8 Thi StgUman. Scuem, Ore.. Wdn daj. Auruf 27. 1947 Help Wanted Female For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous For Rent Roomi For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Eatale 1 Stocks Show Modest Gains NEW YORK, Aug. 26 - (A9) Stock negoliaied modest and elective recovery push in the tail end of today's market although many leaders failed to participate. Some short covering and invest ment nibbling were credited to the idea that the list had been pret ty well sold out nd was in shape to resume the advance if the news is favorable. Skeptics regarding the international situation, exports and domestic business continued to lighten accounts or hold aloof. Declines maintained a shade majority. The Associated Press 60-slock composite was unchanged at 64 9. Pacific Telephone, the weakest performer of Monday, retrieved 2 points at 98. The us-e of tobacco is more widespread than that of any other narcotic or stimulant. t'orllfltnl I'rmltice PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug:. 2 AP) Eutterlat tentative (subject to imme diate channel, premium quality max imum of .33 of 1 per cent acidity de livered in Portland. e4-B8c: first qual ity. 80-6c: second quality. 5-82c; val lev route and country points, 2 cents lei than first or-78-Mc. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes: Grade A A. W score. 77c; grade A. B2 arore. 76c; B $0 acote, 71c; C score, tc. Cheese Selling price to Portland hulrulrn : Oregon singles. 41-61c: Oreron lb loaf 43-32C. Efgg To wholesalers: A trade. Urge. M't-tt'j: medium 6liij A trade, smai: 49 'ic: B trade, large f',-55',c. , Iters Purchases from farmers, rut itnt receipts. 5J-C0c: buyers pay 3-3', c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs; Lite chickens Paytnf price to pro ducers: No. 1 broiler under 2U lbs. yuc.'S' to 3 lbs. 3S-38c: fryers 3 to 4 lbs. 37 -40c: roasters S lb, and over 37-38c: fowl Leghorn under 4 lbs. 7-2fec: 4 lbs. and over 20-21c: colored , Jowl all weights 25-27c: stags all weights 12-14C lb. Hay U.S. No. 2 green alfalfa or better, c if r load loU. F.O.B. Portland. 30-32 ton: U. S. No. 1 timothy (east ern Oregon' or Washington . carlota r.OB. Portland. 134-37 ton: oats and vetch mixed ha v. uncertified clover hay. $22-25. baled at Willamette val- ley farms, depending upon quality and location. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48 $2e ib dressed: price to produce!. 43c. fryers, live, white. 20-23c lb.: colored. 17-Jlc Ib . - Or. ions Green, local mid -Columbia 80-90c dozen bunches. Onions 50 lb. sackf. Wash, yellows J 74-J 00: Brooks. Ore.. 2.00-2 25 med.. M lb. sacks: Cal. White Globes 1.85 2 U0; reds 2 25-2 35. Potatoes Oregon Boardman. White Rim No. Is. cw t . S3 15-3 25: Deschutes ftiuaets No. 1. 100-lb., $3.35-3.50; Ba kers. $3 90-4 00: No. 2 Bakers,. $2.80 20: med. No. 2. $2.25-2 35 cwt.; Wash ington Whit Rose. cwt.. $2.75-3 00. Dressed meats Veal Light, top euairty. 33-34c; heavv. top quality, 2S-30c: B. 25-26c: C. 22-24C: cull. 18-20c: 1r.gs Block, butchers.- packer style. 125-160 Ib. 34-SSc-. over 215 Ib. 32-33C lb., sows, all wts. 2S-30C Ib. Lambs Bet grade. 35-37c: others according to ouality Mutton 10-13c lb. according to quality Beef Best quality. 35-39C lb; B. 2S-30c: C. 22-24c: canner and cutter. lS-20c: bologna bulls 27-2c Ib Cascara bark Green 10c lb.; dry S2c m. Mohair 42c Ib on 12-month growth Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. M iAP) fUSDAl Cattle salable and total 2O0. holdover 225: calves 25; market fairly active. moxiv sieaoy. cwiimhii mediurn steers 17.00-22.50; good steers Monday UD-ard to 2555: few feeders 17.00-19.00: light cutters down to 14.00; common - medium heifers 15.00-20 00; cutters down to 12.50; canner and cutter cows 11.00-13.00: shells 10.50 down; fat dairy type cows slow, few 13.50; medium beef cows 1VJ0-16.50: few medium - good cows 17 l.; good beef bulls 18.00: medium sausage bulls 16 00-50. good-choice vealers 231)0-24 00. . Hogs salable- 100. total 650: market active steady; good-choice 180-235 Ib. JO 00: 250-320 lb. 26.50-27.50: good 500 680 lb. sows 22 00-22.50: lighter weights 23.00-24.00: one lot good-choice 105 lo fewer pigs JS0 higher at 32.00. a record price. Sheep salable and total 500: mar ket active, rteady-strong; good-choice spring lambs 210-22.25: few 22.50; vtreable lot 84 lb. No. 2 pelt lambs 21 75; common-medium grades 17.00 20.00; few feeders 17.00; medium year lings 17.00; good ewes 6:50-75; com mon down to 3.00. The market will be clof ed Labor day. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. Aug. 26 (AP) Vheat fu'ures not quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 70 00: birlev No. J-45 lb. B.W. 700; No I flax 6 00. .... Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.26: eoft white (excluding Rex 256; white dub 1M: western red 2.26. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 26; 10 lr cnt 2.26; It per cent 2.31; 12 it cent 2 41. Hard white Baart: Ordinary J 48; 10 per cent 2 48; 11 per cent 2.54; 12 per cent 2 SO. Today's car receipts: Wheat 68, bar ley 26. flour 4. oats 1. hay 3. mill feed 4 Salem Market Quotations BirrrKf at premium .86 .81 .73 M M .65 .80 J6 J6 .09 .64 .69 .70 n 32 JS 19 00 No. 1 No. 2 PRIKT Who let ale ... Retail ;US Baying frtce Extra large .... Medium and standard Pullets Cracks FGGI. SelU Price 'Wholesale, large Mediums Retail, large ttetaii, meoium , PUILTR Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 : Tntm -a 1JVESTOCK (By Valiey Pack) Choice spring lambs ., , Yearling up to Ew es 2 00 to 13.00 500 Fat dairy cows to Cutter cows $ 00 to 12.50 1150 Dairy heifers 9 00 to 14.50 17 00 Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) up to Bulls . 12 00 to Ves I 1V to Soft lbs . .. up to 17 50 20 00 Stocks and Bonds (Compiled bv the Associated Press! SSBSgaBBBBNBSSBSBRSlSSSSSSSBBSSSBBSBBBBBBSSSSSSBSSSBSSJBSBasSSaBB August 26 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS 15 60 Indus. Rails Uul. Stocks Net change D .1 D .1 A .1 Unch. Tuesday . 916 33 7 42 6 42.5 42 8 424 50J 649 649 65.7 664 Prev. dav 91.7 Week ago . . 92 6 Month ago -. 