12 Th 8fcrtmaiu Salm, Orott, Thwday. Auxruat 7. 1947 1 Situation) Wanted, For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale' Miscellaneous Financial For Sale Real folate For Sale Real Entate Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. 6 (AP) Butteriat Tentative (subject to Im mediate change), premium quality 'nuiunum of .35 of I per cent acidity delivered in Portland. !79-81e; first quality, TI-BOc; second quality. 73-76c: alley routs and country points, I cents leva than first or 75-7 6c. Butter Wholesale t o n bulk, cubs: Crade AA. S3 score, 72c; grade A, 2 score. 71c; B. W score, e8-69c; C. 69 score. 17c. Cheese Selling price ! to . Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. -41-Slc; Oregon 5 lb. loaf 3-52c. Eggs To wholesalft: A grade, large. U't-M'.tC: muflum -60'.,c: A grade. sniaU 49c; B grade, large Eggs Purchased from farmers i Current receipts 56-60c. ; buyers pay 2-3' K below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No I broilers under 2' lbs. 2-30c lb.: fry. r. to 3 lbs. 30-35c: fryers. J to 4 lbs. 33-37c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over 33-T7c lb : fowl. Leghorn, under 4 lbs., 19-21c; 4 lbs. and over. 22c colored fowl, all weights, 28c; stars, all weights. I2-14C Hay No 2 greets alfalfa or better, carload lots. fob. Portland. 931 00 JJ 00 ton. US No. 1 timothy East ern Ore. or Wash I. carlots f o b. Port land. 33-00-38 80 n ton; oat and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. 821 00-24 00 ton. baled at Willamette valley farms, depending on quality and location Rabbits Average to retailers. 48 83e lb dressed; fine to producers. 43c. fryers, live, white. 20-25c lb.: colored. 17-21C lb Onions Green, local, mid -Colum-Ibla. M-COc dot bunches Onions SO lb. sacks. Wash. Walla Walla 82.25-240; Cal. White Globes 2 60-2 75 Potatoes Ore. Boardman Dint. White Rose, loo lbs. 3 40-3 SO; Wash. V hrte Home No. 1. 3.40-3 50; 29 lb. ftSe-lOO: 10 lb. 4S-48c; No. 2. AO lb. 1.10-1.20. Dressed meats Veal Light, top duality. 33-34c: heavy, top quality. 2S-30C: B. 2S-26c; C. 22-24C: cull. l-20c; Hogs Block, butchers, packer style. 125-160 tb. 34-36c: over 21S lbs. 32 -33c lb.: sows, all wta. 28-30c lb. Lambs Bert grade. 35-37c; others according to duality Mutton 10-13c lb. according to quality Beef Bent quality. 33-39c lb; B. 25-30c: C, 22-24c; canner and cutter. l$-20c: bologna bulls. 27 -28c lb Cascara bark Green. 6c lb: dry. lee lb Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth Portland Grain POHTLA.ND. Ore.. Aug. 6 AP Wheat: Cach wheat (bld: soft white 2 1',: soft white (excluding Rex I ' 22: white club 120; western fed 2.20. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.00; 10 per cent- 2 22; 11 per cent 2.28; 12 per cent 2.38. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2 22; 10 per cent 2 30; 11 per cent 2 38; 12 prr cent 2 46. Todav car receipt: Wheat 96, bar ley 7. flour 2. corn 4. flax t. Legal Notice NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Ore gon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and In tention to improve 10th Street from the north line of Grant Street to the south line of Garfield Street. In the City of Salem. Oregon, at the expense .at the abutting and adjacent proper ty, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with an asphaltic concrete pavement thirty feet In width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adooted by the' Common Council July 28. 1947. which are now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares rr purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By . order of the Common Council July 28. IS47, ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is , July 30. 1947. Jly 10-31-A 1-2-J-5-6-1-6-9-10 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice, is hereby given that the un- Vrsigned has filed In the Circuit f 'ourl of the State of Oregon, for the C aunty of Marion. Probate Uepart tnent, her duly verified Final Account, as executrix of the estate of Martin Olson, deceased, and that said Court had fixed Monday, the 11th dav of Aug vt. 147. at tHe hour of 10:00 o'clock A M. ef said dav as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in The County C ourt House in Salem, Marion County Oresron. as the place for hearing said t inal Account and ail objections there' to Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 10th stay of July. 147 MATTIE F. BEATTY. Executrix of the Estate of Martin Olson, deceased. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney for Executrix, 2o5 Oregon Building. &atem. Oregon. Jly 10-17-24-31-A 1 TRADE MARK NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE MARITIME MILLING CO. TNC. of the City of Buffalo, County of Erie, and Stale of New York and .having iu principal place ef business at 10U9 Chamber of Commerce Building. Buf falo. New York, a corporation of New York State, having made application tnr registration of it trade-mark HUNT CLUB In the State of Oregon fiereby publishes a description of said trade-mark pursuant to the laws of the efat of oregnn. The trade-mark consists 4f the words "HUNT CLUB" THE MARITIME MILLING CO. INC, By: Maaon. Fen wick and Lawrence Attorneys ;?26 Woodward Building Washington 8. D. C . Jly 24-31-A 7 Help Wanted HAVE Opening for ambitious men k women Interested in steady, profit able Job.. Training for those who ouallfv 464 Ferry. BEANPiCKER3WANTElS KoMad Canneries Inc. Silverton, de. Transportation furnished. Start ing Aog 6. Excellent crops ic good parking. Pick up places' Swcgle School 6:18 Incaster 6V Garden Rd. Krueger's Kash it Karry Four Corners postoffice. Mate 6i 24th 24th a Center faring Center, Portland Rd. Tolem Pole. CVaners. 970 Union. helP"w Anted rc5nter iiFI. checkers, spotter, machine pressers and silk finisherr. Only experienced help need apolv. KENNEDY'S CITY CLEANING WORKS. 