i t Tha Stalasmrm. Salem. Oregon, Sunday. Auguet 17. 1947 r7 Re-Arrested ; On Charge of Lynch Attempt JACKSON. N. C. Aug. lM Sheriff J. C Stephenson of North ampton county today re-arrested seven uhite men on charges Crowing out of an attempted lynching of a youn negro here last May 23. The sheriff aerved a bench war rant Issued by Superior Court Judge J. Paul Fmzelle charging each of the neven with conspiring to break and enter a jail and with breaking and entering a jail with intent to kill and injure a prison er. - The. uric seven men original ly were arrested on the same two , charge plus a charge of kidnap ping. Tney were released August S when a grand jury failed to in dict them. The grand Jury also failed to Indict the negro, Godwin "Bud dy" Buth, who had been charged with attempted assault with in tent to rape young white wo man. -7 m' The new legal move was or dered by Gov. R. Gregg Cherry m ho termed, the action of the (rand jury a "miscarriage of justice." Kousscvitzky Weds Late Wife's Niece NEW YORK, Aug. lvD-Serge Kousseyitxky, 7J, conductor of the Boston symphony orchestra, and Miss Olga Naumoff. 46, his secre tary for the past IS years, were married yesterday at the conducr tor's estate at Lexon, Mass., he disclosed today. Miss Naumoff is a niece of the conductor's late wife, who died in 1942. Seattle Star Inquiry Due SEATTLE, Aug. 16 -JP- U. S. Sen. James E. Murray (D-Mont) was quoted b ythe Posl-Intelli-gencer tonight as saying he had recommended the senate subcom mittee on newsprint shortage con- bduct an inquiry into the circum stances of last week s closure of. the Seattle Star and the transfer of its newsprint to the Seattle Times. Murray : was quoted as saying that, as a member of the senate Fsmall business committee, he tele graphed the request to Sen. Cape hart (R-Ind), chairman of the newsprint subcommittee. Murray left Seattle this afternoon. SEVEN YEARS DEAD Charles Tretiet. French stager mw tat the U. S, celebrates the seventh anniversary f his escape fram the Nasis by readiag the stcmmi of his death" in the German -c trailed rarts Salr of 1946. Women Workers With Cards For Day Work, Report for Work Tuesday Morning, Aug. 19, 7:30 A. M. Starr Fruit Products Corner of Church & Mill St. Hew Inprovcd 1943 Immediate Delivery Special Terns if Uanlcd Boy ITaw Before Prices Advance league Ilotor Co. 355 N. Liberty Tel. 2417-3 U.S. to Give Indonese fOne More Chance' WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-(4V The United States gave Indonesian republican leaders today one more chance to get together with the Dutch under American auspices for a direct and peaceful "settle ment -- outside the United Na tions --of their small scale war. Simultaneously this country cautioned Indonesia that any at temDt on its part to specify "a particular method of settlement would leave the United States with no alternative other than in forming the U. N. security coun cil that it had rejected the offer of Amercian help. This country's position was laid down in a note made public by the state department. It has been handed to A. K. Cani, vice pre mier of the Indonesia republic, by Walter A. Foote. the American consul general at Batavia. Java Fight Slows, Report Indicates BATAVIA, Java, Aug. 16.-(;p- A Dutch communique, which in dicated that republican activity had slackened, said today that 29 Dutch had been killed, 91 wound ed and one unaccounted for since the cease-fire order was issued August 8. The communique said a Dutch armored patrol column near Lbo boehanroekoe, in North Sumatra, met with heavy mortar and auto matic weapons fire. Portland Building Inspector Resigns; Issues Charges PORTLAND, Aug. lfHD-The city building inspection director. Shepard M. Gotten, resigned today in protest against what he called a "chaotic situation" that made it impossible to enforce the build ing code. Cotten charged that the board of appeals was infringing on build ing inspectors' province. The sit uation is such, Cotten asserted. that the logical step for a person wishing to violate the building code would be to build a structure without a permit "and then run to the board crying hardship when we order him to take It down. A member of the board of ap peals. George H. Jones, denied that the board had usurped building inspectors functions. ' L PL (( (WJT u a former Serviceman . . 