94.3 Year ago 97 6 BOND AVERAGES , 20 . Rails Net change ... D .2 Tuesday 94 0 Ptcv. day 94 5 Week ago .... 94 4 Month ago ... 94.7 Year ago 100 4 1946 high 97 I 1947 low .. 89 8 New'1947 low. 338 348 35 0, 42.1 72.1 10 10 Indus. Util. Unch. D .1 10 For. D 1 704 1034 105J 1054 105.2 105.3 107.4 1034 1034 70 5 708 71 5 78 2 76.6 70.4 1034 103.5 104 2 1035 05.7 104.0 Legal Notice I have been appointed administrator of the estate of ANNA C. PUHDY, de ceased, and have duly qualified. All persons having claims against the es tate are notified to present them with proper vouchers to me at the office of my attorney. STEVE ANDERSON, 211 Oregon Bids.. Salem, Oregon, within six months from August 27th. 1947. KENNETH A. PORDY, Administrator. A27-S3-10-17-24 Livestock ami Poultry SADDUE Horse, dappled gray. Call McMullin. 3 mi South on Pacific Hi way Rt. 9. Box 422. A V Rll I RE-G uernsey S yr." old cow, milking '3 to 3. gal., bred to reg. Short horn. Sound k gentle. $140. 2 mi. west of Liberty, Rt. 3, Box 769. Virgil Woodward. 8 YR. Old Belgian work mare. 4 yr. old Romney ram. 1 horse mower. Will trade for hay. Ph.77Bafter :oo p.m. JERSEY Family cow for sale, milk ing; also stock trailer. Doyle L. Moore, Rt 5. Box 292. Salem, on Macleay Rd. FORSALE Two registered young Jersey cows to freshen, also twenty laying chickens. Rt. 9 box BZ3. con mngham Lane, Liberty Rd, South Sa lem. FOR SALE: Jersey grade heifer, tine milk type, will frerhen this week, in good condition. Make me an offer. 3 Sluigoter. 1 ml. E. on Auburn rd. '"14 well marked, bred Gernsey heif ers for sale. Phone 26192. . HULL Service by artificial insem ination Sirjs frum the best of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Arttftral Insemina tion Station Ph 6585 WANTED: Fat or thin cattle, calves and bulls. Will call at farm. Write Claude Edwards, 330 S. 14th St. rOH SALE: Christie ti H baby chicks every Wed Boy In g tons 1716 Mute st Knone 4IMV WANTED. All klnas of cattle, fat hogs, sows a boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C McCand- llsh Rt. 9. Box 233. across from Water Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 CUSTOM dressing of chicsens. any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale out specialty. Phone 2-261 Lees Hatchery . NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start ed chicks a older pullets always avail able Ph 22861, J-ee's Hatchery. WANTED: Ail Kinds of cattle and nogs. Will caU at farm Write ft. L Snelhen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph 21345 morn or eve HIGHEST. QUALITY CHICKS New Hampshire and White Rocks.: 100 free of oullorum. Hatches every Tues day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Haicnery a poultry f arm. Lyons, or Auctions Lane SudtelPa Auction Sales Yard Wed., Aug. 27, 9:30 a.m. and 7:00 p. m. Located iVi miles east of Fairgrounds Phone 6098 One G. E. electric refrigerator. '. 3 burner elec. stove. One 8-pc blond dining set. One Remington Portable typewriter. Davenports. chairs. tables. elec. mangle, washing machines, antique beds. Springs, mattresses, new bed room sets, rugs, tools, radios and ma chinery. Chickens, rabbits, turkeys, feeder and weiner pigs and sows. Day old and veal calves, heifers, cows, bulls and locker stock. One team of horses, about 1300 lbs. This is a good sale for consigner and buyer alike. Come Always Open Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS wanted. Picking starts Sept. 3rd. 11 miles North on Salem-St. Paul Road. McKeivey's Farm, Rt. 1. Cervais. HOP PICKERS Start late hoDS Sept. 1. Good crop, little mildew. One-half mile east of Auburn school. Apply Steve Van Houn. Supt. ILLIHEE HOP RANCH, Routed tip. 9. Salem. Ore. Phone 2-2631. J 500 HOP Pickers needed at Mitoma Hop Farm, Rt, 1. Box 260, Independ ence, Ore. Picking starts Aug. 27th. We pay 5c per pound. HOP PlCRERSnow picking late hops close to Salem on South River Road. Drive to farm or bus leaves Farm Labor off lire at. 6:30. for information call 6137. Rogers Bishop HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem, 250 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept. 1 Fine shady camp ground, fine cab Ins. Stoves, wood, electric 'ights. show er baths, tables, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transportation. Pleare write JOHN J ROBERTS k CO . Sa lem. Oregon stating number of adult pickers and enclose $1 for registration and use of cabin, which will be re funded at close of season HOP Picking starts Aug. 28. 9 mi. no. on St. Paul Rd. R. P. Pomeroy. Rt, 1. Box 21. Brooks. Ph. 23425. Help Wanted MEN wanted for Hop picking ma chines. Housing furnished 20 day Job. Day and night shifts 95c per hour. Ft. Vannoy Hop Yards, Inc. 8 mi. Lower River Road, Grants yass. uregon FRY COOk and experienced wait ress wanted. Black and White Coffee Shop. Help Wauled Male WANTED: Man about 40 yrs. for steady inside job. Clean work. Apply Miles Linen Co.. Fairgrounds Road. EXPERIENCED edgerman for mill cutting 30.000 ft. Steady lob to good man. West Salem Lumber Co. Ph. 9593. Life Opportunity For Permanent Business Large life Insurance company wants experienced man for district manager at Salem. Salary and expenses to man selected. State qualifications in first letter. All Information treated strictly confidential. Write Statesman Box 466. CftC"ERY Clert. Saving Center, Portland Rd. Help Wanted Female YOUNG LADY for clerk In drug store. Experience in retail store de sired. Apply Mr. Swartsley, Red Cross Pharmacy, Salem. SALESLADY, 20 to 35 years old, for Jewelry store. Air-conditioned sur roundings. Permanent position. Some typing experience. State particulars and references. Write Box 484, States- man. Salem, Ore SELL "Sunshine Line." leading re Ms-ious Christmas cards. Original de signs, warm greetings, choice Bible texts. Preferred because they express the true spirit of Christmas. Easy to sell big profits. Write for money mak ing plan toaay. iriumpnani An rucr- 1 ik hers. N2, san Jose, cam. f ELEPHONlToperator, morning shift. Hotel Senator. OFFICE help needed. Apply in per son from 1 to 5. See Miss Regier, Sa- lem Deaconess Hospital. S TEN OS Pleasant work downtown Five day week. Paid vacation. Sick leave allowance. No retirement deduc tions first six months. Training for promotion provided. State Civil Serv ice rights and privileges. Beginning salary 150 per month. Apply Mr. Clin ton, Room 207, Old High School build- in f "GIRL for assistant billing clerk. Must be good typist, lumber experience pre ferred but not essential. Salary com mensurate with ability. Permanent Box 483. Statesman. EXPERIENCED" reliable practical nurre, By the month only. Phone 5343. FULL OR part time slut nnisner Valet Cleaners. 