The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    Thm StaUsmtm, Solom. Oregon. Saturday. August 9. 1947 .
Senators Inland 5-3 Overtime (Decision
To Tigers, But Cling to Second Spot
'Night' in High Gear
Fnnds fr the "Jack Wilson" and "Senator Player Apprecia
tion" nights at Waters field eentlnned to flow into the First Nation
al bank yesterday, farther indicating that the two special occasions
wfil be entirely sueeesafaL The night for the Senator manager, at
which time he will be presented with a new ear, ts dated for An nst
Jjt. The players Blent Is slated for September . Senator Boosters
Treasurer Gay Hlckok is handling the funds at the bank.
A representation of Wilson's many friends In Portland was in
Salem Thursday nlf ht and reported that contributions for the nit ht
are extremely heavy in Portland and we haven't ret a rood start
yet.' Frank Lenergan and John Faust captained the representation.
Boosters President Ira Pilch r and Director Cliff Parker yes
terday arced M appointed committees to double their efforts "so
that we can make these nights 'impressively successfuL" Pileher
plans to call a meeting of the Boosters nest week to Uke Inventory
of the funds.
Wlson informed the Boosters yesterday that he "would rather
sec the players set all the story on those nlcbts. because they are
the ones who have won their way to a chance for the pennant and
deserve the credit for it." But the Boosters have decided to carry
m with oricinal plans for both nights.
Kollin' Along
By Jerry Stone
wien you toss in Vour contribution toward Jack Wilson "nif hf
vm ca rest assured your douth Is golnf to honor an all-rlsht guy.
Sure, the preaa snd various tents unrelated to the local ball club have
raised Jack aplenty, both as a skipper and a man. But the payoff lies
in the comments of the bunch who are really qualified to voice an
opinion the players. To a man
their sentiment is: "Great guy to
work for; be knows his baseball".
And beyond a doubt Jack would
treasure that testimony from the
3tlds under him more than any
later ...
Bero Boomiii'
Kelatlve to the current and.
to the outsider, unlooked for vie
Wry streak built P by the Port
lasWrs Beavers, several factors
seem to have had a direct bearing;
t on the rising fortunes of the Rose
Cty Club. (I) The late - fin
I bitting and homer splurge of Out-
. -. B . I -K- . A mm Vm
1 f.HS. s"T.drler Ad In hi. last few -ting, ha.
Vl be the"" rblance U the doddering old gent who was
SvmTT tec, bid time of It early in the year. C3 The
.v. vLmxwmr club whlcli aciuauy seems v
I11 !f if'..- "r-V.TM- he traced right down U their fond re-
OtO eotirge trj
srd fer Manager Jim Turner ...
O'Doul r$. Turner
Sneaking of the BeavCrs It seems that Lefty O Deul. .skipper ct
the laicise. Sea... I- reached the pon wfc. h. g
t.k j.iirht in licking tne ronunam. "vj - " , .
5LS ir rt.J l U !" IrtlUlWllUllltlrf-wlM
rmm earastder that the pacesettlng
Ui Angeles Angeis in
team everybody'd want to whip
bat developed, according to re
pmtU, from a remark laid down
by Jim Turner. Bevo pilot. Tho
few words which Inflamed Lefty
U the very depths of his Irish
roots were: "Looks Ilk O'Doul
w-m have to manage this year In
stead of talk his way to the pen
nant And. incidentally the oc
casion for Manager Jim's barbed
statement was just after the Bea
vers had taken sis out of seven
from the Reals . . . Imagine Lefty's
wrath following the recent three-
sweep by me n,oc
Our Senators are drawing
right pertly through the gale
(aaatething like a per night
average over the past week)
which goes to show what a win
aiaar ball club can do . . . And em
phasising that fact, the St. Louis
Browns had a mere 581 on hand
fear a contest recently which Is
ridac-atons on any count even
tbowgh the Brownies aro resting
deeply in the American league
cellar. For they're SUPPOSED to
bo btg leaguers! ... Of coarse,
tho St. Louis Club's lackadaisical
showing at the bog office Is fuel
em the fire for those guys down
LA way who cry. "Wo wanna bo
major league" . . . Al Schuss, the
Weal sportcaster. knows baseball
saasdo and out and should for tho
Pltioburgn Pirates were very
snatch Interested In him; at one
time as a hot kid prospect ... A
amber of gents In the local hook
and slice fraternity are grumbling
their disappointment because Bob
by Locke, the South African links
visard, won't bo showing In the
Portland Open nest week. Aside
from the fact that Bobby has been
tho hottest swinger on the golf
1 road this season, tho lads have
been hnrstiag with curiosity as to
bust what Locke's , swing-through-the-bair
manner of play
lac looks like. That's the name
owe feature dispatch applied to
Bobby's peculiar style of swing.
