o b o o oo an d a a o O O O O O O O OPPO O 3 OQC30 O ODO j o Fireworks, 'Flying Discs' Compete for Attention Across Oregon (Story in Col. 2 & 6) aireti ysk SMI(dI POUNDBO 1651 KIN LTT -SEVENTH YEAH 10 PAGES The) Oreccm Statesman, Salem, Ore- Saturday. July 5. 1947 Prie 5c No, IS As - V DIP 8030116 U'hil UNRRA performed an invaluable service in alleviating j suffering abroad, and while the j grants from our government eon-; tjnue to help people in Europe and Ami to live, these gifts are quite impersonal in nature. Many peo ple still want to make gift to people in need in other land. It gives them more of. the thrill of sharing with the impoverished and more of a feeling of sacrifice than when they pay their taxes. The who wish to send pack ages directly to persons abroad may do so, provided they comply with regulations. Shipments by parcel pott, the most convenient war, are limited to 11 lb, for Eire. France. Greece and Italy, 22 1 M Great Britain. rtussia, Y. "'-."or"' CrrZl rynany. iurej. m Europe. Parcel Post food Damage are limited in size to 3'i leet in lengui 'Vl. f combined, a mamieti or customs CieCiarauon musi liwur hupici Vinrnt Paul r-j.trw.li. each parcel, as well as instructions lor jis disposition in cuw ""- dreecannot be located. Foodktuffs most practical to send or mrt needed are fats, oils, meat. Hour, rice, sugar, conee, tea. powdered milk or eggs; choc- elate. Soap is badly needed and American agarets are welcomed though they may not be sent" to I the U. S. zone of Germany, Clothing also is greatly needed and may be sem along wiin xooa- Huffs or in separate parcels un- oer we same umit. j ( Continued on editorial page) Mine Owners Ponder Pact WASHINGTON, July 4.-(fV ,uAhe.rn indu;!Tt w! undecided t o n I g h t whether to , " . V '. -rZ.A Night entertainment at the iair- next Tuesday. ... ..lerouiids at which an estimate "W e ve reached no decision," said a spokesman for the South- .."XT" wmcn meijor ,7" then recessed until 1p.m. (EST) tcmOrrOW. - n . Jill -.n uiiKia arue up v It baiuc wac e increase and an em- t.in..r.nkiri tv Af to rfnU iton tnr th minerm welfare fund. Ike Says 'No One lias Asked Me To Be President' VICKSBURG. Miss.. July,4-om General of the Army Dwiaht D. Eisenhower cited as an object les - ton for world cooperation here to- rl.v ih historv of this ancient citadel of the south, whose last conquering general 84 years ago tcame pmident of Uie United KtAtM. As honor speaker at the carnival we conieaeracy in vicasourg, jusennower auriouiea xauure oi tne cause or tne -soutn in in civil war to isolation from the remain- der of the world. In answer to questions at a news conference as to his "possible jjhtical plraUon.- the general -I wouldn't have the effrontery to tay, I wouldn't be president of the United States. No one has osked me." He followed immedi- ately with a reiteraUon of his pre- viously-preed poslUon that he ha. no political aspirations. at o a a Mnimni lralrrc By WARREN GOODRICH "Sure it'$ just puppy love what did you expect . e " Sun Aids Salem's Fourth By Erie Bergman fiaff Writer. The fctaUrsinan In all the glory of a beautifully warm Independence Day, Salem peacefully celebrated the 171st a an niversary of tne oirin oi me na tion at home, at the city parks and at the Oregon state fair grounds in most part safely and sanely. City swimming pools teemed with youngsters and grownups. At dinger park group picnics pre dominated, the largest being the annual reunion of the Wiley fa mily and at Leslie park, the Beth el Baptist church held their an nual Fourth of July picnic with all the trimmings. Many families picnicked in their own backyards with the idea of staying off the highways and celebrating safely in their own home town. i With Col. Carle Abrams as mas- ter of ceremonies, patriotic cere- monies led off events of Fridays jpart of the three-day American IBion ennnsnred celebration at n Oreron state falrerminda. Kev. 8wlt Speaks Invocation at the ceremonies wag by the Rev. George OKeefe churcn. Rex Kimmel, commander of Capital Post 8. American Le gion. read the introduction to the Declaration of Independence. The rv. George Swift, rector of SL puu Episcopal church, delivered the na trio tic address, stressing -efficient and successful govern- ment at home and education of our citizens' and peoples , of the world ai to the merit of the greatest nation in the world. s.id