The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1947, Page 1, Image 1

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    66.00 o
ouu 000 uuuo o cj o o o ono
o n tzj c
t -
Immediate Phone Rate
Oregon it a long way from the
Mississippi valley but to many
bo live in this state came from
' that region that they have a cen-
. tinuing interest in its newt. Tim
lis particularly true of its flood?,
'for they are a frequent visitation
ml on a scale of vast dimensions
!Thoe who have seen the Missis
sippi in full flood, with it raging
current, its broad stretch over the
. lowlands never forget the picture
Those who have lived along its
tributaries keep lively memories
of their floods of sheds and
houses swept along In the current,
of frantic bracing of levees, of the
remorseless rise of waters to
. crest.
This year floods in certain dis
tricts broke records of over e
? century at St Louis for example.
The previous expenditures for
flood control failed to restrain the
waters when persistent rains
spilled over the upper basin. Now
an audit has been made of the
damage. Due to efficient relief
. organizations loss of life was held
to 19, but nearly 35,000 were made
homeless. Land flooded amounted
to three million acres, and the
damage to crops Is estimated at
SZ23 .OOO.OOO. In dues .end towns
the damage to property is estima
- ted at-ever $17,000,000, while
'highways and . railroads suffered
-damage-to the amount of about
io4o,ooo. ;
.But the heaviest . loss has
!cetved the fewest , headlines, that
la the lot from soil erosion
"made sua air-trio some days ago
cross Iowa. In the wake of the
floods. Generally the riven had
- receded to their own banks but the
bottoms were still soaking wet and
fields were dotted with ponds in
" the depressions. The waters .were
brown from the big load of silt
which had been washed from
(Continued on editorial page)
Grants Pass -Man
Cafe Inspector
Salem will have its city restau
rant Inspector July 18 when Rob
ert Quinn, present sanitarian with
the Josephine county health de
partment, in Grants Pass, arrives
to rill the new local heaitn post
created in the 1147-48 city budget
Appointment of Quinn was dis
closed Thursday by City Manager
J. L. Franzen and City -County
Health Officer W. i. Stone. Dr.
Stone said the appointee Is exper
lenceVl to- restaurant sanitation
and has the endorsement of . the
state board of health
Quinn s duties here will at first
be exclusively in restaurant sani
tation, including assistance tores
Uurr operators, inspection and
public education in sanitary re-
quirements for public eating pla-
res, according to Dr. Stone. Later
be will handle some other phases
of sanitation, the health officer
Quinn came to Oregon a year
and a half ago after having served
for some time as a sanitarian for
a restaurant chain in New York
PORTLAND, July 10-0VDeath
came today to 78-year-old George
Tazwell, veteran Portland Judge
who served several terms on the
county and circuit court benches
before retiring in 1942.
Animal Cmchcrs
"Aren't they intelligent
Th Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Friday. July
Cherry Festival Court Poses in
l ijfii in 'l it
I Mil" It'll t II
The royal court of Salem's cherry
mmmmtmmm m m mmmmimmnmmmmn tnt 1 mm Mt assMfcggaa. sahsne 1 1 1 wmm r t?. ,u.M " w i 1 aiaWissaTMsaaw m wmm if iai ssassssssssMBjasjssi tmmm
proaches, what with personal appearances before local erne greaps and dobs, posing far photo
graphers, attending varioas pablie fanctions and aiding fat eelebratiea preparatlans. Official eestames
for these reyaJ datiea will be the chic and pert salts that the e.aeea and her princesses are shewn
wearing la the absve photo. Seated are Princes Jeanne Thempseav atensnaath; Qaeea atartha Da
Ketta, Gervais; and rrtacess Beverly . Ana Zasawalt, Perry dale. Standing, left te right are. Princes
ses Mary Margaerlte Helsel, Weedbarn; Eathanne Nelaen. Dallas; Bern ice Blanche Ue, St Paal: Deana
Marie Traylar Indepeadenee; Loralae Pelndexter, Salent; Direthy Thompson. Sflverton; Mary Aaa
Schmidt. Mt Angel; aad Rath Elaine Beard, Falls City. (Fbete by Dea DHL Statesman staff photog
rapher.) (Story ea page ).