why so nnione Is the
For. after all. ain't that
every duffer's taught to
British Bantam
Decisions Marino
! -
MANCHESTER. England, Aug
S-trtV Peter Kane, Britiish ban.
tatnweight. outpointed Dado Ma
rino of Honolulu In a ten-round
figtvt here tonight, hammering out
Hit a one-sided decision over the
Hawaiian who has been named
the logical contender for! the re
' c-eoUy-vacated world flyweight
title. , .
Till Definite
4 ANNAPOLIS, Md , Aug. 9.-A
Confirming an earlier, unofficial
report from the west coast, the
U. S. naval academy announced
today that the Middies would
sneet Southern California's loot
kali team in the Los Angtles col
iseum Sept. 24, 1949.
!,( AMIMMI1HHI il l
iiiiii;,iH'M' ij um ym
it-vav IVTI. t.EAGl'I
- W L Pet
a i - mm MLS: Vancouver SO 55 .522
K.t.rr. S4 4S JM TMOmi t 0 M
Bremertn 6 Sk J64 Yalroa M-35
Victoria I3 5S J wenacnee njri
Lart night's ruIU: At saiem-J. i
coma 9. ai pon . "
At Yakima I, Victoria u; n t-x
na tehee 1-1, Vancouver 1-7.
rnllf I I1CII1
Wf. Pel WLPct
Lm Anfla M 7 .SS8 SeatUe a SJ 68 .481
San yran S7 s .sii'saeranuno j w . ai sa .aoa Houvwooo S4 m .w
Portland S4 44 AS San Olego si iv . nicht's results: At Sacramento
I. Portland 4 (12 innlnga); At San Dl
to J. Seattle 10; At Los Afjf le 1
Oakland 4: At San Francisco 1, Holly
wood (11 innlngil.
W I. Pet W L Pet
Brooklyn Si .607! ClnclnnaU II SS .468
St. Louis 89 44 J73'Chicao 48 88 .462
New York 88 44 J56i HUburfh 44 81 .418
Boston M 4t ni'htladtlph 40 84 JM
vnirdiv'i ttiu u: At Brooklyn
Philadelphia 0: At Chicago I, Clncln
natl 1 (11 Innlnst): At New York
Boaton 7 (10 lnningi);
Pittaburgh 0.
At St. Louis
Vt L Pet. W 1. Pet
New York M 38 .857 Cleveland 48 60 .479
Boston 15 47 .S3V Waihlngtn 49 S3 .459
rvtralt S3 48 .535 ChJCalO 48 97.431
Philadels 83 81 MO St. Louli 38 89 .358
Yesterday's results: At Detroit I. Chi
eaeo 4: At Cleveland 4. ti. iouis
At Boston . New York 8 (only games
Bremerton won the state Amen
can Legion Junior baseball cham
Dlonshlo Thursday night by beat
Inf Yakima 4 to 3. The victory
was' the second for Bremerton in
the three-game series. The game
drew a crowd of close to 2,300
1 v-
Softys in Tripleheader
sorraAix standings
(Aaterk-aa) (National)
W I- rrt.
WmIi 8 1 .SMI
Navy f 8 .SM
MMrtry's 8 4 .!
K Bleats 4 3 .44S
P.Makrs 1 18 .8911
W I- rrt.
Katie 18 8 !.
Wtratn 1 4 414
M-nrea 8 4 .
vrws t 9 .181
Flak EL 3 19 .187
Softball fans enjoyed a triple
header at Leslie last night bat
nly one change occurred In the
landings. Warner Motors club
climbed, erer Master . Bread into
second place In the National
league via a 6-2 win aver the
Bakers. . Salem Navy moved
within l'i games of the Ameri
can loon pacing Campbell Rock
Wools as It pummelled Taper
makers t-Z. The third! contest
saw the unbeaten Eagles of the
National wheel stop a visiting
MrMinnville crew. 1-0. as
Wimpy Carver was the victor in
a bnrlina; duel.
