The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 03, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    t The StaWamcrn. Salem, Oregon, Sunday, August 3, 1947
from a Long Way Off
Weavers to Be in Salem in August
Fori Annual National Conference
s - i !'
Br BCAkIm Bare r
Plans (orthe national conference of American Weavers, Salem's
firtt national convention. August 18-29, are being completed by
members of the Salem Weavers Guild. Mrs. Lewis Anderson Is presi
dent and in charge of arrangements.
literature aent on the confer -
ft reveals that the conference
i under the direction of Creative
Crafts school of Weaving, Guern
sey Penn headed br Mrs. Osma
-Gallinger, director.
Tht is, the first conference Ao
kl4 in th far wMt and thus
tfar,. according to Mrs. Gallinger,
the registratiiMi is much higher
'fhn anticipated, because, of our
great distance from the eastern
There wilj be a . variety of
rUste. for beginners and ad
vanced weaver. Besides Mrs.
Gallmger, the staff include: Mrs.
' Dunne! 1 B. Youi.g. teacher of
science, art and crafts at Holton
Arm school. Washington. D. C.
She ha atudied weaving at Berea
College, Ky., and at Penland
School of Handcrafts. She has
made a special study of Mexican
and Canadian weaving. j
Mn. Clara McNulty, national
ly known rraftswoman and weav
ing reearcter. She . conducts
classes at the art museum at San
Antonio, Texas annually. ;
Mn: Loraine P. Kessenich j of
Milwaukee, teacher : of spinning
and weaving. She has. had long
. ' . . a l ,
i itt ui bujuj aiiu is kiwwiirtwi
her active work in the field of
modern texture design.. j
Lausanne hall has been ac
quired for the conference cl asset
and for boarding and rooming; of
those attending from out of town.
The college is giving an hour's
credit Htuu "the two week's course.
The conference is not limited
to weavers, and any - interested
rrffcy communicate with Mrs. Gall-
ger. addreed 1o the National
Conffjeiice .of American Haisd-
weaers. Care . Lausanne Hall,
Willamette university,'
. Mr. Themas Jfelman received
a cable Saturday from her daugh
ter, Mr. Winstun William, tell
Inf of her arrival in Frankfurt,
Gwmany, where she will Jtoin
Captain Williams, who is sta
tioned there with the army signal
fcorp. Mr. and her
I mother drove! eat the first of
JuIt. Mrs. Ho! man returning a
Mr. and Mr. Walter Mlnier
have joined Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Sanford of Portland, formerly of
Ksiemj on a fUhmg and camping
trip n the Santiam at the San
ford' summer place.
RILVERTOM Mrs. Keith Berg
(Dorothy j Operud) whose marri
age took plate on July 19, was
complimented Wednesday when a
surprise party was given at the
home of her mother, Mrsv Ole
Following the opening of gifts,
refreshments were served by Mrs.
Harold Roop, Misses Emily Holm,
Kathleen Ryan. Alma McDonald,
and Linda Hoblitt.
Others present were: Miss Bon
nie Operud, Mrs. Alden Chris
tianson, Mrs. Ed Given. Mrs. Ken
neth Henjrum, Mrs. Ludvig Meyer,
Mrs, Jerry Wood, Mrs. Lowell
Hoblitt, Mrs. R. Holm, Mrs.
Charles Cross, Mrs. Rodney Oster,
Mrs. Gordon Winchcomb of Sa
lem, Mrs.,CaiToll Stoltz. Mrs. Don
ald Davis, Mrs. John Middlemiss,
Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr.. Mrs. Mil
ton Thostrud, Mrs. Harold Lar
son, Mrs. Peggy Scott. Mrs. Otto
Legard, Mrs. Steven, Enloe, Mrs.
Frank Moore, Mrs. Cart Zimmer
man, Mn. Adeline Dick, Mrs.
Melvln Zahler, Mrs. Fay Heaton,
Misses Emily Holm. Kathleen
Ryan, Ardiss "Walker, Betty Cun
ningham, LaVonne Anderson, Co-
letta Thomas, Virginia Kirsch of
Woodburn. Maxine Dick, Althea
Meyer and Beverly Zimmerman.
' !
Herb I Tea to Be
August 20
The tenth annual Herb Tea will
be held August 20 by the Lebanon
Garden club in Mrs. Clarence Shi
manek's garden, 177 East Grant
street, Lebanon. The garden and
the herb ! exhibits will be open
from '2:30 to 5 JO.
Mrs. Ruth; Rasmussen, club
president. - and Mrs. Shimanek
will work together as general
chairmen of the tea. Miss Alena
Jacobsen of Portland will bring
her exhibit rof yarns dyed with
herb dyes, nd will be the main
speaker. '
Everyone ! Interested in f herbs
and their: uses is invited to at
tend. s
Wesleyan Service guild ot the
Jason Lee church will hold its an
nual picnic at Olinger park Mon
day at 6:30 o'clock.' Those at
tending jare to bring- basket
Don 't Cook Now . . .
but ... We had a comfortable feeling
on Wednesday, that the weather would be
sunny and dry lor a time. Thl3 was because
the weatherman predicted more rain.
