Portland LJrcslock , PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. (AF) iVSDAt Salable cattle for -week. 07u total. 3.897; calve salable. 647; ttal. tO CompSre- week ago Steers net hellers fully SO cerd higher. P"t f up Medium-od com, IW' hir'er; canner-cutters. 1 OO up. Bulls stcadv. Calves and vealers. 1.00-1.50 rur-er. Bulk good grass steers. 23 C0 24 i0. - rr.edium. 20.00-22.-0; common, li .So-19-0 Load lop (food spayed heif er. 23'.i: bulk aveiage good grass heifer. 21 --23.00: medium. 18 60 21 00 Common. 15.50-17 50. Odd head tSTrn nvt. 20 f; good young heifer tsh rows. 18.50-H 00; bulk average food grass nwt. 17 00-18.00; medium. 15.25 18 50: cutter to rommiis, 12.75-15.00; ranners, 11.-0-1250; few shelly kinds, 00-11 t Good heavy beef bulla, $6 00-18 0: good sausage offerings, H ifl-18l: medium. $15 00-18.00; cutter-common. 13.50-14.50 choice light vea.er. 24.00; bulk good -choice kind. .22 00-23.00: medium, 1800-21.00; com mon, li 00-17.50: cull. 10 00-15 00. SalaHe hogs for week. 805: total. 2.9; MonCay 50c toes regained near clue oJ week. Compared la1 Friday ai: tUs-ses fully steady. Closing top. ' y 30. bulk good-choice. 180-240 lb. bu-cr.er. 2S5O-30 00; former price top or Mondav. Weights 230-300 lbs.. 26 50- 27 50; 3'4400 lbs.. 24.00-28.00: 150-170 lts . 28.50-27 50: light smooth sows burned 22 09-83 00: hesrier kinds. 21 00-50. -Tag. 18 00-18.50: good-choice IVetier pifs, 3100-50; real light kinds, 28 ()-3tf H) Saiatie sheep for .week. 3.654: total. 781. In comparison witn last week apnrg lambs 50 higher.' other classes lAT LAST TPACV PWOS DICt TRACT UTTLZ ANNIE BOONET t voter THINK I S T THAT MUST BE I WHY DO MJJT ARENT YOU Z . A THc! CLEANER YOU HANOjE FPOM THE tdV-r' CALLING POO ME VOUR. T - ( CLEANEPfe ? illl BLOND EE ll Q.2S VLhi:. 3 KZJT VVVIAT THE CUNKEK MOOkT rS FQQr J 1 Ss' OPENS. U , jyte. pollows f (&yTU TUNNEL.. n its kinoa early im txe I . rS MORNiN. BUT IM TERRIBLE f7 HUW5Ry-AN' BREAKFAST I PpTTl STARTS AWFUL EARLVJ THC MOOMtieMT, fftlMS THt BUZZ SAWYER GASOLINE ALLEY BARNEY GOOGLE w Vyr-f-i ii b r " H ' r VES, M&. MOUSE ... APVENTUREl I GUARANTEE VOULLX VlOWJ I ' v 'j -fgg T - s" -ij ...THRILLS.,. BEONTOPOPTHB I 7HAT3 CfcSS&T " SIT" " tJ,i;'il MICKEY MOUSE U I v J I'll I n I "nil U " ? 11 If luck i iLtexto 1-1 liva-Luft vtNu. But i hat ie"r7TA V-lv H TMaS ON THE FARM. IT l " H OM 10 TO ME TH PE5 T'Jif! J ; 1 THE iNSTElAieNT ' f Ji WT E COLLECTED ; WHAT'S THE CLIMB UPTO ERRAND YOU 1 BUZZARDS ROOST, WfW TO C5006L6, AN' FETCH 7" steady- Bulk good-choice spring lambs. 21 00-22.09; new clot, 22.25 tok best offerings, those eroding medium, 19.00 20.00: common. 16.50-1850; good-choice shorn spring lambs. 21.75-22 00; bulk good-choice shorn yearling. 17.50 IH 00; medium-good. 14 00-17.00; choice light shorn slsufhter ewes, 873-7.00; bulk good-choice. 6.l---: common medium. 3.00-5.5; gid-crioice. 6 00 -SO; common medium. 3L0-5 50; packge 84 lb. yearling ewes. 13.30. Sizeable lot 110 lb. mixed ages, mostly young. S CO; bulk-medium-good feeding lams. 16.50 17.00; few at 18.00; common kinds. 14 00-15 00. "tiUiiil Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 23 AP) Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate change): Premium quality maximum of - of 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland BI-SHc; first quality 80-86; second quality 73-81: valley routes and country points 2 cents leas than first or 78-84. Butter Wholesale fob bulk cubes: ?rade AA 93 score 77: grade A 82 score Qf B 90 score 71: C 89 score 68. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singlet. 41-51c: Oregon S lb. loaf 43-52C. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. M'i-OS'.i; medium 61; A grade, small 49 "ic; B grade, large 32',-55'ic. Eggs Purchases from farmers, current receipts. 