Locals 2 Tills Behind Spokane;
Wyatt Loser; Anderson Tonight
By Al XJghtner
Santa Claus came a few months early to Waters field last night,
but he didn't come equipped with another needed win for the townies.
Instead, the Senators helped K. Kringle along and together they han
ded the Tacomav Tigers a 5 to 3 nod in 10 nerve-twisting innings, a
costly present. The dog -cat-dog Bremerton-Spokane series opener at
Spokane having gone to the Spokes last night, Salem today finds it
self still in second place by an eyelash but 2'i games behind the lead
ing Indians. The Tigers and Solons
single shot and will button up the stand with Sunday's double bill at
seven o'clock. Hunk Anderson, with a week of rest behind him will
Spokes Add
Game to Lead
By The Associated Press ;
Spokane's Western Internation
al league leading Indian punched
their way 2'.4 games front last
night as they edged the third-
place Bremerton Bluejackets, 7-6,
in 10 innings before a record
crowd of 9,438. The huge throng
was partly drawn by the presence
of Johnny Price, the; baseball
trickster. Vancouver s fast-cumb-Ing
Capilanos hit seven home
runs to trim the lastXplace Wen
atchee Chiefs in a doubleheader,
9-1 and 7-5. Victoria's Athletics
downed the . Yakima Stars, 13-2.
The Spokes tallied their win
ning run in the 10th as Jake
Phillips scored on a wild pitch.
Vancouver 410 100 39 11 0
Wenatchee 100 000 01 1
Hedcecock and Stumpf: Waltho,
Cronin and Dalrymple.
Vancouver ... 000 301 3007 11 -3
Wenatchee 011 300 0005 11 I
Frost and Stumpf; Frost, Day (7),
Cronin (9) and Winter.
800 030 02313 13 1
000 010 010 3 4 3
Blankenship and Mastro, Ansk (8)
and Nowels, Rysch (1) and Phillips.
Bremerton 000 210 003 08 18 1
Spokane - 020 003 001 17 11 X
Johnston. Marshal (9) and Volpl;
Costello, Forsyth 10 and O'Neill.
Semipro Tilt
Reset Tonight
Oregon State Semi-pro title
game scheduled here tonight be
tween McElroy's and Valsetz was
cancelled because of rain. The
contest has been reset for Sat
urday night' at Westmoreland
Opposing pitchers in the pay
off battle will be Vince Pesky
for McElroy's and Bill Schubel
for Valsetz.
The two teams have one victory
apiece in the title series.
Ump Stymied
On This One
Umpire Bob Hanks of Canal Ful
ton, O., ran afoul of a customer
he admittedly didn't care to argue
with in an eastern shore! baseball
league game here.
When a skunk parked himself
on the diamond during the fifth
Inning of a game between Re
hoboth and Seaford. all the play
era including two .base i runners
hit for the dugouts. Whn Coach
Doug Penden of Rehoboth de
manded him to take action. Um
pire Hanks retorted: "I've argued
with a lot of things, but darned
If I m going to get spat on."
The skunk stayed around for
ten minutes before wandering off
and permitting resumption of
play. .
Hall of Fame
Honors Bramham
JAMESTOWN, N.Y., Aug. S-ifl3)
A bronze plaque honoring the
late Judge William C. Bramham,
president of the National Associa
tion of Baseball Leagues, was
dedicated today at the baseball
hall of fame by his successor,
George M. Trautman.
Bramham, who died July 8 at
Durham, N.C., was the first minor
league executive to be honored
at the baseball shrine. He retired
as national association chief last
winter after 15 years in the post!
fn fie? Major
B R H O A E Rbl
3 1 0 3 3 8 8
8 8 1 1 4 8 0
4 3 2 S 4 4
Gowion, Indians
Pesky, Red Sox
Docrr, Red Sox
Tonight's bill pits the Kock
Wools against Steens Market of
Eugene in a doableheader.
Don-Cutler. Navy, allowed tho
Papers only three hits while
Henry Singer's wildness and a
bases-loaded homer by Joe Gray
pat the game away. Percy Crof
fot whiffed 14 Bakers In tho
Warner triumph. Bob Warren
helped him along with a two
run circuit blow.
McMlnnville 98 809 88 I 1
Eagles . 880 199 1 3 9
Marshal and Carp, Hood (3); Car
ver and W ood worth.