Old Custom . . . The recent custom of
standing in line for everything has not en
tirely died out they still stand in line at
the bank. I find that it's well worth the wait,
for one sees so many interesting characters.
There are old men and young men, women
with overcoats and girls in shorts, landlords
with canes, old women with umbrellas, men
with little boys who look just like them, and
always, just behind us, someone who thinks
he can get to the window faster by pushing.
For posterity ... Into my will I am go
ing to insert a clause whereby colored lights
will be installed under the water in the two
drinking fountains in Willson avenue and
then every time the Waite fountain plays
during band concerts, so will the two itsy
bitsy Buren fountains . . . Maxine Buren.
White gladioluses and candles
will decorate the altar of the Cal
vary Baptist church this afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock for the wedding
of Miss Blanche Hudson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hud
son, to Kenneth Marecek, son of
Mr. arfd Mrs. S. J. Marecek of San
Bernardino, Calif. .The Rev.
Charles Durden will perform the
double ring ceremony. Mrs. D.
B. Kleihege will be the organist
and Mrs. David H. Cameron the
soloist. In pale yellow frocks Miss
Anna Rector and Miss Ruth Gett
man will light the tapers.
Of white satin is the bridal
gown fashioned with a fitted bod
ice, long sleeves, a net yoke edged
with satin shirring and a full skirt
with train and shirring at the hip
line. Orange blossoms are scat
tered over her fingertip length
tulle veil which will cascade from
a coronent of orange blossoms.
She will carry a . bouquet of white
gladioluses and stephanotis tied
with white satin streamers. Mr.
Hudson will give his daughter In
marriage. '
The bridal party includes Mrs.
Ivan Bingenheimer, as matron of
honor, in yellow, and Miss Dona
Gay Hudson, sister of the bride,
in blue, and Miss Shirley Kenagy,
in pink as bridesmaids. Their full
skirted dresses are fashioned sim
ilarly and they will carry pastel
gladioluses. Nancy Kenagy as
flower girl will wear a floor
length lace trimmed white mar
quisette frock. Vera Gilmari will
be ring bearer.
Ivan Bingenheimer will stand
with the - groom and ushers are
Melvin James Hudson, brother of
the bride, and Jack Randall.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Hudson has chosen an aqua crepe
gown and corsage of pink rose
buds. The groom's parents were
unable to come for the nuptials.
A reception will be held in the
church parlors. Mrs. W. H. Innis
of 1 Portland, great-aunt of the
bride, will cut the cake. Mrs. Mil
dred Flathers will preside at the
punch bowl and assisting will be
Misses Virginia Schwarz. Jane
Matthews, Jean Allen and Mrs.
Betty Wagaman. Miss Ada Hud
son will pass the guest book and
at the gift table will be Mrs.
L. H. Randall and Mrs. Ilene
Clark. Mrs. Charles Davis is in
charge of the reception.
After a wedding trip the cou
ple will be at home in Salem. For
going away the bride will wear
a shell pink dress with white hat
trimmed in pink, white accessor
ies and corsage of gardenias and
roses. -
Mrv and Mrs. Harvey Qulslad ;
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeAr-!
mond are leaving today for a i
week's stay at Wecoma Beach. j
LINCOLN Edmdell and Merrl-
lyrVn Boyd of Phoenix, Ariz., ar-
rived here Monday for a short j
visit with their aunts. Mrs. Tracy,
Walling, Mrs. Dot Walling, Mrs.;
Blanche Walling and an old school !
friend, Mrs. Donald Smith (Na
omi Merrick,) Their aunt, Geor
gia Miirs of New York City who
brought them to Oregon remained
in Eugene with her brother and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mills. Miss Mills is an organizer
for Camp Fire girls, Merrilynn
Boyd is a telephone operator and
Edmdell is a stenographer in
. All three women resided here
and. attended Lincoln grade school
and graduated from Salem high
Spinsters, with Helen . Shepard, TS6
JH. Summer at.. p.m.
Board meeting of Methodist Old Peo
ple's Home, with Mrs. H. G. Carl. 963
fe street. 11 a.m., no-bost luncheon fol
lowing. Wesleyan Service Guild. First Meth
odist church with Mrs. Byron Her
rick, 230 Richmond ave., covered dish
upper, S.30 p.m.
War Mothers special meeting Leg
ion hall. 2 p.m. '
Gold Star Mothers will meet Thurs
day evening.. August 7. at VFW ball
for a regular business neeting.
Rites Read in
San Francisco
DALLAS A wedding' of inter
est to many Dallas friends was
solemnised at the First Congrega
tional t"htirch in San Frant-itt-o,
Saturday. July 26, when Miss Be
atrice Bjenge, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Benge. became the
bride of Bayley Bunce of San
Francisco., Dr. Minkler performed
the ceremony.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a dusty ,
rose dressmaker suit with hat to
match. Her flowers were baby
orchids. Aurelia Bollog was the
brides attendant and Clarence
Hughes was bet man.