56-60c: buyers pay 3-3'c below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broiler under 2U lbs. 30c; 24 to 3 lbs. 35-38c; fryers 3 to 4 lbs. 37 -40c: roasters 5 lbs. and over THIS TUNNEL COMES UP INSIDE AN OLD CAP BODY. I CAN SEE OOPPVWEAO. V WE 5 PMONINO. MAYBE THE FARMERS WATER BOY WONT COME 70 WORK A6AIN TODAY. AN' I KIN BE WATER 61 RL AGAIN AM' I I MAKt ATtUlrtEK UVLL VM'&'A . . m Aa, tkBa IJM 1 f ' know u CO0L0 ffi AND TV M. TELL TH' UARfVUfJT WEUCSJS GOT ft HA NT ?H V..r"'.' 1 W- ip'Twi -Ly. DOWN HERE Wt CRPrJtN. A LAFF HER TO KILL 37-38c; fowl Leghorn under 4 lbs. 17-l9c: 4 lb, and over zo-zic: colored fowl all weights 25-27c; stags all weiehts 12-14c lb. Hav U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa or belter, carload lots. F.O.B. Portland. .H)-32 ton; l S. No. 1 timothy (east ern Oregon or Washington), carlots F.O.B. Portland. (34-37 ton: oats and vetcli mixed hav. uncertified clover hay. 822 -23 baled at Willamette val ley farms, depending upon quality and location. Rabbits Average to retailers. 48- 52c lb dressed, price to producri-. 43c. fryers live, white. 20-25c lb.: colored. I7-2IC lb Onions Green, local mid-Columbia, 80-90c dozen bunches. Onions 50 lb. sacks Wash, yellows 250-2.75; Brooks. Ore.. 2.25: med. SO lb. sacks; CaL White Globes 2.35-2 50; reds 2.25-235: SO lb. sackf. Wash, yel lows 2 25-2 50. Potatoes Oregon Boardman dist rict White Rose. No. 1, 3.15-3.25 cwt.: Deschutes Russets. No. 1. 3.50-3 60 100 lbs.; bakers 3.90-4.00; No. 2s 2.90; med. No. 2. 2 40-2.50: Wash.' White Rose 300-325 cwt.; 25 lb. 3-C-l.OO; 10 lb. 45-48c: Wash. Russets, No. Is 3.50-3 60 100 lbs. Dressed meats Veal Light, top quality. S3-34c; heavy, top quality. 28-30c: B, 25-26c; C 22-24c: cull. 18-20C: Hogs Block, butchers, packer style. 125-160 lb. 34-36c: over 215 lbs. 32-33c lb.; sows, all wts, 28-30c lb. Lambs Best grade, 35-37c; others according to qualitv. Mutton 10-13c lb. according to quality Beef Best quality. 35-39c 1b: B. 25-ttOc; C. 22-24c; canner and cutter, 18-20c: bologna bulls. 27 -28c lb Cascara bark Green. 6c lb; dry 16c lb. Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth NO -I'M KJ. V7LL, THN. Give m?. Sack SALESMAN MY PANTS 6E! WASNT TUATA6WRND BREAKFAST! ALL THE FRESrf EGGS. HOT PANCAKES AN COLD MILK I COULD EAT-AN A SWELL BONE FDR X0U.fl k ......m..,.. i raWIIH MtAi :f UN II' CUSS. SUft VOAIT'LL ANVTHIN6 FOR GET MY HAT i COME ON,BOVS. TABU I SAiO THE PLATFOOT ISjJl irx J r saw 1 1 1 iht" r rT fcirv rM uc uc ' rri tt K. hwM""; . "j!" "iyi ' v"1 r r Portland Grain PORTLAND. Aug. 23-( API-Wheat future not quoted. Cash w heal I bid I : Soft white. 2 25: soft white (excluding Rexl. 2.23; white club. 2.23; western red. 2.2:. Hard red winter: Ordinary. 2 23; lit per cent. 2.25; 11 per cent, 2.32: 12 per cent. 2.44. Hard white Baart: Ordinary, 2 47: 10 per cent. 2.47. 11 per cent. 2 53. 12 per cent. 2.59. loo Late? lo Classify R.N. WILL SHARE 2 bdrm. home with young Christian couple willing to. care for child for part rent. Ref. req. Ph. 5291 Mon ,4 to . WANfNfcD: Loan on good" going business In Salem. Investment - guar anteed. Will pay good on Investment. Statesman, Box 470. . ORDER NOW Bend ix Automatic Home Laundry, Free-O-Matic Refrig erator. Apartment gas range, gs-art electric water heaters, oil heaters, electric space and wall . heaters. Stewards Dept. Store, 263 N. Com l st. Livestock and Poultry HORSES. EXTRA fine. 3200 lb. team. 7&8 yrs. old. Gentle At true. Harness and wagon. Will let out for keep. 1311 N. Liberty. Ph.6683. WANTEfif: 25 laying pullet-. Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Rt. 5, Box 216. Ph. 2--0S2. FOR SALE: Saddle horse k equip ment. 76 Williams Ave. C I'LL GIVE THEM Vj ( BACK IP YOU "1 :J' V-- TAKE A T policv T-J-'f Vyi.!?W Jg ' S& v'v" J4 1 1 THEV COME AT HIM FROM ABOVE. I TACKLE HIM WITH CLINKER HOOK V FROM BELOW. V M I HAYt iTJ XttP RM IHt DAKN NEAR THAT OLD EMPTY HOUSE -THE FARMER THINKS MY FOLKS ARE TBAVEUn FARM WORKERS I WAS SCARED IF I TOLD Mil tmanks. wefcoeo A 00t MORALE NOW 1 PONT fEEL QUITS SO MUCH UKC A JILTED I sunns I SWOWtl IT MUS' BE A WONDERFUL FEELIN' TO BE SO K5NER NT id r i jg a J "W' ft"" 'A r I i - M S (4 MM TT7 . 