The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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4W Tha Stolaa mem. Solam. Ofyon, Saturday. July 5, 1947
"A'o Favor Swayi Vi No Fear Shall Awt"
frees I'trst BUUtoiti, March II. 1151
nr.THAvr evangelical
Marlon at Capitol at. - Edward C.
Staulfer, evangeliat- of Portland. Sun
day school 1U a.m. Morning service
II o'clock. Sermon subject. ' Building
for God.
CHARLES A. SPRAGUE, Editor and Publisher
Member of the Associated Press
Asaeelatea' Prase It entitled exeloslvely U (hi u (k repabll-
N. Sth at Gaines. Herman J. Boht.
pastor. Sunday achool t.44 a.m. Mrs.
Bertha Sheet, tupt Morning aervlee
11 o'elock. Gueat speaker. Rev. William
Schwab. Evening service 7 JO o'clock.
Guest speaker. Young people's M.
Missionary prayer band Tuesday, 2 p.
m. Midweek prayer ana Bible study.
S3 N. Church it. Rev. M. A. Cet-
rendaner, D.D.. pastor. Sunday achool. I Wednesday, 1M pjn.
0:44 a.m. Morning service 11 o ciock. i
Sermon subject. '"The Christian's JU- IMMAUEL BAPTIST
I. I.11...U1. Uia , ma,n I Mal Sat AfaUimV ftUIUfaiV fMHMtl
: """""fT I as .a a. i a
i I fi-m Biomin wvrmip hum ii
MllM aftnUM local newt print la this MWSpaper, M well M all or I ATTti DAY SAINTS Wm college and academy, 'speaker.
AP mMmm l.atliM I VFW halL Hood at Church it. John I Evening service 7:43 p m. Praise and
B. MISDUrr, DISnOp. DWHISKOWI j !. wwiwivw nmma.;, ...
a.m. Sacrament meeting, 11 a.m. Eva
sv' i me f I nwg service ew o crocs, run cikiitian
.lfW LiWI, ailtl If lOre lO lme Center at High at. Rev. Dudley
The petition, filed yesterday against the cigaret tax, should Am nvrm "nte P-J-Jf .'son
sufficient signatures be found valid, win place tnree issues up uick. ''Vul
to the voters of Oregon next October 7 and give further zest Xo.Vd Men.-' Evening service s . sermon
to an election which already promises to be lively by virtue of ulw
auured ramifications. week. i-s.
The issues are the 3 per cent sales tax. the cigaret tax MKvnonite brethren
and the establishment of a boys' camp at Timber. Excluding
the latter issue, although it, too, is of .considerable importance,
the remainder of the program to be affected by the vote is of
marked portent to everyone in the state.
The entire assessment program is contingent upon the fate
of the sales tax. If it passes, the 1 per cent withholding tax
measure will be inoperative; income taxes will be materially
By LichtT
When Christianity Dec owes
Evening service 7:S clock.
ruDlect. "Master and Lord
JO p.m.. youth meetings: Junior high.
senior high. Phi Zeta Christo. Tues
day, T JO pjn Boy Scout meeting.
Thursday, a p.m., Bible study and
prayer meeting,
I1U Elm st. Rev
pastor; A. H. Fadcnrecnt. asaistant. mil tuin ur the nazarene
Bible achool t:49 a.m. Morning service Center at 13Ui it. Orvllle W. Jenkins.
10:4 o'clock (communion service), pastor. Sunday school t:l a.m. Morn-
:45 pro., young people's meeting. Eve- ing service 1:50 o'clock. Rev. and
rttng servk-e 1:44 o'clock. Wednesday, Mrs. Harold Hess, missionaries from
7:4 p.m., midweek prayer service. Guatemala, guest speakers. Vocal solo
. by Mrs. Orwln Pester. Evening eerv
ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN .lea 7:45 o'clock. Rev. Ponder W. GtlH-
( MaMOorl Synod) ' I Una. Dlnuba. Calif., guest preacher.
