The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    i The Statesman. Solera. Oregon Saturday. July 5, 1947
Guests Mark
Society.... Clubs
Music... The Home
I Miss loan
Roddy a
Many visitors were in the capi
tal over the holiday as guests of
friends and relatives. Still others I CLUB CALENDAR
enicved weekend trips and vaca-1 wednesdat
tkm jaunts away. I Jason Lee wscs. cxecuUve board I of Eugene, formerly of Salem.
Mrs. A. L. Adolphson and htr "1"tlng-
I 1 Wi- rn..r4k - , W
Kill, 1 UTU, Iiu s vjit-ii rwuiMi
Blue and white were the colors
Miss Joan Roddy selected for. her
marriage Friday night to Louis
Bonney, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. 1L
Todd of Toledo. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. R. M. Roddy
July guest. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde pj , T i
A. Nelson. Mi Betty Nelson and W A T t V" H
Bill Nelson of San Mateo, Calif., A vaA L I A
who are enroute north on a vaca
tion trip. Miss Nelson is the fi
ancee of Mr. Adolphson and will
return later in the summer for
St. Paul's Episcopal church was
the setting for the nuptials and
at ? o'clock the Rev. George H.
Swift read the ritual. - Reid Shel
ton sang and Miss Jessica Kinsey
was the organist. The altar was
banked with blue and white sum
mer flowers flanked by white ta
pers. Of white organdy was the bridal
gown. The dress was designed
"Mrm " Pmflli4 TTu31rna uaa
longer stay at the Adolphson ht' f ' cmartiv arranged
WIM. luncheon Wtndav afternoon at w" w opigncu
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Wyn- her suburban homefor the pleas- wttn .Peter c5"ar- P.""8
garden have as their weekend ure of Mrs. Arthur Nerness of Los down the front to he waistline,
guests Commander and -Mrs. El- Angeies, who is here visiting at a. ending in a train and
mer Moore of San Francisco. home of her parentSi Mr. and short, lace beeves A matching
Commander Moore was Mr. Van Mr9 villard Wirtz Guests in- Iace headdress held her finger-
Wyngarden's captain aboard the td a of ' matrons, Uo toath tulle veil in place. She
Destroyer Escort 745 dunnghis who attended school together. The "med white orchids. Allan M.
service in the South Pacific. Over afternoon hours were spent in- Crai ave ha sister-in-law in
the weekend the two couples are forrnally marriage.
enjoying a motor trip to Washing- Covers were placed for Mrs Preceding the bride to the altar
ton. Nm. fr AiKrt Rmmirnh' were her sisters, Mrs. Allan Craig
LL Kelton Lowery motored of SaH jke City, Mrs. Robert (Blanche Roddy) of Springfield, Z
norm irom 2an t rancisco 10 ?pcnu Baldock and Mrs William R I,M,uou Ul "uri "u y-
the Fourth of July weekend with Walker, who came down from mond Shirley (Martha Roddy) of
his family, who are visiting at the Portland, Mrs. Frank Shafer. Mrs. E"ene, as bridesmaid. They
home of her parents, the H. G. Robert Eyre. Mrs. John Huahes. wore identical frocks of starlight
Mrs. John Bone, Mrs. E. E. Gil
bert and Mrs. Hudkins.
Spewa Ilaliaay Away
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Hud
ins Marco. Charles and -John.
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert and Marion Mlintial MflS Cl
Mr of I fceh Calif, snent AN UllkUi lvlusa l
the Fourth at the home of Mrs.
Hudkins' brother-in-law and sis
ter, the A. C. Zellers, at Battle
ground, Wash.
4 ' '
Nuptials at
Kflh Birih1ay Party
Lynne White. 500 Beck ave., cele
brated her fifth birthday June 28,
Guets included Joyce and Kenny
Brant, Janice Phillips, Connie Lee
Chambers, all of Four Corner,
and Marjorie Statk, Salem.
After a socral hour of games,
supper was served, including the
traditional birthday rake. Mrs.
C. M. White. Salem, assisted Mrs,
E. C. White and Mrs. E. M. White.
The Dallas Park was the set-
St. Mary's
blue organdy fashioned similar to
the bride's and with matching
lace sleeves. They wore blue lace
headdresses and carried nosegays
of blue delphinium.
