r Portland rOHTLAND. Dt. AMf. e (API Matter tat Tentative (subject to 1m sned.ate cbsnget. Premium quality af.extmurn of .36 f I per' cent acidity oeliveied in apM-tUMMt. il-lUc; first ejualtty. sO-tlc; secondiuallty 77-7IK-; alley routes and country point, 1 rnu less tln first, or TS-TmV butler -- Wholesale Mb bulk (ulxt: Giaoe A A. n Mwit, 74c; Blade A, 2 eouie. :ic. B, M score, M-Wc; C. W ecoie. tie. Cher Selling pneo to Portland whD:fin : Oregon ssngles. 41-Slc; Oregon 9 lb. loaf U-Uc. Effs T wholesalers: A trad, large. eJ',-44': medium f',c; A rede, smali 4B'c; B grade, largt l'-53': - Ears fmcftaed from farmers: Curient receipts M-Mc: buyers pay S-l ' nC below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price; to pro d-icers: No 1 broilers under J' lbs. - lb : fryirs. f to 3 lbs. 30-35c: fryers. S to 4 lbs. 33-31 e: roasters. 4 lbs. and ever 33-37c lb : fowl, Leghorn, under 4 ibs . lS-21c; 4 lbs. and over. 22c: colored fowl, all weights, 28c; sues, ail r;hU. U-14c. Hav No 1 (rmi alfalfa or better, earload lots, fob. Portland. $31.00 iz uu ton. US. No. I timothy (East ern Ore or Wuh ). car lots fob. Port land. JJ- 00-38 00 ton: oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay, HI 00-34 U0 ton. baled at Willamette va!iey, farms, depending on quality and location Rabbits Average to retailers. 4- r H.BF5 THE LAYOUT-THIS 010 GUY LIVES AtOME-rC OOWT TRUSr BANKS - KEEPS ALL HIS M0NEV HiDOCN IN THE HOUSE-TS CASY; 't WALK I mi.jllili'iiliMMMflilriili1'' 1 ,,jpi-SJWAUi' POP VOLRE REAL GOOD i pujJuulA1uaUi('lT DON'T ASK ME v " ! GOU.V, WHAT I AT THINKING UP EXCUSES ) 1 WHAT OlD ) 1 7 -1 OUST LIVE I I TOLD GEPAUNg 1 fal (AM I GOING TO WHEN SOU COME HOME yS t HE MEAN -f HECE w PITS COMING AMP AT MEADOLIAPTETP. j iTOACV LEFT Y fT5 ALL SrA-TT "ALSO WANTED FOR uU Jr DICK TRACT l i mm i m m i ... I Srr W mLm'A I U AJ 1 1 II. . . 1 1 WY-vI I I ocauiitc- 1 1 I f BETTER CAUTt C0ST PPHT S4 THAT, 1 1 WELL- VSNTT IT THE SAWS I fl X 0fP0S6 TICREU NOT VtRY VSCLL I 0UATO, JIM, THIS MAM Hi AlD WC WA$ AKOAJ?t THIW6? OU 5AW NO PARA- lVf tZ A COKOHEf? J DON'T TO 4CE,R f',T fTPvl EfFOeT A rkSitN6J? I WHEN VE TOOK Of F BUT CHUTE HE COOtO HAVE USE0, S INVESTIGATION, TVIrt& GOIMGTOK O W eAAPC A UIOOE LEA VM NOT ABOARP AMP YOU5AV HE COULPN'T i AMt. 5AWVER. QOtTE ASHOOXTOWC rCOM AH AlRPVANE J V WE LAMPEDU HAVE FALLEN OUT TOO, CAN VOOBEMAlM 6IRL AM0 1 PROMISED ATEA. -" V" n-sr DiONT HS CONFIDE THAT I V HTHE CITY? THIRSTY I'P.BCJEAK rr lfr'N riST ME WOULD DO A .ei THE HEWS OENTLY IV b J I fi fAOEOOT RATHER f UT X " Hi tlt I 2S? 1 THAN FACE MIS SUICIOfJV ) BUZZ 8AWYEH ' 011 ?T-- Wtf WELUl ML - NERVES1. I GOtI I BEEN WDBCN' TOO 1 I ZfXXttTC , tub EUDCf Arv SQNS-wyriNe wuats the V-AMors- the slightest u little 5Sr f 1 Ei "r 1 lCTEY MOUSE VJX B4" IN MV roOCET. T I W3NPEEEP tS FALSE W. HEOC' CIVILIAN MOTOZOOEf CUCrIT V W HA VOU CTllYriCUT lZP isA 4 1HEREl5 A MOTORCOP yWWVOJ 5L0WEP JYf'- 3 ALARH I TO BE FROHIBTTEP. TVY 5LCW j or llfy PRVB I klAWWA, VJTf'0m 60 -J K&SEZM&X0H TRAFFIC MOKE THAN gTOPUCrfT.y U TT . J v;AAL.ocsfiTHftviH.AVV!l UlJOLtF 1 bgen - " 86 SWINS1N VvpSiSV iryy"1 :( DAID FR TH HANT PIHNTT A SCH A VK3RUS FT JPTOPS 7 kTlTmE WW 1 - TWO HLX)NRT 6OT A CHANCJETV CITIZEN ve B6. f?00 cSf ' 1 - V3 V6PS tsc III dressed; prlee ia predueeri. t fryers, live, white. tO-Uo Ib.j colored. IT-Ilo lb. Onions Green. local, mid -Columbia, SO -40c dot bunches Onions M lb. sacks. Wash Walla Walla 82.2l-2.40; Cal White Globes 2 69-2.73. Potatoes Ore. Huarilman THat. While Hse. 100 II. 3 403 HO, Willie Hum No I. J 40-S Kr 24 lb fte-l BO; 10 lb. 43-4SC, No. 1. 