N. ISth at A St. Rev. H. W. Gross. I S;S p m.. young people's hour. 7:4S
m - - - - m m. h hi.. a. m urtMAAw 1 I . r I .
decreased through boosted exemptions; ana in Cigaret tax jng service IS o'clock, with holy com- mid-week prayer meeting.
,.ia v.- -.f-;.,-. n..i Tn...rv 1 r0arrtlo8 rtf anv I munlon. Preparatory aervjeo at :
W Vfcatsrvi IIVs frZ CiKVtl w 5 ! Vv I s ansa vsu j a - s - -r
gasV riawt fLaa Afi 4 sk, v wnama ci ir aft
If the sales tax is defeated, there will be the withholding mt Lewis st. a. v. sittser. pastor,
tax; income taxes will be increased through reduced exemp- "'VU
tions; the cigaret tax will be operative unless specifically kill- clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday,
ed. and the tax commission will be authorized to call a special 0 Vu pUZ touqvr. rri-
eiection next year to levy $8,000,000 on property, to be offaat rragT trnnvJ
N. Winter at Jefferson. Louis C. Kir
by. DD pastor. Sunday school 1 4
a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Eve
ning service o'clock.
127S N. Church st. Rev. Claude C.
and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday
school 41 a.m. Morning service II
'clock. Sermon by the pastor. Youth
bv th income tax. if state revenue U found insufficient tol S4S N. CommerclaL Evening service I service:. "Defenders of the faith," teat-
J - - I t J..., . .....Ml
u. .1.. Tula mwu Alia.uf a lit UrliK A anaakra'
meet needs. o'clock. Speakers, Rev. and Mrs. Thorn- Seagrove. Lora Prlesen. and Marvin
u?;.t. -ii i .i;.....!.. i k. i.rrin mr will Ke 1 as Gazelev. Circle at (:30. - I Bell. 7 p.m. Evening service 7:4J a'-
M,CTr v" . v.... .,.. " , I clock. SuecUl muslcl sermon by Rev.
plenty or campaign-pressuring Detween now ana ociooer, bethkx. baptist ' . nsry w. Beu. Tuesday service, p.m.
' . . N. Cottage at D st. Cuatsv O. Rauser, Prtday aervlee, S p m.
Cigaret referendum or no. pastor. Sunday school t:S a m. Mom-
The reft of nearly 500 new state laws become operative ,AwLri'1 "fl'Ta
today and seldom has there been SUCh a general application 1 Comes in GlonrT" Evening service I M I rtnt, pastor. Sunday school 1:41 a m.'
of varied issue, from a single session of tn. legislature. In all, n.-Ldy. T! I p'm.n1, tfrvTcV 7YS"&Er.
S4 new laws were passed; 12 were vetoed and many others prayer fellowship. Bible study. christ Lutheran"
carried the emergency clause which' made them effective imme- central lvtheram - suu at isui st. c. r. schuit. pastor.
j . , I I--:. ..,- Hood at N. Summerst. Rev. R. A. Sunday achool t 43 a.m. Morning serv-
d lately arter legUlatlVe adjournment. Krueger. pastor. Primary department, loe II o'clock. Sermon subfect. -Glv-
Th murh-maliffnpd and record-length biennial leaislative t S ajn. Junior worship. ;4S a.m. ing an Accounty of Our fail h. Luther
, ..... ii. T i. j Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sermon I league 7 p m.
puiui is iuit beginning to make its major work felt, for good I UKiet "Three Iws of Life." junior I
or bad. But the immediate repercussions of it. effort. ouM 0
not subjugate in thought nd study the all-important issue.
to be voted on three month, hence.
Turner, pastor
m. Morning aervlee 11 o clock. Sermon
tor. Sunday school t 4s a
T740' Cherry at. v. u. story, pastor, subject. "Our Priceless Heritage
Bundsv achool 141 ajn. aonuni serv-1 routn and Wesley reliowshio. 1 n.m
tee 11 -o'clock. VPS - 7 p.m. Evening I Evening service S o'clock. Sermon sub-
scrvlce 7 JO clockT' - - . Ject. "Tne More Excellent Way. Mid
- I week service Thursday, 7 JO p m.
