14 Th S totman. Solxm. Oregon, Sanogy, July 13. 1817 Additional Clarified Ada on Page 13 For Sale MiMf llanesHix IJTH ST.- FURNITURE SPECIAL FT, tana 88 9 Westing house elec. roaster with cabinet . $34.50 2 tone walnut bed room wit com p'ete with new innerspring mat tress . - $149 50 Pre-war davrnoort ft chair. like new $89.90 Pre-war platform rocker. Kre'- Jcwt rood . 137 50 - New dinette ret, finished. choice $34 50 hore e'ec. motor. Mattag ra engine. volt hatirrv radio. 70S S 12th Ph. 7MI rt-ARTf-KOTE pamt elloThae like frsrtie. for floor, linoleum, metal, dra'n board, wall, wncdwork, auto. and hoe-. YFATER APPLIANCE CO. ?S9 N. LIBERTY STREET - PRESSURE Cookerr. IS ooart. for ttnnmr 4 t. )7e for everyday use YTATER APPl.tANCE CO. 2TA N. LIBERTY STREET " JOHNSON "Outboard motor. Spent t?& for complete overhaul. Price 13. Ph 8074 ; BOY'S Bicycle, food condition. Ph. 213M 30 Tes Ave " RADlOSTand record" pta vers, console, portable and table model. , YTATER APPLIANCE: CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET ""xtODFXT 97 Skit! w Ph. 3496. "ALVAYS a big atoe- T Woodr' Furniture Mkt Ph Stiff AVnOTTS bought. wM. Upstairs Antique Shop. 439 Court SL Re . Ph. 21443 , . J"R WaSln Co' product 17if75rn er SL. Salem Ph. UH. Eree del Wanted Furniture WANT rO Buy Used Cameras ft him Urhrlil Ptwatn Him OS State Willi A trm . . .A..... I w, n 1 i i r c i l iv, it f , m ii mj i m r i Sim. MriaKt pk Kit 1 TIED FtKNlTUREPh'9i5" "CASTTToT" used-piano ft' other mu- t snstruments Call 441 days orl 9A27 eveninrs or send deecrtptton to I jMiiith Music Co. Ill S High Wantetr Miteellaneou A PING PONG Table. Ph. 34M. atrt.TIGRAPH7Multilith. Addr graph. Pitney Bowes Postage Eqpts., Verity per. D. T. MARSHALL 3t 8 W. 4h Ave.. Portland. Orefon I601CE Bmtesf" Sundale'Exchanre. Call any time. 994 N. Liberty. Ph. IMM "fctWTNG"Ttfacfcin'" eTecuic or trea- 11. any awndition. Ph. 1671. PIANOTUNtNO Wills Music Store, Salem Mifteellaneoupt INSTRUCTION, .male. Mechanically Si inrlirl bsai aaaaxlr iaws D ak4ri aiaBBk t tt and Air Conditioning at a profitable future career. Veterans and Civilians, i Write Utilities Inst.. 322 Statesman. "WATER WELL r drilling. Domestic or Irngjton. Duffieid Bros. Rt. 9. Bos 423 Phone 2-1313. PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatic water neat er general repair work Decatur S aeey IT Coml Phone 8223 ADiO oainttna lust a shade bettei we Ra CTTER CaU Shreck Motor CI t i . r I c 33 1 CHI oantj O tyraVCI KM Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental It ft-, yd. $12 00 per nr. 1 ; o a an pr nr. Z-t Cat ft Docer 9.M per hr. p-0 cat ft- Doter ..,,.... 40 per hr. ZM Cat ft Dorer 7 00 per hr. Phone Days 94na Ever.incs U44 or 34400 . Salem, Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bnng or Mall Your plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bide . Stale V Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele ete 1533 Court PH 7M9 lMattreM-. Capital Bed' CoPhi40B9T ""VEATHER'strips "Pullman Ph 6985 MEN b ' HATS cleaned and brucsed tl 09 LES SPRINGER 484- Court ' Financial See Us FSr Attractive Farm Loans ONLY 4 INTEREST to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chilcls, Inc. REALTORS 44 Stat ft Phone 9281 $ $ MONEY $ $ 4',i REAL ESTATE LOANS personal loans Car loans We buy real estat mortgages Contracts '-,.- Mortgage for Investors net 1, amounts $500 to $5000 State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. U S 21$ M 222 Loans Wanted PARTY to f inane a nroven en Id stuarts mine, free milling or. Northern California, Ph. 3387 Monday. -MdNEWanted for real estate loan' First mortgages & f interest en in- etment. M O HUMPHREYS A CO., REALTORS X2S Fairgrounds Rd. - .Pit. 24998 Money to loan General Finance Corp. ffers money at one on cars, trucks. Fumltur. trsiler houses, livestock, farm marchtnery; contracts refinanced a ad additional money advanced No -signers General Finance I locally id and offterd; waa erf anlsed In 19X7 and therefor knows and can hIx throughout in repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans mad by phon 138 Souh Commercial Sta- Saktm Pbon: 9189 X-138 m M-SS9 Auto Loans . Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR CUARD1AN BUILDING LICENSE N. M 199 S 194 Help Wanted Male Help Wanted MaK Job Openings in CONSTRUCTION WORK IN GUAM Fully Qualified Carnenter. KWtrlctana trMiWM u... r..w rt.i.. stirrer. Cement Finishers. Electrical Accountant and Draftsmen, 3. D. McCORMACK. RecrulUr Brown-Paciflc-Maxon Company Guam Contractors, NOy-13931 Apply at STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE 710 Ferry SL , Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14, 1$, 18 . Money to Loan Vacation & Travel Loans SEE THE YES MAN Don't borrow unnecessarily but If cash la needed. $2$ to $300 or up to $500 auto PERSONAL. YES MAN would like to say "ye-" Proof: 4 out of t who atk get loan. Phone 3191 or visit Pergonal Finance Co. 61$ Stat St. Rm. 125. E. Gallinger, Mgr. License S-122. H-165 FARJi4"end" CITY LOANS 4'i and 51 Your own term of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgaeea CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 For Rent Rooms SLEEPING Rm. clone In, for work ing lcly.i55N. Church. LGE. Rm. (uniurnl suitable for lp. im. or light housekeeping. 