1 The Start man, Sodom, Oregon, Fridcrf, July 18, 1847 Festival SideBigDit Flying Saucer Mills, Eyerly Aircraft company, Pumilite Concrete Block com pany, Radio Station KSLM, Sa lem Woodworking company, Traeger & Pecker Guy Anchor company, Salem Paint Manufac turing company. Vocational In dustries, Sicks' Brewing company, Salem Aluminum plant. Successor SW-nQi Cbcrry festival was not without it "flying saucer, its sil very surface suspiciously fresh and saucer-Uke and Its posted descrip tion in the army recruiting serv ice a exhibit at the armory iden tifying itv Saucer, Flying, MIA2' which was not immediate ly tested because it had to be rushed to Salem. Ore- for dis plsy at the Cherry festival." Song lor Queen Among ether Salem Cherry Fes tival sioelighta occurring during opening day events Thursday, was the Eugene Gleemen's dedication of their eong, "Come Roam With Me," to Mrs. Margaret Michaels, Pasadena, Calif-, KSLM-Mutuat's Queen for a Day, who was a festi val v inter at the fairgrounds show Uct night. She was presented by Glenn McCormick, head of KSLM. " Old Fashioned Several mayors of mid-valley communities were introduced to the fairgrounds crowd last night, but none managed to attract quite the attention accorded Mayor Hoi Jus Smith's party from Dallas, dressed in their centennial cos-. tumes representing clothes of the last century. With him were Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adolf, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ea kin and Mrs. Bonny M sherry of Berkeley, Clf. Free Music One of the first big crowd catchers of the festival was the Salem city band of tS union mu sicians 'under the baton of Maurice Brennan. Their appearance on all three days of the festival has been financed by the musicians' union fund frren its share of records sales proceeds. Arrangements for using the funds for paying the musi cians curing festival were made by Glen Hoar, president of the Salem musicians' local. . Junior Showmen The midget four - year - olds whote lart-on-stage bows and curtsies struck the fancy of the show crewd last night during the Paul Armstrong dancers' program . were Cneter Hodgson and Carol Hanson.- The diminutive singer was Beth DeLeschmidt. ,. Big Visitors Everyone seemed headed for the Cherry festival including one of the five B-29 crews which flew their warships from Merced air base, Calif., over the Salem arm ory at the festival opened Thurs day . alternoon. l ne u-z wm re-1 rji . r main at Salem airport during the 3 Ilea TS tO Spare f Aatisral Ttst iraur tttvirtt sit that I Marion hotel includes Capt, Jo- When Mayor "Bob" Elfstrom seph Semanek, pilot, of Bing- appeared to open the festival by hampton, N. Y.; co-pilot It. Ben- cutting the ribbon barring the jamin I vie, Leaksville. N. C; na armory door, Mrs. Elfstrom was vigator Lt Erik Giertson, Bloom- there too, having brought a pair field, N. J.: engineer Lt. Norman, of lge scissors in her handbag. Lowry. Downlngton, Pa.; crew " case His Honor forgot the chief M. Srt. James Crotts. Wash- appropriate equipment which. ingtoo. D. C. and assistants T. it might be added, turned out to ' . f.W r - i A pi Set. James Whitson, Knoxville, Tenn.; Sgt. Robert Jennings, Ok lahoma City; Sgt Robert Seigle, Pine Plains, N. Y, and Pfc. Billy Webb, Bpnham, Tex. be a handsomely decorated pair of shears for the grand occasion. - a Armory Show : 4 Way Back When Entertainers the Junior Cham- ber has booked for 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. shows in the armory ex Mrs. B. O. (Agnes) Schucking. hibit hall both today and Satur- who was Salem's first Cherry fair day Include Impersonator Gene queen in 1903 and who was am-1 Malecki, Magician -Jack Spong, ong onlookers at the coronation Joe Lane and his Oregon Cow last night, recalled that "in her boys, the Podewell Junior play- day" she was crowned In the see- ers. Pianist Ruth Kriesel and tion of Willson park now the sita Whistler Lois Newman. of Salem postoffice, that ceremo nies were not quite as elaborate "but I dare say we had as much enjoyment" Snell Appoints Rent Control Advisor Board With Gov. Earl Snell s recom mendation for the local area's rent control advisory committee mem bers disclosed Thursday, function ing of. the powerful committee authorized by the recently acted rent law neared. The governor s oliire luted at recommended appointees Lliu- beth Lord, representing the pub lic; Floyd Wilson and Robert F, Lowe, both veterans, represent- ing tenants; Ralph E. Moody and Homer Smith, sr., representing landlords. All the nominees art from Salem. Their appointment by Housing Expediter Frank R. Creed on was considered virtually assured as the law calls for appointment of five members to each advisory from a list submitted rtditriils and to recommend rti of the local rent office in hard ship and other cases after tndl- idual landlords' petitions have been Med with the rent office. en- DE8 MOINES. Jaly 17 Bathe Francis J. McCeauselL retired bishop of the New Yerk area, whs will saocsed the late Brace K. Baxter as bishop of Meth odist eharehes la the Pacific I committee Northwest. Hie appetataneat by the governor of the state in will eeatlaae aaUl Jaly, Hit. which the defense-rental area (Story page L) SamG.Blvthe. Word of Welcome LT , When tha lovely Cherry festl- JlOtCd WOtCra il princesses were called upon A. ?VU " MrVM i 9 journalist Dies val princesses were caued upon to greet the opening ceremony crowd through the microphone the armory, the first three man- aged bare "hellos" but Princess Mary Ann Schmidt of Mt Angel broke the ice with a pleasant wish Salem Woman Hit by Bullet Shooting of i J calibre gun. which resulted in the injury of Mrs. Erie Petre, resident of the sou in raver road Tuesday eve ning was under investigation Wed- MONTEREY, Calif- July 17 nesday afternoon by Marion that spectators would enjoy W aamuei uiywe. noiea vuj A themselves as much as the assem- Journalist and writer and an in- office. - bled nrincesses Umate of every president from Mrs. Petre was struck in the v ; . . Grover Cleveland to Franklin upper right arm by a bullet which a t Delano Roosevelt, died tonight. ; Immediately in front of bnaiU He wag 4Xjtt&cZ t W- bffieart. She , said .The end of. a brilliant career! aha had-seen-nobtyly nearby and Dave hoss, kului program i Whkh included editorship of Cos-1 had heard no other shots, accord uijeciiM, tansicu uuiiku. m mw i mopolltan - magazine. . political I mi to snerurs reports. army w a Ikle-t allele wmcn writing for the old New York wouldn't function the opening" World. and the Saturday Evening ceremony started but was no less Pogtf nmts at 10 Q.clock after a the embarrassed than King Bing ion( nine,,, He had lived here am uyer wneii tne iancr mi in-i since 1916. r It was Blythe who obtained the quotation, "Huerra ' must go." in located. The Salem rent area include all Marion county and West Sa lent. The advisory committee under the new rent act has the- power to recommend abolition of rent troducing princesses overlooked Mary Marguerite Helsel and re- . Sheriff Young declared the near seriousness of the snooting "should serve as a warning against pro miscuous use of guns. Mrs. Petre was working in her back yard, at Salem route S, box 969. when bit. the sheriff said. ceived a loud but good nstured I an exclusive interview with Pros-1 Th bullet caused only a flesh protest from her Woodburn, fol