Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or., July 1 (API Butterlat Tentative (subject to im mediate chancel, premium quality maximum of JSi or 1 per cent acidity delivered tn Portland. 74-7Sc; first uality. 75-77c; second quality, 70-73c; valley routs and country points, S cents lew than first or 7S-7Sc. Butler Wholesale f ab. bulk, cubs: Grade AA. S3 score. 88-7lc; trade A, n score. sft-71c; B. M score. 87-ftSc; C. M score. c. Cheese Setting price to Portland whoir .icrs: Oregon single. 38'i-SOc; Orrfon S-lb loaf. 40'i-S2c. Et To wholesalers: A grade, large. ',- I'jC: medium. se',-571- A erode mall. 4ic; B grade, large SO1 i-52'iC, Eggs Purchased from farmers: Current receipts. 50-Mc; buyers pay 3-3 1 ,c below wholesale, quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live c rue kens .Paying price to Coducrrt: No. 1 broilers under Zk lbs -Sc It: fryers. 2' 4 to 3 lbs. 30-32c fryers. 3 to 4 lbs, 33-34c; roosters. 4 Pounds and over. 23-34c: fowl, Leg bom. unoer 4 lbs. l-21c; 4 lbs and over. 2-2c; colored fowl, all weights, 2-zc: rtag. an weights. l.-l4c. Rabbits Average to retailers, 48- szc lb dressed: price to producers, uc fryers, lave, white. 20-2Sc lb.; colored. 17-21C lb. Onions Green, local. mld-Colum- bu. Hi 8ftc dox bunchos. Onions 10 lb. sacks. Wash.. Walla Wslia 190-2 18; large 1.83-2 00; Cal Stocktons reds 1 SS-1.78; yellow, mcd 1 la-I X: tuu Globes Z 7S-2 IS; out er prices unchanged. potatoes urt. xsoaramsn oisi. Whit- Rose, 100 lbs.. 3.80-3.73: Cal. long whites No. 1-A. 4 40-4 50: Wash., White Rose 3 7S-S B0: track sales: est. song whites 4.30. Dressed meats Veal Light, top quality. 33-34c: heavy, top quality, IS-30c; B. 2S-26C-. C. 22-24C: cull. 18-20c; Hogs Block, butchers, packer style. 1Z-1M lb, 34-3BC: over 219 lbs. 3--33C lb; town, all wts, 2S-30C lb. Lambs Best grade. 35-31c; others according to quality. Mutton 10-1 3c lb. according to quality. Beef Best quality. 33-39c lb; B. 2S-30c; c, Z2-2c; canner and cutter. 13-20c: bologna bulls. 27 -28c lb. Cascara bark Green. Sc lb: dry. lc lb. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 42-43c lb. Mohair 40c id en u-momn growth. Hay Nominal. No, 2 green alfalfa. $31.00-1334)0 a ton at Portland. Portland Livestock 13 SO and over: medium good oeof cows lSAO-lS 00. Good beef bulls 17 JO IS 00; common - good sausage bulls 13 SO-17.2A4 good-choice veassra' 22.00. 2I.M. odd head 25 SO; common down to 13.00; culls down to 0.00. Hogt for. live days, salable too. total 4779. Compared week ago market 23 higher, sows steady after recovering early loss. Good-choice 186-240 lbs. 27.00 to mostly 27.23. Heavier and lighter weight under pressure, largelv 24.00 late. Good sows from 3aO to 50 lbs. 20 5O-21.0O; lighter weigh to 22.00: few heavy feeder Diss 27 00- 27.23; choice 100 lbs. quoted to 28.00. Sheep for live days, salable Z559. total 5573. Market strong to 50 higher on spring lambs, weak to So lower on ewes. Good to choice 1 springers 20.00-20.50; few ' mostly choice lots 21.00; feeders 17.00-17.50, few 18 JO: good shorn old crop lambs and year ling 13.50-18 50, few 17.00; - common down to 13.00: good slaughter ewes largely 6.50; few early to 7.00; com mon aown to - uu. PORTLAND. Ore.. July 12 (AP) (USDAi Cattle for five days sal able 2108. total 2239: calves 708 and 721. Compared week ago, market most ly SO cents higher, medium-good