1248 SUte St.. Salem. Oregon. Livestock and I'oullry FOR SALE. Jersey heifer rrtos. d. reasonable. Phone 8037. ' BLACK Saddle horse." saddle and bridle; would trade for anything I might use. James Ovcrfleld, Rt, 3. B'ix 646 2J o ! sALf 16W. HovlJeuT Ph'.3 0 NEW "Hampshire laying hens 1 jr old $2 25each? Ph. 228tn. run mu,: uoon woi norse ja. Arm saddle 610 H. F. Chrlstensen. Rt 2, Box 110. Turner.: 'i ml. west Cloverdale Sch. FRYFRS. i tol lbs. alive. NTH. Geo. F. Robinson. Rt. 1. Box 193A. X ml. north from bridse. Wallace Rd. ' ml east on gravel pit! road. T RIDING "llorse. excellent brood rnare About 14 hands. Make an offer. S! South High i Ph. 2H ' tXH ' &AUZ: ChttstV t H bahf" mwks every Wed Boytngtona 8716 ttae St Phone 4968 j r BOLL Service by artificial inaem nation Sir js from the beet of blood lines Reasonable fee AH work per sonally supervised by licensed vet erinarians Salem Artiflral Inaem Ina- ins Ktattnn Ph SMS j "AkTtll'AU fclnos at eattie. fai rtocs. sows boars At your farm of delivered Market price E C MrCand 1 lish Rt 6. Box 233. across from Water Ball Park on S 25 SL Ph. 8147 Livestock and Poultry CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any 1 number. Prompt service Dressed poul- - uer. rrumpi scrvicv. Lrrsro puui- i . . ... , . m na i .if. - nstmm 1-3861 Lee's Hatchery 1 M T W.VmtW VMS wl.Wf . - I INEW Hampshire baby chicks, start- . ed chicks older pullets always avail- nd all kinds of cabinet work. Mas able. Ph 22861. Lees Hatchery. terwoods Cabinet Shop. Bacement 164 .WANTED. All kinds of cattle and 1 hogs. WUI call at farm Write E. L b net hen. 1350 Lancstter Drlva Pta 1134. mom or evo hIUhLs I UU ALITY CHiCkS New Hampshircs and White Rocks. 100 lm of nullorum. Hatches ever Tues- I day. Send for free catalog Wilson's I pfdRoueHBRtfi 3yr. mare sire Laure. M Vlene Ostr.nder. RL 9. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP Pickers, beginning about Aug. 23th. to' reg. Ph. 22342 or write John Dwnrain, ocrvais. jt. i HOP PICKERS WANTED. Early and late hops. Register, -a mile E. Pratum. Albert Scharer. Pratum. Ore. HOP PICKERS WANTED i HARI & JACOBS I H0PYARD Truck will haul pickers from farm Labor office at 6:30 a.m.: from Holly wood : theatre at . 6:49: Larva ave 6c Fairgrounds rd next. Hail truck any where' on Stlverton hiway. "HARI 6c JACOB sign on truck, PICKING Now .Truck will pick up all Hth Mission at 9:19. Then to Farm ; Labor Office k Highland Fairground Rd. Same route again at 6:1V Col let t Hop Yard. Drive outs. go out N. Kiver Hoao. roiiow signs past Clear une. . I HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem. 2S0 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sept. I 1. rine sliady camp ground, fine cab-l ins. Moves, wood, electric 'ignis, snow- i er bts. tables, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store. butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus trsnsportation. Pleare write JOHN J. ROBERTS ai CO.. Sa lem. Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose 81 for registration and use of cabin, which will be re funded at close of season. Help Wautecl Mile A-l AUTO Mech. Your J)wn boss. I aicaoy worn. nre svagewaier, w. aaicm Wanted at Once 40 Carpenters Honrlv rate. 11 71 un. Steady work. See Mr. Barnes at Labor Temple. 445 Cfcnter. I MEAT Cutter: Vacation relief. Ph. S?. - - "fZ!"! - a'A . , . . . - I ..i.w. .?.Tr. ?"!- VX Ml Miir. rw- v......:... m. PART Time service station attend ant. Robinson Clark. Shell Station 680 Center. FARM Hand. Must be experienced chicken man. Good living ' conditions for family, write Statesman Box 411. !lT 'Class auto mechanics, 'steady employment, l'j time over 40 hrs. best .wages; can use some men few hours at night after 6 PM and Sat urday afternoons and Sunday, l'i for Saturday and Sunday work. DAVID SON'S AUTO SERVICE. Carnenter Wanted for work In sawmill. Phone Silverton Help Wanted Female CLERICAL Position open for sin gle girl, some typing, 40 nr. week. Sati 'work. Apphr In person to the tropolitan Lle Insurance Co, 311 r.o Metropolit Masonic Bldf. WANTED:" Pari time housekeeper Jt. fSTatesn,:.Vnen,n'j' ?! ,.1".ni. r, i GIRL wanted to work at soda foun- tain artd learn, drug store work. Should I b 21-83 high school graduate. Must be premanent. Apply in person at Bouin baiem pnarmacy. Help Wanted FemaU; GIRL or woman In neighborhood to nay wntie children sleep 8 Mrs. eacn afternoon, logo N. 17th. WOOLresser 6125 hr. Must be first class. Molalla Cleaners. Ph. 114Ph4ttl7 E"""'yr-J- , , JEXPERIENCED Hotel maid, steady r .'V 1 V r -'.T .WANTED: Housekeeper. 1 150 . N. Vyi'-, ... Ur .. VM, '..iC?:Il.W-ltr N 1 to 1 " t . . WOMAN, good typist, with tele- f,", " r.rn ty'L 1 ' between ' rrr.ci- ;.,.r.0 j . . old boy for about S weeks. 1580 Nor way St. Fh. S076 .:r.,r7 ...i.t. 1 . i -J- L(T.?in. tJiS Closed: aiunday. The Meadows. Salesmen Warned uarv nunina e innirinx ..i. man. 8100 week up.' with unlimited possiDiiitiea tor tne rignt man. write Statesman Box 413. , NATIONAL Organization has oer- rnanent position for one mature am - oiuoua salesman wno win oe irainea by manager to can on selected pros- sects at the suggestion of their friends. Five thousand dollar year connection in local lerriiory, nome every . nignt. iniangmie sales exper- ience . .-J .arfAAK7l. aks as..a tas,a ' r,.l il I i interview address Box 419 sona Statesman "SALESMAN - 8100 WfcEKTJP. With unlimited possibilities. ' High-class trade: 1 permanent business. Apply Bampie Koom zz Marlon Hotel. SUCCESSFUlT Salesman. Man with college education residing in Salem V"r,a.yjr?. ' '.r JZL: Situations Wanted ! SepticTanks cleaned. 150 Williams. Ph. 9521. TtKlflfT"tooTlrwdirig SOWING: Suits. coaU children's clothes a specialty. Ph. 2-2607. EURTaTNS Warhed k stretched. 