Gechs Jpiii
Soviet BgnijiMf
PRAGUE, July lOVCzecho-,
Slovakia tonight back e d "down
from a decision to attend Jthe Par
is con fere nee on . the Marshall
plan. The cabinet acted upon tel
ephoned instructions from . Com
munist Premier Klement Gott-
wald in Moscow.
The Czechs cave as their reason
that participation m the confer
ence might -be construed -as an
action against the soviet Union. -
The Czech withdrawal made It
virtually certain that no nation in
the soviet orbit in eastern Europe
would attend the conference : at
its opening Saturday.
The cabinet decision was made
by .the unanimous consent of U
parties of the national front gov
ernment at an extraordinary ses
sion lasting six hours. The meet
ing was called hurriedly when
Premier Gottwaki, telephoned
from Moscow where he was-re
ceived last night by Premier Sta
lin, "v. -"-.vr - :
LONDON, Friday. July 1L-WV
The Moscow radio said early to
day Finland had rejected a Brit
ish-French- invitation - to attend
the European economic conference
opening Saturday in Paris.
Mine. LuieCU Reported
'Almost Out OI Danger
Elena Lupescu was reported "ai
most out of danger" from anemia
today as a public prosecutor, be
gan a five-day study of her peti
tlon for marriage to former King
Carol of Romania.
The petition was signed last
Thursday night at her bedside
when hope - for Mme. Lupescu s
life was almost abandoned.
Europe M
Slaughter Says 'Scandal'
TULSA, Okla July 10.-OV
Former Democratic Roger C.
Slaughter of Missouri, whom
President .Truman helped to de
feat for : nomination last year,
charged today "scandal threatens"
i the presidency, a statement tne
president said left him unwor
ried. Slaughter, speaking before the
Tulsa chamber of commerce's
public affairs forum, assailed the
Pendergast political organization
of Kansas City and d eclated Mr.
Truman's request of it for help
in the 1840 democrauc primary
was "the public admission of a
partnership that has brought the
presidency into - disrepute."
The presidents reaction to
Slaughter's remarks came at his
Washington press conference. He
said he considered the source of
i the-. speech and added it didn't
i worry him any.
Slaughter said he considered
the president "personally an hon
est and honorable man, but that
"like Grant and Harding, he has
VOUNDBD ' 1651
? S
iUHD'lf II I ' I I ' fl Uill '1 li 1
festival will be very basy daring
'Rolling Disc9 Supplants
Flying Variety; in Salem
, ' i - "
i Here's one "disc" that Attorney
Paul Hendricks vouches for. in
fact bow has on display in his
According to Thursday s local
disc" story. Hendricks ran. afoul
of it while walking across High
street at ; Court street . Hurtling
down the " street came . a round
shiny, somewhat dented hub cap.
Petition Aims
At Li(judr Ads
PORTLAND. Ore' July 10-(r-
An attempt to limit liquor adver
tising in Oregon will be .made on
the 1948 ' general election . ballot.
the Rev. Lester H.. Brattam, sup
erintendent of ; the Anti-Liquor
League of Oregon, said today.
The special , target will be ad
vertising that seeks to make air
coholic. beverages "respectable" in
the home, he said. ,
He said referendum petitions
seeking to limit, advertising mostly
to price-and name of the brand,
would be circulated' soon. 1
New Milk Price
System Scored .
PORTLAND, ; July 10 -4JPh A
drive to change the price formula
on milk in this area was launched
today by the Oregon Jersey Cattle
club. ' ; .
