-;.'v--v.V.:.. ,t4 r ' ' ' " - -" ' ; . , - . t . , v !; . - - 4 . ; -A : ' " ' " f ' J' " . : - -: "' " " t t ' ';" MM, ,,, , --. ., mi'i 1 1 a m Mimr' if '" ' ' CpsnraDira 3 nn g TTdpgDsay . By Utile L. Madsea Ibe divided immediately after A rainy June hat brought on a I blooming as If divided later they good crop of many things, includ- lose much of their growth. The ing, or perhaps I should say, other school of thought holds that especially weeds. The thought of the small amount of growth lost weeds recalls to my mind R. A- is made up for in the controlling Yeraatile Jennifer Jones is magnificent the fiery Pearl Chavez In nvUl o. Kelznlek's mammoth Western production, "Duel In the San." at the SUte theatre. Power's attract ive little book Know Your Weeds." This paper bound book (I am having mine hiniv it will lat for some time)j provides an easy i way of learning how to identify around 100 most common weeds. There Is a draw ing of each weed 1 Y 1 vSv V r k 4- I UUle Madsea of weevil. The last of the eggs have been hatched in late summer and you will not carry the pest to new ground. If they are planted at any time during the summer they must be kept growing by watering. If I have baited proper ly, I like to divide the older plants right after they have bloomed and the younger plants in late August W. G. asks when to trim wis teria, or if it should be left alone. Ans. By all means cut it back somewhat each year. Right now is the best time. All side laterals of new growth should be shortened to a foot or two in length. Main trunks or side branches that are : V , and at the close of each descrip tion, a very useful paragraph being trained, need not be cut. called "Means of Eradication." Wisterias, particularly some var While the book was published be- ieties can be made to have some fore 2.4-D. it does have a short bloom on them for almost six article on chemical eradication, as months out of the year by proper well as many other methods. pruning and watering. July In the Garden I R. L. asks when holly shrub July is an important month in I snouia oe set out. the garden (I wonder which one Ans. From September to De is n't?) because so many things cemDer is listed as the best time. are done this month which are of fT-o IfnnnrlinM 1atp nn In th rose bed you must spray or dust i njenM I4 at regular ten-day intervals. Do xa,uic7Vi -J. m. CtVl. not spraj ur uusi wimi icini o- ture is above 85 degrees. Water ttTltlr 1 nroncl beds at weekly intervals but do -1- AWAll'X UlttdSl not fertilize. During the latter part of July, cut back some of the more DETROIT. July 5-4VKaiser. "stocky" canes about six inches I Frazer corp. built 12.039 passenger to stimulate new growth lor tall automobiles last month; if its flow bloom. Use an all purpose dust of supplies can be maintained or spray. There are many good without serious interruption it ones on the market. I will average 13,000 units a month It ! tim tn caw vour neren- 'or the remainder of the year and nials and your late vegetables for MfIOW prom on ism opera- next spring's bloom and next win- 01 b,wu,www 10 siu,- ter's table. Delphiniums should be 000,000. planted this month. If you haven t That s the conviction of Edcar already done so, try Pacific Giant F. Kaiser, vice-president and gen- strain, acknowledged to be the eral manager of Kaiser-Frazer world's finest delphiniums. Ex- corp., expressed in an interview perts will tell you to broadcast today. the seed over the surface of the Tf the nrodurtinn nm7m for thoroughly dampened, flat After ... ... . PureLrrtl