T-K- TrmlAm'm n rnnvrHi titrlnff atithnriratinn I CONGREGATIONAL. ' PIRST CONGREGATIONAL
- - ; : "V , ISth at Perry at. Loulg X.- White, J N. Cottage at Marlon. Rev. S. R
Bv Action a Well an Word
Huntington. D.D.. pastor. Sunday
II o'clock ana enurcn- i school B:49 a.m. Motion picture: "Ma
. Set mow subject. The I i-W Ioulae. Mornlnc service 10 U o'-
K 1Vm nttimi Ihrmifh arihrnia tn TIM It chntilrl nuUt anm I Greatness of Jesus." by Prof. Daniel I clock. Sermon sublect, "American Di
-m I.. . t& m m.4- iinlMNiK un. k n. i t . .
Siarmmi wno nave Viewea wmenca S irrna as portenauiE icsa I guest prescher. Mrs. Kaymona Anarews i speaker. Pilgrim fellowship at church
islands is in complete accord with the responsibilities incurred
Ing service
time aurser
of a trusteeship statu, for the Caroline, Marshall and Mariana pastor. Sunday school ta ajn. Morn-
w ii
of Jesus.'
tv in
Who have" Viewed America', trend as portending les. guest preacher. Mrs. Raymond Andrews speaker. Pilgrim fellowship at
and leas acceptance of those responsibilities. T.c. w.J7- bVC! ' p
The three island groups, all once controlled by Japan and biea. Pilgrim fellowship, sjo p-m.
from which many of Nippon's World War II offensive, sprang, I evangelistic tabernacle
. . . . . . . . t . . . a i xi ... i at lath at. Rev. waiter a. I
wouia oe aaminisxerea Dy tne unuea otaies unaer uw nier- r.Vik oaTtor. sundiv achool methodut
national trustee system Of the United Nations. ajn. Morning service 11 'clock-! Morn- .n at risk st. B. 1 Browning
..... .... .. .... .. line nralae. communion and miaaiorfsrv I peator. Sunday school t:4t ajn. Gen-
The president Well re-State, the policy Of thU Country: 10 service. Sermon subject. "Significance I era! worship. 11 a.m. Subject. "The
I Silvcrton Churches
aj:nnor1 ho ITniftxHI Nalinna with all its resnii rre as a nerma. Seekln. God." No evening services Way of God." Youth fellowship wor
support kne unitea nations wiin an us resources as a perma- SundaVi "r durlngA the week at the ship service, s p m. a social hour pre
Etent partnership." Were this policy Carried Out by all nation. Tabernacle July l-fa during the annual cedes, beginning at 7 p.m.
concerned, world blood pressure would drop sharply.
rmmn himUiii at Bethel nark, nine
mtUm nnrlh o? tiUm nn hlehtvav Ht .EVIiTH DAT ADVENTIST
Three great services dally. Radio pro- I oeasiey, pastor. saDoaui school
;i 1
"I vet m theso foreign aid h4Ua laaaglno giving
mhm aren't even rasasUtnenur
M Mil 1 i 1 M
u vu nun
(Continued from pafe 1
World" by SLairvrr. and Virginia
Ward Elliott, soloist, will sing
"LiKe as a lather" by Scott.
At the 7:30 p m service Dr
Hamblin will preach on the sub
ject "All Things to All Men."
Unionvale Names
Church Officers
UN KWV ALX-Churrti and Sun
day arhoot of fwers of the Union
vale KtangrlK at United Ilrethmt
c hurt h elet-ted at the tfiurrft sneet-
ng Monday June 21. for the
irg year are as fo!Vw: chief
steiaard. Cart Ruli-rrrvan: finan
cial secteUry, Ethel Jsubeer; ran-
munton steward, Alre BeiU tnem-
brrs of board off stewards, D.
Lynn Cuborr, R. C. Stauiertburg;
Mrs. Louis WUl. Mrs. Urrte
Withee. Mrs. Bet nice NUM. John !