beef cows as much as 1.00 ud. Bulls only strong and vealers strong to .50 high er. Bulk good grass steers 24.00-23.30 two loads 1148 lbs. 26.00, equal to car lot high, common downward to 18.00; medium - good stock ers and feeders is oo-zz so. latter tor ioo id. load good spayed heifers 23.73: common-medium grades ' IS O0-22.00. Canner and cutter cows 10 50-12.SO. fat dairy type to Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. July 12 (AP) wneat: no futures quoted. Cash grain: No. 1 flax 8.00. ' Cash vheat (bid): Soft whit 218 soft white (excluding Rex) 2.19; whit club 2.19; western red 2.19. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.19; 10 per "cent z.is; ii per cent Z3; II per aent J 30. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 2 JO; uper cent ss; is per cent X JO. Today's car receipts: Wheat 26 flour ; corn 11; oats 1; mlllfeed S. Salem Market Quotations BUTT ERF AT Premium - NOTICE OP EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a promotion examination awbleet to the rules and reulatlone and proviso of the Civil Service Commuiwn ol Sa- m. Oregon, a amended, will be held I hi the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Help Wanted UU ROYS Over SM week I Sell piste for frool door. Wrtle Mr. Ward. Bos ITS Statesman. EXP. Wsnd cutlers. You fumi Fr Sale MiserRa-MNMis Pnes No. 1 No, 2 riu It Wholessle Retail ... e-GGS Baytag Extra large sr. Medium and Standard Pullets, cracks EGGS. SeUUag PrSte Wholesale. Urge Mediums . POULTRY Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 fryers , LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Choice spring lambs Yearling up Ewes 240 Fat dairy cows cutter cows .7 .75 Dairy heifers Calves (300 to 430 lbs.) -lulls Veal (150 to 300 lbs.) - 6 00 9 00 - up - 12.00 - , up . .72 . .77 . 39 . A3 . JO . M . n - 3 .' 17.30 to 12.00 to s 00 to 11.00 to 10.00 to 14.00 to 1600 to 16.50 to 21X0 147 IS. Liberty Street. Sotem. Oregon. 1 tooW S7 bm t roni Call alter IPS s follows: Phillips Bros.. Rt. ft. Bos 116. 4 ml CAPTAIN FIRE DEPARTMENT east out Slate St Frktav. August 6. UW7. S CO m - At J.YMAN Isi mall mill Call CKNEKAL SCOPE OF EX A WIN A - ,,',. r-, KmU i iu.i : urnmi anon icore oi inr rnv rvPi sirki r Iris Planting Time A rwaire mmkmr 11 isl TmM Ir as Imt tt Lake Verner is the largest lake in Sweden and the third largest In. Europe, covering 2149 square miles. - I V jt-S , ( WEU-.WMATS MjLld I WE MAD SX T llWOULO VOU KMQW M' f ' t e I t OOtT -CT UTTLE BOV CMlOPN IN " ti 1 HIM IF VOU r -E & MVUTTLE kVV TW...sl0 -1 NAWes A PQWAND SAW HIM 9 ,J ' B wis SUPPCS y mIm ZU rat oOttcn AOOtjMO ) 0 TAMP HawnojusrT vtrg. 1 T well, i Tvout?g richt.I u amotmep pm?tof-tcwu WClt TlPv7VVFt -rucvN UVE A CSHJET. CETTTPUOE. GUESS PUEDOIE TWINOS T ISWT TmE VEAR ' rST ttaTo UPE AMD Bfc?INGvVWAT WE WONT WVeV ARE GONG ODPFEE TMAT I 0CT$eS UP OUt? LITTLE WNT IS MUCH TO Do TO BE f Jgr tSSoMfl A KNOW LMCg "" ' - ' DICK TBACT . f tfcUttCTL-fjUST KKP VDUR TRAP CL0S0-4 HYtS,SiR-K3 D0WT SAfVES,T f-u.tsyIM,TrWftvr,l r-i. t IftWii SUPPOSED TOf ALWAYS STAY CLOSE TO THE TRAttlflP ( I WANNA 1 VOU UTTIE !!J?i- -eJXTSTa I U W D0MT L lUKOCRSTAHOl WHERE WE OM WATCH VDU-YPU f" I KEEP J fOOLt TUAT5 M0 IPUg HA. Aw Pg.THg PWMTWJ -1 luMDEgSTAMOl lAHYTKlMS WAN MA KEEP 0M UVIHA Ij ( WAV TO TALK TO njg YOI V cjm. yf-iA Nr0r i i TH,NG' .j )r ' fl' fv MANf UVtU , A iiTf! I control. WEY- --0 ISf t Jlr 4 V CHRISTY! f H I - - CDWE BOBBINS a Ct KXtTO to Ty Mim ivJArs ) S Cvj' ' y rA sflnjtmfi ' v I EVENING 1 J PErOP-ElTWEV CAN'T, ..OVOI O f ) MICZET MOUSE"" 'ySa'..