The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1947, Page 1, Image 1

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sBtil LsiBirs's
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Storr in Column 0)
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(Story In Column 3)
Tha Oregon Statesman. Salem. Ore- Thursday. July 10. 1147
hta. tl
.: -. . . -
UfAtlnmn tb Willamette
'fcM,nieoBipleted this week by U. 8. army engineer crews
and the dredre Luck lunate. Gravel is sucked vp by the dredge.
shewn In upper left corner, ana pi pea te tne river Dan wnere tne
gravel and snsd la discharged, shewn In lower rliht corner. Crews
cleared the West fttlem bar last
Salem bar. located at the river bend north f the Union street rail
way bridge, (root by Den Dill. Statesman staff photographer.)
Latest 'isc' JV3ade
- Off Corrugated Iron
er Russell Long called the fire department to his home last night
nd excitedly pointed to a 30-inch metal saucer in his geranium bed
which he said had been belching
He said he was awakened by a
Great achievements shed laurels
rot only on the principals but also
tm their seconds. For example in
the Indianapolis auto races the
tiremakers, gasoline refiners,
sparkplug manufacturers claim
. .v. if thla
annual "clai-iic." So in lesaer com-
.HttOTc th mm behind the win-
rers feel a glow of pride as par-
ticipants in victory.
This observation is prompted
. : v rw-Wr Tim I
an item about Lyman A. Chezem
c.r Coos Bay whose business is
liling aws at his establishment,
the "Filing Shack." The dutiful
Trmes reports that Chezem n
yetuired from the Albany Umber
carnival and is entitled to credit
. that h
ild won two second places In the
i,r' wnDtitions. In log-
Z'ZT .i ,
jac-l mat anou.r. "
nezem was umi uj "
mho won second place In ..con-
lest that broke the world's climb-
Inr and topping record."
The cynic may inquire. Who
narpenea rm a w uwi wvn !
Nlaa.? Or ha mav ask. "HOW
- : ... , i
many saws that Chezem filed
came out in wuena piaces. nu
-hat about some credit to the
ummJirrt to sot nothinK of the
: - " . . . . -i
urcnt w nii "
me uaaes oar ana iorui w win
Ka trnntiv? Rut tn Mr. C!hZm
. mturil A Irn,
... u. mi. - .....
jneg saws mat iook iwo aecona
places, a dutinction which merited I disclosed to festival association Production In northern states Umperature today as. iowst u
tHiblicity in the community where workers at a meeting Wednes- soared as miners thronged back ViJ?.' TJ.'lii SXlZ.tXHl
fiends for custom:
I think something may be said
In behalf of Mr. Chezem of the
filing Shack. He seems to possers
what is often larking ln modern
Industry: pride of workmanship.
Industry: pride of workmanship.
!.., id. pt
(Continued on editorial page)
Ammd Crackers
"l hal baby tiltert?
7-i0 CWaaa li OwaH,,
river In the Salem ares will be
week, and this week will clear the
July MVConstruction Engin-
smoke .and emitting a blue-white
pop that was not quite an explo
sion and that he rushed into his
garden to find the device. He
said the object had nudged a few
bricks out of the border of his
flower bed.
- Firemen, called to another fire.
carried the object away and it
was not immediately available for
examination by others.
. Long said the object was made
of corrugated iron and that it had
a radio tube stuck in the middle.
He said it was knife sharp at
thjf; perirneterrffil-PTroximately
live inches wide at the center.
By Dave Johnson
nnisF triah .T..iw ojiih-Thro. i
daya of --rial search on an a-1
aignment to find a flying disc
paid off today when for 45 seconds
I watched a circular object dart
about In front of a cloud bank.
Tv - ; . j ,4
pcartd black, although as it ma-
neuvered In front of the rlouH I
I saw the sun flash from it once.