Navy 949 149 ( 9
PM 199 193 3 2
Caller and Roeqne; H. Singer and
I. Singer.
Warner 399 293 88 I 3
MB 99 209 92 8 9
Crcfoot and D. Mnrley; Maers and
go at it again tonight in an 8:15
challenge the Red'Harvel crew
Lefty Kenny Wyatt had Tige
Ace Gordon Walden whipped 3 to
1 for six heats in their argument,
but wobbled long enough in the
seventh to allow a 3-aJl tie on
two hits, one of those always-present
walks and a wild pitch. Then
in the tenth the Tiges sewed
things up with a pair of unearned
runs. Bob Donovan singled with
one out and Hank Bartolomei's
double-play bounder was booted
by Bud Peterson. Weil Clifford
popped up for what would have
been at least the third out, but
then Wyatt walked pitching foe
Walden to load the bases. Center
fielder Pete Tedeschl, a defensive
demon earlier in the tilt as he
hauled down enough extra-base
labeled Salem wallops to insure
an easy win, then promptly
smacked a terrific double high
against the right field fence and
that was that.
The Solons had ample chance
to nail the win in their half of
the ninth and tenth frames, but
failed. In the ninth the bases were
loaded up after two were out on
singles by Wyatt and Krug and
a walk to Peterson, but Mel Nunes
popped up to end the threat. Then
in the tenth Eddie Barr walked
and Dick Sinovic was safe on
Bartolomei's error to start what
looked like a rally with one out.
Lou Kubiak flied to center and
Bill Beard walked, filling up the
sacks again. Mgr. Wilson batted
for Wyatt and stroked a 380-foot
fly far to center, but pesky Ted-
eschi was there waiting for it to
end the game. Had Wilson hit his
ball In any other park in the
league but the Waters and Ta
coma orchards he would have had
a right mighty home run.
The Tiges got to Wyatt for their
first run in the opening inning on
Guy Miller's double, Glenn Stet
ter's single and Dick Greco's fly.
Salem came right back with Bud
Peterson's triple and Bob Moore's
clutch single for one run, and got
another in the third when Marty
Krug singled, stole second and
romped in when Moore again
came through in the clutch, this
time with a triple. In the fourth
the Salems got their third tally
and could just as well have had
a fourth. Sinovic singled to open
the inning and Kubiak doubled
Into left-ccntier. When Sinovic
held up at third Kubiak came
right on and was trapped between
second and third.; Wyatt's ensu
ing shot to center scored only
For Wyatt it was his eighth
loss of the campaign, and for the
townies their 16th at home, as
against 38 wins Ralph Mohler
made his home debut as a catcher
and picked up one scratch hit in
three trips . . . The game was il
luminated with just about as nice
a night of outf ielding as will , be
seen. Barr and Sinovic joining
Tedeschi with a series of great
plays. Two of Barr's were pure
ly sensational . . . Distinguished
visitor for the evening was League
President Bob Abel, making his
first visit of the season to Sa
lem . . .
Tacoma (3)
Salem (3)
Tedachl.m 5 17 0 Krug.l
Miller,s 8 113 Petersons
Stutter J 3 3 1 I Nunti.1
Greco.r 8 0 2 0 Moor,l
Medngtn.3 S 3 3 Barr.m
Donovan. 1 3 t I O Slnovlc.r
Bartlmi.2 8 8 3 2 Kubiak J
Cliffords 3 2 3 0 Mohlr,c
Waldcn.p 4 8 0 1 Wyatt.p
Paton.r 8 08 0 Beard-c
S 2 8 1
Totals 41 10 30 10 Totals 41 12 30 10
Batted for Mohler in 9th.
Batted for Wvatt in 10th.
Tacoma 100 000 300 2 S 10 1
Salem .... 101 100 000 03 12 3
Pitcher IP AB H K KR SO BB
Walden 10 41 13 I 3 S 3
Wyatt 10 41 10 3 3 5
Wild pitch: Wyatt.
Left on bases: Tacoma 12. Salem 12.
Error: Kubiak. Peterson. Bartolomei.
Three base hits: Peterson. Moore.
Two base hit: Miller, Kubiak. Tede
schi. Runs batted in: Greco, Moore 2.
Wyatt. Miller 3, Tedeschi 3. Sacrifice:
Donovan. Moore. Stolen bases: Barr.
I Krug. Time: 2 OS. Umpires: Day & Mc-
Donald. Attendance: 1477.