lowing. i V . ' ' , ' Jenny Dnd ' ' Lucile Cummings, the home town singer who has scored many successes in radio, theatre and church singing across the nation, hastened to chide The Statesman for an uncorrected headline i that had transformed her into a "native of Sweden." She is to sing at tonight's festival show. 3 Little Nieces wound and was removed at Salem General hospital.' ident Wilson, presaging the resig nation of the Mexican president Blythe helped make history In 1915 when he collaborated with the Chinese government at Peking T ltlrtMsUss, in framing a rejection of Japan's I "-wut niuuuiuaucii 4 .J I- S . A . M I on Manchuria. W Jul Dally rraaa 1 P. M. w Now! For fha Cherry raafiTall AO Ike thrfHs tf wartsTs atast leasees raclaf dassicsl BNTurf-eos ,7 -' j CLENN UXGA2I HELEN WALKER Meat tliim mn flajSMiwi tkasw BRUCE HUMBERSTONE ROBERT BASSLER 0i 1 mm flay h WSS Iwdm Pinal Ccrxtoonl Abxnafl Fox N The three nieces of Queen Mar tha I who were crown and train Divers Visit Sunk Saratoga WASHINGTON. July 17 - VPi - Navy divers today got down to the flight deck of the aircraft car rier Saratoga, lying in 200 feet bearers at the coronation had no I of water at the bottom of Bikini lliil . Sa i 1.1 a . S.S ft ' lime amicuiiy negoviaiing uieiiagoon. ... high steps leading to the throne, f - The old flat toD's 'deck U eov. what with their long, dresses andjered with coral dust,,ssld dls- lemporaruy neavy responsiom- patches received at the navy de ties.'.. They behaved beautifully partmenL - t through the show, only occasion- The 33,000-ton ' carrier went ally appearing to be the object down a year ago after the under of whispered admonitions from water atomic bomb test at the ner nignness. j pacific atolL a arronger noia I m is. t tto By September 1 WASHINGTON. July 17 -VP) Lady Iris Mountbatten, cousin oft King George VI of Great Britain, has been asked to leave the United States by September 1, Ugo Caru-1 si, commissioner of immigration and naturalization, said tonight Carusi said the great-grand daughter of Queen Victoria had over-stayed her visitor's permit, and that her request for an ex tension has been denied. .? The fact that Lady Mountbat ten has taken employment In this country. Carusi said, violated the terms of her visitors permit Lady Mountbatten waa arrested in New York early this week on Washington. D.C, fugitive war- I A naw exnedition . Im invwtl JrrUUCl Ul I rOUUClB ZZn: Z . . .r ...r nal accusing her of issuing a I .u Zl?:Z-K.r7J?l "" worthless check, a charge which uniuiwn in hw iiiuurj iw "u mk waicr irouna inem a Iter I i4mnn4 tw4av a i r- M . : i M . l I Ik. I i . I vrr-- J ' uie ici I J icnuvBi intun iiiuw- w nv uuiuu VIMMIM MSI ing representative Salem area year. Droducts are: Ballantyne & Heitr Manufact- bussing AT FAIKVDIW Joan Fontaine Graces uring company. Valley Packing company. National Battery com pany, Paris Woolen Mills, W. W. Rosebraugh company. Western Paper Converting company, Stev ens Emiinment comoinr. Rsmaffes Beverages, Thomas Kay Woolen "icaoasier, us, ana Lroy Wool over, 41. BASEBALL TOIIIGPT t:15 P. M. Waters field Salem Senators vs. Yakima Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 DAIICE Erery Saturday Night Silverica Armory Music by Glenn Woodry'a 15-Pleee Orchestra Dinner at Five Lrt "Butch prepare your favorite steaks and dinners, they're delicious, plentiful, satisfying and appetizing. "Batch will make Leonard's "The Best Place to Eat in Town. LEOIIARD'S SUPPER CLUB Dining Keen is In Charge of "Batch' Weissbeck, Formerly with Chock's Tavern. Manager "Bill" Giese DINE - DAIICE S P.M. to 2 A.M. No Cover Charge HURHYJ ENDS SAW ' OFKNS t'Ai T. M. . tt. Adilti SM (toe. Ux HOY: chad, jo, Uk) GLEIHl ICXMI I lAmSUUiYAH JAKSUtm Opens 1:45 p. am. Now I Torrifie Fun! . . j Boy Rogors Dale Ercms "Don'tjence Me In" Bod Skolton Tho Show Off' "Son of Zorro" No. 2 40c TQI I P. M. NOW PLAYING fANDREWS"Vl I I WTRTT I ry. V xithui m nncpt N 7 jf amiviNi f COtl IIIJ.COM 2nd FEATURE Opeaa S:4S p. sa. ALSO "Trail ol Vongeanco" with Klrfcy Oraat - Tnxtj KsOgki rml A Ford Fires 32 Foremen DLTROIT. July 17 -Thirty- wo Ford Motor Co. foremen ae- cuM-d of "violence and terror ism'' during a recent 47-day strike were fired today and their union countered with the threat of an other walkout The Independent Foreman's a- socistion of America summoned its 3,800 memberi employed by Ford to a special meeting Sun day, two weeks to a day after they voted to end their previous strike without gaining their ob jective a new contract. Citing alleged acts of violence against non-strikers and during that stoppage. Ford officials said they would not have "the type of person who participates In this kind of gangster terrorism" in their employ. SI Million Fire In Texas Plant AL'STIJ. Tes, July 17 - ii - A fire causing an estimated II,- 000.000 in damages tonight swept the mill and wsrettouae of the Capital Pre fabrics toes lnr, plant here. The damage was estimated by J. K- Eicheiberger. vr-edrt and general manager of the plant, one of the largest of its kind la the nation. The fire was discovered shortly after 7 p. m. by a night watchman. A atrorvg east wind swept the fire from the wart-house to the rrulL The tire was sUU bUnnf at 1035 p. m. tonight. Hedy Wins Divorce; Says Loder Indif fcrmt UOS ANGELES, July IT -if) At least one man her husband was Indifferent to beauteous Kedy Lamarra charms, the act ress lestlQed today as ane w ditorr from Jeha Loder, Rril lan bom ati sesi s4yw. "TAsriag tho last two yeers Mr. Loder waa OTtrrmely tneUrterwot te ene." the ctrrse ea& 1U m very coMaal In SUs arututoe ward sno and wise rtukdreak" The dtik -Hatred im Lsmarr, it. was granted hrr divorre afler Id natnyto keortng. Wolch This Space Sunday COimiG Ono ITighl Only Jnly 22 crion SOMETHING'S GOING TO HAPPEN in v., V I C II 0 L S Af.D HIS ORCIIESTa futofc & Tent S ft Tn CRYSTAL GABDEIIS Sairsm. Ortt Ml mm Authorities at the Tairview Rlbfl a llorae ShlM noma reported at 9:30 . o'clock Thursday night that four persons HOLLYWOOD, July 17 -(V were missing. Their names and Movie Actress Joan Fontaine and ages were listed as Beta Peters, a horse she was riding fell down 20, Valdeen Conrad. 19. Vernon a 20-foot embankment in the San ta Monica mountains today when the mount shied at a rattlesnake. The star received minor facial DISCS STOLEN FKOM CAK - I cuts and was believed to have Police reports stated Thursday suffered two broken ribs, her stu- nigm uat a. a. itepnart, 333 Co-1 dio said. She was taken to a doc- lumma si, naa reported two hub I tors oixice ror A-rays. caps missing from his automobile. Too Late to CLuaify rOR SALE: 134 Tord coup, radio. 96 motor, rood ahaoe. 1W N. 14th. ' WANTED to buy: t acre or Waa not restrteted. tlSfl cash north loraUoo. I within milea. Write Box M7 I man. 1 rOR SALS: 1M7 Studebakar Cham pion. 4 dr. aedan. r. it h. 142 Old elub sedan, r. at a. iwn rora or, radio. 1S41 sedanette. r, St h. 1B41 Plymouth 4 dr. aedaa. r. aV h rocooditiooed motor, 9i rubber. 1M1 Ford tudor, r. at new motor. Spadal 1S3S Naah 4 dr ardan. r. h.. ntri clean. $405. HaaUnsa Motor Sales. 7M S. 12th St. Phone S622. w m v aw -aasv, aSl III W rCUilfi ) -: iff WAIU1ER SMASH? J J ) ML . -a . J WJ And to Add to Your run Bura Bunny in TASTES YEGGS" Also Short Sobiect News CONTIXl Ot SAT. A SVX. FKOM lsfrf T. M. Wo AsSdpolo Rocorn ItiranViasg Ciowda Plooao Coaao Carif Tor Bos4 Social