1179 Che meketa. .. . NlCE6lp. rm. Imcn), 44 Center St. in alley, rear Woodrow Bldg. LARGE Front sleeping rm. for 2 adults, newly redcoat ated ft furnish ed. Private entrance, (round floor- 993 N. High. Ph. 7033. - NEWFurn. rooms with hot and cold water in each. Across from State Office Bldg. Men only. 1149 Court. Ph. 7319. - . DESIRABLE Sleeping room close in. Gentlemen. 354 N;WjnterSL sleeping Rm. Dounie Deo. wear bus ft rertaurant. 1480 Broadway. RM. for gentleman, close in. Call ivom. SLP. Rm- on or two employed voung men. $77 S.Com'1. fUKNiMltu Hooffl. vo w.cnurcn. LARGE Sleepincrrm. 1417 NfLin city. Ph. 2157$. ROOM, close in. private entrance. 343 S. Whiter. Pb. J5548. SLEkPING Room. 2 blocks from bus line. No drinkers. Ph. 2-490. rm. lain. . - . , n r T , ' stnfle ft fltili orotn. 481 n. winter. "jClXAN uiet sleeping room. 1130 Sr",' - ' v-rt n w'"m. - " Room and Board WILL Board school age children. I Frivat home. ' Flu 7M. For Rent Houses I BDRM. House, garag and utU. rm. rh. 2-40B1. KElJOtTnBachttagerPh.$18a ""rREa'RenCT rm. furn. nous In country for couple- In exchange for few hrs. of housework ft yard work. Write Statesman Box 324. NELSCOTT Beach cottage. Ph. (140. For Rent ROOMY. Clean furnished trailer house. No children. Babies accepted. ????,8.llv'rton TWO Bed room apartment. High c'as and choic location. No children or pets. References first letter. Write box K7 Btausrnan. STORERnom on Stale Street. Avait abl Sept. 1st. Call J. H. Lauterman. Ph. 7870 or 4820. TRAILER Spacel ail mod- shade. loos s. 21M. SERVICe Station. 1042 S. Com'l. WEEDBurner. pId tools, skilsaws. bench saws, extension ladders, paint j sprayers, cement - mixers, belt and aie sanders. amis, auto too is, eic at Bowser Bros. Ph. 3648. LATEST Type high speed floor rand- - en. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors, tiowser Bros. ra. a40. goz Edgewater. W ECO MA COTTaS fcSrFl?eolacei. Oil Heat. Reasonable Rates, near Dor- Chester nous on Hwy. 101, Box 87. wecoma. Ore. Ph. Delak 293. SHADY REST TRAILER CAMP 150 Williams Ave. $3 00 oer week. New laundry. Toilets. Showers, etc. PJenty shade. Phone, Mail service. TRAiuutS 75c first hr. oc hrs following Woodry's MkL. 100$ N Summer. fLOOR SANDER for rant Mont- corner y Ward atmorays. Oxon Good health Ftent-arll H C Pugh. 884 N 17 4092 "(toon tlert PlSiM. H I. Stiff U.OKJVE TRUCKS OM KtNl Hianket fusn 197 S Liberty Ft. 082 LOOR Sander elec floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner Rawlins Hardware, th Marshall Walls stor Pb 8877. Wanted to Rent ANY Six turn, or unfum. house by reliable couple with 1 child. Ref erences turn, can zs07. : RELIABLE Party will pay up to i $80 for desirable 3 B R furnished house, write statesman box wo. MODERN 2 bdrm. home. Best of care. Three adults, .would lik one year lease. Kt. i. oxiaa, uaiias. ure. TEADiLYEmp7girlseed 2"or J rm apt., soon. Write Statesman Box 328 permanent Adult family. 2 or 3 hen room urtrur. house, oy Aug. l. Will lease pay up to $75.00. Ph. 8837. TVRtf. Hous for . young .married couple before August 1. Neither smok u. firink r-.n 911 as muni - 2 bdrm. Hour, mm. or -uniurn., Ceferabiy northeast, w ill pay- s mos. 1 yrs. rent in advance. Walter Clarx, Apt. T. Rose Gardens. Ph. 24448. iMMTtDlXTtLY:-J bdrm. house near bus lin in north and of town. Ph. 941 SXTSCVri Desoeraielv need I or'l bedrm, house, Las considered. Good ref. Ph. 2431$. ""RECOiJ." Stat Motor representative I transferred from Portland desires un- furnished 2 bed room home. Will lease. Permanent. References. Ph. 8985. "VETERAN $i wife need furnished apt. or hotis that will permit them to keep their Uttl 8 mo. baby boy. Need In , two - weeks. Being evicted. No drinking. Ph. 29983. TwAN arwife. both emoloved. A 4 ywar old daughter - deslr small fur nished or partly furnished house or apt. renrunent. net. f none zotuo, Mrs. M. L. Parkr. . "T0UNi!ji Couple, no children, ex- navy officer and wife, librarian, d tir furnished apt. or house, perma nenr. ueav message z-s2j. 2 BDRMf House. X adulU. Can give reference. Writ 72$ N. Church or iPh. 7198. ' HBufilN t&S Man needs on' or two bedrm. house, permanent, references. Ph. 24BB8 or Z-1084. mfcrvi mnlove Uj jUWm C'XJl lm -.p- y,f,L.!S?5i!!! resident. - will give a liberal reward to party who will rent me a 2 or more. jum. , or pa my lurn. - nous, prefer large house. Also will con- consider unfum. Will give excellent care ft can furnlrh anv reference ILive 3 children who ar wen ha-'Cd. Pit. 21892. . , j l.