Donald Barrick was his cousin's
best man and seating the guests
were David Putnam, Arthur Wil
son. Arthur ' Olson Of Tillamook
MT. ANGEL St. Mary's Cath- and Wallace Olson of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills ouc "'uren-wii me leiung ior Mrs. Roddy attended her daugh-
loined Joined the Clifford Spauld- "e weamng oi Miss Margaret ter's nuptials in a navy blue gown
tags of Newberg at their beach Rose Terhaar, daughter of Mr. and with pink accessories. Mrs. Todd
home at Oceanlake for the holi- Mr- A E. Terhaar of Mt. Angel, wore a navy blue ensemble with
day, weekend. Claude Gier, son of Mr. and matching accessories. Their cor-
Dr. and Mrs. R. Lee Wood are Mrs. Leo Gier of Silverton on sages were of roses,
enjoying the holiday weekend at June 28 with the Rev. Father Vin- The newlyweds greeted their
their beach Dlace at Neskowin. cent Koppert, OSB, officiating at guests at a reception at the Delta
Their guests are' Mr. and Mrs. J the nuptial mass. Mrs. Walter P. I Gamma sorority house after the
James Manning and daughter, I Smith was the soloist and Miss ceremony. Assisting were Misses
Edna May. and Miss Adeline Helen Keber was the organist. Joyce McCracken of Eugene. Pat
Emithson. ' ,1 me onae, given in marriage py ncia Ann aiy oi sieyenson, wasr At . quiet ceremony Thurslay
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hodds ana ner iamtr, wore a wruie moire vjrgiiua uase ana Margaret eir night at 80 o'clock Miss Pearl
their sons are spending the week- taffeta gown with fitted bodice linger.
end at Nelscott, Mrs. George Hug, fashioned with lattice-work yoke, Mr. and Mrs. Bonney will make Mrs. Lester Burkholder of Canby
Miss Kathleen Hug. Robert Hug. I buttoned down the back, long their home in Salem and have an Iwm th khh. f Atfri w
Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Hug and sleeves, and full gathered skirt apartment on North 14th street. Fleet, jr., son of A. W. Fleet of
daughter, Julie, are also-at their I ending in a train. Her white tulle Mr. Bonney is attending Willam- Great Falls Montana. The rites
beach home for the holiday week- double veil was held in place by eue university law school and u were performed at the Darsonaee
Mrs. Marvin L. Amund
son, the former NancY
Glass, daugnter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carle ton S. Glass of
Portland, before her mar
riage on June 22 at th
Blanchard Evangelical
United Brethren church in
Portland. The groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Amundson of
Salem. The couple will
live in Corvallis, while he
Is attending Oregon State
college. (Ear is Morrison).
The Rosedale Friends church
was the scene of a wedding Sat
urday, June 28, at one o'clock
when Miss Mary Lou Mahoney
became the bride of Wesly Alan
Hamilton. The Rev. Oscar N.
Brown performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Forrest Cammach was at the
organ and Miss Juanita Towner
Miss Mahoney Is the daughter: LcVi -t U- I r4-
of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mahoney of Ul iLAtJO'J-jitJL, I
Salem and the groom is the son of I - ..
Mr.and Mrs. Bert Hamilton, also; 0 P lclI"lS
The bride's gown was of white
satin with long sleeves, train, and
waist length veil. She was given
in marriage by her father. Miss
Nadine Moon was maid of honor.
The bridesmaids' were Miss Pala
Hearth. Miss Erma Cox and Miss
Jackie Van Loh. The groom was
attended by his brother, Charles
A. Hamilton.
A reception was held in the
church parlor after the ceremony.
Mrs. Howard Largent cut the cake
and Mi?s Carol Hamilton. Miss
Jane Hamilton and Miss Billie
Jean Mahoney, served.
The bride's mother was dressed
in fuchsia and white Jrrsey and
woce a white corsage. Mrs. Ham
ilton, mother of the groom, wore
blue and her corsage was blue and
After a short wedding trip to
coast points the couple will make
their home at The Dalles.
Miss Hamel
Is Married
By candlelight, at the West Sa
lem Methodist church Frxiay.
June 27 at eight o'clock, Etelyn
Eileen, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs.
Kenmth Hamel of West Salem be
came the bride of Charles !!
