The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    fr Tho Statesman, Salem. Oregon.
Solons Mil. Sudden Slump, Brop Pair
To Vancouver, Skid EBacEt to 3rd Spot
Skeber's Homer Only Run in 6-0,
2-1 Losses; Second Twin Tonight
The big baseball buggaboo --bad night -- sneaked up on the
townies at Waters park last night and (1) wrecked all they had built
up In the previous Yakima and Bremeiton series, (2) dealt a low blow
to their sparkling home park record, (3) ruined one other record for
the yard and (4) startled as well as disappointed a glum gathering
of 2041 paid. In other words, the Senators dropped the double bill
with Bill Brenner's Vancouver?, 6 to 0 and 2 to 1, scoring but one
run in both games. That one was a home run by Joe Skeber in the
second tilt. The double defeat marked the first time this semester the
S-lems have dropped a twin bill at home. It also cost the Wilsons
their freshly won second rung in
the WIL derby, as Bremerton
downed Yakima twice and hopped
over the Salems. The single con
solation found in the dismal even
ing is that Spokane lost to Taco
ma last night. So this morning the
Spokes are still in front by a game
ver Bremerton, and Salem is half
a tilt in arrears of the Tars.
v J r,in on the T menu
SSXtSTX tam?tf3S
rril r.,rV..t ? ,m k m
t? Mgr. wESn" . c-hoice. and the
aklpper himseir is api io ioe u
!r. .k- .K.r nrenner will
.Ki.,hi,n.r Rab mil and
Bonnie Bryant or Jim Hedgecpck
cranked up for the caps.
If erstwhile Senator Gunnarson
was in a vengeful mood in last
krVJI, Vi haDDY sent
y roT-Carf VboweTuV
iT- j .w th. Hnnr on
Z c..Y. .h two hits, both
.," Ui. fuiHd like
J.. in,uA nf Mx-nnd di-
- i;mrs behind him. and his vie-
n.rv sinnvic called in
to relieve Wilson's pitching short-
rwv a h r.ntifiilTv for five
. '. . . . .i.. .:.ib v, Pom
neais, DUI in me c:
shelled him for six ol tneir eigm
kita for the came, and five Of the I
; ir for extra bases. Five runs I
SUI ere lor ex ir usc.
in au came over ana uunnarson
himself started the mess by trip-
line- ia left-center Six runs or
ling to leii-cemer. aix J?1
aixty off Sinovic made no differ-
enee. for he wasn't to get any help
to the m run department from hi.
Cunnarson was all primed to
pitch the second game for the
Caps also, oui Brenner nutu m
last minute change and snoi n-
P-t' Jonas at our side. And
Peter hasnt changed a bit, so far
as Salem teams are concernea. ne
found a slider pitch his best wea
pon and slid it by the Salems for
neat five-hit stint. Skeber s
rlout in the third the only thing
to resemble a run off him. Jonas
iid his trvin moments in three
frames, but hurled his way clear
every time by either whiffing a
Solon batter or forced him to tap
weakly into an out
Unfield freshman Cene Peter
son was the fall guy in wis one
and it was a shame. For Pete had
. ,v Hitter ma for the
seven frames he worked and all
but for the third, when the cap
got both their tallies, the McM inn-
villa flinger did a fine job. Three
singles, one of them a uuxe, ana
two stolen bases were wnai rum-
d Peterson's bid for his second
victory. Bud Sporer finished up
after Pete was lifted for a pinch-
hitter, but the damage wa done
The losses were No.'s 13 and 14
for the, home arena, as against
.36 Victories. r
Gcry Details:
1st Gaaae:
ViwuHf fit lalem ()
tiohr s 1 4 1 Peterson J 3 0 1(4
llln.i m A A ikbr r 3 0 4 0
MulkRim t 4 l'Nun.2 3 12 1
liar lit 0 Moore.) 0010
tewlJ 2 1 OKublakJ 10 2 0
- 1 1 1 S 0 Barr.m 3 0 0 0
SianpY 3 0 3 lnovtc.p 2 0 0
Tr-mi 3 1 0 KruS.l 2 0 10 0
Smm n 3 1 S 1 Beard.e 2 1 11
Wilson 10 0 0
TeUl 2S 121 S Totals 21 12lill
R11 for Kruf In 7th. 1
Vancouver .... 100 0OS 0 1 !