R.v. swift. "Mar God grant that our country will always maintain for itself freedom of od- portunity. freedom to develop spiritually, culturally and materi ally, and to be an instrument in Gods hands to make possible for all the peoples of the world the same blessing that we enjoy. Musical Numbers Musical numbers during the Z ' T' kV"h Tk direction of Alaurice Brennen, and by corydon BJodgett, who sang -invictus and "The Lords'" Pray- , mn ru.n. iamA v, raA .;, L L. iu.rf. and music played by George BruM and hu orcnestra, was a hih- MD-.t in Frldfl, A'm,rir,n I I ,finn nvmuu-lul B4iv.iiA d ttym 1 At Thursday night's grandstand i - , - , at . mv oamu xm,i aciiuui unu under the direction of Vernon Wiacarson provided tne music and me our fiats, racmc woruiwest championship barbershop quar tet, entertainment. alias Salem Entries Both Thuraoay and Friday night, the four Miss Salem candi dates were introduced by Dave lioss, as master of ceremonies. Jerry Owen, Portland showman. was master of ceremonies on Fri oay night s show and introduced 1 " vnerry esuvai queen, Mar- 1 uureite, uervais, and ner 1 nine princesses, acts on we snow mciuaea we uiypians, acroDais; Monneii sisters, singers YfJ juggier, ana wi uiim fu.rfilV' tuSr Jilt !.mKt.r. JP.YJ. lrl tumbler" and urPe arusu. UefrC l r rv "'""Z - '"V " i w v race waca: ana a aance in me iwv.mi wiui uwn f Dn n m" u ,c- . , loaa7 uie American region an- JJfJ S?SSiSi llmS f-C",io?:3i vl ???Z ZCtWZ.V. S?"? lSSU 1 1 tln7- m; w jlJ SS T ? ??l'7LCn?l ZZTiZZZL "T"T 7' o-iTi kT IS..- Z Jerry owens will be master of ceremonies. A dance in the grand- stand building will end thl 1947 celebration of which Rex KimmeU I ceremonies. A t I stand building will end the 1947 jnd H. C. (Hub) Saalfeld have wnt't" -"'- - (Legion show racing award winners on page 3) Felton to Be Sworn in As District Judge Joseph B. Felton, Justice of peace, will be sworn in as Marion county district Judge Monday at 9 am. by Circuit Judge E. M. Page in the Utter s courtroom, Legislation by the recent session r ium i-uiaM o.-o trict courts for certain areas of Oregon, and Fel ton's former Justice court will now be a district court, B-298 ASSIGNED TO COAST WASHINGTON, July HflVA second group of B-29 Superfort resaes is being deployed on the west coast. The new group has been ordered to the Spokane, Waanington, army air field. Saucers Stiage Show Over Portland Area PORTLAND, Ore., July 4.-UP) -The "flying saucers" - - or may be they were something else - -staged a wild Fourth of July celebration today that aroused more hullabaloo than 10 years of firecrackers. Scores of citizens--Including every branch of - police in the area - - reported seeing what they thought were silver discs sporting madly about overhead. The reports came shortly aft er a flight of B-29 bombers, fol lowed by P-80 fighters, passed over the city. The first saucer reports, came from southeast Portland, where residents said flying discs were sporting above the Oaks amuse ment park. Two police patrol cars said they saw these, too, "up by the sun, going east." A few minutes later Sheriff Martin T. Pratt's deputies re ported seeing "20 in a line go ing like hell to the west." Offi cials of the state police, the Van couver, Wash., sheriffs office. of; 7 FirtMaker8 "Vesuvius" fire-makers ervot as his hands Is a sky racket which later added Its brilliance to those of ethers streakinr thronsh Balems skies In the first real postwar ab- serrance of the Fourth. Fireworks dealers reported that many youngsters, twelve years old and yeanger, did net know what many of the various fire fountains, pin wheels or flash bombs were be cause of the six war years' lack of fireworks. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer. ... Nation's Accident Toll Climbs to 125 Fatalities By The Associated Press The nation's violent death toll climbed to 125 Friday night, lnclu- din two fatalities from the Fourth of the three-day holiday drew to a I r.fri ...KU.K deths by Sunday midnight, mgj were second with 47 miscellaneous mishaps, including plane crashes, totaled 25. j Th firft two jirework, deaths resulted from an explo- ,ion fo skyrockets at a family re- 0,, ln Ekton. Md. The dead MrST' " The Ubulation did not include 10 deaths caused by a tornado in North Dakota and Minnesota, Most spectacular was the death in DecorahKIa, of Miss Marge Hurl- hurt of PainesvlUe, O, worlds champion speed flyer, whoso Plane crashed before thousands of lL--- ..u, Spftff J.", " nlLn hu, and n , T't! to l?lJjLZ?"2r I periodT An estimated 130 000.000 utrrmoblles wera on the roads, ' Ernest Bevin Cites Russ Provocations LONDON, July 4 -(P)- British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, discussing Britain's desires for o-.