The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 06, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 Tho Stat man. Salem, Oroqon, Sunday. July t.
one of the key nations Secretary
Marshall had . in mind when he
proposed his plan.
Group Holds
Discussion on
2 Years of Dismal Peace Tries
Blamed for East-West Division
By Tern Williams
PARIS, July S.-VTwo years of dismal peace have induced Brit
ain and France to try now to patch up Europe's tattered economy
w ithout Russia. v
The choice wu not their own, but the Russian's, who vetoed
ronUftntUl economic, cooperation because, the Soviets said, It threat
ened the sovereignty of small European states.
There has beea no effort to j
mininwte the reaeJLs of the An-elo-Soriet-French
foreign minis
ters conference. It eo4ed in bit
terneM. The Russians said with
out contradiction Europe would
be divided.
Since the war International
conferences bare ended mostly in
failure to agree. The Paris meet
ings eded in UfMken conflict,
Soviet roreign Minister V. M.
alok4ov growing threatening
Rede lea Risk
Unquestionably Ruwli rsn a
rink when Molatev turned down
the proposal ot U. S. Secretary
of State Marshall for the eco
nomic reconstruction of Europe.
If it works-elsewhere Russian in
fluence and prestige will suffer
in thoe ftates that tarry behind
wi'h the sovtets.
Mr.lctftv's warning to British
Foreiyn Secretary Ernest Bevin
and French Foreign Minister
George EidauH that the project
means d: virion of Europe and
would lead "to sm good reAilts"
. . . i n riirnfKin ran-
Itals and in Washington to mean Bethel, and was approved. Other
Final War Tally
Shows American
Naval Superiority
Arabian Reds
j Imperialism'
Suffocation Said Overplayed
As Cause of Infant Deaths
By Allan L. Blakemlee
Asortatd Pre Scienr Reporter
NEW YORK. July 5-,P-Acndental suffocation is wrongly blam
ed for many deaths of babies under one year of age. two New York
medical doctors declared in the American Journal of Public Health.
Autopsy studies, they said, show that the infants usually die of
infections, not from being smothered by blankets or other bed clothes.
The report was made by Dr. Jacob werne and Dr. Irene G arrow
A final tally on the sea war wag
ed against Japan, issued tonight
by a joint army-navy assessment
committee, showed united Mates I JERUSALEM, July 5-(P)-A
forces accounted for 8,738,063 of fnth A rah rommunit
the 10,583,755 tons of navat ind Mrt. executive said today his of the Oucenx. N.Y office of the
merchant shipping sent down by I
nntVNpH tfi m JaW.H I flSif nAr 1 aa.mirtawr sanH tm-
iiacu 01 wi imn. .....JiUU- in Palestine because it partment of path
Britain accounted lor l35,3B woul( ai a base for John's hospital. Long
ions; nussia, in ine r-acuic war -Anglo-American imperialism" and Flushing (N.Y.) hospital
ir un mm ... ir ,nd to promote war "against the In ,h tiniiH si,M in ion
navai ana l,WO new democracies and the Soviet deathj- of fjiz infants T under one
The score lor the branches o( C Touma member of the yT ,Wer?, Va "ue to : A t T olro Rncnrf
United States armed forces eave LJi SfVE? m..; anlc1 auf location. This was more l IjaKC IXCSOri
. h-avr arrountin for the naWa ?T?7Z M" wVA ul twic he number of "suf
subrrrW- 1.314 ships total- dbTdaTthe ln
lag 5,320,094 tons.
Call Wilmouth, San Bernardino
humane? officer, was started far
Big Bear and will be placed oa
the sunt trail.
More than 300 marine, deploy
ing at five-pace intervals, were
making a foot by foot aearrh of
the entire area, aasisted by sher
iffs deputies and vounteera.
Bratil grows about two-thirds
of the world's coffee.
