For Sale Real Estate Arreafe Wanted Real Estate t or Sale Used (in Kur Sale 4Jm-i1 Cars I For Sale Usetl Cars TV sWHartlarr. 1ulf 1L 1 T f BaBaxawaaxeMBBBBBaBBxeaaVsaBBasa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS CHOICE UV3 ejooO COMFORTABLE COZY t bjd"" hoe living rm- dining rm, kitch a Excellent locetien. KIWI erm. plastered hrn. w.-nice living -rnv. and dining NX AND kSSv f WT. Tcrcn Living rm with Ursa picture window. '"" kitchen, $ lovely liedrnuW h.w. floor ance w pasture end mber. rm. J hednJon targe bun; good teem borse rM,-?'" For rhea nd maa nier CALL r &"jAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. N. VOORHECS wltlt Leo N. ChiWs, Inc., Realtors 31 jeer, of dependable eervlce 14 stik st phon am tmMi A. N J. end a unfinished houae. Hu $' drilled well and Beet water system. Close to bua line. Ceil O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 133 S. High. Ph. 4111: Eve. $-3208 Lee Ohmart & Co., WE NEED YOUR HELP 1 1937 DODGE delux sedan, good con- Many requests are coming In for I dttion. 1117 Hlne. .Call evening, good home ranging $5000 to $7000. May ) 39 bDICK dr. aeoWnTmot or "ie"- we nave a listing on your property 7 1 centty overhauled, radio and heater. we oner you prompt, courteous, ana m. 9. Box 848. South on Liberty Rd , mwKnuiiui rtwi. 1 1 oik. nonn or lieicrest nuthwey turn rimt. stn nouw on right 1M BUICK Roadmaster sedan, lad 10 T ! I a heater. We think this car the clean niaiinri 1 . . 1 n i . RARIN" TO LEAVE FOR SO. DAKOTA Court SL Phone 1-411$ or 1-411$ " V looking for a real automo- WANTS TO SELL IMMEDIATELY .verunK pnone. .1 li-.,, . 1 r-li 7- i-, r.!, t ixl. him. . 1 Krr in I CASH Buyer are comma In. Wa I 1." " Lablsh. nr. Brooks. LR 15x24'. BR, DR "eed your Hf- I rnAHUl rwrni.,TT,ii, rj," AT iwiiuiim. swore j a ii gag arezi 1 aw, axaasn. pump At weU. $3300 dn. FuU price $3800. B. laherWOOU, Realtor I prompt and courteous service list your Brevj 1 Am, Ph 2M97 I gooa motor a tire. f7. im BUICK Roadmaster. Radio. offer. & 1 HAVE CASH BUYERS lor mil types . " uv-n. nwomi of city and suburban property. For I beat, aeat cover. Best Dvr .... x, . wt , . I property wtth I 193$ WILLYS Sedan Reasonable. Ph. . griL Wallace Rd. Rt. l. BOX in rLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker T328. IMS Plaza. West Salem. $ A. CLOSE on highway ODE. New ground, barn, elec. water system. Clean new I rm house, part plumbing. Dark toll, excel chicken ranch or truck farm. $1000 wlU handle. $30 monthly. $4400 full price. M. O. UWnEl with Wm. E. Moses 331 , State Phone 400$ ll'.i ACRES on new highway between $6$ N. Liberty. Phone T3Z7 Business Opportunities C'rmZ'.aZ1"".:. .. " w. I Remodeled, new equip. C go. Else. walr system, lawn It shrub- AUTO COURTS. COTTAGE COURT Apt. bouse, groceries, ate. Come to I $10$, office for detail. F6R SaLE Willamette Real Estate 173 S. Liberty Phone 7111 CATX, cloaa In, doing fine business 140 BUICK Roadinaster sedan, radio A heater. We think this car the clean- eat, most original e$ Bulrk In town. If you are looking for a real automo bile, come In a look this car over. McCall Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial fA pUirte4 Larsen Home & Loan CO. excellent ahape: 7 Mood Ave. Jut la.t fall. rine ahape. acre oatt ," .7- off Park M S. Hooker. vetcK. Fine location for store or gas station. Paved road oa t sides. ml. frontage on new highway. This ta a real opportunity. Alf for $7000. Worth muctt snore. Terms and pose ass torn. M. D. LOONEY With Wm. E. Moses Ute Phone 4903 ACRES. 44 acre planted to raso- : . . . i-c uia.i Buttom farm MrTs-sr.. gre A dairy barn. 10 A peache. balaao la yanous sw - f:. ri . il. r Irrisatlon. In- araia w will rm w Exclusive Hlghwajr froUl. 