-. warned Russia tonleht .-m. am against provocaUona and carry - I provocauona . io w. In an address before the Amer can society, he said that "a lot of our friends in the world seem to think that the British obses sion for peace entitles them to make provocations." - "They must not be surprised and indeed the evidence of the last two struggles indicates that I you can cany provocation too 'far.' and the Vancouver city police said they, too, saw shiny, flash ing discs flying very high. Mrs. G. R. Graen, 3115 D st . reported at 6 p. m. Friday that she and her husband had seen what they believed to be a "fly ing disc" passing over Salem. She said tnat the object was tra veling south at a terrific speed and appeared to be oblong in shape when directly over them but quickly became a mere round speck as it p;sed out of sight in the southern rky. She and her hnsband estimated the object's heighth to be about 10, 000 feet BOISE, Idaho. July .-JPt-Capt. E. J. Smith, United Air Lines pilot, radioed the CAA traffic control tower here tonight that he and his copilot. First Officer Stevens, had sighted from "three to five" flying discs at an altitude of 7500 feet 15 miles southwest of Ontario, Oreg. (Additional details on page 2) 'I "i-'L?: be celebrated IndeoendcBee day. la of July fireworks, as the first day close. Ik. n.lUn.l oM. .mmi.ll nrllrlJ accounted for M of the 123. Drown 8500,000 Fire In Columbus, Ohio COLUMBUS. O- Julr 4 -PV- Eleven Columbus fire companies WASHINGTON, July 4 still were on duty tonight at the T agriculture department re smouldering ruins of the seven- Ported today that meat animal story Gwinn Milling company fees -veraged about 50 per cent whera fir .r1v tndav rfHtrnvrf property valued at $500,000. Reconstruction work from a fire which did an equal amount of damage 20 months ago, was still incomplete but new machines re cently stored la the warehouse were destroyed. Marion County Office Hours Change Monday All county officers remain closed today for the holidays, with the exception of the sheriffs of- fice. Beginning Monday the coun ty offices will open at S30 a. m. instead of the ususl 8 a. m. due to the new 40-hour week. New hours will be 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily during the week and 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon Saturdays. Weather Max. U - S3 Mln. 44 M 3 1 Preclp. talc Portland San Francisco M Chicaco as New York SI J00 trace FORECAST, I from U.S. weather bu reau. McNary field. Slm: Partly cloudy today and Sunday with scat tered ihowtrt. Hishmt temperature to day 73. low S3. Weather favorable for all farm work except for winds which may Interfere wftn dusUng. 2 Holiday Deaths in Oregon Only two violent deaths were attributed to the Independence day holiday in Oregon by late Friday night though traffic wa reported by state and city police to be the heaviest in ears. At Junction City. Associated Press reports that William Henry ! Kincart, 79, whoe truck was struck by a Southern Pacific train was fatally injured, and at , Florence, Donald Bruce Ilonai, 5 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. O. Bonar. Eu gene, met death by suffocation while within the family car. In Salem one traffic injury, only two minor accidents, and i very little complaint attributed to fireworks was reported by i city police. The fire department extinguished only two blaze Fri day in the city, neither directly attributable to Independence day celebrations. First aid men. though busy, had only two cases of fireworks burn, both of minor nature. Aatecaebile Accident Joyce Sealey, 5, 904 Jefferson St, a pedestrian, was reported by hospital officials Friday to be "in good condition" at the Salem General hospital after an automobile driven by E. Merle Rhoten, 1845 S. Church st, struck her Thursday at S p.m.. police said. Police reports said that the little girls had been sitting on a curb in the 1600 block on North Summer street when she sudden ly Jumped up and was struck by the Rhoten car. - Other minor accidents Involved ears driven