TAIM. PAROLED TWO RECEIVE CUTS - ' Martin Matyear, McMinnville, City first aid men treated Ger and Delbert D. McKay, Portland, aid Jannen, route 9, Salem, for a were both found guilty of burg- cut on hi shoulder received af lary not in a dwelling house when ter running into an electric fence they appeared before Judge E. M. Wednesday. Aid men added that Page in Marion county circuit n electricity wai not on at the court Wednesday after waiving of the accident. They also preliminary hearing in district treated Bruce. Frichtl, 1735 Nor rourt. Both were sentenced to one way tW for a cut on his forehead to three years in the Oregon state received in a fail. . tnitMiliarv hut Miro rmrnlrf hv I.- T...1 fK ,-ri .ruNv Smith's Watch Shop in West Sa- involved I in larceny of equipment I' wi'l closed July 21st to from a Newberg gravel pit. . . V""- ' - ' Special 32-gal. elec. water heaters TOE INJURED ON FLOAT 169 93. Broadway 'Appliance Co- While helping to decorate a 419 Ferry. Cherry Festival float Wednesday", '." Carole McMickie, 3095 Silverton XEYMAN SENTENCED , rd . -received a mashed to when Doris Catherine Neyman, Suth- an object t dropped on her foot, erland, was sentenced to one . to first' aid men, who treated her, three years in the Oregon state report. She was taken to Salem lenitentiary Wednesday by Judge General hospital where she was E. M. Page after she pleaded treated and dismissed, guilty in Marion county circuit .court to a charge of assault with Reduce the scientific way,. Latest dangerous weapon. Miss Ney- modern massage (myopathy). 543 man was alleged to have hit a N. Church. Phone 0253. r.irht vatfhnun with a mnn whll he was interned at Hillcrest M9JIIER P 0ME. home. For rent Floor Sanders, rows, 450 Center St. Wood- COI NCIL MEETING TODAY Mrs. Walter- H. Arndt. 321 Kinwood dr., Mrs. Uobert L. Herring, 1660 Nebraska st., Mrs. Donald Whitsell, 1132 -Ruge St., and Mrs. J. A. Head. 55 Vista ave., each with a baby 'daughter, The city council will meet at and -Mrs. Peter FeMcens, Salem, city hall today at 12:30 p. m. to route 9, with her baby son, were discuss the proceedings for an in- all dismissed Wednesday from tiustrlal tone change in the south- Salem General hospital, east part of the city. The special - , meeting has been called br Mavor See Percy Manser's oil landscapes Robert L. EJfctrom to expedite a of Oregon at the Elfstrom Art public hearing on the proposed I uaweries, Jtu court. tries, have contemplated locating DAu,N5?S -WSMiSS? i w'a Sa the area Salem Deaconess hospital Wed- s nesday dismissed Mrs. Vivien K. G. E. automatic blankets a year Burton, Salem, route 1, Mrs. (round comfort and Dleasure Myron Mason. Chemawa. and limited quantity at Appliance Mrs. Roger Langston, Salem route Dept. R. L. Elfstrom Co. It's anly natural far eaple to feel as yea may feel! that Hew ell - Edwards ser vice MUST be higher la price, simply be cause It has sach a re eatatlaa far being aleaer la ajealHr. Ac la ally, ear service , eeeta as little as ANY available, j . ; : HOUJEUEDLURRDS FUntflfiL H0I711 HisoeiMCMnoiSiMil 18, each with a baby daughter and Mrs. Howard Read. Jefferson. route 1, with a baby son. New location Cronlse Studio. 439 Court st, over Smith Baking co. RESERVES IN PARADE Police Chief Frank Minto said Wednesday that eight police vol unteer reserves, mounted on their own motorcycles, would lead the Cherry Festival parade Friday. Eat at Nohlgren's noonday cafe teria ec save time on your lunch hour. Air conditioned for your comrort. 3 PERMITS ISSUED inree bunding permits were issued by the city engineer's of fice Wednesday. According to the records, Virgil Gerhart will re- roof a dwelling at 945 Union st Minnie Miller, will repair a house at 1009 N. 5th st and Daniel Fry will make $7,500 alterations on a dwelling at 606 S. High st Sport togs for your vacation. We nave what you need. Alex Jones. 121 North High st , . Use your electric razor' anywhere anytime, Without electricity. On display at Atkinson Acoliancc Co zuoa Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24439 MISSIONARY SPEAKER HERE The Rev. I Leona Aggola, mis sionary in China for 20 years un der the National Holiness Mis sionary society, will be guest speaker at the Nazaxene church Friday at 7:45 p. m. A native of Jamestown, S. D., she 'was in terned in northern China by the Japanese, and came to the United States on the Gripsholm in 1943. Her work in China included 10 years as teacher at the Tientsin Bible seminary.', For. immediate delivery, full size elec. ranges. Broadway Appliance Co .419 