Drees, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emit
Drees of Salem. The double lir.g
vows were performed before a
pink and white setting of garden
flowers with the Rev. Jone ffic
ating. The tapers were lighted by
Miss Franres Gowey dreel In
blue and Miss Betty Willard In
The biide, ho was gien in
marriage by ner lainer. woce a
ting for a surprise bridal shower I white satin gown made with a
Shower Given
Miss Woodruff
Rites Read
i Thursday
a wreath of orange blossoms, and with the Marion county deputy 0f the Englewood Evangelical
Golden Wedding
For Thompsons
United Brethren church with the
Rev. J. M. Goodheart officiating
The bride chose a pastel blue
gabardine suit with white hat and
accessories for the wedding. Pin
ned to her suit was a white orchid
Miss Bernice Rentschler was the
honor maid and wore a smoke
she carried a shower bouquet of sheriffs office.
roses. Her heartshaped gold locket
was a giix oi me Dnaegroom. t-j O 1 1 a
Mrs. Carl Gross of Rockaway DlOWn-OCnmiai
was matron of honor for her sis- r i -
ter, and Miss Margaret Morgan, V OWS lleQCl
cousin, or aan t rancisco, was
SILVERTON More than 100 bridesmaid. They wore identical DETROIT A weddin of ln-
friends called at the home of Mr. I frocks of coral nylon chiffon. Their terest to their many friends waslDue suit with white hat and ac-
mmtu ma. v.. awvuh""" v i uuuuicKa nut iMiiui tC4Uiii9 1 mat OI .VI 153 t,UCUe oCumial OI I iici uuwni wcic icu m r T T
North Second street, Thursday to holding shoulder-length veils of Gearing, Nebraska, to Hugh Gor-"8- Ralph Burkholder, brother MarrV llere
smi uicui ni uicu auuc" vi-1 ud ucv, ina uicjr carneu nuw uuu orown oi ueiron, vyregon, 1 wi mc, waa mi uwii.
ding day. Mr. Thompson was 1 gays of carnations, tied with aaua which took Dlace on June 28 In The newlyweds were honored
also observing his 84th birthday j ribbon. ' Bonnie Mae Terhaar was Vancouver, Washington, at the at wedding dinner at Winona's j Salem friends Is announcement of
anniversary which was July 4. flower girl. home of the Rev. P. L. Kunzman. I Chalet following the ceremony, tha marriage of Mrs. Jane Am-
Miss Hilda Christine Olson and Edward Gier was best man for Their attendants were Mr. and AIier noneymoon trip to Canada brose. daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Micnael C Tnompson were mar- his brother. Russell A man served Mrs. John Ester, mother and steD- ine coupie will be at nome in Sa- Charles Carter, sr.. of Portland
ried July 3. 1897, at Merrill, Wis. as groomsman, Victor Holfer and father of the groom. lem, wnere he is employed at and Cornelius Makelaar. Jr., son
A shower was given for Miss
Maxine Woodruff, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Woodruff.
Tuesday night for Misses Ruth
WeM and Jean DrLapp.
Miss Ruth West and Earl Schaar
of Silverton are planning their
wedding for late fall and Miss
Jean DeLapp is to marry James
F. Whelan of Salem on August 2.
A picnic supper was served af
ter which the honor guests were
presented with gifts.. Those pres
ent were Mesdames Burdette
Owen. Myrl D. Clark. Don Var
ner, DennU Beutell. Thomas Tan
dy and Eugene Carver. Misses
Jessica Kinsey, Arlene Boyington
and Mania Yocum and the honor
guest. Ruth West and Jean De-Lapp-
To Fete
Golden Weds
SILVERTON XI r. and Mrs.
Theodore Grare are bring honored
on their golden wedding Sunday
at a reception at the armory fire-
. m . .
i piace room irom i.ju xo a p. m
MJas Marcarrt Jaa
daughter of Dr. artd Mrs. Cart
Emmons, leave today (or Camp
Oeowax at Ftomct to spend the
month as ramp program Sirectar
and counsellor cf c4der girls. Oe
owax Is the Lane rounty Girl
Scout camp.
An all-University of Oregon
picnic is being planned foe the
Walter Kitk country pier en
Memmgside hill July II at t p. am.
Invited are all student, f.emer
tudents, mothers and fathrrt. a
Urge number cf whom have al
ready been contacted. Ne reeerva
Uona are neceesary. acrordir.g to
the committee, but troe pUn
ning to attend are being asked to
bring either aatvtwirbef. or potato
There ill be program and
group ainging.