-:r...: : ''''X- lC fgrT-'L r- - oLn-oag um xr g-Ajsjp -Tf ' 1 Fl kbfuc rr i p c-ktv V "-"T imi VWaeU l LLV CMtACE aS A KEEN I WNT! BEAUTY I J T . : l I I "SJ0 I'M UP HERE i ' vj eemNT dried off. ) Tff SPERRfTS 7 ON AlRTH Ak . x IV. 10 JIT !! -2 sheet. vmy HAPPeNT to ;v?&-l -7-iTTrCfJ7 1 jCrJl BAJLUXT COOCLB 1 iW imTw'" ''' s t. ',V .; . .... 1 . ' . - ' ! i ; 'f-irt ; .-.v.-, . : - and Uiorough knowledge ol tne Eire Deoart tent Study Manual. PAY: Two Hundred and Slity-rive ($2S.MI Dollars per month. DUTIES: Supervision of rtre De partment ejo ipment and personnel as signed to Captains jurisdiction, and transmission of orders of superior of ficers and directing Uetr enforcement. Applications will be accepted only from those who meet the following re quirement! 1. EXPERIENCE. Not lesa than three years continuous service under per msnent appointment as Fireman In tne Salem Eire Department APPLICATION EOR THIS EXAMIN ATION may be made at the Office of the City Recorder, must be fl'ed in pel son. and will not be accepted for filing after the following dat- Wednesday. July 90. 1947. S 00 pm. Dated at Salem. Oregon. July 8. 1M7. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION By: Alfred Mundt Secretary and Chief Examiner Jly s-IO-ll-IJ-U-IS Livestock anil Poultry GUERNSEY Cow. milks 4 csl. 8123. George Wyant. Rt. . Box S2. ml. -., mi. s. Liberty school ANC6RA Rabbits: 1 buck. 3 senior does. 2 Junior does R. t. Bi 818. 2-2591 WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand at I all times st very sttrartive prices Credit given any one. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Tree delivery. Harry Kuehne. t arlton. Ore. Located S 1 miles west of Newberg. FARMERS ATTENTION: Will par 80c per doi. for latgr egg Henry's Msrket. SV7 3 12th. Ph. S44S 2 MILK Cows, frnii 8 wksRt. 1. Box 172A. AumsvUle. 3'. ml. east I of Shaw. NEW Hampshire fryers and for sale. Mrs. Vern Wilson. Box 306 I men Kee Al story. i ilUVk Meo-irsna om Silualion Uantil CESSPOOLS A Septsr tanks rksiwA Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed F. L. Hug lies. 1M Williams Ave Ph. S21 E-bKACY Woman will kep houae for etderty gentletnan. Call at Argo Hotel. Rm. 210 HOUSE MOVING C n Burt. 3S28 SE 28. Portland LA 41S nxcnric rvti VEATTR APPLXAklCTt COPajY I M Lortr Street WILL SUt to gwi tra.t f iKJYgtNllEnRir FoeaW sFr1 t. PwJ-4-l l LAWN and rt- m- and Uwia. YEA TEH APPLtAMCX XMPAMY I ISJ H. Llert r - w EgTTSGMOvSJt lsuj hmmm. YEATTJl ArPUAMCX XMPAVY tiS N. J.lflr Sir ! "TTSTTlltW w. srT'ir"J. r-e--.-- I Mi-liti4 sue croons saamsi unn "wr i-n ty. rang with ropper ewils. Goo4 cwtdt- j A IOST Krw rwUawoF For Saic Itl ii Can sia 4s Mf C nSrasw 8 iwn srisa a t 8 wj4 so mtmm Use Una An iss -Hi P-is IT Fan I Aw. BW a P US) tt-ixor 4howsr sssrw7. LT CWtrravn-ri -i.T. I m. fter Umms SV lejsse fsrtsas. botki MS ktwwa mrw- S CJ nDSlN'MBERtt). Capable widow S aM M , t-i iraik- Ftr-placo grate. rangeSSS N CWrh yrs will rare for home of bt. Trs-, bttrw-r with ell. 10) Marten M , Mrtil rl"? i' ,,- widower or married couple wlllvoul - jft - 1 1 .r ' . . 