I - Mid-Wil lamelle Valley, News from Tk Stmtnmmm't, Community Wrrrni Tamer James Denyer recently opened a new drug ft tote in John Day. ; Albany Attending the annual International convention In San Francisco, Calif, this week were Harlow Weinrick, Tedj Snyder, Bert Harger, Herb Smit and Ray Cox, representatives ,of, the Al bany Lions. ' i . -j- Detroii Mrs. Fiank $teenhout jr. brought Mrs. John Cook home from Bend Wednesday. Mrs. Cook is improving following an operation and has been fwith her sister In Bend. Charleeni Bell re turned home with her mother. BayesTille The Al .Stealers have as their house guests' Mrs. Stealer's uncle, W. O. Nation, his wife and daughter, Mris. Roger Scelonge, of Chebanne, jlll.; and granddaughter Lelia from Cicero, J 11. They will also visit the Harold Nation family. ; Swegle Annual family picnic supper of the Swegle j Womans club will be held Tuesday night round the fire place on jthe lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Conk lin, Lancaster Drive.' Supper will be serv ed at 7 p. m. lVeoks4-The Sewing -club an nual picnk; will be held in the gardens al mer Connl the home of Mrs. El August 7. j Ilsyesville Jean DooJilttle, stu dent nurse at , the St. i Vincents hospital in Portland, will spend the month of August with her parents, the Chester Doolittlcs. . - Fear Corners A seven pound 11 ounce son. war born td Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grim, 4095 State St., Wednesday July 130 and has been r.amed Ralph James. There is an older brother and sister --. - Tamer Mrs. John Felsch is seriously ill in a Slenvfhospital. Hayesrille ThexDave Jant rens are remodeling their resi dence and installing a utility room and sun porch. j ' . ' Fear Corners -p Mr. aind Mrs. Dale Jeffries ind-Tommywill at tend the Judson. family picnic at Champoeg park Sunday.! More than a 100 are expected. ! Swegle Congratulations are being extended Mr. and Mrs. Neil! Warrick (Alice Blanchard) on the birth of their first child, a son, Gary Denis. He is the grand son of Mr. .and Mrs. Roy Blanch ard. ; ! . Turner Mr. and Mrs. Will Gulvin of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs U. E. Denyer, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peebles, Gordon and Joan Norns will picnic at Waterloo today. Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mc Masters and daughters of Hill boro visited Wednesday with hi brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steenhout Jr. Dallas Guillermo Paau C. na tive 'christian worker from Guate mala, will spend the month of August at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cotis. He has been attending summer school in Call fornia. - Mr. and Mrs. Coats for many years were missionaries to Guatemala, for the Chruch of the Nazarene. , Detroii Mr. and Mrs. "Doc Goodrich and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Coburn, all of Dayton, visited the ' Ray Johnsons last week Other visitors at the Johnsons jrere Mr. and Mrs. R. Cooper and ton Robert of Berkeley, Calif. ' North Howell Interesting visi tors at the Peter Schmidt home are Marie Jorgenson and her 82 year-old mother, both of whom have been missionaries in Japan, and who are in the United State for a few months visit. They ex pect tft return to Japan late in this year. Turner Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Petersen Delmer and Don are va cationing this week at Siltcoos lake. , Middle Grove Gen Scofield came by plane from his naval training station in San Diego, in time for the funeral of his grand father, August Wirsching, Thurs day. Burial was in Stayton ceme tery. He had 12 days leave. Detroit Mrs. W. E. Bray is in jl. p ' i r . i . v. . we unmanuei nospjiai u ron land recovering from a major op eration Which ; she underwent Monday.1 Bray who accompanied her ; to Portland returned here Tuesday. Turner-4WSCS tea will be held Friday afternoon. August 8, at Mrs. J. O. Russells. HOUSE V 9. OPEN ; 5 n.i m. t6 2:30 a. m 12 to 12 Sunday I Sandwiches. 