00 lb. 110-1.20. "Dressed meats Veal Light, top quality. 23 -34c; heavy, top quality, 28-SOc: B. 2J-24C, C. -24c; cull. 18-20c; Hogs Block, butchers, packer style, IZ8-1M lb. 34 aec. over 21 lbs, 22-33C lb.; sows, all wu, 2S-30c lb. Lambs Best grade, 13-37c; others according to quality. Mutton 10-lJc lb, according to quality Beef Best quality. 33-30C lb:: B. 25-30: C, 22-24c; canner and cutter. IS-20c: bologna bulls, 27-2SC lb. Cascara bark Green. Ac lb: dry. tfto lb. Mohair 40c, lb on 12-month growth. Portland Gram PORTLAND. Dre.. Aug. (AIM Wheat: Cash wheat (bid!: Soft white 2 23: soft white (excluding Rex) 2.23; white club 223: western red 2.23. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 23; 10 per cent 2.24; 11 per cent 2.30; 12 per cent -2.3S. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2 27; 10 i per cent 2.32; 11 per cent 2.40; 12 per cent 2.48. Today's car receipts: Wheat S3, bur ley 9. flour 8, corn 7. oats 1, mill feed 9. MO-M0-M0! -ALL THE COPS IN THE COUNTRY ARE AFTER US FOR THE BANK R0BBERYH oj pictures ade in EVERV POSTOFFICE- I 11 I II 11 VST kK I DOLLARS -J I .w-vJ I A BAG OF m Portland Livestock' PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. 4 (AP) (USDA) Salable cattle for week.; 2900. total 3154; salable cUrcs 742. total 838; compared week ago steers fully 60c lower, spots 1.00 lower on uneven trading; other flatten about steady, Vraleis and calves I 00-1 M Inwti, Load gnud 1000 lb, fed steer 25 Ml; bulk top-good grasK steers 24.50-23.00; average good 23.00-24.00, including two loads 1123 lbs. at 23.25 SO; medium grades 19.50-22.50: common 15.5O-li.0O; good heifers scarce, size able package top medium 830 .lbs. at 21.23; bulk average medium 18 00 21.00; common 13 00-1730: good straight barreled helferUh cows 18.00-18.00; bulk average good grass offerings 18.90-17 JO: medium , 14.25-18.25; cutter common. 11. 75-14.00; canners 10.00-11.50; shells down to 8.00; good heavy beef bulls 18.00-30: bulk good aausage bulls 17.00-18.00; choice light vealers 22 50 23.00: bulk good-choice 20.00-22.00; medium 17.00-19.50; common 14.00 16.50. Salable hogs for week 910. total 3103; market steady during sesrion. Top every day 30.00; bulk good-choice 18O-240 lb. butchers 29 50-30.00; weigh Is 250-273 lbs. 26.50-27.00; few up to 27 50 : 280-300 lbs. 25.50-26.00; heavier weights 23.00; extreme heavies 24.00, good-choice light sows 22.00-23.00; over 400 lbs. mostly 21.00-30; few stags 18 00; good-choice, light feeder pigs 31.00-50: few 125 lbs. 28.50. Salable sheep for week 2633, total 3698; spring lambs 50-73 lower, other classes steady. Bulk good-choice spring lambs 20.00-21.00: few 21.25-50 early in week. Medium kinds 18.00-19.50; I ONLY THOUGHT! WE COULD UP A LITTLE EASY MOklEY ! AN i (WE MADE At WE'VE PICKED A PERFECT HlOE-fl PICK NtCECLEAN OUT. AN rVE GOT THE FORTY M fJ GETAWAY TH0USAN0 HIDDEN IN THE TEDDY I ( EASY MOKIEY Jd WITH FORTY I BEAR-NOW VOU WANNA RISK hi AN'- nr LTHOUSAND I U I II EVERYTHING FOR I tamiMK II 80-17 