1 1 Livestock and Poultry Bar K Stock. Ilatuh WORK irOHSES SAODI.F MORSRS LAKGF ASSORTMKNT nn hanrl at ; all limr at vrry atttaitivc pi uv ' Credit ijivi'n any one. Discount t'r cafih. OuMrontcd an represented Free t delivery. Hairy Kuctme. Carlton. Ore. j IjOfated JS1 j rnil s west-of Newborn. BULL Sei 1 tie ov ainruiai fn- nation Sir.- from the best ut btiM.d lines Reasonable fees All work oer sonall.v , sunervted by licenced vet erinauans Salem Art I fir a! Insemina tion Siatu.n Pli 685 "" WANTED: ifal or thin cattle, calve and bulls. Will rail at farm Wilt CtaudeEdwrds.33u S. 14th St rtirl SALE: Clirlstie N H baby chicks every Wed Bovlngtons 1718 State St Pbons 4960 " WANTED All kinds or rattle. Vat hogs, sows a boars At your farm or delivered Market prtca E C McCand llsh Rt 9. Bos 233. across from Water B.itl Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 CUSTOM dressing oT chicKen. any number Prompt service Dressed uoul- ; ry wholesale our specialty Phone 1 2-2881 Lee s Hatchery i NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start- j ed chicks A older pullets alwavs avail- 1 able Ph 22861. Lees Hatchery. WAN 1Kb All kind of rattle and i hogs Will call at farm Write t L Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph 1 21345 mnninr eve HlG H ESI QUALlTV THICK S New Hampfhtres and White Rocks 1(10 free of pullorum Hatches every Tues day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery 4 Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ore Auctions Auction Valley Farm Dairy Due to the loss of our dairy bain by fire I am forced to sell at once my entire herd of Grade A Dauy Cows on the farm located 8 miles northwest of Salem on Saleni-Dayton highway or .1 mile north and 1 mile west of Lin coln Store. Tuesday. Auji. 26 At 1 :00 o'clock Sharp 47 HEAD OF CATTLE This is a fine herd of Grade A Dairy Cows consisting of 14 large Guernseys. 19 head of Jersevs. 5 head of Jersey- Guernseys. 3 red Poles. 3 roan Dur ham. 1 2-year-old hnler. 1 2-year-old Durham Bull, 1 yearling Guernsey Bull. 2 complete Suijfe Milking Units. 24 10-gal. Milk Can-. TERMS: CASH T. L. HICKS. OWNER Clerk: Margaret Rice. Wilbur Rice 8c Son of McMinnville, Auctioneers. Phone 142-X. Hop Pickers Wanted WANTED: Hop pickers. Start Aug. 28 on late hops. Ralph Heir yard. 1 mi. S. Z. Central Howell school. Schar-Egiman-Hen -Yei gen . HOP Picker, beginning about Aug! 25th. to reg. Ph. 22342 or write John Bushman. Gervais. Ore. HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem. 250 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept 1 Fine shady camp ground, fine cab ins. Stoves, wood, electric 'lKhts. ihow er baths, tables, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and rent sin ant on grounds. Bus transportation Pleae writ JOHN J ROBERTS A CO. Sa lem, Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose (1 for rerixtration and use of cabin, which will be re funded at close of season HOP Pickers wanted: Starting Aug' 25. Cabins, stoves, wood, electricity furnlnhed. Store on ground. Orev Hop Ranch. Rt 2. Box 187. Salem Ph. 22708. MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KOlSl 970. KC.W 620. KRX 1190 HOUR 00:00 00:15 6 KHI.M News 'rime Keener KOCO KOCO KLOCK KOCO Kaprrs KOIN News IKOIN Kim k KftW Dave West IDave Went KKX. Farm Hour Tarm Hour 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KCW KEX New Lamar Show KOIN Klock Farm Time Sing Cowboy (Rise 'N Shine ITex Rltter iNews IFaim Time IM Agronsky 8 9 KSLM Orchestra I Orchestra IPioneers Orchestra KOCO News. Orch. 