- Following "a reception held at
the home of Miss Jes-sie Curts. the
couple left for a wedding trip to
Santa Cruz.
The bride is a graduate of the
Dallas high school. She was em
ployed' in the Dallas City bank
and the Willamette Lumber com
pany prior to going to San Fran
cisco where she is employed. The
groom is a graduate of Williams
college, Williamston, Mass., and
is employed as personnel director
of the American Mining and
Smelting corporation of San
Relatives attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Benge and son,
John, of Dallas, and Mrs. E. A.
Frack of Portland.
The Misses Dona' Henderaen
and Florence Nelson left Friday
by trainfor San Francisco. After
spending a few days Jn the bay
area they will go on to Los An
geles to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rulo
Minard, (the former Ruth Nel
son of Salem). They expect to be
away two weeks,
i .
Miss Laura and Miss May Hale
have returned from a two-month
vacation, visiting, relatives in
southern Idaho. They went
through Yellowstone park and
Glacier JJaik.
Miss June Phillpot and the
Misses Jessie and Amy Martin re
turned Friday from a trip, into
Montana and Yellowstone park.
Miss Viola
Perlich a
The First Church of the'Nai
arene was the setting for the wed
ding of Miss Viola Perlich, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perlich,
to Russell Hicks, son of Mr. and
Mr. T. L. Hicks, Saturday night
at 8 o'clock. Officiating were the
Rev. Orville Jenkins and the Rev.
Gustav Rauser. Soloists were
Thomas Pfau and Willard Friesen
with Mrs. C. C. Edwards at the
Organ- Miss Alice Rauser and
Mrs. Robert Perlich, wearing pas
tel blue dresses, lighted the
Mr. Perlich gave his blonde
daughter, in marriage. Her white
wedding, gown .designed on classic
lines 'was fashioned simply witb
long sleeves, high neckline, but
tons down , the,' i back and" a full
tjf in. A crown of seed pearls held
infr place her train length tulle
veil. She carried pink roses.
Mrs. Joseph fau was the ma
tron of hpnor arid wore mist blue
net. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Fran
cis OCosnor and Miss Elsie Wei
kum, whose dresses; were of jfel
low net. The gowns were fash
ioned alike with square necklines,
puff sleeves and full skirts with
bows at: the waistline in li-b
They carried nosegays of yellow !
roses and blue delphinium tied .
with satin bows and wore wreaths I
of the same flowers in their hair. '
l aul Pfau was best man and
ushers were Bernard Hanson and
Leonard ; Perlich.
A wedding reception was held
at the home of the bride's per- !
ents. Mrs. Leland Hill of Albany I
presided at the coffee urn and at !
the punch bowl was Mrs. Orville j
Jenkins. Mrs. Gustav Perlich of
Mt. Angel cut the bride's cake.
Mrs. A. M. Moore of .Portland
passed the guest book and at the
gift table were Mrs. Vernon Obert,
Mrs. Gordon Beecroft and Mrs.
Darrell Parnell. Miss Ruby Frie
sen was in charge of the reception
and assisting in the dining room
were Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs.
Raleigh Reil. Mrs. John Jantzen.
Misses Lois Schrenk, i Mayde Jane
and Erma Reischke, Jean Rauser,
Opal Friesen and Kathleen Hicks.
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Perlich wore a roval blue
dress with black hat and access-
ones and corsage of pink carna
tions. Mrs. Hicks attended the
ceremony in a pink dre.s with
black accessories and corsage of
pink and white carnations.
The newlyweds went south on
their wedding trip and for travel
ling the bride donned a two piece
black suit with matching access
plies. Mr. Hicks and his bride
wilj be at home in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert IL Marg
gi, MS Ratcliff drive will leave
this morning for a two-week va
cation trip to Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. C, the Puget Sound pen
insula: and Spokane, Washington.
Dr. and Mn. Edward A. Lebeld
and sons. Bob and Frank, and
Ralph Jackson of Corvallis, for
merly of Salem, are spending
several days vacationing at Dia
mond Lake.
Middle Greve Mrs. Lottie Ot
sen and Mrs. Beatrice Fischer en
tertained Tuesday, for the wom
en's society of world service; Mrs.
Cleo . Keppenger is president and.
ten members were present for the
lesson on Japan. A vocal solo was
Riven by Mrs. Winnie Snyder.
...that more smart women Wear Cold Cross Shoes
than any oilier brand of fine footwear in the world.
For in what other shoes can you find M
much youthful style ... superb fit...
inbred quality? So much of the honesU
to-goodness value that you're insisting
on, more and more, today? '
In Salem exclusively
at Elfstrom's . . .
""Vjgi" 1 0 , " .
And Now!
' -' " .
Style' House
Living Room Furniture
Is Finished in Material of
Your .Own Choosing
At No Extra Charge
Come in and select a covering . to harmonize
with your present color scheme . . . We will or
der your Style House finished in your favorite
material at no extra charge.
And we say j that in all sincerity . . . we will be
happy to extend any terms to fit your reguire
ments . . . your friends have good furniture . .
your friends pay usihe budget way . . . why not
you? ! ,
PHONE 9221