Frankly. I had given up hope of J
ever seeing one of the obeJts. As
I started a rirriilnr ltririrn n I
er Gowen field, I saw it clearly
and distinctly. I turned the air-
plane broadside to it and pulled
back the plexiglass canopy so
w n uiswruun. jw
wiere, o rounai
n.fhape that I thought it was a
"P"? mv radio nd called
fr Jr . communications sta- I
just reieasea a Daiioon.
i a t .a
Th. tniwn ua. m. hat a hat
n k.4 4 u i j
. . With ... . unalchm
. " ' ' .. , .u" " "
raM. Bd beean firin.
tk. hfa t.,; M hs
presented its edge to me. It I pimcuuon lor. aigrunginan can p mni immmmriT
.u J - : -t-i wIiIJohn 1 Twia' nrecedent-hrealr. I
uwq ipijouco m u an a i &u it uwt
line Then, with ita edge stUl to-
i ward rn. jjjoj jtraight up, rol-
m the ton of this maneu-1
I t iM .i.kt f a
1 , ' 1
wukkeks HUB OF bhow
I T Mt nlsin fnr faahinw nt ha
C.l. .4I..I 1
mu w.. jy Uvai, piiuiipai-
t tne paraae ana air snow, were
Education to Benefit Physically
I ! 1 l l TmT O " ' C 1 I'm"
Children Assured for Next aalem school Year
By Winston L Taylor
SUff Wrltor, The Statesman
Expansion of special education.
to benefit physically handicapped
children, Is assured for Salem
public schools during the coming
year, and full preparation Is un
derway to reach all possible cases,
according to Frank B. Bennett,
Where two remedial teachers
have been employed, the system
is now to have three remedial
teachers, one speech correct ioniat
and one lip reading instructor, all
under supervisor. The two who
have carried on the work are the
late Mrs. Minnie Duncan, in the
program for several years, and
Lucille Bemdt,
The school board approved
Tuesday night the employment of
William Kldwell as supervisor of
special education. He is a Uni
versity of Oregon graduate whose
advanced study has been' at Uni
vcrsity of London and Stanford
university, where he is now near
! completion of work for his doc
lor ate. He was In Eugene high
I school for eight years as dean of
House to
Get Arms
The senate clamped it approval
tonight upon a' permanent unifi
cation of the -army, navyand air
The compromise measure de-
veloped after repeated requests by
President Truman during the past
two years now goes to the house
where republican leaders nave It
on their "must list
The senate passed the bill on a
voice vow iicrjo.ui.
of amendments by Senator E. V.
vw . . . w v " lit. I
KODenson m-wyoj, wno wiui
some support from navy and mar-
ine enthusiasts, had been battling
the measure.
Chairman Gurney (R-SD) of if
the senate armed services com-
mittee and other supporters said
the far-reaching revision of the
armed forces is necessary to save
the United States from destruc-
tion when and if a future war
Under the bill, called "the na-
tinnnl nVfens art of 1947". all
land, sea and air forces would be
placed under a single cabinet of
ficer, the secretary of national se
curity. The air forces would be
raised to co-equal status with
the army and navy.
The present secretaries of war I
(army) and navy would lose their
cabinet places but along with the
new secretary of air would con
tinue to administer the three de
Red Satellites
To Scorn Meet
PARIS, July 9 -OP)- Poland
anH Yuffoctavia 1ntnH Ruia anH 1
two other nations in the soviet
orbit tonight in rejecting the
British-French invitation to par-
tidpate in the Paris conference
on European recovery under the
On the eve of the deadline for
acceDtins the bids, sent to 22
European nations, Finland, Hun-
gary and Albania, remained the
only nations whose status was
uncertain. I
The participation of 15 nations,
In addition to France and Great
Britain, definitely was assured
when the conference opens here
iney are; tieigium, liaiy, ror
tugal, Eire, Greece, Turkey, Lux
emboure. Holland. Czechoslova
kia, Iceland, Austria, Switzerland,
Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Warned, Sign
A warning that coal operators risk
; . - i
ln wage contract was sounded to-
o y P- aruey ik-wj) even
as southern operators capitulated
land affixed their simatiirM
i - ; " .
I "i aaiu uie vai vioiaies
ine iaii-naruey ubor law.
I Ahnut Aiiwhr nw Mnl IK utN
I t I.J 4 . ,11
uiuwu iiuw, orinuy
agreed to Lewis' terms.