10 to 35, incluslvo physically fit vw co cSera up Oct EimQPG At long last, vacancies have opened In the European Command. But to get one you'll have to act promptly. The number of open ings available each month is limited, and will arobably remain so (or some time to come. Only qualibed Veterans of the Armed Forces too agree to sign up for three years or more rill be considered. There's an intensely important job to do in Europe, And In intervals of work there's leave time on the French Riviera, skiing in the Alps, sightseeing through medieval castles in Bavaria and Austria. Don't forget there are still openings for ser vice with famous divisions in the Far East for Veterans and non-Veterans alike. Quarters and recreation facilities in Japan are as fine as any in the world. The Regular Army's high pay (20 higher overseas), the excellent opportunities to further your education in Army technical school j or through the Armed Forces Institute, the chance that your previous Army experience may speed your promotion to positions of high skill and responsibility make this an over-all oppor tunity that's too good to pass up! Call at your nearest Army Recruiting Station mow. Pm a yar lr vry ft frm Fidtral urvitt. Ram Sale Fails To Live Up to Expectations PENDLETON. Aug. 16 -&)- Forty-two animals remained un sold at the close of the 21st annual Oregon ram sale, which netted a surprisingly low total of $22,425. Highlights of the auction were a benefit sale which gave the Ore gon Woolgrowers auxiliary $1500, and Wayne Stuart's announcement that he was resigning as president of the Oregon Woolgrowers asso ciation. Stuart, a Dayville rancher, said he was leaving the sheep busi ness. Consignors said the $22,425 paid for 275 animals though more than last year's $22,154 for 186 was below what current markets had led them to expect. The highest price was $200, paid by Cunning ham Sheep Co., Pendleton, for a Ramouillet stud ram owned by Wynn S. Hansen, Collingston, Utah. Most of the animals shown were Suffolk. Top price for this,, breed was $175, paid by O. T. Tracy, Chico, Col if., for a ram consigned by Floyd M, Edwards, Albany. A pen of five yearling Suffolks from Dave WaddelL Amity, drew $155 each from B. B. Burroughs, On tario. . . ' . . Tha best price for a Hampshire, $10S, was paid by A, T. Coff, Sa lem, for a stud ram consigned by Broadmead Farms, Amity. The yearling Suffolk ram donat ed by Floyd T. Fox, Silverton, for the benefit of the Oregon Wool growers auxiliary, was resold 14 times for a total of $1500. Mrs. Mac Hoke, Pendleton, got to keep it on the final $110 sale. Haiti won Its Independence In slave rebellion in 1804. ft Holly Says . . Joint Mediation Of Paraguay War Wins Vote WUITANDINHA, Brazil, - Aug. IS -()- A proposal for joint me diation of the Paraguayan civil war was adopted unanimously today by the 20-nation inter- American conference, "and Argen tina reaffirmed her demand for swift economic aid and coopera tion in the hemisphere. The conference, called to draft hemispheric defense treaty. adopted a mediation proposal by Uruguay under which it will dis patch messages to both sides in the Paraguayan conflight asking for a quick end to the fighting. Argentine Foreign Minister Juan Bramuglia asked the dele gates "if we were able in de fense of world peace far from our shores to offer economic help and cooperation to countries need ing it, why cannot we do the same within America?" l 1 flPy (firm a Ut I an - l i -J m North Greece State Started By Guerrillas ATHENS, Aug. 18. - Up) - Gen. Markos Vifiades, Greek guerrilla leader, proclaimed by radio broad cast the organization of a mili tary government in "Free Greece" and the government today seized published copies of the proclama tion as soon as they appeared. At the same time Greek Third army headquarters in Salonika announced intensified guerrilla activity at a dozen points, rang ing from western Thrace to west ern Macedonia, during the past 48 hours. Use by the guerrillas of heavy mortars not even available to government forces was reported. Napoleon Zervas, minister of public order, declared the setting up of a "bandit government on Greek territory" wajs a "comic manifestation of the Enver Hox- ha-Markos radio station" but nev ertheless the government was "at taching the necessary importance" to the event. B-17 CRASHES IN ALASKA ANCHORAGE. Alaska, Aug. 16- (JP)-An army B-17 bomber crashed today at Cold Bay, S00 miles south west of here, but the Elmendorf field public information office said tonight it could not say whether there were any casualties. Too Ijite to Classify FOR SALX by owner: PlMtrd S B R. home, coins, furn.. Incl. late mod el lce. ranee, elec. wtr. htr, b imut, flrgpUc. Price SS7O0. Ph. t-SSai. f OKTiALE: 1S3S ford 4-dr. Must mw to apprvclate. 