The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 12, 1947, Page 10, Image 10

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    onn oon ono
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.0 Tho StaUamgn, Salom, Oroqon. Saturday. JwJy H
Saleg Tax Talked
At Polk County
Farmers' Unit
PEDEE The Polk County Far
mers union, at the quarterly meet
In here Wednesday night, heard
n. Dean Walker and Rep. Lyle
Thomas explain the sale tax. and
lively discussion followed. Walk
er a lo old of the remetery dis
trict bill which became a law
July 1.
Committee chairmen reporting
rre Charles Ray for agriculture.
rn Walkerfor legislative and
Mrs. Sidney Roward for the edu
eattonal. Lyle Thomas, state sec
retary, told of state office activi
ties and spoke of the auto and life
frwurance cooperatives organized
by the Farmers Union. He ex
plained briefly the farming type
farming act introduced in con
gress and suited the family farm
shall be the pattern of American
farming. L. H. MrBee, county
president and a member of the
Polk county fair board, told of
the county fair to. be held at
Monmouth August 21, 22. 23.
Six locals were represented.
Lunch was served by the hostess
Record Turnout
Of Salem Heights
Scouts at Camp
Largest troop of Boy Scouts ever
to attend Camp Piopeer from this
dstrict will leave Sunday for
week's outir.g. under the leader
ship of Scoutmaster Harvey Pe
The ten campers are Robert
Marggi, Richard Crittenden, Lee
Peterson. Bob Ruhl. Franklyn
White, Mark DeCew. Don Blank-
enship. Jack Bailey. Roger lvie
nd Lloyd Gorton. Transportation
to camp will be furnished by
O. W. Gorton, Hal Mickey and
D. S. DeCew.
Junior assistant scoutmaster
Frank ViTaris and senior patrol
leader Ronald Lethin are spending
the season at camp as Pearl Div
Are Yon
Winter? .
Is Your Home
and Inxulalcd?
Xot See Us:
Wo can sore you money
and gruaxantoo export in
stallation by thoroughly
train od mechanics.
American Can
Am Power ft Lt
Am Tel A Tel ..
Anaconda .
Bendix A via ....
Beth Steel
Boeing Air
Calif Pack
Canadian JPac ..
Case J I .
Comwlth Sou ..
Cons Edison
Cons Vultee
Cont Ins
Crown Zel
Curtis Wr
Douglas Air
Dupont de Ne .
Gen Elec
Wheat Futures
Surge Upward
CHICAGO, July 11. -OP)-Wheat
futures prices surged upward the
10 cent a bushel daily limit today
on heavy buying and short cov
ering which followed a report that
the government had raised its
buying prices for southwestern
wheat for export.
Corn also gained more than 7
cents at times. Influenced by
wheat, and oats rose more than o
cents. There were reactions from
the best prices In- all pits, how
September, December and May
wheat, and all corn futures ad
vanced to new seasonal highs.
July corn reached another all
iim hlffh fif 17 71 a bushel, com
pared with $2.17 '4 set earlier In Portland Produce
the week.
Wheat closed 7 to fl'k cents PORTLAND. Ore.. July JO-IAIM
higher than the previous finish. L"'"1"!!"?, JrVZ
ii M . . - .,". r medial chancel, premium quality
July. $2.39 Vi -2.40, corn advanced mMjmum 0f is of 1 per cent acidity
24 to Oi cents. July $2.17 A delivered In Portland. 7-78c: first
and oats were up 1 to 3 cents, ?.1'-J-JICJ7.'
v A awi I vaucry i vu u as iisj iwuiuiy avsit vin
juij y-T4. I le.s than first or 73-75e.
Butter Wholesale f o b. bulk, cubs
Grade AA. 93 score. 80-71c; trade A.
S2 score, S8-71c; B. 90 score. S7-08c; C
89 score, 65c.
Now York Stock Quotations
NEW YORK, July 11 VTy- Today's closing .quotations:
Al Chem St Dye ...189Gen Foods 42i!nadio Corp '
Gen Motors 60a!Rayonier 23
Goodyear Tire 48a4!Rayonier pfd
Gt North pfd ...... 43 V.Reynolds Met
38;int Harvest 94 Richfield Oil 16'4
85Ts lint Paper pfd ...106j!Safeway ... .
33V!J Manville 44:Scars Roeb
90jKennecott 477sSincIair Oil
17iLong Bell A 18"i So Pacific
... 24
... 40
16 4
... 61
Mash Kelvin 17s;studebaker 20 i
1 O.Stan Brands
...9 'k Maytag
1241 Miami Copper 15Stand Oil Cal
...39a,Mont Ward OljStew Warner .....
