The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    North Howell
Berries Ripen
' NORTH HOWELL Boysenber
rj picking began here Monday
with full crews In till the fields.
Dwight Schaap is employing
nearly 100 pickers, with smaller
group in fields of C. L. Gunder
son, Arthur Impecbven, Marinus
Schaap, Wayne Strachen and L. R.
Sawyer and owners of smaller
The fruit is going to canneries
in Salem and Woodburn and to a
receiving, station at Mt. Angel.
Loganberries and red raspber
ries, are almost finished, and the
lew cherries that ripened were
picked early thi week.
Mid-Willamette Valley;NeWs
- From The Stat$mam'$ Community Crrr$pomlrnl$ ' , , V
Silverton Court
Sentences Nine
police Judge, on Wednesday firttd
Eric Myers Shrewsbury of Scotts
Mills $150 and costs and gave him
a 60 -day suspended Jail sentence
provided he pay all cots and the
fine, and placed him on a year's
probation following a charge of
khfiotir.g deer gt of reason.
Recent police court fines in
clude those of Perry L. Mathews,
drunk on streets, fined $15; G. A.
Carpenter. Molalla, speeding, $10;
William D. Evan, speeding, $7.50;
L. R. Anderson. drunkenners$25;
Mr. Thomas Bump, violation of
basic rule, $7.50; Walter Erlck
on of Marquam. drunkenness end
disorderly conduct, $30; O. W.
Berner of Salem, driving more
than 25 miles an hour In a resi
dential district, $5; Alfred Richer,
Woodburn, driving more than 25
miles an hour In a residential dis
trict, $5.
Silverton Mrs. Tom Reiling
is at the Silverton hospital with
a fractured right elbow sustain
ed In a fall at her home.
HayesvlUe The Missionary Cir
cle met at the Rev. Henry Barnets
for thejr July meeting, with Mrs.
George Strouzut assisting. Mrs.
R. Simmonds conducted the busi
ness meeting, with the Rev. Barnet
leading devotionals. August meet
ing will be at Strozuts.
Aunuville Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Gildow have moved into their
new home west of town and Mr.
and Mr; Marvin Bradley moved
into the house vacated by the
North Howell The Home
Economics club met Wednesday
afternoon at the hall with Mm.
Saddle Club to
Participate in
iMolnlla Rnrlon
Pedee The regular Farmers
SrSTiSL "d- " kalem Saddle club's drill team
A I1W1 OWWJ VA W fc J SB . l 1 1 rmfrn ! 4 A I A
i ; 1 ML 1 a -
terly meeting to be held here . Ia"t2,UH Jl, a n
July 9 State President Ronald !v5.rt1,:.,C-hIu.Led summer dri,lf
Jones has been invited to be
guest speaker. Salad and sand
wiches will be seived.
North Howell Edward Pfau
has been attending the 4-H sum
mer school at Corvallis.
M. A Dunn, Mrs. R. A. Beer pound?. Mrs. Komyate is the for
at public affairs.
The 24-rider team led by Ralph
Stangeby drilled at the St. Paul
rodeo Thursday and earlier this
season had performed at the Leb
anon berry festival, Monmouth
rodeo and Salem Boy Scout cir
cus. The team will parade and
Silverton Born at the Silver-1 drill July 18 during the Salem
ton hosDital July 3. sons to Mr. Cherry festival and July 25 at the
and Mrs. James Paulson and Mr. Josepn ironiier days celebration
and Mrs. Alexander Maurer, the Another Salem riding outfit, the
latter of Mt. Ansel: on July 1. a Oregon Mounted posse, was at St.
son to Mr. and Mrs. E, H. McColly. Paul Friday for parade and after-
noon snow performances. The
Hayesville Mr. and Mrs. Carl posse also will take part in the
Komyate are the parents of a Cherry festival and in the Joseph
daughter, Mary Jo, weight seven celebration.
I 11
Most Logging
Camps Closed
Th4 Statmcn. Salem. Or7on. &etarory. July L 11473
Julia Kavanaugh,
Of California Dies
At Home of Sinter
I Moose Lodne
Official Here
DETROIT Mt of the Urging
ramps have tinned dn until
Monday July S.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Parker
and ron. Clin. were itcent vl-
itors at the Earl Paiker home. tf.J .t " Crneim Leo VT. Fan t &rA
Bob Peercy and wife of Cath-j WM bain ,n Seattle In lXttiford. Pa, when he ho-er.d
lamei, wasn.. recenuy reiurneo MrMi attend! Si Jth- r.tholu-
Julia Katanaugh. fixnvr nam i Natk wnk cf the Or
and nkent of Los A nitric. ddjtrr rf Mo ludce Arjt4
, rmay in now or ner .ter. rty Blg-t br S
XI rs.
on an ciffKul xnl U it 4 S4V
m - a
.1 Dark and Mooned he for . ' rvere uaier ne weni inio ,M m . ainTirr , tf (4
ai par ana ioppeo nere lor a nule', training in San Franctco Ar , ...
two week iit. The guet. ac- 1 ,n1 for th . 20 VM ,.. Arrow cafe lie errp t
companied by Mn. Ward SUhl- ; f.' JT Zldu'"miUn of. ,.,!ef 'n
- ------ inji ruiirv ni nw wtmir iwn mviLni
tended the lodeo at SiMers.
ago by air ambulance after an . i,mm. hrt
and Mrs. H. C. Efpe in charge.