The romnvttee irM-ludet Beb
Aiken, chairman. Jean Kwift.
Barbara Sundet. G rover lloch
stetUer. Wayne Struble and Jim
sweetheart neckline, long pointed
sleeves and a short train. Her
fingertip veil was edged In lace
and fell from a crown of orange
blossoms. The bride carried an
aim bouquet of white sweetheart
Mis Fay Cameron was her only
attendant She wore a Lime green
gown of georgette crepe and car
ried a fan arrangement of jellow
rose. Im
Soloit was Mrs. Abe Fast ac-jreiTlOny dl
companieo oy Air, uiiijne Man
soff. Don Drees served at best man
for his brother. Jim Hamel and
Duane Van De Warde were ush
ers Mrs. Wilber Robb cf Nemberg.
aunt of the groom, had charge of
the guet book. After greeting
their guests in the foyer of the
church, they went on to the re
ception. Mrs. Dbcit NeaJ rut the
wedding rake. Four classmates of
the bnde. Miss Elaine Wallace,
Miss Irene Lough. Mr. Bill Lane
and Mrs. Raleigh served.
Mrs. Hamel choe a brown
Their two daughters and four
mm Xfra Miik Mathrnv nf flowered sheer drea for
wno will marry waidron HUlpot PT,rtiand. Mrs. Wren Matheny of daughter's wedding and
jr.. on Juiy iz. me pany was , sflverton. and Elmer. Milo. Merle, groom's mother wore a pink gown,
held at the home of Miss , j t.i. r: ... rrn..r,a ik I a n- ik .-mA.nm inn
iovre, wno was assisted as inw- ; recepUon. Oregon Caves and Crater Lake.
e?S by MISS Emma Belt and MlSS l t. r.rarea r. mrriH J..U Mr and Mrs. Dre Will be in
r-nyins sanaers. ' 1S07 1r r.rira .- knm nwr their new home in Wnl Spleen.
Honoring the bride-elect wrrt c',...rtnn h. . r,;... r ura rvm rivna a ...fnnwr .rvU
this community, and XIrs. Grace in lose beige for her going away
is the former Edith DcGuire, born I dress with a white top coat and
Gowan Home
The home of Mr. and Mr. Andy
Gowan in Salem Heighta was the
setting foe the wedding ef thetr
on. Andy L. Gowan. to Mi as Ana
Berrel en June 17. The candle
light ceremony took place before
an improvtaed altar of gladiolus
es and Ivy.
For the wedding the bride wore
her gong aay suit of powder
blue with an orchid rorsage. A
reception followed the nuptials
The newlyweds drove anwth to
San Francisco on their weddrg
the Misses Maryle Woodruff. Gla
dys Schollian. Dorothy Anderson.
Mary Sue Webb, Kathleen O Con-
: t- : t . . r ih i
uvr, uuu uiri u, rar, i 1171-
lis Plant. Emma line Bair, Joyce
Turner, Norma June Boles, Peg
gy Pound, Mildred Toombs, Ber
tha Lovre. Ruth Bilyne. June
Johnson. Donna Lovre. Sarah Lo
vre and Mesdames Audrey Nor
ton, Amanda Anderson, Jesse
George, Ethel Merlck. Robert Vic
tor, Mavis Rogers, Dorothy Bas
quet, Lucille Ruch, Christine
Mumm, Ray Bairey. Beverly
Lamb, A r d e 1 1 e Meier. Wesley
Goodrich. Victor Woodruff and
Clara Eckhout.
accessor ie.
Rites in Garden
WOODBURN The home of
Mrs. J. A. Evans on Boone Ferry
I road was the scene of a garden
Portland Couple
, in eautern Oregon.
All friends of the family are in
vited to attend the reception.
Downings Hosts
For Party
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Downing
rttf-talne4 a rrann rit frin4
uiiirriav r.uMii im-itne4 friervH I wedding Sunday. June 29. at one
from out cf town were: Mr. and o'clock when Phyllis MltcheU.
Mn Runeii Kmm Ur anri in daughur of Mr. and Mrs. C E.