... 264
... 13 'i
Nat Dairy
N Y Central-....
North Am Co ..
53 Northern Pac .
30 Pac Am Fish ...
5 Pac Gas Elec ..
.. 57jP T it T
... 196, Pan American
38,Penney J C ...
j'Sun mining K iu-a
16', (Union Oil 22
25T.Un Pacific 137
197 lUn Airlines 22
13Un Aircraft 20
.... 41jU S Steel 75
... 103,Warner Bros 16Si
milWest Elec 29
474; Wool worth 49
- Stocks Spurt
Valley Obituaries
To New Hiirhs
NEW YORK, July ll-Wi-The
stock market today stepped out of
the week with a burst .of strength
that lifted leaders to 3 points and
put the industrial average at an
Cheese -J Selling price to Portland oth new high for the pMt yea
wholesaler: Oregon singles, M'-50c; . t,- f.,. i ,an iwi
Oregon s-ib loaf. 40fe-Ue. Transfers of 1,590,000 sharei
Valley Briefs
Silverton. George Hove lost
half of his middle finger on his
left hand Wednesday while em
ployed at a lumber company mill
at Salem.
Reception for
Newly weds at
Detroit Home
Brush Creek L. H. Meyer is
expecting his cousin. Mr. Ferdi
nand Wickmann. and Mr. Wick-
Fatarada were In Detroit Sunday. I MesusaawCfe Tto fir
Mr. and Mrs. Art hie MatUwn I rsrvdrfUle fur U PIk Ccr.ty
' recent fishing trip vtMted j Centennial were gvesU of tne t
Spark and FJk lakes. Lava lake, dents of the Oregon Coi of Ld-
I -. miuc luiiib. i j "t ucaiton muraoay r.iC"-" I re
I iase. Mig lake and ."vxith Twin.
Tley fnund the tiest fishing In
j Utile Cullls aitd Big lake.
DETROIT Mr. and Mrs
Thomas Fryer g;ive a reception at
their home recently honoring
mann. oi rargo. p, it.. lor it visit their e Het Kim iwi hi.
next week. Mrs. Wickmann has j bi idr. Birdieij Sidwell. The young
visited here before when she was rouple waa married in Salt Lake
trna Boyson. The ickmanns are City on June 18. They received
Maa4la-Mrt. A. H. Craen
sent the weekend at Eugene, vis
iting Miss Margaret Rk and Mrs I
E. A. Rice, former Monmouth resl
girls are Sybil Barrow. Mon
mouth; Marie Dixon. PerTytUle:
Ca t h erne Palmer, ftirkresH;
Elaine White. West Saievn; and
Mary Dttorevt. lrvteprndetxe .
and Margaret Ptb of Valau.
visiting relatives in Portland.
SilverUn Jack Srx ncer i
wearing his forehead bundaged
following severe burns incurred
Tuesday nirht while he with other
members of the Silvetton Volun
teer Fire department were burn
ing rubbish on a vacant lot. The
men were, using chemiccls at the
time, and a small explosion threw
the flame onto Spencer's forehead.
many ueful gifts
Refreshment were served by ;
the Mises ("athrrin Fiver. Char-'
lecn IUI1, Betty KeUhum. Jen
Bray and Alice Fryer.
Out of town guet was Miss !
Snyder of Newbrrg. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill, with ',
. . . t. Al V. . .
I luiHKnirr nmr navr prrn yityinx ;
iat the home of their son-in-law
Ues4B) WkuniU Mrey rf
Corvalli as ; r.g tbe kitont
i I Hritk I ir ii ailii.i la
denls; and Mrs. W. L. Ebner of 1 ir krui un K!a Yerv-kel 4
Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Eyerly have left for Long Beach.
Calif, to enter their motor boat
in the International Motor Boat
races Sunday. They will return to
Salem in a few days.
Sarah Emily RUaU
DALLAS. July 11 Sarah Emily Er To whoienalera: A trade. Uree. com Da red with 1.020.000 Thurs-
StaaU, who was born Jan. 18, .rf'UJ Il'&W.WS dV nd wr th rgest since
cec a : small. 47'.c. B rsoe. Urge. Mla-U'ie. . '
iou, jainu -i . Egg, purchaoed from farmers: I e.
at Alrlie. the daughter of Robert Current receipts. SO-Mc; buyers pay J -ry.- Associated Press AO-stork
a .ii-- fr a j: i , i .. m. , l a-a neiow wnmesaie auouinni on i
.na xmiy s-ricr. -; ir.oVd basis for best hennery es. composite was up .7 of a point
Live chickens Pavlnc price to
Sroducers: No. 1 broilers under Zk ins,
l-Tttc lb: fryers. J'i to S lbs. 30-3zc;
fryers, 3 to 4 lbs. 33-34c; roasters, 4
pounds and over. 33-34c: fowl. Leo
1881. and the couDle lived in tne horn, under 4 lbs.
