F. Mid-Willametle Valley News Frm Th Stirtrtman'i Community '.ftrrriuntnti . MeAIpin Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Meyer of iZs Angeles have been house gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Humphreys tne past week. The women are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer are. on vacation and will spend a week with their son, Daniel Moyer in Portland before returning to Los Angeles. Kberl Mr. and Mrs. Forest Edwards have left for Elk lake to spend several weeks fishing and riding their horses which they took with them. Lrns Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stockwell and family of Swiss home visited her parent?, Mr. and Mm. Art Ayers, and his mothi-r, Mrs. In Stockwell in Fox Val ley. 7 Kaberts Dr. and Mrs. Fred H. Thompson have had as their bouse guests, his brother, and sister-in-law. Prof, and Mrs. Reuben Thompson of Reno, Nevada. MeAIpin Mr. and Mrs. Tony Olsen of Harbor, and Mrs. Fred Mantz of Myrtle Point visited Sunday at the Eric Fisher home. Kberts Mrs. Glenn Holman is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maurer of llau- sot. Ore. Maurers are former res idents of Schurman road. Lfans )Mrs. Daisy Johnston viwted bef sister, Mrs. Bertha Lyons M. and Mrs. Ralph Tfask of Albany visited her par ent", Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring here Sunday. VtcUr Point Walter Winn, Jr. I i is recovering in an Albany ho pi- J tal from , typhoid fever which he contracted recently. - - Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Crawley and Mr. and Mrs. Matt - Warren visited the latter's son, the Rev. Bern Warrren at Foster Sunday. Middle v Grove Mr. anl Mr?. Lebanon More than 50 em-! Topeor William Seslon. 7.J Harris Ault. Rodney and Wayne. ; ployes of the Lebanon poMof (ice n of Mr. and Mrs. J Sexton. ; The Solom. Oroea. WoA ArT. 1"T - 1X73 left June 22 for North Dakota. They attended a family reunion in Grand Forks, Sunday, June 29, and will vi.-it relatives of Mis. Roberts Pedee Mrs. Joe Trueax and Nelda went to Longview Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe . day to spend a week with Mrs. Gilbert attended the wedding of Trueax's son Oliver (Bill) and Jane Crider and Robert Bauman family. Nelda is on vacation from in Dallas Sunday. Returning they clerking at the Pedee store. visited Dr. sind Mrs. Maurice But ler in Independence. MeAIpin Mr. and Mrs Eric Fisher and family attended a fam ily gathering at Mrs. Nettie Down- Lyons Mrs. Allie Caron of Los Angeles is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens and also vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Z. K. Zander in Salem Friday. Stevens took her and members of their families at tended a picnic Thunday night in the recreation rooms of the lhurrh nf fhnikt Plamint m iir- Ault in Cavalier. They expect to inally at the home cf Mtrnll be gone a month. Smith. petmat-r. it wa ti;,tiKd because of the weather. Mrs. Nor L'nionvale Mr. and Mrs. Mar- j val Taylor and Mr. Claicme Roy ton Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ; were in charge of arrimrmrnt.. june'STand bt7hicin'riM? Valley Obituaries ! Two weeks mo their rtauahtrr. Hetty, fell and broke both wrists lan Noble were fishing in Baker j creek Sunday. Swegle Donna Brandt re turned home last week from Se attle where she visited her sister, Mrs. Howard. Ames and family. pedee Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Mr Ike of Dallas iMtrl the Sidney Howards Saturday. irgs in Stayton Thursday. Others to Brietenbush hot springs where present were Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Downing and three daughters of Ashland, and Mrs. Dick Phillips and daughter, Irene of Estacada. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walworth left this week for San Diego where they will make an extended visit with their daugh ter. The Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Cookkingham are staying at their place. she spent the rest of the week". She leaves Tuesday for Montana to visit before returning to Los An geles. Lyons Jim Pravitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pravitz left for Mon tana this week to spend the sum mer with his sbter. MeAIpin Mr. und Mrs. Orlo Humphreys and son. Robt-it. at tended the Humphrey clan le- Unionvale Doris Braat of I union in Slayton Sunday. Portland visited her mother, Mrs. Leah Braat over the weekend. Middle Grove The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Loewen and daugh ter of West Salem, conducted the service following the Sunday school hour, Sunday, when a talk ing picture, "The Man Who For Lyons Jackie Anderson son of Mrs. Arthur Anderson underwent a tonsilectomy at the S.