444 s. com 1 WANTED: SOMEOT4E to do quilting. Ph. 6143. WANTED: Young woman for general office work. Must be good typist. Call 4831. WOMEN to helpin house and care of 2 children. Refs. required. Write Statesman Box 445. RELIABLE girl for general house work, good wages. Call at Marilyn Shoe Store. WANTED good typist by national concern. Pleasant atmosphere. Some experience necessary. Call 4168 be tween and a for appointment. WOMAN'press operator. Salem Laun- dry Co.jJ!63 S.High. Woman between ages 25-35 yra. with office experience. 40 hr. wk good wages, uaiijxri. s-io rues, pn. zacsa. NEAT attractive girls for usherettes. Apply In person. OrandTeatre. CLERICAL-position open for single girl, some typing, 40 hr. week, no Sat urday work. Apply In person to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 311 Maxoi ic Bldg. " 'MIDDLE Aged woman to take care of 8 mo. old baby In my home. No housework. Ph 26440 after $ P.M. "HOUSEKEEPER for l"Tduit. No washing or ironing. Write . Statesman Box 459. "-EXPERIENCED Ph. 3P63. Beauty operator. Salesmen Wanted WE TRAIN you for steady profitable Job. Big Income while training. Build a life-time income. 465 Ferry tt. ENERGETIC, experienced real estate sa leyman. Box 482. Statesman. REAL ESTATE salesman by one of Salem's oldest firms. Excellent oppor tunity for good man. Experience nec essary. Box 468, Statesman. Situations Wanted LANDSCAPING. gardening, JaM pruning of roses and shrubbery. Geo. Faris. 1210 Alder, out Cherry st. - , APPRENTICESHIP in electrical ap pliance shop by veteran. Write States man Box 446; CURTArNSW ashed k stretchei395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lleske. Ph. 2-6822. PAINTING. COMPETENT workran. ship. Reasonable rates. Ph. 2-2773. WOULDTSke to bid on your spray painting. Your paint or burs.' Phone 4246. M. L. Gottenbcrg. 1450 N. 19th St. Painting and Decorating Spraying and brush. Free estimate. Specialty roof spraying. Ph. 2-6013 or 3536. F. Rawlins. PieSchool Playschool. 1381 State. Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 BULLDOZING. Grubbing and Log ging. Clearing-teeth and 22" breaking plow, by hour or contract. L. C. Mit chell. Ph. 23227, Salem. ALL Work guaranTeed. Windows walls woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 BALING: Hay straw baling, also mowing raking. Chapman k Allen- by. Ph 109F13 68F21. PAiNTEK and Paoerhanaer fieason- able prices Free estimates, U. J Woodworlh Ph 3015 WILL Do landscape, pruning, ceme tery a park work. Ph. 7558. 1150 N. Church AL ROG ERS' Plumbing and Supply. General repairing. Plumbing supplies and fixtures. For quick service call 24418. PAINTING Brurh and spray Inside k out. Ph. 22146. EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. SO Liberty Rd. Ph 25100. WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. jRA vING Mouse and store plans Ph. 9621. r SEWING Alterations. 285 W. Rural St. Mrs. F. D. Smith fti. w Painting and pisperhanging. 4325 D n a ft - r ay i aiiiiiu, Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248 - Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph 9468 or 8327 "Pt&WING: Bob HuTstTTtt, 8. Box 587. Ph 3928 PlANd-Tuning. Edwin Hamilton, Wills Music Store- Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. , PAUL BASS ITT Rt 6. Box 363 PhOnc 2-2306 PH. 25444 OR 6265 . Painting (Decorating . Sprav Painting DICK PREY Hollywood Transfer For j local & long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Station Septic Tanks Cleaned K r. Hame! 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 i pern ng ll Crowlv 857 Shlppl Phone 951.1 CHIMNEY sweep. Northness, ph, 4450 For Sale Miscellaneous ALWAYS a big stocx. Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 5110. HAND Pick-id. worm less Graven steins SI a box. Brine container. Ste vens. Rt. 3. Box 894. S. River Rd. to Roberts school: take len tors: to xirsi rnad- un mile. t ' dmfDEST"$l0 jper bu. Bring container. SUverton Highway 3 mL beyond city limits. ao. tor sign. L. D. Egbert. CANNING corn now ready. Imlah fruit farm 14 mile on Wallace road. Ph. 22326. HARVEST Sacks for sale. Northwest Poultry Co.. 1505 N. front. Ph. 7007. RENT your tools and you save your self time, and money. Howier Bros. Phone 3646 PAlNT Sprayer rentals reduced with the purchase of Norris-Walker paints. Howser Bros. rn. jmo 14 CU. Ft. home freezer. Ph. 4284. " ELECTRIC Room heaters, steam. radiant, and fan types. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255N. Liberty Sl ' ANTIQUE Black walnut secretory Original finish and In excellent con dition. Write Box 1262. Nye Beach Sta. or call at 444 N. W. Agnes St.. New- port. Oregon STOVE ReDairine and carta. Woodrv's Mkt.. 1605 N Summer St unsMS mw-wp 'j . drawers. Reasonable. Apply Joe'a Up- ta in ciotnea snop, axaxe x "fSlTXl a M DUVrr. Hininar rrvim sillllaT avvssw4S ' ' a m a " - mahogany iwisn, m gooa conuiuun. ONE 4.000 gal. storage tank above m Mini. grouno. rn. in. urv-in .lr htr Ilk new. Ph. 26835 "" IMPROVED Eibertas. L. Townsend Orchard. Mission Bottom Trv. BOXES, lawn mowers, steel cots and pads, tables and chairs, wood cir culators, wood ranges, gas plates, trunks and elec. heaters. Mac's. 143 S. Church. . . STETnWAY antique rosewood square grand piano, beautiful, tone. Call 7450 Sundays and even ings. PIANO. Kimball, bungalow style. In good cond. Ph. 6763. - "WXLiriWar! V and .," 4x8 sheets. Rte. 7. Box 43 1L. McCain Ave. off Si I vert on Rd. 1vEW"12 ft. rubber boat. 1947 Fire stone outboard motor. Golf clubs ft bag. 1 wheel lawn mower edger. Fold 'JS Jt?dJ'ntrh- 2R834. SEARS 4-wheeniraller wagon, like new. $225. W. E. Smith. Rt. 1. Box 119. WallaceRd. . , ""SAVE MONtY by buying unfin. fur niture. We have all kinds. Toeve's Fur niture Co., 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. 