12 p. in. to 5 p. 1m. 4 ML South on Highway 99E aOSED TUESDAYS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Chassis and! Cab 195 Inch WheelbaitY Two-speed Timken Rear Axle Designed for 18 ft. Bed. Doneslecle Sales and Service 370 N. Church St, i. Phone 5281 SaJem, Oregon I f 6iEARANCE I b DftESSRS Every! Summer Dress Values up to 39.75 Reduced to I 1 Turner Mr. and Mrs. Curly Greer have rented the Herbert n-...L. 1 r. . iwuui iwuw ana expect lO move the first of the week. Albany Among 'members long standing, of Manzanita Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, attend-" ing the district convention here this week, was Mrs. Candis Mc Chesney, who for two years has made her home in Canby with her daughter Mrs. Esther Hall. Mrs. McChesney who celebrated her 87th birthday last February, has" been a member -of Woodcraft lor more than 50 years. : Detroit Mr: and Mr, i KnlanH Girt sold their home last week to a Portland man. Brush Collere Sterling Thnrn. ton of Sacramento, Calif., and Jim Thornton, Colorado Springs, Colo, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hush Craiff. Brush Oilloffo I and left Friday morning for Klam ath Falls where they plan to spend a month fishinz. Mr. and Mrs. Craig will join them at juamatn r alls next weekend for a few days. Roberta Mr.- and Mr. Vie Kelly have been confined to their nome wim innuenza out are now somewhat unproved. -j . j Pcdm Mrs Arfolairta friilrin. I has written Mrs. Sidney Howard from Ocean Grove, NJ., where she is vacationing with her daugh ter, uoroiny and family with ! whom she makes her home in Hoi lis. N.Y. Mrs. Erskine and her husband, the late Rev. George jLrsxme, nave many - friends in Oregon and Washington as he held pastorates in the Evangelical enure n ai saiem, Jerrerson, Dai lax. Kinra Vsll nn4 TA fore going to Yakimi where hel died. " 1 ' ''' - Roberto Mrs. James Smith (Be mice Eyerly) and ' daughter, Pamela, of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eyerly and sons left Friday for Coos Bay where Eyer ly's boat will be entered in the moxor races Saturday and Sun day. -Mrs. Smith will remain in Coos Bar with her hushand whn has been visiting his parents were. Gales Residents Host to Visitors GATES Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shelton went to San Francisco last week and will live there. Mr. and .Mrs. Ansel Hay ward and children of Portland spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs.' Ruby Winters. Mrs. Agnes Fullerton of Port land has been visiting her broth er and sister-in-law,' Mr. and Mrs. Ike Butler, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson and baby of Eugene visited the H. N. Wilsons last week. Eugene Carey of Portland was home for a short time. He and his father, A. . Carey, and Don went fishing Sunday. Mr', and Mrs. Joe Jonquin have returned from Oakland, Calif. His mother returned with them to re side here. Mrs. Adam Shepherd, who has been" taking baths at Breitenbush hot springs, was brought homo Sundajr. She was very ill when her husband went up to see her so he broughtiher home. She has suffered a slight stroke and her children are here caring for her. Bill Wight, forest ranger at Gold Butte, spent ,'thje. weekend at ' home. Jack Sherer of Seattle visited the C. D. Johnsons and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ccil Sherer, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Overlock and baby are visiting her parents, the Thm Statesman, Solom. Orocon. Sunday. Aocrust X 13473 E. I Davises, and they spent the weekend at the coast, leaving the baby with Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Dan Morrison is in Lake view where members of her fam ily are ill. Ed Tetze is working on the Scharer house, putting a new foundation under it ROSEDALE-Visiting last week at the B. Ft Sparks were Mr. and Mrs. Amel L Ketchum and chil dren. Patsy, Jimmy and David,, also Mrs. William E. Baker all ot La Junta, Colo- Ketchum and Mrs. Baker are brothers and sisters of . Mrs. Sparks. They also visited another brother, George Ketch urn's of Eugene, and Wayne Ketchum's of Mulinn, former Rosedale residents. They returned to Colorado by way of Yellow stone park.'