The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    tTlf Stattmga. Sclam. Ortqon, Tudcrf MT $ 1917
$ Wbltman's itw Dave Strang.
' itpUttwit far tttktl "Nig"
Betieake tsat a big vest as bit
ragged faetball playing days at
.Jsjjrblgaa aad DUmU weald lndl
itttt M k h i teagh aaa. At
TaaJy 135 aeoitds dariag ihea days
sStreag played Jast. about CO min
ed of ITfTT cum . alone with
'Welverlae All-Amerleans Tommy
Hinm and'Boh Westfall is
1SS-X sad " was all - ani versfty
wrestling cbataa far his weight.
Aa4 to tea aff his athletic prow
ess, fttreag waa far five ycara'dty
Irani -j ehasna at' lleleaa, Meat.
Halle at Illinois la 1931 Strong-
aa,- v
aaarterbacked regularly far Bab
Zaapke's eleven and then at Ml
r tugs a was IlarnMa't halfback
renalag mate.
Tbc addition af Strang to the
Kerthwest coaching fraternity la
another Indication that the con
ference Is striving for Its biggest
aad beat athletic years, la blatary.
Personnel change la the loop
bavc beea auay the paat few
eara as the member schools rev
aa asnbltions to keep astride ane
Only Catcher Needed
Dear New Yark Yankee: Alone
with setting BUI Bevena' lame
araa ahaped ap la time to help yaa
win the Aaterieaa leagae pennant,
nteaae eead the rartlaad Beavers
a catcher who baa seea service In
the VYsetern lateraattoaal leagae.
If sea raa do aa. the neighboring
Bevas will thea bavc a complete
team af es-WIL'ers. Right now
they have as pitchers, Ray Hel
per. Vine DIBUal and the new
Edsea Bahr wha once toiled far
vteaatrbee. At first Is George
Vara, Second ford Mallea. third
Harvey K terry and short Leany
Ratio, la the aatfleld la llerm
Reich, Danny Escobar and Dick
vYeaaer. And a right pert eatflt
that la, laeldeatally. All they
steed to make It complete la a eat-
fler'd Hurl in Shoulder
As for Beveas ailing arm, we
at long last have the real dope an
H. Tbe lameness Is In bis shoal
dee and wbea the elab doctor
failed to heal It Boss Larry Mae
rfcail seat Bev to bis awa private
dec, tbe same Dr. Lerdon wha
operated aa Joe DIMagglo's heel
dariag the early spring. Tbc spe
cUUst blocked off tbe nerves in
tbe ahealder and "abet" tbc Erlx
aa streeter with varioaa hypos
-in a boat It different places."
Next he piped salt water lata tbe
ahealder points and diagnosed tbc
w bale thing aa a farm af arthritis,
la a mild eaoagh stage that It waa
held a easily earable. All this
took place only last week, just be
fore the Yankees swang oat on
their western read trip. Sevens
started a game la St Leais Fri
day, so perhaps be will now be
We eat here aren't the anly
aaea hoping that Bill shake his
woe and gets back Into his stride
af 1M. The Yankee followers of
the east, and parllcalarly those
gents aba express their opinions
la tbe newspapers, aren't reluc
tant to admit that Beveas' recov
ery eoald be the Item which clin
ches -the pennant for tbc Mac
rnalla. 55.025 Up to Dale
""Hew many admissions have
tbc Sena Iocs drawn aa far?" quer
ies a easterner by card. In 4t
games the total reads SS.02S far
aa average of 1175 per game.
There are SI games left to go in
Waters park and If the same ave
rage Is maintained la them tbe
towalea will da 107.271 for the
aeaaea. breaking last year's record
af lit JSC . . . He doesn't come
back an til Aagast It for his next
try at the Wilsons, and when he
does well bet flpokane Mgr. Bea
Geraghty brings a fat bag fall of
Jinx -breakers with him. Of the
aevea gaases tbe Spokes have new
aiayed . la Waters park they've
lost six. saeeamblag la each one
either to late-game Ralem rallies
ar to their awa abilities to rise
aoickly aad an males tic ally Into
tbe aseae ...
