1 Tha Stat man; Salem, Oregon, Saturday, August t, 1947 5-Year01d Involved In Auto Accident i Five-year-?Id Bill Hager, 879 Cross tU was hit Friday evening by light truck driven by FUlph Miller, Salem routs 8, as he ran across Edgewater aitreet in Weat Salem near the injter -c o u n ty bridge, it waa reported by Weat Salem police. Silem first aid men who took the lad to his home B4id the boy waa not seriously in jured. ! ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) Robert Walker - la Technicolor --Tin the d4a Kelt By" Ann KeUwrferd Ma4M's geerer com. fkom tr.M. TOMORBOWI (Adults S5e. Inc. Tax) Ingrld Bergaaaa Kebert Meatgeaaery George Headers j "RAGE IN HEAVEN" ral Kelly Deagtas Fewtey -THE GLASS AUBr EXDS TOD ATI (SAT.) Eey Keg era HELDOKADO" f AS Fearce " Om Excitis Week" Japs to Enter World Trade WASHINGTON. Aug. S.-WV Japan's re-entry into world trade waa signalized tonight by an nouncement of a listing of 205 "made in Japan" products now available for export in quantity. The commerce department said it was "understood" that Septem ber 1 la the tentative date on which" American businessmen may enter into purchase or sales contracts. The listing was received by the department's office of interna tional trade from General Doug las Mac Arthur, supreme com mander of the allied powers. It is the first detailed report of estima ted stocks on hand. Included are such various items as 26.000.000 yards of silk fabrics, 95,000 gross of Christmas decor ations and 80,000 pounds of fro zen frog legs. COXT. FKOM 1 P. H. TOMORROW! (SSe) Wild Bill EIIUU "SUN ; VALLEY CYCLONE' CeaetasMO Moore Vers Vagve TABL CARBOL'S SXETCHBOOX" -3.. Eddie Lewis Announces Salen's Finest Food .nd Dinners Tasty Chine Delicacies Open S p. m. to 2 a. n. 'CO(G' Cafe (1 mile south of city limits) Heat Back on Midwest Menu CHICAGO, Aug. 8 -(T)- A new heat wave started moving into the sun-baked, heat-plagued mid west Friday. With the toll of deaths attrib uted to this week's heat wave growing to 145, temperatures were going up in the great plains states and forecasters said read ings in the high nineties were in prospect for most of the midwest by Sunday. 1 They said the new heat wave would last only some 48 hours, however. . A cool air mass from Canada afforded temporary respite in most mid-western states Friday, but the only moisture was in widely scattered thundershowers. The late-planted corn crop still was in need of general soaking rain. Hops Demand More Pickers Early hops are demanding at least 150 more pickers for the Silverton-Mt. Angel area by Mon day morning, the Salem farm la bor office announced Friday. The crop is "good," according to Mn. Gladys Turnbull, farm labor as sistant. Transportation Is furnished from the office between 6 and 7 o'clock each morning, but more drive-outs are needed. The latter may call the farm labor office to be referred to the nearest hop yard. Two other crops for which picker demand is high are black berries, to start Monday in sev eral fields, and beans. Twenty two new orders for pickers have been submitted this week by bean growers, according to Mrs. Turn bull. For the sake of convenience, one grower is seeking women to pick and will provide transporta tion from points in residential areas. Women interested were ad vised to call Mrs. G. J. Webster at 2-4038. JAVA TRUCE VIOLATION BATAVIA. Java, Aug. 9 -(JP) The Dutch army said today that 300 armed Indonesian republi cans had attacked a Dutch out post near Soerabaja, East Java, and others had attempted lnm tr at ions elsewhers in Java de spite a cease-fire order which went into effect last Monday midnight. ENDS TODAYI SATURDAY! Gens Autry Souks Honlo. "SUN VALLEY SERENADE" "SIOUX CITY SIOUX" , rnoNE tin matinee daily from l r. m. PBEVUE TOIIITE! and Starling Tomorrow! i -J v "! ... V ' v. s . IK X I " Y - i 7 It started ea34& Street (and Braadway) it codi km ten asyYhai! It vas 29 becasst cf Cbristsuts fest Christsus The wonderful tJ tiat tefitxti to Usxmaxii Job to 13tk YW! - . . OK 10CXHMT WfUL VDOO ' 1 , M m " . AttOME COWM PHUje T0IH nr Mitt w 1 r flMMHii m. san nuci rhhes Sykyt Greek Girl Guerrilla Captive ! 