'News. Ouh. Serenade Over Coffee KOIN User News lAunt Jnnv I Helen Trent Gal Sunday KfiW tied Waring iFred Watmg Jack Kerch IHospitalily KKX "iMkdil Club !nteakfast ( luh Bieakfast Club HreaklMst Club KSI.M KOCO KOIN KC.W KEX Kate Smith R. Lclbert Big Sister Our Time Welcome Maxell U'l.urches Ma Perkins IKneats News I Welcome 10 KNI.M Mews IVanetv Stiow Latin Tenrio KOCO Alvino Rey lAlvino Rey lOrchestra KOIN Wendy Warren IPerrv Ma ion lne Journey KJW Today's Child Woman White I Masquerade KEX G. Drake iTed Malone ITrue Story 111 KSI.M alt Time II .at in Tempos lOueen Todav IQueen Today OCO News INovatones OIN Dbl. or Nothing Dbl or KGW Life Beautiful 'Ma Perkins iPepper Young IHappinev KEX Hymns I Melody 12 KSI.M Hit Time (News KOCO Derwin Orch. IDetwin Orch. KOIN News Ifotne Get It KOW Kneass News IStelU Dallas KKX W. Klernan IToday's Hits 1 KSI.M Concert IConceit Orchestia IBing Sing KIH'O For Women I Foi Women ' For Women Fur Women KOIN House Partv House Paitv IMeet Mi.sui IMeet Missus KtiW Girl Marries IPortia Faces (Plain Mill I Farrell KKX Paul Whiteman Paul Whiteman Kav West 'Kav West KSI.M Heait's Desire IHearl s Desire IBill Gwlnn K(K O KOCO Kapers IKOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers KOIN Air Newspaper 'Air Newspaper l ullaby KG W Road or Life IJ.ora Lawton Aunt Mary KEX What's Doin' What's Doin' IBnde, Groom 3 4 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KOW KEX With Music KOCO Kapers Be Seated Woman Secret Be Seated lOrchestra IKOCO Kapers "Art Kirkham IJoyce Jotdan ICome Get It KSI M Fulton 1-w.ls i Hemincway 'i Ton Bnker KOCO Pick. Play 'em Pick. Play 'em Jumpln' Jacks KOIN Bryan Trio Fealure ;Youne Otce KfJW 520 Matinee 'S20 Malir.ee Slai Today KEX Sunnyslde Up IN'wcslei ners !Ed Duchln 5 6 7 KSI.M KOCO KOIN KOW KEX KSI.M KOCO KOIN K(.W KKX arrluan iMelodv Theatre Melodies Off Record f)fl Recoid Sports News Knox Manning Sparkle Music iNew Ne IGco Moorad ISvmp Strings Tenn Ted I I'ei I v ISky King Torn Mix Safety Manna!. Music IManlut Ft lend. Inns Friend, font. Hour Music KSI.M KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Orchestra 'Gardening Public Service ' -vol Oich. I. Thomas I Jack Smith Orchestra l.awton Lone Ranger Ibiiif Ranger 8 9 KSLM Pvt Detective Pvt. Detective 'News IMedictne KOCO Orchestra l5rclicstia IRaseball Baseball KOIN Inner Sanctum Inner Sanrtum 'Club 13 (Serenade KOW- Telephone Hour Telephone Hour Voice Fit estone Voice Firestone KKX l.um n Abner Kennv Baker I The Clock The Clock KSI M KOCO KOIN KtiW KEX News Baseball Ratji" Theatre Dr I Q Doctors Talk Mvterv Haehall Radio Theatre I Dr I Q I M vstcry 10 1 1 KSLM Fulton Iwls KOCO Baseball KOIN -star Final KtiW News KEX News KKl.M Open House KOCO News KOIN -veienade K(iW Nrv.i KEX Coi.-ut Hour (Open House IW Ball.idi SM pna'lr Kus Moii;an IConcert Hour llAf. SS8 k.r. Monday 10 00 News; 10 l. Summe, Listening. 11:00 Concert ' 5 t'O On Upbeat; 6.00 News: 6:IJ Tiaf llall. 12 (HI New.. 12 li Noon Faun lie Satrt- ; 6 M Music of C.echoslova- ill. l ISI flew., 1:J rsoiMi raiin nn : I 00 Ride 'em Cowboy: I 15 Va- H I ie nety l ime; I :a Meioav l ane, i u , sic mi n.v. o u m-ims ii si-mm. Interiii?ir7o: J.30 Memory Music; 3 tMt j 8..' Song Shop. 9 00 Music That En News: 3:15 Music Masters. 4 00 Ore dure: 45 Evening Meditations. 18:00 Reporter; 4:15 Highest Tradition. 4:30 Sign Off. Hop Picker Wanted HOP PICKERS WANTED Lakrbrook Hop Yard BUS W1I1. MAKE THE FOLLOW ING PICKL'PS STARTING AT 800: FARM LABOR OFFICE. AT 31 CME MEKATA ST ; FAIRGROUNDS ROAD & HIGHLAND AVE. CAPITOL & MARKET. 17th Sc MARKET. !7tn A CENTER. lTtli St STATE. !?lh 8c STATE. 1?U. V MISSION, LESLIE SCHOOL. COMMERCIAL 8c MISSION. COMMERCIAL 8c CENTER. WEST SA LEM I MAPLE TREE RESTAURANT CORNER I. COMMERCIAL 8c COLUM-, BIA. KF.IZER SCHOOL. THE BEST CROP IN THE WILLAM ETTE V A I. L E Y. GOOD CAMP GROUNDS. TENTS 8c CABINS WITH STOVES. LIGHT. WATER AND FUEL FURNISHED. STOHE AND RESTAUR ANT ON GROUNDS T. A LIVESLEY HOP CO. 8 MI N. ON RIVER RD. Phone 2-2385 HOP Picking starts Aug. 28. 