Salem . 000 000 00 2 0 '
t)tctier IPAB H R ER SO BB
Anwvic I 21 - 1 2
Ln on bwi: Vancouver 3. Salem I
Erran: Moir. Three-base hits: Cunnar-
ML. MCM TWO Dase mis: Mies, pour,
HlataiM. Tran. Runs batted ln mui
Wne, Mohr. xiead. Reese. Sacrifice: ;
Kubiak, Stolen bases: Mohr.
pMmao Double clays: Mohr to Hlel
BOM to Reese. Time: 1 II. Nenczlch
s4 Abbey.
Second fame;
lasmaver it) Salem (1
Mohr J 113 SBPetrsnj 4.0 It
Rtlmui S 2 2 3 lkeber.1 3 1 II 0
MuUma.m 1 0 3 0 Vunes2
Utes.r 4 0 1 0 Moor el
sieadJ 4 110 ttublakj
Reeae.l 3 S S 0 Barr.m
fereooere 2 0 7 imovicj
IrnJ 4 2 0 2 Kerre
1 3 6 1
1 0
0 11
r o
1 1 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
10 0
0 3 0
0 0 0
leneap 3 0 1 11
rug 1
I Ward-e 1
. Uporer.p 0
I ipaetert
0 0 e
1 0 ooi
TttJd fofKerr tm " ",nU
Batted for c. Peterson 'in 7th.
t Batted for iporer in sth. -
lor More in wh -
.tam 001 ouo oho 1 s 1
Pi her ipab h R tn so BB
er. ? I J j T
rviriyyii . s 49m a m w ,
w"itd p.tchT Peterson. Left on bases:
m e.l . - 1 .
WHiwm . oawm 1. errors; onrucr.
tatir. Home run: Skeber. Two-base
hf: Barr. Runs batted in:. Hielmaa.
Sketxr, stolen bases: Tran"'3. Mohr.
JiJlen. Double pleys: B. Peterson to
Twsma to Skeber. Mohr to HJelmaa.
Y.wtmas to Mohr to Reese. Time: 1 :5.
tlmylret" Abbey and Neneilch. Atten-
(Three leaders in earh leaiuel
u AH H H Yet,
r;Mcfio. Yankees , ss 3j7 es 114 .344-
Walker. Phillies
!Z J1! l '! 343
MIM 41 M .3.18
fie id tea ii. Indiana
j.u.. v, . .i im.
cinuri. . .." n 3si 04 113 JDi
cauj. Reds . .... 7s 334 34 73 .321
neo. ia t ss is
JTm: KHln.eV.tle2.Y
. "
t-cmei Lrifu. m. cianu. 'tf. Mar-
:!. Giants. 73: Cooper. Giants. 71.
wlv. oanu. 2 K fuate 23;
mi mm
Saturday. July 28, 1947
Brems Regain
Second Place
By The Associated Press
TheBremerton Bluejackets
f? -er the Salem Senators
into second place in the Western
International league standing, last
- , o. , '
over the Yakima Stars, 9-3 and
8 - 4. The result places the Brems
one game back of the Spokane
J , "XT " V,f .
Tacomas T prs. Victoria
?d Wenatchee split a twin-bill,
the Chiefs grabbing the opener,
and the Athletic, coming back
to nab the nightcap, 7-4.
It was Levi McCormack night
at Spokane as 8000 persons hon
ored the Indians veteran outfield-
er. Among other things McCor-
mack, a descendant of famed
Chief Joseph, was presented with
a new car
first came (seven innlnes)
vworii - ..... 000 100 1-2 7 3
Wentchee ...... on 020 4 s 0
Ka?parovitch and Mastro; Cronin
nd Da'lrymple.
Snd came (seven Innines)
victoria 020 003 27 1
Wenatchee 012 010 04 9 0
Rose. Blankenship 13) and Mastro;
McCollum. Osborne () and Dalrjm-
Tacoma 030 010 0004 0
ataj -
0003 s 1
son and
rirst came
S n
024 020 10 9 2
000 100 2 S 3
Running; Cord 11
p Brioff and
and Conrtantino.