George Crooks. Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan of Sheridan, and Robert
Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Lec Mason D. Evans son of Mr. J. A- Evana
of Mill Citr were united In marriage by the
Mass Jes McDal aaal
Grace Mark, tecrtnolnguta at the
Salem General and Salem Dea
coneaa hospitals reeperUve'y. are
tn Denver this week attenda the
meetir.g of the NaUonal Aaeuria
uon ft Medical Tecrtnologisuk
Mr. a4 Mr. Cartgea Reasisai
and children, lulltm and
Charles, have returned fja
fortnight's motor trip Kni took
them to Yellowstone park and
Salt Lake Oty.
Mka Bermire Lee Is saeaatlag
the month tn WniUfiati. Mor.Une
as the gueat of her family.
They made their home there for I Francis Kempf seated the guests, The bride chose for her wedding Montgomery Ward and Co.
years neiore moving to AiDcrxa, and John Kimlinger served as al- buck and white ac- ,
Saskatchewan. Canada, coming on tar boy for his cousin. cessories and wore a corsage of r OFm PT r-fnerte:
to Silverton 30 years ago. Breakfast was 'served at the red rosebuds. A v-lllAAAi3 i-iWOlO
Eight of their, nine children home of the bridegroom's aunt Mrs. Estey wore a stone blue For Vlitorc:
nrtunl nr im nhurvinM I . . . . . . I Knit urith mfum nf ninV I v 'A V 1011U1O
M'-ii- ,r . . I iki. naipn nooK oi suvenon. ai " " .
noon dinner was held at
-meir son, wnuam, living in hirh
joruxiieia, iinn was unaDie
awena. ine ouiers are dames ana vfr Terhaar wa rwlka.M uurca
HarryThompson of Canby, Arnold jersey with black accessories for
and Elmer Thompson of Monitor, v.. naiirhtr'a weHHina- mH Mr
Smfi M1rthIr, TsJrA' Gif. of the bridegroom,
W-hite) of Seattle, and Helen (Mrs chose Wue jcYk Jon ,
JC A. EpeneteO -WMis. Ruth corsage of gardenias and roses.
Thompson of Portland. At the recepUon held at the
At the reception Miss Ruth ion MemorTal htlh Mrs. ej.
Thoanoson areeted the euests at ........ . .
-. -- --. wara noner ana wirs. naipn hook t m
SKrSSIK ." wifcwpmrt In Tacoma
mi wiu mis. uiwiu Aiiviiiravfi ui
the groom's uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Stahlman in Mill
The young couple will reside in
Detroit where he is employed.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Farmer en-
Sunday honoring Dr. and Mrs.
G. W. Stone and Mr. and Mrs.
Hans Schroeder from Knoxville,
Those present were Mr. and
Wedding Read
of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Make
laar of Portland, on June 28. The
rites were quietly solemnised in
Salem at the First Presbyterian
church with Dr. Chester Hamblin
officiating at 4:30 o'clock before
members of the immediate fam
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Sim
mons, brother-in-law and sister of
the rroom, attended the couple. A
small reception followed the nup
tials at the Simmons home on
North Summer street.
The couple will live in Portland
Salem truests inrluded Mr. and George G. Richardson. Mrs
rs. Earl Burrh Mr. and Mm. Dell Farleigh, cousin f the groom.
rimnr Hill an4 Mr tnrf Xfra Al. PUyed.
fred Laue. bride, given In marriage by
The evenine was Dent In the her faher, wore a while wool
game room, and a late supper was gberdine auit with white access
served, ones and an orchid corsage. la
her hair was a spray ef white
K v Mr ar,4 Mr. M A R.m.. '- -'i"nOJ WWUHUf OI
dell of Coos Bar on June 28. The VSo?dburn- w,rir b,u n
rnnl.'. mAr H.MI.r I. '" COTSAge Of Sweet Pe. Was
1 ' - -w-.w. . , . . w . I.
Anr, Mr- Dom..ll nMUCTl OI IWJfWJT IOT ''
Eaton of Salem before her mar
riage. Grandparents are Mrs.
Laura Eaton of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Rarrudell of Den
ver. Great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Bates of Salem.
John Scholl of Hubbard was best
A reception followed the cere
mony, after which the couple left
for a trip. On their return they
will be at home at 1278 Blaine sU,
Wood burn.
Mrs. J. Stead, Miss Gwen Stead
Mr. and Mrs Earl Olson, Larry where both are In business. "
ana jerry, Mr. ana Mrs. R. A.