1 MTeg on E. tang triage, paved road on . ,.k ana oidss.. beat arte f jt courla and service statltm. Terms t7 .... . . Cio Fllvertosi Highway. A., all cult, dMItod wett. new barn. aaiiy reverted to one. family or 't A view property oa Pavement West Salem Highway, all in fruit a. berries. 3 Rm. house. erae. 1 -Ige. chirke house, etac grevlty water sood sob-aevlaian. immea u tmi. Ti 1 111 ui.ii ..kiiah Mrae. It station Ui'iiumi. low rent taaae. Just tight for 1 people. $4J0$. 1 BR houae. garage. $350 .. n k.i CAn rr iBAffltli. 1 t.11 r.ome. btwn't. N. 3400. Term aiuOO otiwn. Irhpn Home & LoanXo. r i. ...... t uiinM . fVrsonal Service 14 S fcmn'l st Ph. $Ja: Eve. 7440 4BEinOOM iMNne. oak Or up and down. Cloae to school and bus. A real baterriri and furnace, rtrwini tact, pwate. gvaae. LUSE REALTY CO. Oregon Bldg Phqne152 1 BDRM Hoos, full banat.. nice bath, partly furntehed $3400. $1M0 dawn. baUnce like rent. 135$ N. Com L pt. MmI. lor Sale Farms 1SS ACRES; $ room hopuie: lights; katn- barn: 7$ A. walnuU; 50 A. M- Acres: 7 rooaa house, barn, poul- paved taiwar. divide nieely. $ miles try house: 12$ A. in cultivation; 75 A. downtown Salem, Only $3500. ,nw.r a oasture: 4 sprmgs: year Walter Socolofskv arouod rtream; horse fc machinery. Real EsUU Ph. $835 IS Acrei; smaU house: bath; electric cooking hot water: 1$ A. cultivated; 1 mile to school. $70. Acres East; 4 room house: elec-tm:itT;- Pa A. strawberrie; 1 A. boy- em berries; fainity orchard. $4500. Lee Ohmart & Co., Realtors 4TT Court f treet Telephone 2-4113 CENTRAL HOWELL FARM day. AU stock It equip, goes for $4 $135 per 750. 1 J1 4Irord 2 ton truck. tandem drive A lumber rulW. SeH at big' discount or t raise for lumner. HATriELOS USUI IAK MM. 210 Marion St. 0 PACKARD Convt. coupe. RAH i.saii ""JTTPOI'ITIAC. by owner. Motorln exclusive Lis Unas - Persona Service 14 S. Com'l. St. FtrT M3B; ,2, T&JxrTNTTRNA"Tl6NAL panel as bvar. I a. r e arc a C na D. Is 110 Park AtAfcTimrTft "WW 1. I ftfiTffi I iroue tasn. rnone -. Ilium. .Im. Il.l.. JZZn9""' r-B!!M Q350 4 door rW nt. Bo. 110 A. Out Center St, pmmt Ur a U .lAKarw - . i iisitMieji y The Real Estate Market ZiM. c CTTi2dr Hr1 u- 41$ N. High St.- JPhone 1-4793 tV-Q' " speed axle, new motor. 1:25 tire. Trailers Very close in. Now Darin rood in berries. 4 rm. house, wired for range. 1 terest oa investment required. Income 1 2021 N Jthl 4$ cm. ft. cooler. Large screen back could very easily be increased. 1 tionary tubs. Nioe bath, etc. t-cow The Real Estate Market miwer. cream separator, bant. Klec. I 433 N. High St. Phone 1-4793 r. V9,r" CRO?ERV"i." MARKtrf 1 FT. Houae trailer, like new. $M0 fallow Nlo oak grove. Close in. near I A tnUndid Bronnaitian fr k..L.r 1 After 1P M 2I5 N. Com'l - tu'nU?1- rTt? u.n'urnlii?a-1 Lge. walk-in cooler, good etac. meat TRAlLTR flousei$ft , furnished", woujoi enwoer nouse in salens, lnia ! cam. vegetable cooler. reach-In cooler, sleeps 4. $050 Ph. 28111 245 State St xeo.poe. i47 running about same. Ceu- Steel tongue. Sink. $500. Private party ""Xi rer " nc- A good I 1$ ft. Back of West Stayton store. VSnaTav. M g aa,v fISfVW( Otto J. Wilson Company SALEM'S PIONEER AITOMOB11.I DKALKR GUARAMTEEI) I SKI) AliTO.MOBILUS 1942 Chrysler New YtirLer Setlan New paint. Radio. Heater Fluid dnte. 1941 Chrvtlcr Roval Setlan New Paint. One-owner aulontonila. 1941 Uuirk Super Setlan. Ratlio, Heater 1941 Buirk Super Coupe 1938 Buick Super Coiive 1941 (2) DeSoto Sedans: very clean cars 1941 Chevrolet Setlan Good tires. Motor overhauled. 1941 Chevrolet Special Del. 5-I'a. Coupe New paint. Complete overhaul. 1933 Plymouth Sedan Good tires. Very clean for Its age. ALL SALES BACKFD BY OCR REPUTATION AND POLICY CUARAHTTI For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars Clean, Reconditioned Used Cars Two Dip Lots Cash. Trade or Terms "1 PONTIAC 9ED ANKTTC t t MrVROtJT rUAItTT i t HtVRot.rr artiAN t on s rtvMonit a km j am $ Da rostn trnAN ii. U FDRD SEDAN ( 4l roD sAaS COCPC OLXniMOBUJLS -pAS COVPE. 