-ilem Dea coness hospital Wednesday morn ing. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. George ' Kceley of Portland and hi pat - Lyon The Rev R. T Co.. ington. who ha bn serving both the S;alon and Lyon Methodist churches for the 1M three ycurs. has been sent lo Lyon full time. Mr. and Mrs. Cfkingham are now staying at the l-nwrmor Wal worth while Walworths ate away and plans are underway to build a parsonage here soon. I'nionvale Raibara Bennett 1 staying with the Clarence Craw leys and Claudia with the Fred Stockhoffs while their parent, the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Bennett assist at the Camp Meeting and Bible Conference at Lake, Wash. Pedee Mrs. C. B. Zumwalt who spent several days visiting Mcmp.n wunimc MIIJ ' 1,., Kirw in rtoVlon folif ..: T . t O-1 i .... a.w.... ... the past week. MeAIpin Ollie Ebner, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ebner, recently fractured his leg in a fall from a picket fence at their home here. Pringle Mrs. True, mother of W. B. True, has left for a vis-it with her daughter in Grants Pass. STAETS FBIDAY 'S w m ' - v i t - m a a m m . mw m .. J2G1WIT!!1TS 4 i m v r m a ob in r m ssa m" . . sst Pedee Margaret Howard vis ited her grandfather. S. S. Howard Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Arthur m "Mnon unaay. Andersen and Jackie are visiting Lyona-Mr. and Mrs. Harry El at Klamalh Falls with relatives mer gpent veral days in Port and will also visit another sister ,and week attending the American Legion convention. Uniondale Mrs. J. C. Church received word Thursday of the death of her youngest sister, Mrs J. W. Pendleton in Chilhowie, Va. in California. Marion Farmers Union meet ing which would have come on got God," was shown. Attendance enta Mr. and Mrs. P T. Keeley ; Ju,y 4 hJ hvrn po,, untll Mrv JMpKin Eolalia CI STAYTt)N. July I Fuerl servicr for Mrs. Jtrrphtoe Fi-, laha Ouscn. 31, who did SaMay r at Salrm hopitl. will be held at 2pm Wedr.etdcy from VV'ed -film Funeral home In Statt. burial in Fox Valley cemetery. Mr. Clatcm wo bom Oct 3. 1895 at Fairfax. S.D. and was mar ried Feb. 3. 1913. lo Kay J. CUon They moed to Oregon 13 year ago and to Mahama eight year Co. Survivor include eenrhil dien. all ft Mhma Thev are Harry. Mr. E. L. Key. Stewart. Ivan. Eugene. Erma and Mr Myrtle Sylvester and seven grand Newman ! children: also to sillers. XI r Frank Sutton. Mrs. Jrje Fay. both of Stayton: and a brother. Charles Haien of Albert. Canada. Lyono ML Jrffrma Lurtber cnpar.y taw mi!L and Dc a.r4 Vrmrr factory rloM-d dovn Frv tUy fcr the Fowrth t? Jt'y h dy nd w lil reurr.e uitklMH TuvU, July t. MrUn Mr. and Mrv Willja Oine end infant on of Drrver at itrui her rafer.tv. the Vtf rxV ic,. The Clne a'so ailed in PuttUnd and &eo:t:. contest was won by the Blue side; 75 were in attendance at the ser vice. Unionvale Guests of the Charles Fergusons are her sister. Mrs. Harry Serex and family, her brother, A. M. Rosemary and fam ily and her aunt. Mrs. C. E. Shel ton, all of Long Beach, Calif. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Houston of Valley Junction were Sunday guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Murray. Lyons Mrs. John McClurg en tertained the pmochle club Sat urday night honoring Mrs. Oscar Naue on her birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue. Ruby and Donald Naue. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing and Duane. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heineck, Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman, and Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. of Seattle, visited Mrs. George Keeley parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huber Saturday. Four Corner Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walker, Terry and Chery l. San Diego spent several riavs with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Warren, 3840 LaBranche ave. Pepeorn S h i r 1 ey Pasohke. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Paschke. came home Friday from Corvalli. where she attended the 4-H Summer school under a schol- July 18. The Boy Scout troop re- , cently organized mee's regularly Thursday w ith the Rev. Frank Haskins as leader. ML Angel Sister M Adeline and Sister M. Evelyn of St. Jo seph convent. Albany, visited four day last week at the Leo Duerr home. Sister Adeline is an aunt of Mrs. Duerr. The nun alo visited other relative and fi lends here. 1 rar Cowers Mr. and Mr. T. Oliver Ritkman. Milton, Jay Dee. DarreH. Twill, and Teddy left lt week for several week in Kn vUiUng relative. The oldest daughter, Barbara, will stay with her aunt in Salem. The Beady Bar Fealartmg Mcai. MarftineieM UrrUe t 44 tlirt. -rivr JUf Wave Per- Operates 17 Zasta title PWow 2KS tai i4 NiUmi mk kuc Wed. Coo. Appoai. arship given her by J. C Penney! toraen air. ana air. Co. of Dallas. She is a member of David Behm. originally from Ne- j the Popcorn 4-H Sewing club and braska have purchased the Swam j has completed four years of 4-H grocery and Swain have pur-1 crutsea one i a. v.omniercii inn i club work. Miller st. in Salem. Behm have t'nlonrale Sunday guestj of been operating the West Salem the Orval MtjCandles were her i market in Wet Salem but so fr mother. Mrs. Lulu Turner, Mr. j have been unable lo find living and Mrs. Myron Turner and Mr. j accomodations in Four Corners or and Mrs. Ralph Turner. Salem. . Voi Love To Eik ft la Tow Kor1l GHAIID THEATRE Big Holiday Show! O STARTS FRIDAY o Pedee Relatives and friends of Pete Burbank gathered at the Fir Grove school Thursday night to ..honor him on his birthday. Prlnglea-Norbert Norton, son of Mr. .qd Mrs- Lurline Norton, is home on terminal leave from the navy - r Uniondale Sunday guests of the Kenneth Coberlys were Mrs. i Fred. Withee and Lydia, the Mar ion Dixon family and the Harlan Nobles."- - ... . Pedee Norman Taylor of Cor- vallis spent the weekend with his Uncle, W. H. Birchell and' family, Taylor recently moved to Corval- ilis..om Carlsbad, New Mexico, former home of the Birchells. Uniondale Sunday guests of the Ersel Gubsers were Mr. and Mrs. "A. C. Dickover of Sirverton, Hubert Wilson and Jo Ann Bell. Middle' Grove The Merry i Minglers club held its annual fam ily picnic at Silverton park, Sunday. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Ed win, Kutschman were Sunday guests of Mrs. Anna Rutschman of Fairview. - - Lyons Mrs. Walter Fields of Baker visited friends here Tues- day., . She was Ethel Schnacken berg who was reared in Fox Val j ley community. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Pres I ton Green and Delbert of Eugene visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rutschman Sun day. ' Swegle Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alsman will be glad to know their baby, who has been ill at a Salem hospital following an emergency operation, was well enough to be taken home last 1 week. 155 N. Liberty Phone 3194 Now's the tBmme S EC 1 Glrlal For summer days ah sad. Lacoto-to styla of haary white duck. Sturdy no-mark rubber soles. 3 Vz- 1.89 Men! For active wear! lace-to-toe style. Thick no mark rubber soles. 614-11 Heavy brown duck in 2.39 Buy en Wards Monthly Payment Plant ; y 1 eft '' " f M Me? I'll settle for ' Tea Timers and cheese If v-rs -i i'j ; ij.t r3 lie m i nmif V'irri - fidZ&Jtc) fC- m rl " vt - I 11 iT i3 56 II II . . . a . II II If ' i n mm vou ma a im I VI u i I Indeed -by all means- sr 'A Tea Timers are AMTW J nght down the I tZ J middle aisle!" y 1 wouldn't think of setting ot appetaert without Tb Timers ' Tea Timers and hoi toup maVje a perfectly m . V swell lunch! I ? These golden-brown Tea Timer Crackers art very "abort and very crisp. They hava a way of delif htiog folia because we make them with only tha finest tborUtisg there la. So when you aet oat these rich Tea Timer Crackers with your breeragea at entertaining time, or nibble Tea Timera at lunch or In between meala, youH discover how a "short" cracker beneta by being baked with tha fineat kind of shortening. Next time you shop, bring home Tea Timera. Take a taita andCaea what you've been missing! Xi n Jty real scrambles tor g Mv Tea Timers and milk! . . NOW AT