Second fa
022 112 000 S 12 1
000 02O 110 4 S S
Johnston and Voloi: Wallerstcin and
Amerk Cracks
Discus Record
OSLO. July 25-iJPh-Th recoe
nized world record for the discuss
throw, held by Italian Adolfo
Consolini since 1941. was bettered
today by an American athlete,
' oruine uoraien 01 me university
of Minnesoto, who hurled the
platter 178.47 feet almost three
ana one-nan ieei more than the
iurmer mars:
Twenty thousand spectators in
By Jerry
A miss la as food as a mile:
Dairy Janlor A -learners Wednesday n!ht came Just about as close
as anyone eevld to a no-hitter. He had ene man to go In the seventh
and last inning against the hitherto unbeaten Mayflowers and what
did that gay do bat get a clean
base hit. And ironically enough
thc lad who rained Conrsey'i
hopes was his pitching rival, Jim
Rock . . . Inevitable: We knew
Hank Singer wouldn't be able to
stay away from that Softball Hurl
er's mound. Hank vowed at the
beginning of the campaign that
chucking was for the other and
more youthful gents from now on.
But lo and behold, there was that
familiar battery: H. Singer and
L. Singer under the Papermakers'
line score the other eveninr.
'C m w w m m. 'M.b.. B4t. m. k
v w v mm m . w m m V
Schwarts might have figured that
Veteran Hank would bo Just the
lad to break his elub Into the win
column for the first time, after
some of the younger twlrlera had
failed to accomplish the job.
Hank didn't win his first outing,
but bell come through sooner or
later . . . Dressed up: Capitol Alleys Is all sple-and-spanned for the
coming of the fall pin madness. Among tbo Improvements are entire
ly resurfaced alleys andguess what-none other than a set of the
most satisfactory scoreboards out.
type whereby the image of the score sheet Is magnified and thrown
on a targe screen. Among oiner inings inis type eliminates wrenenea
fl Am.. ABS
necks, elbows between the shoulder
I smf Miirrai a.- kM mtt AjarM
- - And the modern onesll keep the acorekeeper In much
better moooV too ... Renewed rivalry: Might be when Eugene sends
i softball representative Here tonight to take on a local club la the In
aBg-ral tilt of the WUIamette Valley softball association's schedule.
Ten against one that youll find some former Salem high Vikings and
I Eugene Axemen among the combatants. And that always adds up to
l hbm real scrimmaging . . .
Getting Technical
Did you ever wonder Just why
dotting Its surface. It's a good bet
bis shoulders and give with a bewildered, "I dun no.
In fact a lot of guys not too
dynamics have muttered that they could get 73 yards more on their
drives If the ding-busted ball were perfectly SMOOTH. For after aU
doesn't streamlining cut down wind resistance? Sure it does in the
case of that latest four-door job.
ed guys who manufacture these
good section or the population plain inuts. It Just Isa t the ease with
their product. Getting down to tackstry and drive a smooth-surfaced
pill with your favorite wood and what happens? Why. that Infantile
sphere will soom fine for say of
ka diva bomber she'll head for old
tell you since we're not expert in
what the experts say so let it go
calling Snohomish. Washington's,
WM booked on to Torgy as top choice la a nick-name contest for the
I si..-.'- i ...l ti .w.i i . . . . .
, !" ji-m;ci. aaww nan;
I n Braves to a new era In Boston
thii seems to be putting Mr. Tergeson on the well-known snoL And
a us sccma oe putting tar. Jtorgeson on ine weii-anown I
c Jm EsbUM ha. truly made the Major league
M 4 m. U. I fjA-S aV - ill . . . SaS .. a .ft a
1 twltto Ills .300 batting average and
base-stealer). Conalderlnf the formidable ahlarl that tlekMl hi.