by James Edward West, 1650 Yew st. and a parked car owned by Gerald Tucker, 356 Union st, which collided in the 1500 block of North Capitol street, and cars driven by an un known driver and Charles Wil liam Hedges, 2330 Hayden st, which collided at South- 12th and llines streets, police said. Both accidents, police added, occurred Thursday night, and Melvin Charles Whiteside, route 8. Sa lem, posted $10 bail in munici pal court on a drunk charge in connection with the latter acci dent Blase la Parked Car ury nremen extinguished a blaze In a parked car in the 500 block of Center street and a minor damage roof fire at 1190 Nor ay st, both on Friday. The fire ;n the car was on undetermined origin and was confined to the upholstery, firemen said. Em ployes of the Columbia Metals corporation extinguished a grass re which started on Cherry av nu nd spread through a fence on the company property, ac- cording to company officials. First aid treatment rendered by the Salem first aid squad Fri day included: Frederic Roberts. Portland, minor fireworks burn Leo Weaver, 255 Park ave., minor fireworks burn; Richard Cham bers, 843 Market st, steel particle under finger nail; Alvln Mes chelle. Turner, for a lacerated foot while swimming in Mill creek; Bill Roth, 640 S. Capitol St., burns on face and hands from gasoline fire; and A. C. Miller 100 Highway ave- for lacerated fingers received while working on a dump truck. SUKPLL'S FALSE TEETH WASHINGTON. July 4 -(At The war assets administration soon will offer for ssle 1.938,982 raise teeth, declared surplus by the army. Dentists and their sup pliers are the only likely buyers, as the teeth sre to be used In making setn. "HT-orA HIKE NOTED mncr aunng me iirsi nail of 1947 than under price ceilings of year earlier. Truman Attacks 'Fallacious' Arguments Against Aid Plan CHARLOTTESVILLE, VaJulyi 4i?)President Truman pleading for barriers down among all na tions of the world, took Russia to task in vigorous and unmistak able terms today for "fallacious" arguments against Secretary Mar sha Us plan for economic recov ery In Europe. without mentioning the soviet union by name, Mr. Truman left no doubt of his meaning when he declared in an Independence day address: "Certain nations are withhold ing their, support of reconstruc tion plans on the ground, that this would mean interference by some nations in the internal affairs of others. "This is as fallacious as the re fusal of a man to enter a prof itable business partnership on the ground that it would involve in Sheriff Captures Realtor Charles Irlfl. Salem and Port- ' Urxl traitor sought mx-r early me iwrmmmu promptly art- Uoo to the IM7 r alatwr' 1 June, was in the custody of the naunced their frrrptanre. rigaiet tag Law enj (tow 111 Multnomah county shenff s office No official replies had yet been 99 amrndUr the ala'.s h y 3rv W today after having been arrested submitted, but announcement of trie rtentmasiue) lasr vr f.'j4 near Salem late Thursday by acceptance of the invltatton fif in the state department TurxUy Sheriff Ienver Young of Marion made in Denmark. Greece. Tre and Fivday to meet reqair4 county. He is to be biouftit b k Nether lands. Portugal and IW.y. di!rr to Salem for arraignment M.Niday , while official rnmrtit in F- re, I The rUtioM U k.l the -.-before D.Mr.ct Judge Jureph Fe - Switzerland. Turkey and Be'g.um . srr1 Urn were Ut at n.n Frv on on a rharge of greeny by bat- , .trongly Indicated their rertet- Uy. f.w hcurs la ane The arrot was nwde near the penitentiary annex at 1 1 JO p. m Thursday after Young said he recognized the occupant of a Chevrolet panel truck as Del (el. whom he had known 20 years ago. despite the man's insistence that he was Everett Tillman of San "ranewco and never had heard of the Oregon realtor. With him in the truck, beating California license, was a wom an who showed a driver's license iwued to Lois Tillman, the sher- ff said. The woman was dnv- ng The man carried no identi fication. Admitted loeotlty The man. Young said, admitted ho was Del fel after being brought to the courthouse by the sheriff and Deputy William Duvall who aided Young in the arrest. The woman drove the truck back but was not held. Although Delfel was reported to have given no satisfactory ex planation for his return to Ore gon, the Associated Press said he told Portland reporters he had come back to surrender. "I had hoped I could