Tourney Decides
vis Clippers
NEWPORT, R. I.. Aug. 8
The' annual Newport Casino
vitational tennis tournament will
reassume Its pre-war elegance
next week when several top
flight foreigners and 18 of the
U. S. Lawn Tennis association's
ranking 20 players will com
pete. In addition, makeup of the Da
vis cup team will be determined
by the showing of tho various
players in this 28th tourney. Al
rich H. Man, successor to Walter
Pate as non playing captain, will
attend to select the men he will
recommend to the U.S.L.T.A.
(Up to date)
B H Pet. B H Pet.
Wilson 18 8 .375 Krug 327 85 .260
G.Ptrsn 8 3 .375 Sinovic 138 33.250
Barr 343 110 .322, Mohler 8 3.250
Beard 328 104 J17 Anderson 54 13.241
Moor 358 111 J10 Mossor 84 11.173
Kubiak 404 120 J97 1 Wy att 71 13.169
B.Ptrsn 317 102 .271 Lazor 80 8.180
Spaeter 383 103 .269 Sporer 21 1.047
Nunes 408 109 .2681
sir v e? r
WW -aU
8 6 80
0 9i Sporer
5 159! Anderson
8 120 Peterson
6 64, Sinovic
7 10 90
13 4
8 11 68
Conditioning Pays-OffDyer
-ST. LOUIS. Ang. S -P- The
world champion Cardinals have
packed a mean box office appeal
through many a season because
of their role as baseball's No. 1
thrill boys, bat the factors giving
Manager Eddie Dyer his biggest
lift today are their condition and
attention to business.
While basebaal thrill -seekers
revelled in the latest comeback
f.hls get-np-from-the-floor
fighters. Dyer took time ant to
discuss the Redbirds' latest win
ning streak that has tnrned what
looked like a fading pennant
race into another ding-dong
Jnst a week ago Brooklyn's
Dodgers cleaned op a three game
V ( ( i '
X V.J ( J '
IN CLASSIC: When the College All-Stars Uncle with the pro cham
pion Chicago Bears in Chicago, August 22 one of the All-Star cen
ters will be Bill Gray, last year's All-American at Oregon State.
Gray w ill then Join the ranks of the Washington Redskins pro team
for the season.
Salveson Wallops 2 Homers,
Hurls Bevos to 10th Straight
SACRAMENTO, Aug. 8-(P)-Jack Salveson clouted tfo home runs
while pitching eight-hit ball for twelve innings to give Portland a 4
to 2 win over Sacramento in their Pacific Coast league series opener
nere tonigni. aaiveson nomerea in
Belting Billy
Does It Again
NEW YORK. Aug. 8-(P)-BeU- '
ing Billy Fox, who makes a spec- i
ialty of pulling otlu r ft-llows to j
sleep, t hulked up his 4ith knock- ,
out victory in 49 professional j
starts tonight by stopping game
Georgie Kochan in J the fourth!
round of a ten rounder in Madi- i
son Square Garden. LFox scaled
171; Kochan 1M. !
Actually, Georgie was still on
his feet and still trying at the j
finish of this one, and actually !
the only fellow who'd been on
the floor during the proceedings
was the Philadelphia flailer.
But early in the fourth heat
the one-time Akron, Ohio bar
ber, who now does his fighting
out of New York, was hurt, and
he had to hang on to save him
self, r, so Referee Frank Fullan
halted the proceedings at 1 min
ute 9 seconds of the fourth ses
sion. SGC Swingers
Slale 'Stakes
Salem Golf clubbers, following
their match at Eugene last week
end, return to the home course
this weekend for an 18-hole
sweepstakes tourney. Participants
have the option of playing the
tourney either today or Sunday.
Table of Coastal Titles
Tides at Taft. Ore., for August. 1947.
Compiled by U.S. Coast At Geodetic
Survey for Th Oregon Statesman..