41 f-LYBOtTW COWT COtP . 41 r-l YMCX TK a-PASS CXBLT-tV i uiktit rrAi. ea t-o7lAC $liAi ea poxtiac exx m cocr ea otrTRocFT gyoaai dotbr. ea (nrrfitrr aaiA t nooa. 17 IXTXJUSATIOMAX. TRCtTK. 388 N. Commercial Street Phone 5-151 and term. M. D. LOONEY with Wm. E. Moses 331 U State Phone 4993 i "BYuWNlft: kip's 6pt. 6oodA Hdw. Taft. Ore. Small living quarters. A real buy. CaU Salem 24512. ON WALLACE ROAD BEAUTIFUL LOCATION Salem Realty Company REALTORS . 149 N. High St. Phone 700 EGG Factory. 500 W. L. Hens with rugniy improved 2 acre. English wal nuts, home fruit. Mod. 3 bed BUNGALOW. basement, furnace. I beautiful grounds. $15,000.00 DUNN Realty Exc. Wood burn. Ore. w. 1942 NATXTraiier house. Good cond. Elect, brakes. Swell traveling trailer. agg N. Commercial. . Authorized Dealer for Universal. N o r m e 1. Master-built Roadqueen. Every trailer a bargain at Security Motor & Trailer Sales 904 Pacific Hiway. Salem's tarcest trailer coach dealer. a . 1 d 11 Sr.Ti " . m $8350 Long lease $23 per mo. Gross ml. N. of Underpass V?1:UtZ,?&i ,0f MVm5. Price (ueT .took Jc 3383 Portland Rd Phone2JI4 equipmt. Call ED LUKINBEAL. INDIAN House trailer. 21 f t . elec. Htt n it1,. p I brakes, sleeps 4. Will tske cash. lots. Utt Real instate (JO. acreage or car. Ph. J-il. 110 Park city property value $10,500. Terms. B. ISHERW00D, REALTOR Ph. 6F11. Wallsce Rd. Rt. 1. Box 182 otf cnr.tx.-21 acres Pretty settings for cabin or home. 341 Chemeketa SL 1 Realtor Phone 2-1549 Eve. 2-4680 $12J COMPLETELY equipped ma- chine chop. Good equimpmt. lg shop, good lease, low rent, best location, a GOOD BUSINESS. Call RAY DAVIS. Huff Rpfll Ffitate Cr Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. I niir-itfftvrniir ElCTHTEEN Foot "Covered Wagon1 house trailer, all mahogany Inside. with oil heater, gas range, aleeps four, metal covered outside. $800 See Maurice Spagle at U. S. Auto Camp, Hiway 99 in Vtoodburn 1944 M(5DEL Trailer Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 HURRY and aee this if you want t acres north, with a good 3 bedrm B houi barn. ! 3s A on pavement. Willamette loam. All irrigated. Stream. 25 a. beans. trsviberrie, hay grain. v uum. 1 house, barn, chicken house, garage and ioue. new ou iuiu, nut dryer. 5 acres in walnuts and til ramiiy irun. i.w. f A fiHtaW FARM $ mi. Salem. AU routes. 1 A. cult., esl'ey floor soil. 12 a. pear A cher rn IrriMrbie froaa all yr. trearn. Pit ood A pasture. Splendid 3 r. dwelling in lovely setting. 2 bsms. Crsvity spring water. Deck lake on 86 A. north, no houses, on paved rd, good black soil, $125.00 an acre. For quick sale terms. T T? If lf.l . T 1. xy. iu. mereann, rveauor Huff Real EsUte Sr.S araev M mm f B at a I rtl. t5041 1 lb 3. Um 1. Raltor J4I ChemekeU SL mono xnw eves. sti house, ii ft. Auto Court. Trailer houae. Choices of the Week 1947 Cadillac Setlan New 1947 Dodpe Setlan New 1947 Mercury Setlan New 1947 Ford Convertible New 1946 Pontiac Sedan 1946 Ford Convertible 1946 Ford 5'Passener Coujie 1916 Chevrolet Pickup 1941 Ford Sedan very clean 1944 Chevrolet l2.Tn Truck Variety of Other Model- to Choose From Quality Used Cars Just 2 Works North of Underpay 3110 Portland Road Phone 7261 j. . w. t ju. ' la t-. I ii-. a noon, sleeps ouiane store. DAnoin anop tor rent, immeaiate I t.n. wi.i. .wi.i v.r.k . .1. poss. Call at Roberts Grocery. Aums-1 lass Indian Chieftain house trailer. Itl ft metal mitauie finnh nil rirru. NEW ULTRA MODERN CAFX lator. air conditionlnr. sleerx 4. tan- will sell or lease. Everything com-1 dem wheels and elec. brakes, with plete Ac ready to go. Well-located on car hitch. 1942 National house trailer. deal. Call RAY DAVIS. I 3 rooms, sleeps 4. butane stove. Un ci em wheels, well Insiilsted. 3205 Portland Road 2-1073 41 BRUMPT0N Trailer houie. 