70 S. ISth. TOft "RENT; fomfortafrriT t cgntlemen. Bw St cafe. Up. nil. lor IMS State. 7 2vissa -Perfect Repair" "Excel lent Service- Guaranteed Watch and Clock Repairing Save money and time by letting us do your watch and clock -Repairing YeaH Ilka ur mederaU prices Qalck Service! Eliminate the Watch Repair Deadacluj Servtag Salem and TletBlty 8!aee 1K7 You do not have to be a factory export to operate our Sunbeam Electric Shavemaster . . . they are built for the arerare man, nothing: tricky, no hidden aecrets, just an ordinary amount of intelligence U all it takes and we know you have that or you wouldn't be reading this message. Yes, we can make immediate delivery. We hare no "'special demonstrators' but we do have a stock of Sunbeams. Come in just as you are pick up a Sun beam and take a shave. Demon strate to yourself, by yourself, that you yourself can get a fast er, closer, smoother, better shave with a Sunbeam. (Listen, lady, you can use it too and he will not even know it would be nice to get away from the old gripe, "Who dulled my razor V wouldn't it.) You fellows who think yon have a beard an electric shaver cannot handle should try this new Sunbeam, it's as far ad vanced over the electric razors of the past as the meter studded . street is over the dust and mud of years gone by. , "You ain't Been nultln' " antil you've tried BIGGER SINGLE HEAD that's smooth Msi comfortable on yewr face. Picks v the beard tha way it arvws. Your whiskers cant ascapa clean, ciase shave. COME IN! FREE DEMONSTRATION BY YOURSELF ... No fuss, no muss, just take them off as casually as you would take the wrapper off a stick of gum, if you had the gum. POWERFUL SELF-STARTING "REAL" MOTOR Not tst contact-typo echanism vt pawerf at armatura motor. RviN H the gaff The New 1947 Jacltson Jewelers I 255 No. Liberty Opposite Leon's Y aSsa FAY KLY MEB pmim FE3 YUC3 MIW SMIIM)ILIT and enjoy the full benefits of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST Buy your new 1947 Chevrolet from us. Buy it whero you crro asked to pay only the low delivered price and not a single penny morel That's the Ameri can way that's your way- and that's our way as well. True, you may have to wait for delivery, but you'll save a lot of money by purchasing your Chevrolet from us at the low price; Instead of paying a premi um prica to someone else just for the sake of getting It a bit sooner. Obviously, it's wiser to save a lot of money on your new car investment than it is to save time on your new car deliveryl Moreover, we are receiving our fair share of cars from the Chevrolet factory, which is out producing all other makers we cue filling orders at the low delivered prices, day after day and week after week we are doing our level best to get cars to you and to all who have ordered them. That's why we say pay only the low delivered price, and enjoy the full benelits of BIG-CAR QUA LITY AT LOWEST COST. And yes we'll get in touch with you the very moment your new Chevro let is ready for deliveryl CHEVROLET DELIVERED PRICES IN SALEM STYLEMASTEH SERIES Bustaaaa Coupe $1345.25 5-Pdssongar Coupe $1387.25 Town Sedan . J 1404.23 FLEETMASTER SERIES 5-Paaaangar Coupe f 14SS.2S Town Sedan 11471.25 Sport Sedan JtlS3015 Cabriolet ... 11133X0 Sport Sedan .. $1411.23 Station Wagon .$2033.00 FLEETUNE SERIES Aorosodan .$1438.25 Sportmastar .. , .$1S5S5 These delivered prices fsclade federal excise tax, ttcease, and title. Any pitonaJ equipment or accessaries are extra, Frtees safejeet te chance wttheut Bailee. CHEVROLET BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST iouglas IvM&ay Chevrolet 6. 510 N. Commercial St. Phone 3188 Room 211 Post Office Bids;. Salem