The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. Edward Lacy, who
her marriage on lily 25 at
bride is the daugh
er of Mr.
North Howell and frie groom
Omaha. "Nebraska.
'The couple
he is stationed with the navy.
Society ....Clubs
fcfiisic... .The Home
Auxiliary to United Spanish War
Veterans, picnic at rred A. Thompson
borne, 157S S. Commercial street at
Boon. Bnnf table service.
Beard of American Legion auxiliary.
Ctol unit, with Mrs. W. C. SUceS.
lt3Q North lMh street.
Sojourner. Silver Creek Tails Lodge,
luncheon arid card. j
BirUidiy Party Given
A surprise birthday shower wai
given at her home on INorth 16th
street Thursday night.! i
Guests "present were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Gardner. Mr. and Mn.
Harold Gardner, Mr. , and Mrf.
Leslie Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Mundt, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Johnson, Dorothy and Ralph
Gardner, Mn. Carl Jensen. Edgar
Michalsen. Mrs. Charlotte Ilienke,
Mr. and Mrt. O. Brenden. Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Johansen. Mrs. Olga
Schneider, Jenstaft and Neville
Johansen, Mrs. Constance John
fen, Mrs- Berntine Ost, Mr. and
Mm. Charles Crow, Mr. and Mri.
Reinert Holm. Charlotte Johnsen,
Earl Johnsen, Donald Holm and
Jwlr. and Mrs. Michalsen.
Suverton Mrs. Mary Kleeman
was hostess Friday night in a
rrty complimenting Mrs Robert
Egan. Bowls of summer flowers
;were used about the rooms with
an, umbrella' centerpiece on the
Uble where gifts were arranged.
Bidden were Mrs. Egan, Mrs.
Harry Bentson. Mrs. Wava Axley,
Mrs. Nina Edison, Mrs. Viona
Jones, Mrs. Ida Knutson Mrs.
Eelma Jones. Mrs. Ella Morley,
Mrs. Ethel King. Mrs. Bonita Tu
lare, Mrs. Elmer Peterson, Mrs.
Leah Dick, Mrs. Wand. Van
Cleave. Mrs. Oscar Bentson, Mrs.
Will Egan, Mrs. Jessie Egan, Mrs.
Oral Egan, Colleen Egan, Mrs.
Frank Egan. Mrs. Elden Dennison,
Mrs, Delia Enge. Mrs. Anria Stol
teriberf and Mrs. Paul Stolten-
Recent nI f state visiters at
the William Fitts home on Lan
caster drive were Mrs. Addie
Scott, Mrs. Maude Hestad and
Charles UUsch of Bryant, S.D.
They also visited Mrs. Lucy Pelly
and other relatives.
Attending the Eagle's lutienal
convention in Chicago next week
re Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shaw, 555
Center t., who entrained Thurs
day. They plan to return from Hie
'convention, to which Mr. Shaw is
delegate, on August 24.
Business As Usual
Entrance on
420 Court St.
was Frances Schmidt before
the First Baptist church. The
andMrs. Peter Schmidt of
is the son of Andrew Lacy of
will live in San Diego, where
Girls Graduate
Two Salem girls, Miss Betty
Ann Swanson and Miss Laura
Jean Bates, have graduated from
Emanuel hospital school of nurs
ing in Portland. Miss Swanson,
daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Swan
son will be on the -staff of the
Deaconess hospital and Miss
Bates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Bates will attend Willam
ette university this fall.
Mrs. Rose Evans and grand-
danghter Patricia Ann, returned
Thursday from Great Falls, Mont.,
after a two weeks visit with
friends and relatives.
Lyons Mrs. Clifford West was
hostess I at a dessert luncheon
Tuesday with cards in play dur
ing the! afternoon. Present were
Mrs. Bob Free, Mrs. John Mc
Clurg and Mrs. Arthur Anderson.
Mrs. Orville Downing, Mrs.