Tucker and Carol Jean. Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Baumgardner, Bob and
Jane, all from Portland. Mr. and
Miss Beatrice Blake, daughter Mrs- w- T- Crook, Mr. and Mrs
charie f thl I punch bowl The of Portland hd charge of of Mrs. C. H. Blake of Salem be- Tillman Crook from McMinnville.
marge oi uia punca uuvti. .ine )h ... VT. TKr, VtrnA I m. ik. kij -m , ... I Mr .a m-. t tir ni .
Annual Walling
Reunion Held
1 was held al th home of Mm. J. D. 1
three-tiered wedding cake Was JLir fVv , . " 'f u,e D"?5 01 Vrl wagen- -u A- . nooerison. Mr
erved bv Mrs White and Mrs I unu tul wir. xranx ukui, son oi Mr. ana Mrs. E. M. ,m xvrager, Mr. ana Mrs. A
w7,l '".!.;- 1V: Aman assisted and serving were Wagenblast of Tacoma at' a cere- J- Loop, from Amity. Mr. and Mrs
MrsTCarl Thompson Mrs James 1Aisset Re'n Hoffer, Betty mony read at the Asbury Meth- v; N- Joata from Turner, Mr. C. 29. Theie were 63 present with
Thompson and Mrs Harrr ThomD- 't Bernice Beming, Marianna odist church parsonage at 7 o'- Gilson, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gil- many coming from out-of-town
r Mi Patt Jnhnarm in Ullman, Carol Brost and Donna clock June 27. on, Jimmy, Leroy and Delores, Mrs. Alice Walling Pomeroy, 84
hara nf tha ,it KrwvV Ty, Sibley. The bride was attended by Miss from Perrydale, Mr. and Mrs. years old. was the guest of honor.
bowls of yellow and brown pan- A dance was held that evening Merina Goe, and the groom was Em" Stevens, Lois, Janet, Doris coming from Klmberly. Idaho,
siea and cream-colored tAll taoers I at the Memorial hall with music attended by Kenneth Wagenblast, and Carl ron Rickreall. Mrs. with her daughter, Mrs. Marguer-
. . 1 V. O 4 1 - 1 . I K i m ttt-tft..... 1 TT 1 1 I I ran. S:Ar.n T.. .
Mr. Stella Heffrr. Mhw Car
e a w -
Balcan embarked on a plane Wed- MrS. lOteS HOS
nesnay at me iem arrneid.
bound for Hawaii. The two young RirthdCIV POTtV
women, who have been surgical 1
mnes at Salem General hospital,
have accepted employment lor a
year at the H1I0 Memorial hos
pital on the island of Hilo.
;av;;;ii:cs of'
ir! a !) a 11 $ ym mm
Utm a mm luati e 4
tan awe Ta harf'i a
w sai i i baa i.ia.
TV a ar a- a a-am I ar Wak n eai av i Ke
,?n?,f?1 Walling reunion i Methodist Old People's Home will
meet Monday morning. July 7 at
centered the dining room table.
Twins Celebrate
Marie - - and Margaret ' Pardo
celebrated their sixteenth birth-
by Stephens orchestra. his brother. Charles H. Blake eave Irene Senn from Dayton. Mr. and He Estenson of Tacoma. Mrs
The couple left on a trip to thethi sister in marriage. f ' Mrs. Paul Parker, Freddie, Eddie Pomeroy is the only living mem
beach and will ave in Lebanon.
A reception was held at the nd Michael from West Salem, ber of the Jese Walling family.
home of the groom, following the Mr- and Mrs. M. M. Stewart, Mr. which settled at Spring Valley in
wedding. After a short honey- and Mr- A- L. Bones. Mrs. Cora 1847. The valley was then called
moon they will reside in Tacoma. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Bi- Valfontis.
mer, Suzanne and Darwin, jr., Mr. David Newsom of Portland
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. C. C. Standifer, Mr. and was elected the new president and
Homer Plaskett entertained Sun- Mrs. M. H. Stanrfif.r m- v Mrs rv Pun-in rrtarv run.
A housewarming was given day in compliment to her father's. Pryor Robertson. Mrs nn pk" ner was sered on the lawn under
r I rrntvor t?..a. v.i j .u. I . . .. . J i .L , . . n .