Utn. the precedent hewa. forced
magnificently. AND the p layers
SUPPCR os thc
Seeded Stars
In Net Final
SEA BRIGHT, N. J, July 23.-ff)
-Gardner Mulloy of Coral Gables,
Fla., seeded No. 2, staged one of
the greatest rallies in the history
of the Sea Bright Lawn Tennis
and Cricket club Invitation tour
nament today when he came from
behind to beat unseeded James
Brink of Seattle, Wash., and gain
the championship round of the
men's singles in hte 59th annual
grass courts classic. The scores
were 3-6, 4-0, 9-7, 6-1 and 6-3.
Mulloy Joined top-seeded Frank
Parker of Los Angeles in the title
round, the national third-ranked
star having earlier vanquished
fourth-seeded William Talbert,of
Wilmington, Del., in a four-set
duel, 6-0, 9-7, 3-6 and 6-3.
Bislet stadium for -the third and
final program of four-nation
track and field meet applauded
thunderously as the platter hurled
by Gordien sailed past the white
flag marking the former record
Ray Coursey, hurling for the Curly's
Those boards, yon know, are the
a a m a a
blades and ere strain which too
ntva nrtil hmA Ike ihltf . m4 or !
a golf ball has those round grooves
the average llnkster would shrug
thoroughly versed In matters of aero
BUT, according to the well-ground
tantalum globules which drive
yards, then whoosh Just liko a Stu
mother earth. Why? Wo couidn'i
aero - dyn well. heck, mlstuh. that
at that . . . Torchy Terseson they're
gift to Boston Braves. The name
uauuic . t lie B am wren IcaaiDK
baseball history," was the reason.
and done
on merit
position as the National loon's too
to Jackie ha. come Ur.ugh
respect lm, treat the colored lad like
i fhNCH-Mirrrrt
Scotch Ttcosome Meet
Set for SGC Golfers
A Scotch Twosome tourna
ment, first of its kind played
at Salem golf course by the
toorney-loTing Men's clabbers.
will be the eating f the week
end, announces Bill Goodwin.
The two-man teams will play
with. bat one ball and will take
alternate shots at tt. Partners
will also sboot alternately off
tbo tees, according; to the rules.
The tovrney will be an ll-holer
and the usual prises will prevail.
Portland Nips
0'Douls, 4-3
PORTLAND. July 25-;P)-The
Portland Beavers rapped home
three runs in the eighth Inning
tonight to snatch a 4-3 ictory
from the San Francisco Seals in
the opener of a four-game Pa
cific coast league series. Jack Sal
veson went the route for the
Beavers though nicked fur 11 hits
At Seattle the rallying SeatUe
Rainiers beat Los Angeles and
Cliff Chambers, the circuit's top
hurler, 11-5. Hollywood s Stars
steamrollered the Sacramento
Solons, 18-2, with the aid of
20-hit attack, and Oakland nipped
2an Diego, 4-3, in 10 innings.
Saa fraocfoco FartUae
D.Whit.m 1 2 2 0 Mullen X 4 2 S
Luby. 3 4 1
S Ratio s 4 0 3
0 M.Smth.m 2 1 S
0 Lazor.1 4 1 4
2 Storey J 4 I I
0 Eacobar.r 4 0 S
2 Vk-o.l 3 S
OSil verse 3 1 3
r Sat veson. p 3 10
0 Reich. 1 0 0 0
Shertdn.r 4 0
Brovta.l 4 1
Orteic.3 4 2
Mathesn.l 4 0
Nicely j 3 1
teonard.c 3 1
Brewer. p 3 I
Jennlng 1 1
Taorinua 1 1
Trow erf 0 0
Totals 34 11 24 11 Totals 31 127 12
San Francisco .. 000 200 0013
PortUnd 000 100 03 4
Errors Matheson. Brewer. Nicely.
Escobar, Vico. Silvers. Runs batted in
Leonard. Storey 3. D. White. Two
base hits Lazor. D. While. Storey.
Stolen base Luby. Double plays
Luby to Matlteson. Rat to to Silvers.
Nicely to Luby to Matheson. Len on
bases San franclsco I. Portland 3.
Pitching: IPAB R HER BB SO Sac
Brewer 31 4 7 1 3 4 0
Salveson S 34 3 11 3 1 3 1
Umpires Cordon. Mutart and Som
en. Time 1:44. Attendance 3616.