Ferry. . .. r Northern Lawn mowers, limited oualitv. R. I.. Elfstrom fn. COMMITTEES TO MEET . A Joint meeting: of the executive and building committees of Capi tal post 9, American Legion, will be called next week to select a successor to H. C. (Hub) Saslfeld, executive secretary, who will be come runtime Marion county vet erans' service officer, according to Rex Kimmell, post commander. Oil your road and settle the dust. Call Tweedie, 9696 or 5769. Special, 32-gal. elec. water heaters $69.95. Broadway Appliance Co.. 419 Ferry st ' SALEM BOY ARRESTED A 15-year-old Salem boy, ar rested in Flagstaff, Ariz., recently will be brought back to Salem on alleged charges of robbery and assault, according to city police records. Extradition papers have been prepared by Marion county JuvenH court, according to court records. See Percy Manser's oil landscapes of Oregon at the Elfstrom Art Galleries, 340 Court Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 120 South Liberty street 1IERSIIBACII PAYS BAIL George J. Herschbach. 135 Highway ave., was arrested Wed nesday 'morning after a chase by city police on the Portland road, police records show. He was charged with reckless driving and posted $50 bail in municipal court. Salem Chiefs Family Aboard -Vs i a-f r H V 3 -7": : , .-.v - V : V- -i I 1 ' - PEARL HARBOR -(Special)- CPM Leren Miller of rente 9. Salens. ; Ore was en hand to welcome his wife Alice and young son Doug las (all pictured above) when they recently Joined blm here. They made the tripto Hawaii aboard the USS General Mann. Miller, sta tioned with the district medical of nee. will live with his family at Pearl Harbor. (Official U. S. navy photo.) 1.514 Veterans Receive State Educational Aid Fiftem hundred forty !ir Ore gon veterans have rertived edu- nuonii ornrnu irxwn iw iai up to July 7. according to a re port of Edward T. Taggart. edu cation chief for the state depart ment of veterans' affairs. The veterans were, attending 114 schools and colleges In the state an1 19 outside. v - Average amount paid per stu dent was $181. The act allows $35 per month for a maximum vf 36 months. The report shows that 4S.P0O Tha Statesman. Solem. Otto. TbarsAry. Inly H Oregcwt eteram from the army alone have not rosnpletrd turn Mhr4. cut of a total ef 90 .POO who served in the army fan the recent war. In the post two years since pas sage of the art $10.554 has been pafcd in benefits with current funds available amouatirtf to $244.10$. Births Trade winds la the name gt to winds which blow regularly from troptcl belts, but in word trade' is used In $9 otherwise obsolete aetM of "eourse." CLXXAED Ta Mr aM Un. Rirhard CUnard. $4$ !ertric it. a tfaugtter. TrdrrUy. Jw!y It, at Saiem CenetaJ htapiUt CHAMP Ta Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Chirp, St t ton, a daugtitre. WednrwSUy. J!y If, at Salera General huniUL WOOD Ta Mr. and Mra, Walter Webd. VC5 N. 22td au a son. WadorNlay. July If, at Sa les General twaaul. RYLAII FOUND GUILTY William Rylah, McMinnville. was found guilty Wednesday of charges of larceny in Marion county circuit court, . was sent enced to one to three years in the Oregon state penitentiary, and then paroled by Judge E. M. Page. Rylah was charged with Mealing $200 worth of tools last April. Plate glas now available. Brown, Elfstrom's. Don Johns-Manville slate surface shingles applied by expert roofers. Nothing down, 3 years to pay. Buy the best at no extra cost Free estimates. Ph. 4642. Ma this Bros. Roofing Co., 164 S. Coml. River silt, top soil and fill dirt Coml Sand & Gravel, Ph. 21966. FERRY SALE AUTHORIZED Blanket authority to sell the old Wheatland ferry was given Mar ion county court Tuesday by the Yamhill - county court, according to County Commissioner Ed. Rog ers Wednesday. . Rogers .conferred with the Yamhill court members Tuesday and it was agreed that Marion county could sell the ferry as.lt sees fit, he said., Mid-season sale dresses $5, $10, $15. Coats and suits. V, nrlre Lormon's, 1109 Edgewater, West balem. VISITS IN CANADA John J. Robert, well-known local hop grower, is on a vacation trip to Banff and other resorts in Canada. Painting Ai decorating. Ph. 7552. HERE FOR CONFERENCE State Senators Paul Patteron of Hillsboro and W. W. Balderee of Grants Pass " were in Salem Wednesday attending the Rotary district conference.' Disabled American Veterans are sponsoring refreshment conces sion at the state. fairgrounds grand stand. Proceeds to go. to DAV memorial fund.' O. E. Cannon. Virgil Pade,- James Brenner. Claud Rogers, .Claude Bales and Jim Conder and auxiliary are in charge. . Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Vio.l 7KQ4 71 YJ r,nln1 at aWf)Wf vai ew a a any w m RETIREMENT FILED Oscar T. Egeland and Mary A. Egeland filed a notice of retire ment from the Coffee Cup cafe Wednesday with the Marion coun ty clerk's office. Reo trucks and bue now agit able. Bird & Zet Co., 871 Wal lace Rd. Phone 6666. For immediate dtlivery. full mzc electric ranges. Broadway Appli ance Co.. 419 Ferry st. MfKINLEY RELEASED Everett E. McKinley. Station A. Salem, was released Wednesday after being held by Marion coun ty authorities as a fugitive from Justice when word was received by district court that fraudulent check charges againM him in Mis souri had been di.miyed. Reo trucks and buses now avail able. Bird & Zysset Co.. 871, Wal lace Kd. i-'hone 6iao. SEASIDE TICKETS HERE Tickets for three shows of the Mts Oregon pageant scheduled for the July 25-27 weekend at Seaside are available at the Sa lem Chamber of Commerce office. Manager Clay Cochran said Wed nesday. All are for reserved seats. he added. CLUBMEN HEAR REV. SCOTT Hollywood I Jon club mem bers, meeting for luncheon Wed nesday st the Lioa ilen. heard a talk by a fellow member, the Rev. Jarnen A. Scott of the local Church of Chrit who enumerated re- ponibiiities of the individual to his community. rrponibilit. .( business men to other individuals of their community and the le- ! rponlbilitie of individual to' churches of their community. t i DISCUSS BLACKBERRIES Director of the Oregon cane fruit control board will meet at i 8 p. m. Friday in Salem Chamber of Commerce room to consider the establishment of a minimum price on Himalaya and Evergreen ; varieties of blackberries for this ; season. The meeting wa railed by j Preilent K. D. Coomler. Ph. 3748. Weather stripping and inulatim. S..lrm Rock Wool Co. KKLM RATING ANNOUNCED) Announcement from the Gard , ner Advertising Co. of St. Louis, , Mo.. Wednesday placed radio sta j tion KSLM 14th in number vt I mail returns among the 91 Mutual I network stations checked in con-, nection with a Tom Mix pony naming contest recently. The sta I tion was S2nd in number of radio home. j j Road oiling for dusty roads. Also stove and diesel oils for all types I of burner. Larmer Tranvier. Ph. 3131. hi Mis?. Coke for me Cea-CaU o we coca-cou BatULag Caaaaaay a Oret a, RaJeaa, Oregaaj HEAD QUAI1TE IIS FOR W mi W m ' I m u r LUaalUV tiers txsu?xi Wills Ousic Sore IS2 Stale RaaJ Jaju. Owrcr Hard of hearing? Fresh batteries and supplies for all hearing aids at Salem's newest hdq. See new one unit easy to wear Beltrme. James Taft at Associates, 21$ Ore- j gon bldg. Ph. 24491. " PROWLER NOT FOUND City police did not locate i prowler Tuesday night who war renorted bv occupants at (31 N Winter st, to have been peeping H in a bedroom window. SUITS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY At Budget-Wise Prices' And Announcing 1M' mm "General Line" Of 'V Designed for the smartest walls, the new 1947 patterns are rich with color, exciting ;to see! Each one is a decorating inspiration . . . each one Color Locked, guaranteed washable and light-resistant for lasting beauty. See them in our show room nowl With Imperial you con be sure ol lair price. In whatever price range you cheese Imperial papers, you can be sure of lair prices . . established by the manufacturer and plainly sh'own in sample books. See this new wallpaper catalogue of 240 patterns .'. . and we have almost all of them right here in the More . . . no waiting, no delay. Designed and manufactured for the thrifty people of today this new line of paers of fers the utmost in value, color and design. Atsk to ee them this week while Mock are complete. -shorts 1 j yT pur At . v. , Vi I l'i I I v ji O ri,"r" J - 1 ruif ( t SPECIAL: Closing out some of our patterns in room-size lots at half price. Be sure to bring your room measurements. Hard Finish Worsteds Hard finUh virgin wool worsteda mcticulouM'v tailored, fmartly styled in distinctive lounge drape models in a variety of at tractive patterns we know will plcae jou. Gabardines Vr have a large eelection of fine all wool gabardine, hand tailored in that attractive two button tingle breasted model you have been waiting for. Beau tiful colon in beige, tan and brown. 340 Court St. Phone 9221 Insure ourclf with a smart well dreed appearance with your suit from Ja son's. Stop in and see us at your earliest convenient moment while we have the pattern and ante you have been look ing for. TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE A HOME