6VEtltB Hunting trailer $75T 5 Ford 16 inch tire tubes ft wheels. 1790 N. Front. . J- BUILDING BLOCKS BRICKS PUMICE CONCRETE CEMENT. SEPTIC TANKS. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING 1 mile south on River Rd. Phone 996$ WAKEFIELD baby buggy, $12. Ph. 24434, CLOSING OUT all gift Items andj trwn as ivca, ivwirai yri . a , rr tniuB ry's Furniture Market, 1605 N. Sum mer st. 41 -INCH bassinet -crib, excellent con dition. 1044 Wilbur. Ph. 5010 WHITE enamel Tappen gas range. $35. 40 Abrams ave. Eves. CANNING sweet corn. 30c duz. O. W. Gronke, 1055 Hunt St., Salem. East Hollywood Theater. CANNING beans. 4c lb., you pick: 7c lb. we pick. Rt. 2. Box 274, Keizer School to Clear Rd. STRINGLESSBlue Lake beans. You pick, 5c Ib. 2 ml. out Dallas rd. Harold Elbert. Ph. 22382. YOUNG man's suit, almoot new. All wool, dark blue-with pin stripe. Size 41. Also overcoat. Ph. 3470. VEHYfine 9x12 Oriental rus .T'hoiie 8164. FIVE 6.00x16 Ford wheels. 540 Si 19th. FAMILY size greenhouse, painted white. Can be seen at 2605 Portland Road 20X30-1N. sink. 1890 State St. APT. SIZE gas range and gas circu lator. Reasonable. Rt. 9, Box 109, Out Center, WESTINGHOUSE table-top electric range with 4 burners, thermostat and warmer ovens, in excellent condition'. Phone 7064 . 798 Chemeketa. APT. SIZE Wadgewood gas range, $65. Phone 8693. V SIDING sale. 3155 N. River Rd. NEW men's bicycTe. Ph. 26074 after 3:30 p. m. Double garage doors to fit 6'8xl7 and trolley. Well built, good condi tion, $50. Can be seen at 355 Superior, across from city water tower, or call 7450 evening!. Linoleum Rugs Just received shipment of Pabco and Goldseal rugs. 1st shipment in months. Get yours today. Woodry's Furniture MarKri. iwis m. summer. ELBERT A Peaches. Cat I Axulnwaii Orchards at Brooks. HOSPITAL Beds. Wheel chalrsT rent. sell, trade. Max Buien. Ph. 7775. 745 Court St. TREE Ripened Improved Elberta peaches are now ready at the Jess Mathis fruit stand k orchard 6 miles north of Salem on99E. WESTiNGHOUSE Laundromats, the completely automatic washer. z EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St. LIMED OaTt. 8 DiecO dining room set. Practically new. 147 Beech Ave. HUNTERS: Will buy. self or trade. RIFLES SHOT GUNS or REVOLV ERS DonMadtson. 2CC No. Capitol. 8-PC. Havilland China k some glass ware Typewriter. 1625 I enter. MONTAG Duchess ranee with coils. Practically new, $100. W. B. Pearson, Turner. Ore. CANNING corn 25c doz. Potatoes 3c lb. 1 mi. east of Fruitland school. Paul Silke. Rt. 6 Box 249. Ph. 2-2316. IMPROVED Elberta oeaches SI 50 to $2.50 per box. George W. Maurier. 6 mi. so. Liberty Koad, 1 mi. east. Ht. 4, Box 159. HOMEMADEmotor bike, has trans mit sioi$50. 2356 Hyde. 'ONE wheel trailer. 745 E st. Ph. 3761. PIPE Check with us for your pipe needs Limited quantities available. Capital Bargain House, 145 Center. GIRL S Columbia bike. 396 Park ave. 10-IN. swing cut off saw 'complete with 16 ft. table k mtr. 3-ln -x-24-tn. portable belt sander, K88e speedmatic saw with radial arm a 16 ft. table. 14- m. ueita Dana (aw a mtr. lo-tn. ueita table saw k 6-ln. Jointer combination. 164 S. Com'!. Ph. 5596. . ALMOST ' new gar range $125. 1227 Court St. ISTOOO' 4x6' k 4'x7'x'4" Rgh veneer sheathing. Can be used for wallhoard. Price $70 per M. Ph. Main 2. Mt. Angel tegCTERS ATTENTION International PD 40 power unit completely overhauled $1500 15x20 roller bearing law crusher $3000 Walling Sand and Gravel Co., P. .O. Box 41. Salem. Oregon RED Shingles, delivered sny where. also lumber. Ted Muller. Ph 21196 or 25950. Eola Lbr Co.. Salem. Ore. SWINGS. Heavy clothes poles." Linco trailer axles and wheels, wrought Iron "work" to order. 1145 N. Liberty. 15 COOLER Inside: That's your home this summer if you Install HOME GUARD Insulation now. For FREE estimate Ph. 7177. Western Auto Sup ply Co. FULLER Brushes 1745 Giant P 8357 J K Wat kins Co products 17T7 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 5395 Free del RELIANCE Oil floor furnaces and conversion range burner?. VAN S HOME FURNISHING 601 Edgewater. Ed Ellis. Owner. formerly with Nelson Bros. SAINT Bernard dog. 7 yrs. old In October, to good reliable party In country, $50. Papers included. 420 S. Cottage. "PUREBRED white collie eligible for registration, just 7 months old and housebroke. Wonderful h children and makes an excellent slock dog. Rea sonable. Ph. 3943. ABOUT 10 ton barley straw baled in field, cheap Ptione 109-F-13 evenings. DAVENO k platform rocker, break fast set. misc. chairs k davenport. 740 Highland ave. REFRIGERATOR. $85: oil cook stove. $60; oil heating stove. $30; daveno, etc. Three-quart Alpine milk goat k two doe kids. $30. 24 New Hampshire one year hens. $2.25 each. Misc. unused lumber. Owner leaving. Route 5. box 307. Rockhlll Road, phone 81-F-23. G"OLDEN Bantam corn. Ph. 2-2281. BLOND brer kfast table k 2 chairs. Phone 2-6112. . ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ft. Kelvinator in excellent condi tion' high quality pre-war davenport k chair; bdrm. set: high, chair: occ. end tables: steel wagon. Owner leav ing city; must sell. 230 Mabel St. (4 Corners) . Ph. 25863. KELVINATOR refrigerator; 6 ft., good as new. $179.00. Call25863. j PHlLCO cabinet radio" excellent con dition, $42 50 CaU 1 River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 BEDSTEADS. $2.50 to $29.50. New line of end tables, coffee tabes and nightstands; 4-piece bdrm. set. $59 50; cross-cut saws. $3.50 to $8.50; 16x26x31 showcase. $8.50; rolltop oak desk, $27 JO. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State. St. Ph756 HOOVER cleaner and attachments. Ph. 25763. MOTOROLA radio, Church. Apt. 3. $30. 1535 N". WEBSTER AUTO record player in beautiful Victor cabinet. Has juke box amplifier and speaker. Approx. 200 records; all for $100. 3775 Monroe Ave. Ph. 23712. CHAR IS CORSETIERE dresses, RAINCOATS. Ph, 7074. 437 S. Liberty. G6dDSTOCK trailer. 