Sacramento . 001 001 000 3 6 4
Hollywood 103 0Z3 43 IS zo o
Mann. Bee ley (71 and nizseraid:
Rttclf no and Cameron.
San Diego yw 000 000 S-J 4 3
Oakland 001 000 020 14 10 3
(10 lnnlnssi
Kenisan and Kerr: Hayes and
Anctles 000 100 04A S 3
Seattle 001 403 05 11 13 t
Chambers. Pallca (CI. Osborn (Si
and Ma lone; Cecil and Sueme.
Salem Hurler Breaks
Arm Throwing Curve
Pitcher Bruce Boatman of the
Salem Eagles lodge janlor base
ball team Wednesday evening,
broke" his right arm above the
elbow when he attempted to
throw a curve In a game played
at Sileerton. Ahead 5-1 ia the
last Inning, Boatman cat loose
with a pitch and snapped the
big bone In his arm. Coach
Ralph Caley of the Eagles team,
an ex-pitcher himself, later re
lated he has In his many years
association with thc game heard
of pitchers throwing oat should
ers and-elbows, but never un
til thla freak accident had he
heard of barters snapping a
bone. Boatman will be lost to
the team the balance of the sea
(Up to dale)
B 11 Pet. B H Prt
Wilson 13 S .MW paeter 34S S3 T.t
Barr 134 S3 J8S Nunes JftO ps t
Beard 290 S7 J24 ru 2V2 It Ml
Moore 310. SO Jl4 Andisn 37 7 S
Sinovic S3 29 .312 Vtosaor 32 S .170
Kubiak 33 110 .301 , yatt S3 S 147
ikeber 1C2 47 J290 err 29 4 .I3S
Q Petrsn 7 2 TWi-aror 43 S 133
B PI ran 338 S4 2SO iporer 2V 1 oao I
Wilson SOS Anderson J 3 SJ
Monor 13 S 148 Sporer 3 3 JS 1
Wyatt 13 7II3C. Ptraon 13 2 I
Lazor 9 3 33: Sinovic 3 11 5 I
Even Ah Umpire
By Gayle Talbot
NEW YORK. July 21 - (41 -When
a baseball plater rlovts a
home run. It's hk. and uot eieo
an umpire ran deprive him of
bin prise.
That, la effect, was the rating
of President Ford Frick of the
National league today as he
threw out Brooklyn's hetly-dK-pa
ted 3-to-Z victory over the
St, Louis Cardinals last Sunday
at Ebbets field and ordered the
gaaao to be replayed as part of
a double header on Aug. IS.
In finding that Ron Northey.
pudgy St, Louis outfielder, had
indeed been prevented from
scoring an Inslde-the-park home
run In the ninth Inning by the
Publinx Final
Go to Southern Star
Wilfred Cross ley of Atlanta. Ga..
tho national public links golf title today, and mil meet for the chagi
piomhip Saturday.
Crossley took a 4 and 3 decision over Don Doalert of St PaU.
Minn. Beck, forced into extra
holes by the gallant battle put up
by Benjamin Hughes of Portland,
Ore., won one up on the 38th.
Beck and Hughes started the
afternoon 18 all even. Hughes at
one time held a 3 up advantage
over Beck, but the letter came
from behind, and they came up to
the 18th green with Berk holding
a 1 up lead. Hughes, relaxed and
smiling, dropped a 40 foot putt on
the 18th green for a birdie four to
Beck s five to even the match.
They halved the 37th in par
fives. On the next hole, a par
three, 161-yard afffair. Hughes
dropped his tee shot 30 feet from
the edge of the green. Beck s firnt
was right on the edge of the
green. Hughes' chip shot rolled
past the cup and he mised his
putt. Beck dropped his for a par
three and the match.
Eugene Softys
Here Tonight
(Amtrkis) (NaUeasl)
W 1. Pet
Wools 1 .77 ralea 1 One
Nary S 3 015 (taker 3 SIS
Mootry 4 3 111 Warners I 3 123
Knlahta 4 3 S71 nk E. 1 I -
Papers S .000 .'FW
1 1 .113
The VFW softball rlub. hither-j
ts) without a win. jumped into the .
victory roumn the hard way fast I
nigni at lesne as 11 mni ' .