(l- M.U I and rirnHwr rr.mM 1U. v.i-i., Wanted to Rent A VET ft wife, recently married., at apartment getting they slightly tar ried, later this month things win be worse, we il b in the street August first. So. for a vacant apt you want something done. Phone Mr.. Patterson at 9221. TlOUSE Wanted, unfurn." Preferablv W. Salem. 3 adults. Write H. P. Mills. Newport. - - MANAGER Fwarner Bros. Capitol Theatre and wife wish to rent a 3 or 4 room furnished apt. or flat. Call theatre after 1:00 P.M. 5050. Mr. Phoen Ix. 2 BDRM. House, unfurnished. Best of references. Ph. 4079. NEEDJ or 4 bdrm. hoTieby Aururt, 1st. Business Ph. 8118. Evenings598l. "PEJMANNT7Openrng new busi n . Family of 4 desire or more bedrm. home. Best ref. Ph, 7878, Re ward for suitable home. For Salt- -Real Estate NEW S rm. unfinished house. Wiring and plumbing complete. Private well. $750 down. $40 a month. On Park Ave. off Moody Ave. Write W. I. Hanna. Cory 11 is. General delivery. Price, Reduced by Owner New, sub. Calif, ranch home on view Int. 100'x200. 2 or 3 bdrma. Lg. living dining room. Cir. fireplace. Hardwood floors. Lg. kitchen with nook. Utility rm with shower. - Attached garage. City water. 1448 sq. ft. space. 1 mi from Salem. West Salem Orchard Heiht Rd. Turn left past 3rd . hse. on left. Box 392K. FOR ifALEORYR7LDt room home lust remodeled Inside ft out. Urge corner lot 90x150. 2 blocks court house tot Dallas, now rentinr as apartments income $110.00 mo. Will take good ear or best offer. Terms can be had. $29 Mill St.. Dallas. Ph. 361 -W. $4900 Buys a 1 bdrm. horn with living dining rm.. kitchen, basement. wood furnace. On blk. to grade school. This will not last. $5300 3 bdrm.. living rm dining rm.. kitchen, wood circulator. 3 blks to grade school. $7800 3 bdrm. home with full dining rm. Large garage, good location. blk. to bus. $8000 -Very nice t bdrm. horn Just off Wallae nl on r.tM rrut B4 i I lot V.r. rr.. I WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTOR 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE $109 FOR SALE7 bv Owner: Close in. suburban.- four bed room, large Dutch Colonial home Laree fenecd vard with patk. and outside fireplace. Dou ble garage, half hour bus service For more information all Ira Fltta. Ph. I 4424 or -fMOS Look $950010 acres with lovely 4 rm. modern home. Fireplace, elec. heat. 2 car garage, poultry house, large bam. workshop. This place r in first elan cond. Very well landscaoed. Year round creek. This place is the only one of its Kind cioe to aiem. owner leav ing state. Will sacrifice for this price. Olson and Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-5830 BY OWNER: Near bus and schools. New, 4 bdrm, home, corner lot. Elec. heat. Elec. water heater. New dee. rang and refrigerator. All new furnl. ture and floor coverings. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Pons. 1 wk. 1040 East Lefeile. 2 blks. west of 12th on Cross St.. .. blk. north. BY OWNER: NW'Trrn. house, close to bus ft schools. 1200 sq. ft. .floor soece. hdw. floors, elect, hot vatr space. heater, fully inralated ft weather stripped, wired for range, lots f built ins. oil floor furnace. Will o n. I. Price $8950 or good offer. Call 23862 or 2 Park Ave. Bargain in Service Station Down town lust off Center street. Good lease. Covers two lots. Has part rented out for more than to take car o rental. Well equipped $4500. nriwiKi AT ART MADS EN REAL ESTAUB 1328 State St. Phone S580 BUSINESS Lot. close In north, by A Mtt f p a n XJinAri 4 i batK-fu 'bsmL ..uti heal. 'iZ aieo a weather stripped. -double Ka . - - . raite, lot 82x137. nicely landacaoed. 1965 North 19th.i$ day possession. STUCCO ""House. 1. bdrm" hath" Wit'. ana ameite,. jge. . uving rm.. elc. wa- irr system, wirea lor eu. nn .iui h. w. heater. ml. west of Keirer sen. kuoo with - terms. Will consider car as trade. Ph. 26981. bEZ Ui . for well worth t mn.. wwni nomes. Pi ices under MOM In fi2mM 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 8708. m 850- E St. 1 r-rriLAL tSIATE CO. 2 BEDRM. modern home. f.Ue y acre, nortn. $5500. Inquire at 88 r imams ve. off siiverton Rd. . wrinwi; iew i pearm. nome on v acre More land available. Wired or range, wcauier stripped ft Insu la led. rrult k nut tra. liii. i shrubs. John Blue. Browning Ave.. Kt, t. Box 809. No - Saturday calls please. ' BY OWNER; Well buill hom7 Nice- y "nwaoea. Possession unmedlately. iw r . loin. . r.,i. r VI -Tar. i - wrr.n: new a peorm. home. sarag attached.- insulated, elec. heat. automatic water heater. Venetian "l1""- 8cr. Altractive prior. Pen Four Corners. 230 Mihl xt Vk , 'ssa a ovnm. nous, email lot, fenced I wirea tor iec. range, elec. water hr., uttl. room, gar., clean neat IW' win nanqi. Ph. 22978 An. eurnisnea i room hu on Schooner Creek ml. Taft.. Oreg.. 40 acres, 10 cleared. 