1HOsJty ailrt' . ,r r Ti ch.ldren. State partwular. and wage, j TTaco UI-Tc.W IT. Tr,' . w- ., K, in firt letter Vlr. Llnnie Lambert. rUns-T' . ; ' ' ' soon Rt Bos Mike's Septic Service 107 Elm. West Salem Ph. MS or M71 "CfJERAL'Crmenl contracting Har ry Hill Ph 7841 PAfNTING: Spray or brush Inside or out. Free estimates. Ph. 22144 COVER Crop discing." piowtng. mow". Ing. combining, dusting ft all kinds of field work. Crawler A wheel tract tors Ph. 22127. PLOWINO." Discing, Ph. l-tS7. "SCREES Doors, window screens, rescreening of oid frames. Master Woods Cabinet Shop. IS4 S. Cosw merrtal Ph. SS88. wXNDdWFrame, sasn. ooors mni door fri mes. cabinet work of all kinds. Doors, drawen built or replaced. Also repairs. 1 block Ladd A Bush. Mas- ton Hi fletd If taken 14. Peat Four Corners. W. A. Slater. refrtr -etwr SI Um 1 gaL Wswltwrwoswe I Md ek : electric water heater Ph. 27X3 KXW te t ter Woods Cabinet Snop. mercul Ph S-S Pit 2S444 Oft 144 ft. Com- ullets 7. Painting Decorating Sprav Painting DICK OREY COOD Young family cow. Ph 21J40 "FOR SALE: Nice tat hens dr srd & drawn 82 SO each, also pullets ready to lay. Kt 8. Box 264. FtuitUnd. WANTED: All kinds of cattle sod nogs. WU1 csU at farm. Write E. L Snethen. ISM Lancaster Drive Ph 2134a mom or eve VV ANTED All kinds of cattle, fat hogs, aows A boars At your farm or delivered Matket pries E C MrCand- I h Rl 8. Boa X33. across from Waters Ball Park on S IS BI Ph 8141 CUSTOM dressinc of chtcsens. any 1 number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 1-21161 Lee's Hatchery. BULL Service ty artirtcial inaem mat ion Sir .e from the best of blood I mes Reasonable fees All work per tally eupervtaed by licensed vet erinarians Salem Arttflcal Insemina tion Station Ph 84 "ATJTtFUL Buckskin pony i yrs. I oid. gfntle Ph 14117 between 8 M a S. NEW Hampshire baby chicks, itart- ed chicks older pullets always avail able. Ph gMl, Lee s Hstchery. fUR SALE: Christie N H baby chicks every Wed Boy tnjrtona 8718 State St Phone 406S "buCHl-ST- QUAiJTYCHlCVS-N.w Hampehtres and Whits Rocks 100 free of ptiUorum. Hatches every Tueo day Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery Poultry Farm. Lyons. Ora. Spray Painting i Ralph Als man. 1T20 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-4248. WATiTTJjfT'urniture to gtuo and repair. Ie Bros. Ph. 21IXI CHtMNEY" sweeo. Northnesa. Dh44-0 TRAINED Nurse "Night or day duty. Call ISO.R Dallas WINDOW" Frames, door frames i BUILDING BLOCKS Drive one miV aowth onRrver Rod itOUX luiWrs ' mni CotU actors Cedar stdmg Vslr beveled, rhsr vertical grain, ft SS par M ft. el Sale i Call Be S47S Portland Rflh ingles, debverad anywWs. aW lumber. Ted MuUee. Ph. 21188 m 2SQS0. Eota Ubr. Co, SaWm, Ore VACVCU C-lANER-T 14 differed wtake. new S reWt 814 88 w Tra-w A senna V r-lertrtr. I IT S. liberty, Ph f1f CTHICT BWwUrs, trwt off makers and evtrti bwt YEATTR APPLIANCE COMPANY 2SS N Liberty Street mr of f e. YEATTJl APPtlANCT CO. 24S N IIPrHTY STREET W TSTtSOROUJlE EleVlric teCrle"a. lor. M ru. ft. Ideal foe restaur snt. grocery Store, stubhouse or large farm YEA TEH APPtJ ANCE CO. ISS N LIBERTY STUtrr 1 "TtCNDaFDS a4 grft'llems for T dmgs. s'wiloisaiws. brmsw prtaes. e-r. Y EATER A PP1 J AN "E CT n tJBF-TY rr-FrT taoteto rawsiw. fft il opallawras Hard a worth mt TsSetw Pm ltd Brws. I, snue aw PartVawd CONN aN B rw'iWwt'Mi ni I saii ssa. tassi . lewt rwnd Ph 4SJ er aee 1838 ISUl 2 LB Ine hw tV "eww-led LO. sS4e awd wt SS48 ML Vsrw