80; medium-good year ling wethers 1400-17.00; good-choice slaughter ewes 8.00-30: few up to 7.00; common - medium 3.00-5.00; medium good feeding lambs 16.00-17.00. Salem Market Quotations BtTTKBFAT Premium '. No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail - EGGS Buying Price Extra large Medium arid Standard Pullets Cracks JO ... .79 .. .72 . .75 . M .82 -58 M -33 .66 .62 -9 2 EGGS, Selling Price Wholesale, large Mediums POULTRY Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Choice spring lambs 6 1900 Yearling up to 2.U0 to to 8.00 to 9 00 to up to 1300 5 00 12.50 11.50 14.50 17.00 17.50 20 00 Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 430 lbs.) .. Bulls 12 00 to Veal (130 to 300 lbs.) up to Valley Briefs Brush Crrrk Mr. and Mrs. j Gene Dick, who are guests of hisi mother, Mrs. Adeline Dic k. Sil-! vr.rton. were h'tiorrd at dinner! Tuesday, wKrn Mr. and Mr l.ar-! ry Kritl enltrlaliird The Dicks! ate, front Montana although Mr. Dick formerly made Silverton liis home. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller drove to Newport Thurs day to meet a cousin of Mrs. Miller's from California. Hubbard A daughter and two grandsons are visiting the Charles Palmers this week. I'nlon Hill Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wright of Oakland City. Ind.. are here visiting with their daugh ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mollet, and their sons arid families, Mr. and Mis. Charles Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wright, j Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wright, all j of Aumsville, and Mr. and Mrs. ! Ralph ,Wright in Salem. Mrs. ' Wright will go on to California! to visit for scleral weeks. j Marquam Robert Seaman ! claims he is living in the wrong place to get hop pickers. Seaman has been advertising for pickers for some weeks without response and picking will begin in the early fuggles shortly. Seaman be lieves that picking in late yards will not begin until September 1 or later. The late are really late thin year, he adds. Mildew and lice are given as the reason for the slow maturing of these hops. The lice are under control, but the mildew is still popping up, Sea man says. Slay ton -Mrs. lLmnah Weidnr-r of Sublimity observed her fiHIh birthday on July 30 by preparing and serving a dinner to a group! of friends Sunday. The hostess ! was given gifts and the afternoon I was spent in visiting. Present i were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein- J camp of Aumsville. Mr. and Mrs. I Bert Smith, George Schmitt. Mrs. j Frances Hartman and Mrs. Weid- ner. I . SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1398. KOCO H9. KOIN 70. KGW 62. KEX !! KILM KOIN ROW K E X Air Church Air Church Radio Bible (Radio W. Sweeney Wings KSLM KOIN KGW K K X (Voices IVoices Israel Message lUrael IN list Baptist :IS list Baptist I Concert Hall learning (Church Home ISun Sunshina KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW K EX .on cert Hall Learning Church Home un Sunshine t:Il rPllgrim I Pilgrim Leibert ILelbert KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW K E X ir-eopie s rurm. ir'eopic a (To Vets INews ie:ea KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW K E X (News IComdr. Scott ISouth Singing iWeekly News South Singing