9 mi. no. on Si. Paul Rd. R P. Pomeroy, Rt L.Box 21. Brooks. Ph. 23425 HOP Pickers wanted: Now reen tering pickers. Will start pirkins early cluster hops Fri.. Aug 22. Fine pick ing. Onnlv 8 mile North of Salem. Fir Grove Frm. Ph. 22288. Help Wanted USHERETTES wanted. Must be 18 or over. Capitol Theater. "COMPETENT Cook for small fam ily; full or part time. Ph 7201. MEN ft women interested in retail selling with opportunities for ad vancement. Guaranteed draw plus a commission. Apply personnel mana ger. Montgomery Ward. Help Wanted Mal MAN WITH car for 18 daytime hours weekly to explain training program available under GI Bill of Rights. 815 00 salaiy and auto allowance with oppor tunity to earn double nad triple for satisfactory work. Write V. P. Dept.. American Technical Society. 850 E. 58th. Chicago 37. J BOYS WANTED. Earn $2 hour. Sell name plates for houiie. Write Boys Deartment. Box 43. talesman. Life Opportunity For Permanent Business j Large life Insurance company wants : experienced man for district manager i at Salem. Salary and expenses to man i selected State qualifications in first letter. All information treated strictly ; conf idential. Write Statesman Box 488. MAN for position of responsibility ; in Salem. Earnmrs (200 to $275 per j month to start. Car necessary. Service jxtation experience an aset. Box 482 i Statckman GROCERY Clerk. Saving' Center. Portland Rd MAN Grocery clerk, small town near Salem. Slate experience, age, single or married, salary expected. Write Statesman Box 481. i Help Wanted Female FULL OR part time silk finisher. Valet Cleaner 444 S CotnT " WANTED: SOMEONE to do quilting. Ph 8145 SELL "SUNSHINE LlN E" leading re ligious Christmas cards. Original de sign, warm gieetlngi. choice Bible text. Preieired because they expiess the Hue spun of Chriktman. Eay to sell big profits. Write for money mak ing plan today. Tilumphant Art Pub lisher. N2. San Jose. Calif. " AMBITIOUS. SELL Xma "cards. ta tiunery. big profit, colored catalog free Beacon Hill Greetings. IIS Chaun cy. A. Boston. Mass. 00:30 00:45 'March Time INews KOCO Kapers I New KOIN Klock IKOIN Kloch IKnrau News I Ballad 'Farm Hour 'Farm Hour 'News iNews (Bob Gar ted ()ld Songs U Antic (Orchestra IKaminy Kayo !Fred Beck ISam Hayes IStocks 'Pastor's Call Jsn Gailer llit Malone News IBreiicman's 'Ait Baker 'March Music Guiding Light Believe It I Rrrheman's lllarriionv lOrchestra Hose. Dreams ll.ight World ITrue Story Sslon Cnrert I Salon Concert Nothing Mrs. Burton IGrand Slam Round LUten Post Ethel. Albert Serenade Orchetra INews IHoil Concert !E. Winters I Arl Baker 'Jones I Widder Brown Paul Whiteman Paul Whiteman I Bill Gv. inn KOCO Kapers ! Kosemarv Dr. Paul I Bride. Groom INews KOCO Kapers !My Opinion IStjge Wife ISunnyside Up lOrrhestra iKOCO Kapers I I A Godfiey I I Vicky A Bob Sunnyslde 'News ' Adios The Todds 'Chuck Foster , !Dick Tracy Adventure Rhvthm Ranch IHob Gairrd ISyiiip Stnngs Sky King Pingtam "Juy I. umbardo Varieties Music It ma News Hesters f'.ol) Hawk I ob Hawk It'ont. Hour IPlano IPiano 'Latin Rhythm Bandleader ; Bandleader 'Cisco Kid It'iM-n Kid ")evol Otch. (Rsnd Cone. Talent Talent Am. Cavalcade Am. Cavalcade ITreas Aent ITieas Agent ISports IBasehall Radio Theatre IK. .! El Rancho Henry Taylor I Baseball Radio Theatrs iFscspe IF1 Ksncho INews I .'lassie lOrchestra Band Waeon 'Concert Hour I New s News INews. Sports I ."lassies !M. Cliailes lOrchestra (Current. Choice lt's Dance I Decision IConceit Hour lOmm House INews IDance Band Dance Band lA:i-Flo l:.w lime to Dream News lArmy Voice I Jtc'iestra strutK Ja'i: 4 4.' Children's Theatre: -iie raiei;. u ..u nriusiv "-." , kia: 7:13 Evening Faun Hour. 8:00 Mu- Th Statesman. SaUm. Ofqon, Help Wanted Fcmalt? I N IT R S E S: SUPERVISING-HEAD-STAFr. SUM year and up; plus full maintenance. Outside living allowan ce. Modern nurse' home and hospit al. Apply Baltimore City Hospitals. 