The club protested the new sys
tem, which pays milk producers
$1 a pound butterfat plus $1.20
a hundredweight milk. The old
formula, which based payment
entirely on butterfat. was pre-
f erred by owners of Jersey cows,
high butterfat breed. ,
In reply to the protest. State
Agriculture Director Ervin L. Pe
terson said the new formula was
the type now being adopted
throughout the country.
been misled by false friends, and
has likewise been the victim of
his own impetuosity."
x After he was informed of the
president's comment on the state
ment in his prepared text, the lor
mer congressman issued this
statement to a reporter:
"If the president is not worried
he is in a different state of mind
from hundreds of democratic can
didates who will be running for
office in 1948,. through no fault of
their own they will be forced "to
carry the load of . stolen ballots
and blasted vault doors, all occur
ring as the aftermath of an elec
tion where Mr. Truman admitted
he had enlisted the aid of the Pen
dergast machine.- . -
In his address. Slaughter also
referred to the theft of ballot box
es from the Kansas City election
commissioners' vault after the re
turn of a number of indictments
alleging vote fraud in the 1948
primary. He called it "a sordid
talei and a perfect example not
only of the cupidity but of the
stupidity of city machines."
11, 1947
Royal Garb
coming days as festival time ap
Hard Goal Pact
Sails Debate
john L. Lewis union announced
tonight a completed agreement
rfor the anthracite industry giving
hard coal miners the same SI .20
per day wage increase the union
has won for soft coal miners.
In addition, it said the new an
thracite agreement gives that In
dustry the same increased tonnage
levy from 5 to 10 centi a ton
for the union s health and welfare
Lewis, president of the UMW.
announced that the hard coal pact
had been agreed upon without
even going through the formality
of exercising a 30-day contract
'The hard coal industry and
Lewis simply sat down and am
ended -their existing contract to
include the Increased terms.
Mexico to Gut
U. S. Imports
The Mexican government an
nounced tonight drastic restric
tions on the importation of luxury
aad non-essential goods to protect
her dwindling dollar balance in
the United States. -
The restrictions will go into ef
fect tomorrow. .
The announcement was made
by Secretary of the Treasury Ra
mon Beteta, who said Mexico's
dollar balance in the United States
at the end of the war was about
$355,000,000 and that it had dwin
dled now to about $200,000,000.
Among prohibited items will be
furniture, washing machines, rugs,
automobiles, pianos, watches and
SEATTLE, July 10-JPr-Police
Chief George D. Eastman reported
today he found Frank A. Ard, a
43 year old cook on a spree, in
Eastman's car outside the police
station honking the horn vigor
ously and calling for "service".
He got it.
LONDON, July 10 -iJfy- Prime
Minister Attlee disclosed today
that BriUin had yielded to de
mands of the Moi-lem league and
had designated its 70-year-old
leader. Mo named All Jinn ah, for
governor general of Pakistan, the
new Moslem state to be created in
-. 77 -
Portland -
San Francisco
New York . .
Willamette river II fret.
FORECAST (from U.S. weather bu
reau. McNary Held. Salem l : Partly
cloudy today and toniirht: hlsheat tem
perature today 73. lowest tonight 50.
wind will prevent dusting this after
noon: otherwise weather favorable for
all larmlng activity in next 24 bours.
O wners Sign
Price Sc
No. 90
Application of the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph company for
an immediate rate increase for
emergency purposes was denied t
by Public Utilities Commissioner
George H. Flagg during hearings
here Thursday.
. Flagg's Order was read at the j
ouisei 01 inursciays nearing on
the Pacific company's application
ior an over-au annual rate in
crease of $2,249,000. Denied by
Flagg was the company's request
for an $862,000 increase now. to
cover recent wage increases and
other emergency costs.
Denial, according to Flagg. was
based on his observation that no
showing was made that immediate
rate increases were necessary to
the company's "opcraUon and
ability to properly serve the pub
lic. . Flagg also in part upheld pro
tests from Rex Kimmell, Oregon
assistant attorney general, that
proposed exhibita and testimony
of Sam W. Campbell, San Fran
cisco, vice-president and comp
troller of the Pacific company, re
lating largely to American Tele
phone and Telegraph Co. finan
cial requirements be omitted from
the record. Kimmell charged that
such testimony was not applicable
to Oregon proceedings.
Pacific company attorneys
argued that the testimony was
relevant because financial ar
rangements between' the Pacific
company and American company
mvcu urrron teiepnone users
a large amount of money.
Figures were presented Thurs
day by C. r. Good, rate engineer,
showing that in Oregon the com
pany operated 103,445 telephones
at the end of 1921 and 237.24a at
the end of 1946.