Weekly News Music Music Warrior's Peace Warrior's 11:N (Son's Guns 11:1 INews KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I Church n nurcn ICBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony.CBS Symphony Cavallero ravallero Ivlan s Family (Man's Family iWayne King (Wayne King (Parade Hits (Parade Hit 12: 12:11 12:M (News IB. Norris lYounc Prank KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX NeWS ICugat ICBS Symphony'CBS Symphony Electric Hour Quir Kids IQuii Kids I Barry Wood Parade Hita I Parade i.-ee Mysteries Kay's Orch. Family Hour Symphony Our C hildren? 1:11 (Mysteries Kay's Orch. family Hour Symphony lOur Child rent KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 2:M 1:11 (Websteis (Websters KSLM KOCO KOIN K G W KEX Novatime (Novatims Silver Theatre Silver Theatre N. Cloutier IN. Cloutier Darts Dough IDarts Dough 1:11 3:3 1:41 Adventure (Adventure lHariem Club I Harlem Club Powell Orch. Powell Orch. INews llleidt Orch. Gene Autry fGene Autry Uack All Trades Jack All Trades Jack Paar Uack Paar IRogue's Gal. iRogue's Gal. Deadline Myst.l Vadlme Myst IGreatest Story IG rest est Story KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 4:e IBook Quiz (Men of Note Carle Orch. A Templeton Candid Mika 4:11 IR. Hawaiiana Carle Orch. IA Templeton I Candid Mike K S I. M KOCO KON KGW KEX see News IHorl. Concert I Dr. Dana Merry-Round Evening Hour 1:11 (Sermons IHorl. Concert I Dr. Dana Merry-Round lEvening Hour KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 1I :! Exploring lExploring (Backus Show KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KTlout. Orch. IClout. Xavier Cugat 'Xavier rake. Leave It Take. I Walt. Winchell L. Parsons 7.ae (O. Heater iBaseball 7:11 IG Heater IBaseball ICrime Dr. i Ellery Queen IMusic Hour KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Crime Dr. Ellery Queen Music Hour i.ee 8:11 BO Questions IBaseball ICorliss Archer ISymphonv iMonday Morn KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 120 Questions Baseball (Corliss Archer Symphony Drew Pearson 9:99 News Baseball Sam Spade Shrednik 9:11 "Rcx Miller IBaseball ISam Spada KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX lhrednik R dside Chapel Kenny 19:99 Revival Hour Baseball 5-Star Final News McCall News 19:11 IRevival Hour IBaseball IVfeet Author I Ann Meicer I in vet sa! ions KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW k : x 11:09 ISign Off INews IFrankie Carle INews ID ream land KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I IC. Robinson Frankie Carle I USiC Ciro's Orch Douglas IJcKay Chevrolei Co. ir you can't get that new Chevrolet in tbe near future, why not add 50,000 miles more service to your present ear, and get new ear performance? Complete motor recondition. We are fully equipped to do this work. Cot is moderate. As about our Budget Plan and make arrangements to pay s small amount monthly. Phone 3188 for Appointments Douglas IIcKay Chevrolei Co. 510 North Commercial Uneela Mn. Jeff Williams, a patient at the Deaconess hospital where she was taken after having a stroke over a week ago, is re ported to be improving slowly. NOTIC or STREET IMPROVEMENT Nnllce is hereby given thai Ihe Com' moii ( iiunrll of lite I ll ol Mnletti. ( te Kon. Uretno II ntceuary and expedient and hereby -declare Its purpose and In tention to Improve 19th Street from the north line of Crant Street to the south line of Garfield Street, in the City of Salem. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent proper ty, by bringing said portion of aaid street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street syith an asphaltic concrete pavement thirty feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council July 28, 1947, which are now on file In the office of the City Recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment. By ordet of the Common Council July 28. 1947. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is July 30, 1947. Jly 30-31 -A l-2-3-5--7-8-9-10 Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER-Clerk. with prev ious U. S. Civil Service classified sta tus, desired by local office for imme diate appointment, veterans prefer ence preferred. Cal) 3032 for interview. HELP WANTED: Counter girl, checkers, spotter, machine pressers and silk finishers. Only experienced help need apply. KENNEDY'S CITY CLEANING WORKS. 1243 State St.. Salem. Oregon. SALEM Hotel Coffee Shop wants fry cook. Union wages. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP Pickers.' beginning about Aug. 25th. to reg. Ph. 22342 or write John Bushman. Gervais. Ore. HOP Hf krRS WANTT.D Firiy ind Ule hop Register. !, mile E. Pratum. Albert Srhsrer, Pratum, Ore. HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem. 250 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept. 1. Fine shady camp ground, fine cab ins Sloves. wood, electric 'Ights. show er baa is. tablet, stools and straw for beds furni.shed with cabins. Store. butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transportation. Plea's write JOHN J. ROBERTS ft CO.. Sa lem. Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose $1 for registration and use of cabin, which will be re funded at close of season. :1S :J :S I- lAIr Church Air Church :U 1M t:4J Bible Y.P Church Y.P. Church Jordan rrabemarle ITtWmrU INews Psul Pace Message ISouthernalres ISouthernatrea Prophesy i Singers It See Eternal Light Faith Hour Prophesy iNews lOt hers See lEternal Light IFaith Hour a:43 Lutheran Hour !' utheran Hour IWalU Lives IWalti Lives Plttrm Reason Time INews l news Houna labia 'ind Table ISun Strings ISun. Strings iRaymond Swing 1:M IMusic Show INews Reid Sines 14$ IMusic Show' March Time Here's to You Star Harvest Sammy Kaye I Star Harvest Peace Sammy Kays H:M 11:41 IB. Cunningham '"Vt Shop iMeioay Melody 12:41 (Young People ISalon Concert I Electric Hour I News ILassie Music lalon Concert Hits garden Talk 1:3 Detective Wakely Trie I lean Sablon ISymphony ITop Tunes 1:41 (Detective Wakely Trie J Harsch SymplmnV Jo Stafford 2:M I " "teries Novelty i Bound Off oi-gon Album ICounterspy 2:41 "vsterles Noveltv Sound Off Oregon Album ICounterspy 4:3t 4:41 IHealing Wings (Healing Wings I Trinity Choir Trinity Choir INews Hawaii Echoa D Lamour ID Lamour Memories 1 Memories I:J 1:41 Nlck Carter INlck Carter (Manhat Musie Manhat. Musie Tony Martin ITonv Martin Familiar Musie IFamtltar Musi a enma Hour lEvening Hour C:41 Backus Show Orch. INews Snorts I Dugout Doint Cugat IHope Chest Hope Chest Big Break For Strings Uiva It Ri Rrulr I Jimmy Tidier 7:19 I.eave Girls