Churrh: rlass leader. D. Lynn
Gubei; asai.UnU Mrs, J. W. Rarh
atdsun; Ueesurer, Mra Bernire
Noble; trustees, F. fj. Storkboft
and Jamie Kdiger.
Sunday srhool: aupeYlnlendrnt
Carl Rutsrhirvan: aastant. Mrs.
CLarenre Crawley: primary super-
InlctMlent, Mn. Charles terguaon;
aasuunt, Mrs. John Rxturdsan;
erreUry. Mrs. A XL Warren: as
sistant. Lots Rockhill; treasurer.
Mrs. Fred Sturkhoir: LbrarUa.
Mrs. LfMjis Magee: rUnlst. Jorr
Crawley; aistant, Anono Cubser;
rtHartster, Donna Lee rinmruoL
Saw money ajd
Unm by letUng
M do your watrt
and rkw
Taei'D Baa
QvArt amW!
vTairb Eeaaar
Used clothing is welcome and ran
be mended or made over for use
by the recipients.
For those who do not want to
assemble and ship parcels them
selves services of organizations to
do the work may be had. CART.,
whoa address Is 50 Broad si . New
York, will deliver $10 food parcels
on order. Also, it now has a wool
en package and a blanket package
at the same cost which may be
sent except to the United King
dom. Another organization In this
field is the American Women's
Voluntary Service. 9 Park ave..
New York, which will pack and
ship a seven-pound box of food
for $3.50 to any country except
Japan. Persons may arrange for
regular deliveries of parcels by
this organization.
Rev. Schwab Will
Br Curst Sprakrr
The Rev. William .Vhwab will
be guet leaker for both arrtires
Sunday at the ChrinUan VI i Mum -ary
Alliance church. North $lh at
Gamev The Rev. Mr. Schwab un
til recently was Uw ptor at
Bend and before that at Silvetion.
The Rev. Mr. and Mr. Met man
J. B..hl left Tuesday Tor Kalis
pell, Mont, where they or to be
th workers for a young people's
Bible conference. They will re
turn to Salem July 16.
Strain to Speak
Al Taconia Meet
The Rev. Dudley Suala. pastor
of live First Christian rhurrh. Is to
leov Tuewday for Tactna, WsK.
to be th guest speaker at th
Washington ital convent! 4
ChrirUan cturrha July i-ll.
At his own churrh on Center
and High streets, h will preach,
Sunday morning pa th them,
"When Christianity tVcarne Pow
er." rider elected for th new
year will also be Installed and car
datned. Soloist of th morning
will b Betty Pugh lUgen. At
7:4$ pm. Mr. Su-atn Is to speak
on th subject, -Master and Lord,"
and John Schmidt will sing "Je
. Ro of Shcron.- by CabnH.
grama over KSLM: Saturday at :4S ajn. Morning worship u am
n n. rm.m. tn -nnv c.iiuiiir at S-lslElder Frost. SDeaker. Mlaaionarv vol.
is hardly fitting that one city suggest what another I pm. I !int'i- p m- Dorc" society. Tues-
ctty should do about somethini that i. it. own business, but riR8T cHUCHwrcHEHT 7 ' " ' 9 m
It i. difficult to pass up a chance to say "bravo" to apparently ci.nti.t w ' flllYARc
e It o-l Bccma sx. uonm i
uccvatul efforts in Eugene for restoration of the scenic and I school 11 a m. Morning service
loni-famed millrace past the Univer.ity of Oregon campus. servrcSsn" SbTic? tZ?l
The ha. been dry since flood water, destroyed intake uZ'tXJi '76
canais J rem ine Willamette river, now, tne city nas Deiore it ing room its s. High,
a budget-committee proposal to spend $10,000 for reconstruc
tion. Fiom here it ktitm like a fine idea;
of Junior young people, and Lois Rich
ards of senior young people. Evening
service, S o'clock. Topic. "Blind Re-
ISth at Mill st: A. G. Yates, pastor, eetve Sight arter 11 Years." Prayer
Sunday school IS a.m. Morning, wor- I meeting.. Wednesday. S p in.
ship II o'clock. Young people's meeting ... ... .