Sa"d"c3- Kidnap Feared
As Tot Missing
Farming Act Consolidation
uT Affects Local
Battery Plant
J1IG BEAR. Calif, July S-(V
A tow-headed three-year-old wu
milking for more than 24 hours
at this mile-high lake mmrt to
day, and Sheriff Jamea W. S locker
uid "there U a strong possibility
A discussion on
national farming act
at the quarterly convention of
the Marlon County Farmer. Un
w.. -- I TV.:. . .
of the Arab working classes, aaid u. 4 '"" s. aocmr aeciarea.
during a news conference at the , " rroneou and involves need
Arab office that his group was ,e" tragedy. Mothers blame them
upporting the Arab boycott of ,e,.ve for not preventing suffo
the United Nations commission cation.
on Palestine in order to preserve During 15 years. Drs. Werne and . that he was kidnaped."
ivrao unity. urrow invesugaira io tunnen
Touma said his league had deaths of infants under one year
3,000 members and the support of old, who had been in apparent
ju.uuu Aran worsen, tie saia gooa nesim. mere were caves.
the said, whirh ordinarily are cer
tified as dead of accidental suffo
cation. But, they reported. 28 per cent
of these infants had respiratory.
ear. or other infections which ac
there was no cooperation between
Arab and Jewish communists but
the groups "most probably would
ion in the organization's hall here
Saturday night Consolidation of the Philco Bat
Seventviv delegate from IB I terv division of Trenton. N. J,
locals took part in the forum. The with the Gould Storage Battery merge in the event of independ
act has been presented by the na- j corporation of St. Paul, Minn. Is 5f- . . ,
,oi tamrm ninn in th. trri-1 nt interMf in Salem heeaua the "e asserted the Arab commun
r iU knu f I Wmm 61m National Riltr nlant UtS rejected partition Of the Holy tliallv ki1lH lhm In iU- n(K.. 71
repreaenUHves. Wendle Barnett, U one of the 17 organizations off"" '" per cent, microscopic studies uu-
r I ..... ... I r4ass 1 1 a ri Anwttt fan mt rx I . t ...
GervaU. led the discussion
MM VIK Vi a vaaaawa . ,
.k. ;a. mn.n in th because "no democrat can sup-
" J I i i : i i
A resolution to study the Mar- United States. The merger was g" immigration to an enslaved pammation which might
ion county rural school problem effective July 1, local officers have r! Problm of lmmi" flared up suddenly to cause
was brought in by W. R. Baker, been notified. xJZ t'F " " we"
Bsswasc iva sass av awae
the Soviets would fight it.
The Trenton plant and the Na-
committee reports included those I tional plant at Depew, N.Y- are
ally showed acute respiratory In
d. will
resist all attempts at suffocation.
" 1 i . : T lf T..1 I i a . i i ...i-ii - -it ,v ...
In view of western observers j ' ui;i inauiuw wiuir iu vun t iu
k. sk.. rw.. wu nnt nooeru; agriculture, fl. i lomotive uniis. ios
oiners are au-i ni I .
A. C.I tomotive units. Lot Angeles, Dal- I .011 OfrOi tillCfi A tliotic li i r
failure " it produce! an unmisUb- Spranger, Bethel, and- coopera- las. Tex, and West Salem are the x sniiiia a as
able ultimatum to the sovieu: that ve. jGeorge Landon, Woodburn. only far west units, according to A . C a, Cll1fl T M l T 1
Ruwii cannot contmue to delay Barnett, chairman Of the legisla- Preu releases. At OOVlCt OtailCl Lai(l tO llCCIS
world prepress ny an uncomproro- -"--"- " ,y "-u
Umg stand and auspicious ap- P"" huuk cjiiuhui tatnea ior zz monins dj proaucia
proach to every weatern sugges- th Bonneville dam project 0f the Trenton plant, and the Na-
t,4. The assembled delegates also tional company assumes warranty
ss.r voted to hold their annual meet- and service res do risibilities for the
w i . a i - w I a Mtiiti a . w uir m w
i.ur-' vet rd ih Marshall ng in uciooer msieaa oi next i Philco batteries now In use. John I nlt..i.'a nr.raitiv t k. u.r
plan, they aid. was perhaps the January and to held Uirtr annual Ballentyne, president of Philco .halt plan for European recovery JJJJ to? neTvl f hr
worst Rutsian diplomatic blunder Picnic on August 17 at Champoef ,id. appears to have Strengthened .nTreTulted in inu
since the end of trie war. Prlf- , The West Salem unit has a sale greatly the prospects than con- XT resulted in injuries t,
,ot iu oi me zz countries in- - ... ., quoa oi ai.ww in inuuiu isi uai-igress win approve ine pian ana
Vited by the British and French were hosts to the convention teries for 1947, E. H. Barkus, sales appropriate the billions necessary
a rrU mminm an Jutv 12 In last night. Mrs. John Cornwall, renrMentativa aaid SaturdaT. All Ia nut it over
Jnitiate the Marshall proposals are woodburn, was general chairman of thU ia handled through the That ia the opinion expressed
likely to accept, uonaon sources r' " , , Depew industrial plant.