Tensas: Nothing dowsi, as
aa IS.M prr moatb. S
aBMtlkS to pf.
Weatherstrip St Insalatton
1!U RhaatyUM Fk. 4U3
the home -of her son, V. C. Staats,
at Carlton. Ore.
She was married to Clarence
E. Staats in Independence in
19-21c: 4 lbs and
Airlie district UI11219 XJSSt
movea iu uuu. one iiju jivcu i Rabbits Averase to retailers. 4S
there since the death of her hus- Mc lb dressed; prlce to producers. 43e;
band in August, 1945, later mov-
ing to Carlton to be With her son. Onions Green, local. mid-Oolum-
She was a member of the Neigh- bla. 50-60c doa ; bunches.
bors of Woodcraft lodge for 35 W-7ta "jtlTo: isTS l-T: " Cal!
years, was pasi wormy ma iron oi Stocktons reds i S5-1.75; yellow, med.
Ninml rViartr F.a.irn Rtiir and 2.10-2.35; White Globes 2.75-JS5; oth-
. L4. . .u. ,:. er prices unchanged.
a uaugnier oi wie miie. Potatoes - Ore. Board man dist.
She is survived bv the son at White Rose, loo lbs.. 3.60-3.75: Cal.
rarltnn- another enn Vr whites No. 1-A. 4.4O-4.50: wmr.
. , white Rose 3.75-3.80; Uack sales
Staats. Oceanlake; also by seven ong whites 4.30.
grandchildren and five great Dressed meats veal Lient. top
grandchildren. Funeral services -B.:
win oe neia luesaay, juiy io ai Hors - Block, butchers, packer style. f
2 p. m., at the Henkle and Boll- 125-160 lb. 34-36c; over 215 lbs. 32-33c wllOIGtlOIlS
m 1 1 1 1 ... I 1K astti' &11 wti 9ft.?W IK f-mHa I
man xunerai nome, uaua, wun 1 : .z'- .
interment in the Old English mi.Mtv Mutton in-ia- in. aeenntine BUTTErAT
at 67J, a top since last Feb. 24
The industrials were up .9 at
95.8, a high since last August. Of
1004 issues registering, 759 rose
and only 142 fell.
Better gainers, a number touch
ing new highs at one time, were
fryers, live, white. 20-25c lb.; colored. Chrysler, up 24 at 116; Inter
national Harvester 2 at 94, Allied
Chemical 3 Mi at 189, Union Car
bide 2 at 1104. Norfolk & West
ern 2 at 232, Colgate-Palmolive
3V4 at 48, Homes take Mining 2 at
47, U.S. Steel 2V4 at 75, Youngs-
town Sheet 2 at 69 and Western
Union "A" 1 at 24 V.
nd daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Wallers. The GilU' home in Ah
wmxi icccntly burned. They will
piohitbly buy proiw-rty in Red
mond. Miss Alice Gill will re-1
main in Detroit for the present as :
waitress at the Canyon cafe. i
J. Cal Schlador went to Port-,
land last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Phillips and
dauEhler Irene of EaUtrada were
Monmouth Two members cf ; jn Detroit Sunday. They spent the j
the Willamette University mufic 4th with their dauchter Daraleen :
staff were on the Oregon College , who is employed at Brettenbush ;
of Education campus Wednesday j Hot Springs. !
evening. Dean Melvin H. Geist. Mr. and Mrs J. Fisher hatt
tenor, dean of the School of Mu- ; opened their restaurant at Fih- '
sic, and Ralph Dobb. professor 1 ers' camp below Breitenbush 1
MfMlrrn five room ami hath ith parafjr. finish
attir. Venetian lilimU. hardwcKxl floor.
Ulililv room, plenty of built-in. Inlaid lino
leum in kitchen & hath. 6 ear old. Owner
leaving tate. Priced at ST000. Male us an offer.
840 South 13th Street
of music. They were presented in
concert by the Associated Students.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore.
Mrs. Rose Mcrmillion and Miss
ioneen Meimiuion spent a re
l?Bion Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jack , ct evening at the Guy Moore
Casteel and two children are mov- j home in observance of the birth
ing from Portland to the house day of Rodney Moore, the young
belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Verny er son of the Guy Moores.