22 ft., air brakes, butsne equipped. Ve netian blinds. N. 1. Frank. Rt . Box 536, Cummins Lane. Kelrer Dist. Week End Specials Service Station farm 34 dist ONLY $3$ 900 WALNUTS: mammoth trees. N mod loss or non-profit in S3 300. T7 yrt WILL SHOW suuiui. uiaie, berts and one acre planted with beans Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 33S5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Open Eve. 10 ACRES NORTH '. Two bedroom home, elect, water system, barn, chicken house, family fruit, nuts and berries. limn, nnaass In proven si on and priced to sell In a hurry. Downtown, very good lease, enough of re.i oavr rf.m sub-leases to clear rent. Doing good all for $9500. business. Everything goes for $4250. For Sale Wcxxl M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtor WOODBURN FARM Ph. 1391 cabins, a well known place. $90,000.00 X. P. HITT MSK North. Water iu a ... k..m v.ii.v vioor. 1 . . : r i auvmon. urnnn jw n. nwp- - . ' r 1 m paniina Ml nrhMi rv.i I mmm ' m r 1 m a a fruit nut. Cued house, pam. - " " i..-.--j-aa- t Tirana-1 ruit SALE: 4 acre on N. Santiam. rsnsrv. bidg. A REAL f ARM. ' Plirknai 191 H H. W. A River near Detroit Dam to be - .... - ' F UWA1 XWm a M C W. STVLLER, Brkr. WALLACE RD. II" OAK A'Ath. Will sell on ground or deliver. Ph. 23944. REPEATED Government warnings succest that you order your next 2280 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 1-4596 I winter's fuel now. Good green eds- A MONEY MAKER I mgs. neavy is men a n green sisn. Baer Tavern on eond hivhwar g I also dry wood. Immeduite delivery. modern, furnished cabins, and room I Oregon rue I Co. Ph. 55XJ modern home, plenty room for more I OAK. Ash. fir. Dlywnod cores, sum mer rates. $44 Mill. Ph. 3390. 1946 Chevrolet 2-Dtnir 1916 Ford 2-Door 1916 Ford Club Coiie 19 16 Ford Coupe 19 H Chevrolet Coujre 1939 Buick 4-Door 1939 PU mouth Coupe 1936 Ohbmobile 21)Kr WEEK END SPECIALS 41 Pontiac Setlan. 4-dr Radio and Heater ....$1193 41 Ford Super DeLuxe, Heater 1193 10 Chevrolet Coupe 37 Studebaker Sedan 37 Plymouth Setlan 2 -dr. . 36 Qievrolet Setlan 2-dr. . 35 Chevrolet 4-dr. Setlan . 28 Qierolet Setlan 2-lr. Coot! thape 993 465 495 393 125 95 ALSO OTVtEa OOOO UTt STEVENS USED CARS THE CONOtETE LOT ONE BLOCK SOVTal P. DCPOT rr$ and aovmt trta $T ANTTKnO IN AN AtTOUOnj rOH A LCTVsTY UITC3I TO A PUDDLX-JCMPU AT BURGOYNE'S CENTER 1 HIGH 1912 Buick Special Sedanette. IUH 1912 Pontiac -8- Sedanette. R&H 1911 Oiev. Special Deluxe Town Setlan. Rn 1911 Ford Super Deluxe Setlan. topt, R&H 1911 Pontiac Convertible Coupe5-pa RIH 1911 Pontiac Tudor 1911 Studebaker Champion Tudor 19 11 Studebaker Champion 5-pa. Coupt 19 tl Buirk 5-paenter Coue. RiH 1910 Buirk Serial Setlan 1939 Buirk 4-door Setlan. R&H 1940 Plymouth Setlan. R&H 1939 Pl'v mouth 4-tloor Setlan Faed Ttade. mmf Pll nUi Btffcaa OierraiH ( la IM ISM 1ST S4l fttoMay Maaa ArwaSe. hke ate niir sat tam Tew gar ORVAlS row tu 500 139 A Sullivan Realty Inc. HIALTURS Tri-Citv Fuel QVALTTY AND OCARAWTTgSJ CC9 CAM 1917 Chevrolet Fletrtmatcr Setlan 1917 Studebaker Champion Tudor 1917 Studebaker 5-paaarnf cr Coupe 1917 Plymouth Deluxe Tudor 1917 DeSoto Cutom Sedan 1947 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe Tudor 1947 Ford "6 Super Deluxe Setlan Coupe 1916 Chevrolet FIeetmatcr Setlan 1916 Pontiac "6- Setlan 1 mm north of bridge built. New H. W. now under con- New 1 Bdr. Stucco home, plastered. I struct ion. Suitable for Tra. park., bid. attached garage. , acre lot. East, $$800. I site or summer homes, partly wooded. racsrc .li'xviit Ms Amitv ailty Call Mr. Crawford. I electric water system. 3 room houae tt'SFiSt Burt Picha, Realtors lTt'r BMtuse. machine sheds, chicken house phone 321$ ' 33T N. High Street tVLjf.??