Mid tbey expecied at least 12 to rresiueni vus, utuith
Sheriff Stooker said two blood
hounds had followed what wit be
lieved to be the trail of the lad,
Wayne Bowers, son of Marine
Master Sgt. Claude M. Bowers, to
a point about four miles from the
camp where the boy and his
father and mother were staying.
"The trail played out along the
state highway." Stocker said, "and
it looks as if a car might hav
picked him up.
Tne dogs gave up at a point
Just west of Big Bear city on
road which runs around the lake,
Stocker said. The animals an
owned by Mrs. Eugene D. Will
lams, wife of the prosecutor In
Overell yacht deaths trial.
Another bloodhound, owned
On JEurope Aid
ATHENS. July 5 -(4) -Communists
were blamed by Greek offi
cials today for a fire in the build
ing housing the vanguard of the
American aid mission to Greece
attend presided ana Minns opranger,
Those in the deubtful column Bethel, was secretary.
Include' Yugoslavia, Czechoslo-
. i. : r a m. i -M tf i
Hungary and Bulgaria. Spain, as Atlantic OlVeS Up
long at Franca la dictator, will not -
Joan Blondell
On Honeymoon
members who have been highly
suspicious of talk that Russia
might "cooperate," because they
I.A5.VET.AS. Mw.. Julr iJJPU M longer believe in Russia s
A few hours after their wedding. 1 wiJl
The five-story building in the
heart of Athens is known as the
soldiers' pension building and also
housed the British military mis
sion. It formerly was used by
Minister of Public Order Napo
leon Zervaa and Athens' Police
better to those house and senate C' Angel Evert declared the
fire obviously was started by
communists.' and Evert said two
persons, whose names he would
not release had been arrested
Two of the victims who died
were women.
today by both diplomatic and
congressional authorities. They
seemed agreed that all the latest
developments here and abroad
made the plan look better and
be aked to participate In any Kvif lflirs Of 1 .msll
joint European recovery euon.
rnnu.. ... it.- SS.r.t..ll rvlon
could work with eoly a handful " . ".khI r ih. honcymooners Joan Blondell and ACcepLance or tne Marshall
of wet tern Euraoean states. It rT-V? u.thof.,tlet feared V1! Michael Todd departed today br Plin ind United SUtes is
. 1. i. motor for an unannounced desUna-Probly almost as important to 1 qakbo TO TAKE MONEY
iiiuwiii . iui7 I tion curopran governments as was lis
plane with six aboard aa the At-J tk.- wer. 0t before most of I scceptance or rejection, for these
I ea 44 awsaian avss ssa nn as ea a an I ' . .1 aA. .AaMaaif . . ft i a
aaiwv W-.SHI wK ease wi"i L. j'.tln UfSft SUSka MtUl OA St- I lyvri HOW VCIDM IOrC
botUe and a yellow cushion IdenU- J.!he at H Ch C. hoS-L 1 virtually to "choose up sides
fied as army aircraft equipment. -H- thv m.rrid u-t between the American - British -
wet tern European
might even succeed if the strong
Fiench communist party prevents
cooperation ef that country.
France however, la known, to be
How to
your car
w Let oaf etpera lake your
car ia haad as ic ap
aasthaaicalia. SMke it look
clcaa aa4 i
it Oar mrs mn erasoaablt,
we sbuk by oar eKunate
oa oust; aad we Wars your
csr rasif akca promistd.