Wilson Wot$ Em
lardea as If this reads like a re
peat performaaee. bat what would
aa do if year favorite ball team
had a manager wha has not anly
brained the baach high lata tbe
first diviaien bat also pitches and
bate like a demon to help hold It
there? Meaning that J. Wilson
has dene It again. Sunday night
he belts twa doables la twa times
ap aad pitches twa hltless and
raaless laalngs to snatch his third
straight barling win and corral
the townies their eighth straight
victory. If any more than that
, renld be asked af any manager
aarwhere It's a lie. If the big Ir
Isher Isn't earefal he'll be win
ning the popaiar player contest at
Waters. And by heck bell de
serve It!
Sigurdson Signed
BALTIMORE, July 14 -0P-The
Baltimore Colts of the All Amer
Ira professional football confer
ence announced today the sign
ing of ends Siguard Sigurdson of
Seattle. Wash., and Gorham
Getchell, a graduate of Temple,
Sigurdson. a foot 2 inch. 206
rounder, played with the Tacoma
Indians of the Pacific Coast con
:..A', 4 I
. ' -'. ' .. L J
- - - ' w t
Double Mainer on Top at Armory Tonight
Tough Tony Baas attempts to
make It twa In a raw aver the
Tennessee Tonghie Stacker
Kneilsea and
Jack (Titer '
User takes aa
the slinky
t Steeake Kar-,
linke tonight at -.the
. these, twa
brawbi forming
tbe d o a b 1 e
jnaln evented
'portion , af
Match maker
El toa Owea's
weekly mat e
enrsleas. la the ai lun
I . -
Kaim KlaStis SoBoim rive; Team
At Wenaiclhiee for 3 Games
Wilsons Ride
On 8th in Row
dub in Third Spot
Hot After Leaders
YAKIMA, July 14 -(Special)-Rain
tonight did what no other
Western International league team
has been able to do for eight
games stop the surging Salem
Senators. The fifth game of the
Salem-Yakima series was washed
out, giving the Senators a clean
sweep of the four already played
here as well as their eighth vic
tory in succession. The Salems
now move to Wenatchee for three
games with the lowly Chiefs,
starting Tuesday night. They re
turn to their Waters park lot to
play Yakima next, Friday night.
Manager Jack Wilson welcomed
the rain-out, for it gives his pitch
ing staff an additional day of
rest. He can now open the Wen
atchee series with Kenny Wyatt.
If he does, Wyatt will be after
his thirteenth victory.
Although the Senators have won
eight in a row they have not gain
ed much on either first-place
Bremerton or second place Spo
kane. The Brems are four games
up on Salem and Spokane is one
game ahead of the Senators.
The Senators Sunday night gal
loped to their longest win binge of
the season by taking 1-0 and 8-6
wins over the Stars. Hunk Ander
son's sparkling, two-hit stint won
the opener, his first shutout. Sa
lem made but four hits off pre
viously unbeaten COrdell, but one
by Bob Moore drove in the win
ning run in the seventh.
In the wild nightcap Manager
Jack Wilson took to the hill for
the. last two frames, pitched run
less and hitless ball and hit two
doubles in two times up. His re
ward was the win after both.
Daryl Eliason and Bus Sporer had
been lifted earlier. And again the
loser was Cordell, in a relief Job,
for his second setback of the eve
ning. Salem put this one away
with a run in the eighth and two
more in the ninth when Yakima
had built a 0-5 lead. The Senators
smacked 15 hits to Yakima's six,
and Eddie Barr, hitting like a
demon lately, got a perfect 4-for-
4, including two triples. Mel
Nunes and Lou Kubiak each had
three hits.
Wilson walked the bases loaded
in the ninth with one out but then
fanned Outfielder Phillips and got
Harlond Chfl on a fly-out to end
the game.
Tars Increase
Front Margin
By The Associated Press
The Western International
league pacing Bremerton Blue
jackets jumped their margin to
3Vs games over the runner-up
Spokane Indians last night as they
tipped the 4th place Victoria Ath
letics, 8-3. Jim Lowman went the
route for the winners. The Spokes
were rained out of their tilt with
Wenatchee. The Vancouver Capl
lanps edged nearer the fifth-slot
Tacoma Tigers by beating the
Tiges, 4-3. The Caps quenched a
last fram Tacoma rally to notch
the win, as Jim Hedgecock went
the distance.