I into the pltX.
boys and director of guidance. - i
Expansion is possible this year.
said Bennett, due to state aid
through the basic school support
fund approved by the 1947 legis
lative session. The district spends
on the handicapped child at least
at the normal per-pupil rate and
is reimbursed by tht state at IVt
times that rate. ,."
The work is carried on through
schools as much as feasible, with
group work employed to save time
and to aid in the effort. Children
who need such guidance are with
drawn from their regular classes
for brief periods. For those who
are bedfast or otherwise unable
to attend school, tutors are ar
ranged. Also helped are those
with low vitality or- needing so
cial adjustment.
The special education program
is designed to correct attitudes aa
weu as handicaps, Bennett
stressed to help the child "live
with and face his difficulty' If It
can't be removed.
No physical therapy Is offered
locally for spastic cases, because
too few such cases exist here, said
ooovemiDir-IHlaoiniiteirs' Steal A-Seccet
Lalboir SoopiniBv RJav Call
C. of C. Asked
To Scour East
For Industry
By Robert C Gang-ware
Clty Editor. Tht StitMiDtn
A latvtr tnarVt in fh ranMlv
growing Salem metropolitan area
nd throughout Marion munt
sufficient to attract considerable
" y
new industry here was envisioned
Wednesday night by Manager
William Baillie of the local of-
ice of Oregon state employment
Baillie urged the Salem Cham-
ber of Commerce board of which
he is a member to consider new
approaches to eastern concerns
contemplating western plant es
tablishments, on the strength 01
trends in Salem area empioy-
Noting a total of some 3,500
Job seekers on record at the end
of June, Baillie declared that
"99.44 per cent of these really
want to work and a high per
centage of them constitutes 'able-
bodied men suitable for steady
gek RefuUr k
This contrasts, he said, with
last year's summer employment
that included many persons seek
ing light or seasonal jobs persons
who since have removed them
selves from the labor market.
Most of the present Jobless rep
resent new families in this area,
hoping to find regular work and
locate here permanently, Baillie
Because of the nature of the
present unemployment load. Bail-
lie nrcdicted new industries here
could find a good labor supply
without disrupting the balance
necessary to provide for needed
employment at seasonal peaks
such as the food processing peak
in lata Aiimxt and earlv Sritem-
ber. This he explained by stating
that wives and older children of
industrially employed men would
enter the labor market at such
seasonal peau.
To Report Further
Baillie, chairman of the cham-
ber's industrial committee, sug-
gested that the chamber direct-
ors J?" na JSfi?:
tative east to confer with offi
cials of potential locally estab
lished industries. He said his
committee would make further
report to the chamber later.
' Reiterating earlier reported
trends. Baillie said much of the
unemDlovment stems from the
poor cherry and berry crops this
year. He said present cannery em
ployment totals only about 1,800
as compared with some 3,000 last
year at this time. He also said
that his office has lor tne xirsi
time In recent years been noting
more reauests for domestic work
- SO
I Portland
I rjhicaso IS
nw York- si
Wllltatnett river -1 1 fert
I nmx, McNary field. Salem) : Continued
IUIIU.A91 1 XI ""1 Vf. WT11IWI vu
fair tihtr tmin and tniht. Hi.h-
I will bo favorabW for aU farm aetrvitioa.
the superintendent Portland
schools offer such a program.
During the past school year.
remedial teachers served approxi
mately 90 of the 131 pupils con
sidered eligible for the aid. Ex
pansion Is to come now principal
ly ln the realms of lip reading and
speech correction. A system of
tests and measurements for all
pupils will be coordinated with
the special program in order to
disclose the presence of handi
capped children, possibly result
Ing ln a large number to be aided.
Bennett noted.
To provide closer correlation of
school offices, due to need for
more desk space, special and voca
tional education departments are
to occupy rooms at the west end
of the school administration's
third floor. Moving from those
quarters to other sections of the
building are C. A. McClure. en
gineer for the city long range
planning commission and the fed
eral reclamation bureau with les
space. The department of agrl
culture's office has been moved
to Millon-Freewater.
m ,. . ,
Elizabeth Betrothed to
Former Greek Prince
LONDON. Thursday. July 10 -(1"-The rncagement of Princen
Elizabeth to her childhood wrrtheart. the haiHjofn former Prince
Philip of Greece, was announced officially early today by King
George VI.