1 ' v ii i i I1"" "1 '! V K 7 e-' ihWc Issasl V v J ATHENS, 'Aar. 8 A girl sneaaber ef guerilla farces apposing Greek troeps In Macedonia si amps dejectedly In a track bringing her U Kesane after her capture daring a gaerllla raM the village ef Grevena la which mere than 10t members ef the attacking force were killed. Maa ea stretcher at left died daring trip te Ketsnt. (AP WlrepbeU te The Statesman.) Ball Team on Missing Plane KODIAK, Alaska, Aug. 8 -UP) Seventeenth naval district head quarters disclosed tonight that IS of the 20 men aboard a navy PBY-5-A which has been miss ing since Wednesday were mem bers of a military post Softball team, returning from an Alaska wide tournament at Kodiak. A crew of five was flying them. along with two other navy pass engers, back to Dutch Harbor after the tournament. Seven of them were from Dutch -'Harbor navy base and six from the army installation at adjacent; Fort Mears. They were on a joint army navy base team. Despite dwindling hopes, a con certed search was intensified to day. 3 Charged with Reckless Driving Ruth Lorene Turnidge, Jeffer son, Emil Lee Veer, 11 85 Elm si, West Salem, and Jim Loucks, Scio. each posted $25 bail Friday night after being arrested by city police and charged with reckless driving. According to police re ports the three cars were racing on Center and Chemeketa street. American Airlines Experiment Plane Crashes; 3 Perish NEW YORK. Aug. 8 -,- A two-engined American airlines radar experimental craft plunged into the East river off La Guardia field tonight and three of five airline personnel aboard were presumed to have perished. The plane, a type used in com mercial passenger service but carrying only airline personnel, was just taking off for Buffalo, N. Y., on a trip to experiment with radar, when the crash occurred. An airline spokesman said one of the two engines failed on the takeoff and that the pilot, Capt. Walter A. Davidson, apparently attempted to land but overshot the field. 'Slight' Error Sends Wrong Car to Brazil WASHWfiTfVJ A..0 3v John Costianes' car is on the high seas bound for Brazil today be cause a woman driver made a slight error. Costianes, a restaurant owner, has a black 1948 Ruirk I.t rnl Jose Vincente de Faria Lima, as sistant air attache for the Bra zilian aeronautics commission, owns ablack 1947 model of the same make. Mrs. Othella Pomnior . . j of the commission, was to have driven Lima's car to New York lor shipment to Brazil. She park ed it On the strMt in An mmm last minute shopping, but then reiurnea to cosuanes car, park ed nearby. She thought it odd that the ignition key didn't fit, but called a locksmith who quickly fised it, drove the car to New York, and saw it off on a freighter. When the story came out, po lice found Lima's car still parked where Mrs. Pompier had left it. CUBA QUAKES CONTINUE SANTIAGO, Cuba, Aug. B.-JPj -Another strong earthquake was felt here at 11 p. m. tonight The quake was accompanied by heavy thunder. The city was shaken by seven distinct earth shocks Wed nesday and Thursday. Village Council Bars Temptation SEATTLE, Aug. I -iAV Citi zens of the community of Hough ton have r taken the pledge" in ad vance. There never has been a tavern in the war-born community, where the Lake Washington shipyards operated, and the town council as sured today that there shall not be, It passed a zoning, ordinance to bar the bars. It also prohibits dance halls, skating rinks and other establishments for light hearted frolicking. Except for es tablished zones, the east side lake community is slated for a quiet future residential role. Valley Obituaries Jeha Arthor Sklrrla SILVERTON John Arthur Skirvin, 39, died Friday morning at the Silverton hospital after an illness of five years. ' He was born near here April 24, 1901. Surviving are his widow, Cecil Mulkey Skirvin; four children, Freddie, Sarah, Johnnie and Les lie, all of Silverton; mother, Mrs. Lena Skirvin; three sisters, Ori Robertson, Marquam; Nora Brown, Silverton and Edna Ba ker, Scotts Mills. Services will be held at the Ek man memorial chapel, Sunday at 3 p. m. Too Late to Classify GOOD Baainetta Ac pad for sal, rea sonable. 