395 S. 22nd. Mrs. B. Lleske. Ph. 26343. r!AULING. any "kind of work for practically new truck, flat bd or erain t rain boards, rn. zitzi ' i 1 1 1 LIGHT uifice work: nave naa exp. In M. m.1 n. Wllln A U.MI , ''- Jn "" vir '" typ.ng. Ht. 6. BOX JOF. , rLAXliaultng. PhUllps Brps RL I. Box 118. Salem. Ph. 68F22. ' WILL Do landscape, pruning, ceroe- tery park svork. ph. 7558. 1150 N. tnurcn. CARPWTE! 5hTT4683. AL ROGERS)' Plumbing and Supply Cnral r-nairlns. Plumbinsr auDolies and fixtures. For quick service call '44r i. ... . ' , RTRAWH&aHng. pickup. ma- Chine. Bob Hulst.Ht. 8. Box M7. PAINTING Brur h and spray. Inside A out Ph. 22146. PXXfN Sewing, specialize in child rens. Ph. 2-3083. 5tfRTKeDairs. New rolls, bison Washer Repair, 80 Liberty Rd. Ph. 25100 ; HAULING: Any kind. Permanent work desired. New truck. Ph. 5506. FURNITURE Refiniahlni. E. R. ?rIF?-6WJislon -pnoCo--i- iirtnnfl e nllftT1 LUMUA1 SAWlnb Trailer sawmill saws accurate lum- hr nn tour nlaea at til oer thousand. Jobs as small as 6 MBF accepted, flare orders for fall sawing now. For write I FARM! SAWYERS OF OREGON. INC. J 1924 S E. Morrison. Portland SEWINO Alterations. 289 W. Rural St. Mrs. F. P. Smith. Ph. 8387. SPEC1AIJZINO In house painting. . A,iL "1 p l-t ni n c - Iz J-.V-r "4353. ml. ...... rum w-.a ,... ..k. r-. m r. ' TRAILER Building. 1780 N. Front. WINDOW Frames, windows, screens 8 com l. ; PB. S590. rree estimates. HOUSE MOVING. C B Burt 3528 SE 28, Portland. LA $413 CHIMNEY sweep. Nortnness. pli. 4450 WANIfbl Furniture to luo and repair. Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. Painting and Decorating g bnjh rre. Mtlm, 3536. r. Rawlins. "PAINTING : Competent ' workman- ship Reasonable rates. Ph. 22773. PAINTING, outside or In. Tree esti- mates. :. C. Horn. Ph. 8830. coVBTCrop discing, plowing, mow- m combining, dusting and ail Kinds of field work. Crawler and- wheel tractors. Ph. 2-2127. jRAwING House and store plana. Ph. 1M21. Spray Painting Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248 Mike's Septic Service 1079 E1n West Slem. Ph 9468 or 9327 Painting Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt 6. Box 363 Phone 2-2306 PH 29444 OR 6269 Painting Decorating Spray Painting DICK PREY 1 R. E CLEMONS. Pit run gravet. Top noil & silt, bulldozing. Agent Howser Bros. Rent A Tool. Ph. 3646. Hollywood Transfer For local Ac long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent Ph 7M Burton's Mobile station Septic Tanks Cleaned ft P. Harriet 1143 8th West Salem Phono 7404 ALL Work guaranteed! Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 PAINTING at Papernanging W Q Crnwlv i 857 Shinning Phone JM13 ft AUNG THa y k straw baling, also mowing k raking. Chapman k Allen- bv. Ph 108F13 68F21. PreSchool Playschool. 1381 State Aes 2-8 Part or ' all day Ph 8430 paijmteh and rapernanger rteason- TV-.r'-Tr J W1J1IU WW II r 1 - rAf ARl.irUMow oast 50 wishes to take charge of home of Invalid or eweriy per.cn. statesman Box 422 For Sale Miscellaneous I PRODUCTION BRED Farm Master chicks: MEAN POULTRY PROFITS FOR YOU Available every, day In the year. New Hampshire Reds Available on order White Legnorns. Austra Whites. White P. Rocks. Bar red P. Rocks.' R. I. Reds. Cornish. Choose Sears Farm Master Chicks and Be Sure. SEARS FARM STORE pl,ft. 01, m c r.ihert, 173 S Liberty """I-W-WJ5 JMC?.,2? !!m??; trailer.! J. K. VwrTzX Fair- grounds Rd. Ph. 8627. - ... ' - . ... . niu, xrauer oo. eou s-aoe o. Ph. 24312. ; TWIN Fireplace chairs. Perfect cond. 840 apiece. 2uao n. ism. TJSED Elec. saw with 10 ft. all steel backuo table. Complete with .i H motor k switch. Electro-Watt, Inc., bioc,t Portland Rd. north. Ph CHOICE Daveno. Russet brown. Prewar springs. Blue swing rocker. USED Norge washer 835. Call 61F12 ptfi DlnTngrrnrsetGood diilon. 2373 Shelton St. l)SE5" BRTCKr"l44N. FrontT "TABtJl Linen. Large electric fan. " GOOD 2w heel trailer. 9 H. P. Wls- cons In motor. 1325 Lee St. I v.rvm ..ik."7...r;,iV wood 'rm occasional chairs. Reg flS50 . now only $9. choice of colors, i wooukt ru itw nu iia. makmi 1605 N. Summer KALAMAZOdRange with oil burn- i er. vtreen ivory cnamei. moim ana lnk 22 Mossberg rifle. Ph. 21348. nicked. 81.00 a box. Bring your own container. Ht. 3, box m 1941 MODEL-Wood-range. Good as new. 440 s. I7tn st lAWti uncicaned Dricxs. excellent cond. Ph. 7673 alter :3 P-M ia uauke. Biwigun, saunon im Slardrag reel. Ph. 26497. I SABLE Dyed Coney fur coat. Size 1 18. Like new. 640. Ph. 25509. i axmust new stand mooet Alpine sun lamp. 865. Call 2a 137. "nrTiiTprElectric motor. Good con Attu.r, H.ri add ehaira. is64 N I I.lbert 'tAUUffi. Attention - milklne ma I f AAiUbnO nirTIIIIWi I1IIIRUI IBB4B chines, milk coolers and home size 1 .......h,... ntiier and butter rr.urns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET AUTOMATIC Electric irons, steam. travel, and domestic. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 , N LIBERTY STREET ELECTRIC"ironersrThor Gladiron APPLIANCE CO. LIBERTY STREET THPlEClC-Bdrm. suite. Walnut fin ish in waterfall design, with plate glass mirror. Reg. 8133.50. now only 8. WUODHY lUKMlTUlU; MAIUV.E.1 ' 1605 N. Summer PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST BLOCK CO, S 12th St- at Vista Ave Ph. eve.. 8904 WASHING Machines full size, fit on laundry trays. YEATER APPUANtE t,J. I aa n. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET nrrfr ct-0-n ' . t . m .1 1 cost I " " " . . Rent a Dreadnaught Sander, rn. ivn. I UJ 1 Cnnnlo - -yri?HrtMtt-.,h.tAr tlaL I . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET "TXECTSKTlIot plates. 3 speed, sin gle and doub'e burner. YIATLH ArrlJANCE .Xf. 253 N. LIBERTY STREET ""BUlLDiNG-BLOCKS. BRICKS. SEP- TIC TANKS. CEMENT. CONCRETE WATER PROOFING. ONE MILI I SOUTH ON RIVER HP. rn. 9Vna. : Keizer Sand & Gravel Co. Mason sand. Concrete mix. River silt St top soil. Screened gravel. Fill dirt. iPh. 21749 "STAVE R.oatring and carta. WoodrVsji Mkt, WiJJtJummfrJit I HUNDREDS of gift Items for wed- dings, anniversaries, bridge prizes, etc YEATg.it akkuahte 131. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET "TTlN. Water7 pipe Capital Bargain House. 145 Center at WINDOW3, SCREENS A DOORS MAD: TO ORDER. Glass Replacement and General Cabi net work Salem Screen Shop. 1444 So. 12 St. Ph. 2-9S74. BRIDGE Lamp. Indirect lighting with silk shades, all metal base. Reg. 117 50, now $8.75. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET . 1608 N. Summer Salem Watch Shop 2381 State SL Phone 2-1957 D E Decker. Licensed Watchmaker Prompt service) Cash paid for old gold Used guaranteed watches for sale Open Evenings PRESSURE Cookers. 16 quart, for canning. 4 Qt. size for everyday use. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET ALWAYS a big stocc Wood ry i Furniture Mkt Ph 5110. WESTINCHOUSE Electric refrigera tor, 20 cu. ft. Ideal for restaurant, grocery store, clubhouse or large farm home YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 55 N. LIBERTY STREET LUMBER SALE. 3155 N. River Rd. WHIZ7.ER Motor bike Ph.' 3876 COLI-EGE' Girl's skirts.' sweaters, dresses, coats, suits size 14. . Boy's sport .jacket fixe 16. Cords. Lady's black coat size 16. Call mornings only. 545 Leslie St. ' HARDWOOD Office desks, just like new. 866.50. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer 34 BUNDLES of bale ties 10 rt. & a:,2SgUPbHH1t- Rtj 6. Box 567. HILL Grown, peaches. Craw folds at their best. Hales. Elbcrtaa. Mulrf soon. Kollln Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Dial O. Call 47F2. . CALLA LILY bulbs. GodfrevVsm. white) now. rec. orders, immed. ship ment. 35c ea; 3 for 90c: 93 50 per doz. prepaid, csn witn order, the flow ER BOWL. Box 134. Brookings. Ore. Furnaces Installed Oil Burners. Eaves Troughs. John ston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 5391. COOLING Eva Dora tor air conditioners. John ston Sheet Metal Co.. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 5391. BOVsHBike In A-l cond. Ph. 685. GRAVENSTE1N AddIcs. Delivered. Ph 4233. SWIMMING iTWadine pools. "Learn to swim" with safety. Investigate. Prices reasonable. Come k see one. Corner of 17th k State. Ph. 2-4390. NIGHT CrawTers 2c aoiece. 2365 N. Liberty. River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX. READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 ELECTRIC Ranges commercial 4 burner and 2 burner with half grill also 24 Inch square restaurant grllL YKATEK APPLIANCE CO. . 255 N. LIBERTY STREET ORDER get your Rochester". Craw- ford k Slappy peaches now. Patterson Peach. Orchard. 12 mi. north on River Rd. Call 2-2340. ATER Heaters 20. 30. 42. 52. and 66 gallon. ytAin.it APPUANUE tu. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET PAINT Sprayer rentals reduced with the purchase of Norrts-Walker paint. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. 12 CU. Ft deep-freeze. Ph. 4284. CRAWFORD peaches 8c Gravenstein apples. . now ready. J. C. Savage at waconda. Rt. 1,' Brooks. Ph. 2-2344. 2 SEMI-Trailers 8x25' dual tires 1100x70. air brakes $1400 each. War Surplus Stare, 1351 Hoyt St. Ph. 7916. Between 12th k S.P. R. R. TOMATOES: $1.50 oer bu. Bring container. Silverton Highway 2 mi. beyond city limits. Look for sign. L. P. Egbert. BUILDING BLOCKS Drive one mil south on River Road RADIOS and record players console, portable and table models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET LIGHTING-Fixtures for the home, office or shop. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET WESTINCHOUSE Elec. "range, good cond.. $40. Reuben Nickol. Rt. 4. Box 210. 4 mi. south of Liberty. W, w. Ironer. excellent condition. $50. Phone 2-1062. CSaWFORD Peaches, you pick. $1.50 busnel. Bring boxes. Pattersons or chard. Ph. 22340. DUNCAN Phyfe walnut drop leaf dinlne table. Ph. 934L WELT" Drill. 150 Fairhaven Ave. Fred A. Van Burem DISTILLED White pickling vinegar for all pickling purposes. 'Keeps your pickles Krlrp" Also pure apple elder vinegar. PURITAN JDERWOHKSfW. Salem "NEW" Daveno with double spring construction. Reg. $80.50, now at 669 50. WOODRY FUHN1TURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer Ol)R Hill "grown Slappy and Craw ford canning peaches now ready, im proved Elbert and J. H. Hales later. PURITAN CIDER WKS.. West Salem HARVEST Sacks for sale. Northwest PpultryCo.1505 N. Front. Ph. 7007. REG. Springer Spaniel pups. Really a fine litter. Ready for delivery Aug. 15th. Ph. 22948. ' RCNT your tools and you save your- self time and money. Howser Bros. pnone 3646. J R. Watkins Co products 1717 Cen ter St. Salem Ph 5395 Free del "TnJhJTERSfWiil buy. sell or trade. RIFLES SHOT GUNS or REVOLV ERS. DonjMadJsonl 266NoiCajttoJ. LARUE wood circulator, wood range, good condition, bed springs. 1373 Mission t.. sine ooor. SPINET PIANOS $50 'or your old piano as down pay ment. We handle our own contracts. so can give you easy flexible pay ments on balance to meet your neeos. Fine selection at present. Shop anow before the fall rush. Spinets are still scarce. TALLMANS. 393 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. CANNING ) Peaches. cucumbers. beans k 'tomatoes. Frigaard's Fruit Stand. ' mi. north of Keizer school. Ph. 24262. AT STUD Nana Flash, reg. American Saddle bred Stallion, dk. chestnut with white markings. Has; proven himself as one of the outstanding Stallions on the Coast. Fee for non reg. mares $25.00. Roy H. Simmons owner. RL 4. Box 270. Salem Ph 2114X SED WATER Heaters. HotpoinL 80 gallon. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET .RED Shingles, delivered anywhere, also lumber. Ted Muller. Ph. 21196 or 25950. Eola Lbr. o Salem. Ore. ELECTRIC Floor polishers for home or office. i YEATER - APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET EI-FCTftlC Shavers. Shlck. Reming ton, Sunbeam, j YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET 15 COOLER inside: That's your home this summer if you Install HOME GUARD Insulation now. For FREE estimate Ph. 7177. Western Auto Sup- ply Co. j IXMS: Board, train, trim. Pick-up a- deliver. LeGrayKennels.Ph.23168. nELECTMC" Fans, exhaust, desk and oedestal models. YEATER APPLIANCE WJ. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET rushes 1745 Grant P 8357 ABOUT 60 long "plywood "cores." also assorted lumber, short lengths. ISO Williams Ave Smith FRONT-" Rm. set" In green k 10 piece dining rm. set. Bedrm. set. inner soring mattress. 2 beds, chest of drawers ft dresser. Montag wood ranee. 9x12 Axmlnster rug and pad 2 small tables. S. River Rd. to CroUan Creek to mail boxes, turn left 1 block, turn right to top of second hllL FOR SALE: Cocker pup, red and white part-i-color, litter registered, Superior breeding. Corvallix, Oregon, 1262 Adams St. . CLOCKS Uncalled for. Alarm clocks 81. Electric clocks 82. Big Ben 83 00. Mantle clocks 85. Also 16-ga. double barrel hammer shot gun. Good, 816.00. Clock Doctor, 190 So. 14. SAWDUST Burner with thermostat comrolJhone435B. A-B Elec. aDt. ranee. Ph. aV20A3. James (Thompson, Rt. 5, Box 221, Sa- Icm. 2ml., E. of Pratum. 3 HEAVY Swarms of bees with honey. 1906 N. 5th. Super G. E. El, ref. Hoover sw. Bdrm. suite, solid maple. Overstuffed div. and ch. Rugs. All good and in ex. con. Priced to sell. Leaving town. 1535 6th St.. W Salem. BLACK-Fur coat sire 16. 875. Baby Dassinelte3.pn.Z55Z. PUREBRED German Sheuheid duds 3 mo. old. Rt. 5. Box 102. WHTIE Enamel wood or coal 1 ans-e Excellent condition. Good baker. 80S Plji mouth. Ph. 24309. SPRING "Constructed wine color daveno, 6 piece walnut bed room set Including coll springs ahd Sealy mat tress, isu N. Church. " SWINGS." Heavy rluthes pules. Lmru trailer axies ana wheels, wroiiKlit iron "work" to order. 1145 N. Liberty. r SEWING Machines Rented. Repair ed. Bought. W. Davenport. Ph. 7671. 1930 N. 18th. GOOD Used bed room suite with Seajy box springs k mattress $100.00. 1045 N.Sth St. OLDS Trombone. Practically new. Cost 9150. will sell for $100. 816 Mill t.. Apt. I. NEW Guaranteed "42 "gal. elec. water heater $77.50 cash Elec. switch boxes, switcher, outlet boxes, 12x2 Lumex 08c. outside paint forest green 40c qt. Double decked beds, steel cabinets. Range water pump cable 25c ft. WAR SURPLUS. 1351 Hoyt. Tel. 7916. Between 12th St. S. PR.R. MAN'S Tuxedo size 42. Worn 4 times. Excell. cond. $30. Ph. 26045 6-10 P.M. ENAMEL Kit. ' wood range, copper coils. Lge. Montag wood circulator, both In excellent cond. Ph. 9373. HOTPOINT Elec. range. Ph. 24813. "Pit. AirgukTe "field glasres. 4 power. Brand new. 147 Marlon after 6 P.M. OIL Circulator practically new. 12 inch burner, good for heajing large house. Can be seen anv evwntng after 6 P.M. at 371 Rosemont. West 'Salem. WALNUT Desk. Ph. 6619. JOHN Deere" tractor, model LA. 1 tractor plow 14" chilled. 1 cultivator. 1 8' tai.dem disc. 1 12' wagon box, spring seat. 1 paint gun. 1 12" walking plow. 1 berrv plow. 2 Ki rubles 5 and 6. 1 forge. 1 Englirh saddle, new. 1 cleaner, 1 steel truck body. 1 sprayer Thtessen Turkev Ranch k Hatcherv. Rt. No. 5. Box 319. Salem. Ph. .2-4282. ANTIQUE Cherry platform rocker with wine colored needlepoint. Grand fathers clock. Fontorta, G W. T. W. lamp, misc.Items. Ph. 7534. WALNUT Dresser." "Brown folding D. R. table pad, new. Tel. 4857. PRACTICALLY New Westinghouse elec. range 6175. 3280 Portland Road. rh. 2-5093. EXTRA "Large 2-wheel trailer. Rea sonatly priced. 875S.Liberty SOLID Oak Colonial fireplace man tel, screen. 2 ceiling ight fixtures, 29xl2rugs.Ph.4208. GIRL'S Bicycle hardlv used. Best offer takes. Call at 966 Oak St. btwn. 12-4 P.M. Thursday only. 1947 ROTOTTLLER. Good cond. $480. Call Mrs. Phelps, 7929. . 5 PIECE Chrome'dinette sets, verv limited upplv. Ree. 859.50. now $.T9. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer BIRDS Eye. maple writing desk. Pair French bisquef iguerine Ph. 7 151 . NEW 3 H.-P. Johnson outboard mo tor, by owner. Only used 7 hr. break in. Ph. 9984. ' BED. Springs k mattress $10. Also 1 2 qt. coffee jars to give away. 1227 CourtSt. LARGE pre-war wood or coal cir culator. A-l cond. Fireplace design. $60Ph. 21348. LARGE Daveno k chair, dark blue. 3 mo. old. 8345. Sacrifice for $165; 3385 Portland Rd. 25164. WALNUT" Din. rm.set $357l55Div, ELECTRIC Washing machine Ex" cellent cond. 1055 JN. 15th. Ph.3489. 'MODEL 12. 20 gauge Winchester pump. Cheap. Ph. 7092. NEW" Armless daveno. Reg. $58.56". now 849.50. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer REAL" BARGAIN Small piano. excellent cond.. beau tiful tone. $300. See it at 1326 State. FOR SALE or Trade: 2 purebred Scotty pups for saddle horse or young cow or heifers. 1 mi. north of Wacon da. Rt. 1. GervaisB.M. McKelvey ORDERS Taken now for Marshall strawberry plants. Rt. 5. Box 272A. Salem, at Macleay. Fred Sahll. PLASnnkOTE paint, cellophane like finishes, for floors, linoleums, metal, drain boards, walls, woodwork, autos. and . boats. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET Wantedf nrniture Furniture k household goods. Sun dale. 504 N. Liberty. P. 25511 dav or eve yRED FURNITURE Phone 5110 6iL CIRCULATOR. Ph. 25511. Call day or evening. W ANT " lO" Buy Used Cameras-a lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State CASH foi used piano a other mu sical Instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description . to Jaauith Music Co 191 S Hleh WHY'TAKE less for vour furniture? See Ruse Bright Ph 7311 3DKN7TORfc-Phr.l85: Wanted Miscellaneous FRESH Eggs wanted at Alvln's Cafe. Ph. 21140. 3 ml. South of Salem on H)ghw ay99. GOOD Home for mother cat k 2 week old kittens. Ph. 24252J PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Miftcellanenu WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313. WtATHEfi"strlps Pullman Ph 5965 For a Good Well Through any formation, call Stude baker Bros.: in the business 22 years. Ph. 2-5fa96 oi 8931. Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 4069. AUIO painting ust a shade bettei by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 PLUMBING Supplies, water systems. electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur tt Maet-7- 173 So Coml Phone 6223 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. Stale St Com Ph 3311 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer k Basement Equipment Rental IS B-', yds. 812.00 per hr. 10 B-s yds. 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat k Dozer 90 per hr. D-6 Cat Dozer 8 40 per hr. D-4 Cat k Dozer : 7.00 per hr. Phone Days 9408 . Evenings 8246 or 24400 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele etc 1333 Court Ph 7569 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocned $100 LES SPRINGER. 464" Court. Trade M.isceilaneou APT. Size range for elec. apt. size range. Ph. 5582 or at 1374 N. t apllol. WILL- Trade 13 In. fire pot. super flame oil circulating heater for 11 in. fire pot neater. Ph. 3610. 6 8 MONEY $ 8 4', REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Wt buy real estate mortgages V contracts. Mortgage for Investors net 6. amounts 8500 to 85000 State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie S 216 M 222 Money to Loan WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties: loans made as small as 8300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS G. I. LOANS CONSTRUCTION LOANS LOW INTEREST RATES Leo. N. Chillis, Inc. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 Money to Loan It's 4 to 1 you can get a Loan HERE! 'Personal' likes to say and does say "Yes to 4 out of S folks who apply for a loan here. 925 to $300 on signature. furniture up to S500 on auto. Phone or come in today. See E. Gallinger. the YES MAN at Personal Finance Co.. .St'JStRm, 125. Lie. S122. MI65. Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 199 S 154 FARM and CITY"LOANS 41, and 5 Your own terms of reparment-with-In reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mort cages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchtnerv: contracts refinanced aad additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was org a nixed In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made bv phone 136 Sou'h Commercial StsSalem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 & M 338 For Kent -toon. SPACIOUS, for I or 2" emp. girls. No rmoking. 1415 S. Com'l. Ph. 26962. GIRL Will share her lovetv rm. at 1415 S. Com'l. with trnn. irl. No smoking. Ph. 26962. SLP. Rm. 1 1 85 NT jpommercial. NICELY Furnished sleeping room. 650 Marlon. i SLP. Rm. for 1 or lemp, young men. 677 S.Conl. " LGE. Sip. rm; 1417N. Ltbertv Ph". 2-1576. SLP.Rm. Kitchen and home privl leges. Write Statesman Box 420. For Kent- Houses MOD. Cottages. Weekly rates. Kozy Court. 3590 S. Coml. FURN." Cottage in Monmouth. Adult. Ph. 6573 Monmouth." For Rent NELSCOTT Beach cottage. Ph. 6160. TRAILER-Space: Modern conven iences. Reasonable rates. Free laun dry privi'eRes. Tip-Top Trailer Park. 3580 So Commercial LATEST Type high speed floor (and era. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646. 602 Edeewater WECOMX COTTAGES. Fireplaces. Oil Heat. Reasonable Rates, near Dor chester House on Hwy. 101, Box 87. weenma. ore Ph. ueiake 293. SERVICE station, lnq. 2320 Fair grounds Kd. TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c hrs following. Woodry's Mkt. 1605 N Summer. CtMIll M" " H . ntiti HrLOOrT SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward. AiMOKAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H. C Pugh. 684 N 17 4692 u-uhTve tkucks iuH stem Blanlt et Ju rn J 97 S Liberty Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph. 6877. Wanted to Rent EX-NAVY Man k wife need small furn. house or apartment. No children no pets. Write Statesman Box 417. 5 or i Rm house by 3 adults, 2 bdrms., or small acreage close to Sa lem on city bus line. Write States man Bo x 4 1 8 "GOV'T. Engineer desires apt. or small house tor 2 adults. No pets. Ph. 6a20 or 6219 eves. 2 "ADULTS need 3 rm. apt. by Aug. 10. Both emp. Ph. 9092 bet. 6-6 P.M. WANT to lease 2 bedrmrhouse. will consider suburban. ' Call Al Brown, 25102 or 6042. - 2 BDRM. house, either on acr. or S.E. partof town. Call EElklns at SOlX 2 ADULTS" Desire 2 or 3bedrfn home. Furn. or unfurn., on the out skirts of Saiem Call9157 days. "2 STEADILY Emp. girls need apt. Immediately. Close in. Write States man Box 413. RESPONSIBLE Couple with gMl 2 yrs., need furn house or apt. by Aug. 15. Ref. Guarantee best care. Mrs. M. L.Carskadan. Ph.5856. MILL" Supt family need 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Ph 23056. MIDDLE Aged couple, no children, urgently needs 2 or 3 room fuintihed apt. Good habits, best of reference with character credit. Ph. 2.1740. 2 RM Living apt. Newly weds, teachers. Ph. 5859. FURN. Apt. for middle aged busi ness man k wile. Statesman Box 412. TEL. Co. technician perm, stationed Salem, requires 2 or 3 bedrm. house, furn. or part furn., with basement. Ref. Ph. 2-6162. CARPENTER wants unfurnished ga rage or apt., or small cottage. Write Statesman. Box 407 Reward: 2 or 3 bdrm. hse.JPh. 5866. -LANDLORbTHAT LIKES CHILD REN I Have 6 mo. old baby and must have a house or downstairs apt. by Aug. 12. Prefer north end. Best care of property, r n . vjvi. s i o r pin A FINE Christian family wishes to rent a 2 or 3 bdrm. home. Furn. or unfurn. In or near Saiem. Call Rev. Krueger. 5636, URGENTLY NEEDED, a 2 or 3 bed room unfurnished house for a sales executive. Responsible, permanent ten ant, who will take excellent care of your property. Call or wiit Norris Walker Chemical Co. 1780 N. Front. Ph. 2-1908. Eves. 5856 SMALL House near Salem. Will re pair If reasonable. Rt. 4, Box 126. WORKING Mother and daughter want small house or apt Writs; States man BOX 421. WORKING; Mother and daughter must have furn. apt. or house.