Victoria 100 000 S00 3 T
Bremerton 910 200 00 S S 2
Jensen. Rose (1) and Mastro; Low
man and Volpi.
Vancouver . 000 020 0304 11 S
Tacoma 010 000 0021 5 0
Hedserock and Btumpf; Chetkovich
and Clifford.
Coach Bob Schwartz Valley
Motors junior baseball team will
practice tonight, 5:30 o'clock at
Olinger, he has reported, and the
outfit will play at Silverton later
this week. All hands on deck,
please. 1
Knights, PE's Advance
American 'Leagae
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Campbells 0 1.000 8. Navy I 4 .400
KC's 3 J .600 P. Makers 0 .000
Mootry's 3 S .900!
National League
W L. Pet. W L Pet.
Eagles 4 0 1.000 Warners 1 i J33
M. Bread 4 1 .800 VrW 0 S j000
P. Eleph 2 3 .400!
Knights af Columbus and Pink
Elephant advanced In their re
spective leagues as the result af
play . la tbe summer Softball
campaign last night at Leslie
field. The KCs beat the hapless
Fapermakers, 7-5 the 'Makers'
Sth loss without a win -to move
up to the second place slot In the
American league standings. The
Elephants advanced la third
place In the National circuit via
a mad-house 17-9 triumph aver
the win! ess VFWs.
Tbe KC-'Maker fray waa close
all the way with the Knights
t:lt a'ctock opening taasle fast
coming Al Saass, hat aa tbe path
to finer things la the Northwest
grappling: reandaa ' tackles the
' newly retaraed and ana altra
popaiar Tex Hager. Both naala
" events will aa Z-ef-S fallera lim
ited to 4$ snlaatea each. Tbe
prelim also Is beaked for the 2-af-1
rente bat is limited. to f
BBlaatea.- :
- Ross . caded KaeUsea'a laeal
' winning streak In a blood spat
. tered mix last week after. seU
, enlngriip tbc bearded nasty with
, Ma. pet back - breaker body
alams, ana af these eatslde the
.ring just prior to the final falL
. It was daring this phase af the
tasslo that Knellaen dented apea
DISTINGUISHED VISITOR: Key Ring (2:11) above, with Dersey
Dennis ap Is tbe star af the Bilbey stable at Camas. Wnshu. aad wUI
be one af tbe pacing threats daring the Portland Meadows harness
racing meet starting Wednesday.
standing stakes winners at the meeting Just closed at Bay Meadows
la California.
Corvallis Gets Tourney
Corvallls waa awarded the 1147 Softball toaraaaseat officially
dariag a meeting af the Oregoa State Softball aaseclatlea board
here Sunday. Only aaa ether city and team the Northwest Ma
jor leagae af rartlaad pat la a bid far tbe Aagast Z4-2S-ZC-Z7-2S
playoffs, reported Softball Director Daa Jaaaary of Eageae. The
board alsa decided that the Llnd Psmerey womea's team af Fort
land should be conceded the Oregon ehampleaehlp aad be awarded
an entry In the regteaal playoffs at Seattle next saeata. Tbe beard
made It known, however, that aay girls' Softball team la tbe state
may challenge the L-ra far the right U go U Seattle, bat the chal
lenge must be made to Janaary at the City Hall la Eageae aot
later than July 22.
The State Softball association board consists af Ralph Gaynea
af Oregon City, president; Charles Walker, rartlaad. secretary -treasurer;
Dane White, Portland, director, aad Dan Jaaaary. Ra
gene. state dlrecter. District commlssloaers are William ralmbcrg.
of Astoria: Tony Deaa af Oregaa City; Dr. ' R. O. Qalaeabery af
Corvallls; Comer rerter af the Northwest Major leagae af Port
land and Frank Daana af Hlllsbore. Dr. L. E. Barrlck la therepre
aentatlve fram this district. Jaaaary. alsa reported that the 1-2
teams la the state tearaey will ha given S2aa toward expeaaea to
the reglonals la Seattle.