. Valley Obituaries Mrs. Cassie Mott SILVERTON Funeral rvW for Mrs. Cassie Mott, 67, who died naay, wiu be held: Monday at irom me jacman Memorial chapel with final rites at Rl. crest. The Rev. O. Leonard Junes or West Salem will officiate. Luke Hampton ALBANY Funeral eirvW fnr L.uxe Hampton, 45, who died in Oregon CitT. Julv 27. were held July 30. Rev. Ed ear B. Luthtr officiated and a military service was; neio at Riverside cemetery where 'burial was mari. rwniK resulted from a heart attack whilo driving. -. . . Born in Texas. Aue. H. lfloi. Hampton was a resident of Al bans for eiffht veara. and waa foreman of the Hammond Lub ber Co., and a veteran of World War II. Survivors .are fiva . rtillHron ! ixren, jonn, L,yie, conald, Hamp ton, all of Marion; three brothers. L-uni and Uleve or Jefferson, and Clifford ' of Salem, a sister Mr Millie Foster of Albany, and (wn half sisters, Mrs. Anna Mason of j KJamath rails, and Mrs. Dora ward of Kelso, Wash. Samael N. Cade ALBANY Samuel N. r!arf '71 retired farmer, former resident of Albany where he lived for 31 years before moving; to Siletz five years ago, died there July 27. Fu neral services were held Julv 31. "With the Rv. Kdr Tj.th.r pastor or the Baptist church of wnicn ne was a member, offici ating. Burial Was in the Masnnlo cemetery where Masonic services were conducted by .the Albany iouge. Bom In Austin. Texas. Ort 27 1875, Cade spent, many years of nis me in Wat state.. On Oct. 1 1897, he married Fannie Well born at Snyder. Tes who ' mr vives as do two children, Le Roy uaoe or wampa, Calif, and Mrs. Lilian rridie of Portland; afeo six brothers. J. B. and WilUam cade of Albany. Tom cade of Ka. lem, John Cade of Long Beach calif., John Cade of San Angelo Tex, and Virron of Coos Bav: three sisters. Mrs. Dollie fnl. been of Buena Vista. Mr. Mvr. ue Kiiey of Stockton, Calif, and Mrs. Anna Fumlih if KilfT grandchildren and' 12 great granacnuaren. $Q n $ The Capital's Style Center I4 Court and Liberty i - .i ' Natnrally there are times when yon want to ask ques tions about certain prescrip tion - filling work we do for yon. Never hesitate; we're glad to answer them, or to refer yoa to your physician when advisable. Schaefer's Dreg Store 1895- 1147 Phone 1117 Or 9721 135 North Commercial our 1 owest 'mtwyp v prices in 5 years oo0 I-: ' 5,;ti wr Y v. W A It's here . . . the dream coat of fine fur you've always wanted . . . rich in color . . . full in cut . . .-fabulously fashioned to flatter from tiny collar to its longer hem line. But the BIG surprise is its low price . . . yes, the lowest price in FIVE YEARS! save ( Til I f ir' ... .. . lit y J zittn: a up note an ike Whether you wish a coat for a hundred dollars, or one costing many times that amount, NOW s the time to save money on your fur investment. A small deposit will hold your fur in our lav-awav. v (8(8 . . . FINE QUALITY MOUTON . . . NATURAL MUSKRAT . . . SEAL DYED CONEY . . . MINK-DYED CO NEY . . . STENCILLED CONEY. HOLLANDER: BLENDED NORTH ERN MUSKRAT BACKS . . . ASSEM BLED PERSIAN LAMB . . . RUSSIAN PONEY . . . ASSEMBLED RUSSIAN SQUIRREL. HOLLANDER BLENDED NORTH ERN MUSKRAT BACKS . . 1 RUS SIAN SQUIRREL . . . LEOPARD CAT . . . PERSIAN LAMB . . . OTTER. Many, many other fine furs including ermine . . . Persian lamb iii . .... . j . . . Alaska seal . . . itussian fitcli . , . Jtussian kolinsky and nat ural grev China kid. TAX INCLUDED r rfV,,v5 rT-5 BUY ON THE BUDGET PLAN! ....atV'. :'.. j!--,. -4 ,.f-....;Kj.