Winds Whip
By The AmocUI4 Pieaa
Heavy winds of gale propor
tions whipped clouds of dust
across eastern Washington yes
terday and the sudlien storm
knocked over trees and power
lines and started a fire which
destroyed a farmer's house, barn
and several tons of hay near
Walla Walla.
Although no casualties were re
ported, 300 acres of wheat were
shattered in Walla Walla county
by 'the wind which reached a
velocity of 65 miles an hour. One
hundred acres of wheat were set
afire by lightning near the Whit
man m comment.
Two cars In a Walla Walla
garage were wrecked when fall
ing trees smashed against the
building and the wind blew out
the front windows of a Pasco de
partment store.
Snell Leaves for
Governors' Meet
Gov. Earl Snell left here Thurs
day by automobile for Salt Lake
City. Utah, where he will attend
the annual governors' conference.
He was accompanied by Mrs.
At the conclusion of the con
ference Governor Snell, along
with a number of other state ex
ecutives, will board a boat at San
francisco for a trip to the Ha
waiian Islands as a guest of the
navy department. The governors
will leave San Francisco July 19.
n Gotham,
NEW YORK. July lO.-OVJohn
T. (Tuck) Hum. the "missing"
ex-GI for whom police and vol
unteers had spent a fruitless week
searching a water-filled rave In
Tennessee, ruefully admitted to
day his disappearance had been a
publicity hoax which left him
feeling "like the boy who got the
bear by the tail."
Hum was supposed to have be
come lost July 1 in Nickejack cave
at Shellmound, Tenn.. a great sub
terranean opening which extends
under parts of three states - -Tennessee.
Alabama and Georgia.
Police, the Red Cross, Nstion-
al Guard. Boy Scouts and volun
teers searched the cave until Ten
nessee's safety com m ism oner.
Lynn Bomar, announced today
that Hum had been heard from in
New York.
The balding. 37-year-old Hum,
who with his brother is co-owner
of the cave, was found here at the
Siiiiiiicr Training in Hot Wires
T v
Werkins hl(h ilit power poles mm 14 II. see volts 0 electricity are
these three linemen (left te. right) ZUU Miller. Jack Orr aad Paal
Vreeland. all Salem employes of ta Parti 4 Geaeral Elortrte
company. The mem are betoc glvea 4 boars prarUeaJ Ismtmcttoa
la revamping high tensiea power
Rubber blankets over the wires
treated U withstand Tails, are ased te do the jea.
(Photo by Doa Dill. SUtesmaa staff photographer.)
Rain Fails to
At Royal Garden Parly
LONDON. July 10-oTt-Vivaciau young Princess Cuabeth and
her handsome husband-to-be, LL Philip Mountbatten, "met the folks"
today and not even a slashing rain dimmed the happiness in their fa
ces. Showered with congratulations, the newly engaged cwtpJe walked
side by side through the milling crowds of a Buckingham palace gar
den party for the cream cf Bri
tish society. They so monopolised
the attention of 6.000 guests that
King George frequently had no
one to talk to.
Then, while the royal party took
shelter in' their tea tetit frvm a
sudden downpour, Elizabeth and
Philip somehow made an island
of privacy for themselves and
talked gravely In the misty twi
light of the things young lot era
talk about
Dowagers la DtUsee
"Doesn't she look lovely?" the
dowagers exclaimed. They refer
red more to the glow that Illum
inated the blue-eyed princess
slightly flushed face than to her
apricot-hued costume and match
ing straw hat, left over from the
family's South African tour.
The 26-year-old Philip, chat
ting gaily and laughing with man-of-the-house
ease, caught the im
agination of the younger women.
Messages Pear la
The garden party climaxed a
dizzying round for the 21 -year-old
Elizabeth. From early morn
ing congratulatory messages flow
ed in from the empire and the
rest of the world. Nut a few. as
the British press proudly noted,
came from the United States.