The king gave his blessing to the long-forecast engagement of
Britain's heiress apparent in a court circular, the traditional man
ner 01 Fpeamng 10 nis subjects.
No date has been announced
for the wedding, but it probably
will be in October at Westminster
Abbey. It is certain to be one of
the most colorful ever held in
London as the 21-year-old Eliza
beth will be the first princess to
marry while heiress apparent to
the throne.
The former prince, who gave ud
bis royal titles last March to be
come a British citizen, is certain
to be named a duke. He probably
will become the Duke of Claience.
This title has been vacant for a
half century. He is a great, great
grandson of Queen Victoria and a
distant cousin of Princess Eliza
beth, who is a great, great grand
daughter of Victoria.
The royal road to romance
started when Philip, at the age of
nine, went to live with his uncle.
viscount Mountbatten. now vice
roy of India.
Adjustments are virtually cer
tain to be made in the piincess'
income, which is now 25.000
pounds ($100,000) per year. It is
believed in authoritative circles
that upon her marriage this will
be Increased to about 60,000
pounds ($240,000). -
Albany School
Principal to
Take State Job
Appointment of Clifford E.
Robinson, principal of the Albany
senior high school for the past
three years, as director of mc-
ondary education in the state de
partment of education w as an-
nounced Wednesday by Rex Put
nam, state superintendent of pub
lic instruction, starting July 21.
Elizabeth Ruder, Oregon Col
lege of Education at Monmouth,
was appointed elementary super
visor to assist Florence Beards
ley, state director of elementary
Putnam u!H u.;, 1.
were in line with a reorganization ' fH 'P'11 fUr xh finance com
Dlan mad- mmur, k . , i mittee, acting In leu than an
ment of the baic school support
Under the reorganization nro-
gram. D. A. Emrrann a
Wilcox and Walter E. Snyder, all
connected with the state depart
ment of education, become as
sistant superintendents of pub
lic instruction.
HUIsboro Hit
By Major Fire
HILLS BORO, Ore , July -)
The elevator and warehouse of the
Imperial Feed and Grain com
pany, the Southern Pacific rail
road freight depot and two ware
houses and a residence on the op
posite side of the street here were
destroyed by fire tonight
A volunteer fireman was
knocked unconscious by an elec
tric shock that Fire Chief Wilbur
Dillan said apparently came from
a fallen power line striking a
stream of water from a hose the
man was holding.
There was no immediate esti
mate of damage by the property
owners but unofficial estimate
varied from $100,000 to $10,000.
Pets to Crowd Cily
Playgrounds on
Friday Afternoon
Neighborhood playground su
pervisors have learned to expect
anything, so they're prepared for
Friday afternoon's invasion by
children's pets in the city play -
grounds' annual "pet day." In the tion building so far indicate no
past most species from fleas to , ruh on leases as reported from
horses have- appeared. ' Portland, Klamath Falls and oth-
Vem Gil more, playgrounds di-! er areas. He noted that no In
rector, said the contest and show creases had yet been reported to
will begin at 2 p. m. at the schools, I him, but some leae registration
not including Leslie and Olinger, j forms have been obtained,
with all children eligible to enter, j In pledging a fair local admin
Judges are to be selected from ' istration of the new law, Lee em-
parents in the neighborhood.
First second and third prize provide for any "automatic" rent ! declared. lie added that prrarnt
ribbons are to be awarded for lar- ; increase. He said some uncertain- I lease are a4 ra are tied by tae
gest smallest, prettiest ugliest. ! ty had been expressed by Salem new law and that new lea art can
most unusual, best trained and ! area tenants berauae no printed I not derreaae eaaentisl sot-vIco.
riargest family of pets.
4 . f
- -
Tax Slash Bill
Speeds Past
Senate Group
Republican backers of the $4,000.-
I 000 000 ta cut bill shov-
ed it through the senate finance
committee today and followed up
with an appeal for public sup
port against an expected veto.