- . wnr. H- C- . ii a In mil v.a ..e" ww4 . . .u.. ji " axiwaras. oatea. ore. B9 rruui nouac. ' "r . . "" I vnm, auu aiuur I ...a ' . a j . All modern 1 badrm. hse. nlaaterxt I ran miuwr -ou ttvstion. That is one of the finest farm the valley. $njee. Sullivan Realty. Inc. REALTORS fCKS Portland Rd. Ph. 324S. Open Eve. attached garage, deep welL Term TACRS 11 anliea from Salem. 119 founUln In a valley town that will I gross SM.OOO a yr. If you want a real On ME 9 acres with 130 ft. front. Business, come in ana see us aooui us : ase on hlwar. 1 rm. unflnlahad has. I 00- Tit u . buun vou lookin. Sullivan Realty Jnc. - avai 4.. fvaiatitM i Tor wdB nava inaifia mtii aiiranta aturtwai. i na.Aiiivna Jeed.ieat. jrMdeni 4 B R. home. $ I "service staUoru. auto court, coffee $ Portland Rd. Ph. 3258. Open Eves atsnchion bare. 13 A. to ciover. sna i u ) nam. toou. loo A. ia oats, wheat and flax. 1 f-Wrfne Real EstAte aw 1 A. strawberrie. auto, water I Lawrcnie ileal JSllC, ay item, t n at $12J0i. Ullivan ciitT $29 North High St REALTORS ArREArS SK5 Port Is nd Rd Ph . 8253. Open Eve. Su A. Zmml. fruit tree, strawberrie. ET UMJI ! A. uum, ew mn i im nm. raouae. iii naai. a Tn, if sold unmeaiateiy. i is in I old. oarn at cnicxen home, concrete Phone 3210 Loans and Insurance Phone T$Qg $2500 GROCERY Down town Groc. store, lust the thing for Man It Wife, stock, fixtures and lease. See Mr, Plena. Burt Picha, Realtors t-eord load. $19. Screened fresh cut fit sawdust Dry 1$ slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft slab We Give 8. At H. Green Stamj Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR 4-Ft. and 16-inch 2nd growth cord wood. Hand- a a, inrwvp , . rt ... I . . . . . . . is- miuwood lhey Hay the tlyinj; Kaucern 1 1 v in;;". I compare our 1916 Tontiac tt Utieltain etlanette pricen and you will buy, buy. buy your next ued car 1916 Buick Sjerial Sedan 1916 Buick Super Setlan 1916 IJeSoto Cuitom Setlan 1916 Mercurv Sedan From A.B.C. Motors 785 South 12th Street Phone 9543 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO. 191T Ford Tudor $21951)0 . 2395.00 . 2393.00 . 2095 XK) . 2695 XK . 2095.00 2095.00 . 2095XK) . 2195.00 . 2595.00 . 2595.00 . 2795.00 . 2593.00 . 2095J00 . 1C95D0 . M95D0 1942 STUDEBAKER CLt'B SEDAN New tires, escellent motor. Good atiape sll around. 1941 WILLYS SEDAN Radio. Low mileage. Clen Inside and r it 1939 FORD COACH Radio. Heater. Neatly new tire IWxl r U a little rougn Mi pocee 1916 Ford Vi-Ton I'ickup 1917 DodCe Vt-Ton Panel 1795.00 Abtveral (MJOmm mocmxa to trmwrn-w rarju ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER AT CHVRCFI ST. PWOE 07 I irlRAP1-AME M Ce1 l 193$ CHEVROLET SUBURBAN ( PANEl.l Good condition. $ ply tire. Reaaunable ptlre. R A cultrs-ation, 45 A. oak A fir timber. I fir. Furniture. $8009. loc 11 mi. from Baiem. a tni. w. a., i tt e T r 1 90M. Eve. $312. mi Turner. RecenUy remodeled 4 bdrm LarBen tlOme & iXan L.O. 1 &5CXRY Store coin T'1 bUl-"ia Exclusive Listing - Personal Service bmii '3040 barn, stanchion for . . TRAwBRRIES S acre cow. S?wchTU. henV fruit n4miib tt r.rden. . berrtea, etc.. . 1 A, barn. i,: "BY-O WNER; TounUin lunch. 2003 N. Capitol - 'rTJiJrT.I nTA 164 S. CornH. St. Ph. $389; Eve. 7440 -'. - ti CTDiuDrDDrro a K sin c .nifni .a i nouse. I a. v a.n i duu x utts. wrocei les ai Salem. 22 1 way sell. - but few good stores for as.aherriea slanted this soring. 35 5"- vwuy iv.ww n aoia now. . J. I saie. xnese worm invmiaiinS mn- alax. $ A. vetch to go with farm IsaiaB Wiaiwiaaail i1" . ITrjj. High Street picked DlOCk & Slab for 1937 FORD PANEL KrA Vlf I Station to K tmA nv I It k. ...... Rgf Eve ti equipment rn. i urnace. ood busl-l Planer Trimminzs 11 good. R-ady to go and worth the sitoney. Good lease. Ph. aw? 1934 DODGE C Ot IT. Reconditioned motor. Radio. Heater. Good tire. New pateL 'mmA Reasoner. Real Estate, Room 1, 341 1 Ing money: $3200: $0000: $7000: $8500: State, Salem $21.000-8 dandy. N. J. Reasoner. Real EAiaie, Koom