40 Eastern Ave.. Baltimore 24. Md. EXTRA MONEY I Cot genu Hoe of imprinted Chrttmas cards as Jow as 50 for SI. Also everyday greeting cards, religious and emldren'a books. Bible, calendar, stationery, etc. SELL ON SIGHT! We send FREE SAMPLES lor your own use and to show friends. WESTERN ART STUDIOS. Dept. A372. 257 S. Spring St.. Los Angeles 12. Calif. MIDDLE Aged woman to take care of 8 mo. old baby In mv home. No housework. Ph 26440 after 8 P.M. HOUSEKEEPER "for ITdUlf. No washing or ironing. Write Statesman Box 459 . Vitr.niZKCtt BeauTy operator. Ph. 363 WOMAN for light housekeeping A caie of child; permanent. Call 8114 lifter four. EFFICIENT Girl for steady oos). tion Stenographic A bookkeeping ex- j firi irilVC IIC J . MiJ. flMFIJ 504 Guardian Bldg. Salesmen Wanted REAL ESTATE salesman by one of Salem's oldest firms. Excellent oppor tunity for good man. Experience nec essary. Box 468. Statesman. WANTED: Experienced salesman for work goods Dept. Bishop's. Situation Wanted CURTAINS Washed 8 stretched 393 S22nd.MrsB. Lieake. Ph.jl-682a. PAINTING. COMPETENT workman ship. Reasonable rates. Ph. J-2773; CARPENTER 'WorkrphTj43.' 21ST CLASS Carpenter. Ph. 174. EXPERIENCED Stockman, farmer interested in permanent connection with future. Capable, full charge. Best of character references. Box 485 Statesman C ALLEGE Girl would like work in doctor's office until February. Call 22089 EXPERIENCED Grocery clerk and vegetable man desires employment. Refs. Write Statesman Box 480. COMPLETE Care of children byday. Transportation furn. 1145 i Norway St. 0lnri.lke tobidon your spiay painting. Your paint or ours. Phone 4248 M. L. Gottenberg, 1430 N. 10th St. Fainting and Decorating Spraying and brush. Free estimate. Specialty roof spraying. Ph. 2-6013 or 3536. F. Rawlins. BULLTXimGCruWntand Log glng. Clearing teeth and 22" breaking plow, by hour or contract. L. C. Mit chell. Ph. 23227. Salem. Wanted : Cement wkfc patching 714751 ALL Work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Clesnlne Service Phone 4457 ""BALING: Hay k straw baling, also mowing k raking Chapman k . Alien by. PhI0F13 88F21. PieSchool Playschool. 1381 State Ages 3-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 PAINTER" andPaperhaniger Reason able prices Free estimates H. J Wood worth Ph 3P15 , WILL Dolandcape. pruning, ceme tery & park work. Ph. 71558 1150 N. Church. " A LRdCERS'TrumWngand- Suppl v General repairing. Plumbing supplies and fixtures. For quick aervlce rail 24416 PAINTING Brwh and spray. Inside k out. Ph. 22148 EXPERT Repairs. New rolls Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph 25100 W ANTED: Furniture to glue and repalr.Lee Broa. Ph. 21233.. ORAwInC House and store plans Ph P821. ' ; SEWING 4 Alterations. 283 W'ftulrsl St. Mrs JTD. Smith Ph. 8387 Painting aruT paperhanglng' 4325 Spray Painting Ralph A Ism an 1718 Ijincasler Dr Phone 1-4246 Mike's Septic Service 1079 Elm. West Salem. Ph 8468 or 5327 PLOWING Bob Itulst Rt. 8. Bos 587 Ph 3t28 . . PIANO Tuning "Edwin Hamilton. Will Musis Store. Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray of brush PAUL BASSETT Phone t J308 PH 15444 OR 6288 ' V ainting Decorating Sprav Painting DICK OREY Hollywood Transfer For locsl St long distance hauling Pickup and moving Trailer for rent Ph 784 Burton s Mobile station Septic Tanks Cleaned K r Mamel IMS 8th West Salem Phone 1404 " PAINTING A Paoerhangina W Q Crowlv SAT Shiooine Prwne94tS CHIMNEY sweep. Northness, ph. 4450 For Sale Miarrllanenua HAND Pi ked. . wormlets Graven steins tl a box. Bring container Ste vens. Rt. 3. Box fl4. S. River Rd. to Kolierts school, take left fork to first load, up '7nule. TRAILERS 1112. ATTENTION: ConntraimTxne. brais. A-I condition. Call at l2Plne