Houte Speaker Martin (R-
Mas) made the plea in a radio
broadcast, averting that the issue
is whether the president or con
gress is to control the nation's
purse strings
! !"!?r,..'P.pmr,l hou'-4,'1
bill 10-3 and headed It for the
pn1 here Its path to pasa(e
appeared clear.
Even opponents conceded ' that
the only question with regard
to pasage are the size of the
vote and how long It will take
but they were by no means so
sure of what would happen If
President Truman should veto
the bill as he did a similar one
on June 16. The only difference
in the new measure is that it la
effective January 1 instead of
July I
Monkey Set?, Monkey Do
SEATTLE, July 90P)-FaiHng
in attempts to recapture a monkey
which escaped from his pet store
and took up residence under a
dock, John Gootch took another
monkey down to the waterfront
to lure the fugitive from his lair.
Now there are two monkeys liv
ing under the dock.
New Rent-Lease Law Brings
No Rush on Local Control Office
Salem rent Increases under vol
untary lease provisions of the
new national rent control law
are expected to affect a smaller
proportion of the renting popu
lation here than elsewhere in
Oregon, Area Rent Representa
tive Clare A. Lee reported Wed
nesday. Lee said queries in his office
' at the public school adminlstra-
, phasized that the law does not
inatrucUona axe yet available to
FDirmms LMIere
Year-old Theft,
F1BI Recover)'
Told to Senate
Senator Htckenlooper (R-!owa)
told the senate today that two
souvenir hunting soldier sur
reptitiously removed "certain tm-
portant documents' from atomic
energy files at Los Alamos, N. 14,
.V-.L1 thMt
ents recovered the papers.
So far as he knows no damate
was done to the emnty ot thei
atomic secret, said llte-kenlooper.
who Is chairman of the senate-
bouse atomic tnergy committee.
lie said the secret data was tak
en from the Los Alamos testir
f" bZ.XW .,SnefJarmir
grants before their detnobiliz
tion. He described them as "sou
venlr hunttrs."
The department of Justice st;ll
has the rase under rceatideration.
Hickenlooper reported, but he told
his colleagues
"So far as I know. M effective
breach of secunly was acrornp -
VL .
Hickenlooper sd the ex-aer-
geanU apparently kept the doru-
menu knked up In their private
papers ana iitra.
The evidence doe no4 diacloae
that they were displayed to any
one." he said.
FBI headquarters here declined
to tftarloa the dmtwi o the two
former sergeants, but said they
are not Ln custody at this time
and no formal char res have been
lodced against them.
Hickenlooper 'a ekaure fol
lowed publication of story by
the New York Sun reporting that
secret A-bomb data had been sto
len by unidentified arrets work
ing within the Oak Ridge, Term,
atomic energy plastt
Marines Plan
Reserve Unit
Early organlxation ef a Salem
unit of the marine corps reaerve
is announced by Capt H. C Mont
gomery of Portland who visited
Salem Wednesday in company
with Master Sergeant T. A. Han
cock. The unit will enroll young
mm. using ex-marines as nucleus
for building the reserve. A regular
training course will be provided
requiring one night's attendance
each week.
The summer eitramprnerit for
the marine reserve will be held at
Oreenatde. Calif, la August and
Capt Montgomery I tales that men
enlisting in the reserve now mill
be eligible to attend.
MaJ. Leonard Ilicka, employed
with H. S. Smith Co, 1I1S N.
Commercial it, w ill head the lo
cal unit
105 Unions to Challenge
Law's Constitutionality
WASHINGTON. July t - Of) -The
heads of 16S ATL wwaarai un
animously agreed today to chal
lenge the constitutionality- of the
Taft-Hartley Ubor bill Ln the
courts and work for the defeat of
every member of congnas who
supported the meaaura.
The AFL leadership decided
also to wipe out future "no strike
provisions In all AFL corttracta.
Undlords and tenants.