i. hi siaie, aaiem. SERVICE Station A Garage, fully sold new. 14 A. Sudan grass. -20 A. s a. aaeaaowiawn. somn s trs. summer fallow. Land lav attgnuy . nn iiir no. avow. v. jk. roiling. Arnold Seines. Rt. a. Box wner. sw. a. box ma. tm Salem ' TOO MUCH WORK ON THIS FARM BECAUSE OF ILLNESS OF OWNER Will sell or trade their 30 A. farm gi ift, t-rm. hse. fur lge. hse. in town. Lots of fruit. Good poultry hse. Barn. Some machinery Ax cow Included. Red soil Value Mi59. Some terms. Suburban equipped, one atop service. Corner location on 4-lane highway, 9 mile ftom heart of Portland. Owner going eat. Price $6000. Write S. M. O'Shaughnessy, 3407 S. E. Floss. Portland. A Garage, fully Sawdust JUNE SPECEaX Hand picked 1$ Inch furnace slab wooa, g cera load $14. m. osa. Highway Fuel Co. STOVE A DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. $444 19M CHEVROLET COACH Sis Rough. Hss new tlies and priced for quira sale. 1934 WILLYS PANEL Low in price. Good tire and runs nne. 1939 HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE IBS DELUXE Fare) III) gteaav COon Owas tn'iH- Plmaiik iHn fear sfrasw XTT re Ave II west sd Laereeter One MTtn of 4 Carwee lag OLDsvMOAILE Hre I CVMlam Crunwe rtub se , aerw A-l ewnd Ph 2eal 1933 ' DODGE Put Ved parkwp $ Otwall steet. aoag Pa. rapertty traue. Its Call 44 PLYMOUTH CU keiveas I It PM 111 S rsirvevaety. OR TRADT 19M ateie tnerk 414 raw serXTsrt. a c 13$ tTOTlOtXT. A wemiassry watag W-r. tvas aaf e.7 retisa -XI aSOOCX. A. M am i.ta gax. See (Wei Af-r Sit M ee a t4l UmOuLN Um rt 4 ev Ifcj7 BTni.1. lJ7 F 4 "is a laia, IBM Cm a a aW raa. X1M Ursiawa Aeae Wrermavm. Baa " n FOR 3waaiawS$rsl CC VVsmPI B.M tmm a IB P tk4 14.bO CWrV. Hi mmw Mi4 tasi o cu in model. New tue! Nr. paint and battery. Prteed $199 We, Urea. R r fW ITaA. AaaweetUe. 't ' B. Ifherwood, Realtor " PH eril WsllaceRd Rt. 1. Box lg 300 Acre Unimproved Farm MR. HANDY MAN. FINISH THESE YOURSELF AND SAVE Lot 78x210. Ketzer Dist. Good soil. I location on 4 lane highway. S mile 1 '.-story unfinished I BR home. Shake I from heart of Portland. SERVICE Station equipped, one etop service, corner Owner going exterior. Construction loan available. at. Price $6000. Write 8. M. Price $2800. Some terms. y naugniiery. mi 9 a m losa, con- Live here while you finish the main urK z- hse. Nr. Four Corner. Land 100x218 2 BR home. Roof Ac siding on. Studding lor partitions in. uarage ac utility rm. suitable for living Vs. Elec. pump It West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 2-4031 Lost and Found T. mi. southwest ef Salem. 150 acre well. Two lot available alongside. ta cultivation. Balance pasture Ax tim- aowe. aiao an. wut handle. W. Owner says, must be sold. Price T Iarirwrrk Ttoaltor lust reduced. $3000 a sold within 15 ISIierWOOd, IxeailOT day. New price $48 per acre. If inter- 1 ph. 8T11. Wallace Rd. Rt 1. Box 182 I eated in a real eancn at in ngni. rice, this ' 1a your opportunity, roc full particulars see IS. J. LINDCREN OR ED POTTER til High LOST: Hamilton 17 watch, engraved front, bet. $33 N High and ureenDaum s store, rnone 2-4811 .Reward. LOST: Downtown, small black coin puree containing paper money. R ward. Ph. 8953. LOST: Brown billfold, valuable- pa- pers. Keep money but please return paper to 104 Hansen Ave, or call at Thank- vmi EOSTTBlue wool and black " allk Elmer Boje WOOD few iti kiuk . K . n .i.w nl. a .V UUtl MM I C J lV WWW. I IPai Wll-AWkl vwv. , - - -- Can be burned now. No sawdust, dirt I rood runninc car. McC'aU's Used Cars. or edging- Good dean wood. Phone I ijan State. Dial 110 9453. 2025 South 12th St, Salem. Ore laaTuTlLLYJa" Coupe. Teiaco Station. HAND Picked aff kacb Mock A Slab Caoitol A Union wwu. rn. hni. Phone 3830 Aereaa:r BY OWNER: Three room house on y acre. Wared for range, bullt-lns. Venetian blind. Garaae and chicken bouse, berries, garden and young fruit tree. Out SUvertoe) Hwy. to McCain Ave 4th house on left. $3350. i 24 ACRES. 