-Could do f ome work. Statesman 422 "TEACHER k6 I student need apt. So. part. Please Ph. 3184. Rm. 123 be fore noon today. Write Box 363 Seattle. For Kent Apartments COTTAGES by day. week or month. Reasonable rates. 3580 So. Commercial. 1 P.M. Apt. with 4 bed li elec. plate, $23 mo. 1309 com i. no armxing. For Sale Real Estate NORWAY STREET EAST By Owner: Modern 2 bed room home. Large front room with fire place. Dinrtte-Kltcnen. one-nair case ment Hardwood floors. Automatic Oil Air con. furnace. Ph. 26403. 1440 Norway KOk" Efficient and effective sales service rail the Slem Hrajty Co Ntiw "GttVroOD LoCPh. 254iL McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY $32502 BR bungalow. Bath. LR. K. Builtlns. lot 60 x J00. Garage, bus an4 school close, now rented, terms, located north. $45002 BR bungalow, lot 4 x 135. Bash. LR. : K. Nook. Builtlns. electric cooking, oil circulator goes with deal, garage, bus by door, school close, quick possession, located south. $4750 Clean 2 BR house. Bath. LR. K. Bulltms, electric cooking, aul heat.' ga rage, bua and school cloae. fireplace in back ard. fruit and nut trees, creek, large lot, approx. 110 x 164. 25250-rURNISHErvi BR house. Bath. LR. K, Nook. Bu. Stint. Venetian, Blinds, electric cooking, garage, bus by door, nice jsrd and scrubs. holly trees. $5500 2- BR bungalow. West Salem, lot 60 x 123. house has r.ew roof. Bath, LR. DR. K. Builtlns, garage, bus by door, .school close. Utility room with laundry trays, oil circulator and cook stove goes with deal, large front and back porch, place for bed. fruit and cut trees. nsc lawn and shrubs. Office Phones 5131, 8620 Evenings Phone 4937 - 6901 - 7163 FURNISHED. 7 ROOM HOME, on bus line, near Grade school. Immediate possession. Terms. Price 84000. 7 room house, on N. 23rd North of State. All on one floor Price 860O8. 2 bedroom house near Highland School. Basement, furnace, wired for range. Immediate' possession. Price $S350. 2 bedroom house, basement, furnace, located close-in utt off Broadway Price 87510. One acre with good 2 bedroom house, double garage, located on paved road in Pen 4-corners district. Excellent variety of fruit and berries. Price smiO. Large 2 bedroom house with rental on tear of lot. Double garage. Price $10,000 Exceptionally well built, clean. 2 bedroom house, located in good d. strict just off State. Immediate possession. Price $11,500. Detroit Highway frontage above Detroit Dam Kite. S'tes for stores, caring and trailer camp. Dwelling for $60 per month. Nearly SOO ft. Highway front age. Price for quick sal 810.000. Service Station and Business Buildinr 5tte on the West Side Pac. High way at Monmouth and Independence (unction. 250 ft. on Pac. Hyivnv, jo ft. on Independent Highway. Price $7500. ' , 100 acres hv Mission Bottom in the rourh. Half mile torr. large; deep lake with natural timber. Soil Is all Newberg and Chehalls Si t. Every foot can be irrigated. Price $25,000. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. 110'i N. Commercial RM. Plastered house. 3 bed rooms. Large lot. Close to school. City bus at door. Call 8488 for appointment. UNFINISHED House. View property. Garage is finished inside k has elec tric built in wall heater, also hot k cold water k Is Very livable. Place cost as la $4623. will take $5tK cash. 820 Hansen Ave. -. ' . . Phone 3210 Just reduced. Lovely S Bdrm. Home. Lge. Llv. Rm. Dinette. Kitchen. V Blinds, Fireplace, Oak floors, Nice built-ins. Plaster Interior, Full base ment with Ldry. Rm. Sawdust auto, furnace. Att. garage. Lot 50x100 fenced. North in verv good district. Imm. Poas. $9850. Call Mr. Gardner. BURT PICIIA, REALTORS Phone 3210 337 N. High Street $3,000 New garage house, nicely finished. Electric range, heater 6c floor cover ings go. On paved st. nr bus. SeVOOO One B R. house 'close In on paved St. Basement, furnace, good, location. $5,500 Very nice one-B R. house on corner lot. 8 Good walnut trees. Very attrac tive. A good buy at 83500. $8,500 l. Acres. Good 2-B.R. home nr. sch. 8c bus. Edge of Salem. Good garden spot. Paved street. Englewootl Dist. Have several fine modern homes nr. sch. 8c bus. Excellent neighborhood. One house has 3 B.R.'s. wall to wall carpets, auto. heat, nice lot. garage. 1 Blk. to bus. 2 yrs. old. Another has 2 bedrooms, unfinished upstairs, full basement, beautiful back yard, 2 blks. to bus. Filbert Orchard 10 Acres. 15 yrs. old. Should have over $1000 crop. 4 miles out. ' down, balance at 5. " WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS . 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE $109 LIVE HERE WHILE YOtTFINISH YOUR HOME IN WEST SALEM Nice little garage house, on good lot. Elec. htg. at cooking. Finished Inside. 83000. TOR SALE OR TRADE EAST. 64 Acres. 2 BR Ranch bp home. Modern. Trad for 8 BR home. Value 810.500. FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 Acres. Nr. Independence, older 2 BR house. Modern. Registered stock at all equip, goes. Ill health forces sale. Value $16,000.- B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Boxl "WO'WNER: 4 rm. home $3800. Nr" Stat hsc, new, dee. Inside A out. auio neat. inq. isi- state. MONEY TO LOAiM on first morl- cages 4 to 6 Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS TW CHemeketa Street Phone 91 Joe Hutchison, Realtor 1 PHONE 1694J CITY One of the best homes near Cap. bldg. Eng. type, 2 BR up. 2 down. 8 tile baths, plastered 8c papered. Large LR. tile kit. lovely firepl, outside firepl. Auto oil fur. Shown by appointment. . Good 3 BR home in Englewood dlst. 25-ft LV. Full base, plastered V tinted, fenced yard, . playground equip. Price to sell now 86750. Close In, newly decorated 4 BR hse. bath St ,. Oil fur. 3 BR up partially converted into apt. $1000 down buys this I bK nome. nice bath, fine bullt-lns. Car. WoodJ range included $4500. FARMS 8 mi from Salem, 105 acres. good 6 Rm hse. papered. 