dallas Wednesday night. Pribbeno is visiting in Salem with the H. C. Trowbridge family, 2266 N. 5th st. He was returning from the beach Wednesday night when the car which he was driving collided with a truck at Fir Villa, just north of Dallas. ' Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal savings Association, 120 South Liberty street SOCIAL WORKER VISITS Hollis Vick, social worker of Detroit, Mich., and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Vick of Salem, addressed a group of Sa lem social agency representatives Thursday noon at the Marion hotel. She described her experi ences in her present position as executive of the group and rec reation;)! division for the council of social agencies of greater De troit. Dr. Lawrence Riggs, chair man of the Salem council social agencies, presided. Mis Vick will leave Salem today for Detroit. Dance Sat., Crystal Gardens. NEW RECORD RACKS IN County Recorder Herman Lanke announced Thursday the installa tion of a new four-unit mortgage record shelving which contains space for 60 volumes in the coun ty record valut. Lanke said the new shelves already are filled with volumes of mortgage records and he soon will have to start looking around for more space.- This is the second such installation within a year, he said. Order your Ace Easter. Lily plant ing stock now for Sept delivery. State inspected; any amount available. See Mrs. Loveall, 453 State st. Ph. 7870. Eves. Ph. 21897. 201 Mission. CLUB SUSPENDS MEETINGS Townsend club 16 has suspend ed meetings until October, Sec retary Anna M. Arnold an nounced Thursday. Improved Elberta peaches $1.50 to $2.50 per box. George W. Maurer, 6 mi. so. Liberty rd., 1 ml. east Rt 4, Bx 159. DR. GARSON VISITS HERE Dr. James A. Garson, recently discharged after service since 1943 with the army, coast guard and U. S. public health service, is visiting at the home of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Garson, sr., in Salem. He intends soon to resume his dental practice in Portland. Fresh canning corn." 0 doz. large ears $1 .39. Curly 'a Cash & Carry. CHEST LEADERS MEET Campaign executive committee men of the Salem community chest 'drive will meet at noon today in the Marion hotel with A. C. Hagg, chairman, presiding. Progress and preparation for the campaign will be discussed. Notice Bristol Insurance Agency new address 1326 State St. ASSUME 99'. CAFE Joe and Fern Shaw, 3715 S. Commercial st, Thursday filed with the Marion county clerk an assumed business name certificate for a restaurant business, the 99 Cafe, at the same address. Need time to shop on your lunch hour? Try Nohlgren's air condi tioned cafeteria for good food and fast service. Open 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. Dance Sat, Crystal Gardens. Picking will start in the John J. Roberts & Co. hop yard Monday, September 1. McSlIERRY IMPROVING Irl McSherry, confined to Sa lem General hospital following a heart attack last week, was re ported improving by the hos pital Thursday. ; See the new shipment of famous tumbletwist rugs. Third floor, Elfstrom's. MRS. DOUGLAS IMPROVED Mrs. Fannie L. Douglas, 2390 S. Commercial, was reported in "good" condition at Salem Gen eral hospital Thursday. Mrs. Douglas was admitted to the hos pital last Saturday following an automobile-log truck collision at North Front street and Highland avenue. Dinnerware is coming in Elf strom's third floor. : J We have just received several Paul Immel originals in flower sub jects, 'small sizes $5.00, $6.00, $7.50. Art Dept., Elfstrom's., $5,101 TRANSFERRED An order filed by the Marlon county court Thursday transferred $5,108.28 from the county revolv ing fund to various other county funds. The amount of $2,753.11 is to be transferred by the county treasurer to the general fund; $110.18 to the courthouse construc tion fund; $129.32 to the market road fund; $300.91 to the county school fund; $3.05 to the county library fund and $64.52 to the general road fund. For rent Floor Sanders, Wood rows. 450 Center St CANNON TRIAL TODAY James Frank Cannon, 1560 Bellevue st., arrested on August 4 by state police on a charge of driving while intoxicated, is to enter his plea in Marion county district court today. He has been held in Marion county jail since his arrest Johns-Man ville slate surface shingles applied by expert roofers. Nothing down, 3 years to pay Buy the best at no extra cost Free estimates. Ph. 4642. Mathis Bros. Roofing Co., 164 S. Com'L MINTO WARNS MERCHANTS Police Chief F. A. Minto Thurs day issued a warning to all Sa lem merchants, to be especially careful about cashing checks dur ing state fair week. Minto said merchants should demand positive identification from persons seek ing to cash any type of check ' and also make a note of their ap- j pea ranees to aid police in tracing ! forgeries. j Reduce the scientific way. Latest : modern massage (myopathy). 543 ; N. Church, Phone 6253. HEARING GROUP GATHERS I C. F. Feike, Salem, director of ; the state vocational rehabilitation I program, will speak on "Oppor- j tunities for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing" at the annual north-! west zone conference of the Amer- j ican Hearing society in Eugene i September 5 to 7. The public is j invited to the conference, which will include talks by Betty C. ; Wright, field director of the so- ciety from Washington, D. C, and j by Dr. K. S. Wood of the Uni- ' versity of Oregon speech clinic. i Elberta peaches. Carl Aspinwall j orchards at Brooks. j INJURES HEAD C. W. Northrop, 252 Fairview ! ave., was treated by city first j aid men Thursday for forehead bruises incurred in a fall. Revere Ware, alarm clocks, pocket watches, pottery mugs, camp stools and stoves, electric trains, bubble lights, ball-bearing trikes. Paint special 20 discount. Noll man St Engles, 363 State st. Hard of Hearing? Fresh batteries for all hearing aids at Salem's newest hdq. See new easy to wear Beltone. James Toft and Assoc., 218 Oregon Bldg., Ph. 2-4491. Eagles Auxiliary rummage sale above Greenbaum's, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 29 and 30. Desk lamps for school St home study. Elfstrom's third floor. The Statoamon, Salem. Oregon. Friday. Auguet 1. 