1 million ft i.r. 2na. frowth fir. surrounded by govt. " iiwwr,. gooa nunung. fishing, suitable for f hin k.mn.. lodge, excellent gravity , witter svs- urin. orcnara. outbuildings, on dirt gravel road, rnr oulck sannn M.t. Helca Kaneax. Box 12S -iti- r-it rw.... - T . 3 GOOD" Houses "far sal with . acres of ground across from th Lake Labtoh scrv 8 ml. north of Salem on Trmi-l. KSy.TomWmore -J ib j rm. I la I ton house. T1... tered throughout, elec. heat, plenty ef built-ins. Rt. 9. Box 443 Off iMh xi cutoff ,, blk. beyond Dickson s Mlr.t! uj your rignr. BY nS'lil EH lrmm L.i .lk ished house, near Kelzer. Lrving room uuiiiy, uui. ancnen. nook, finish a horn to picas your' telf. Phone 2-3088. TuOT 72xfl0. with watr SJI7S fiZ Tea 'Ave. G. C Stewart. Ant im 990 N. Summer. BY OWNERS- s houses on one lot. Will Bell either or both Good rerl W t"" 0!? Call Maddy at 4590 2T.Strw-rt 421V After P.M. call 2S889 or 25830. JUST Being cotnoleted: Attractive 2 - bdrm. horn on Lansinc Ave. in new and. fast growing dist. Wired for "n?5. nu ww neaier. teas neat. LOT RAV LTNS REALTY ft INSURANCE ' REALTORS 2019 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 7819 EVCS. 4878 or 3938 o. nign. NEW. $ rm. bathTutility, garage. aitw s. university. MODERN HOME. 2 ' bdrms.. bsmt. nowo. ura. law Maaison. MODERN HOME In excellent condition, good co struction. basement with party r 3 nice bedroomc, carpet - It linoleum down, hardwood, firs. up. acre. 2 fireplaces, double garage. Nice location east, near city. A HOME YOU WILL LIKE. Price $16,000. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 1 BDRM. House, full bsmt. nce bath, partly furnished. ' $3400. tiono I down, batanc like rent. 23SS N. Cnml ' I Ph. 26981. n anAni, moaern, practically new a bdrm. horn In excellent district. Im mediate poss. Terms if desired. Call 2-4842 MANY fine Home anrf acreaw Improved, priced to sell. It psys to call up or com up. We hav all sorts. LuSE R EA LTT CO. Ore. Bldg. Ph. 7953 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 4 Br. home. Ire. L. room. D. i hdwd. firs, firepl, kit, bath. auto. water ntr. imm. poss.. May assume roan. iiu Brry at. NEW 2 B. R. North '89900. acre. 157$ Shady Lan. off Cherry Av. For Sale Rear Estate LOOK $13,000. Look one and Buy this love ly 3 bdrm home In perfect Condi tion, this home Is in the best location in Salem, hwd firs thru-out. 2 car ga rage, full burnt . this home can't be built today for the price. Imm. Poss. Terms. Olson and Reeve Realtors 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-5K0 $17,000. LOVELY brick home witli ' acre, beautiful yard. 3 bdrms on one floor. 2 car gaiare. Call In for more Information, good term. Olson and Reeve Realtors 945 S. Com'l. ?t. Ph. 4500: Eve. 2-!UVH INCOME PROPERTY 2 house on one lot., good rental, close to store. Bus in front of door. Imm. Pos. Terms. Olson and Reeve Realtors 95 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; Eve 2-58.Tr) KEIZER PROPERTY $1500 DOWN. 2 bdrm home, with acre, hwd firs, elec pump, owner sayt seU this week. Olson and Reeve Realtors IMS S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590: Eve. 2-5830 MONEY TO LOAN on firM mon tages 4 to Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS rwefceta Street Phone 4l TfOMl on Ablqua Creek. $3750. Beautifully located, modern new 4 rm. ft screened po'ch. bath, elect., kitchen ta large with lota of bullt-ms: good fish.ng: Immediate poreslon: spring water, creek on place. This has 1 acre, will sell added acreage up to 30 acres. If you are a laborer, there's a sawmill 2 miles away. Or tf you need a resi H can't be beat. Young aoole ft cherry trees. E. L. McColly. 524 Jersey St., gilverton. Ph. 431. NfCi Country home with iaer. North of town. Ph. 2-4210. FOR Efficient and effective ale call the Salem Realty Co NOW . r.w a oarm. mooem nous, iman K "own pavment. 843 a month on the balance. 3810 Monro. East Salem BY OWNER Ultri modern 3 bdrm. horn lust completed. 1 rms. on on flr fire place, electric heat. H. W. rfls . boau- lirul Kitcnen. tocaUM on tare corner lot. Thir has to be seen to be appre ciated. Not over priced. See any time at 3410 Laurel Ave, I blk.JN. Highland $4950. CLEAN modern I -BR home Englewood DIM. Elect beat. Elect wat er htr. Large lot. Immediate posses sion. $8930 New Modern S-BR home En glewood Dist. Hardwood floor, fire place, oil furnace. Immediate posses sion. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors l?3 ?H,rh Ph.4l2l; Eves 3-8581 BUILDING tract located NE. on but line and cloe to school. Tract 80 x130'. Price $450. $50 down, bal $10 per mo. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors S. High. Ph. 4121: Eves. 2-52fT 153 Cascade Drive 3 B.R.. L.R. DR- den. kitchen, full basmt., piped gas furnace. Large lot $0x235. nice view. A good buy at $7250. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chcmcketa St. Phone 581 A Gootl Buv 3 B.R.. L.R.. DR. kitchen Jt bath. plastered, full basement. This Is a fine buy for someone to redecorate A paint. 