,ar-ii: . i 1 1 T 1 1 J ,
nraning on uie n-.u.r roan Junr nin. iriv in Ihe ...n na,l..r f
, tha home. The pirnic planned for
, this date has been portponed.
DALLAS Member r the
Friendly Neighbors club met w ith
Mrs. Visiter Evans Monday to
finish a quilt and give a surprise
shower for Mrs. Gordon Porter.
Friends Give
Mr. sad Mr. Lee J. Kraps ef
Long Beach. Calif., are viMtois at
the homes of Mrs Kraps' brother
and sister. H. H. Jewett and Mrs.
Alma Shipley.
Friends and neighbors of Mr.
Martha Drumeller Yate met at
her home in Momingside Thurs
day, June 28. to Relp celebrate
her 88th birthday. Lunch was
served at 1 o'clock. Gifts and a
large birthday cake were pre
sented. Thoe attending the party were
Mrs. Yates. Mr. George Graben
horst, Mrs. William Grabenhorst
Mrs. Ora E. Potter. Mrs. Harley
Moon. Mrs. Laura Greenfield,
Portland. Mrs. Homer Harrison,
Mrs. E. A. Clark. Mrs. F. R. Clark.
Mrs. Everett Clark. Mrs. Rue
Drager. Mrs. William McCarroIl.
Mrs. L. E. Sealey. Mrs. WUliam
VroomAn, Mr. Albert Barnes,
Mrs. E. S. Coat. Suie Wechter
Nancy Bsrne. Cathy Clark and
Marjorie Mumm.
, . . r
fccT.-rccf . T
. ra utiuatls
St ihtmi tuy thtm cf
Belxilioldi h Ltvh
aata aV a . Al SI
M . Slat 84.
Saiesmaa Wanted
la xi wreejr rnr Mr inn Mrs nnn iiuoen huh nirtnnav at tha rtnn if .
a Prty t theie home on Gardner on Browning avenue and same time honoring her two uncles! and Mrs. Dwifht Wvatt Elaine
Ratckff drive. Games were played a gift presented them. who had birthdays in June. Oldest Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Golden K te
rrth refreshment follnwine r. . i .i v - l- I u. .v. i n I . T. "m-h rvnr.
: . : . . I uucaw ui hiuii me wupw i uuee is uic iuc wno was i na iaroiyn. all Of Salem and
Hononnf the twins were Marie I t. m t-a fii.i I at t it t . n . I . '. VL 'rln' "na
. , . . - ,, . , " ci . evi iai- vn uiic ii. iicxi i9 ocvfri jvue uie nonored ruests
Harder, irgima Blevins, Dolores son. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wads- who was 84 on June 20. The
Kuper. Louise Feller, Betty Vogt, worth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Card- honor guest was 78 on June 28 CUt.rr. TP i
Elsie Weikum, Irene SUedll, Eve- ner, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelly, A surprise feature of the party OilOWGr 1" eteS
jyn aiaorra, nuinann Morgan, Ralph and Dorothy Gardner, Mrs. j was the arrival of the youngest
Mary SwigarL Anne Swigart, Carl Jensen. Mrs. Charlotte Hien- brother of the three men. Adolph MISS UUrreV
sauuv, uvee ihu, e, iir. nue, irom sioux Falls. SJj. Sun-
Part McCorkle, Elinor Sikorra, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cross, jr.. day morning .
weanmiJ, uoroiny uoran. rnyi- Mr. ana Mrs. Aaoipn jonanson The table was centered with for a bridal shower Tuwday niht
lia Doran. Donna Pardo, Maxine Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Jonanson, c keg for ho u in honor of MiMvrl. jJLn rf.?
Doran. Verna Stevens, and the Mrs. BernUna . Oss. ConsUnse rweet oVaV and vellowTrir. rev who win bl CJr"
itesses. Mr,. Walter Stevens Johnsen and Mrs. Olg. SchneU l?ffcll. E'stlnBoi? 1StSinSSL
ed Mrs. A, T. Doran. X l der. , I bert Rue. Mr. and Mr nt' nn. hM t (K Knnn.n v..n.. 1.
"4 " I . - " . ,wre
severt nue, Air. ana Mrs. Saul wiin a aessert supper served by
"!,.. I AieiDy, Mrs. rvnute Rue, Mr. and me nostesses followed by a linen
Mrs. w. u Trotter and Barbara snower.