Hayesville Betty Jean Stet
tler, daughter of the Carl Stet-
tlers, underwent an appendectomy
Tuesday at Salem General hospi
tal. Silverton The Rev. S. L.
Almlie baptized the infant son,
mer Shirley Hall and they make
their home with, the Ronald Halls.
Unlonvale Mrs. Fred Withee
sr. and Mrs. Leah Braat visited
Mrs. Braat s uncle, Will Maxwell,
in Salem Thursday.
Health Meet
Slated at OCE
MONMOUTH "Solving School
Health Problems" is theme of a
health education conference to be
David lie' f Mr and Mr. Ern tble. and hi. deputy. Gwyn Y"0" '"e?e
et Erickson. at Sunday services, oaies, placed rranKie joe &nuiu v "-r-""- -7:;",
Sponsor, were Mrs. Jessie Hag
gard and Robert Haggard.
Partv Is Given on
Fourth Birthday
, 1DANHA Mrs. James He.ily
entertained with a party in honor
of Timothy's fourth birthday re
cently. Those present were: Linda
June and Daryleen Storey, Cookie
Whitten, Charles and Michael
Gates Judy Haseman, Nancy
Petterson, Clydie and Nancy
Storey, Gerald and Lanny Vick
ers. Gae and Pat Palmerton.'
Mr. Henry Mclntire spent last
Saturday evening and Sunday at
Brietenbush Hot iprings.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Floyd,
Glenda and Geraldine of Colton
nd John Holcomb of Sherwood,
spent last week end at the U. S.
nd Otis Floyd homes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cannon
nd two daughters of Grand
Ronde pent the week end at
Idanha visiting with friends and
of Detroit, under arrest on stat- dyiw,th ? md-valley at-
utory rape charge. He was placed T T V 'uo"c nrBlin
in the custody of the Linn county dParent-,eachr rouP nre-
Fedee Lewis Ritner .pent a sheriff at Albany to await grand r8". PSea- .. . .
few days at the Dallas hospital jury hearing. Bail was set at nJrrT , " X r .w"
1... nn...mni . - principal speaker. Dr. Dorothy
Nyswander, health education pro-
Aynnvuif jir. nu mn. v. i iiayesvuie rars. Diune jninm "vi vi uw uiuvcrviij 01 vau
E. Lewis are on a 10-day trip to recently underwent a serious op- fornia; Aileen Dyer, public health
Kelowna, Canada, and Washing- eration but 1. now home. Martin, nuraing consultant of the state
ton with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Breon have three children, all bovs. board of health in Portland, and
(Fern Lewis) of Valsetz. Mrs. Dorothea Moore Massey of
... . . Siinnyslde Craig R. Taylor, the state education department in
Hayesville Mrs. R. A. Forkner midshipman In the NROTC, has Salem. Ro'coe Miller of the state
kaa Vton TivtimA 4 r for mA tt& 1 1 I , . I 1 TC C T . I . . i . ... ...
' '""- " " oren an-oiKnira vu inc woo luwa ivr omra ui neaiin Will mcx ) rate a
weeics wim a severe niness. the annual eight weeks summer group discussion following the ad-
' ' cbool at Vancouver, B. C, and
jrES rlftrllt.,,,.fa,iolB, Doclore Examine
East Salem Recent guest, at Suillllier GllliperS
le home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle I
Enloe were Mr. and Mr. Joe Moe
Local Industry
Local Enterprise
Salen Electric
Salcm'i Own Bonnarill
Powr Agency
rural mail carrier
was carrier on
mouth. Upon the establishment
of Camp Adair, parts of route.