Brceiler FeclsMilk Setup Is Unjust Penalty The feeling that l-inn-Bcnton County Jersey Cattle show ha outgrown a one-day limitation was expressed at the June meet ing at the home of Mr. and Mrt. Burley Oakley of Albany. Jerseymen attending, voted to make next year's event a two-day affair, the 4-H and Future Farm ers exhibiting on the firt diy. 1 with first and second place win- j ners to be shown in the open ' classes on the following day. This will give the open, classes j more time for judging, it was 1 pointed out and also enable exhib- itors to get home in time to do their chores. A short discussion was held on the new price ketup for milk, and speakers pointed to the fart that 100 pounds of milk at 5 5 per cent has been cut 50 rents while 100 pounds of 4 per rent milk has len rut only 4 cents. The frrling wit expressed that this an unjust pen alty on the purebred bieedcr w ho is working for high-test production. Blaekeap Virus Enters Willamette Vallev Gardens Vet t milium wilt has been found in numerous btarkrsp plantings in the Willamette valley this spring, county acenli report. This virus rfiseae causes dwarf ing and w ilUng of new ranes. Bluish strips of ribbons of infected tivsue may extend up the canes from the ground. Infetti'Mi usually takes place through the umall roots and then TkM Skrt man. Salem. Oryom. Smn&sj. Tlf t. 1U77- remains in t awl. Other crops that ere common ca 1 Mi s el the same disease are potatoes, tomato-, egg plant, atra berries an4 pig weed. To dale no ruie for the d !, once it en let s the plant, has been found. Sum of the pradices far mer u to keep LSe Infection controlled are rogutng isiferted plants as anon as they ate notkwd in the patch, planting only healthy stock from plantings that are free of wilt: rotate crop three or four years between plantings of black raps and refrain from planting any of the carrier plants nearby. Orrfcon Yet Tale (!ormpontlrnrr Cmirc. CofTetpMvlenre rawTMi hate been eelerUH by tr1y ljti Of Kon WotM War II vetmna te their edrabon under the CI b3 revrding te Wayne Smith, vet erans dmtnistratMM traiiurg mi ficer in this area. The VA hat, contra Is riUi about 11 stale-ppco-ni sstkools to ofter much courses to veterans. tnriudir.g the . Oregon system of higher e4caw tion. Beb and Lea McAllister searching for Feggy Ann Garner, in the Tech , BireJer hit pictare. Bb, Sea ef Battle," with Edna and Gwenn, aew abesvtag at the Grand. Cant, fram 1 p. m. Now! Thrill! Fun! DAN DURYEA "The Grcal Flammarion" Johnny Mack Brown "Flame of the Wesl" VTHEAT HARVEST TO START PENDLETON, July 5--Har-veting of a state wheat crop ex pected to be about 3,500,000 bush els smaller than last year will move into full swing Monday in the Columbia baxin. Cool weather and rain during June have saved the wheat fields from the heavy damage feared during the May drought, but agricultural officials expected the yield still to be below 1946. MONDAY'S BROADCASTS ELOCYCLES: tSLM 1390, XOIN 970. KGW 620. EX 1190 KILN KOIN KGW X IX News 'News I Daw West ! Bugler X . , :1S I Time Keeper KOIN Klock Dav West i Bugler X :M March Tima I KOIN Klock IKneaw, News 'Bugler X I News I KOIN Klock I Ballads ! Bugler X IILH KOIN KGW K E X I News KOIN Klock I Farm Time lSina Cowboy 7:IS . !Ri N Shins 'News I Band Music !M. Agronsky 1:M INews Bob Garred Old Songs G. rietcher 1:S (Orchestra I Fred Beck I Sam Hayet (Stocks I ILK KOIN K W K K X IILM KOIN KGW K K X S:1S l:M (11 Orchestra I Orchestra (Pioneers lOrcheitra Uet News lAunt Jenny iHelen Trent !Gal Sunday -Ted Waring Tred Waring Uack Berch