Bnmg fmr aar im
farms. rvjr
Shrocli Ilolor
Omier of Church A
Phone 8502
ALLEGAN, Mich . July 5 -P-Motion
picture actress Greta Gar
bo will accept the $20,000 willed
to her by an eccentric British-
1 All. I .
The equipment, among numer-1 't, . "m ir.JZrA French lineup and the Soviet V ?'..tYu"1-' r,ur wno
ous pieces of wreckage reported HUrwood But aoDarenU7 they Unlon- do not want to take "J'lr.K T .
sighted by searching planes in an e whertoey wie gS " unnecessary chance, that the hm J?""1
area 300 miles northeast of Palm fLd no one where weM go" United SUtes will let them down. trix for frtat Mtd "r-
a aa . . a. a a m ar a a 1 SVasak.
seacn, was wenuneq oy mij. u Blondell. comely actress,
R. Humnhrevs. commandmsr offi- t i I
- Z .u- L -s- T. " IIW IWU, MW iuis imii pmuui.- -p -a n 1
er, were married In a surprise cer- 14 rf CYf ! rif I P1G
emony after composing a little -t-itaSiC! OdllUCI 55
vrrr at bjux faxx
Lottie Keefer. IU2 IU1 at.
treated Saturday aUgfet by the S
lem first aid aquad at Ceorge
Water ball park after ahe
faded wtule learitui the
First aid snest aaid she auHered
a hurt foot and took fear ta &
tern General hospital, where a
report of her rondiUan w as arad
bit last night
er mslmrtltj mmJ
Itnalijml tmrlt . . . cari
brmth smJ fmh e
e7 ' are tttitimi
Cij JnigmtJ fr yn
Save by havirvj youx work
done ai our school.
111 N.
Liberty - Sales
4 J
New Trend
Popular college yiHs posawsa an "enrelsw
wardrob with q lasses of rarkxia ahaa and
colors ior diiieront occastorvs. Tbe ?3y!y amort
trarrwa odd glornour to itudf."
444 SkxW S4.
1 1
(Fee AartXUg Orer Arree)
Espsrleassg erap deatlag
rykag laa Siaaat pe
el SLM per
nytatg sfalaa) eaawaae eaT
cer of the 5th air rescue squadron
at Morrison army air field here
lift iney met nere over xnae- rt -a w-w
pendence day, speedily settled Kpnltoi 1 llfQ
their troubles and decided to be MSlls9
Church of the Flowers at Forest
Lawn Memorial park.
-t vwnn a T. . i n.
in 7Z; aa i I iturnwi at once. The Rev. R. V.
Caroenter pronounced the w . .Bdiar Martin Sanders. 78. 2085
rnared tonlihr in "thV UtUe ndnford D. Adler. a friend of MapU. ave long .reidentof
ootn, auenaea. ' -. . , c. rsiaiv
The actress, 37, was formerly insurance business here, died sud-
married to Cameraman George denly Saturday night at hia home
Barnes and Actor Dick Powell, following a heart attack.
She has a child by each, Norman, He was born in Centralia. 1111-
12. and Ellen, 9. Todd's wife, Ber- J"i. Sept. 3. 1879 and came to
tKa riierf nf a heart attack last Portland with his parents at the
August His most recent success age of 18 months. He later moved
was "Up in Central Park." to Union, Oregon with the par
ents wnere ne attended school.
LIT8TEON GETS LOAN " attended Willamette unl-
COLUMBUS. O.. July S -f;P- yerauy ana later aettled In Sa
Mondar Evening
Dial 1390
7:15 P.M.
Compost Beaefils
Insect, Pest, A
Disease discussion
In Flowers
For All Sizr Homr
A Pacific air-MsrfitWaiaa; aright ail Tatiratmc farmae wU
a-Jre year heme heating problems. SHeaUflcally tmlit la pr
vide maxlmara efficiency, economy and rleaallaeaa. the Pa
cific reqaires mlnlmaaa stlentUa. VTitk a ractfic etl Trmrmlag
apright fsvaaee the jab, ye are aasared af a cleaa aatd
healthy laaide climate at all time.
Keep year heaae free ef daat. saaeke aa4 the chill ef daaap-
by InsUlllag a rariflc.