IBaseball iBlondie I Symphony IMusic Hour 7:41 (lave Girls I Baseball Blondie Symphony Music Hour 8:19 I'onrnal Baseball (Couple Next I -' Paar iGreen Hornet 8:41 (Graham j Baseball I Couple Next ) ck Parr I 3reen Hornet 9:39 I Home News IBaseball ICrime Photo Drcliestra ' 'Guest Star 9:41 I Baseball ICrime Photo Orchestra I I ie!ra Bdker 19:39 Revival Hour I Baseball ISt Francis ICatholic Hour I Vespers 19:43 t ' 'lour iBaseball I Orchestra nolic Hour Vesperi 11:39 11:41 I- I- Barnet Orch. (Ted Fio Rito Manny S'rand Organ (Orchestra I fenestra I Dreamland IDreamland Taa 8tai maa, Salam. Orogon. Sundarf. Aufjuat 10. HIT H Livestock and Poultry 71 HANSON White Ighom pillets. mo. 429 Y. Ett. 7. McCain Ave. . NEW llamnablre Pulleta ready to lav, also diet fryer Rt, 9, floe W Fruitlarul I'll, WANTED: Faf or thin cattle, ealvee and bulls. Will rail at farm. Write Claude Edwards. 330 S. )4th St. FRYERS. 3 to 4 lba.. alive. N. H. Geo. F. Robinson. Rt. 1. Box 193 A. X mi. north from brtdjee. Wallace Rd. v mi east on gravel pit roaq 1 RIDING Horse.- excellent brood mare. About 14 hands. Make an offer. 201 South High. Ph. 9203 FOR SALE: Cnnstie N H baby chicks every Wed BoTtnsrtona 1719 State St. Phone 4969 - BULL Service by art metal Insem ination Slros from the beet of bUiod line. Reasonable fees All work per aonally supervised by licensed vet- -erlnartans Salem Arttflral Insemina tion Station Ph 5 ' WANTED: All Kinds of cattle, fat hogs, sows k boars At your farm or delivered Market price E C McCartd llah Rt. 9. Box 233. across from Water Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-2861 Lee's Hatchery. . NEW Hampshire baby chicks, start ed chicks a older pullets alwavs avail- able. Ph 22881, Lee's Hatchery. WANTED: Allkinds ot cattle and bogs. WU1 call atlfarm. Write E. I Snethen, 1560 Lancaster Drive Pb 21345 morn or eve) HIGHEST QU ALKTY CHICKS New Hampshire and White Rocks. 100 free of pullorum. Hatches every Tues day. Send tor free catalog. Wilson's Hatcherv 4 Poultry Farm. Lynns Ore "OrTTffXEE: Kid's pony, whiteArab bian. for work horse 'or livestock. R. L. Reckner. Rt. 1. Box 142. St. Paul road. 1200 XB. ru1tivatingnhorsW12!rOecar Lindqui.R 1, Bo8. Brooks. TRADE: Purebred Guernsey Tieifer calf for calf to butcher. Ph. 23118. 3820 Monroe, first rd. north of Pen 4 Corners. 'WoAK'IfGKSts - SAfcBtTTiOftslS Bar K. Stock Kanrh LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand at all times at very attractive prices. Credit given any one. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free delivery. Harry Kuehne. Carlton. Ore. Located ' miles west of Newberg. Help Wauled Male 1ST Class auto x mechanics, steady employment. Pi time over 40 hrs. best 'wages. Can use some men few hours at night after PM and Sat urday afternoons and Sunday, l'j for Saturday and Sundar work. DAVID SON S AUTO SERVICE. LABOR ATORY Technician. Excellent oppoi tunity for experience In a spe cialized field. Starting pay ' 8180 per mo. with opportunity for advance ment. Must nave completed course work in laboratory technology, or have experience In medical laboratory work. Inquire at Oregon State Civil Service Commission. 