4 large lota with trees on paved .road $0900. Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Phone M81 NICE CLEAN 2 bedroom home, oias- ?r9. nlc . w lawn, on bus line. P"b w I" r.nge. oU dr ruiMinr culator. 88300. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 331 Chemcfccta St. Phone 5881 acre. 2 bedroom down, unfinished up. Plastered, pecan floors. New H S. Little oil circulator, double garage. Bus by door. Close to school. $8975. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 9081 $65002 BR home. bsmt. furnace. Tiv rm. dinette, kit. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phon 2-1349 Eves 2-8091 NEW LISTING A good buy for home Investment A Income. 2 nice 4 rm. bouses on double lot. Garares. Bus at door. ' block to store. $4900 for on. $4000 for the other. Close to canneries. Terms A possession. See these at once. M. D. IXKDNEY with Wm. E. Mope 331 'j State Phone 4W3 BEAT THIS Ready to step In. a $ rm. hnuoe furnished Including new ga range. Good garden, good garage, nice ouiet location, on block from bus km, on block from 99. Pric $4000. 2375 Ma son St. 61. OR CIVILIAN New suburban 2 B R. borne on large lot. auto, oil heat, wired for range. hwd. floors, large windows and lots of closet space. Priced to pas G.I. loan r will sell civilian. $7900. Sullivan Realty Inr. REALTORS 3383 Portland Rd. Ph. 329$.JJpcn Eve. LOVELY little on bedrm. furnished horn In W. Salem, irtcludes new elect, range, refrigerator, bedrm. set. dinette set and davenport and chair. See this in a hurry. All for 94000. Sullivan Realty Inc. HEAl.TORS 3.185 Portland Rd. Ph. 3299. Open Eves. f 1 Ii:l II I. uu in i i n aj sis uiiiukp Brand new. Living room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, wired for range, elect water beater, elect, water system, at t ached garage, utility room. 78100 acres. Will pass G.I 29 Acres on 99E North, with large bldg. suitable for tavern or dine and dance. 2 Acres plus on 99E South. Nearly finished 3 room home. Dandy spot for trailer court. Very reasonable. 4'i Acres clove in iurt off Wallace road. Large 8 room home well worth remodeling. Elect, water system. Bath. Septic tank. Only $6890. Nice .suburban home near Kelzer. L.R.. kitchen, bath. 3 bedrooms, other outbuildings, all late built. Berries A fruit A garden for family u. Very reasonable. Floyd Volkel, Real Estate - Phone 7317 R. A. Forkner, Realtor $7500 i A. IN TOWN Neat 5 r. and nook, large rms. Wired for R. and water heater. Cherries, ap ples, walnuts, grapes and filberts. NEW 3 BEDR. HSE. 90x150 Lot. Llv. r din. r.. kitchen. hwd. firs, fireplace, all insulated and has elec. heat. Immediate pos. $11,900. NEAT ATTRACTIVE $89502 bedrm. Li. r. Din. r . Kitch en, lunporch.. Hwd. firs., wired for range arid water heater, full basement. furnace. Lots of flowers and shrubs. Extra lot with wonderful garden. En- f Vewood grade sen. 3 blks to high and 1 Jr. high. Immediate possession. We hav business property on High way. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1883 N. Capitol St. Phon . I A. on oiled road, close in. young tree, berries A earden. mm! buiWitn 'location. Inq. 4029 Earl Art, For Salt Real Folate CALABA AND HABERNICHT. REALTORS 231 NORTH HIGH STREET MODERN 3 BEDROOM HOME SaOM Located on Park Ave -2 hrdrnom noun. up. fireplace, haidvnod ftuor. V. blind. ol floor furnare. elec. (iter heater. Urge lot. nice yard, excellent bus eervic. MARION STRFET room home, double plumbing, part basement tullh nil furnace, fireplare. wired for ranfe. gaiare -saSOO consider car a part pavment Will ' f 8500-MOVE RIGHT IN Bianrt new tuhurhan hnttte. 5 rnnnn and hath. loveJv hado4l riK.t throughout. sa floor furnace, w.ted for range, elec. water heater, large ga rase. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS VIEW PROPERTY T.oely 5 room horre. lull re-rrnl ltri 2 finihed inniri, fuerlar. hart). wtMvt floor- i furnace, large ! nwe vtew-13.5O0. FARM ePFOAI. KTfK-K RANtnt 258 acre-.. SO A. In wheat and oatt. balance In pa1ur and tlrrtwr. and fir. frveial fme pr nr. nieler le mrm hou-e. light and aier. S barn, pcultry hnue and n ofee hrxi-e fiaana rOR .AI F. IIIWAY FRONTAGE I On ME Noilh we liave full inlmmilmi PUMNT.S LOT North Liber'v. rone 3. M)I?S 7M 4', AHn - ORCHARD , Hollywood Drive, dandy acreage, fruit and nut, fine twiidmg .!- liar i RUDY F. CAI APA - RROKFR HABBY HABERNICHT BROKER LOU KLUMTP - SALESMAN Bliven Cooney Craig HICHLAM) $4900 New tn bedroom hou good location. Tni M en(;lewooi) $7100. Sis room all on arte floor Full batement. deep tot. patro fireplace A fine home. SUBURBAN $4508. New two bedroom heme on acre geod lend, im mediate Bliven Craig 47 North High St. Phone TaoS: Fve. 8818 or CRABENHORST SIECIAIS IARGE CORNER 10x183 feet, close in. northeast of city renter, an excell. property for e- velopment. suitable for court or apart- mneta Price $25,000 8 A HOME . - : '. 