1S40 Nebraska. Eads Today, Opens 1:45 "LADY IN THE LAKE" With Robert Montgomery Audrey Tetter - Lleyd Nolan ALSO HUSTLERS ROUNDUP" With Klrby Grant - Tossy Knight BASEBALL TONIGHT t:15 r. M. Waters Field Salen Senators vs. Tacona i Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 Austria Scouts At Jamboree JAMBOREE CITY, Moisson France, Aug. 8-fTVYouth put the war behind it today as 269 Aus trian boy scouts banned for years by Hitler marched in to take their places in the sixth in ternational boy scout jamboree and received the salutes of scouts from allied countries. With the arrival today of scouts from Norway, the Netherlands, Liechtenstein, the contingent brought to 11.137 the number of foreign scout already mingling with a slightly greater number from France who will join in the two-weeks of good will festivities starting tomorrow night. Jim McAlear, 17-year-old Ore gonian from McMinnville, has swapped his bullwhip for a Scot's kilt HIT PARKED AUTOMOBILE City police report a minor col lision Friday night involving a car driven by Arthur Englebart, jr., 1755 Fairmont st., and a car belonging to Al Lightner, 1320 Broadway st. According to the report Lightner's car was struck as it was parked in front of The Oregon Statesman, where he is employed. Don't Forget to DINE AND DANCE" at-"CLUB TUMBLE INN" 2mLN. Albany. Best Foods served all eve. 'Xcrwrancs's Orch" 5 pieces Every Sat Night Old Tine Dance Waltzes, Quadrilles, Paul Jones, 2 and 3 Steps Jela the Crowd aad Have a Geed Time 259 Court Street. Every Saturday Night over Western Auto Music by PAUL WINSLOWS GANG Public Welcome mi o in irin)!!!rI II Mir (onriffifm vJJIULV l lets it MM .1 0Ltt ocJtii wLNTATAIN B$ V I 0 DANCE Toni5hl . Sloper Hall Independence .With Joe Lane &-His Oregon Play-Boys The Valley's Top Western Band Sponsored by American Legion Elevator Mqn Killed as Ring Snags Grille CHICAGO. Aug. -(?V Joseph Cichowskl, 22-year-old elevator operator, was crushed to death to day when his wedding ring caught in the open grillwork of a shaft door while his case was descend ing. Police Detective Ben Benson said that Cichowskl, hired three weeks ago as an extra operator at a downtown office building, had already started the elevator down ward from the 11th floor when he noticed that the sliding shaft doors were not completely closed. In attempting to close them, the youth caught hia ring on the grill work and was pinned between the ceiling of his car and floor ledge, Benson related. About a dozen horrified passen gers in the car, including six wo men and a child, watched helplessly. Starts Tomorrow R0ART2G hDAYS tf '49! ENDS TONIGHT "DARK MIRROR "GALLANT BESS tff 3gyf . junwor ouawi tfH V6aw-j. RAMS fAYlSN f 1 Plu Co-Feature f ?'' MZh-, YOU CAN'T tESIST ITt tlWIAIlUN t ; f V Hi Hnrry! Hnrry! ENDS TODAYI 'the academy AWARD PICTURE! 9 3 i. a Bast Picture if tfttYiif! Wbnar if I Acadaary Awartj! Prices this engagesnesit enlyh Matlaee UII sw ssu AdalU ?Se Children SSe Evening AdalU 1 11 Children IU roderal Us lacladed CeaUnaens freaa 12:45 .. K- - . ; m easy Starts p m to Tomu i PI - CRY :v I p S t . MHUU TT f . 1 . . k-r as ansl aisasj s. 'rT "statfi AADB VvrrM . AAIIDCWITM vVl f .V 0 Heart waring ee-featore. Story f a girl and her dog! "BA1IJ0" Sharon Moffett - Banje ""nn adhcm L.V L AILLll STEVEN GERAY VINCENT SHERMAN - JERRY WALD. awoiMt scaroi n sr oowa cooow mo jma turn mk rr mm twmx m ..kl.'JMI:)l.'IUI-J!.4 J iTTrnmnnfr I j i mi STARTS Tononnou! tSteeges . Cesaedy "Three LUllePejb"- O Airmail Fex Merletone News mm mm.