Scott. Mr. Casteel will assist his! Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Argetsin-
father, Fred Casteel. on his farm 1 ger and daughter Helen of Pasa-
Salem Market
cemetery south of Monmouth.
to quality
Beef Best quality. 35-39c premium
No. 1
lb: B, 25-30c; C. 22-24c; canner and
cutter. lS-20c: boloma bulls. 27-2Sc lb.
Cascara nark Green. Be lb: dnr. I 10. i
16c lb. PRlflS
Wool Valley, coarse and medium wholesale
erades. 42i-43Uc lb. Retail .
Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth. r-ios naymt rrws
Hay Nominal. No. 2 green alfalfa. Extra large 5
$31.00-S33.00 a ton at Portland. I Medium and Standard .55
Pullets, cracks 20
AURORA Floyd H. Skinner
31, of 1357 Hines it., Salem, died
at his home Thursday after an
illness of several month. Mr
Skinner was born Nov. 19, 1915,
in Canby where he had lived
most of his life. He was a mem
ber of the IOOF lodge in Canby Portland Livestock
ana was an international busi
ness machine operator in Salem
until he became ill.
Knrviuinff &r Ki mMk.,- 125: calves 125; market active, rteady
Flavella Skinner of Salem; his mmon im V W nium- "v'FSTOC ?' Valle, Pack)
lainer, h. t. 5Kinner or 5an good 735 lb. feeders one sizable 1 i,""'V.l
Fniwicrn- twn krnth.r. Farl f I lot medium heifers 21.00; common
Tombstone, Ariz., and Francis of ".wrTOO
Bethel Comdr. Madison Nich
ols, who supervises the U. S. pub
lic works on five island of the
Philippine group, and Mrs. Nich
ols, will be transferred from Tu-
baboa Island to a station near , daughter, Ctuulccn Bell, drove
Manila in August, the command- ; to Bend Saturday
dena. Califs visited Sunday and
Monday with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paiker.
Stan Weaver and Dcn Wolf of
Whittier. Calif, visited at the
Perry Fry home recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and '
Wills Music
432 SUtt
RaaJ Jtnz. Ower
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 10 (API U--ZLirZ
menu c.i.ku i .-.-i .- I
T.CGS. Sllln Prlca
Wholesale, large
No. 1
No. 2
14 fVl- wr lr
heifers 23.75; can- J alTr w
UD to 12.00
2 UO to S on
to II 00
6 00 to 10 00
Panhv and rn alctar Dulh I n.r.nittr onus, in no- j.,,-I Cutter COWS
Stefani Of Canbv ' M common beef cows' 12.50-13 50; a!ry "T" v. - 00 u 00
oiridiu in K-mnaj. ........ k..ii. 1 1 u. Calves (300 to 450 lbs.) unto is no
Funeral services will be held mdK. .it n nn-24 no ' I Bulla 12 00 to is so
Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the Can- SaUblo hogs 25, total 400; market VJ 'ISO to JOO lbs ) up to 21 00
hv Funeral hnm. .-ili int.rmi steady: odd head eood-choic
." ' " V I lb. butchers 27J5; medium news Irt, n m n ,
i""rit pars. 20.00; good 350-550 lb. weights salable lOfTICK fTTl riOTiriC
1 20.50-21.00 or above: eood -choice feed- i waaM
CANBY Mrs. Lillie Adams, er pigs nominally 28 50-28 OO. Comwtled by the Associated Preiwl
Thursday In an Oregon City hos- I heavy spring Umba held around 21 oo; TOC avekaou
ptiai alter a lingering illness, good-choice grades quoUbie 20.oo-so; so is
Mrs. Adams was born Mav 21. M000. feeders salable around 17.00-50; . . lndu Rails
isoo iM t -l . -'Igooq ewes s ao. - rrMay S8e 352
she was married to Harrison O. Port la ml Crnm wk ago mo 342
A I. mnn Tl n I firiianU ' H I U Month aen Ml si a
M -' 1 1 ... 1 B1FI1 . . I . r W rani, in It. , I ' - . .
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 10 (AP) JJJ' hJh 555 25 5
Wheat: No futures Quoted. "i7 ?w - . 17.7
er's father. J. M. Nichols, was in
formed this week. Madison 'Hob"
Nichols grew up at Bethel.
SilverUn Hills The Silverton
Hills Old Timbers' picflic will be
held Sunday at the community
hall, H. J. Winters, president, has
announced. A basket dinner at
noon will be followed by an af
ternoon program and business
Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Roy W.