Time Height
10 57 a.m. 19
Auf. Time Height
9 5 23 a.m. 4 3
5 .30 p.m. 8 4
10 8:48 a m. 4 0
6:23 p.m. 6 6
11 6 :21 a.m. 4 0
1:22 p.m. 4 9
12 9 42 a m. 4 3
8:24 p in. 3 2
13 10:45 tn. 4 7
9 :26 p in. 7 4
14 11:33 a.m. 8 0
10:25 p.m. 7.6
18 12:18 p.m. 84
11:20 p m. 7 7
18 12:59 p m. 8.7
17 9 11 am. 7 8
1 38 p m. 6 0
18 1 04 a m. 7 3
3:17 p m. 6 3
19 1:56 a.m. 6.7
3:35 p.m. 6 3
20 3:49 a m. 6 0
3:34 p.m. 6.4
31 3:47 a.m. 3 4
4:13 p.m. 6 3
23 4:50 a.m. 48
4:55 p.m. 6 3
33 6:08 a m. 4 4
' 8:43 p.m. 6 1
34 7:38 a m. 4 3
8:37 pm. SO
23 9:00 am. 4 3
7 :37 p m. 6 0
38 10 07 am. 4 5
8.38 p.m. 6 1
37 10:55 a.m. 4 7
9:30 p m. 6 3
28 11:35 am. 10
10:17 p.m. 6 3
29 12:06 p.m. 8 3
10:39 p.m. 6 4
30 13:34 p.m. 9 3
11:39 pm. (9
31 1:00 p.m. 9 4
1 0:17 am. 6 4
I 1 :25 p m. 5 6
0 :53 a m.
11 :49 a m.
2:04 a.m.
12 .54 p.m.
3:08 a m.
2 :07 p m.
4 .05 a m.
3.18 p.m.
2 4
2 8
-0 2
3 0
-0 7
4:57 a m. -1.1
4 22 p.m. 2.8
5:45 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
6 .29 a m.
6:15 p.m.
7 :11 a in.
7 .09 p in.
7 52 a.m.
8 02 p.m.
8:31 a.m.
8:58 p.m.
9:11 am.
9:56 p m.
9:51 a.m.
10:58 p.m.
10:54 a.m.
-1 4
2 5
-1 5
2 1
1 8
-0 9
1 5
-0 3
0 4
0:05 a.m.
11:25 a m.
1:14 a m.
12 27 p m.
2 :22 a m.
1 :4I p in.
3 13 a m.
3:49 p.m.
4:11 am.
3:47 p.m.
4 :54 a.m.
4:35 p.m.
8:32 a m.
5:15 p.m.
6:06 a m.
5:52 p.m.
6:37 a.m.
6:27 p.m.
7:05 a.m.
7:03 p.m.
2 5
0 8
30 i
0 4
3 3
- 0 2
-0 1
0 1
Dance Tonight!
Silverlon Armory
Woodry's 14 -Piece Orchestra
series with the battling Cards
to go ten lengths In front, yet
the champions are more pennant-confident
that at any time
this season after sweeping a sev
en straight victories while the
Bums were going Into a tail
spin. The Cards trailed by only
four games going Into tonight's
"One thing that especially
pleases me about this latest sue
cession of Cardinal victories.'
said Dyer, "is the proof It offers
that my boys are well condl
"We're a better heat club than
most of the others. Oar boys are
In better shape, I think."
me lenm Dut Sacramento scored in
their half. The Beaver hurler
cracked his decisive homer in the
top of the twelfth. It was the
Portlands' 10th win- in a row.
Portland 002 000 000 1014 7 1
Sacramento .. 2(0 000 000 1003 8 2
Salveson and Silvers; Holcombe, Ja
kuckl (11) and Fitzgerald.
Oakland . 000 000 4004 3 0
I.o AuKtU- 000 000 41 -5 7 3
Soriano. Cav-avtav 7 1 , T Madry 7
and lUlmtuirii. 'liambrrs, Dohrinlc
IN) and Malone. Munni (fh.
Hollywood . 0O2 002 011 00 8 II 0
San Francisco . 100 300 200 017 9 3
Arduoia. Yaylian 9i and Unser;
Cameron (8), Melton and Gladd.
Seattle 130 010 311 10 13 0
San Diego 100 000 010 3 11 0
Besse and Sueme: Vitallch. Olsen (3)
Chappie (7), Gleason (7), Schulte (9)
and Kerr.
Gal Nettists
Gain Finals
While rain interrupted the pro
ceedings from time to time and
put the damper on the scheduled
semi-final feature between Gard
ner Mulloy and Bob Falkenburg,
the gals had the eastern grass
courts tennis championships all
to themselves today at the Orange
Lawn Tennis club. When the day
was over the finalists were Mar
garet Osborne and Louise Brough,
as expected.