straighten things out and avoid the crash." he said, "when things got too tight, I de cided to take a vacation and see if I couldn't round up some new capital to square things away. When I left Portland I had not thought of staying away so long . . I would have surrendered Moodsy If I hadn't been arrested." Cliaaaxed Hatch The arrest climaxed a long watch on the home of Mrs. Del ict's sister on South 12th street. Young disclosed. He said the pan el truck had stopped at the house Thursday evening for about 15 minutes and that the occupants picked up clothing and two sleep- insr bass before proceeding east out Hoyt street and the old Tur ner road to the annex, when the truck was stooped, however. Young said, the officers were told that Delfel and the woman anew no one In Salem and had not stop ped In this city. They were quo ted as saying they were en route to BreiUnbush to find work. Delfel was taken to Portland early Friday on a warrant charg ing larceny. emDeiiiemenu wiui bail at $15,000. but will be brought back here Monday for arraign ment on the local charges baaed on a Justice court warrant Issued on a complaint involving proper ty belonging to Walter Brera hahn valued at 14300. It is re ported that proaocuUon here may then bo deferred ponding outcome of the Portland case. Salem Youths Win Model Competition Jim Noakes and Jim Uebel- man. Jr.. of Salem shared honors Friday as they placed high in the Oregon state model car and mo del coach contest sponsored by the Fisher Body Cra ftsmans guild, at San Francisco. Noakes. 18-year-old resident of 13&8 N. Cottage st- won second place In the senior division for his model. Uebelman. 19. of 17S N. High st tied for third In the moc division of the model rsr contest. ah iirsi places were won Portland youtha. by ter fere nee In his private affairs. Coupled with this evident refer ence to Russia's withdrawal from tho Paris economic conference - called to discuss Marshall's plan for U. S. aid on a basis of Euro pean self-help - - Mr. Truman de clared In solemn and measured tones: "I sppeal to all nations and all peoples to break down the arti ficial barriers that separate them. "I appeal for tolerance and re straint in the mutual relations of nations and peoples. And I sppeal for a free flow of knowledge and ideas that alone can lead to a har monious world." Speaking from the steps of his toric "Monticello," the home of Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Truman declared his belief that "organ ized mistrust' leads the world "awsy from peace and unity." 22 Nations Asked To Join England. France in Aid Talk PARIS. July 4-ttVT-nty-t-o ! nations of Europe were ataed by Britain and France today to d . rde within i days whether to join in drafting the rtmtmer.lal reconstruct) program tmder lve ; Marshall prtfal and official nf A Bnti.h foreign office ire- man, ranrnrr, wimrg nJiut. who had previously "warned against the rrewequences" of uth action, against "Influencirg" ary state In their free choice in C matter. Canada Border Tornado Takes Eleven Lives GRAND FORKS. N. D, July 4 G")- A score or more farm fami lies In the upper Red River alley of North Dakota and Minnesota spent the Fourth of July ptcktr.g over debris left by tornado that took eleven lives and enjured an estimated 30 others aa it d:ooed and rose in a grim game of hop- scotch late Thursday. The torruKlo truck an area e- ' Twtr vther laws of tse 1M7 timated at 80 miles long, running leg live aewion are a!trd to from Windy Gates, Manitoba, on go before the voters at the r the Canadian side of the border. ' ctal elecUon th 3 p-r r.t about 100 rrules north of Grand ' sales tax law and estaHJTct Forks, to Oslo, Minn, 20 miles 'of a Uys ramp rtear Timber, northeast of Grand Forks. ! Lawa Ufectree Todar- Seven cf the kUn were kill-! All ether laws of the 2)4? Ue ed when the. twister leveled a j blature. excepting thw.ptev two-story house ln a grove of ' iously la effect by virus of the? eottonwood trees near Auburn, emergency tlause, beexne efJec N. D. 1 Uve utay. Exact assessment of the dam- . On Thursday rjetit'.or.t attack irar age caused was difficult because of the nature of the storm which levelled farm buildings, lipped trees clean of leaves, and In one instance ripped a 20-foot steel bridge over the Forest river, about two miles eoat of Mtnto, N. D, from its concrete founda tion. Twisted girders from the