Ward Sizzles
Western Play
DES MOINES, July 14 -V
vrarvin Bud) Ward, ex army
major from Spokane, Wash, laid
down a steady barrage of birdies
for a four-under par o in me
opening qualifying round of the
Western Amateur Golf tourna
ment as most of the shooters found
the hilly fairways and fast greens
of the Wakonda club court a dif
ficult test today.
Warming up for a shot at his
third Western Amateur crown.
Ward went out in 37. one over par
but settled down on the return
trip to birdie five out of the last
six holes for a 31. The Pacific
coast lad found his putting touch
on the back nine. He knocked in
a 28-footer for a birdie 2 on the
173-yard 14th hole and dunked
one from 50 feet for a birdie on
the 115-yard 17th. :
Fighter Died
From Concussion
LOS ANGELES, July 14 -(JP)
Cerebral concussion and hemor
rhage caused the death of Boxer
Benny Cleveland following a bout
Friday night, a coioner'i autopsy
revealed today. Dr. Victor Cefalu,
autopsy surgeon, described the
fatal condition as "traumatic in
nature or caused by injury,"
and Coroner Ben H. Brown set
an inquest for 9:30 am. Wednes
day. ;
Cleveland, 21-year-old Navajo
Indian bantamweight, died some
18 hours after his four-round
preliminary bout with Loqus
Adame, without regaining con
sciousness. He had collapsed in
his dressing-room after losing a
decision, although apparently not
taking a severe beating. -
king the tilt with a twa-run
burst In the ith an hits by Bernie
Gentskow and Ray Kemp plus
twa errors. Welsner homered for
the winners In the 4th with a
mate aboard.
Tbe Elephant - VFW contest
was a wUd one with the vlctiri
getting their 17 tallies an anly
.eight hits, being aided by Vet
mlsplaya and wildness by a pair
af rival chuckers; Tbe Elephants
- struck for six runs In the 1st
frame and tallied nine times Iff
the final twa Innings. Case
homed for (he FE's In the 7th.
sos 2s a s y 4
set zix i e
Knltht an4 L. Slnser: Partoa ana
see ezs 4 it a
sit in a is
Farlow, Getner If) aag Thies: Kem
per ana lomparas, ciay (.
tbc bloody gash an Rosa' brow.
Bath Rasa and Knellaen aeek a
abet at Herb rarka' Jaaler hea
vy title belt, so tonlgbt's aat
eama win help decide which one
gets It. .
Tbe dynamic Riser a ad Raaaa
also eya. rarka -belt, aa will be
pnttln oat with that gem la
miad in their respective mixes.
Kioer meeta a trae' toagbio la
KaxUako while the always like
able and , hard ' werklng Saaas
shonld : find Hagsr . more to bis
liking. Both are eT the eteaa
and adentlfle species. Hager haa
. Jaat retaraed f ram the midwest
where ha haa gattea to be a No.
1 hit.
Key Ring was one af tbe out
W L Pet W L Pet.
Brooklyn 48 32 .600 Cincinnati 40 41 .44
Bmton 44 34 .94 Chicaco 37 43.463
New York 41 35 .539 Phlladelph 39 46 .341
St. Louis 4J 38 .525 Pittsburgh 30 48 .385
Yesterday'! reaulU: At Brooklyn i
Cincinnati S: at Boston 1. Chicago B
at New York 9. Pittsburgh 1; at Phil
adelphia 5. St. Lou 11 2.
W L Pet. W L FCt.
New rk S3 36 .611 Phlladelph 3S 41 .41
Detroit 40 34 .941 Waahingtn 34 41 .453
Boston 41 X .9321 Chicago 36 44.490
Cleveland 36 39 .507 St. Louts 27 48 JOB
Yesterday's results: At St. Louis u
Washington 3; at Cleveland 0. Boston
Philadelphia at Detroit, new xora
at Chicago postponed, rain.