2 bdrm. house with elect. Iiral and , pium., ooie. garage, .mail rarn ana poultry houe. Price SftJon. BUSINESS LOCATION Located N. E. on paved t . IM ft. street frontage by I Ml ft. deep Price $3000. A REAL FAMILY HOME PLUS INCOME $1M0 down, mod 8 rm. bung . 3 bdrms. fit r place baemt . furnace, dhle. garage, cor. lot. AIo 3 im. bung, tented at 140 ner mo Price ll Con. FOR SALE OR LEASE Store Bldg. on Fairs-round Rnad 2S ft. frontage. S3 ft. deep, concrete block construction, stucco etermr. lo cated between two eoing hitsine. A i eal buy at $ In one or will lease on S yr. term at $123 per mo. CRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS " 134 SO LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evenings - 7772. 2-SOtl. 2-2948. 2-44S7. 77$. ag$ or Prompt. Courteous Service. 11 Your Property with Us LEE OH MART I CO., REALTORS A BARGAIN Drive by 1439 N Liberty then call ti to ihow you the Interior of this 2 bed room small home: Include gas range, deep lot with good garden pot Full price 4 JON. PARK AVE. Owner very anxious to sell his p. em 2 bed room suburban home Ttits property has hardwood floor throuch out. also has a partially finished in sulaled upstairs. lAig yard with an excellent lawn, nice surrounding Let us submit your offer on this one. Ltt or we la 82M EXCELLENT TERMS Lovety 8 room home located on Cen ter street, double plumbing, wall to wall carpeting, double garage, fine automatic air conditioned furnace. You would be proud tn show your fr-end this nice horn. Lwt pric M $13 410 Can be bought for 30". down with balance at $. LEE OHMART I 477 Court St. Evenings Ph. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON $2500 DOWN Balance like rent, bujs a 8 r modern bungalow near enior high school. Fireplace, auto heat, everything , for comfortable and convenienl living, V.ill i im u,Kui 4 Rooms, bath and utility. Urge clos ets, small let but plenty of room foe garden A flowers Wired for lange Auto elec. water htr. Close in. See this today. 3 Brdronms. LR. DR. Kitchen. Rath Rasemt. sawd. furnace, nice Ai clean Move right in. 1 , block to grade school Near store A bus. $13,000 Built ut he for the war Tainled Completely thai summer J larg bed room, living roam. Hdw firs, fire place, large dining room, famous IT. shaped kitchen with dining ipace. bath with shower. Full basmt Sawd air cond heat. DbL garage. Owner leav ing Salem. $500 TO $4500 Beautiful building lot. We have a very fine selection all over the Salem area. Many to rhooce from tn the King wood Heights area, with unohvtructed view of valley tm mountain If you are planning a new home buy a choice lot i now. CHAS. HUDKINS I SON REALTORS 290 N. High t. Phone2-412 MONEY TO LOAN on r.rst mort gages 4 to $ Call for details BYRKJT & POTTS 339 Chemeketa street $3209 DOWN. Nlc 4 bdrm home. Liv n. dining rm. kit. hwd flr. frplce. bsmt. Full price 9250. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phnne 2-1549 Ees 2-iWI $1IV DOWN, bal at 12S mo. Nrativ new 2 bdrm home Hwd fir. atta hrd garage, utility. Only $890. Call Mr. WALTERS Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eve. 2-5280 $1500 DOWN buy this new home. Uv rm-dimng rm combination, bdrm. ktt. bath, A utility. Plastered. Full price $4250. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone 2-1549 - Eve. 2-VW1 BY "OWNER: 3 bedrm." home. i acre 3 cherry tree. 3 filbert. I apple tree, strawberry patch. $ hundred lily bulb, about ' acre garden. Will sell turn. or unfurn.3220 S. Com'l. LATE Built home. mod., nlc kit chen. large living rm.. 2 bdrma.. full basement, air conditioned. Picket fence. Good location, bus 2 blks., 4 blks. to school. Ph. -9327. 1430 McCoy. i BDRM. PLASTERED" HOUSE. AT TACHED GARAGE. PATIO ft UTIL ITY ROOMj $5800, TERMS. Ph. 24H For Sale Real Etat PHONE 53$ EVE. 3779 or 3-$ SMALL HOME t3M I bedroom, kitchen and bath. ired for range, elec atrr heater, elec range and floor covering May North 5th. VIEW PROPERTY-1 ACRE Very mall neat home completely furniHet. range, refer, water heater, etc Lively cre cf land, herrle. frvilt and nut-, frne ie . earellent building ite- ono tNCASTrR DRIVE I ie p'u. rmnei InralMm. IVB" fir rilare en lncaler. mirwr ha bw4- ! possibilities, f.nr family otrhard. nWWr t)le hotrw In lovely ettira ISTSO. NOW $7 Jir-t R. r,f In n. I, acre of lnd. modern 4 in.ni tlh .mall toaiv. inr in rr cm i. -ilr ec- v.ilc-d into liting quarter - a nice I'ae j 211 NORTH HIGH STREET PHONE Sara EVE PHONE 2779 OR I-IZJO Full bath, electric Mat. a good buy. Cooney ENGIJrWOOD DISTRICT . 