bridge were plunged into the ground, softened ty recent rains. Jury Convicts May, Garssons "WASHINGTON. July 4 -4Jt-A federal jury Thursday convict ed Rep. Andrew J. May (D-Ky) J and hat two co-defedanta. Henry ! and Murray Cartoon, on bribe eon- ' spiracy charges involving Mr;p:r TlfMitrnva 0 role as wartime chairman ef the r lCMrOJS U bouao military committee. i 1 f Tho Jury deliberated coe hour CalllOrnia llOniCfl and 50 minutes In reaching Its er- diet of guilty on all three counts against each if the trio. Maximum penalty would be six years in prUun and $30,000 fine or eacn oefenctaai. May. in tears as the jury lore- man intoned the word subsequently tcld newsrnrn- "I m sUll not dsunted well sp peal 1L" Proporials for Ukc Of City Ind Asked As Leases Expire Due to the ex lira lion of leases on city properly located in a half block area at the southwest cor ner of Trade and Liberty streets. wU, prcnxmlt for L reniAl of that nroDertr : wrw sav. ?'1L!2Z Mu" - The property, under supervision j of tho water department and or- The Ar.tl-TarJi corrp?r. llfih. iginally granted for water de-1 1nfantry tegument, VVofirrr, te pertinent use. is now occupied by j the 21st tmund unit ef the Ore the Knight-re arry rrorsenes and j ron teticeia! guard e:-urat4 up a parking lot operated by E. W. to ths time in the reorgaauxaikas Stripling. The city council has ; pln. mentioned the crcoerty In con- i The irapectxet lor feieral ree- nection with a possible terminal j ocnlUon wa made Wirday for city buses and also made pro- i with Ci. John V Thctrp posals of using It for a downtown . Fort Lewis. VTakh, aenirg so public parking lot GKAXDSTAXD CX)LLArSC!4 WILDWOOD. N. J, July -- At least 40 persons were reported injured, two seriously. In the col lapse tonight of a grandstand in front of Convention hall where hundreds were wstrhing a dis play of fireworks, closing feature of an Independence day celebra tion. GOT. DEWTCY OM TOUR ALBANY. N. Y, July 4 -dV Cov. Thomas E. Dewey left to night on a four-week western tour during which he is ei peeled quietly to enlist i ner rased sup port of his prospect 1 e candidacy for tho 1848 republican prcMdeo Lai rumination. Signature Check-Up Remains Ccr( lrt4 rtitl's la tax ties for the tnt beir. Tho rotrtjuna, fr.r.,..ung lJTT signature ao ogairtt ttw lljig required by taw. w ere f.Vd -y tL A. Tj adire. Port'anl. rete enimg whtJeaale a-l fLa4 t j aret deolera. If the commit w4 petit ore found regular, re- Ue (.-!rt fare ri 4ea at the apecial electHn October 7. Pending ruth eler; law will be tnceirrstive. The tag would te ru.' lifted in ear etert .f a general aaWo tax ! FprtA4 Ocur 7. Te CWk ticwers Secretary c.f State Prbert Far rell said tho sltnatra.wx.ld checked formally Monday, tt appeared alid. Member cf tho ri'. tax rreo milci ttfuwd to f(Jtnrr r the refrrertduni Friday. The crs-mUsa-e) fertioualy hal purctased Il.OMi.Cjca cigaret alaep and tmd : notified dealers tht the law would tectirie cpet st.re Uday. the state lydroelecti sion law to eliminate the prerr-4 right r( the tat to Uke ce prnate hyctrcolerlrie praects cat pa merit vt "tar co:" wrr f.V. The petiticoaa ror.UlnevJ 1T.1S7 . signatures ao against 11,854 re quied ty law. The prtltton wer Wougtit So Salera by alurtaei TrwnpkuM ord Bertha J. Beck, master and sec. retary. re recti vely. if the Ore gon State Grange. ar Rmald E. Jones and Wrnde!! Baroet of Urn Oregon Farmers L'n.to. Jyi m prertdrnt of the Farmers I'nua. The name cf State Repceaentativ Lyle TtMna. Pc4k county, arc ret ary c4 the Farmers t'r.wev, a lao a few red on the org.ri petition. VOX ANGELES. JjTy 4-fA holwUy outburst of brjh tttA forest ftrew, an the nuit of recr4 jujy rirth Uarei. sprvei ntao over much c-f awuthem Cal.Jorr-a - tonight, brought property d. are in firm m a r 1 dollars and left 9 er more tome ' Baret rrcT-erty ! was in tho ChatswMth Mnr eoru.-et. n Vm furthtlai Ut tho San ferroras vwllcy. where wlnd-p4 Hameo last ti ff I osstroyea 53 tvuea. T Uses though t CTnt;i-'4 cnetT. gM, Hared up agstn A Urgrr tlaae. sUli cor f-d w undent kod IrrrtUiry. en in :ta fourth day In the Lsguna Mown tatna eo4 cf a Degx 1 - 1 OOililliril Cuartl t 11 V,UOA ; Unit Reactivated Inspecting c-fficer. Oregon naUces al guard fcftarers aas..grsd V t unit so tar Are Cap. R oert C Rerm. ccenmander, end First Lt James J. Anderaon. plavja cuea mander. brn of Wootfbcrn. Oct Sena!:n & 5 SIMM 3-7