tlrtew. Ph W AwDCIT"Kwwe '. iis-ll i V ACCYM "rt. saa.m7KAwlara-ds. llghL VFATTS APPt2ANF CTI 23 n tJBCRTY STTtrrT "TUN'CtRTrw lUsy sswi mmZ rhme aa Ph Mia fwMwrw. kw f Sona 1 krwrtt B Hewn may J.ml-iath i'H wTTdnw'IrTZen. "rATTRPROOF T.H l.l If. scieen dooii made or react eeoed B??h, " ! " I sewl. Oenetal cabinet work Atk our prices L. m. A D Km i. aet. .i..4 r .K.i iu a .8-18 wool rwa. cwd aewg eMiet Mutriwoad Cabinet Com I Ph SSSS KITCHEN Built-inaand other rabit ! net work built Installed with no , down payments and as low aa 8S I monthly if desired We measwre and help yru design Meslerweod Cabinet Shop I FWmt l 1S4 t'omm Ph SSOS WANT house-worTi al So nTliV will care for children evening at M hr. i Ph Z&S43 1S4 S I eslB wool rw. COM mattress ft mwe "Undergraduate mi-i witi Wri " g i in It N M. VJjCTldC Shavers. A jcs, lUwving- lesy Sunoeam YEATES APPtJAJtCTt CO. S N LIBERTY, STREET r3DCf." Board, tfainl 1um Pirk-wp a dVUver LrC;n K nrta Ph pis "VSTD Ca SoHndrieV " wwahW. garni cwndiliMs. 1MI RCA. rssiili tads Help Wsatrd SOMEONE to take care of light mental car in their home. Able to work. Refs Write Slates an Box 32S. R5pPtCiaNt3 REGISTER NOW LAKES ROOK HOP FARM Loca'ed 8 miles north of ftslsm on River Road. 334) acraa early and late 1 liVM inapt. ong season lira gooo picsmg. ' work uoins, wooa. waier a no i. - . - W U.fe. j ... .wi . w-m . nifii. . PERM Gen "cleaning. 8 hr. tfay. Tic", i ; Ref Write Statesman Bos 323 j " H6L'sEWORK Full time Expert-T. 1 ed Like children Call Dr. Bartrlw HoapiUINo a. Daius. Filbert Worm Spraying 84 per acre, plus materia la Philip W. Beilke Dial 21208 Painting and Decorating Spraying and brwah. Free estimate .penalty roof spraying. Ph. I-tlI er SS38 F Rawlins 'WORK WANTDltyee7U W Mewing lawns, er any kind as odd JoOa t all 4S3I and repair maintenance Zl RALPH Z3S Center JOHN son APPt- Ph ClRL'S Kar IIeLeeSL BOY-t BsrycV 14 Inrh, 111 Ph. iisnia iut- Dnutiu. f . - z K4 K .l - T ". i xm mmaw -Tir. I :.:Zl 'P Reasonable rates. Ph a vwmm. . ru wtu. V". w iw In spacious campground. Register person or write: T. A LIVESLEY ft CO LAKEBROOK HOP FARM 714 First NaUonal Bank Big Salens, Oregon. Hop Pickers Wanted in HAROLD BUSHMAN Ranch 4 ml East of Woodburn on Wood burn-Ml Angel highway Follow sicns. Pick- taf wll' start Tues , July IS HOP Pickers wanted for our yard want 12 mites nortn of Salem. Start early Aug. Ph 2-2347 Salem or write Mis sion Bottom Hop Co. Cervsis. Ore. Satrsmen Wanted $22180 IN ONE WEEK Unuslal Not At All! Just look at one weeks earnings of these represent si ive S W B. 8247 84. J R S $-'S2 80 11 M T. I7S. HC. 2 93 III.T. 1319 38 OP. 1442 40 Direct Mail Campaign hrin not lead rleht Into oui home Rr- markabie product dues part of 20 men's work a "natural" dining thrse labor problem days Has perfect sales I storv sells year 'round A nwidrtn as Radar! Free Equipment Offer' We extend credit, drlivri and collr-t No capital rVquirl no enperln.t-e n-c-ewary. You make btg profit on fust sale and full credit on trix-al bus iness. Every business, ktore. Iiome. Ir tory. etc. are piospect Wnir Jolin Porter. 