17. VI iosebraugh So.
"Metal ProiUtds That Ixisf Since 1912
CSe 8. 17 th Street. Saleae thee 7Mt
TaiiIi V tarr national rnmmand- I ,em
er-in-chief of the Veterans of B H is survived by the widow.
Foreign Wars, said today the Re- Roi' Sanders, Salem,
construction Finance corporation . Annonn cement of services will
had aDDroved a loan of $15,500,000 P? n?- bf the W. T. Rigdon
to the Lustron corporation to help cnap?l
finance construction of factory
otcriAKDs, nor, ntxo exort. cotts cmort
Box 109. galeae Airport
Pfeooa 1171
built houses.
tlaaMl aariaa af 4m
tr r Mitiw.
V7hal Would it Cost lo Rebuild?
Play Safe Be Fully Insured
General Insurance Company Agents
"Oregon's Largest Upstate Agency'
129 N. Commercial - Salem - Dial 9119
Salem and Coos Bay
PORTLAND, July 5 -(fp- The
Multnomah county veterans ser
vice committee asked its 45 mem
ber organizations today to work
for defeat of the Cain bill which
would require sale of all federal
public housing by 1949.
LONDON, Sunday, July 6 -ffV
i ransportation was paralyzed in
London today by an unofficial
strike of bus and tram drivers pro
testing a union agreement provid
ing time and a quarter pay for
Sunday work. The strikers are de
manding time and a half.
rmrARO Julr 5-ii-Th oro-1 The food and drug administration
hibition of alcoholic beverage ad- ald tonight it can no longer con-
vertising was advocated today by oemn deteriorated foodstuffs and
the board of managers of the na- other commodities in terminal
tional cons-ress of parents and warehouses unless It can prove
Anio - Track - Fire
A phono call will prove how much
you can save by uainq our Formers
Low Coat Plan.
466 Court St
Salem, Oregon
Phone 5661
Disi. Mgr.
Cash and Carry
Lumber Yard
Siding, ahiplap, flooring. Te alao handle all
dimensional lumber and heavy timber. At
the price you can afford to par. Drop out
and er ui.
3155II.'mverRtL CaU 22552
Delivery can be arranged
RENO, Nev, July 5 -UP)- Wil
liam Brendler, 24, la Modesto,
Calif., cowboy, was killed during
the Reno rodeo today by a Bra
hma bull. The bull threw and
kicked him while thousands of
spectators looked on in horror.
contamination occurred prior to
or during transit in interstate!
Too Late , to Qataify
HOUSE trailer in good com!. Priced
right for quick sale. 1904 State St.
rbR SALE: Lumber truck with guar
anteeJ haul. IMP S.13thSt.
EiJUftY In Motor Scoter71et camh
offer takes It, baL Urmt. Bear 71 Lan
sing Ava.
10 lo 50 Redactions
Materials by the yard 60" wide
Pastel & Grey Blankets
Men's Topcoats
One Lot Mens Suits '
All Men's Furnishings
260 Souih 12th SL Froa Parkin?
A steady hand; a well
schooled as I n d; a deep
sense of responsibility to
ward the practice of phar
macy In its life sarlaf
slxn if leaner; the freshest
of hif h potency drags: and
modern equipment make
ear prescription f Hilar
serrlce year aaferaard.
Drug Storo
1893 , 1947
rhene Slf7 er 07ZS
115 North Commercial
Zl Servica on Eaiy &
a?? C..a, f.. fill.. -A tP
aiciviwc iui uuiCA Va
260 State
Phono tut
Dr. C K. Beiinc
Dr. &aaa nsran
To seo things clearly la a necessity . . . aye troubles
are a menace to your health. Coma in at your first oppor
tunity lor a thorough eyo oxamination.
Dignified Credit
-nrric scans I-.iul
Tb long -life finish oa your Ford cstr srn karp Ita btmatj
bricMer. looter. Don't kt tmfte scare apoQ Its svepaar
anc. Bring it beck home" to oa far expert body a&4
fcxadcr bunrping and rrfniah'tng, AS arork oosaa the) Ford
way with tpedal Ford tqutptxamt and rrrr!ahfaig raattriala.
Saita. Orrxoa
375 Crater