Munger Will Manage Montana Ward Store E. N. Munger, assistant manager ef the Montgomery Ward store in Salem for two years, win become manager of the firm's outlet at Missoula, Mont., effective next Tuesday, it was disclosed yester day by E. N. Peterson, the Sa lem store's manager. . Peterson said no successor to Munger yet had been selected. Munger came to Salem from Klamath Falls. He joined the Montgomery Ward organization 10 years ago. Attends Parley At Banff Springs DETROIT Virginia Dryden re turned Tuesday from a trip to Canada. She attended a conven tion at Banff" Springs Hotel of the sorority Alpha Gamma Delta of U. of O. Miss Dryden also vis ited Lake Louise, and Vancou ver, B.C. The firemenV benefit , dance at the Idanha hall on Friday was well attended. Larry and his Cas cade Rangers furnished music. Over $300 was taken in. Band Leader Before World War II Burma The Statesman. Salem. Oreaon. Fridav. Anauni IS. 11473 was inc w vttus. icflumg live ca- SCOUT OFFICERS RETURN Lyle Leighton, i Cascade area council scout ( executive, and as sistant Jerry Scott, were back in the Salem Boy Scout office Thurs day after . directing the scouts' five-weeks summer camping sea son, which ended Sunday. Scott will leave on his vacation late tbio week. Alvin's Cafe Today's Special SEAFOOD DINNERS OPEN 6 A. M. TO 12 P. M. i Mile Past ltth St. Catoff r The tubercle bacillus was dis covered by Robert Koch in 1890. waa 11 TV VI IU O . icauili 1 V I 11 11 - '" mmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm porter. , j I : , . -. . . ; - I 1 ramous Simmons j 5 Ib. bag t IHHi II .X II IH irn h LJr.. v - ; 1 ; : . I ' " : BABY FOODS 4 Cans 25c nfle mm aa tW Gerher'a Strained or Clapp Chopped MAYONNAISE 39c IXfUC) Margarine or Parkay . . Lb. 35C Velveeta Cheese Kratt 2 fc t. 89c Kraft Cottage Cheese cup 1jv3C Mushroom Soup Keystone yt r 10, oz can IQI 25c Choice Round Steak ib.69c (Armour Quality Steer Beef) Short Ribs of Deef Lb. 32c (All Grade A Steer Beef) j - i Veal Roast ib.45c Ham Hocks ib 37c v (For Canning or Seasoning) Lunch Heat u.45c (Asstd. Armour's Wide Variety) Collage Cheese Fishers brand. Pint (Grade A - Rumps or Legs) Bleat Prices Effective Friday & Saturday Only 20c DOG Beg-More T fl 0 Tall cans lib t!i DOG RIBBOIIS Gro-Pup Large 25-oz. pkg. DREFT For magic suds. Lb. pkg. Store Honrs 9 a. m. lo 8 p. m. Including Sundays Hard Wheat Floor Kitchen Queen i 25 lb. bag . 1.79 10 ib. bag . - 79c 430 Biscuii Ilix Thrifty Mix 16 oz. Pg. ... 100 All These Shop ping ( Facilities at Erickson's O Groceries! I O Mental Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! Toiletries! Luncheon and Soda Fountain! Hey Kids! Free Circus Books with purchase of package Posi Corn Toaslies Apple Pie-Quick Gold Medal, large pkg. 390 ICE CREAII Velvet smooth, ' Assorted flavors. Quart ORANGE JUICE ELsinore blended. Large ' 46 oz. can . fruits atc6 vegeeoqees Sunkisi Oranges.?r-iV,'l"t-. .2 doz.1 490 290 390 100 Danish Squash ,8c Watamjta Hci Red Malaga Grapes 2 lbs: .. Fresh Local Corn Dozen Local Cucumbers 1r&:'": Stokeley. Large 47 oz. can Tomato Juice FRUIT PUNCH Flavorade Assorted flavors. 3 pkg. ..... Prices Effective Today Thru Ilonday Jnsl Ilorth of Underpass on Portland Rd.-BonesleeIe BIdg. Baddy Rich, who with his orches tra, will appear each night at the Oregon state fair Septem ber 1-7. Formerly a drummer with Artie Shaw and Tommy Dorse y, Rkh recently completed a lt-day stand at San Fran cisco's Ed-ewater beach. lie will play nightly at the fair's danees and In the state fair follies. A-Power High On .Navy's List Of Research WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 -&)-;The navy said last night "much needed research hax been ac complihhed" on running its ships with atomic energy but the proj ect is still in "preliminary state." under way, the department re ported In a statement summing up the two years since V-J day. The fleet has shrunk from 1,300 combatant ships to 306 in that timeout it stands as "the most powerful, highly mobile air-sesi fighting force in the world to day," the statement said. Atom Most Important Atomic energy to power its ships is