2.t3 Indiana. Dept. COS. Chi cago IS III WANTED F.xiH-tienced salrs or Sales Acency. Eclusive divtr ibuini -Ship on hot new household item. Well advertued. We want ambition and experience. SS.ono to S4 O00 annuallv. R. D Putman. Dept. 1. Gateway Bldg . Omaha 8. Nehr. SALESMAN to sell a laire line of automotive hdw. ft xmall part Exp. helpful, not nec High cotnmlssMin. Must have car ft be willing to t.avel. For personal Interview see Mr fruit Sat. ft Sun. afternoon ft eve til 8 P M. at Senator Hotel. REAL 'Estate" ind Insurance part ner, good proposition. Phone 3723. Help Wanted Frmsle ip Reasonable ratea. Ph. 2rm LAWN Mewtns: or other srok aas fora St or Dial M74 PAlNTTNCr. outside or hiFree oetf- maies t. Horn. Ph. 8830 COVER Crop discing, plow mi ing. combining, dusting and all of field work. Craw Wr and wheel tractors Ph 3-2127 HCUstAWTINrho80l HA Y and strsw baling, pickup-wire mamme boo HUM. rone JSXS GENERAL" Cement ContracUng. Ph. 2-34O0 or 2-471 S MOTHER w ith llyT. otddaushter nousew ots m ctlt or country SECOND Hand Jar a penwev. Rt I. Bos 231. Dahaa. Ftttt 4 sws. U mm. M MiU U Sitvertnw WAinrNireKWo rTs-rrtt ow laundry trars YEATTJl A PI J ANCE CO. ts n lhjerty iTitrrr UPT ROXIii A TELT US fV. mVw MltCwurtSL uulnss. mamla hay rows nXCTKIC Lri Umited astowly. YE A It APPTJ ANCE CO ss n ijbkrtt tnttrr "attttniV D A. awivwl rhoarl asraurht chairs, typewnsae dssk. Cw ! typaw nier. saoa- sOtasr. Ph M7 "n m vr, .T i hr-L wt th Unk Rt. 1, Sex T78 Ph. WSJ4 " D-l Hyster areh, gwd"ssnS-'t. 1 CR4VFcrE3N of Kessor arW Rt CsU SS14 or 1-41 IS NEW Afh ny by awte. row. Iks lbs atae. B. D Nes av co t n tw i- .sTTu--f p.i.wa; use snwdl ft. ITS. PV 7JU. 8JS Ave AtuAnrsrsurw" Wswr weolers f e KELSON BMOTKrRS Pt' RJSTTVsrX IIS N UF-ERTY 5CXKrRR ICS. yow srsIS . J 14th. IZ c Keller. Wt sos su una snne una atsi wtsn ti'4 K1W llawJM a o -w io i W" rWihes) Sryor 8178 8. swM SlSS SS rs. SS 1 J-IeiWio"" 1 1 1 S" Is". ! 1 14 Cosnh ii rai S 4hI Sltko-STISS Vawkys .. ........ ...... fti47S b ink Befce Wwcc s . . . as aa Alan fc . toblso . Mtl, Cm versa! eiea, twwg Ml M Child S rwa a . tin ft SI Tt Marh r-sis sa aa st as Aa as raa rsa Saks ; 1 aneee 'ir rw a B4 m t state sr. rc-xr-cir- twss ae - Tsa CAS Range sir -Ta I'.n SweX Flame eal rtrr olatar. ban i is ft f is. Ml I N 4"h Et25W-TKi; Uwm i SMS Le ft, St l'FT ri fs t -aftC si luasin. unis tro at, od llism'K ttatxr as ntAfr ' m rs n uprTT T-srrT r .iv. ma tttw Tsa orrwlle, gm wssattiwn. X3 . 8'. MKoT" Ssa Suasm Aee OATS ft eesrh' W4ka7Tlwtr 1 syrire Ave T S i cal. Chwrrh taj She aor Ph. rao4 tlSawTlVssi wssckTlS stso tin eUaa SiS SBF. Mar low Ke4et roa iaLE: ts.ftos cwi'uir bun-. fiaas rash lfTS Brw adwsy. Ph. 4T FOt SALE Lady's crystal whse er epo dreao. stso SB. like see. lift. YeBw rhirfon forwkal. ears awns, ass 14. gse Sailor aL tailor ssaSe. a tssms. M wstrt SS chert seree12S Ph. 1-143 rrXYT "FuU -ti wa. wsihk any aietitttv. Mrs Ruth ntrphensnn. IOuS N Cottafe , CARE for elderly lady or bed pa tient in my home Ph7IS " CHILDREN Cared for In my home davs Ph 2-ISS2 WELL Drilling and "Driving Fred Wymore. Route 2. Boa 317 Salem ' For free estimation call 2S13S. Lota of pipe I RA WIS G House and store " plsna Ph W12I WANTKD t Jimher hauling " from Ca-ip Adair Ph 23454 i T P Machine Shop Ray "Tschauner ft Perr Person ISOS S 12th Ph. 2-40SS Portable wrldins. lathe work, electric ! ft aretylene welding fabricating and repairing of all kinds ( URTAINS Washed ft Stretched JS So 22nd j WISH" Carpenter 'cabinet. brlrk work Also painting II Ml per hour : Wmk guarantoed J F Baker. Ph . 