George Huffman, Mrs. Lloyd Hall,
Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Roy
Huber, I Mrs. Arthur Olmstead,
Mrs. Herman Free, Mrs. Loyd
Free, Mrs. Albert Carr, Mrs. Pat
Stayton Honoring Mrs. Walter
Hinrich with a shower, Mrs. Vern
Peek was hostess Friday after
noon. Present were Mrs. Elmer
Archambeau, Mrs. Delbert Karr,
Mrs. Marc Landon, Mrs. Norman
Peek, Mrs. Carl ! Forsland, Mrs.
Otto Lyon, Mrs. Hinrich and the
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Miss Leta Curry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Curry,
whose engagement to Raymond G. Anderson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Anderson of Portland, has been announ
ced. No wedding date has been set (Kennell-Ellls).
Shower for
Miss Grimm
A bridal shower honoring Miss
Billie June Grimm, who will mar
ry James Hatfield August 27, will
be given tonight at 7:30 p. m. by
the Misses Maxine .Best, Paula
Smith and ArtieiPhillips, at the
Columbia street Some of the lat
ter's parents.
Invited to attend are Miss Mary
Parker, Miss Jean Clair Swift,
Miss Dorothy Zersan, Mrs. Clay
ton Patterson, Mrs. Lloyd Morris,
Miss Kathleen Kinder of Portland,
Mrs. Robert N, Phillips, the honor
guest, . Miss Grimm, , and the
Vows at Stayton
STAYTON At a ceremony
performed August 1 in the par
sonage of the Stayton Church of
Christ, Miss Betty Mollet, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mollet
of Union Hill, and Wayne Rebo,
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rebo,
of Aumsville, Were married. The
Rev. Vernon E. Beeks officiated
at the 7 o'clock ceremony.
The bride wore a gray suit with
white accessories and a corsage
of sweetpeas. The couple was un
attended. The groom attended Aumsville
high, school, graduating while in
the navy in which he served two
years during the war. He is now
employed as a logger.
The couple will live in Stayton.
Pedee In Honor of Miss Pat
ricia Burbank, daughter of Mrs.
Mabel Stanton, whose marriage to
Arthur S. Lyday, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur S. Lyday of
Kings Valley, will take place soon,
a miscellaneous shower was given
Thursday at the club house with
Mesdames Lena Turner, Anson
Price, Frances Dyer, and Lyle Rit
ner as hostesses. A program was
given by Mesdames Rufus Dodge,
Anson Price, Billie Kerber and
Francis Dyer. Present were the
honor guest, the hostesses, and
Mesdames Arnold Mills (Pearl
Burbank), Clinton McCormack
(Doris Burbank),, of Alpine, Mrs.
C. Singler (Zona Burbank) of
Newport, sisters : of the honor
guest, Mrs. Christa Willet Huff,
Mrs. Robert Fisher of Alpine,
Mrs. Matts Johnson, Mrs. Harry
Lawson of Newport, Mrs. Hazel
Blake of Salem. Miss Theda Con
dron of Corvallis, Mesdames Gor
don Murphy, Ruby Bennett, Bar
ney Bell, Arthur Lyday all of
Kings Valley. - Mesdames Rittie
Kerber. R. T. Siddall, C. L. Bur
bank. W. T. Turner, S.J. Yates,
Elton Zuver, Gus Jahn; Verl
Skeels, Harold ; Johnson, Jack
Wells, Roy Simmons, Maud Bur
bank, Mabel Stanton, Louise Hub
bard, Rufus Dodge, Morris Boil
lot, John Kenworthy, J. W. Mc
Cormack, Sidney Howard, Fred
Brassfield, Miss Lois Blanken
baker. Miss Helen Burbank, Miss
Nancy Truax, all of Pedee; Miss
Mary and Barbara Willet of Al
pine, j .
Vacationing at Breitenbtuh
Springs this weekend are Willam
ette university summer session di
rector Walter Erickson and fam
ily, who plan to return Monday.
HEALTH No drafts, ao cold rtoors,
therefore less colds and sickness.