S 4i.pjn. Evening service 7 JS o'clock. CAI.VART LL'THKRAN
.v j m . ,,nivi r . lunr, pas
tor. Sunday school. IS a m Morning
worship, 11 o'clock. Theme. "Our
Earthly Life Naomi society. Tues
If a ier son were to accent literallv the latest communlaue.
i - - .1.1.1 ,.A. .UU . I THE CSU'RCH OV GOO ;
UI 'v oiftnivni, on jiofciii. winiun rt urni new I'm Uy Chaaneketa unatalra Prank Alia
develcit.rr.ent waa in store for th Willamette river. Th am- I wav. pastor. Sunday school IS a.m. I Karthl;
, , . ., r,s. . . . . , I Mrs. Georges Croley, superintendent, dsy, S p m. Wednesday quarterly con
S'"' r-nu wviu inai me puuuinn uiiuj(v: in aiciii i Momlnf service II o clock. Evening I gregauonai meeting, s p m.
is to be opened promptly for river craft which sound one long J lJw$SSnuinT
and on short blast in quick succession. Nothing i. impossible I night young people's vlb. 7 M. second at
any more, but a boat too large to skim under the SP span 1 pntST pre.btterian
A St. M. J. K. Puhr. naa-
tor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Divine
worship, 11 a.m. Sermon subject. "A
wuhout opening the draw would really be something to .e H
On the ill. inette. I a m. Morning service 10 i o'clock. Sunset, leaders. Congregstional meet-
Sermon subject. "Th Cross on Main I ing weanesaay. s p.m. uorcaa society
' Street." Sermon bv Paul N. Poling of Friday at church wtth Mrs. E. Kleaow
Turner's energetic fire deDSrtment ha. taken long Strides Philadelphia. Evening service 7 JO o'- hostess Summer Bible camp, Colton.
- a v i .au.w st i ii aa eiikiu4 a 1 1 TkUaa a A I JUIV 1 M
since its organization eight years ago. Using materials provided au Men." sermon by the paaton.
N. Church at. S. L. Almlle. pastor
unteers ircently have added two new pieces of equipment to pirst church op cob Sunday school ta am wor.hip. n
, . ... i j- Cottage at Hood at. Rev. and Mrs. f Sermon, riahers of Men." I.uther
their department Which now serves a new rural fire district H. A. SchUtter. pastors. Sunday lue. 7 SO. Topic. "How Should We
r.rMH n ,1 nv.r a, ..iHr .Kl. Br fKiaf TAnn .n4 kl. I school tS a.m. Morning service 10:44 I Act in the Psmtly Circle?" Town
r v v.w .v.i-.i a.u 1 o'clock. Junior church. Sermon. 11 o.m. I uataldc
W 1 I fl,,hlMl "Tk. ffmnan A .. .1. M I AlHWrVI
( i. w . , w m aieiisui. i miyviwii.. ..... w . - .
Evening service S:4S o'clock. Youth sisiani noaies. Hethanv circle. John
Kirby Arrives
At Jason Lcc
Dr. and Mrs. Louis C. Kirby
and their children. Joyce in high
school and Robert, aged I, arrived
in Salem Wednesday to assum
th pastorate of the Jason Le
Methodist church at Winter and
Jefferson streets.
Dr. Kirby Is a gradual of Up
per. Iowa university and divin
ity graduate of th former Kimball
School of Theology in Salem. He
was granted sn honorary doctor
of divinity degre in 1943 by th
lows school.
Th new pastor has ust closed
a six -year pastors t In Med ford.
11 will occupy th pulpit at Ja
son Le on Sunday at 11 am. and
th 8 pm. service.
Guild to Mert
At 8 P.M. Monday
The Firrt Methodist Wesleysn
Service guild will meet St I p. m.
Monday st the home of Mrs. Fred
Humphrey, with Mrs. Harel Har
bin asxisting hostess. Th d roe ram
"Children of the World," will be
in charge of Mrs. Holoomb. Mrs.
Don Darby will report on chil
dren's camps, and Mrs. Purdy will
report on the conference work.