Miss Osborne, a pretty San
Franciscan, and rated No. 1, fin
ally put the crusher on the phe
nomenal march of 17-year-old
Beverly Baker of Santa Monica,
Calif., with a 6-2, 6-2 victory,
while Miss Brough, of Beverly
Hills, Calif., seeded second, splash
ed to a 6-2, 1-6, 6-2 victory over
young Shirley Fry of Akron, O.
Strokers Crack
American Mark
hand-picked quartette of swim
mers. Bill Smith, Wally Ris, Har
ry Holiday and Halo Hirose, to
ryght bettered the American 400
meter relay record when - they
negotiated the distance in 3 min
utes 58.9 seconds.
Competing in the "meet of
champions" before 3,000 fans at
the Los Angeles swimming stad
ium, the four eclipsed the old
mark of 4 minutes 2.3 seconds set
in 1941 by a University of Hawaii
Development of textile machin
ery in the 18th Century became a
race between machines to aid
weavers and those to aid spinners,
first one and then the other out
stripping its sister industry In
speed of production.
Fly Rods
Fly rods. Big; as- Clfl
sorlment plU up
Salmon rods, bamboo and steel,
star drag reels, salmon tackle
of all kinds. Guns, ammunition,
1-250-3000 Winchester, rubber
boots, light weight. Burchcraft
boats and 5.4 h. p. Evinrude
motors available.
Ph. 6050 1201 S. Com!
Cards Grab Eighth
in (Row; Bums Win!
Munger, Branca Toss Shutouts;
BlackwelJ Beaten; Yanks Lose
By the Associated Press
The sizzling hot St. Louis Cardinals ran their current victory
streak to eight straight yesterday as they whipped the Pittsburgh Pi
rates, 6-0, behind the three-hit hurling of George Munger-The Cards
failed, however, to gain on the
Reiser Holds
Spokane Lead
SPOKANE. Wash., Aug. 8 -(41-Marvin
(Bud) Ward, Spokane's
curlyhead, lashed all the brilliance
today that earned him two na
tional amateur championships to
roll up a 65 in the second round
of the $10,000 Esmeralda open
golf tournament, but steady Her
man Keiscr of Akron, Ohio, main
tained his lead by adding a 69
to his firtround 65 for a halfway
total of 134. Ward's great round
fired on a breezy day that cut
PKWt scores by several strokes.
pulled him into the tie for fifth
place at 137 and made him top
amateur at the midway point.
Stan Leonard of Vancouver,
B.C., mnde a great recovery in
cutting 10 strokes off his 74 of
yesterday to hang up the low
score of the tourney to date a 64.
His 138 total tied him for ninth
with Dr. Cary Middlecoff of
Memphis (70-68-138) and George
Payton of Hampton, Va., (70-68
Ben Hogan of Hershey, Pa.,
whose five-under-par 65 tied him
with Keiser yesterday, slipped to
a double-bogey six on the 18th
today after a steady round and
wound up with a 71 for 136.
Rematch Set
NEW YORK, Aug. 8 -ijn- The
20th Century k porting club today
announced a ten-round non-title
fight at Madison Square Garden
Oct. 31 between light heavyweight
champion Gus Lesnevich and
Tami Mauriello.
Sol Strauss, acting director of
20th Century, said he also expects
to have a ten-round over-the
weight bout signed soon between
lightweight champion Ike Will
iams and Tony Pellone, New York
welterweight, for Sept. 19.
Williams' manager, Blinky Pal
ermo, said the " Pellone match
would be one of four ,none-title
bouts for Williams in various
parts of the country before hi?
masks his first defense of the un
disputed 135-pound championship
igalrit Montgomery, whom he
knocked out Monday In Philadel
phia to win universal recognition.
West Clouts Homer
for Young Invalid
SAN DIEGO, Calif.. Ang. I
WVtVhen Max -West, the Pa
cific Coast league's ho me run
leader, hit his 27th of the sea
son last night, he filled an order
from an 11-year-old fan. Jackie
The boy, an ardent fan de
spite the fact he ts partially
paralysed since being hit by a
truck several years ago, put In
bis order before the (ante. "I
want yea to hit a homer,'' ho
said. West promised "to try."
Boyer, Cicrich
Vie for Title
PORTLAND, Aug, 8.-UP-Co-Medalist
Tab Boyer ousted the
pre-tourney favorite, Lou Staf
ford, 2 and 1, In the semi-final
round of the Portland city golf
championship today.