Hammer of Lincoln and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Savage of Salem spent
the holidays at Breitenbush. re
turning home Sunday. Dunlap
Lake and Elk Lake were also vis
ited by the party.
Bethel Recent guets at the
J. K. Wolfe home were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Redden of Klamath
Falls. They also visited at the J.
M. Nichols home. Mrs. Redden is
sister of Wolfe and a ntece of
Mr. Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Fill Goodman of
On All HakeT)
All Wort Gsuvrmaleest
U Coart ftl Call 7521
Is Lucky
f -. v 1
Dr. L K. Boris
Sbm can woar attract! etv. bright! y t ii d iiyiui tbat
or sturdy tsoagh lor play-war. Wo rpock&M ta fisteg
your child with Unm Cvxt corrocl sryo iir1ft4si.
Dignified Credit
XU Ctwri r4NM CMC
Nd tb atictttioa of
our radiator: expert
Complete, Up-to-Da(e
Radiator Eqoipment
AU Work Gnaranteed
Loder Bros.
4C5 Center St.
Ph. M7 - CU3
gon in 1935. Mr. Adams died in
Surviving are a son. Harrison
J. Adams of route 1, Canby; one
sister, uot Britten of Portland,
one brother. John . Kimsey of
Waldport, and three grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
Monday at 10:30 a.m. at the Can-
by Funeral home, with interment
in Adams cemetery at Molalla.
i quot
Cash grain unquoted.
Cash wheat Ibid I; Soft while 2 20'i:
soft white (excluding Rex) 2.31; white
club 2.21: western red 2.21.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.21: 10
per cent 2.21; 11 per cent 2.23; 12
per cent 2.27.
Hard white Baart: 10 oer cent 21
Today's ear receipU: Wheat 6, flour 1 " ear ago
a. corn ii, oats 3, muifeed .
New 1M7 high.
is a
ntii siks
43 4 7 3
43 2 OS
43 0 SS I
42 J S3 3
S3 3 7S 2
47 2 OS 0
40.0 MS
Watch mad
Save money and
time by letting
us do your watch
and clock
Ye11 like our
moderate ' prices
Quick Service!
CUmiiuU the .
' Watch Repair
- Bealache
Servlnf Kalem and
Vklnlty Sisoa 1927
- J - -, i
. ...
f 7$iZ&$ l?S:?rv tSBSBBSB
(For Aay thing Over O Acres)
Experienced crop dusting pUots, flylag ships cap bit of car.
rytag 1CC9 ponadt per load. Ala commercial fertiliser apread
at th low coat of C1.0C per acre.
Box 109, Salem Airport
Phone 6176
20 10
Rall Induct tjtil For'n
fjioay 83 3 103 5 105 721
rrevioua aay S3 0 103 3 lost
Week ago 02 2 103 5 los s
Month ago SO 7 103 4 108 4
103 S 103 108.0
72 4
73 3
77 J
Mrs. Karen Larson
Return from Norway
SILVERTON Mrs. Karen Lar
son, a Silverton resident of - 30
STAYTON The Stayton Gard-
ni nuu win noia a no-nost din
ner, Friday, July 18, at 6:30 p. m.
ai me home of Mrs. H. J. Rowe.
Mrs. Irwin Par berry and Mrs. J.
m,a m nm in va1t McDamI will asKiKt. Mm. W I
way home from Norway. She J"1" "ntU church
telephoned Silverton friends Wed- -VJ, ,a. n "u W1" V1
nesday of her arrival in this coun
try. She has been houseguest of
two brothers in Norway this past
In New York she waa met at the
boat by Lawrence Opedahl. son of
the Lars Opedahls of Silverton.
who knew Mrs. Larson while he
wag a youth at Silverton.
violin selections.
Silyerlca Arncry
VToodry's 14-Pleea Orcbestra.
Local Indwlry
Local Enlerprixe
Salen Elcclric
Soiom's Own Bonntrlllo
Powoi " Agoncy
rr,' wool
x Home Insulation
Investment for
HEALTH No draft, no cold floors,
. . therefor lesa colds and sickness.
COMFORT More even temperatares thro ox boat year hosse la
winter, 19 to IS degrees cooler la gammer.
ECONOMY f 5 to ICS la
average home.
fael savlagi per year la the
Rock Wool is not merely Flameproof it Is ABSO
Metal Interlocking Weatherstrip a tight seal against
drafts around, doors and windows without binding or
Campbell Rock Wool Co.
1132 Broadway . Salem Phone I49C
Hear Crosby, Como. Sinatra and Rassell at S:15 T. M.
Every Monday and Friday - KSLM
U IS 70 19