3 bdrm. Cel. home, lafge roe. tot. baaemt . furnace. frewiaee h m. Horn firs . aprtnklln s,tm M ard in esrell cond. Price I1VJ. ' IjOCATTD KORTM Mod rm home. rmd bawment autat .am mttm heal h w firs . newt newly aeeoealed srtty furnished. A good buy at LAND BARGAIN 87 A on paved rood, toraled Ne1h in Polk county, peaclically ail u-xie-r cult .old style 8 rm. house Pree Sawi. 84Va rah will harxlle IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN. THIS IS ITI BUSH SCHOOL DISTRICT Mod 8 rm. hoene. el heat. h. w fli . 2 hdnrn He, 1 large rm (.p. rarage attached. Owner tearing city. A teal bargain at Fiona ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT rnm 3 bdrm home. I domn 2 up. Oiizft ft. lot, garage esrell for re modeling purposes. Price $4S, CO., REALTORS 7934 Phon 1-411$ or 1-4119 Jtie IIutrliiMin. Realtor 4 COURT STREET PH 78 XFS. 1-4789 REMDENCEX fin., Im m. IIm. a. 1 t k-. . . ww w" i beat and full teement Cog deal fee i BTOIMI Term oienn trees LMIe s Ullia maaei rooo... plu. I HN and b. eew with flreplacw on tower leel Deile p'untw- ing. knrlt kitchen fiat will wleaaw IK. moe particular. Uerage and sorkth Try to get thH one built lor only IJso FARM A REAL FARM HOME FUtrr TIME OFFERED FOX SAI.E. 1 $ A. ON GAR DEN XD NEAR PXATVM 1 A. Ft'ti PUT A RING WAIJiftrTS AND FILBFjrm. WELL BUILT 8 RM MODERN MOCSE GOOD wFU FJ.FC PL'MP. GARAGE POIX7RY HSE 23 aa BROODER HF. NICE SHADE TREES OVFX K FT FRONTAGE ON HIGHWAY. TERMS CAN BE HAD. HOMES A. and new I BR bauae I blk. to bu $700 cah. bal. like rent. Mv an twrnri iw New 2 BR home Modern. City Lim it G I Preferred $A50 Built for a hoene Englewood. Kr lo4. well planned BR. bring rwem. dining room. bath. non. H W fuwr. plastered, fireplac. full naemeot. fur nace $300 eeh. bal. down at $V Full pric saxoa Joe HutrhiKin. Realtor 448 COCRT STREET PH 74X8 xyx iaj NOT JUNK $489083000 so Cut l.lOe rot tare on nice located acre Just owt f town. Deep well, new pressure yeiem. Trxly a pretty ptac. CaU RAY DAVIS. Huff Real EMate Co. 341 Chemeketa St. Pnone S79J Eve 0441 $aM-T- R4TTo vl teW"ln-WN Church M. Baaement furnace. Urge j lot Garsee for 3 car. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors 19 S II. ih ph 4121 Fve 2-52M havrmenl larce ard 4 cherry t $aono J240 N 4th St Phone 2M19. $305o NEW TYPE 2 bormhome FURNISHED, on busline. $1100 DOWN, bal email mo. payments. Call Mr. WAL TERS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL Phone 3793 Eve 2-UwS I7W0-LV RM. D rm7 K. 2 bdrms. bath, oil furnae. hwd firs. douhi garage, near ach A bus. Call Mr. WALTERS. Huff Real Etate Co. Real! 341 Chemeketa St. Eve t-Um Phone we"37t3 BY OWTCtR; King wood Heigh ta with eacvlkmt view. 1 laree bdrms.. living rm.. dining rm. knotty pine den. breakfat rm. beaut ifull tiled batw room ft ktt. barnl autw. air cnnditaaning furnar. dbkt. garag. Ph, XU98. For. Sale Real Ftat REIMANN REAI ESTATE t sltowttt Strrtkr are tMt wt y t gv HOMES e r M A Wtrwd ree. by spaa. Eu4 trtre eaUy $7238 N-a Make y ftjrnnev ar nfwlilw an t-l'rr. No it. $25t PUtaocv like re4 Iwn, fMeplaee. rwlt etreet trmm $l ri sew4 $24 fi wtll g4 gi i mm a mrr 4 I." Ow tc 4 tt-4 Hsprg dertrtrt Baenwy i fvr - F -e ee Cakft Doors, full fcasreat a Nrnrn FVar twe) . 9tt9Af et y eey leten 4 hliw U e-" r lf a. t.i . ''I Kaenet. rtty aee I Act nW . rn mi. . . - xy-s a, h gniy retikrwl. fa Mrt f ! it r.l'r ft ft Arte ml fw .Ry gM-jr ml Umm ., f.r.. mS ilrt, fiM pmmA. .!. r r-s a " -i ewfce fwm Lew sn) t m mu . Km0- a-w oat nl f wmtiiw M awtfan rr-n 1mm. tm At erowt T I JITS , "t. TO a ! Kami 9 1 mm vita fv4 Utmm Ft.8 a w pi m B'0 eU eon" . , Act diwrwrwdl. r.Bjen. r amet. 9 tl canr,w -v. f. . are ra Kir reniyin. iii si Arte. 3 kstiwai ani i. teo ai war mw. 9 roe re rB hmn. rriiney - cwerke rev, raiv. Cra art sal arts sn-s r r . awtthtc A ! aet vsae KM tees ml sxaw 1-m 4 -m m Crntrnt stark m4 part C g rp I Bs gv wk. Os4 as mm mmm mm asnall tmstg wawr. Frhr $3as t. 7 REIMANN REL ESTATE r. ma t-rm. l-4rt. $-taa 21 F-ssjth Htgh McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 189 sVewrk Kirb - FARtsTLArf) Stias TXrty-.a Ac m-4 8LR mm ck. I eswerss. 1 a BMMue fr aaaga, rwrxitur Delia. Or i i ra II V wlHJMi Aeewa. 9 M wHSj $ ataera nwa. assitry siasal rli mm4 ns. mmmmA $ aaH8 taa ewe I 991 S8 Frre' Acre sS 8ai ereew. iesi aeid ewie ke vau rr nam. SVUK. IX. OSV. SL. etoenw i . am Sieet $ija- 18 Are 8 PX a in . SlaUk. w wstSi II snarsiiei 14 a. M m. ismi. 8 . ft mmm etoae tl w oeiea r ' IUJ0-U,CIPrEZ ksrhsdef war. 98 A 1tah r- ti tmm tr w tr l in . 1 8 eaeaaaMa, sri ijj 8 I eee kssttdtswiw. U ir i . wen. e- 4 9 a. w 9 v j nniila. II a. arss. $ a tlwK. I a i . Sana Ft. bxw, mm alee. 8sd swaey swabee wtl lake sees gi r r- tnsl Kr tar, 1X8 ev. 8 ftR b . Innnl. aw - mm etoaw trie tigwt a tee ay mm. . e.s m mm- a ' - I mmm CtiM. w awwkuy . Mkee sv.lirv leg evwfj fa-' :'t vL I a. posture. " 8. 