12- -Tho Staloaman, Salem, Oregon. Friday. July 18. 1947 Labish Church' Heads Named; Contract Let . LABISH CENTER At a rerent ! church meeting. Valmer Klampej was ejected superintendent of the fcunoay school, succeeding Nathan Kurth: Arlo Push was elected assistant suDerintendenL Arlvce Klampe was re-elected secretary, ana rm wuytra Aker, treasurer. Mrs. Kobert Boies is the new teacher tor the Kum-Join-Us flats. The contract for, the new church building has been riven and as soon as the surveyors are ! finished, ground breaking cere unonies will be arranged. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boehm. over the week-end was Mrs. Boehm's brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young of Sherwood. ! Waiter Mott, who operates the Labi- h Center store, lias been in the Deaconess hospital "for more than a week. He is reported to be improved. Mrs. Noble Ragland entered a Salem hospital Tuesday to under go surgery. A number of Labish Center families plan on going to Long Beach,, Wash., for the weekend to dig clams during the low tides.. Amcme tho e guir? are Mr. anl Mrs. Arld-Pugh and family, Mr". and Mrs. Roy Aker and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kurth and fam- 7 fly, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burr and j Juanita, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde; Leedjr, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aker, Juanita Burr has been visiting Tor two weeks at the w. A. Stark er "T)ome 8t Lincoln Beach and uith Irene Bibby at Gleneden liearh. Spending the weekend at Taft e Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kurth, j Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kurth and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schubring of Tigard. S J r-A II ' -tf "V :N 1 1 l III 1 1 in r s n ii lie i 'Hi in ii ri if ssJii ii i i re ii vwy s-k ii i ii n if 7 ir. c v A .A V1 U 7 U u (! " r"": " - - I IVyXi9sJS botlcm. Tlul I. fcy 1 11 11 if u i 1 n iriinifinivT ini irr 11 Afliint imimnmnfrm 1 1 n r x .-t sw-ry n 2tiMiABHn "r rj tL 9 1 -1 1 ' : 1 . 1 1 11 1 1 .nxm Wi Mf I 1 II kEXraX on I 7- " (7 LU&lLi Iiijr or little lip JtT viflESSUi SJUISlMfMtSMfUm No. 2 can fclUlf t II I II I! Lions Name ISevf Committee Heads SILVERTON F. M. Powell, president jf the Lions club has announced his committee mem bers for the coming year to in clude finance. Jack Spencer, Cliff Dicken-on, John Becker, Ralph Adaim;' program. Cliff Almquist, Dr. A. J. McCannell, Robert Mc- Ewean, Howard Mann, Lloyd Fry, Dale Lamarr; membership, Olum Laron, Burley Howell. Ralph Adams; publicity, Robert Miller, and Dr. A. L V. Smith; boys and girls, Oscar Edlund; citizenship and patriotism. Larry Carpenter, nd Leslie Oehler; civic improve ment, v ilJiam Biocn and Hal Fisher: community . betterment, Clint Weiby and Eari Hartman; education, Ray Boe and Robert Miller; health and welfare, Dr. A. J. McCannell and Mike Con Jey; safety. Morris Vansomeren Vid "John V?ilson; sight conserva txm and blind, Eugene Smith and Howard Eggiman; constitution and by-laws, George Christenson; ttinvenuon and visitation, Dr, A. L. V. Smith, Clarence Morley, Robert McEwean, Ralph Adams; housing, John Murphy and Harry Sherwood; boy scouts, Ted Bur Ian, Harry Sherwood, John Bech er. Jack Spencer; food, Clarence Morley, Joe Duncan, Dale La ma rr; sick and . relief, Morris Schnorenberg. Flax Festival N Announces Prizes MT. ANGEL The following ouiuoiiai prizes iu u K'vrn away i during the ninth annual Oregon' Flax Festival. August 8. 9, find I JO. were anrtounced by the com mittee, headed by Jim Ander son: a deluxe model washing machine, a portable radio-phono graph and an electric mixer and Juicer. The prizes and the new 1M7 sedan will be awarded Sat urday night. Atiguftt 9, about 9 c. m. immediately after the show fcy the Vancouver Tumblers. The royal court candidates for the ninth annual Oregon Flax flivl who will ride in the grand tirade at Salem today are Mary Ellen Cain, Salem's candidate, Alyre All Won of Portland; Esther Bolland. Canby; Arlene Zuber, woodburn; Carline Kentz, Ger- vais; Chukke Brokke, Silverton; Kay Sievers.' Molalla; and the three Mt. Angel girls, Jeanette Itoffer, Lola Travks and Monica Duda. --'' V .; ! V 1 , t I C 0 Y Willard Fark er mt the K1m hlds his husky EIIF1?E1S,G.A. EVERY DAY L07 PMCES Not Just Weekend SpetiaU PB7 CAMPBELL'S rn 3-Ib. Tin For delicious, digestible foods. DeLuxe ...j.....Lb. Jar Blended expertly to give you a deluxe coffee. XL 3LcH) 4 Uomaio soap IOJj-oz. cans . . ... 