58 in. x 96 in. rack. 7:50x16 tires. Nearly new stock saddle. Rt. 6, Box 120, 2 mt E. of Pen 4 Corners. AUTOMATIC SAWDUST burner. Conversion unit. Complete with ther mostat. Only $20. Ph. 26892, ' PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST; BLOCK CO, S Vista Ave Ph eve.. 8904 12th St at SEWING Machines Rented. Repair ed, Bought'. W. Davenport Ph. 7671 1930 N 18th. 1 BLDG 12x24 fl Some used lum ber, prune trees 2x3'', ft., a few prune boxes 'j bus., cream separator, some dryer pipe, F. E. Evans, S. of Ketzer Sen . SHOW CASE. 10 ft.. plaU glass top and shelves. Ph- 2-2047. DISTILLED White pickling vinegar for all pickling purpoftrs. "Keeps your pick Irs Krttp" Also pure apple elder vinegar. WESIX Automatic electric room healers now available in mor.t sues YEATEH APl'IJANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St. K fl. P. Faiibanks-Morre elf. water pump 48 gal tank and pipe. Ph. 22122. ElECTWOMATIC Typewiiterr Ph. 22122. SPECIAL Need an extra chrome chair? We are now offering a $9 95 chrome leatherette chair at the extremely low prtce of $6.95. Woodry's Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer. THOR" Washing machines ( Auto magic . YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St. GOOD Canning sweet corn, toma toes now ready. Call evenings. Hring containers. Box 167 Auburn Road. Ph.2206L OIL CllRClJDffORS bought, fold", exchanged, repaired. Ph. 6072. PEACHES at t their best. Imp" ET bertas k J. H. ' Hales. Stop at Chris' 45 Degree Farm, 3 mi. N. of under pass on 99E Ph 2-2588 ELBERTA Peaches. T. C Mason . i Rt. 2, Salem. 6 mi. N. on Wheatland Hd. Ph 2-2260; ELECTRIC Clocks and door chimes YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St. ICE Cream machine. 6 quart Mills with 40 gal hardening cabinet This is an excellent machine for serving frosted malted and making quarts, etc. Also 2 new Hamilton Beech milk shake machines. Saving Center. Portland Rd. CAJJMING Peaches, cucumbers, beans ft tomatoes. Frigaard's Frirlt Stand. mi. north of Ketzer school. Ph. 24262. At STUD " Napa Flash, reg. American Saddle bred Stallion, dk chestnut with white markings Has proven himself as one of the outstanding Stallions on the Coast. Fee for non reg mares $25 00 Roy H. Simmons owner. Rt 4. Box 27tl Salem Ph 21143 OIL Circulators (an and radiant YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY , 255 N . Liberty St. NEW Looking Moors at small cost. Rent a Dteadnaught Sander. Ph. 7177 WeMerh Atllo Supplv-Co. SPINET HANOS $50 or your old piano'as down pay ment. We handle our own contracts, so can give you easy flexible pay ments on balance to meet vour needs. Fine selection at present. Shop now before the fall rush. Spinets are still scarce. TALLMAN'S. 395 S. 12th. A mi) from high prices. WINIJpWS. SCREENS ft DOORS MADE TO ORDER Glass Replacement and General Cab inet work. Salem Screen Shop. 1444 So. 12 St. Ph. 2-5574. WantedFurniture Furniture ft household goods Sun- dale. 594 J. Liberty. P. 25511 day or eve i USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 VVANi TO Buy UseO Cameras ft lenses McEwan PhotoShop.435 State CASH (oi used piano ft other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to JaqulthMusicCo.. 191 S Hieh WHY TAKE less (or your furniture"? See Russ Bright Ph 7511 ""usfiFlj"kNT'fuTtErphil85 Wanted Miscellaneous 100 good rifles. Ph. 25511 or bring to 594 N. Liberty. . WANT typewriter and " calculating machine. Phone SUverton 22F21. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 AU'lU painting lust a "shade bettei by Bay ITIIR Call Shrock Motor Co 502 , PLUMBING Supplies, water systems, electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur St Maerz. 173 So Com'l Phone 6223 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental IS B-'k yds. $12.00 per hr. 10' B- yds. 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat ft Doier 9.60 per hr. D-6 Cat ft Dozer 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat ft Dozer 7 00 per hr. Phone Davs 9408 Evenings 8246 or 24400 Salem, Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg- State 8c Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 ! WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or ! irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313. . WEATHEfT strips Pullman Ph 5965 For a Good Well Through any formation, call Stude baker Bros.; In the business 22 years. Ph. 2-5b96 oi 893L MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 LES SPRINGER. 464 Court. Financial $ -!$ MONEY $ $ ,, REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We buy real estate mortgages ft contracts. - Mortgage for Investors net $. amounts $500 to $5000 'State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 216 M 222 See Us For . Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4"i INTEREST $ TO 40 YEARS and NO commission! Ieo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Street - - Phone 9261 Loans Wanted WANTNED: Loan on good going business in Salem. Investment guar anteed. Will pay good on investment. Statesman, Box 470. Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced No co -signers General Tinance is locally owned and officered; was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 130 Sou'b Commercial Sts.. Salem Phone. 916 l.lrenes I r M S.TS Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. $TH FLOOH GUARDIAN BUILDING UCH T. H M 1 59 S 154 It's 4 to 1 you can get a Loan HERE! 'Personal' likes to say and does say "Yes to 4 out of 9 folks who apply foi a loan here. $25 to $300 on signature, furniture up to $500 on auto Phone or come in today See E. Gallinger, the YES MAN at Personal Finance Co. 518 State StRmWS. Lie SI22. M165. " FARM and CITY LOANS 4'a and i Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7163 HOUSEKEEPING apt. for sing work ing man. 103 Marion st. LAK(K clean ulcrpuig inis. in pii vale home un Highland bus line for employed men. 219lMajle ave 2 LOVELY doubl rms . office gul or clerk Bus. No cmoklng Ph. 2-6W!2. SLEEPING im," for one. 1130 Che mrkrla SLEEPING nil. for employed man. 704 N. Cottage "SI.P Rm (or girls. No smoking or arm Kins;. 