1 and 2 were taken by the gov-
rnmpnt nru4 th rpmaininff nnr-
. ------ ciiiue were mr. unu jnr. uc muc c-.., .. u
tion. were combined, with the ot Portland . Seventy-five boy. were exam-
late Phil Schwelzer as carrier. lined Thursday through .the YMCA
K enter went to Tillamook at that Pleuantdale Mr. and Mr. and the Marion county health rie
time. Donald Price of Monmouth Carl Rutschman and family re- partment to qualify for the YMCA
hbs been substituting since the cently went to Wasco to visit her younger boys camp at Silver
drath of SrhwHzcr in ADril. - norrnli Mr inri Mm. CAauAf Creek camp from July 6 to 13
North Howell Frances Coats. Thev also visited her lister Abou 50 boys received exam-
Schmidt, who ha. been teaching and family, Mr.. Mary Eakin at InaUons from Dr. Ralph Purvine
In Sacramento, arrived home Grass Valley, returning home Thursday night and an estimated
this week to spend her vacation Sunday, 23 100,1 examinations frOm the
with ner parents. Mr. ana Mr.. manon county neaun department.
Pete Schmidt Albany June et a new all- The camp, for boys 9 to 11 years.
time men ior issuances ox mar- i win be under th Hir-iinn i
tiayesvuie Mrs. u. weison nas riaee license. In Linn county John Gardner. Chester r.o.Hm.n
xne mumps, ana ner nusDana ana 58. The fiscal year ending June and Jim Dimit
cnuaren nave just recovered xrom 30 abo set a record! the office of
the same disease. County Clerk R. M. Russell
v-a.. m showed 449 marriage license, were
e i I - , pi. . , i I IBautU
onoacriy, ran, mac omie, nai
Howard of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Macleay There will be no so
Forrest Miller of Jefferson, visit- cjai meeting at the Macleay
ea the Money Howards Tuesday, grange hall Saturday night July 5
who la one of the featured en
tertainers on the program for
Mel Ody. juggler and comedian,
tonight's closing show at the
state fairground, la connection
with the holdiay weekend cele
bration sponsored by Capital
post 9, American Legion.
Couple Fete
66th Wedding
Much more than Independence
day was in order for celebration
Friday at the S. A. Baldwin home,
470 N. 24th St., for it had been
66 years since the Baldwins' wed
ding and 87 years Mnre his birth.
At home for the quiet family
observance of the event were
three daughters. Georgia Baldwin
of Excclior Springs, Mo., Mrs.
E. If. Cravens and Mm. R. B.
Berkley of Salem Mm-ln-law. E.
II. Cravens; grandchildren, Jane
and Richard Ciavens and Mrs.
W. F. DeCapito of Salem, and a
greut gianddw lighter, Sandra Jane
DeCapito of Salem.
Pentonnrl Aitaiit
Exam Deadlinr Tixlav
. . , ,. . , , . by a bf other, John Crane. He
Last filing date fur pmonnd Announcement .f
Ran. acrompan ed by Mrm.
Ryan and N. R. Srr.:"h, ixirtiet
regtoral dirertor of te Wg. lefl
Fix'ay morning to atend Mouoo
pttfitf near Eugene.
assistant examinations has been
Amity Favors
Bond Measure
illness of seven years.
She is rurived alo by the hus
band. Bert Kavanaugh. Los An
eeles: another sister. VI rv Mary
'Jane Holt. Woodland. Calif, and
ret for today by the state civil ' Barr(k j.
service commUsion. i
Perwn. who receive PP'nt- ii4wnti
mmt in this classification will be- FLL BEATrOIMTI
I given necessary technical train- Reappointment of A. F. Hayes.
1 ing. Commission members said; Brocks, and E. A. Mcvnrnack. lu
they were anxious to obtain for gene, as members of the ute AMITY The specia! city oW
these portions persons v. ho pre- board of agriculture has been an- Uon July 1 reultei r. faor 4
vinusly ha e had practical work j nounced by Gov. Earl Snell. Hayes tr-e bor-1 loue for tte p-irpe 4
experience and are college grad- repreoenU market grading end reUring od water miint. A Ugt
uates. The sUrting salary Is $190 j McComack cooperative market-. vote wos cait, W for V meaw
: a m.ith. ing. 'and 34 against IL j
sT "v '"-
1 hty '
Keep Oregon Green
Campaigners Working
w ith the beginning of the critl
cal fire season. Marion county's
Keep Oregon Green cam Dai en is
me women are sisters ana Mai The next dance i. scheduled for increasing its effort to warn camp
oromer oi aianey nowara. july 12, and will be sponsored by ers ana motorists of the danger
Aumsville Loren Van Wag- we yuA'
oner entered the Sacred Heart Roberto Mrs. Gertrude Fulker-
hospital in Eugene July 1 for o Corvalll. will be a house
Observation. mioct thi wk nA rf Mr. anrl
100 lo Enroll at '
Oregon Voealional
School on Jnlv 15
Approximately 100 student, en
rolled at the new Oregon voca
tional school at Klamath Falls
marine barrack, are advised to
report for classroom instruction
July 15, in lettes dispatched
Thursday by the state vocational
education department.