regarded as perhaps the navy's most important long-range program because of the tremend ous change in fleet operations and ship design that such a power plant would bring. . Ships and submarines would no longer be tied to a fueling point and could operate over great dis tances for long periods. Important advances already listed by the navy include: Valuable data obtained by navy cameras rocketing 100 miles into the New Mexico skies. German V-2's were used. New metal alloys being de veloped to stand the fierce heat of jet engine gas turbines. Firepower Increased Automatic eight-inch turret guns for heavy cruisers with four times the previous firepower. New rockets that are faster, more powerful and more accurate than those the navy used during the war. Two submarines, scheduled for completion in 1951, that will be the world's, fastest (at the end of the war, the Germans were re ported to have developed submar ines swifter than ours, above and below the surface.) 1 ( 1 1 exclusively by SIMMONS COMPANY I I rl ( vm : ill i i' twim oa uu tin iAV OIIAIITY lr y. '. MATCMNO OX SPtlNO I V vv ill' - I r. First Picking of Pears Finished ZENA The first picking of Bartlett pears In the Worth Hen ry four-acre hill orchard was fin ished Friday, with Kenneth Hunt, Wayne Henry, "John Love and Ern est Schlegel as pickers. The sec ond picking will start next week. Henry, who sprays his pears eight times reports an average yield and fruit of excellent quality. The trumpet-bird of South Am erica is named from the sound it utters. It rarely flies but runs very fast 7 : r Symptoms ! vitamin afidncit may b mwvov wit, Fotlgw, rostUtmoM. 3k 8cbaefer'f 2.09 TREAD EASY FOOT POWDER For relief of tired, aching feet. A soothing powder. Relieves burning and discomfort doe to excessive perspiration; helpful for corns and eri -"V eallonses Germicidal Soap Antiseptic and disinfectant. Useful to sterilise the skin, and to destroy germs; also valuable aa a deodorant. A A 1 15c. t aw c HEROLA COUGH SYRUP Gives Relief for an Irritating Cough Duo pt a Common Cold. gQg Doopsloop was on of America's farorites and It has always boon popular with our customers. So Woodrf Furniture Co. Is glad to announce thai this splendid Simmons mattress is again available. Deepsleep has these prewar quality features: Innerspring com fort ... Deep upholstery ... Prebuilt border ... Cord handles ... 8 Ventilator ... French edge and flat button tufts. The Deepsleep Matching Box Spring, at $39.50. has deep coUs, with layers of felted upholstery. - Terns: $1.00 Down - $1.00 Per Week . . . Free Delivery . . . i ,.fMmm.y,..wuiiiiisi j. ti.i uji.r ij "rr.T fjruf jyy . ' i i 1 t. 1 rnnnssr eUlJUIllll-MiiiiiMiff xWligWf::f ...l..T,,..Pna mi -i I, iirt esmi.sWesejest YOUR PRESCRIPTIOII STORE WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 11899 - 1947 MIt Pays to Trade at SchaeferV j Prescriptions Accurately Filied i .. , ! EVERYTHING FOtt THE BABY We ! have a complete line oi medical needs lor babies. Let us fill your prescription. 1 YUII! YUII! Friday and Saturday Special I Fresh Wholesome Healthful Jelly V Fresh Assortment iseans cndy -Lb. Wh ftifu, 4ut, wind m sum irrtUU lk my WrtlM tham with otkinf PENSLAR EYE BATH 50c Why Start to Work With a Creech) EFF WW yea eWt tool tle- e to CONSTIPATION rMiw. n it etnih Eftaaatt 49 c This U the official Penslar Remedy Store fer Morion County. Tea will find these preparations ef hishest quality and snaran teed! to bo exactly for what they are sold and represented to be. EXTRA WORK HOTIIER YOU? Try Schaef ers Nerve and Bone Lininenl 50c Ci $1 50c Ci SI. 00 PED . . . For relief ef athlete's feet A soethinc corrective leUoa. to stop Infection and CO A prevent re-Infection. OUy HOOD'S POISON OAK AND HOP POISONING REMEDY For the relief of pain, swelling and irritation caused by Poison Oak or Ivy" or Hop Potion. Simply apply and let dry. BELIEF GUARANTEED NO RELIEF, NO FAY 50c .a $1.00 Schooler's Corn Remedy Will Do the Job Safely Easily Qnlekly Permanently -ft- raleieosly Sole Agents for Fenslar Remedies for Marlon County 135 II. Commercial Si. I Prescriplions Filled; 18S3-1947 Ptcne 5197-9723