31B E. Miller SLP. Room. 2010" N. Com'l. SLP. im. 1417 N. Liberty Ph, 21576. "HAVE Laige comfortable room will share with employed young man. Write Mr. Martin, 655 Union St.. Salem. Room and Board WORKING GIRL. 18. would like room and board in private home. Will stay with children nights, help some with housework. Call 22418 before 9 a. m. or after 6:30 p. m. For Rent Apartments SMALL furnished apt. for rent. Suit able for 1 person. Call 3256 after 6 p.m. COTTAGES by day, week or month. 3580 S. Com'l. " COTTAGES bv diy, week or" month. 3580 So. Commercial. For Renl Houses REGISTERED Nurse will share 2 bdrm. home witn Christian couple willing to care for child (or part rent. Ref. required. Hh 5291 between 4-5. " RENTERS Move right in. $1,500 down, the rest like rent, buys a neat, clean home, located on Idlewood Drive. 1st roadrigtit off o!d Pacific Higjiway. EXCHANGE Rent of country home for house in Salem. Ph. 26192. For Rent EQUIPMENT for rent Electric sander. electric edger, electric polisher, elrctilc buffer, gas ami elec. spray outfit, wallpaper steamer, sand blaster, roller scaffold (tubular) F. O. Repine Co., 2585 Portland Rd. Ph. 4.83. 1 BDRM. unfuin. mod. hse.. garage, bain on ' A. near city limits on bus line. I vr easr $ Ml Oil per inu.. 6 i.ios. lent In advance. Give irf. Box 4 HO MateMnan TRAILER SPACE " All modern con veniences. Keasonable rates Free laundry privileges. 3580 S. Com'l. NOW You can lent a garden tractor plus sickle attachment at Howser Bros Rates reasonable. NELSCOTT Beach cottage Ptv6160. TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c hrs following Woodry's Mkt, 1603 N Summer. ;kh nn m i. sun ""LATEST Tpe high speed floor sand em. edgers and polishers (or beautiful floors Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. 602 Kdgewa.er . FLOOR SANDEfTTor cent Mont- rcynery Ward "AIMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh. 684 N 17 4692 " U-bHlVk: TKlitKb SUM KKNI Htanket furn IP1S Liberty Pi. 9082 "FLOOH Sander elec door polisher and lawn roller, weed burner Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877. Wanted to Rent VETERAN and wife desperately need furnished house- or apt. Phone Mrs. Thompson. S4B3. EMPLOYED couple want 2 or 3 loom furnished apartment. Call 9183 days, 2-tilLW evenings. APT. or house, unfurn. 2 adults, no children. Will attend to minor repairs, let.se if desired. Call for Mr. Mc Donald. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. At 5470 wee k days. 2"or 3 Bedrm. house. $55. By Sept. 1st. Write Statesman Box 467. STATE HOUSE "employ ee older woman, needs apt , furn. or unfurn. Re(. Hh 4714 ATTENTION: Family of long stand ing In Salem desperately needs 4 or 5 bdrm. home or larger. Isn't there someone who has such a home and would be willing to help us out? Will give liberal reward and will guar antee excellent care of property. Ph. 25856 . QUIET Older woman desires un furnished two bed room apartment or duplex. All other information gladlv given, also references, if you will call 5642. REWARD OFFERED BY SEPT. 1ST.. 2 OR 3 BDRM. HOUSE. MIDDLE AGED. REFINED COUPLE. PH. 2-5548 VETERAN ft wife desperately need furn. or unfurn. 3 rm. apt. or house by Sept. 1. Phone 2-5506. STATE Employe, wife, daughter 15, son 7. need small furnished or par tially furnished house. Excellent fer erences. PhI2-3002. VETERAN. Wife ft 2 daughters de sire 2 or 3 bedrm. house or apt. Furn. or unfurn. Ph. 2542. "Rouse Or apTTI teacher, adults. no children. pets or DRINKING. HAVE NICE THINGS ft APPRECIATE VALUES. REFS. AND GUARANTEED CARE GIVEN. PH. 5044 DAYS. 8137 EVE. 2 or 3 Bdiin. house, preferably with in walking distance of Sacred Heart Academy. Call 9131. 2 BEDRM. House. No children or pets. Write Statesman Box458. WANTED: Listings "of dwellings, apartments, and board and room available for rent to school teachers. Phone 9137. School Administration Office 7 CASH in advanee for one year rent on unfurnished modern three-bedroom home in or near Salem. Two older chil dren. Best of references. Write States man Box 471. SMALL unfurn. house or apt. for elderly couple. No children. No pets. Ph 25204 after 6 30 p m. . MOTHER and woiking daughter need 3 room apt. or small furnished house. References. Phone Miss Manny. 8822, between 8:30 and 5. RELIABLE couple wants 3 rm. apt. or small house. No children or pets. Ph. 7991. COUPLE with 9" mo. old baby wants small house. 1172 Union. John Ankeny. EMPLOYED young lady desperately in need of hcusekeeping rm. or apt. Furn. or unfurn. Ph 21993. 2 OR 3 bedrm. furn. or unfurn. house. Reliable party will take care of prop erty. Call Mr. Jones. Mgr. Elsinore Theatre 5050. . EMP. middle-age couple needs furn. house by Sept. 7. Write Statesman Box 481. FURNISHED apartment 1 bedroom or efficiency for business man and w ife. No children or pets. Ph. 25102. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER: New 2 bedrm. home on ' acre More land available. Wired for range, weather stripped ft insu lated. Fruit ft nut trees. Lots of shrubs. John Blue. Browning Ave.. Rt. 9. Box 609. No Saturday calls please . ' WHY Mortgage your lite away for fifteen or twenty ea Just to buy a house, when you can buy a four room modern suburban home for forty a month and have it clear in less than five years? 'Must sell before September lrt Price reduced. 8$ Fairvlew Avenue. "BY OWNER: """Part tally constructed livable house. 2 A. land, good well ft dec. pump ft good drainage. Priced to sell. 3rd house N. of Silverton Rd. on Lancaster Dr. Rt. 8, Box 1444. LOT-2300 blk. N. Liberty (Salem I. Good location. Paved st. Young fruit ft nut trees, grapes $650. Write Earl E. Winters. Rt. 5. Box 392. Bremer ton. Wash. r 1 YR Old 2 bdrm. houe. hdwd. floors, oil heat. Close to bus and schools 180 Waldo Ave. BY OWNER: 3 " bdrm. home, full brmt . large lot. 4 cherrv trees. Being newly decorated. $6000. 