444 Center, Salem A-l AUTO Mech. Your own boss. Steady work. 809 Edgewater, W. Salem. BQYSTTOVER $50 week! Sell name plates for front doors. Write Ed Ward. Box 435 Statesman. VOTING-" "Man wanted with some knowledge of light appliances, repairs: must have car or small truck: good opportunity for right man. Box 431 Statesman. Movie Men To Show Talkies Thea treles Towns Pleasant Work. Roshun, Terminal Sales Bldg, Portland. Help Wanted Female; EXPERIENCED. Beauty operator In Salem shop. Wnte Statesman Box 428. WANTED: Experienced waitress at the Golden Pheasant r f ENOCftAPHERS: Immediate em ployment Starting salaries $150 to $200 per mo. Permanent positions. Inquire at the Oregon State Civil Service Commission, 444 Center, Salem. F.XP. Variety girl. Capital Variety. 1262 State. EXPERINTnEria!tresswanted Biirs Cafe. CaU7887. Sell-"Sunshine Line"" leading relig ious Christmas cards. Original designs, warm greetings, choice Bible texts. Preferred because they express the true spirit of Christmas. Easy to sell hig profits. Write for money making plan lodav. Triumphant Art Publish ers, N2. San Jose, Calif. atXTRA MONEY I Gorgeous line of imprinted Christmas cards as low as 50 for 81. Also Everyday Greeting Cards. Religious and Children's Books. Bibles. Calendars, Stationery, etc. SF.LL ON SIGHTI We send FREE SAMPLES for vour own use and to show friends. WESTF.RN ART STU DIOS. Dept. A222. 257 S. Spring St.. Los Angeles. !!. Calif. MIDDLE Aged housekeeper. 5 adults. Board, room and wages. Call eves after S P M 831 Breys Ave. Ph. 9932. WAITRESS Wanted- Day or night shift. Senator Food Shop. Situation Wanted ALL Work guaranteed. Windows, walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cteanlne Service Phone , 4451 ATlNTiayrnrtrawaiing. also mowing 4 ralung. Chapman 4 Allen by Ph. 109F11 63F21. PreSchool Playschool. 1381 State Ares 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 PAINTER and r'aperhanger Reason able prices - Free estimates. H. J Wood worth Ph 301 COOK-HskprTTAdulU. Reliable. Ca pable full eng. Write full details. Apt. 14. 845 Ferry St. ' "PLAIN Sewini7"Mrs. "" fc." 0!" ZobeT. Rt. S. Box ats. " EXTERIENCFnorutldinjr" Janitor or cuxtodian wants Job. Reliable, non drinker. Part or full time. Please call 2 EXP. Gardeners, greenhouse work or other work. Ph. 22055. SPECIAL Well constructed 2 BR. home. Ige. I.R.. fireplace, hwd. floors, wall to wall carpet. Venetian blinds, Ige. kit. finished room in basement with fireplace, new oil furnace 4c elee water heater, garage, nice back yard all fenced. IMMED. POSS. Convenient terms. Only $9500. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 184 S. Com'1. St. ' Ph. $389; Eve. 7440 fa . tltl 1- BY PLANE NEW LOW PRICES PER ACRE . (For Anythlrtx Over 41 Experienced crop dusting pilots, Hylsx ships re stable of ear ryiag 1444 potsnds per lead. Also ceBunercial fertiliser spread at the tow coat at $1.09 per acre. ORCHARDS. HOPS. FIELD CROPS. COVFJt CROPS FASTES MORE EFFICIENT MEANS -OF TEST CONTROL ACE FLYIIIG SERVICE Box 109. Salem Airport Phone 6176 Situations Wanted MAN and wife want ranch or farm work Lifetime experience with seoest end machinery. Write EnMI ft Ott. Jet ktf Hnk. Wnrntef. B 4ea ACrmrNnNU.nmhaeaptne: I inn. Jill graduated smalHeae suW Ph.we 1-4134 Septic Tanks r cleaned. 