HoDitlitv rtKiasr ciuo ureaKiaii t-iu b IBreakfast Club Breakfast . Club 9 I Kate Smith Big Sitter Our Time ! Welcome t:lS JUndlahr Ma Perkins (Kneass News (Welcome (Pastor's CaU IDr. Malon (News iBreneman's Art Baker Guiding Light Believe It IBreneman's IILM KOIN KGW SIX l:e M:1S l:tS News !Bing Sings tOrchestra 'Harmon r Wendy Warren Perry Mason tLone Journey Rose. Dreams Today's Child - (Woman White IMasquerade ILight World d Drake ITed Malon (True Story ITrue Story 1IM 11:11 II J K L M Waltt Time 'Itin Tempos 'Queen Today KOIN Dbl. or Nothing Ubl. or Nothing Mrs. Burton IGrand Slam m w w uife Beautiful iTt Perkins Pepper Young IHapplneaa K K X illymns Melody Round iCIub Time lEtliel. Albert 11:41 IQueen Today this, sift fine soil over the surface to about the thickness of a dime. Press the whole down gently with a board. Water with a fine spray and cover the flat with moistened burlap. As soon as sprouting has begun, remove the burlap, keep in a shaded place. A thin layer of sand over the dampened bed discourages crawling insects such as slugs Other perennials which should go into the seed beds now are violas, bleeding heart (there is a lovely new white-flowered one), snapdragons, rudbeckia, foxgloves ever try the lovely yellow one?), pansies. Garden Calendar July 10 Salem Men's Garden club at Ernest Iufer gardens. Flor ence Holmes Gerke will talk about landscaping. , July .25 and 26 Oregon Herb society annual ; display, Portland. July 31 Newport fall flower show. September 12, 13 and 14 Fuchsia show, Portland Art mu seum. . . September 13 and 14 Corvallis Rose show. October 4 and 5 Dahlia show, Masonic temple,' Portland. October 8 and 9 Fall rose show, Meier 8c Frank auditorium. October 15, 16 and 17 National council- of State Garden Clubs convention, Mount Royal hotel. Montreal, Canada. Nov. 1 and 2 Annual Chrysan themum show. Masonic temple. Portland. . There is also an 'orchid show being planned for this winter at Portland under the auspices of the Oregon Orchid society. This will be the first formal orchid exhibit in Portland. The dates have not been announced. Answers and Questions L.R.T. wants to know when to divide primroses. Ans. tven experts duler on this. One school insists they should achieved several thousand hourly- rated workers will share a bonus pool of approximately $700,000. Under a contract agreement $5 per car shipped is set aside for dis tribution among the workers each year. XIIN KOIN KGW K E X it. -at ' Top Trades News Kneas News !W. Kieman :1S INews Com Get It IStelia Dallas 'Stars Today 1J:41 (Serenade I Cham, of Com. IE. Winters JArt Baker j Jones IWidder Brown !Paul Whitman Paul Whiteman IILM KOIN KGW IIX IILH KOIN KGW K K X 1:1 1M ITBA (News tOrchestra !Houe Party House Party Met Missus I Girl Marries' iPortia Faces (Plain Bill IPaul Whiteman Paul Whiteman .Kay West 1:43 Orchestra Meet Missus FarreU !Kay Wast I-es :1S 2:3 iHeart's Desire (Heart's Desir Bill Gwtnn Air Newspaper !Atr Newspaper (Tuneful Your Road of Life ILora Law ton lAunt Mary ! What's Doin' jWhat's Doin I Bride. Groom 2:4S Bill Gwlnn ' Tunefully Yours or. Paul Bride. Groom I :W iM IILM (With Music 'lOrchestra News KOIN 'Art Kirkham King's Jesters IA. Godfrey KW IWoman Secret I Joyce Jordan IStage Wife K E X Be Seated iB Seated ICome Get It 1:IS lOrchestra A. Godfrey IVicky and Bob Isunnysid Up K S I. M KOIN KGW K E X IFulton Lewis IBrvan Trio IttO Matinee Uunnyside Up :l 4:J 4:45 (Hemingway It Ton Baker INews Melodv Mouse lYoung Once I The Todds S20 Matinee !3tars Todsy (Chuck Foster iN'westemers IDlck Tracy