3 for From Campbell's exclusive recipe. Columbia t . .... . ..IVi size can Enjoy it cold, or hot with weiners. Case Swayne Pork Si Beans A wholesome, delightful meal in itself. 1 Oi No. 2'j can Lij Prem Luncheon Ileal Pork with tender beef added. 12-os. tia ... Vr rm r 0mm kMtaiikrirMi u routti corrtc FOLGER'S COFFEE Tin 45c With each can of Folder's coffee at your I. G. A. store. ' . Early Jane Peas o. z ran 190 lato. 180 DcTiciously tender. Serve pea stuffed tomato. L G. A. Cream Corn No. 2 can Rich, creamy and delicious. DEL MONTE .103 iar 100 For a colorful salad or main dish. Diced Beeis LCA. Tomato Juice ..46-nz. can Rich in vitamins and sun-ripe goodness. Youll enjoy distinctive flavor. Bnrbanli Hominy 25 0 innk. Cranberry Sauce u,T,n 270 Serve this jelly with your meat course. Starr Apple Sauce n. 2n 21 0 o. 2 can 140 For a delightful vegetable dish. ANAGOLD Citrus Cocktail ... Ifi-oz. can A delicious, healthful, blended orange drink. MINOT ssssw. m m m m w l m sr n . mmm ' m Variety FRESH TOMATOES fl CSW Field grown, solid ripe for slicing. . ...round lLll3 WHITE ROSE POTATOES n)7 U. S. No. 1 Wuhlnjcton 10 11m. US W SEEDLESS GRAPES For your freith fruit saladti. Pound .. BJJ3 sumasT leiioiis 360 size at this low price. - isuzcn Prices Effective Friday and Salnrday From tree-ripened fruit, tantalizing tartness. For Your Picnic Ilmket Peannl Duller j., 390 Post Grapenuls Nourisl Grapenuls Flakes Thealies 12-ox, pkaT. Crtsp, trunchy, uted. 16-oz. tkr. Nourishing and sattfying. 180 170 170 140 250 12 oz. clr. EconctnicaJ and deboous. Post Toasties .... 13-ez. pig. Crop, crunchy mm Hakes. Posl Tens nt. Seven famous favorite. II. D. C. Shredded Wheat V 150 Dcltcicus toftd with fruit Pancake Flour "3.57 10 .b.,. 830 Rice Krispies rU. Pancake Flour ,,MirT.J'tk flI. 390 Zonomk-aJ breakfast favorite. JL30 , New low price Polalo Salad ""' r ound Jar JkvV A picnic favorite. Special week-end price. Salad Dressing l G: Av int Jar 390 Smooth, creamy delicious. PIK-NIK Shoestring Potatoes itin 190 Tacked in vacuum to tay frefh. i m rock l-KC Pkf. Always fresh and crisp at your I. G. A. Stores. Polalo Chips sh" Always fresh and crisp Assorted Cookies 7-o. pkff. 21 0 Assorted sandwich. Dimples, Newbo, Snm balls. mm mm uu A Variety al Low Prices $vwtit ICED! Boyal Gee:! Tea Try m Ufl. (taM 4 KOTAL ctnrr. yh y k iOm 1 Elbow Uacaroni Elbow Spaghetti Ilissionetles . 27-oz. pkg. 27-g, pkf. pkf. 250 8ym I LUX A I Lux Toilei Soap 9c BLU WHITE 9c Blues while you wash. Does not streak. Makes clothes dazzling white RIUSO Stubborn dirt comes fast with Rinso triple action suds. 24-oz, pkg. out 29c Beg. ..... 9c I BtJTZK J Kerr Ilason Jars 970 Regular Case 12 quarts Wide Mouth 4 4Q Ca 12 quarts JLbJL7 Rejiular Case 12 pints) Wide Mouth Case 12 pints 790 990 REIKI CAPS 350 210 Refular Pkc. 12 Kconomy Wi. 12 FLOUR Popular Brand 10-lb, baai 890 CAKE FL0UH More moisture for extra delicacy and gmm flit or. If m H-ox. pkr. UJi HUNSIIINE Ei-Ho I-tf, r4r. CVtsiiLrmrt yr Mia da with Ihtwu IGA EVEQTDAY LOW PMCES EFFECTIVE AT THESE STORES Hubbard Food Ilarbel Hubbard. Oregon Bonner's Grocery .Gervata. Orecon Independence Food Ilk!. Independence, Oregon , Stale Street Ilarke! Carter's Market 1231 Stato Street - 17lh A Market Street Krueger's Kash & Karry Berg's Grocery Store tsrsirpSai1 M,u Orey's Broadway Grocery Lemmon's Market Broadway A Market S9t North CnmerrUl SUeet Ilodel Food Ilarkel IIS N. Hlfh Street Al's ThrUly Ilarkel Dallaa. retn Serve-Bite Grocery Dallas. Oregon Eqnall's Grocery Oa tno Itlgkwajr H'oo4km. Oregon Wcodburn Food IlkL til Mt SC Ifootfonrn, Oregon EE1I GOLLIET Menasna, Oregon Save Every Day al IGA f i ; o ( A . UL Ijml V Walter Van Cpt, wb was hrsi last Feb. It.