The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Idanha Rural '
Fire District
Elects Officers
IDANHA Director for the
Idanha Rural Fire Protection dis
trict met Tuesday to decide their
terms of office, resulting in the
following: A. Gwyn Gates, one
year; Huber Ray, two years; Milo
Harris, three years; Gates Coch
ran, four years; Earl Parker, five
, years. New officers are Earl Par
ker, president; Gates Cochran,
secretary - treasurer, and Huber
Ray, vice president.
Mr. and Mrs. James Haly and
Timothy spent the Fourth holi
day at Ocean Lake at the "Bil
lows." Volunteer firemen were sum
moned to a flue fire at a home
at Mitchell mill occupied by the
Tarkers but Cris Jansen had
climbed to the roof and quenched
the flames just before the fire
men arrived.
Mm. Gwvn Gates and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Healy and Timothy at
. tended the reception at the Thonv
um Fryer home in honor of the
marriage of their son Elmo. The
newlyweds are furnishing a house
near that of his parents.
At a recent joint installation
rf the Rebekah and Odd Fellow
lodges at Mill City, Mrs. Frank
Merrill of Idanha was Installed
noble grand, Elmer Stewart as
the men's noble grand.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hase
man visited recently at the home
f their daughter, Mrs. Chester
Raines, at La comb.
Mrs. Frank Merrill entertained
In honor of the sixth birthday of
her daughter, Carol Lea (Peachy).
Those attending included the
guest of honor's sister Diane and
email brother Grant, JoEllen Ash
er and Mrs. W.'A. Asher, Jessie
Romilly, Judy Haseman, Mrs.
Jack Haseman and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob- Hill and
Bobbie of Miir City were guests
t the Jack Hasemans recently.
Friday the Hasemans and their
guest motored to Bend.
Charles de. Sully spent the noli-
Values to
ffM Tht Stntetman't Cummmnily Ctrr$iHtnlnt$
Pioneer The annual Pioneer
picnic will be held at the school
grounds Sunday, July 20. Com
mittees for the picnic are, Mrs.
Gladys Frakes, kitchen; Mrs. El-
don Johnson, tables; Mars. Tom
Keller and Frank Dorhhecker, re
ception; Mrs. Richard Silberg, ice
cream; Mrs. Frank Dornhecker,
program; Howard Coy, sports.
Evergreen Ms. Emma DeLapp
hat been hired as principal of the
Evergreen school for the coming
year. She replaces Mrs. J. B. Har
greaves who taught here this past
ye?r end who will move with
her family to Lyons where they
have a ranch.
Silverton The Silverton pio
neer association, made up of fam
ilies who came to Silverton prior
to 1900, will meet at the Coolidge
& McClaine park on August 3 for
it? first annual picnic. The affair
is in the nature of a homecoming,
reports Lou Davenport, who fa
thered the movement for the as
Grand Island Imogene Baker
was the inspiration for a linen
shower Sunday night at the home
of Mrs. Albert Clow. Mrs. Edward
Clow was co-hostess. The decora
tions were green and white and
centered around a large umbrela
which hung over the gift table.
Refreshments were served to the
23 guests. Miss Baker is the bride
elect of La Veil Patterson. No date
has been set for the wedding.
days at Portland.
The Idanha Lumber mill has
been closed for a week while re
pairs were made to take care of
the soot situation.
The three sons ' of Lee Hopson
are spending the summer with
their mother at Portland.
Addam Keck has quit work at
the Idanha shingle mill and will
move . soon to Milwaukie to re
side with his mother.
Values lo 33.75
Values to
an Goslmne Jeuelry (0)
Values to 7.98
East Salem Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Damery have as their guest
for a few weeks, at their country
home on route six. Miss Sarah
McMahon, a teacher in the city
schools of Waterloo, Iowa. Her
home was at Shenandoah, la. at
the time the Damerys lived there.
Swegle The annual family out
door picnic of the Garden Road
Neighborhood club, planned for
this week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Braucht on Garden
Road, has been postponed from
Friday night of this week to the
night of July 25. The change was
made so members may attend the
Cherry Festival.
Macleay The Macleay grange
will hold its annual all-day picnic
at Silver Creek Falls state park
Sunday, July 20.
Turner Brother Tibbs Maxey,
president of the Scriptures col
lege, Louisville, Kentucky, will
conduct a program at the Chris
tian church, Thursday, July 17 at
8 p.m.