1240 N. Fourth St. Ph. 26619. BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home. $4,500 Someterms. Ph.24431 after4 p. m. BY OWNER: Lovely'5 rm. bungalow on 748 N. 20th. Lots of fruit ft large garden, also rhrubi ft flowers. Wood shed ft garage. Wired for elec. range. Don't call onSat. " BY OWNER Good 2 bdrm. plastered home In Hollywood district, close to schools. Easy terms. Inquire in rear. 820 N. Front all day Sunday or after 3 p. m. week days. NEW HOUSE Englewood school dist, S bedrnv, ranci type, laige living rm ft dining rm. Nice kitchen & utility rm. Ildw. floors ft elec. heat. Will go G.T. for 10'i dj(w nL Ph. 24850. $12.500 00. 70 acres north of sale on pavement, good house, barn,-hog house, poultry house, water system and lights. Immediate possession $2500.001 A good restaurant doing nice business, clone in. $8750.00. 40 acres on a splendid fish ing stream, good house, barn, large garage. Timber and pasture.! Lights and water. $3000.00 An established beauty parlor In a nearby town, grossing over $400.00 a month with one operator. $6000.00 Living room, kitchen, bed room bath room, closets, electric heat ing. Large lot if you- don't want the shrubs etc credit will be given for tiiem. $8250 00 Ixit is 80x80 with I bedrooms, large kitchen, plumbing, utility room and garage. All furnished, so rubs and plants. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 510 Guardian Bldg., Salem, Oregon FOR SALE: Two bed room house, ele. hot water, wired for range. Near cannery, store, school and bus. Price $3400 00. Owner. R. M. Toler at Liberty. HOUSE. Owner leaving town. Im mediate occupancy. 1730 Madison. K EIZER HeightsLoU.PJione2j"3-. MODERN 3 bdrm. house, near school and bus Seeowner at365 S. 24th. FOR Efficient and effective" sales service call the Slem Realty Co NOW MONEY TO LOAN on rirst niorl gages 4 to 6 Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS m cemeket Street Phone New 4 Bedrms., $10-500 HARDWOOD FLOORS downstairs, very modern, elec. heat, corner lot. at tached garage, paved street, 1 block from Market, close to Leslie Jr. high. Owner transferred. Offered at the sacrifice price. M. 0. Humphreys Co;, Realtors raiiiruunui nil. rnufie ; FURNISHED 2 br. S"E. nice LR.'witi firs, and fireplace: Venetian blinds, gas fir. furnace. $6,850. 6 RM. HOUSE on State St.. creek lot. Onlv S6.3O0. PEN 4 CORNERS. 2 BR. home In ex cellent condition. fS.9O0. 2 HR. North, large lot. Onlv $4,500. ONLY 6 YRS OLD. built tor a home. 2 BR.. LR., Kit. with lovely nook, fireplace, full basement, nice )ard, all fenced. $10,750. 1 BR.. LR.. DR.. Kit., basement, ga rare, good location: north. Onlv S5.150. j Sale or trade. In Woodbum; furn- i is hod 5 BR home ft 2 acres of fine , L. . . rt i. a -a,wt . iiuii, viiics m iiuu. s du; ! v.mw, Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St Ph. 83B9 Eve. 7440 $13.500 DAN DV" 4 bedrm. home with kit., d. rm.. nook, dble. plumbing, fire place, full finished basement, furnace. 3 lots, fruit, nuts. Corner lot. North. Swell location. A beautiful home. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Oil 1T01 341 Chemeketa St. wxxrf-vnr.-A-vifu,. - -I Eves M41 2 R. house E. Salem semi. mod. gar- age. fruit nice location $1700 termY 3 B. home E. Salem. 4 lots, fruit nuts berries garage Bargain $5000 terms. Nice fur. 2 B. bungalow N. Salem fruit nuts out bides nice home $7000. E. B. PERRINE. VALLEY I .AND CO. 370 State St. Ph. 9679 SEVERAL nice lota Just outside city South, restricted, city water, $700. A. South, nice district. $450. 2'j LOTS South, near Dickson's Mar ket, city water, trees. $1,200. Easy terms. 5 LOTS and small bldg. S. I.; a real bargain $2,750. LARGE lot on pavement, south; city water. $950. 5 A. on Lansing Ave close to Si! verton Rd. $5,250. Larsen Home & Ioan Co.! Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 8369 Eve 7440 $4,250 4 RM, HOUSE with bath. Lot 50x150. H. W. heater, gas stove, new fruit trees, wash house and garage, nice lot. 2 blks. from Highland sch. and store. Fine buy. North. Easy terms. Monthly payments. M. D. Looney William E. Moses 331 'j State St. Ph. 4993 BE FR0UD OF YOUR HOME CHARMING CAPE COD ALL PHILIPPINE mahog. woodwk, hdw. firs, throughout, beau, large LV DR.; lovely tile K 8c spacious nook, den. Tile bath down. Almost imm. poss. 2 Ige. br. up with wardrobe St closets. Tile bath up. Lots of linen Ac storage space. Full base Auto. oil. dou ble garage, patio, small rose garden, extraordinary hedge. PHONE 7696 EVENINGS 24789 Close To School ONE OF SALEM'S BETTER HOMES. SPACIOUS LIVING RM., FIREPLACE. DINING RM.. DEN. MOD KIT.. LOVE LY MAS. BDRM. WITH FIREPLACE. 2 OTHER LARGE BDRMS . DBL. PLUMBING. WELL LANDSCAPED LOT. The Real Estate Market 433 N. HIGH ST, PH. 24793 $5.650-FURNlSHED 3 bedrm. nib. home on A. good soil 40 cherry trees. Bus by door. Call Mr. Walteis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3793 Eves. 2-520 MONEY TO LOAN on first morf gages 4 to 6 CaU for details BYRKIT V POTTS 139 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 SOUTH sALEkf $11.850 OU pipe furnace. dbL ga.. 3 bedrm.. din. rm., firepl.. ' bath up. oak fl. throut. 1 -vear old. OUT CENTER ST. $7.800 Almost acre. New 2 bdrm. home. din. rm.. ga.. 3 nice walnut trees. Nice location. Call Ed Lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph 2-1549 Eves. 2-6680 BY OWNER: A real buy. Furnished modern 2 bedrm. home, on bus line, with garage. Specially priced. Reason able terms Ph. 3920. BY OWNER: Close in property with good income. Ph.26849. "ROOM'houre. newly finished in side, oil furru.ee, large basement apart ment, garage, large yard, garden, out bldgs near Willamette Mens Dorm. 463 N. 12th, orphone6494J to 12a m. CITY bldg. lots. Near Englewood dist. Low price. Eaay terms. 1725 Madison. Ph.JSuS. OWNER- ROSEDALE D1STT Modern 6 rm. Eng. type home 2 bed rms. dn. 1 lg. bdrm. up lg. liv. rm. nice d. rrn. ft kit. Ins.- w. stripped. Bsmt. Nice yard $14,400. 1725 Madison, after lOam. $ 1 .500"DOWN Hollywood home. 2 bedrooms, bath, garage with play room attached. New electric hot i wa ter, new roof and fenced in back yard. Close to business district. It's excep tionally clean inside and out. It can be yours. Call and see it today. $12.500 Completely furnished with brand new furniture including new GE electric range. 