1 rm, eee. barn. alee. w. avstem. 2 chic bars. acre ef berries. 3 tractor. 1 milking machine, and ether quip. Priced to aeU at ftsoO. See John Read -with. HaiiaeTiY Real Estate 71 Exchange- Real . Estate Will TradeMv Eouitv -I aTLaMhBA . U1UW WUVI In one acre and 4 bedroom houae on I crepe suit skirts on N. Canitol or 14 or I room house In Salem contact I vicinity. Reward. 1902 N. Church. any agent I Ph. 4438. LOST: RoU of bills in Greyhound bua depot phone booth. Will finder pleaae return to Mrs. Aula. $5$ Lin- Allen Jones or Mrs. NeeilhflTTi. Realtors I coin. $41 State St.. Room 4 I Billfold, currency, social ae- Wantetl Real Estate WE HAVE A BUYER WAnTNO FOR ACREAGE UNDER $7000. Client will buy or curtty card. Reward. Call at $71 Ros mont" Ave W. Salem. LOST: Billfold, contain valuable papers. C. W. Loveberry, YMCA. LOST: Lady' green Buxton billfold. . . . . T I . r iiuttw awv. mra. gnn nowicr, LOST: Man' brown secretary wallet Phone 3-4588 14 A deewater St. laUCT T txaae saiem at bail park Tuea. PM. conUlnlng currency ana papers, jiewara. a-n. orooertr 1011 ft. Canitol. Ph. $70$ A $59 E SL I ku ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. I t AW. 11 r.iUI i t V i 1 .1 . I IA1. Al Mpiwi dow una lUCJ! SUBURBAN Lot on central water boy s yellow gold Boulevard watch. lion band. and filbert. $1408. $3989 down. Will trade for houae saws I value. IS ACRES BCEIZEa DISTRICT Beat of soUa. $8508. V down. The Real Estate Market 473 W. Hlgii St. Phon I-47W "83100 A CLOSE to 4-Cornars. VVitJ neat attractive garage houae. Drilled weU. Electric pump, dandy garden gooa with place, immediate possession. Terms. : CaU a V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 19$ S. High. Ph. 121; Ev. l-$t06'4M Court POR COUNTRY HOME ACREAGE OR FARM Prioe $8000 to $15,000 1079 N. CapitoL Ph. 8708 A ESTXP REAL ESTATE are Of W. 9. BO TWa. Mnanalnn ba Reward, pn. 4w. w. Nob rtui Bt. I STRAY Calves. Ph. t-Hiy Emii Ooertxen, Rt $, Bos 37$. X St, I Personal Not rssponsfbl for buls contracted r anyon ittg, Jr. by anyone other than ntyaelf, Ira J, nt WANTED Grocery store with ttvtnd quarters. I Bee Mr. crawiora. T . r? l Ta 1 . xjuri ricna, neauors alcoholics Atoymou. pa Bo Phono 3210 ' in NJjlgh Street T34. An exclusive listing la a mark of TranSDOrtation eonfidance: worthy of every effort and rauupui uuuu enwai aeration Whf not srlva ua an ea elusive listing of your property I LEAVTNO July IT for Denver and JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR I middle Nebraska. Take $ or S oaasen- Phone 7098 1 gers. snare expense. $io Judson bL WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO. 725 N. COMMERCIAL " I DAILY CROSSWORD 1938 PLYMOUTH Tudor $333. S. 13th. Ph. 28638 175 141 OLDS 98. R. A H. Hydromatic drive. Clean throughout, perfect con d it ion C a J4V4 or taTJ M U Oa k . 1937 PLYMOUTH Seoan. 189 N. Capitol. 1137 CHEVROLET Tudor, a clean. Motorcycles 1948 "" CHEV. pickup. 4apeda. enclosed body, overload aprtngs. ever Ised tires, 90 rubber, extra . River -side Auto Park VrtSaleTnA Fields. TBS NASfl Sedan, radio, heater 39 HARLEY 74. Good eond. Call af- overdrive. Thw car Is exceptionally tor 8 P.M. or Sunday. Ph. 21217. good mechanically. Solid body. ood MOTOR Bike In nod pond Ph 3479. naint. a real value ai "twu 1838 HA RLE f-D a v idion 74cu "in. Used .",1297 Stale Diet 8101 motorcycle. Has new paint, new tires I OR TRADE; New im rora iruca. and battery. Good condition. $381. Wil- 401 Slat eSt. lametto Motor Co, 725 N. Commercial 1945 OtEVTTrucY. heavy duty, with St. I combination Den. low miiease. i if rvrrf CfAn TlI 1. .i Wvmore. Rt. 3 A Wt- miies $11 $nn $1823 11 i $3M Klngwood Used Car Market. Indian SALES SERVICE PARTS All make used anotoicytls bought aold repaired Shrock Motor Co. north of Salem on 99E acroa from the Lake Lablsh school 1938 NASH Sedan, radio, heater A overdrive. Thle car ta exceptionally good mechanically. Solid boar, gooa paint a real value at $450. McCall Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 9108. 