Bread, 3-2, in a thrilling 13 in-
nine National loop tule. The ,
American league side of the pro-
cram saw the Campbell Itoca-
Wools Dad their lead as they
...w: i .V-- wW. IJ,rTT.aW.
"'"fl" -'.V V . ,
em. 7-3. It was trie Maaers
eighth straight defeat.
Tonight at Lelie a triple
header is on tap. feoturo being
a doubleheadcr between a Eugene
all-star rlub and a total outfit
lub and a local outfit
mostly of Rock-Wool-Jf
two garner, starting at
nine o'clwk. w ill open
ers. The
eiaht and
the Willamette Valley Softball s
sociation campaign. Firt tilt at ;
7 o'clock will pit the Eagle (
against Albany in an exhibition j
go"- ... . ,
It was a single iy Morgan, io.-
lowed by Tony Prudenti s double
in the 13th w hich fae the ets
their win last night.
M4 onn 17 11 1
Xuu i - 4 I
Knihl and MrCaffr . H. Binfer
and L. Sinter.
MB 000 OOO 100 SIS O- 3 10 4
VFW . one oio ono eie 1-3 S3
Maert and Davies. Keniper and
Neale, Irish
Star Finalists
VANCOUVER. B. C, July 25-(CP)-An
Oregon State champion
and a Notre Dame University stu
dent entered the men's singles
finals, of the Canadian tennis
championships today.
Oregon State Champion Emery
Neale of Portland displayed al
most erroiless tennis again to en
ter the men's singles finals and
short-legged Johnny Evert, of
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., top man of
the Notre Dame University squad,
was all over the court to topple
San Francisco's rangy Harry
Roche 4-6. 6-3. 6-2, 4-6. 6-4.
CUM dirt. odor.
ash, long burning ... no
storage problem , . . uso
N. Cherry At.
Douglas IIcKay Chevrolet Co.
Visit our Motor Cllale DepartaweoL For the reswalader of Jalr
wo will give a complete Impeetlen on aay make ear without
cost or obligation to you. Come In and watch as serform this
operation and see for yoarself hew we do It
The most modern eautpped shop la the northwest, rboae Slag
foe appointments.
Douglas IIcKay Chevrolet Co.
S10 North Coznznercial
Can Be Wrong
action of t'anplre Beano Rear
dou to tellinf Mm to "slow
down. I fee leacM preUde! aakd
he was baaing bio desUtoa on
"falrnesa. common sense and
When the dlspated pUy areoe.
the Cardinals were leading
Brooklyn 2-i to the first of the
ninth. Northey n lucked a tow
ering fly Into deep eenterfleld
that hit on top of a railing In
rront of the bosea. bounced high
In the air and feU anek Into the
field. Reardon. umpiring at
third, thontht taw boll bad gone
Into the stands, and when Nor
they came puffing Into
told him to take It easy.
Avery Beck of Raleieh. N. C anatV""4 dciio" Eirard
won their semi-r.nals matches in
W L Prl W L Pet
Spokane SO 41 J04 raeocna S3 $ .313
Bremerta 00 43 .33 Vancouver 44 U .473
Salem 0 43 37S Yakima 3S S3 S
Victoria 17 t 13S Wenacnee 33 OS X.1
Last nlfht's reaults: At Salem 0-1.
Vancouver S-J; at Yakima 3-4. Brem
erton S-S. at Spokane 3. Tacon 4. at
Wenatchee 4-4. Victoria 3-1.
W L Pet W L Prt.
tta Anfta SS M S7 ueramnl S7 as 7
Oakland S 11 V5 an Dtrf M SJ Ml
Ian rran II M faclUnd M .4i4
Seattle MM 300 Moll stood 31 S4 413
Lat night s results: At Pottlan4 4.
San rranctarw S at Hal It wood IS.
i rameulo S Al Oakland 4. San Uwf S
At Seattle II. Im Angeles .
.jmIU-i aa i . ... . . .
t ii, MM is I nmnruU 4340 41
Rosion 44 41 vs Pittatntrch as u at
phiUdelpnia 4: at Okarato S. Nn
York 3. at putaburth 1. brook 1 4
i- . Bo.t 1.