When will the wedding take
place??? Best guess is October,
which leaves the usual three
month "waif after the engage
ment announcement, and offers
some hope of good westher. What
ever the date, It will be a public
Hop Picking
Starts in Valley
Hop picking, never before ex
perienced this early in the Willa
mette valley, began Wednesday
on the Delbert Haener hop farm
in the Donald district, north of
About 100 pickers are harvest
ing the 50 acres of fuggle hops.
Picking price is 3 rents per pound.
Normally, the hop harvest doesn't
get under way in the Salem area
until mid-August, according to
the Salem farm labor office.
The office also reported that It
needs a woman truck driver to
drive a platoon of bean pickers
into Stay Ion area yards when the
picking starts about the middle of
Cave 'Victim'
Admits Hoax
home of his sister.
Hum said tht on July 1 his
brother H oil is took him into the
rave and left him so that J hn
could search for a second opening
which the brothers brhexed ex
isted. After his brother left, John said,
he put on a life Jacket, slipped
Into the water, and with the aid
of a flashlight groped his way
along a wall until he erne r red
from the rave the way he had en
tered, whereupon he caught a
tiain for New York.
In Nashville, Tenn- Hollis llurn.
who like his brother had an inter
est in Nickajack, still maintained
that he thought his brother lost
when he reported him lost.
Said John Hum's wife, who'd
hovered with' their three small
rhildien at the cave's entrance:
"This is a terrible thing to hap
pen. I ll be glad to talk it mer
with him when he gets back."
' T 7
n, i ts
- -'t
lioes wlthoat la terra a ttag service. '
aad special rlaaap poles, watch are
Dim Smiles ':
Vote on Stay ton
High School ,
District Au. 14
. . .. . u
School district lnvorred ta the
proposed formation t4 a ur.lnn
high school district at Staylan will
vote en August If to es press their
preference in the matter.
Of the II school districts In
Marion and Linn counties con
cerned each win vote except the
Stayton district which already ap
proved the proposal last May 22.
The election is necessitated by re
monstrances filed from three of
the districts.
The elections will take place
between I and p. m. ce August
14 In each . district srhoolhouse.
Mrs. Agnes Booth. Marion county
school superintendent and board
secretary said. No petiUms from
another proposed union high
school district in the AumsviKe
Turner area had been received by
the board yet. she said.
Chief opposition to the proposed
Stayton union high school came at
Thursday's meeting from the Un
ion Hill district. Iteoentsnent a
expressed against that part of the
school law which provides that
if a majority of the districts in
volved In the election and a ma
jority of the voters favor the pro
posal then ail the districts auto
matically become a part ef the
union high school district even
those who voted against iL
Sad Husband Says
Welfare Aid Bar
To Domestic Bliss
The stale public welfare com-
mission, along with other state ac-
1 1 vi ties. h received many com.
plaints relating to its roeratinns.
But Thuradsr was the first t-me
the commission was accused of in
terfering with the domestic re La- j
lions of a husband and wife. A
Renton, Wash, man wrote Slate
Treasurer Leslie M. Scott, mem
ber of the state board of control:
"For the past several months
now I have been trying to get my
wife to return to my bed and
board. Due to the fact she is re-
reiving alms from the welfare
cocnmtsaion In Portland she re -
The wr.ter asked Scott'e assist-
ance in bringing about a recon-
- -
1 ortlantl Morrn to KJor
On Saturtlay Aftrrnoon
PORTLAND. July lO-i-This
city's department store and many
retail shops will close Saturday
aflrrnoon durmg July and AuguaL
The Saturday aflemoon cioeure.
adopted by li te P0 per rent of
Portland retail trade bureau mem
bers, begins this week. Drug stores
and grocery stores wtu remain
Maifton Reappointed
Polire Superintendent
fleaptxiintment of II. G Maison
as supertntendrnt ef state pire
was announred by Gov. Fail Snell
here Thursday. His commission
rxrv ers a four year term effect
ive August L
Special SeMsicin
May Be Called on
Marshall Plan
WAMTIKGTOK, Jal? 16 - T -
tVestaewt Treaaaa let
knew today that be
vela Use new I4.eM.lee.eee ta
res Us ret but, Jost a a
teed the last as.