1940 BUICK Roadmaster sedan, radio A heater. We think this car tne rieen Wanted Used Cars Hudson SALES - SERVICE - PART I Free estimates overhauling body and fender reoatr painting "Oreo Shrook a try. youH know why Shrock Motor Co. Phono $309 Salera Cash roft LBhT Car Ph. 41 Saleniest, most original 40 Buick ut town. If you are loohmg for a re si automo bile, come in A look this car over. MrCatl s Used Cars. 1297 State. Dial 9108. 1938 MODEL A Ford coupe New Buy Now and Savt 1948 Chev. tudur. new paint. RAH 1949 Chev. tudor. eBCeltewt rend. RAH 1941 Ford tudor. runs good. RAH 1941 Nash. 808 serfs. Sedan. R A H A OD 1848 Chrysler. New Tarter. sedan. RAH. OD. . 1837 Ford Coupe, good UasMsv 1938 Chev. Standard Coupe, ea- eepttoeial ran4 RAH . 1948 Buirk Roadmaster. sadsn. Fine car thrwughevt. RAH, $1838 1949 Ford Dump trwrk, reremd Mercury motor. A steal at .$77$ TRADE Ai TERMS DURAND MOTORS 544 Union Pnee 3-1803 1941 BUICK sedanette. radio A heater, perfect 1940 Pl mouth 2-door. RAH. A-l shape . . 1939 Pontiac '8. new motor A t Ire. Perfect shape 137 Ford RAH . 19J8 Dodco coupe, perfect con- duion 1938 Chev. New 14-la tire . . 1934 Chev 3 door . . 1838 li T Ford truck Square Deal Used Cars 1115 1 2t b Phone I 138 PLYMOUTH Coupe $338. Item Poole. 10 E Owens. $147$ $ ring. Good tire and paint. $22$ Ph. 7314. . L hLX CLUB CP. '41 Chev. Good cond. Seen on drive. 2417 Brook SL, Salem. Ph. 9874. $1300 cash IliVSTUDtBAKXR sedsn. Good Con- dltlon. $A50. 583 Highland Ave GOOD P, TON International truck. Ut TT. 1228 Lethe Wood sa wins: Atkins. 114$ TUo Rd. Phone $874. Lodges L O. O. F. meet every Wednesday. Visitors welcome. 141 PACKjfRD coupe 110. low mile- age, clean, very good cond. All serv iced It ready to go. Cash or terms. Burtons Mobile Station. Hollywood. Phone 9784, , LUMBER truck with steady haul. 1140 S 13th . " 6RTRADE IBoTDodc 1U f truck A rood truck. Ph. 2-2Sj3 f ORDTruck axle suitable for heavy duty trailer. With tires, tubes and wheels. 27$ Division SL AXatOftS X-Wllhout LO S, Brvtiah .DuaMjOoof grUcks lS.eaootU XX Dentine of elephAnt'g tunk U. Permit 14. OMtoTM 11. Mutrirsl Instrcrnertt IT. CMflpAM point (sTobr.) H.1UU um TO, Guided II. Break raa&Seoly aXDoQAF tKrx.) 2S, Sacred taterdtcUoa ST. Birds wtU iXHaatened X2.U Wd DOWJl 24. tHiosnOy X. AWvri. -rf,S-aae4 wpesi rexlosi Sg-ure Z.Eag;er Zt,Cras X. Ukrartag root heprr 4, rharaaoai tike Inoect 5. A Eraat ZS.TMoot o rtghU CMwaifif S. Ckvtty SL A kknd T. aUcR of meet LToktnrl tXAaKVnt t. Moot cesantrr u pei tor Bh ) 1L Was U debt Si,Th Wu ICTetp IS. A B-ewslets 14. X0. A bend tra 19. Larx Uxrand . t "b-di I I j , - I V axe) - t riTT7i iraartat UUtl IX. Omao Clieod XX, PTecaoua M V-8 Tudor sedan, red A heater. 9 gooa tires, sjaq p7 nroeeesT. 1937 PONTIAC 4 doer eedan Exret. lent rubber. Rao ho. Heater. Ph. 838 N. Church St IiMNASH Sedan, radio, healer everdllve. Thas car to eerewtasnaDy ood snecrkanaratly. Aaltd body, eaaa paint a real value at $458. McCeU Used Car, 17T7 8istrDv4108 i42ARMY Dodee pickup witn cab" A-l condition, xzooo mi. 979. Hulsev. off Ratdtff J BUICK- Special "ewupeT" OrtfTiaXl pemt. New ttrea. 43A08 actual tmiea. Like new mstde and out. 940 S 19th. 1fl "ClinTtOliTTuoor. a rieaii. good running car. Mcail Used Cars. 127 State Dial Sins " UJT CHFVROlJfT TudoTTs rleesl. good running car McCall s Used Cars, 1Z91 SUM. UUU 819a. aXKoori!r4 XS,-Moamtain peel r7. Mosdc boU XS. Jrwtah TfOORlR xt,LA4r 4 Color. 84 ciotb LBerJou4 iX. Runs roefor thdwtnd (BAttL) 4S.aUnit m 11 r tr r r r & Z W- P- 3 fTI tr- ar otw mt 3 yfrr- tG. Wl rwl 1 I W