W t. Prt
w t. prt WIM
New York S3 M S.4 rWvelantf SS 44 .470
"oa.on es mi waarmtn so i tee
ntro.l 47 4 S4 titles M It t
: pmimicIp ouimm imh um m t inulU' At WaMitntiaa
3. tleveUnd 1: at New Yaxh IX. Oil-
eato 4: al Itoaina 7. St. Lou.s . al
PniU4Slpla S. Ikr4rtMl t
g- 1 VTo
otilffilc VlO
t V ii lUlO T IV
In Dallas Go
' The S-lem Capitols will today
,ttempt, to put a crimp In the
Valseii Logsers' hopes for a part
' , th- Su,,. i,.,- senvt half
championship when the two clubs
' i o
cian in m p. m game on ls
:Creole Field In Dallas. The esrrve
will be played as part of the cur
rent Cenlenntal celebration In
Dallas and will find the Lofser
loaded up even more than they
were when they downed Salem
in a recent Hollywood Bowl con
test. 6 to J.
Manager Johnny Kolb of the
Salems will open with either Lee
Fallin or Bill Hanauska on the
Caps' mound. Lefty Jack Schafer,
who downed the Caps the last
time, likely will be the Logger
choice. Or it etna Id be Lefthander
Charley Sauvain, the Oregon
Table of Coastal Title
CompHaOon of tides at Taft. Ota , by
I be US. Coast and Geodetic Survey
July Huh Low
Time Water Time Wsler
2 1 S4 a m. 41 t a m. is
130 pm. S3 IWtpm. 34
37 33 a m. 43 31 am. 03
OiSpm. 6 4 3 04pm. 3S
SS 14 -M am. 44 ! 4 a an. SI
0O7 p m. 6 4 3 OS p m. 3 1
2g II 27 sal. 44 4 43 am. -03
13 pm. SJ 3 -30 p m. 3 3
Ph. S8
Cards Reach 2nd;
iGtfi for Blackle
Red Birds Tip Braves; Brooks
Win; Cincy Star Nears Record
By The Am rioted Pi a . .
The SL Louis CanLnals and long. Enc'J Bia4e3. IS
CincinnaU Reds' mound mgcin stole mort of O-t Inter. In ' Tt K
tiortal league yesterday. The Cards t4t ter second fUn frwa Vm
Bootcm Braves ao they trimmed the Beantowrwrs, !. Thn iaap-pme
Ray Pockets
harjes Bout
r -ij- NEW YORK. July 25 -iTr D-
mer (the Violent) Ray came up
? ''ith the futtc upset &f LNe year
eTuHietit bv winnine a sclit ten.
(Charles in a Madwoa Square Car-
den fight which ss to have
qualified the m Inner for a N oa etn
wr bout with Joe Louis. Ray
weighed 1Mi. Charles i;.
The If rntirl ne.rfct mA
and a peculiar style of fTthtmg
witn one arm wrapped around his
head, which made him a reason
able faoimlle of a turtle taking
a nap, enabled Ray to shake off
hrp shots of the long armed
Uhw light-heavyweight and catch
the eyes of two of the three of
Referee Eddie Jooeoh and
Judge George Let-rone each bal
loted for Ray. six rounds to four.
Judge Marty Monroe voted for
Charles, I to I The Associated
Press score card tabbed Charles.
nve rounds to four with roe even.
Salem Pinser
Barely Nosed
YAKIMA. July 25iV011ie E.
fine. LaG range. Cal, retained his
title In the It-yard 200 bird event
yesterday afternoon In the Pacific
international trapshoet as he
scored a perfect 25 in shoo ofl
with Clarence Townarnd of So
lent, Oregon. Townaend and Tine
finished the refular shoot with
score- of 1H ond In the shootoft
Townsend missed the 2 1st bird al
lowing fine to keep the UUe. :
Graziano Belt
Axtar d Nixed
NEW YORK. July 25 - CIT -Rocky
Graii no. recently ciow id
middleweight chatnpton who Is
still blacklisted in his home sUte
of New York, todav roreived a
tempUnf offer of a 1 1 10,000 guar
antee to defend Ms crow n agalwt
esc-hamp Tony Zle of ChMwgo
in Miami nest rebcuary.