George Cicrich captured the
other final berth by trouncing the
1945 city champion. Jack Shuler,
6 and 4. Both matches were over
the 36-holo Eastmoreland course.
W8UYJI ir.-
Brooklyn Dodgers who maintained
their four-game National leaguo
lead with a 5-0 win over the Phil
adelphia Phila. Ralph Branca rung
up his 17th pitching triumph of
the year for the Bums as he held
the Phils to eight blows. Cincin
nati's Ewell Blackwell, who has
n't won a game since his 16-garr.o
streak was stopped, lost a heart
breaker to the Chicago Cubs as
Bill Nicholson's homer in the 11th
frame gave the Bruins a 2-1 rod.
Blackwell went the full route for
the Reds, giving up IT hits. He
would have had a shut-out in
the regulation nine innings but
for Bert Haas' two-base error in
the second. Johnny Iloppa equeeze
bunt and Rank McCormjck's sin
gle netted the Boston Bfaves a 1
10-inning 7-5 win over the New
York Giants.
The Boston Red Sox shaved the
New York Yankees' top - place
American loop margin to J2
games as they walloped the New
Yorkers, 9-6. Vic Raschi, the roo
kie hurler who had won five
straight for the Yanks, was chased
in the sixth but waan't credited
with the loss. Rudy York's 10th
frame circuit clout gave the De
troit Tigers a 4-2 triumph over
Hal Newhouser and the Detroit
Tigers, while Cleveland beat St.
Ixmis' hapless Browns, 4-1, as Red
Gettel spun a six-hit. job.
Philadelphia 0"0 000 000 0 8 3
Brooklyn 010 Sll 01 11 t
Leonard. Schant 16) and SemtnUk;
Bianca and Edwards.
Cincinnati 000 010 000 00 1 in 3
Chicago 010 000 000 013 12 3
Blackwell and Uminno Muel'.er
(111: Schmltx and Schefflng. Mcv
Cullough (8). f .
Boston 001 0.10 016 37 13 0
New York 001 200 011 5 7 1
Voiselle. Shoun (81. Karl ( 101. John
son (101 and Camelll: Kenneor.
Trinkle 15). Iottl ( and W. Cooper.
PltUburah : 000 000 0000 3 I
St. Louis 020 010 93 S 9 0
Ostermueller. Baeby (8) and How
ell: Muneer and Rice.
Chicago 0K0 000 002 3-4 14 2
Detroit . 000 0 1 10 8V 3 9 1
Tapish. Caldwell (101 and Trash.
Dickey i9l; Newhouser arwl Swift.
St. Louis ml 0O 0M 1 6 9
Cleveland .. 000 004 OO 4 11
Kinder. Potter t7) and Moss: Get
tel and Hegan.
New Yoik 200 022 0004 14 2
Bosrton 103 001 04 9 10 3
Rajtrhi. Page 161 and Berra: Hugh
ton. Dorich 3), Harris 17) and Teb
bettf. Aussie Squad
Whips Canucks
Aug. 8-0P)-Au5r
tralia moved into the Djivis cup
inter-rone final again' ' Cxecho
llovakia today, with the tt nr
to take on the United States for
the trophy, as a doubles team
from "down under" made up of
Jack Bromwich and Colin Long
swept to an eay victory over
Bromwich and Long, the form
er a member of the last Austral
ian team to win the Davis cup
in 1938, disposed of Gordie Mac
Neil and Edgar Lanthier with the
loss of only three games in three
sets. Australia also took the two
opening singles matches yester
day, clinching the round with the
victory in the doubles.
(Three leaders in each league)
G AB R H Pel.
Walker Phillies .100 37 V9 127 M
Boudreau. Indians 93 3J9 81 113 -i
Kell. Tlgars 96 39 44 114 AM
DtMaggio. Yankees . 98 371 "73 131 J3
Cooper. Giants 88 338' 58 108 J31
Calan. Reda 93 371 -40 88 J:8
Run batted in: American league
William., Red Sox. 73; DtMaggio. Yan
kee. 71; Doerr. Red Sox. 70. National
league Miae. Giants. 91: Marshall.
Giants. 98; Cooper. Giant. 82.
Home rum: American league Wil
liams. Red Sox. 25: Heath. Browns. 3:
Gordon. Indiana. 19. National Wague
Mix. Giants. 34- Marshall. Giants. 38;
Kiner. Pirates, 27.
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