W L Pet. W L PCI
Los Angls 63 49 .97 Portland 47 91 .480
San Fran 96 4 A3 Hollywood 90 96.472
Oakland 94 4S .914 Ran Diego 46 97 .462
Sacrmnto 91 M 486 Seattle 47 99.461
Sunday results: At San Diego 9-11
Portland 3-4. At Sacramento 2-2. Se
attle 4-12. At San Francisco 1-6. Oah
land 4-2. At Los Angeles 9-3. Holly
wood 7-1.
W LPct.
Bremertn 96 39 .619 Tacoma
Spokan 91 37 .SS Vancouver 42 47 .472
Salom 96 3S 36S Yaklma 39 91 .407
Victoria 90 49 .926 Wenachee 30 JS 337
Last night's results: At Yakima-Salem,
rain. At Wenalrhee-Spokane. rain.
At Bremerton 6. Victoria 9. at Taroma
3, Vancouver 4.
Table of Coastal T !e
VS. coast and geodetic survey. Port
land. Ore., compilation of Udea at Tart.
Oregon for July. 1S47.
July. 147
Time Watr
434 am. -49
3S p.m. 2 8
9:13 a.m. -14
4 39 p.m. IS
8 03 a m. -18
8 33 p.m. 3 8
6:48 a.m. -2 6
830 p.m. 2."
10:98 a m.
9:40 p.m.
11:91 a.m.
1033 p.m.
12:41 p.m.
1139 p m.
138 p.m.
(Three leaders in each league)
. C AB R H Pd.
Boudreau. Indians 68 242 37 83 343
Walker. Phillies 77 2S1 40 6 342
DiMaggio. Yankees 76 287 94 97 338
Kell. Tigers 79 2S3 32 S3 32S
Kiner, Pirates 76 2S6 96 S4 318
Haas. Reds 79 283 41 93 317
Runs batted in: Nstional league
Cooper. Giants. 69; Mize. Giant. 67.
American league DiMaggio. Yan
kees, 99; Henrich. Yankees. 93: Doerr.
Red Sox. 91; Johnson, Yankees, 90;
Williams. Red Sox. 90.
Home runs: National Mize. Giants,
26: Kiner, Pirates, 22; Marshall. Gi
ants, 20. American Williams. Red
Sox. 19: Gordon. Indians. 19: Keller.
Yankees, 13; Heath. Browns. 13.
4 9
7 6
7 8
ill i!M
Titlist Zale
Has Incentive
Would Win Crazlano
Tussle for .Mother
CHICAGO, July 14 -4JPi- In
Wednesday's middleweight title
war at Chicago stadium Rocky
Graziano haa the youth and the
right hand, but on practically all
other counts on condition, on
experience, on the mantel ap
proach to the matter, on past per
formance, and on heart, it's Tony
Zale, especially heart.
And today quiet Tony revealed
he has one more count on his
side - incentive. He disclosed
that after the first fight his moth
er had told him. I hope I live
to see you win one more like this."
A few months later she died. MI
promised then." Tony went on to
day, "that I'd win another like
that. This is it. I'm doing it for
So Tony predicted today hell
"whip Graziano within six." Gra
ziano's reply was "he's crazy
I'll flatten him in one or two."
Both Tony and Rocky went
through limbering up routine to
day and reported no trouble mak
ing the 160-pound limit. Graziano
was lSB'i and expected to dry
out to 156. Zale for 1604 and
will be between 159 and 160.
Rainiers Next
For Beavers
Portland returns home Tuesday
night to open a marathon Coat
league baseball scries with Seal
tie. The teams have 12 games to
play during the series and will
start with a single game Tuesday
night. Doubleheaders are plan
ned for Wednenday, Thursday
and Friday nights, a single game
Saturday night, two mote on Sun
day afternoon and two more
next Monday night. The Beavers,
following their double defeat at
San Diego Sunday, are in fifth
place. Seattle 1 in lat place only
two games behind the Portland.
Elsewhere in the league this
week Sacramento plays at San
Diego, San Francico at Ixmi An
geles and Hollywood at Oakland.
Tribe Pilot,
Walker Pacers
CHICAGO, July 14 -iA'h Last
week's leaders held to their re
spective leads in the major league
batting races according to figures
including games of Sunday. In the
American it was Lou Boudreau.