4MM. Rt 2r Ikis 12A, Silvertnn Painting j Contract or by the hour Spray or brush PACL Rt 8 Bos SftJ River Silt MASON SAWD COM CRETE MIX READY MIX ALL RINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. svl 1 FlXCTRir Yanr1m"i-r CtOO lpgM" p as gill Perl ! si S ronga w n si. SWSkd. Itft. SMSTIe Miesl hod sprsnj S wrt sa.ftS ttlSJ Lfb-rty. OV'EStS II F f EI Okotr. orsoa al Htalr. toMao. Phtteo rsWM rwSo. PhUeo tabSe swodst r4s fWwe Wsw, 818 Kspiil Drsvw, Wert So'io-v CU WATTS Haoipra. n"'j CM YEATTJl A-Ptlsjnf rr IS LIBERTY 8 T REIT ttiisH site roSo Xk fiimi wast, TOP SOIL Ph. 25912 "owd4it rt 3S TJTT. ""rxXTTRlC lUi Ct'Cl M AT AS " mm , nriat r - i s Ml N St - FUXIRIC S ma i t as i i xss 4 snd bsutwr w ith half avis 14 wli rw ssewaart grt.1. VFA7ER Al llt.v W CO l-tsas i.itas 2-4 m unmrr sTr it nHJXTRJCTlUnges"-"! t-umeTlarSe ' CW0 i.ad vaslm I lift lv!M oven and broiler. S Co 1 Y EATER APPIJANCK COMPANY (AM) M ft"" fcewt m "ww SMI IS. Liberty Street 1 rt. sya HOT. Kaaet 4 SHOWCASES. u-4 rw and fli lures Stnlesmg r A , t art DEFFtUJ-UC ftC-4eret-T Home ft Farm Free ters See th befeso yaw buy Vinces E3eetifcr. U7 S .. Liberty. Ph Ctt CO TOTLOCtTTjOCTOa clock reps ii Iks S 4n jj " COWPlJrrf Psinl spray If it. Air sander. 4't ew. ft rsmatrww gas or ctrw. Iistaai Met or Co, IMS Fan- gr unds Rd CWr.TAVAlLAR!XNO OREGON GRAVCL CO gle owd Swl lnm YFA7LR ArnJAisr CO N UhTRTY STSirT "" I T. f"VTLE S-de hmrw as nw k-w. Ph Z3is oe Uias - RlrUt MS! t3M Hr Cael 1 BASSFTT Phone 3-2-PS bprav Painting Would like la bid on your pointing, your own paint or ours Pure linseed mlused M L Cottenberg Ph 4248 Hollywood Transfer For local A long distance hauling Pickup and movmg Trailer for rent Ph 7M Burton's Mnotte Ktattan PAINTING ft "Kpemanglng 88 JS Crowlv IM Shir .'ne PSwtne ftSIS PAINTER and r ii i 1 sisr rrssisrT able prices Free eelne xtM H J Wondesns Ph So IS IS1 1404 N Front St KjrcTRorxx sW Oeaner aa4 sir wwrsfw wrth all snarhnaewta S8 7a. Hirh Ph T71S BCTTXiING BI-VTCf-RC,'rtM: TIC TANKS nurjfT t Ti.Ni.HrTE WATER PSOnriNG ONE MILS WN'III O- RJVER RD PM tost rtn r r a snr n4. f. .- ... i ! "CENC1NE Mahosany elate wall- P AtR CONrXTVjNtS" la 8 YEATTJl APPIiAJSCT CO 2i n tJrrRTY vi s t rT i Tto-pirrt tswissj t.ttt ss is w-i I waler-nnsilasit sm lift a m rlmn MIT ' n w : iiwa ptess. rw owd wx and Service ', snd; f.-St- casta I wmmm ism hedL AS 8r ftaft. Ph-wo Septir Tank Cleaned K f Hamel 1143 8th Want Sals WILL Cive trailer nark Ins soaee lichts and water In exchange for 1 ' hrs. light housework esch dsv. 2 blks from city limits on bus line. Ph Z29-3 AMBITIOUS. Sell Xmas Cards. Sis- ' imnery. Big Profits. Colored CaUloe ALL Wotkruaran! riV a w . greeting.. lis w.,i woodwork cleaned " . " ed Insured workmen viiuiaks wives a no housewives, rtesnlne let us show you how to make that extra money you need A new plan Just for you. Full Information FREE. CHA-MAR, Ncv.- Orl-ant . Is ATf Experienced, capable woman or girl lor cooking and general house- work In a nice home No washing or i ironing. No children. Good salary. Call S617 CIRL for state" offx-e E.oer--. rid ft Gravel Concrete m an im stenoeraohv. voucher A navrolt work preferred S day week Slrsdr WfNDOWS SCRFJCNS ft" DOORS employment. Call 8281 for interview , MADE TO ORDER appointment. Ask for Mr Gille We Ph stye laslai fWsei "awfl Rent breextw aught Ssndar. Ph. tlT7 Western Auto Supply Co I IS (.TJULit must: TUsl S MM Im ne m swm. st yww WetS HW