Mrs. Mervln Gilson will sing.
Building permits issued Wed
nesday from th city engineer's
office Included permits te Dr.
Fred Burger to repair a store
building at 1199 S. Commercial
st.. $200; to Emma Hoff to relo
cate a tool shed at 1780 Davidson
st., $50; to L. L. Johnson, to slier
a horn st 925 Leslie st $150; to
u w. Hoaxers to reroof a hous.
1S80 n. Liberty st., $U4; U Ry
nolds Allen to alter a dwelling at
1Z30 N Church st, $O0 and to
Calll Ballard to erect a $100
nous at Z3T0 Le st.
Valloy Churches
Firxi Chnrcli
t:4S A. M- '
Sunday Sdool
10;i0 A. M.
Rv. and Mrs. Harold H
of Ctsatamala
till P. M..
Youth Hour
7i4S P. M
Rv. Posvlar W. C2Ula&d
ol rXnuba, Cal
Csmlor Skroat at ISrh
OrrlOa W. Jenkina. Postov
taleaa's Downtown
E rang etas tie Ceater
Sunday as a day tor taOowrohsp
with &wL Thes rburra Ittrttoa
your at lend a nr.
Morntng WsfiWs, UM A. ML
-nig nou OH MAW
bp Dr. raai H.
mi rtaaaaVriaaaa
EreoiUg WaesaJsv. 1J9 T. M.
bp lb Faar
t il A. M.
Firxl Presiytcrka
J Wlniev
1 Oaoaaer vT.
A tsaaaUta
IX Tlrftess War
7 Mas Dsrerta
!!l a Z tnA
A New life Dpea U Ta
circle. Tuesday t D m. Ceera.
Subject. "The Importance of Holiness." Anderson home. Mrs. S. L. Almlle, as-
Everung service :ta o ciock. Touin nwi. nrminr circle, jonn
fellowship. 7:4 pvrf.. sermon, "Christ Lahners, Wednesdsy afternoon. Semi
Dwelltn. In Our Hearta." annual congregational meeting Wed
nesday, a p.m.
Southern California now charges that "interests" in Colo-1 rjweuin.
rado Sirwt .ltoivhor. ara ranonaihl for r.nnrii that faliftrnla 1 rfllllT ITIirT rslltTIlM
is eyeing Columbia river water for use in the southland, and L",rhooi 4 w cie.h
that ach report, are unfunded. It appears now that perhaps ftn yT.nk
we were loriunate in naving not yet gotten around to worry hour 7 p.m. Evening service s o'clock.
much about such reports in the first place
Salem will welcome the resumption of band concert, in the universal church op the
om. pat-
10 a m. Worship.
Sermon subject. "In the Casue of My T. MiL'i catholic
Soul." Midweek Bible study and prayer . Pine at Grant st. rather John J.
hour, Thursday, I p.m. Walsh, psstor. Sunday maites S and
iv a.m. wecKaay masses, s:is a m.
nru i . i . . ... .. I HlITia MO. II llBlrtta.ll
BUJWl ptr next monaay nignt. tnure iamilies enjoy tne iaa iTcottsge st. ftev. John B. Craig, Third at Lewis St. Sunday school :4S
-pastor. Evening aervlee 730 o'clock, I " service 11
with ordination service. Everyone cor
evening hour on the statehouse terrace or around the colorful
Waite memorial fountain, and the quality of the entertainment Idiaiiy invited.
has been uniformly high, -rakT rvAvr.n"177i.
Whatever happens from now on, at least we can say the In Brawn, oaator. sundav school a:4s eirst christian
Sllverton hlghwsy SU at Marauam
R. A. Carboden. pastor. Sunday school
at 10 ajn. worship at n.
...lUrc. ,.,itu . u t j- .l. a.m. Mornlnc service 11 o'clock. Rev. I rark at rirst st. Arthur Charles
w-w.-i. v...c uiiuu.ii in, wis ui wio nivrs. uys ui ins George K. Mlllen. Sermon subject. Bates, pastor. Bible school. 141 am.
year on the Fourth of July
Editorial Comment
From Oar
"The Four 'Freedoms Evening aervlee Morning worship. 11
T:4S o clock; Rev. w timer - N. Brown.