9 iaj m-.xmmt (taw, star . r gx X$ rnmt pmr my prweerty. Lrto1 str 9UrmrU. Ore. PHONE 5131 OR cV20 rw cm SALEM REALT.' COMPANY Few arre mm S.tir $tw. str rt Meal for u bar tear Twere at a ! fee horse. The base s fwky ftsrwaw-ed m t-srw rt alt te Bits v Filbert: A really Bwewtlfwl wrttwrd fin roetditaasv 1944 piwwrt) z$ tne FTrce-d at ! per r Four b drawer ry rtrrttv . eJ Wiw mm gtvs4 -FVeptar. emi. . m! mmmt. tors wX i i s 1 8 as. - -y aw pinimet w Itw Mr. Hmmmmm . CXOTT-XY A at ARRET A Wwdd mmmmMmmm mr wte. re. vegetable estate. rsrti t Mini. sa ana ihI rwnatog aawwl a. C-r- Ft 111. Hav bwjer par DwpWx aw bar jmvl SALEM REALTY COMPANY REALTORS 140 N. H.h St. CLOSE an Kt I 94 I TrrTri IWa ' lered bus. full wtrvw foe taw. Lore Immiwi mMw Fr rw I $ feed r " haw wr4 f t kvS ester la. V btews f4ae. ga ewwa. sng Lrr e4 wnx r trwew. Prv. r.mtm Eogtow 1 Dwtrtrt $ bed tm f rvn. 1114 IM I wru mnarr Um ZZl" Carafe LX "T. T'r- 1 - - . . . .. -L" .:. 'tjt:. wiz: ZZL.. fCJI B-a -1- Eeigtowwwd Dwtr-4 - Wad rwawa i rwiww. Auti aar dittoettng fwewae. AX fn srs sews, j lie rws Frw-e 1 1 1 WW. i ROSTEIM ADOCTH IC. 119', M. r',"rTr2,vtL - rat T fVTt TAltr'V fJi'W uunn RaUnr 99 pm swwlk If daw. Almawt are waww 8 bdrww wa rik Mlrw4,t sjee at w waH rww Car mmm wwrkahe i Aulw. heal. I'aweuallr la M f ITTa' " r9u mrKW 1 SII.BKSV JL II lfimtthrPX A I A W "lpnrri m A IlCXllOr Hollywood iJutrin I Mrs full wt. fwrwae. Fti- plc. vd r4. $ w4ka Fi ptwg r.nwr. caw mm FuU pear wry M. 0. Humphrr,. I - t&7 C. Realtor Mt p -.. , x. rraaFu rrwv $Wf rWJ-4 , p-w i!V-w w-tr -f ROOM IsOMl Ms i-tlOrt' 1 W mm ax Newly mmmmm A rewweweat! Karth j $ BEDRM. HOME UM ' rt tM. W as, aw aw.l - -- IsrnswH Tew ss a gw-w mmm. 4 BEDRM. NOM1 fM4 FwrmsshedL Industrtal The Real Er-tate Market 42) N Hf St Fwe l-srsj " lnMODFAhri-"x km. rVw w Meltywasd Haa snent. beat Very xeat m4 arttraetrv. $7al39. Catl O. T. R State Finance Co.. Realtors s H f pw 4tti: Ew i-irm tuuriMiljviii,k; ! Good late bulN salirs $ r. beans ' w Mh full cement !. awl fwrr-ao. firvpiac. party r. aa Inm n t. awh firs, large living , lw- aur bi in garag. seel lent garttew. law and snrub. larrudea eterrne rang A re frlgeratoe Prkre II I w srr D 1 DAV), WTTM I GRABENHORST BROS, REALTOR 134 . I ihrrir St ri ," fOR" SALE 'st'rfjni EJT: I'bdr be. ustniuie4 ba ir. a- It Xuire 418 rUrm r ft! BY'OWNFR: 4 "A "wt!y sruta ft . fruit $ bex rwar mmt Myt b. wsrwg tor E rr. E water btr 3 snil. frwew ! Salem. snite w ml Kewtee scttl Rt. X. Boa IM Muat be awx to mm mrmyrme $5u8 r4DOUf Kewnr-VScIi.t Imm. Pw In Rtrkrewa. Jaw ws mt W. North aase AHrw,nUw Hrwar. Onen Sunday I 3e4 P M we tutr 3739 Moor 9 , SaWrtw $ tiu p u Uundry ft rumpua rwoew. gTMO full price. YOURS FOR THE ASHING BVan. new Stive psrtwe lwer. Aa im lct mi k am, (arsna and u,er ooport unit are. New vuib4. Fhaw. writ we ctt mm r mrmm lly at H HOMMrTKlHl AC.rICY WOHDFN alllDtMO aiLVtRTON. OXFXXMf Ftww Maaajft "TTLTKar". ft swwe tM4Varf T. L D. X. I bawl Ba. fwiyina. ! fiiars ftwwr fwrwsr. w mmr rtet. tear kwas. BSwsx, Mi toft Mr MitrSrvtlle b a.w . C J. JACKAON. Ml Btot a$w aUieaa For Sa! ReJ rUta . Seevna 4 Im t igi inn w A.B tV tntK Ml M'aC ts M s rj -. C I tga Hrf r-j Wr M4rl 41 r hr!. .itvl far mr mm i rr v x. rs .w lmn. r-sa AS ' - se am-t t t m m mi asiii r. mw-t aanVtH fr- wm mrmm . Te r- tr w $ rwL (wr nr 9M rar . w x rrosrrt- Uu OX. K W Ca arsrai mm4 tawtOy mrrm- sa-ie aa $ giswk mm mfX Fi fcaaa. ! a. rtvoe 8arss Isa8. J g-mrn ? vj mi gisstn I. aro tow rttrt . Swiim. Vmmmtm tVwa w y h. ar-S tia au.e1 mans. ertr i ann cmm ti mm urm a I . - 3-asa - rtas txmmj Mle fcwgt'i mt m m nr I w ti ferwrtwr. fs-jr ef fcf vf 99 a0 t2 --Tg tea 99 t w - llrf ee j8 iwi $t&8 wy lr aa rwar at mmm.. A w8 TODAY BUS HI mmm. M Wewt .ai. (a. Fwasv TODAY'S BUYS I FI kwa. re, wl see rraj. e4 j-t. asiae 9 XX. w. I wri W Deee. ttm, mmmr. W. Saewt. wg rw r g gars, tmrmm fcs. O Kaa 4' ix- j W 11 rt f , f ' w ' - aa . . . M wa t hmmmm. VW LX. CP Kit i trwa. w o n Fatoe. to cwav-g mmm j iTlZ?? C" . " ' r - - Hanna Real Ette ' fymmm - rn tUfr-w wr fit, FTTXA ITTJCIAI. rtTTCE d r"". ewx. a A aieM ' ! Very www aw ae Ft w. hmmr.l l - Cxa -. t-MW. pa f , TL. R.l r.t.t. f ..1 -m mt i r w isir ,'isiari Da as 1n n.T wrw swewt lmmm 1-4. IX D. at. 8 mt ra mmm W Mum . ww. ca to 9Mrm swx -..rr-' r aj Part Fwreiar. 8 W. mmrm W M 1 TZ 1Z ZTZ. 'TT. . I ""- M uuub Huff Real Etite Co. Fiewsww F-59-tM9 91 owwaa 941 (rand Tree and Shade nxm T a i8rr-r rxrrM car. K van wt rill. TAlt-g T MAt rts a trx MONTT t0rA10W l QT A i aw nortr calx, for Arrr-rwr. V"T cm fHOM T3 gor krCM. DAY. H. T. Grant. Realtor 4TI Caxsrt ft FV f4 . ADVERTISES sTtslgi sj Ad vwtlgtfigj JUprtxofitatiTvw lUttrrn AdtrtigJri Rpear.taOr WwVrsfTw Cm mmt i . 9m. Oaaaay Hew 1 x 0J Atriat VtecteT IVrtftc Ccsatt Dfit-ft Burrxx ef Advert! air.g" j ' 1 ' I ' ' ! i rwted g ra p tew, at Saw , Cmtmmn mm fliiaf ee fS fiw ewwy SUBSCRIPTION RATES kLaa VttrXM mre: w tum Orsg : OmCf mmmt Snaasy. ft ear. 9 81 tm; I ywae 9 a (3awwar 0X i mi w ewa $7 ax 8s I ywar ax agi ana Fwe e1 f a By city O gaaa a &i i wax aasa Krm Www 8at ftawstft Oawswwarws4 ateosg. Wwwtfft lM-9J, ft ! llWlttW