85 A in cultiv. 8 A prunes, barn, springs 8c stream. Consider dividing intd tracts. - Beau. pi.. 84.8 A. Nice 8 Rm plastered bung. Fur. 72 A cultiv. 12 A 2nd growth timber. Marh shed, hog hse, granary. Cows, chic. Best of farm equip included. On paved rds. LOTS Beau creek lot. 4 Illy ponds. shrubbery well planted. Ideal home site. RESIDENTIAL COURTS ' 10 units, 9 completely furn. Plastered. Inlaid lln. Laundry fa cilities. Oil heat. Walking dist. All rented, good income, little expense. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court Street Ph. 7698 Eves. 2-4789. 2-5141. 2-4682 Phone 3210 AN INVESTORS DREAM 3T x 60" Industrial building or ga rage, 12" Concrete walls, extra garage, tool and paint shop, 6" drilled well, beautiful 3 Bdrm. Home. Kitchen. Util ity, DR. LR. Bath. 2 fireplaces. 2 acres on Silverton Rd. Close to Salem. Call Mr. Crawford. BURT PICHA Realtors Phone ,3210 337 N. High Street Phone 3210 $4000. Modern 1 Bdr. Stucco St Plas tered Home on acre, good location. South, Call Mr. Crawford. BURT PICHA Realtors Phone 3210 ' 837 N. High Street FOR SAHE Ely Owner: Close in. suburban, four bed room, large Dutch Colonial home Large fenced yard with pattv and outside fireplace. Dou ble garage, half hour bus service. For more Information (all - Ira Fitta. Ph. 4424 or 8403 - MONEY TO LOAN on nrst mort gages 4 to 6. Call for details. BYRKIT & POTTS r Chemeketa Street Phone SSSl 6Y-OWNERTNew 2 bedrm. home on , acre More land available. Wired for range, weather stripped k Insu lated. : Fruit nut trees. Lots of shrubs, Johrt Blue, ' Browning . Are'.. He t. Box 08, No Saturday calls pleas. - . " .'-, j . Phone 3030: Eves. 8314 or 2-4S08 $14,500 In Wamut Park. 3 Br home, dbt plumb, din rm, fireplace, hwd firs, auto heat. $14,500 Nice place for family with sch chil dren. 4 Br. dbl plumb. 6 r old home.. Din rm. fireplace, nice kit, bsmt, auto . oil fur. Ig lot Call ED Lt'KINBEAL Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1549 341 Chemeketa t. Eves 2- $1IJOO-ENCLEWOOD 4 bdrm home. I.lv. rm. dining rm. kit. nnok. hwd firs, frolaee, bsmt. furnace, dbl plumb. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1549 341 Chemeketa ft. ' Eves. 2-5U9I 4 UNITS $20(0 DOWN buys these two nice rentals plus unfin. duiiex. All on ene lot 50 x 250 north, Eay terms. Call RAY DAVIS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 34! Chemektta ft Eves. 9441 $84003 BDRM horr.e North. Hwd firs, frplace. bsmt. furn see This M nice clean home. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1349 311 Chemeketa Ft. Evs .2.5091 NEW 5 im. unfinished house Larro lot. plumbing, lights and private wa ter. Good location 94 Park Ave oft Mood v 6750 down. 840 a month Cbo tact Bungalow Auto Court, Cabin 8. W. I. Hanna. or write Gen. Del Cor vallis. Ore. 1 A on Cherry Ave; Has 3-Rm home that is neat and clean. 30 young fruit and nut trees Price. S2630. 8708 down, bal 840 per mo T int. CaU O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 Hirh St. Ph. 4121: Eves 2-3J06 $5300. 2 BR HOME located in W. Sa lem. Plastered, Small basemen L 2Car garage, corner lot. , Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 st. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves 2-53063 89250. ATTRACTIVE New 8-RM horn N.E. Has oak floors, oil Ooor furnacv. Insulated, attached isrsge 11950 down, bal on Fit A. See this home. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St, Ph. 4121; Eves t-520C $3950. GOOD 2-BR home East on bus line. Auto water htr. wired for range. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brawn with j State Finance Co., . j ' Realtors 153S.Hirh. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5561 $6300. CLEAN 2-BR home in W. Pa lem on two lots. (1dm to Blue Lake Cannery. Hardwood floors. Furnace. Wired for range. Auto Wtr. htr. $10 00 New Modern 2-BR home. H. W. floors, fireplace., elect hest. attached carafe 82000 down will handle lm. mediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. Hleh. Ph. 4'.2l: Eves 2-SSrj BYOWNER: Brand new 2-bedrorns floors; wired for range and tec trie water heater; attached garage and utility rcom. Venetian blinds; la seeded. Bui bv the door. Ph. 2-4604. Box 75. Falnriew Ave. a Business pRdK5srtTo"jf A place to live, a place to rent. Two 4-room homes on on lot. Bua bv the door. Better take a lonk at infsr. iijwiw. call ZthUlt or 25630. OCEAN VIEW HOME NEW 3 BR Caoe Cod home wilh view of ocean, onlv 1 blk from Devils Lake. Plaat. Oak firs. faa. cirv water. Indrv. rumpus room. Near golf, tennis, boating, etc. A real bargain at low 89750. Get details. Si J9 t. 12th St. Phone -..l?a 2 BDR M Modern housal i, acre. $7,150 00. terms. 3810 Manroe. t. Ss'em. BY OWNER: Modern 6 rm. hne k 3 acres fruit mtt tr'es Ph. 212T3, BYWNERFurreT"hTerTiti pood and no Junk. $7300. ISO Highway Ave. . 7- ' BY OWNER : J bdrrn. comp'eteiy modern house. Excellent conditicn. Close in. Partlrularlv suitable rental property. 36S Belmont. Ph. 23343. ADVERTISING Western Advertlant: . Representatives Ward -Griff Kit Company, (nc if) Frar.ctsco Eastern Advertlsin Representativef Ward -Griffith Company, tncs. Chicwro. New York. Detract. Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertistng; Entered at the Postofflrf f fa tern, Orrposi as lerond Class Unt ter Publisked eoery aaorwwaj w cept MosMtav Buatnesj office IU South Commerctal Street. SUBSCRIPTIOM RATES Mall Bubacrtptton Rates en Ad-, eance: Within Oregon: Daily and) 8unday. Mo 00 cenu; 6 moa. $3 3: I year. 86 00 Elaewhero 06 cents beg mo. or $7 30 for I year ss) Mrtsrs. Per ropy 6 rents. By City Carrier. T$ cents a inoeith. $8 00 a year la advanoa ta Mreai and adiareat aountiaa,