1947 S Old Salem, 23 karat hostess sets, 1 cake platter and 8 cake saucers, while they last $4.95. Third floor. Elfstrom's. j Dr. F. F. Bodmer, Dentist open ing office in Hollywood District, Mootry Pharmacy Bldg. Phon 2-4509. TREATED FOR CUT I Penny Woods, 1695; ' Broadway st., was treated for a cut knee Thursday afternoon by city first aidmen. Aidmen said she, cut her knee on broken glass. " Henderson to See Greece First Hand WASHINGTON, Aug. 28-()-j The state department today or- j dered a top policy official to j Greece for consultations on the Greek cabinet crisis and other developments. The development said Loy Hen derson, director of the office of near east and African affairs, will consult there immediately, with U. S. Ambassador Lincoln Mac Veagh and Dwight Griswold, chief of the American aid mission. Births FEE To Mr. and iMrs. New man Fee, 1250 Clearview ave., a son, Thursday, August 28, at Sa lem General hospital. DUNN To. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dunn, Albany, a daughter, Thursday, August 28, at Salem General hospital. SPHOON To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sphoon, Stayton "route 1, a daughter, Thursday, August 28, at Salem Deaconess hospital. RICHARDS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richards, Aumsville, a son, Thursday, August 28, at Sa lem Deaconess hospital. MITTELSTADT To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mittelstadt, Hubbard, a daughter. Thursday, August 28, at Salem Deaconess hospital. TIETZE To Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tietze, Stayton, a son, Thursday, August 28, at Salem Deaconess hospital. KERTSON To Mr. and Mrs. George Kertson, 935 Piedmont ave,. West Salem, a daughter, Thursday August 28, at Salem Deaconess hospital. Nothing Down, Pay Monthly Venetian Blinds - ELI I EH -The Blind Han 1545 Plaza St, W. Salem Slats in aluminum, steel, wood. Choice of tape colors. Measured and installed within 30 miles. Phone 7328 lor free estimates. S A L E S B E P A I B S WARREN'S All Home Makes Ante 2017 Fairgrounds Rd. "Heart of Hollywood Ptckap A Delivery Call 7681 HUIIGRY? HEAD THIS! How about some spear melons, concord grapes, corn, peaches, apples, peppers, tomatoes, or Danish squash? Roy's have 'em all! It's Time to Can! If you haven't canned peaches yet, you should do so without delay. Let us supply you with improved Elbertas. We have the corn and tomatoes for can ning now, also. Because of the blights in many places, toma toes may be scarce, so ORDER NOW. Roy's Frail Siand "Fiet-Ripe We Raise Tm" Across From EoU Inn en Dallas Highway A I . . I ' m 9 Beg. 3.98 Women's Sweaiers Long or short sleeves styles, asorted colors, all wool, sizes 34 to 40. Sale! 7.98 Women's Dresses .98 and 7.98 values in smartly styled wo men's and misses' dresses. 2 for Beg. 9.98 to 19.98 Dresses Large assortment of styles and patterns. A dollar day value! Beg. 4.98 Beaded Handbags Red and blue colors In large size beaded band bag. Beg. 1.98 Seersucker Flaysuiis Assorted styles and colors washable print seersucker. Sixes S to 8. Sale! Beg. 5.98 Swim Suits Girls' one and two piece styles In color ful rayon Jersey. Sises 1 to 14. Beg. 1.98 Woolens Timely savings! (4" wool and rabbit hair fabrics in solid colors. lien's Beg. 55c Handkerchiefs Irish linen, full size stitched border. White only. 3 (or Beg. 79c Boy's Tee Shirts White knit cotton tee shirts, sizes small and medium only. 2 for Cosinme Jewelry Earrings up to 3.54, charm bracelets np to 0.90, pins to 5.94 and bracelets to 8.34. SJSJ s s s V Dozens of Timely Specials Reduced in Price for This Sale Only! Hurry! BARE-LEG RAYON ARE SLEEK, TRIM, Reg. 44c 1 ftft 3 PAIR FOR 1UU No seams and sheerest all-rayon! Reinforced invisible heel, toe. 8',-10'2. , A Camp Knife Thai Does Host Anything! Regular price 1.29 Beg. 2.19 Kitchen Panels Colorful kitchen prints on white panels, with valance. 45" or 54"x 18", each side. 2 pair Beg. 4.79 "Corner Shelves S shelve with scroll trim, solid mahogany, wide. n 1.00 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS REGULAR 2.98 Priced at a saving! Styled with short sleeves, convertible collar. S-M-L. U-. 1.00 3-PLY RELINERS REGULAR 2.25 Tough reliners with skived ed ges add miles of safe wear to smooth tires! REG. 4.49 1 Hfl WOMEN'S BLOUSES leUU Peasant, tailored and dressy styles in pastel colors and white. Sizes 32 to 38. A Dollar Day Value. Boy's Sport Shirt Cat for Dallar Day Beg. priced at 2.98 Beg. 1.39 Whistling Teakettles Largo X qt slse chrome finUh whistling tea kettle. A Dollar Dsy Value! Sale! Snper 1-cf. Glass Enamel Illsh gloM finish In Hard' high quality super one coat enamel. i I PERKY SWIM SUITS 1 ftf DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL ieUU With snug-fitting cotton under suits. Black, white, c open or maize. 32-36. BIG TOWEL VALUE Reg. Priced 67c. 2 for Extra-heavy absorbent towels in large 22"x44" size. Whitt only. 1.00