St. GOOD Enameled wood range. Rea sonable. Call evenings 1492 Ruge St.. West Salem. -- f AFpEN" Gas ranse Almost new City or tank cas. Open view chrome lines oven. 585 N. 18th. ma Caientlars" 84 75 per hundred At up. Tactory rep resentative. Guaranteed delivery be he Christmas Call 36457 after 6 p. m. TOMATOES: $150 per bu Brlns container. Si.verton Highway 2 ml. beyond cltv limits. Look tot sign L D. Egbert CANNING corn now ready. "Imfah fruit farm ', mile on Wallace road. Ph 22326 HARVEST Racks for sale. "Northwest Poultry Co i:05 N font Ph 7007 COi.LEE girls tan cloth co.it. sixe 38 like new Phone 3372 RENT your tools and you save your self time, and money. Uower Bros Phone 3646. PAINT Sprayer rentals reduced with the purchase of Norris-Walker paints. Howser Bros Pht3646: 14 CUTrt. home jreeier. Ph. 4284. ELECTRIC Room heaters, steam, radiant, and fan type V EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. LibertySt. ANTIQUE Black walnut secretary Original finish and in excellent con dition. Write Box 1282. Nve Beach Sta. or call at 444 N. W. Agnes St:. New. port. Oregon TDvE Repairing and parts Woodrv's Mkt. 10O4 N Summer St ' ALwATS a big stoca Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph I16. Says: Remember - -Calamity Kaa in any state. Remember -. - Yr best date Is In the capltol 4f yaur state : . . SepL 1-7 ... . It's yosr 8Ute Fair Be there ... Sunday. August 21. 147 IS For Salt? 'Miscellaneous LOGGERS ATTENTION; International PO 40 power unit completely overhauled SIMS 15x2(1 roller bearing Jaw crusher SJuilO waiiinij Mna and Gravel Co.. P. O. Box 41. Salem. Oregon , RED Shingles, delivered sny where, also lumber Ted Muller Ph. 21 IM or 'iM Co., Salem, Ore. SWINCS. Heavy clothes poles. Line trailer axles and wheels, wrought Iron -work" lo order. 1145 N. Liberty. 14 COOLER Inside: Trrst s yor home this summer it you install HOME GUARD Insulation now. For FREB estimate Ph 7177. Western Auto Sup ply C'O. : EULLSRruiea t Grant f jSjj J R Walkin Co produc-L l'Tf Cen ter St SaH-m Pn i5 r re. del iMPROVEDlllberta and i.'H. Mskt -poaches now ready. Biunks Corner, Salem-Dallar highway ELBERT A Peaches. "Carl AaptnwaU Orchards at Brooks. : HOSPff AC Beds"whei chatrrent. sell, trade. Six Buren. Ph. 777. 71 Court St. """GdODT piece WTnuii Dining ae. ?8 S. 24th after $ o'c'ock. MONTACTWood circulator, big suL excellent condition, reasonable, 203 N. Church. Phone 7357. TREE Ripened " Improved Elberta peaches are now realy at the Jess Mathls fruit stand orchard 6 miles north of Salem on WE. BARTLStT Pears 8l"3 boxBrmg containers.Phone85B. BARLEY Straw. Ph." 22S3- ' WfcsTlN-HOUSt Laundromats, tha completelv automatic washer. YEATEh APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St. l-42&. E.Wahlng machineTxcen lent cond. Ph. 3062 f 100 00. . . "WE Stock gauges, rubber seat safety valves for most pressure cookers, check gauges free. Service Depart men! Montgomery Ward Farm Store. Trade 8 Hilv "1.IKE New . S rra size oil cfrrulator with built -In fan. 2040. Madison. PUREBRED "Cocker puppies! Call 353 after 6 PM or Sat. Sun. I RUNfST"You pick,". lb. Bring? own containers. Rt. 4. Box t-2. Morn ingsidedistrict. , 6 IT. Cold Spot refrigerator In good condition. 540 S. 1-th. 878 rTTlfio. T vertical grain Fir flooring, new Also No. 2 fir flooring. Write or call at 2nd, street north of Cherry Ave. River Bd. junction, turn right. 4th house on left. Jam Miller. ; LM0STNew garden tractor arith, attachmentsllO Sunset Ave BOY'S 24 in. "bicycle $25. "Gtrl's-t.' ocle (25 Water tank with JackeC Phone 6U3 or 34422. , PREWAR Davenport k chair. Like new. At IP State St Ph. W GARange. deluxe model Wedge wood, excellent cond. Looks new. Keaonable.Ph T776 DAVENO 4 "chair, rood cond.' 850. Kitchen table k chairs 85 Thaver babr buggy, like new. $25. Play pen, geo. cond . 