2 bedrooms, auto, oil heat, hardwood floors, modernistic kitchen, attached garage and large lot. You can move In Immediate1 ALDEN BOWES REAL ESTATE Ph. 24791 MlPwIland Road LARGE rm. home, completely furn, dbl. garage, full finished bsmt.. oil furnace, corner lot. 1 walnut. 2 cherry and 2 filbert trees and other shade trees. Dbl. pi umblng. Ph. 4561 MOVE right into 3 b. r. new. h. w. floors. S blks. high school. $8,000. Reasoner Realty, Room 1L 341 State. "'MUST "Sell, make offer: New 3 bdrm. 1 story shake, nice kit. ft bath. elec. water system, good A-hool; 1-A good soli, more available. Huggard Rte. 7. Box 431 L. McCain Ave. off Silverton Road. . Suhurhan Home North 1 bedroom, modern living rm.. d lav ing rm., kitchen, hdwd. flours, frpire.. basement, oil furnace, garage. Large lot. Nuta, garden, shrubbery, lawn, walks, paved st. Bus at door. $9A4. Furnished Home North 3 bedrm., living rm.. dining rm, kitchen, all new elec. range, elec. wash, mach.. oil cir , elec. hot water heater, dining rm. set. living rm et. bed rm. tt, tugs, curtains, etc. Garage. Large, comer kit. $6,750. Acreage North 3", acres. 2 bed rm. house, elec. ho water heater, elec. range, bed rm. set. living rm. set. heater. Good ground. Will lake in house trailer. $3,900. Suburban Home 2 bed rm. plastered house, living rm.. dining rm., kitchen. ba:h, utility rm. Nice lawn, outdoor frptce ' ac-ie lot of fiuit. nuts and garden. Terme. $2,000 down. $7,500. Close in Home 3 bed rm.. living rm.. dining rm., kitchen, basement, furnace, garage. Urge lot. Sti.ouo. See Herb Xetnast. Art Mad.en 1326 State St. pn 55M BY OWNER who Is leaving state: Modern late built suburban home. hdw. fir.. L. R . D, R., kitch. bath, fireplace, 1st . floor. Upstairs unf;nnh-rl full ' -bunt,, auto oil heat, (trep'.ace in basmt. for rumpus rm 4 acre young orchard. 1mm. pors. Reduced this week for quicksale.Ph. 21427. BY OWNER : $ rm "house wiid for ranee ft elec. water heater. Newly re djecoiated., A.land$i500. Ph. ' 5207. $3500 3 bdrm. furn house, buildings "lyjiLpaih'd 2358 Hyde. $2700 small unfin. house, partly (urn. Larg 'ot 224 1 Claude. FOR A DATE WITH REAL ESTATE EARLY OR LATE Call 2-6160 Why pay rent when you can buv a small new 2 B. R. home for 1 am vvvc pairmT 2 B. R. hse . bsrr.t . F. P . large lot. East Salem. $2.5i0 will handle For a bargain see this unfinished hse, Ige. lot. South Salem. $3.oca Lge. sized Gar. hse. Could be made '"'o a nice 4 room hse. Subuibaa. ?.(ko. 2 H. R plastered hse , North alem. Priced to sell at $4 200 40 acres of the ( net toil west of Salem. If interested In some good farm land let us show you this todav Priced at $8,400. Hansen's Real Estate 971 Edgewater Street Pbone 2-6460 Look at this Special 2 days only. $4.40. Good terms. 8 BR. older house. Good location. Nr. Sr. Hi Sen. B. Irhenvood, Realtor Ph. 6F11 Wallace logJLgl'"Il Salem Realty Co. A good 3 bedroom horf.e. with base ment, ftreolace. dimm rtm j 'wauiiiuiiy lanoscapej grounds. Pla . IT'S Nlrr . one-. nltVLI I" i T 'M home, two J!'. . r? Jln,1 "vtng room 'V?. .?"Uo.- me pouaed H. W. floors throughout, o.l heat. I bia nut trees furnish shade and taxes. SHOULD GO G I. Two bedrooms. H. W floors, lie rm. and halls, very nice utility room, wired for range, elec. water htr.. oil floor furnace. This home not entirely fin ished but in condition to snow. Full ptlce $8,000. ANOTHER Nice one; two bdrms. H. W. fire, elec. heat. elec. fireplace, elec water Urt' - ,," '- rr. i SUBURBAN . One plus acre on bus line. East. Three j bdrm. plastered home. n.ce sr-ade tree, j fine garden, varietv fruit. $9 Soo. Salem Realty Co. ... . Realtors l4), .N H'a-h St. . Phone 7aoa LEON. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS OWN VOVRT." OWN LOOK THIS ONE OVER. Large 4 bedrm. home with living rm.. dining rm. and krtchen. Excellent locatwss with bus by the door. $5,410 Terms NEW AND READY TO MOVE INTO. Lovely white, electrically heated home Living rm.. dmlne rm tn t k.. VI;' bedrma. with wardrobe ctoaeta. jjJjO1 approx. cJxllS ft, 3 BEDROOM -HOME tocsted very close to Englewood chI Living im. with fireplace.' dining rm,, kiuhesr. breakfast nook, full bastnent. Garage! Nice yard with many shade trees. Va cant. Price $10300. Fr these and many more CALL or SEE LEO N. CHILDS, INC REALTORS "31 Years of Dependable Service to . Home Owners 344 Stale St. pn yjej BY OWNER: 2 bed FmfToWW" ly decorated, v.rv rin ! blinds full basemenr. sawdust funs ! ace New 1943 Sereel refngerator ft "v-j-wju cvmo. gas range includes!. Near Paulus cannery. Immed pnes slon. Reavonable terrr.t 69U S 18th NEW 2Vjedrm. house!"' H. W. flisl elect. H. W. heaer. utitily and gal 24736 75 ,,M S l"mvr,,'- Phono "2 BDRMTHome. hw. ftoors firei nlace. basement. i'i tr s ma IrZJ? w,,K,er tl MODraHTWrm .' houe.f ulFbsmtl auto. heat, fireplace, hardwood flra Venetian blinds, beautiful yard, oat bus line. See owner. J. T. Middle bjookj2245 Center S' Phone 3210 $1,400 DOWN $6,250 for this 2 bdrm. home with LR. and kit., oak floors, alec, water heater, large lot. House la almost com pletely furnished WtU take car sa trade up to $900 as part. Call Mr. Picha, Burt Picha. Realtors Phone 3210 ITT N High Ft, "homiTnear M ScW5oL Has $73 mo. income Onlv $3,700. Possession within 1J days. See Allen Jones or Mr. Needham. Realtors 341 State St . Room 4 $12.5O0-3feDRM. EoglWstyle home near Leslie Jr. Hi. Lg. Jv rm . d. rm, hwd. floors, fireplace, fuU basernewt, furnace, nice lot. Cat! Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa ft. tvw - PH 3793 ADVERTISING Western AdvertJsinf Representative Ward -Griffith Company, fnc ft in Francisco I Eastern Advertising Representatives ' Ward -Griffith Company, tnfe. 1 Chicago New York. Detroit, 7 ' Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered mt the PottofPe at fa. lent. Ortoon as Stroud Clam Mat ter Published every rer-tt0 stsw cepf Mowdev Bustnesi office llM South CommercUl Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES MaO JlubecrtpUofl Rates tn Ado eance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo $0 cents; mo. $329: I year. $ 00 Elsewhere H cenu pee mo or $1M foe I year la advaecss. Per copy B cents. By City Carrier. 79 eetita a montlv $s oo a year i rear to advance in Manoai and adiaceot eounUea,