COMFORT More even temperatures throng hoot year heme in
.winter. It to 15 degrees cooler In summer.
ECONOMY 14$ to ICS In fuel savings per year In the
average borne.
Rock Wool Is not merely Flameproof it is ABSO
Metal Interlocking Weatherstrip a tight seal against
drafts around doors and windows without binding or
Campbell Rock Wool Co.
1132 Broadway
Hear Crosby, Como, Sinatra
Every Monday and
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Frank Kerr (Lorraine Overgard)
who were married on July ,27 in the chapel of St. Paul's
'Episcopal church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Henry
Blixseth and William Overgard and her husband is the
son of Mrs. Robert Kerr of San Diego. The couple will live
in Salem. (Jesten-Miller).
School Romance
Leads to Altar -
A former Willamette univers
ity student. Miss Beth Sherman
of Ketchikan, Alaska, became
Mrs. Fritz L. Fjeldheim at a cere
mony read in Dallas on August 2.
Miss Terry Oakes and Mr. and
Mrs. Errol Piatt attended the
Mr. Fjeldheim is project man
ager of the Willamette campus
dorm construction for the At
kinson Construction company.
His bride, a senior at Willamette,
has been his secretary for some
Misfi Sroat Visits
Miss Bertha Sroat of Pasadena
arrived Thursday and will be a
guest of Mrs. Walter Stoltz and
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Marshall,
later visiting Mrs. George Waters,
her cousin. Miss Sroat, who has
many friends here, will be in and
around Salem for a month be
fore returning south.
Tea it Planned
All women of the Presbyterian
church are' being invited to a sil
ver tea at the home of Mrs. C. A.
Sprague on Tuesday afternoon,
for which members of the Pres
byterian Missionary society will
be hostesses. Hours are from 3
until 5 o'clock.
Mrs. Sprague is chairman of the
committee, and' her assistants are
Mrs. Paul Wallace, Mrs. G. F.
Chambers, Mrs. George Alexan
der and Mrs. Roy Mills. Mrs.
George Allen is arranging music
for the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hunter of
Juneau, Alaska, have been guests'
at the home of Mrs. Hunter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirk on
North 5th street. They came down
for the Elks convention, later
flew to San Francisco and then
drove with friends into Mexico.
Mr. Hunter, cashier of the First
National Bank in Juneau, had not
been outside for seven years prior
to his visit this summer.
Detroit A. wedding of Interest
here was solemnized in the United
Presbyterian church in Portland
at 8 o'clock on August 2 when
Beverly Canble of Portland,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Canble sr. of Detroit was mar
ried to David Campbell of Port
land. Attending the wedding from
Detroit were Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Canble sr. and Mr. and Mn.
William Canble Jr.
Dance Tonight!
Silvelon Armory
Weodry's 14-Plee Orchestra
Investment for
Home Insulation
Phone 8496
and Russell at 8:15 P.M.
Friday - KSLM
4 I
Silverten Mr. and Mrs. Scott
McPike have as their guests Mr.
and Mrs. O. K. Reddington, Mrs.
Florence MarshaN and Charles,
al of LaPort, Indiana. The Mar
shall's will go on to Los Angeles
for a week's visit before returning
bere for another stay. The four,
vho drove west, plan to start on
the return trip around August 25.
Mr. Reddington is an uncle of
Mrs. McPike.
Anniversary of
Couple Observed
The sons and daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Claire Winegar are hon
oring their parents Sunday on the
occasion of their 25th wedding an
niversary at. their home at 280
Kapphahn road.
Open house will be held between-
the hours of 2 to 5, with
friends and relatives calling.
Greeting guests will be George,
Victor, Leslie and Betty Winegar
and their parents, the honored
je-' 1
Fly Time Is Screen Time
. Adjustable
Steel Frame Screens
18 inches wide
and opens to
S3 inches
Ivory, Red,
Green, Blue.
Large size .
Covered Butter Dish
of Pressed Crystal
i4 lb. size,
Metal Serving Tray
Four designs
Strawberry, Crape, Oak
Daisy, 13"xi7'2" .