Cleveland skipper and 9hortstop.
who showed the way with a .345
average. while Philadelphia s
Harry Walker was kingpin of the
senior circuit with .341. New
York's Joe DiMaggio was runner
up in the American with .338 and
Pittsburgh's Ralph Kiner was
next in the National with .319.
DiVIagrio was RBI pacer in the
Junior loop with 55, while Walker
Cooper of the Giants had Pitied
69 across to lead the National.
Johnny MUe. New York, had 25
homers in the National and Cleve
land's Joe Gordon was tied with
Boston's Ted Williams for clout
honors in the American with 15.
Sacto Catcher
Paces PCLers
Eddie Fitzgerald. Sacramento
catcher, topped the list in Pacific
Coast baseball league batting av
erages announced today, including
games on Sunday. In 81 games
played. Fitzgerald had a percent
age of .369.
In the number of games played,
Ulysses Lupien, Hollywood first
baseman, stood at the top 106
games and a batting average of
AB H HR Rbl Pet
Fitzgerald. Sacto ... 336 87 2 31 3m
Layne. Seattle - 336 119 6 36
KelUher. Holly ... ITS 61 12 47
Lupten. Holly - 406 13S 12
Lazor. Portland . 254 64 3
Lodiglanl. Oakland 233 76 9
Rizzo. Sacramento . 171 98 11
44 339
Marty. Sacto 333 111 8 97
Durabou. Oakland 132 44 9 13
Novikoff. Seattle . 3S6 131 14 71
Llbke. Hollywood IS 99 6 48
Coppock, Pekar
Nab Links (o
One of the largest turnouts in
recent weas w awingera
were on hand for a best ball part
nership tourney at Salem's Golf
rlub Sunday, the duo of Hs
Coppock and Millard Tekar snag-
1 - : : . aa 1
top nonors. in w inning toe
a 4i gross with 16 handicap for
a net 56. Second was the team
' ,senMG , W- d P"eU
u iik aa 11 Ts
American bowlers spend an es
timated $200 million for equip
ment and supplies each year.
John Allen of Cleveland, with a
1937 record of 15 wins and one
loss for a .938 percentage, holds
a major league pitching mark.
B H Pet. B H Prt
Wilson 9 5 Sj Anderson 22 6 373
Barr 97 38 393 Spaeter 347 91 32
Moure 23 87 331 Krug 272 SB 3M
Skeber 127 41 33S Mouor 47
Beard 299 84 334 W alt 87
Kubiak 320 100 313 Krrr 23
Sinovie 60 17 3S3 Lazor 3S
Petersn 281 SI las Spoier IS
Nunes 316 89 374 Fliaron 7
S 161
8 .146
3 .130
3 ST
1 M3
t oca
Pitching :
4 9 38
I 1 7
4 8 39
4 18 60
3 0 7 Anderson
12 8 132 Eliason
12 6 109 Sporer
7 3 48 Sinovic
KEYSTONES: fteeand.
. . .
a Jeaae WlUlaaas (above)
wawed tbe Waters park clients
daring the Harlem Globetrotter
Hoase af David ball game week
before last, aad Wedaeadajr
night at Myrtle Bowl belt have
a chance for a repeal perform
aaee wbea the famed Trotters
play the Salem Capitols la aa
t:lS o'clock exhibition game.
Caps, Trotters
Vie Wednesday
Salem's stale league Capitols
and the famed Harlem Globetrot
ters will collide Wednesday night,
g 15 oYUxk at Myrtle Bowl. The
travelling Trotters are the same
baeball entertaining band who
thumped the House of Dold club
earlier In the seaon at Waters
park. Mgr. Johnny Kclb of the lo
cals has nominated Bill Hanauaka
to face the negro stars. On Thurs
day night the Caps take on Mr
El roy's of Portland here In a state
loop tilt.
Sunday night at the boat the
Caps found the left-handed slants
of Jack Shaeffer of VaKetx on the
tough side and succumbed to the
Logger, g to 3. A four-run blast
in the fourth Inning by Yalaeti
sewed up the tilt. A triple by
Swede Gambit and singles by
Eddie Adams, Charley Sauvain
and Don Bower were the damag
ing blows in the rally.
Lee Shinn. with a triple and
double led the Salems at the plate.