In the Major
Cre. taBa .3003300
Peky. Real SWa . S I I 8 0 I 0
Dwr. Ileal mm . 4 I I I t S I
Call us for prompt olii
cient sorvlce on all q'.asa
work from a basemen-. t
window to a full store
(Tee AaytUwc Over
CBPertestred crop 4 awitag
ryl.g Iftea sousda pee Us a.
at ta tow eoo of ILN pee
! ! ' II
. ! v
s- . -- I
ointAtDR. nor, ruxo ror. rovrs cvort
rASTrm moic gxnctcxT meaxs or
Dox 109, Sakm Airport
rfeotM C17f
log Brockiyn Xadgrrt lm w
beotmf the PitUbwrgH Pirstew,
4- 1. but had tf-arir msrfin ovvt Ue
Cards reduced to 4 4 game f
Prestdent Ford frW k allowed n
SL Louis protest of a game w .'.Si
the Bums Last Sunday and carder -4
it replayed. BlackweU racked v
his ICth straifht piUtung win anal
lllh of the aeasui as the Rs od
ged the Phidelphia rss. -4,
'Blackie" was tucked for 13 hit
as he stagrered througi but wK-f
fed nine. The streak tes the An
erica a circuit snark and leaves Kir
three behind the It In a row in
assed by the New York Car.u
Bube Marquard in 1112. Johnt.
Vine walked a three-run Ixwt.
er - -his rtth - to no at ail as V o
Giants bowed to the Chscago Cuba,
5- 3.
In the American legve the New9
York Yankee maintained the.r
US game margin as they snua4
the Chicago White Ses, 12-4. 2W
ton's Red Sox mo ed o er the te
trott Tigers Into t he runner -v
slot as they noved the ft- Lou
Browns, 7-4. with Ted WiUiarra
slamming his 20th circuit ctovt
Washington's Mickey Haefneg
checked Cleveland with three h. H
as the Solons won. and Ptui
adetphia's A's whip-rd Detroit.
t-5. e.
Phiiarti iowi . axt las eil 4 is t
C'Tnumi . .. 14 swb tss 4 a a
Heaat a . Junwrk 3i. 4)
n I MaS PoOfeet; Sartseil mt Immm
NeT'Yaea assj 030 s 0
Ow-e . obi an or a is 0
Hattaaf. k-ira mm Cast i't
r-sra on4 WcCulaavrH
Ira ese ari-4
Tarwar o-t gSwrw: Qwna, BarW
S Kautts
oas oet mi I is t
lea aw a i i
SS(ak. O
AltniCAM tXACt sw t
WllSHrISI MNlf-ll
bsawk. Kir.aO 111. Iiail tt
a-S Mtss; HJetaee sa4 S -
Oimw ... . WS eaai SS S I
S Yea . . asa) au tl l 4
O Uta iw m . Cnas i. al
CakSwea l mwt TreaSi. luwwatg
. til ess o . s o f
a4 soe oo1 i t
raOk II -.--ae .t
Tit Wa urn.
twe-wal . tm OH 11-0 IS t
M'leO4le . Jit a 4-e II 4
Trawl-. Qiwam 1 1 . Cats ae
W eta wiea 4I swa
Allnrir Irpion WTint
ALBANY. July 2S-OV Aorr
(Wfewlel Med ford. t-0. heww ia
night tn the first gsmo d arc
Uonat American Leg-cat wcr
h MS boll flUywrt. &UMBOM, AJb-
ay tMtcfaee. struck mmm n nd ai
lowed ceil two Uu.
Noost the atlratlosi of
our radiator eipert
Complete. Lto-Dito
RadUtor rtipmet
AD Work GrateJ
Loder Bros.
441 Cesser tX
rtv. 4 n - jut
an wort cairuuwi
Hi Cosjrt tL CaS T1XS
pUeia. rtytmg skip. easwaW al esur
Also iiinrilal fetlUtoa
a. I ta
4 tm ime:
mmmmmmm i n mmm i I
Ma-ufcaU, Giants. 33. 1 One Of 'em