- I r 1 J . v.. . r I irn i r. .
t -r-i r r ueianu irum i. . iewis, teroy, iiwiuiiu. Anas vurrey were
Pie GherneS LaSlly I rOZen. May De Victor and Waldo Rue, Miss Fern Mesdames Genevieve Currey.
ST 15 UUCillCO JiWOiijr j. avvwa, J Anderson of Portland. Leonard Lloyd Griffiths. Mildred Hender-
TL-n Ck r-rA DroonnroH T rrtor Rue. and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford George Hanauska. Warren
ivaiii vui vuuv. x 'i vv-. Rue of Newberr. Brown. Robert Barber. Don Fox
. . of Portland. Misses Virginia Bar-
"JL"1" B"rB SWEGLE Mr. Hex. Peffer and ber. Olive Torbet, Betty Dutton.
W omens Mlior, TO suwim.n I Mn Merino riallra ui.r. nntM.. Mm PorV.r V-..
Pie cherries are here, and that's practically the only cherry crop to members of the Swegle Worn- Alice Rose, Pat Brown, - Edith
ftrchardists were able to boast of thjs year. Simplest way to putpi an, ciUD at fhe Peffer home on Schifferer. LaVerne Hamsberger
cherries down is to seed them and pop them into freezers without Hollywood Drive Tuesday after- and Maxine Wagner and Pat
sugar. They are then ready for making tnio pies, puaaings or pre- no0n. A luncheon was served to Mansfield of Portland.
serves later in the season when
work isn't quite so pressing.
Pie cherries won't Jell without
the use of a n commercial pectin,
but they make mighty good pre
.1 quart pitted cherries
w ., ai.CUp water (or use Juice
from cherries)
4 cups sugar
I Put two cups of the sugar in
sx kettle with the liquid, boil un
til it makes a hartl crack in water,
aisaost caramelized. Add cherries
and remaining sugar, raw and
bring all to a boil. Cook 12 to 15
minutes and let stand overnight
the large trees. J. P. Smart sang
j . . r . . . . i
oia songs wiui Mrs. omiri ai me i
piano. The table was decorated
with call hue brought by Jess
Planklngton from the coast.
the following members. Mesdames
in the same kettle. Bottle the Charles Norton. Merle Enloe, Clif-
next day. ford Yost, Alber Patz, Joseph
For canning cherries, you may Brennan, William Hartley, John
pack them down tightly in Jars Swanson, Elmer Terrill, William
and hot water process them for Damery, Homer Conklin, Charles
20 minutes. This sugarless way Bottoroff, Walter Swingle and
is good where fruit is to be used hostesses and a special guest, Mrs.
in pies, as the finished process is A. L. Reetz from Spokane, Wash,
fresher tasting. At the business meeting a letter
" It desired however, the fruit was read from a family to whom
may be put into a heavy syrup a relief package had been mailed
(cup for cup of sugar) and pro- in Stuttgart, Germany in the
cessed. American Zone. Plans were made
Such combinations as cherries for the annual family picnic to be
and pineapple? cherries and rasp- in August at the horv of Mr.
berries and apples and cherries and Mrs. Homer Conklin Lan
have been used for jams. I caster Drive
Radio Repairs
AH Slakes
Appliance Repairs
340 Court
Your Kitchen
can exactly express
YOUR Ideas and
YOUR Tasles
When 'you build it of
these beautiful, sturdy in
terchangeable cabinets.
1 1
M N. Lancaster DrW
Pbene 8414
Open till I f. M.
A N N CD uJ N C 11 K G ! . .
A new mrxlrrn Scirn-
tific Service for our
We have imullctl the
Famous Sun Motor
Trtlrr and Sun Cora-
huttioh Tetrr.
To better ene vou e
will operate thee rood-
ern mirt elt in our Ser
vice Department.
Hie three fundamental
divisions of your car,
compression ignition
carburetion can be
quickly and accurately
checked to determine
their operating effic-
, lency. .
No gue work with these units. The slightet miadjuitment ft rawly
detected which may be preventing you from getting the projer joVrr,
pep, and jeetl.
Bring your car in for a complete diagnosis.
Sales and Sterlet rijntnol-t
Phone 4(72
II .e-r-r-:r
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s'i 1
If will take onlr a few
4.15 N. Commercial SL