O. I. Paulson, state director t
vocational education, said the
number of students gradually
would be, increased ax housing
facilities are available. He pre
dicted that 400 students would be
in attendance at the school by the
end of this year. Remodeling the
plant, particularly to provide liv
ing accommodation, for students Is
now in progress.
Opening course, at the school
will include auto mechanics, body
t :u.
of careless sparks. Marion County
Judge Grant Murphy, county com
mittee chairman, ha. announced.
Judge Murphy expects to com- r.H .n.r .,inm.h;i. n..ntin
plete his schedule of contacting and bakers, carpentry and
Hayesville -Mr,. John Chris- gkJ- ton on Cro.san e.m ai gn repretati o "SkSirTl"
tensen 1. at home now but still
confined to her bed and will be
for some time. She tore some liga- F-ll--- .OUstis posters, standards and other sup
ments loose in a fall at her home. VailOy UDltUariCS plies.
5rl ?C " dded approximately every
u,u"'u,"l "v ur"" rvn two weeks, Paulson said
Hello everybody, how are you today? I am Yeo
Sing. I come Salem about total ten years, starting
Chinese restaurant and making many, many peo
ple, happy with all kinds Chines dish.
Now I am making all new equipment in my Chi
nese Tea Garden, making me ery happy.
I have put In here for you .pedal air condition
making place smell very nice all time, new tables,
see them in picture, very nice. ton. New seats, new
lights, new music coming out of little bos on wall
after you Inserting nickle therein, very clever
these Americana.
1 bop you coming up aeo my ne ploco. pretty
Cine war.paper. loo. Maybo yo-j k nor 14
you like Chine ford or 14. you com tip anyway,
take Wk, make me rry harry. I ohok yossr
hand. too. You knowing Watioa? Yju park os
Commercial SL (not ratting : in aftoa'
tix. you keep nlrkle rut la ban on wait get rtoeta
muaie) go north from &Ut to H f?ma't Moot
Market, thei you almost atop but et olairwar
north take ynu to my ertabliahroent. IRv thoro
1 am. YEE SING.
How Showing!
' - - v A ' . 1 r
Jin, St -,t CWS
. S '" . ?
Win. Anna II. Newton
ALBANY Mrs. Anna H. New
ton, 83, a resident of the Albany
community for the past 35 years
and of Oregon for 47 years, died
at her home here July 1. Funeral
service, were held from the Fish
er Funeral home Thursday. The
Rev. Edward Terry, pastor of the
Methodist church of which Mrs
Newton was a member, conducted
U. S. National Bank
Leads Loans, Diacoiiiitft
The United States National
bank, in it. report as of June 30,1
1947, again leads the state in loans
and discount, as well a. in de
posits, according to D. W. Eyre,
vice president.
The bank reports loans and dis
counts totalled S113.Z14.591. a I
the service.. Burial wa. in Wil- 8an ol $30,226,334 over the cor-
lamette Memorial park.
Anna Sivsen was born in Min
nesota. May 26, 1864. On Nov.
24, 1884, she was married to
Welin B. Newton at Redwood
Fall., Minn. In 1900, Mr. and
Mrs. Newton came to Oregon,
making their home at Drain until
1912 when they came to Albany.
Mr. Newton died in this city in
April 1939. Surviving are three
son, Otis W. and LeRoy S. New
ton, both of Portland, and Welin
E. Newton of Manitou Springs,
Colorado, and five grandchildren.
responding call date in 1946 and
$1,388,306 over the December 31,
1946 call.
The current statement shows
resouces of $546,423,408 and de
posits of $516,438,710.
Silverton Armory
Woodry's 14-Mee Orchestra
scans ciaa
. The long-life finish on your Ford car will keep its besiuty
brighter, longer. Don't let traffic scars spoil its appear
ance. Bring it "back home" to us for expert body and
fender bumping and refinishing. All work done the Ford
way with special Ford equipment and finishing materials.
mum jus go.
375 Center Salem, Oregon
Condensed Report of the
AS OF JUNE 30, 1947
Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $12J.Ot8.C& 01
United States Government Bonds 27t.7t2.IUJS
Municipal and Other Bonds 2J.44S.996J9
Loans and Discounts 11 3.2 14,331. 7 4
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 600.003.00
Bank Premises (including Branches)!
Customers Liability on Acceptances 1S7.DJS.9S
Interest Earned 120.M2.1S
Other Resources 377.67SJ7
Capital J10.KW.000.C0
Undivided Profits and Reserves 6.976.197X0
f 26,976.197.00
Reserves for Interest. Taxes, etc 2J32.6C2J7
Acceptances 197X36J
Dividends Declared 250.003 00
Deposit S16.41t.71Q.24
Interest Collected Not Earned 162.212.9 1
Other Liabilities 66J7t OS
ItesJ O&re. ronlW. Orrea
Msmlrr frdnj Otomi Xmtmmtt tmfm