Unionvale Final rites were
held in McMinnville last Friday
for John W. Forrest, who died
July 8 at Clatskanie. He was born
in Hartville, Mo., June 6, 1868, and
resided here with his daughter,
Mrs. Eva Westfall for two years
before going to Clatskanie. Inter
ment was in the Evergreen Me
morial park in McMinnville.
Silverton The Rev. M. J. K.
Fuhr received word Wednesday
morning that Mrs. H. S. Hansen
died late Tuesday while visiting
in Nebraska. The remains ahe be
ing brought to Silverton for burial
at the side of her husband who
died here a few years ago. Mrs.
Hansen left in late spring for
the midwest for several months
Vahes Is 45X3
One Back
Benef it Dance
At Detroit Nets
Firemen $160
DETROIT The firemen's ben
efit dance Vield in the newly
built Baldwins dry goods store
was well attended. Attendance
was free but $160 was raised by
the firemen by games and a sale.
Refreshments were served in the
Detroit Food market which was
opened for the first time in the
new building.
Mr. and Mr,. Paul Young Jr., j
tePe,l! n. r.Uutf ,0l,,,: !
iuiiu 1 1 viii m ii iu in ii ic rap i. mi I
the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William
Cauble, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henley Banhn of
Hornbrook. Calif., visited over
the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. Major
Mr. and Mrs. Major Banhn
went to Portland on
Mr. -and Mrs. H. A. Gutendorf
of Portland, parents of Mrs. Mike
Gorman, and her brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Guten
dorf of Hillsboro, visited Satur
day night and Sunday at the
Gorman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldwin
took hi mother, Mrs. Zorna Bald
win, to the home of her sister,
Mrs. Ben Cagle, in Sweet Home
Sunday. The mother of the two
women, Mrs. D. D. Wilkinson,
was observing her 87th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. William Cauble
jr., had as their guests over the
weekend the latter's brother, Paul
Young III, and Miss Arlene Aid-
red of Portland. Mr. Young will
worK nere Wis summer.
Mr. 8nd Mrs. V. D. Burt left
by train Sunday for their home
in Vallejo, Calif. They have been
to Denver, Colo., and points in
South Dakota. They were accom
panied by his mother. Mrs. H.
D. Burt, and son, Bobbie..
Yvonne Estey of Philomath Is
visiting this week at the home of
her father and stepmother, Mr.
and Mrs. John Extev.
1 Mrs. Lola Christianson, her
Values io 49,75
One Back
Values to
mww niiinyiii tiutnwtmim'qm'tKmmwimr'fr''mirm
i 11 iinnir Mtiu,.iiiitmiMmmmtttmtii (i 'i-'-im''nM Mmt& 4U
daughter Norma I, rw son
Gayle, of Nrwbcig pent the
weekend with her patent. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray JuhiiMin fiaylr rr-mMiit-d
for a two wk'
Mr. and Mir. I'm I Kumk (
Sioux City. limn. i l
nesday with Ohm Mri-m-l.i w ;.ik1
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Bray. jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fiyer
went to Portland Monday.
Longview Visitors
En Route to Coast
PEDEE Mr. and Mr. Haney
ay ,t '
sister. Mr,. J. W. M,Wk.
t , . . . . .
rti route
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rurbank at
tended the funeral of -the latter'
cousin. Merle Cummings, at Cor
vallii last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dm Mrntrr and
Mr. and Mrs. William Coitdron
i . k- . . 1 j . l
;rMl w ri n itiu HMiirig oil uif
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perin of Al.ea
attended the funeral of the form
er's nephew. Daniel Waterhouse.
Saturday and sprnt the night with
his niece. Mrs. Jack Burbank.
Mr. and Mr. Herb Pankratz
and family and Tom Allen of
Portland spent the wwk end with
the C. L. Burbanks. Allen wa one
of the carpenters who built the
present school building In 1927.
Geoigp, Helen. Alma and Doio
thy BirchHI and Marlene Conlon HoHfr Sttltlv (Ha
VV" o 7 '
Rickreall Sunday.
j the K. D. Hilburn family of Kings
j Valley to Huntington for the
i weekend.
Aunmville Hetiiilentn
Ieave fr Eat C.oat
AUMSV1LLE Mr. and Mm. T.