ITenn. Jed KILN KOIN KGW K E X i SM Harrlgan (Music Box 'Knos Manning Sparkle Music New I Geo. Moorad IPiratr iSky King . IM S:4S Adventure tTom Mix INews )Bob Garred ISymp. Strings jSymp. Strings J. Armstrong Hemingway Starts Today-Opens 1:45 ;a -CENTENNIAL SUMMER"' - " with Jeanne Craln - Cernell Wilde Linda Darnell In Technicolor 2nd .Feature "Return of Rusty" with Ted Donaldson - John Little Mark Dennis Baseball DOUBLEHEADER TONIGHT P. M. Waters Field Salem Senators a. Wenaichee Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 WINONA CHALET Italian Dinners, Spaghetti, Raviolas, Pan Fried Chicken, Choice Steaks 2 Mile Out on Dallas Highway For Reserraflona toie 2-5190 STMTS TODAY! w rWeaa 4C7 if MaUnee Daily freaa 1 sw am. FROM THE CLASSIC 5 MILLIONS HAVE READ A r V AND LOVED! Achrontwro ... htrrting challang ocrait tha h iflKUndrhrtwill eKa 1 M WAue S.. f A - A.I jj 1 ' , z V ajaaagaBSB-' sss mm Dwactwd LOUIS KING Scree nay fey Jerome Cady ay ROBERT EASStER -a PEGGY ANN GARNER EDMUND GWENN REGINALD OWEN Charles Irwin. Cclcr Carl:: a O Ilartlly O F.i Airmail N NOW SHOWING! V 7 KILM KOIN a ex H S:l (:M f a G. Heater lOrchestra IZur Lumbardb tSuy Ixmbardo Screen Guild IScren Guild IBob Hawk iso Hawk Cont. Hour Cont. Hour ! Be Advised j Be Advised Dinner Music ( Latin Rhythm .Bandleader (Bandleader (IIN KOIN KGW K E X 1:M 1:IS 7:JS 7: stay Married !Man's Garden Cisco Kid (Cisco Kid U Thomas (Jack Smith !C. Farrell (c. Farrell Orchestra ILawton IPIays by Ear lOrchestra Lone Ranger ILon Ranger IS. Holmes IS. Holmes K St. M KOIN KGW K K X set s.-u Pvt. DetecUva I Pvt. Detective S:M S:sS IMedicine (News Inner Sanctum Inner Sanctum 'Club IS (Kink's Jesters Telephone Hour Telephone Hour Voice Firestone! Voice Ftreston Uim a Abntr IChr Songs I The Clock I The Clock K S I. M KOIN K O W IIX ! News Atom Talk I Dr. I J (Doctors Talk :1S lOrchestra (Atom Talk I Dr. I. Q. lOrchestra S ports lAtora Talk I Atom Talk (Music Masters iMusic Masters fEl Rancho lei Rancho I lenry Taylor iiin KOIN K O W III 1:SS IFulton Iwis jj-Star Final (News lNes lt:lS JNews -. !M. Charles iDream Ttm ! Decision 1:M (News Orchestra list's Dane IConcert Hour It At INews lOrchestra I Band Wagon (Concert Hour II: llttS ll:J 11:J I UN 1 0pen House 'Open Hous (Open House INews KOIN KGW 111 I Serenade INews ICoucert Hour (Serenade I Rum MorgSn i Concert Hour Air-Flo News iTime to Dream' News lion o' Guns I Orchestra KOAC. SM k r. Meaaay 10 00 News; It IS Far Women; 11:00 Concert Hall; I1W Km; II JS Noon Farm Hour; 1 no Hwle 'em tbu; 1:11 Variety Time;. Is Melody Ijne; 2 00 For Women; IJO Memory Music: IPO News: S IS Music Masters; JM Ore. Stepoiter: 4 IS Sung lime; 4 JO Strict ly Jarz; 4 J Children.' Theatre: S.00 On Upbeat: S 0O News: S IS Meeder Organiit; M Music of Czechoslovakia: 7 1J r.venina Farm Hour; S UO Music lor Vour; B;TS Echoes oJ Century: 1:30 Song Shop: fl0 Music Ttiat Endures: :4S Fvenmg Meditations; 10:00 Stga Off. A lata - n iTRfTPV IfmT iiPuMiii liwssfim r ni. 1 1 mi i .iijii i m WARNER?' h HELD OVER! w JAMES Y.KERN ALEX GOTTLIEB 4W wowtt sms srssfM sis? tr Hsrism tonanam Co-Feature Ah HilarlesM Cemedy Hit! "A Ialrely Story" Bill Williams - Barbara Hale A1 ) 'i Ceallataw sktsn Mif rream X . ,,,,,,SS 1:41 - 1:11 - (.if - tU ftV 1 I l; U it " ( DAVID O. SELZNICK'S Technicolo rnoDucnos JENNIFER JONES GREGORY PECK -JOSEPH COTTEN LIONEL BARRYMORE HERBERT MARSHALL LILLIAN GISH WALTER HUSTON CHARLES BICKF0RD WITH A CAST OF 2S0O Directed by KING VIDOR Mat. 'till 5 p. m. Adults 900 tax) TAT Kenitr Price AdaUa inc. tax) 10 Ne SeaU Reered