110 Williams. Ph. ftl. KN1FT. JooTgTmd'ng J 14Tlofs.ay! frWlN'C: Suits, enoie children a Clothes a specialty, ph. 3-2S07. Rf AlNSWa heT4stretcr.ei: 3al S. 22nd. Mrs B. Lies ke Ph 28341, "HAULING", any kind of workior praettcaUy new truck, flat bed or gra in board . Ptl 21421 FLAX HaulnThiUtpa Bros, RtTlL , ,'jwsalTO- Ph. Mr22 f WILL Do landkcape pruning. cerre lery 4 park work. Ph. 7358. 1150 N. Church. AL ROGFRS' Plumbing and SuodIt". General reoairlng. Plumbing suooiiea and fixtures. For quick service celt STRA MTBaiing. pickupf knife mav chine Bob Hutst. Rt. 8. Box 57. PAINTING Bru?h and spray. Inside 4 out. Ph. 22146 . ""EXPERT Repairs. New rolls. Olson Washer Repair. 80 Liberty Rd. Ph. 25100 Fl fTtTSTTrr It f biTTkTrr- SEWING 4 Alteratlona. 286 w! Rural St Mrs. F. D. Smith. Ph. 8387. SPECIALISING In housefainiiniv TA.IloiserPhone801. Painting and "paperhanglng. 'T'RArLEBuirdinej. 1790 N. Front. WINDOW frames, windows. and all kinds of cabinet work. Mas ter woods Cabinet Shop. Baeetnent 184 SCpml Ph. 5598. Free estimates HOUSE MOVING C B Burt. S528 SEJ8. Portlsndl.A 94U ( HlMNEYjweep Norneaa. pn '&. WANTED: -'Furniture to glue and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. ' ORAwDsC House and "store plana. Ph. Wgl. : , Sprav Painting I Ralph A Ism an IT29 Lancaster -Dr. f r . a . , Mike's Srptic Service 1079 Elm, West Salem. Ph 944 or 5321. Paintin Contract or by the hour. Spray ee brush PAUL BASS ETT Rt. 4. Box 363 Phone 2-2304 PH. 24444 OR Painting Decorating Sprav Painting DICK OREY R. E CLEMONS. Pit run gravel .Top soil It silt, bulldozing Agent Hawser Bros Rent A Tool. Ph. 3S46. Hollywood Transfer For local at long distance hauling. Pickup and moving Trailer for rent. Ph 97ft4 Burton's Mr Inhile Station Septic Tanks Cleaned K P. Kernel 1143 8tk West Salem. Phone 7404 ""PAINTtNO 4f Papernanarmg W 4. Crowly. 847 Shipping Phone $91$ Money to Loan It's 4 to 1 you can get a Ian HEJfEI 'Personal' likes to say ' nd does say "Yes to 4 out of $ folks who apply foe a loan here. $21 to $3o0 on signature, furniture, up to $!MM on auto. Phone or come In today. See E. Gal linger, tbe YES MAN at Personal Finance Co, 418 State St.. Rm. 125. Lie. 813. Ml 93. Auto Loans . Willamette Credit Co. 1TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUTLDDfO LICENSE N 44 1S . 54 FARM and TT"T2)ANl" 4, and 11 Tour own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Morteame CAPITOL SECURITIES Ct 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg .Phone Tltl General Finance Corp. offers money at once on ears trucks, furniture, trailer houses livestock, farm msrrninerv: contracts refinanced aed additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance la tosalle owned and officered!, wae organised In , I9T7 and therefore knows end oaa nehy throughout Ibe repaytng af a seen Ap plications for loana made be ehaoa 134 South rommerrtal Sta. Islese Phone- tie Licensee S-138 4 M-338 Loans Wanted LARGE Interest rate paid for pri vate loan. Well secured. Write States man Bos: 429. Fanners, Loggers & Contractors Late model Cat D-4 La Plant Choate Blade, Hister drum. Excellent condition (2) Late model TD-9a In ternational wide range tractors. Low hours, new h y d r a n 1 le blades, new drums available. . 39 model M Allis Chalmers Crawler tractor recondi tioned, has slate til tint blade. Bird and Zyxsel Co. 871 Wallace ReL. West Saleea Phene C66 Acres) BBSBSSJBSS . I f $SU,S(0) 1ABNET GOOGLE