84 33flHojt St LTmIO"-Oak. i" piece (fining room set. Practically new.l47Beech Avev b ALTON Adding machine. Excellent cond. Inquire843 Hood St. FOB SALE: 8x1 J axminster rug. 840 Gaines Avenue " OISTILLEh "W'htte pickling vinegar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your pickles Krtrp" Also pure apple ctder vmegar. PURITAN CIDER WORKS. W. Salem " HUNTERS: Wlirhuv. aelF or trade. RIFLES SHOT GUNS or REVOLV ERS Don Madison. .68 No CSpitol, ' WES1X Automatic electric room heateis now available m fnoet -rres. Y EATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N. Liberty St VENETIAN " Blinds, new. clean ar4" worklng. Casing measurements 3n a sq. foot. 2 29 xil ": 3 8S 'x36 ': 2 J--2r ; 1 33 X2". 2 44"x29'. 2 pair ruffled criss ci os curtain for large window. 1HMI N. I4lh Ph 8-62 GIRLS Bicycle. Ph. 6756. 348 IC 20ih. ALMOSTewationa1electric wa ter beater. 66 gal. Cost new 117 4 50. Sell for 8110.00. Call at Star Transfer off.ee Dallas. Ojre. FOlTR 825x20 new 10 ply military tract Ion tread tires 854 each Including tax Gil Ward. 305 N. High. Phone 4641. WINDOWS top saali 32x48. bottoms 3fix48. with frames, one small eles-lrle beater, hoy's rport coat like new sire 12. Atmoray osone generator. 666 S. Slimmer WRECKING a '30 Fynth.Ail , parts for sale. 1757 Chemekeia PRUNES. U pick. 8c lb. Secor. Rt 8. Box 516 J ml. So Liberty school MAN'S Bicycle, cheap" good cond". Call 23162 Rt. 3. Box 6M8 CORN 3c""doz. Ovr.r 6 "do- joe T. B Thomas, 155 Ratchff Dr. Ph. 2SMI. " LIKE New:" Ijsdy's seal hrnwn pol ' coat $23. Wnodburn Rt 2. Box 316. June Bond. On the old road from Wmxlliiun lum Salem Turn tljmt at G I Joe's I's mi H I. Fallhanks-Mitr e eletT water pump 48 gat lank and pip Pin 23123. EI.ECTROMATK Typewini. Ph. 22172 PRUNES" Baftlett pears" Graven steins Quinces. At Liberty on Hi -belt Dr Box Vi8 THOR Washing machines "i Auto mated. . Y EATER APPLIANCE ''COMPANY 233 N. Liberty St GOOD Canning sweet corn, toma toes now leady. Call evenings. Bring containers. Box 187 Auburn Road. Ph. 22081. OIL CIRCULATORS" WVhCro-. exchanged, repaired. Ph. 672 " REACHES at theiFret Imp SET- . bertas k J. H. Hales. Stop at Chris' 45 Degree Farm. 3 mi N. of under pass on SVE Ph 2-.6S CABINETS Made to order Toes-s Furnituie Co.. 1J30 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3797 . CHEST o7Drawers $6-5" to $lt Toev's Furniture Co.. 1MO Fair grounds Rd Ph. 37S7 DESKS $15 05 to $22 84. Toey Fur- ' niture Co., 1550 Fait ground Rr. Ph. 3797 , ELBERTA" Peaches T. C "" R. 2. Salem. 6 ml. N. on Wheatland Rd. Ph 3-226(1 ELECTRIC Clocks and door chtmesT YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 255 N.LlbertySt. DOUBCt" Run window, with fremo 8I00O Sincle steel bed with sprisig Xi xW $6 00. Switch boxes, switch., outlets. Entrance fuse boxes SPE CIAL ON FULLY AUTOMATIC 24 52 GAL. ELECTRIC WATER: HEAT ERS. GUARANTEED. STEEL WASH BASIN. Kitchen sinks. Shower stalls. RANGE CABLE 25c ft Swing faucets , Basket traps. Sleel cabinet.: 3 S Ton chain hoists. 44000 BTU oil burn ing circulator. 23 x)4' Sectionali-e-frarre bunding complete with! 12 Win dow delivered 3 mt'es. 8400 an WAR SURPLUS STORE. 13-1 Hoyt.; East mt 12th Tel. 7816 . ICE Cream machine, t quart Mills with 40 gal hardening cabinet. Thie Is an excellent machine for serving frosted mailed and making: quarto, elc. Also 2 new Hamilton Beecft milk shake machines. Saving Center. Portland Rd. " CANNING Peache: C-cunTbfs. beans k tomatoes. Frlgsard s Fruit Stand. ' ml north of Keirer sch Ph. 24262 "At STUD I Napa Flash, reg. American Saddle bred Stallion, dk. chestnut with white markings Has proven himself as one of the outstanding Stallions on tho Coast Fee for non reg. mares 82S 6a). Roy H Simmons owner. Rt 4. Bosj J0 Salem Ph 21143 OIL Circulators (an and radiaWi type YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY 253 N. Liberty St. has date far th mtt turn IM90- sm jmmJlWF KQCD