Me akso said a wta ea a
rial insiia t ceatri . If
sary. to art rei the Marshall l lan
for Eurrceen recovery.
Dilr,g his taa hani ren
before cortgresa fat conpleed ac
tion on th new tai-sUhg
met sure. Mr. Truman Usid a news
conference that he sees no tei
why he thculd change his atti
tude, linre the bills are almost
He vtUed the original measure
fast mceU sayir.g tt was tt
w-rog kind" of Us redaction
"at the wrtcig time."
Dale Ostty Differs
i And today be male ft cWar
that be dee not rmt4er rest
January 1 wiH be the rurM ine
to rut the ration's tncMne burfen
the same UU. That to tfe
only d.flctmce between we twa
measures. The origins! bnU troe
the effective date Ju!y 1.
Tne ttix eeerutive was la a
is I rrcVJ m he ansen1 a tat-
rsge cr ruettici rsrurteg frtea
mid-west fVeril ror.troi la Tytrg
saucers "
Salter.! prints ef tr conference?
j 1. He ha no travel plans at t
I time. aHh4h Onvrtc teswurs
Ksv bN urging h in to anake a
rrr -tour. try f ir.g
2 He to actively betiind a ftond
'control prccrasa f-r the''
Mtssistirri valley aal also sv
i porta the MassouH ia!r evt-
ty pian. even rr. as a repe iwr
remarked, the pele -t ta Mji
souri eW think be 4ea.
Sm Ci i i I mm Coal ran
1. He baa tsa coewsss.t en Da
mat-wag smlesMrt between
John L. Lewie and the apeeatces,
because, he said,' ths: Is a ratter
between U sr. inert and the e wr
Th fays-levy cf the ae-raT.
flylrf saucers rmtmAri t
abovt tne
tury ago.,
T Tea so OeeerU
WASinKCTOX, Jj 11--Senatcr
VniUkln (R-C: led
aroused retwbHran tMsy -rlartrur
that rresjdent Truss
ccenrmtted "an impropriety" m
gl ir.X advance noli' Hurt h wt'l
veto the Urm 91.XM.ona ir
come tai cut bill rn before It
peases the aessat.
And h reaaarked tartly trt
confresa, not the prasaSent. rt.a
has constitutional control cf r
gmemmesn'a purseatrtnga.
The rervblkran dnv prkd ta
strength as five stem act ate mese
bers annnsneed they swll ve s
ovemoe t heralded veto. T-o
wer fVenatrea Byrd fVal. T4n
C. Jreinsrei (Col', Ktewart
(Term), Geo re (Cs). and Kc
Carran (Nrr).
Gus Moore to
Fill Y Vacancy
Appointment ef If. t C.u)
Moore, a Urmr Ssievn YMCA
staff member, as attwial genets!
secretary of the local YM was
made Thursday n-xxt at t
monthly meeting of YMCA C
reetors here.
Motre is expected to arm
about Sertember 1 t- aaswen Ma
'duties which will Incl-jee aome f
ith work rerformed by Chester
(Condman. who has rsgre-i frtea
f ln Pn1,k, t Can by this fall
' ,1s"u' C A. Kelts a;
! H00 -"Wd th Sgf-id,
' '- v-A. college lor
a year
after graduating from VT;:Umette
university sn If 4. then )rir4
the Slm YM sUff ani nvwe re
cently has been atsistaM germ.
serretary cf the Long BacK Cal.fL
YMCA. Moore's Iwcs". sppeM
ment was mvenmer.lej by tr
directors' rersoemel c-enmitiee
headed by Douflas Mrklsy.
i -
jCW Wfl ralland FcTTV
' Now 0rn lo Traffic
I The new electric VheatM
I ferry i rrw cpen ta trffr. U
Marion rrrty court aalt Tr us-
y rrry trn.n . tT
rtr1uJt tf tTrm m 10 10
p m It rrplacee the old fa-
, prrrd iwrf. dirpPtirn g
; hicn ranrxt te dervded ur.U n
Markon county court ran'ers wttt
the YamtuU county etrjrt wtrti
! omrts a la!f tirtrreU ta the ferry,
Osr Seaxlcrx