Sermon subject. "Spiritual Independence."
Without having had a chance to read th. text of the bilL we Morning 'servica li oiloVk. YP leiioi
Park at Second. S. L. Beaslev, pastor.
Sabbath school. Saturday, 9 41 am
Morning service 11. Prayer meeting
Wednesday, S p.m.
Dr. Paul Poling
To Speak Sunday
At PrcHhytrrian
Speaker at th morning service
of th First Presbyterian church
Sunday at 10:55 a m. will be Dr.
Psul N. Poling, an Oregonian who
is secretary of the division of so
cial education and action of th
Presbyterian board of Christian
education. His topic will b "Th
Cross on Main Street."
Whil pastor at First Churrh,
Q Paso, Texas, from 1939 to th
Urn he came to th board in
1946, Dr. Poling extended his in
fluenc and activities beyond his
church into civic and denomina
tional affairs.
His academic education was re
ceived at Willamette university
the College of Wooster, Ohio, and
Princeton Theological seminary.
Dr. Chester W. Hamblin. th
pastor, will conduct the worship
service Sunday morning. Mrs
Ralph Dobbs, organist, will play
"My Inmost Heart Doth Yearn"
by Brahms, and "Oh Cod, Thou
Holiest" by Brahms. A quartet
will sing "God So Loved th
S. Walter st. C. O. Mansfield, pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mornln serv
Ice, 11 o'clock. VPS. 7 p.m. Evangelistic
service. 7:49.
Front st. Omar Bailey, pastor. Sun
dsy school 8:45 a.m. Worship st 11.
id sc. "Porgiv Us' Our Trespasses." Young f ervlc ';44 D m- Prmytr sei
,Q people's service. S:49 p.m. Church serv- ice Friday, 7-43 pm
- ice. 7 JO pjn. Wednesday evening prsy A
er service. 7 JO pjn. f I IT f 1
incline to find much merit in the proposal of Congressman Horan, I pm. Evening service 7:30 o'clock,
of Washington, to ?M ud a Columbia Interstate Commission for th Thursday, family night. T M pm. Pri-
regional of the Pacific' Northwest. In the last Con- lerVic. p!m. t,waMy' prl
gress, Mr. Horan was th sponsor of one of the several "Authority" '
bills,, although his did not get so much attention as Senator Mit- AhJtVtfLJ?. 7V.JL a
cheil's mcsiure which had adminutrstive suDoort. c!;.C.e. .V .LIl?tnK,J,,m '
At any rat the news summaries of the new Horan bill indicate Church service.' 10:5 a.m. Cermon top-' I Ch.r,' Am"d. S:4S p.m. Evan-
- Aimr-i,w n wai. k.l U . nnv.t. 41 .T .1 . l 1 j V. -FlirHM I I DUT TMKMM. YUMf VC. , . .1 u.lll. K I.I.I Wmi
ha a voice and vote in whatever regional government is estab
It wUl nKwrv in .fiirt IK. Kill in . V.
au i f . . , , , . i , . . 1 nK.T METHODIST
uiu Ji" n'i- n0wcvcr. tn new nwin oiii inaicaies a trena, a church at State st. Joseph M. Adams,
change in the thinking on the problems of regional development I pastor. Church school 9: a m. Morn-
and integration. The long fight for HOME RULE has made some n w.orh' 1loclok:
defmite Cains tions." Solo. "How Lovely Are Thy
. . . A , , , Dwellings," Llddle. 7 p.m. Junior and
This paper has never been opposed to public ownershiD. as senior hi vouth fellowships. Wednesdsv.