Permits Given
For Buildings
At Stayton
STAYTON Building permits
for a church, a parsonage, an
apartment, a confectionery and
small grocery store and two
dwellings were cuthorized by the
cily council Monday.
Liirgest of the permits was for
Stayton Baptist church, $25,000.
to replace one destroyed by flames
early this year. The building will
be on the site of the old church
at 526 East Washington street. It
will be 36 x 76 feet, one story,
with full basement, frame con
struction with cedar shingle roof.
Permission was given the Meth
odist church to erect a 32 x 46
foot parsonage immediately be
hind the present one on East Vir
ginia street. It will be six rooms,
frame construction, with a cedar
shingle roof and pumice- block
G rover Haines was granted a
permit to erect a building 24 x 130
feet at a cost of $5,500 at 228
East Jefferson street for four
three-room apartments.
W. Vern Sandberg took out a
permR to build a one-story three
room building at Sixth and San
tiam streets at a cost of $2000.
for use as a confectionery and
small grocery store.
Taking out a permit to build
an $8000 one-story, six-room
house at Seventh and . Jefferson
streets was Fred Davie. Ed Den
ham will be the builder.
Frank Carter will erect a five
room house at Second and Fir
streets at a cost of $4500.
Hermosa Club
Holds Picnic
GERVA1S The Hermosa club
members held their annual picnic
at Silver Creek falls Wednesday.
Mrs. Lucille Booster was award
ed an automatic toaster by the
Junior Women's club.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Rae of Eu
gene visited at the Robert M. Har
per home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Henning
and daughter Barbara of Lodi,
Calif., spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Henning.
They had spent a vacation at
Banff and Jasper Park, and were
en route home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lahman of
Owasso, Mich., are visiting Mrs.
Cecil Colby, local postmistress
and her family.
Detroit Mrs. Archie Mattoon
is confined to her home a few days
with a back injury apparently
caused by sneezing.
136 II. Commercial Si.
Thm Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Saturday, August t. 1 1473
E. A. Doolittle have returned from
a vacation trip to eastern and
southern Oregon and coastal
points. They vhited the York
gardens jut north of Waldport
where they found more than .350
different fuchsias and 250 bego
nias as well as many other flow
Kaufman left by plane Saturday
night for Chicago where Mrs.
Kaufman has been visiting during
the summer. He will attend the
golden wedding anniversary of his
parents in Fairbury, 111. f
. . J.
Howell The annual Howell
homecoming will be held at the
Howell school Sunday with a
basket dinner at noon, followed
by a program. Everyone who ever
attended the Howell school or
lived in the community is invited
to come to the Sunday picnic,
sponsors say.
155 N. Liberty
Featured Today!
7.98 SideHook
Brocade cotton batiste with Swaml bust. Elastic side
panels and lower front gore for mooth trim fit. Fits
hips 3 to 4 inches larger than bunt. Length over bust
25", waist down 15". Sizes 36 to 44.
Just Received
20 Piece Set
Beautiful Pastel
Green- Yellow-Pink-Blu
4 Dinner Plates
4 Salad Plates
4 Cereals
4 Saucers
4 Cups
Coquillc Woman
Visits at Detroit
DETROIT Mrs. Guy Msttoon
of Coquille Is visiting her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Mattoon.
William Canble, jr.. went to
Portland on business Wednesday.
Frank Wilson drove to Salem
on business Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry pritilauf
and Mrs. Lettie Steetbammer. u
of Silverton. visited the Gal Schla
dors recently.
Pedee Word has been received
that the annual conference of the
Evangelical United Brethren
church at Jennings Lodge ha as
signed the Rev. Howard Perry
this pastorate for the next yei.r.
He has served here the past four
years. Among those attending the
summer assembly at Jennings
Lodge this week are Mrs. Thera
Womer and Nola, Miss Margaret
Howard and Mrs. Frank Sheythe.
Is an Open
Phone 3194