S i GUARD Inaulatsaa www fmr FRIS eatimats l"h. Tin. Wsstern Awto S P- ftf Co RENT yowr loola s d yew aavo it twe awd rnanry. Itaosss sen PieSchout PlaysrrxK- 1381 Ssta Ages 2 -ft Part or all day Ph. 80S. r'or Sale Mineeltanrmis 744 piix 1 r rz. r-r'r , Stan. How W Pw sS River Silt lev A Mevr-r I WINDOWS MADE Glass Replacement and General CaM. FULL or part-tirne beauty operator. , JT1 lr -.j4tt.4 I.m r?4 . i I .1. lian s Besuty Salon. IIS S. 3rd St Cor-vallis. WANTED: Middle seed lady to work PUMICE BUIIJ3ING BLOCK AND DRICK tXtS St. at irth rr block co. a Fists Ave Pb eve . 8SCI i a.-s t sroess Tiortr o ! r ailabte ws Fartwry hwtt iss rvte L C Milee. Hm-St n pro ai rm J-rM lim FLATT-wot" so-," W 8h ATU lUsisnTk sr4irW.iw4 as gsi VfATES Aprtiajrrr on i N USEJTTY TS4CrT "Tf C74AIN Mow t . I sit kA k yd Car - -.. bwt P T4 LlGtfTTKQ Fulwrea rat She' s s. orfms ee wma 1 EAT LA AP-IIAJSrS CO TV N LIhtRTYJIT T-TT ijut vn t. aa fa T wr tank N th ft tint Wn!7U"Rsri:Iia" aa oa pa as Dss s tr as st r 1 1 1 a f aftAJtTTJs-S r MM. CO. s HsSJ-raairTs I YFA7-S APrtJAJSfT en m M t-SERTY STREET trth W Pwrswswre Swore Yas S ir k DAVCVPORT wo rsar M'w. "Taiwp rA 1 1 p.i -.rwaWX- s fc ti ti mi mi a Imi ssaeakns. OIL ,yr ipa r asi. rea A irwaa Ssogle bred StaUasw. dk rhisuieS wrth wwne wo-k Salem Screen Snow. 1444 . nao prw w mum m Ht aa ana 12 SI Ph 1-VS74 ' of tho asjtsiandi-g StsUism pa Ox , .l'os sl rao sae won reg m f as i s. si e. ws SI Ph 1-VS74 Orrulators, radiant In summer home. Light rooking. Very good sslsry snd expenses for proper qualifications. Bos 317 Statesman. , - Catst Fs see i Rey ft EA7FR APP1JANCE COMPANY -r-rCCjm' . - -i-. r- a,ir ?4 I vv mrw 1 - I M J N Liberty Help Wanietl Male E Buv arvfarll siov s. osirn. motors, rooioa. sisnrte appliances, household good K.ISO. MAN S 2SS N Coswmerctal PI Salem Watch Shop 3SI sttate St. Phone 1-1881 D E Decker. Licensed Watchmaker Prompt service Cash paid for od goM Used guaranteed watches for sole Oorw p Miipft MEN with good character refer- and a car to he dealers for axir company In Salem snd vclnltv See E. C. Baiuneardner. Tues. I SS to 4 p m . st Senator Hotel SALESMEN Canvassers. place ! COCKER Spaniel pw ppWw. WUrks ft nylon Hosiesy sales cards In Indus- blondes. Sprsngrr Span Iris, liver end trial plants, of rices, restaurants Fx- white. Salem Veterinary Hi a lit I. cet'eni commission. Delaware Hosiery ' Portland Rood sins. inc MMtoietown. Uet C.PJA. or " accountant with eouiva- lent ability. AdirunisU alive Po-tlion. Permanent. Are 3S-4U W'lte C"mp trotler. State System of Higher Edu cation. Eugene Oregon "MAN" with car for IS daytime hours Weekly to cxpiail training prosram available umier GI Bill of Rights. S1S0P salary and auUs allowance w..h ootaoituiiity to earn double and trtp'e for sat factory work. Write V. P. Dept . American Tec hnsrsl Society, XjO E. SSth. Chicago 37. ICE CEEAII Quark . SAVEIG CEI1TEII Bsl-l A WM YIATER ArTUANCt COMPAJCT Is. LAM OSS. CHAN Sf l.TI sss.Ha I CKXXKSC It-XBLXrrs III Nortk UWetf Upstairs Pwrtiawd Csattsl E ctrw C w. CMAcw saia ftotwrftey oaUy 18 aaa to I p aa Italia C Isiisa Blood tola pre trw a ad -nee ISIt YVATTJi a iJAssr ' rv Ii at USIRTY fT-FTT Ckl C-r fc."avsr -sow-. I sr l' rn) I is i 8k. YOU HAD JUST AS WILL ft HLAXTMY & Hxrrr HLM0HH010X FISTULA sTCHIHS oV C-dOc Df. K t-timtds WstB-s-rt oslslsiM lit K. UWt7. lilsss. Ora.