A very small crowd, and most i
It VaUetz rooters, turned out for
the claL
Valseta . 160 461 SOS 8 a t
Salem , Ml 6M SOS 3 1 3
Schaeffer and Adams; Fallm. Miller
(7) and Salmon.
Charles Kavos
Fitz in 5th
CINCINNATI. July 14 - KX -
Izzard Charles. 174. Cincinnati,
knocked out Fitxie FiUpatrk-k,
1824. Los Angeles, in two min
utes and 43 seconds of the fifth
round of a scheduled 10-round
bout here tonight. A solid left
hook, followed by a terrific right
put Fitzpatrick down for the full
Charles, who Is scheduled to
fight Elmer (Violent) Ray. an out
standing heavy-weight. In Mad-
: on Square Garden July 25. bare
ly escaped being knocked out him
self in the second round. Early In
that session Fitzpatrick landed a
terrific right to the Jaw end
Charles flew backward through
the air. landing on his shoulders
and neck. He had trouble getting
up to one knee and Just made It to
his feet a(ter the count cf nine.
Davis Playoff
Clashes Slated
MONTREAL, July 14 - UCl -
Czechoslovakia and th irlnu. .f
. the American tore Davis rup fin-
als InvoHmg Canada and Aus
tralia a ill play here August 14 to
IS for the right to challenge the
United States for the international
i nnu itohy, Charles Leslie of
the Canadian LTA said tonishL
The Czechs clinched the Euro-
ran Inn, tilt, f 7 X
- .. today n7n JaroaUv
Drobnv and Bohou. Cemikm-
Dined to defeat Joaep Palada and
-a," ' ' w- v iuiiaiatia,
6-1. 6-3. in the decisive doubles
.Giants. Bosox Gain
Gncy's Lively Halts Bums; Yanks
Rained Out; Mize Wallops JSTo. 26
ay Te Awirtiil prom '
Or major league winning streak went by the bnord peHaeeUy
and another waa perhaps shaved by tbe weather. Tbe Braotlya Dodg.
era, pacesetters of the NaUonaT loop, saw their arrew-gacne vtctary
skein snapped aa Rverett Uvty hurled the OarlaetoU Rods to a ano-
PCC Athletic
Cpde Upheld
BERKELEY. Calif, July 14 JP)
The rigid athletic code of the Pa-
cific Coast Intercollegiate Confer-
ence was upheld today from the
standpoints of amateurbm. rcoa
otrurs and training none af
which th conference has any In
tention of altering, th conference
head made clear.
Stanley B. Freeborn of th Uni
versity of California, prewVnt ef
the conference, discussed the con
ference's position before th J2nd
national conference of th Ameri
can Alumni council, declaring the
' a. o ivioij ama-
teur rating for all our collegiate
i ,,,4. -
As to the amalcuriun. Freeborn
aid'-bM-al!y the code Is anund "
Unpaid college athletes should not
be forced to compete with profes
sionals for places en their collere
Foe for Louis
Still Puzzles
Jalr 14 -v-
Jae Leaks
as daa ta Iowa
a, m4 w 1H
ga esaaaedlalety
1th affarlals mt Uat TaeatleU
ceatary S parting elab la aa ef -
fart la seWrt cBAlarager fraas
mm t w-m w j Hiaigr siop tor a
UUo rtgbt la fteeaeaaaee. Joe
BakaTa aaeaaerted defeat by
OUe Taadberg la Saedeai elaaded
easaiaisasaia aortare laa
araafy aad .Leaks
eaaesased daabt laatgbl that be
weald be rtaaiag has tilie tain
year. '
1 esaeet U rtgbt aaea aaara la
1946." Leaks laid bis aaritlsair.
That tatn be say Uat year."
High aa tbe Hot to be eventu
al teanarraw's are
Eaaard rbarlea ef Oartaaatl aad
(VKaWwt) Kay af ytaatWs.
na, aatai af
to laaagbt.
Assault Still
Belmont Choice
NEW YORK. ?July ll-tTv-A
three-star workout today by ta-
sueeaa, Braxirs repre uUUve ha
Saturday's 1100.000 gold rup erect
at Belmont Park, sharpened tbe
already Intense interest ta that
special and considerably buoyed
in napes cr sovtn AJnerira.