T. Perkins and Earl Cox have
left for a visit with friends and
relatives on the east coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schaeffer
have a dinner party in honor of
their daughter. Vida's. 13th birth-
day, July 1 1. Nineteen guests were
One Back
Valaes to
" T
100 percent wool alacks
Values to 10.98
gMSiSSSf SlS1BJgtl! SS5S
Lii f mi ifli fa ii ' '
Values lo 25.00
to 3.98
AH Sales Final
No Exchanges or
The Capital's
(laliforniaiiH Wnh
Home of Rrlalivcn
Al Middle (rov
MIDDLE niinVK. Mr rwt
Mrs. Let) Hammer and thrre son . CITV O. W. Gorton and
of Lib. Angele are voting at te C. Bailey of Salrm HicM te
horn of Ihe foimrr. p-irnf. Mr. -allrr at the Lowell Ore Knmr
and Mrs. La run lUmrmr. and .Sunday emnr. They ere re
other relatives turning from taking their suns to
Mr. and Mrs. John Cage andCn,p Pr
Marvin and Mrs. Florence Wright Helen Baldwin n turned to her
went to Crater Lake ovt-r th at Oregon Oty Saturday
wrtkmd. accompanying Mr. ardin' vUiling- her grandparent.
Mrs. Lowell Wright that far on Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Racers,
their return to BkeriiekJ. Calif , I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hw
after a vacation in this area. ihave returned fiom a trip to eat
Mr. arvt Mrs. John Van Laanen. . rn Otnon and Idaho,
Mr. and Mr. Wtiliam Mmrey and
Mr. and Mis Dan Schaif. Joan
and Janice enjoyed a three-day
outing trip up the McKeniie lat
Mr. and Xlrs. Cluis Srhopner
oi ini-innaii, . na ivilra a
ik at the home nf Mm. Schop
per's uncle, the August Moor
mans, left Monday nn their le
turn tfip by way ol San Fran
cimo and Ia Angeles where they
aUo were to bit rrlaties.
Mr. and Mrs. August Scharf of
Santa Monica. Calif., were enter- w- m rr t
tamed oxer the weekrnd at theiUaYtOIl 1 CaCIlCr
beach home of the E. J. Sharf rr, . ,
at Delke After a months visit! 1 O AlU VCteranS
Minnville and Salem they left
for their home Monday. A
hlllllt ArrailgrilimU
DALLAS The Flower Study
, .. . . . , . , now ana uui ii snore appt
' 7TV 'l ccMintry home of ,lKm, w mccTVM M
l)Zr i n Tl.nolher man iTVvaiUble to h.
. afternoon. M s. All.e Henn.gan 7 rterM. ar ,-n
prenented the leon on rlaaifl-!
ration of garden flowers, from
, "Hanritonk of Flomer Show Judg-
Members duolaved arranee
particular flowers and containers,
where they should be placed.
The group offered its help In
making a garden club float for
the Centennial parade The nest
meeting will be with Mrs. Walter
'Coy. September 11.
Obi Dick
asri 2.400
cd n nan m H
Values lo 2175
mi J .
. . .
Style Center . .
Tkm Skrttaca. SoUssu Orxytm. Tassmkrf. TJf IT. IMTS
.Salem Ilri'htfl Folks
IViMlom at Mill Otv
Kn Itotitr from Camp
Mis. Matt Murdork Hml
three days in Albany rarvfttly
, vuiting with Mrs. Baus Car.
'. Mrs. Lowell Crre was In Salem
SaturdaT to attrnd Om itrvSAir r of
hir mmw Wllma Corun. ami
Blaine Hanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cltn have
recied wotd vt th trfrth of a
granddaughter bom July U Mr.
and Mrs. Chark-s Cline of Yak
ima. Wh. Mrs. Curtts Clin ts at
the home ff her sn.
Rutschman. who has been agrt
culture Instructor In the Dayton
high school for the tt four
years, has accepted fuMtiun a
veteran agricultural I,U county. He
veteran agrtrultural tnatrurtor foe
states there
are Za veterans taking traintr.g
now and that 17 more a pp Un
some as owners, some rrntm.
and others as hired hands with
a goal of becoming farm owner.
They are giten asr W-ulUiral r
- ' hki in kiuH m iih rl.ik
tng some shop work. dtfcrutiona.
leciure and motion tarture on
agricultural subjects and teld
' The new agtk-utlural Instruct-
lor for Dayton union hith
Is Harold Lewis of Creartam, what
o;a m
VaJsca U
One frovp taloea to 73S
One groap TaJoea U 10J3
One Gronp
io 10.98
- - 11 1 r- - 1 1
at jiert as litrg In huu tm
lh Ltnfarld rUkeg raerpua.
1 m m
One Ilighl Only
July 22
1 in
ad ins mmm
Ftalcriri Dj zztzi S Ptnia
5UVn, Orrcosi