Reiterstin the new lea a
srrangrment Lee maintained that ! ,ob to rrr temporarJr ur-VJ
a tenant has his choice of signing ax Sl coarrtes tta
or not signing a lease and that hiterceptor sewers re system, as
refusal to alga a leaae does not hd U C. It fcaeramgC
consUtule grounds for eviction. ? 5W" Jrt eomate4
He explained that a kaae may lh rct The Lae aerres
be efferUve from any time up state bul and Basvtew
to Dec. $1. I7. to expire on or U7' rhf J1 at
after Dec. II. IMS. and mar new. Bd nm Wtiags.
vide for no more thaa a 1$ per
cent Incriase in preaent mazl- j
mum rent under the federal con- j
trol law. Present rent controls j
are due to expire Feb, a. mt.
Under preaent law. unlras aucb
a leaae Is executed aod filed with '
the local rent office, rent cannot
be raised except by order of the
area rent headouarters here. Lee
I furnishings or equipment
Red Plot
In Creece
A THr?rx. July 9. -CTl-Creek
poltre and aUdatra. under orders
te rruaii a reported rueBfOMraat
revUulMAary 4ot arrreted sev
eral Ihraavand peras-j sUy Is
swift ralSs rodurto4
I raw! tststeoasly thrrvgfcewt
Mee tha IjDOO perarts ert
rued to the Atherj area akeaa,
an feffariel awaoua;awu4 ad.
Reporta frc riraeut, Che port rg
Athena, stated that ft-orea cf thrwa?
aire ted were bring -ka4d abrr4
1.-4. '
1 ,f.. i
t toraght and ag-e t day .
- - . (mna.n r Ji r
suits. One cabinet member said
cable had been ret ei red fraa
Foreigw Mmtrter CorrLant.n Tsaw
ldarta, who U in tv United
States, saying the Araeriran gc-e-
! ernment not lupprnt mt
the arttcei.
KspUeret Zervas. ralrJr'er re
pubi ceder. aaid the arro brwr
for ftJtwwnlit t?ri-ng - - ua
der a "PUn F-- tl been art
for 1 a. m. itaworrcw.
The rrencnutUsta T rd ks-
, t. t ,k a -w..
, trmK Zrrt- declared, and
Intended to plur.g the entire
km(Wn lv reo:,u.
i jsi)r9 ariala here said "Pla
;T- mM UrntiS w .-. ml.Athm
meetings ta New York of trie Unt
ied Kstw seevritr rsstrlL
which k$ rtoaioerlrg te reports
Its Balkan tevrrtlg' "-g rnccn.
sion. They aaarrted that t rerarva-.
Iris had at he mad to Vr4rr pa
liUcal Wwder," aexe ttrportat
ministries and conduct rama. rw
of irneral se.botage.
The arreeta, accorrpt: afd ;tS
eut diaretirrs. saae rtr-Tua 'y a
clean iMp c leftist leasers her.
Phone Firms
Cite Research,
Cost Factors
Bene ft la cfrred rr rougt re
search by the tVU Telephone Ua
oratorie and servkree performed
by American Telephone and Tele
graph rrenpasy tfcrougla tjrmaa
rnr.trarU w.lh regional ler;ea
cvenpaniee reenpnaed the bulk tt
rnmpany tmtisnefre Watweadjy at
the Hearing l-arre an rate inoeaara
in Oregon.
The tesUanony, tn behalf of Pa
cific Ttlephcew- and Teirgraf
company, wtaih has ro seated M
annual mrreaae of 112 It OOO. waa
preaeoiad sa Che form of a traa
arrlpt Ngned by Dr. Mnln J.
Kelly, eaeruliee vice peeavftewt f
the labetaaceiee, deacrTbtrj W
velopmeata throug?i r arry,
which tesaded to Improve aerrtra
and redwre chargea.
Harry C- CreU. asslrUat comp
troller of A TAT. said the cost cf
supplying service to rural tele
phone erasspaaaea far exaarSed
ceipu deitvea) froea the
Repairs Due on
State Sewer
Fx tension ad repairs to rh
state's sewer emptying tato the
WUlameUe river Just north cf
the Center street bridge here were
authorized Wednesday by tho
state board U rontrot Numeroue
complaints of the ete-w-h have
been reraised during the aaely
aumaer frasa teaiaeata ef the w
ciaity. The outiei will be ene-kdavS m4
lowered Into the river ta elimin
ate Its emptying at the aoriare
during low-water perodt. and
some leake are to tat mentrd. The