Although pmemaker had yet
to issue a line of probable odds
on tbe gold rup. It waa the con
sensus among th en perls Kobeti
J. Kleberg's UA. champion. As
sault, will go poatward a prohibi
tive odds-on choice Saturday.
Angels Deadlock
For WVL Lead
MT. ANGEL. -( Special)- VtL
Angel's club tied with St. Paul
for the lead In th Willamette
Valley baseball lea rue here Sua
day as it a hipped Willamette's
nine. II -5. Th winners pounded
13 hits off Hoyt, with Crieaeo
hauer being th triumphant
Cjlsbi al Canr
7 a- 9su ta t j. aa.
Irvrladlnr Smmitj
on. cohpaiiy
1375 rortUaa! IU.
Ider's for GI I
and Accessories!
Whatever you nd In lamou q-jaLry GM porta and occea
actiea are) avcclabl let inircLcl delivery or L-jtalialion cl
Loder Bros, Thy'r pricsxi iht. too . . . and purcraaaol2
cn budget terms 1
blt -l win aver th Bums. LiWy
retired th last 22 men la order
while hs tna tea war slparaaae.g
Ralpei Branca, and Vc LoxtanU
for 11 hit. - The Dodger three
gain lead was prateried. cw
r. aa the second place Bta
Braves drvwed ane to the
Cubs, J-2. th a In t rrsklrg a
1 C0 .ua TVs
, Nrw Yr Cianta edk nrd sa
ia-a games af Uw Bree
wwy arupped in nnaburgtl
Pirate. S-l. behind tha f.a-t
rhurairg cf CUnt HarUing and aa
attack featuring three rmrr
one f theaa Jufmry Mw U
of the campaign. The trio at cr
fWl walkra brougtvl Ottznea s
total te 111 In gamex. Pt..U
delphia's PhUa rtipewd l Jc
Louis Cardinals, -2. at Torrwy
Hugls allowed lh Ked E.rds u
In the American W-agje
Krm York Yankees lt-c.m
rung rtreak reenaiaod aUe as they
and the Chjraga VTthe &o
rainod Out 4 a tufit ecaur.lov.
Thg Daatoei lUd St I rut tt
Yanks lead to 10 gme u a
1-0. aod en cr the One-land la-
icUans. lU4.ty Drarr's -.h frame
) homer teing th leairg tiamr. ft.
Uute Brovwa nrll fa ruts la
: trounce a.r,ru. 1I.J. ft.
del(4a Drtrwt a as a'.aa ranso4
, out.
art izs an -a M
' Oreo
i aaiaaas iti
t6 a eaa-t 6
e-s au as--a 6
one cMa.
Hay AppIicA
Kayo to Qianl
SYKACUSE. H. Y. 3m)f It-uT
Emer "Ykler Ray ef KaiLrgx
ITa, encraacleted aurprii'.rg ap.
pooitloev, laH swertbeWas anaa
red to kfanck avt Howard Chard
of Scran toa,. Pa. la MS af tha
aeveeith round af a arbaduf j.
rounder . toraghL' Ray wr.rSed
19.CbardJlL '
Ray rionred Chard tar a ra.
rour.t early la th going, the
dropped htm three tunes ta th
even lb. Oiard waa tough and wd
ling but Ray did a 'J Lfw famnat.
AB Warl
SS Oaarl M.
Cafl t&ZS
Need Ik attratWa af
mmr radiator etprrl
Coasplet. ra-tavDatt
fladialac rBlaaarat
An Wtark Catraalerw
Loiler Bros.
rv, un - cits
asa-a g
m us a a
rw4 16. Mmm . mZA
... e,e aa oaa-i s 1
ho tot ii-s a i
sa4 Ciit.
mt aa .
6 mxvs, mm I mm
wwaa s-a taa era. ft
m'm - asa sas ar-ti as I
W,s. Cs Ml. Cory (41 a
rta, rfa mmd tr. '
fvr ata osa aaa mm , 0 a
Sa-T"" T s4 ISo
j Da All IlaklT)