such. It ,has never been hostile to the federal development of great 7:44 D m- official board conference
river systems, projects which are beyond the means of local gov- SJiIi CirWilow' Thnrd,jr
em men t. It has insisted that the relationiihip of federal government '
to local fovernment must be one of PARTNERSHIP and not one T"E "organized church op
In which federal agencies assume an absolute domination. We have '"Nmhtmlketa't .rw. m
insisted that th people who live here and pay the charges of power Ash.. parPhonl uim Sanaa;
projects and irrigation works and other facilities MUST have a school 10 am. Morning service it o'-
VOTE and VOICE in the governing body of the region. fc. mSTVSStt ztS.uc?ISf
At time we have pointed out that an "Authority" carries with Sbiestudy ciasV directed byK'stii:
it an inherent danger. The time could come when an unfriendly and Keguiar Wednesday prayer services .
non-benevolent government at Washington could use an Authority highland rtirwni
as a taxtr.e measure, as a fine source of federal revenue. In recent church at Highland st. Cora Creg-
congreasional steps to curb the Tennessess Valley Authority there nr, pastor. Sunday school s:ts a.m.
Is a suggestion Of Such attitudes. Morning service 11 o'clock. Edgar P.
There is no substitute for direct voting representation for the IYoS? Ho'pi TTven'ng JerVice 7"5o
lieopl of th region in anything which so clonely affects their wel- o'clock. Edgar P. Sims. Sermon sub-
f... mwM i....i:l. . . : I . . . . M i-.1 Chl .( 11. r.lra" ' - '-
lily v nw " m overnmam-tr.Ugene Xg!S- j fvlpe WednAday , 7 :M p ni. rjhiTdVen'.
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State st. at Alma ave. Rev. Prank
O Ferrtn. paotor. Sunday school S 44
am. Momtng service II o clock Se
an aubert. 'The Man of Fait
Youth training unions, 7 pm. Evenaag
ervice s e clock. Set meat sub)er.
ne new uif
Talhul. Ore. Rev. R Roaers trwln.
partur SufMtay wtkoal IS a m Divine 1
'orahip, II a ni . bfman SBee
ueairauon w iTirtat Anaual dallr
vacation nible school S.menatreO
procram Sunday niht.
"Aaserlra! Aaaeriea!
C4 saa4 raW erYp flaw.
CoWTrso Uy teal la oetf-
Tky KWrty la U.r
-insasri Is lb Ratt wao
Go4 la la Lord."
11 It
aVrvesJ o Jlrw vTorM
o roasdkUIUea
aUrajkge Bssk I oaaed la
SWeksng New SVUrt
At last, a new sneHbod mt
tertag our live, and putting all
1 th obstacles to starcess and bap
i piness In their proper places, ha.
I been outlined by th Suprena
Council of rto RawMTtartana.
! And by a aperial corn east ram.
eurHes of this N EW PLAN and a
tplnatoi of WHAT IT WILL
DO. will b losvried to the wta
wish ta tnok a tarw start ta Ufa
i and change th -course of fhetr
i carver. Th Foasrrtarians hat
; er been lsowa for thr rUoeoL
stmpi. ana maroucn Dosiejfs
of th arran facts of bfa.
Throsjgh arj.tra ae they kava
held th UgM 'of Knowledge a
acred trust, and tSnoaands of
evaukrat writers and baOaa-iaas
1 have cxanreded th bigSoet trtbsit
t them.
Th tarw boak, called Th S
rrrt HertUg. wOl b .nailed ta
ssnrer Inquirer witbout
Uon. and postag prrpd Write)
a letter (not postcard) address!
m. AJIOIC UWrarr
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Da AH IhteiJ
Como and bear Ed StauLfcr, na
tionally known ovanqolist and
Blblo teacher
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Ail tVark O
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Experienced crop a lasting pflots, flylag snip eapabla mt ear
rylag ISO. poonds per load. A Is caaaaacrrUl fertiltaer spread
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Box 109. Salem Airport
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ilsscnilics of God
Oat Hirsrw.j ME, f tailea tMrtk of Salraa
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2000 Free Seati
And a cordial Invitation to rats.
Greyhound and Trailwaja boa serrire U
ramp entrance.
Taiernacle EcHocj Salnrday al 5:45
Sermons ia Sofif Sundar at 5:15 p. .
I hour Battnrday, S t a wjn-