For Salo Ileal folate For SaleReal Estate CALABA AND H ABERNICIIT, REALTORS For Sale- Farm I For Sale Farm NORTH LIBERTY STRUT I Older ata i bedroom home, about 1 blot ka from town, corner lol. 90 lis. Szla down, balance at total pile la 9230. NEW Ji NICK $6900 Immediate possession of this attrac tive suburban home, haa t bedrooms, own eiectrsc water system, lot la 80 17. Just East of town. GOOD FAMILY HOME About blocks from town. 3 bed rooma. basement with auto furnace, fireplace tn living-room, double plumb Inc. wired for ran. Owner will give good tern-ia. will accept car as portion of down payment $4900. YOU'LL LIKE THIS Vary attractive new home, sunny living-room nice dining-room. I iea- nmM uimt bitihn Atlrf At. tached garage, lovely hardwood floora througnout. auto neat, eiec. water neat er, just suburban $8500. BROADWAY BUSINESS ZONE Older style home. 2 apartments. $90 a month revene, large lot. 66' frontage. definite business possibilities wuu. ONE OF THE BEST Lovely home, very modern. 9 rooms plus party room finished in Knotty i pine, complete with fireplace, also fire olace in living-room, double plumbing. full basement with auto oil furnace, lo cated North $15,500. LEE OHM ART & CO., REALTORS I A.: 4 room house with bath, ga rage; 3Ax30 worksiuip. All nrw built, true 4' miles fiom bairm. 470 mi. . 2$ A.; a room house; M0 capacity poultry house: 10 stanchion barn: 1 mile to grade high school $15,000.00. 9000 Acre Eastern Oregon stock farm: 400 acres irrigated; 2 sets of buildings: truck, tractor and other necessary equipment. $90,000.1)0. ' M Acres: 2 story. 4 bed -' room house; 2 springs, creek: 20 A. timber. 23 A. orchard. $32,000.00. Will take Salem . property in trade. 150 acres; 135 A. river bottom land; -' water right for 75 acre: 22 stanchion bam. $42,000.00. LEE OHM ART & CO., .REALTORS 477 Court St. Evenings, phone 7534 . Pbone 2-4115 or 2-4116 Suburban Hiiainrsa OpportunJtlea jor. Hutchison hfm.tor 4i COURT STRTFT Pll 7r.fM . HKS 247M Plif'lllllU IliklUl. I f Arte. 4 4 It... Hv W 1 ! T . WmW SI. oil 4 A Halt arxl I In i r- 44 VtalnuU 96.10 t Km Older tpe houM. Modem. i'j A. Family Fruit Wants to trade for rmall place or sell $6SjO No. 3 Zone. 5 Rms. C love in Flre- FARM SPECIALS 10 ACRES NO BUILDINGS Located about 4 miles South of town, 2 blocks West of 09 E. Creek through property. . 93200- 31 ACRES NO BUILDINGS Only $4000 for the entire 37 acres, exceptionally good terms with easy smoothly payments, elec. available, located on Improved road, all under culti vation. 202 ACRES MODERN BUILDINGS 9 room modern home. 4060 barn with large hay mow, chicken house. work shop and other buildings. 90 A. under cultivation. 130 a. timber, tun-1 .""u "T'XJ M i ner month Pr"ig water tn house barn. silo. ber alone wortn ruu price, gooo. orcnaro. ncn w.u. f-p- - -Tn. m,. W omr. ' no". 5. toca:ea and equipped Z8 oou, cash. Its just what For Sale Real Estate R. A. Forkner, Realtor RENTAL PROPERTY 4 Bedroom Home. acre of ground. For Sale Farms DAIRYMEN 'ATTENTION A real "dairy farm. 110 A. with $1100 month Grade A check. 39 head with all necessary machinery. Hot It cold tt 1U1K WW U. -rm ' .. ... . o r -- - . j i ,m ua in MMnt ThMtunrf of I income f iw. rn last Mdiolns Drooertv. several sorinsiior stock water. I tjniy creek through comer of property $18,500. BUSINESS LOCATION RUDY r. CALABA BROKER HABBY HABERNICHT BROKER LOU KLUMPP SALESMAN 231 NORTH HIGH STREET PHONE $tua EVE. PHONE 3779 OR S-S23S LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS BUILD LATER . You may have Immediate possession of this new well built A comfortable ante!! house located on back of lot tn a nice district. Contains living room. 1 bed room kitchen, fully. Insulated, electric heat tV cooking. A cosy place to live until building costs drop FulL price $5250. INCOME PROPERTY House at 900 Union St. only a few hundred feet from the proposed new Capitol Street development. Plenty of room for a small business building between front of house and side walk. House has basement a separate X roam apartment. Buy furnished or unfurnished. Please do not disturb orcupent. See us for further details. SUBURBAN EAST Here la a well planned 2 bed room home located on Frederickson St.. first house on right east of Park Ave. This home Is completely modern has lovely hardwood floors through-, out. Never been lived in so why not ,r be the first occupant We will try for a veteran's loan on. this one at 942S0. WALNUT PARK Why not build your dream home on thia SOk9$ lot located on Rose St.. exclusive district, all Improvements In, our aign Is up. Price Is $1350. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court SL Evenings Ph. 7534 Phone 3-4U5 or 3-411$ GRABENH0RST SPECIALS you want. See this orth. Lot M x 140. 9 room house I n u. m- l. lor '!f0n.?onUAi?!?ta - Prln. Elac. pump.' 3 cows all SUBURBAN w,-w farm machinery crops garden. 4 acre 2 bedroom, out East very U1 ow thee good land. Close to school and bus. M B sTEGNER New. immediate possession. Could be i9gj N Cottage Tel 4092 uuuivwru. 90ir place. Full Basement. This won't lt lore fur only tvn ' $ia.S0. HOUSE 10x20 Ut fUmr Uid for 12x30 addition. plu . A. New rlec. water sys. 39 Xi Pleasant View Dr., N. pfajuminumplant; Suburban 3 Bilrm. Houm. S7ri()0 Brand new hnue with private well Dble. gar., full bath. 1 Ac. land. 1 Acre IMiih Brand now 2 bdrm. house No. Full price $5500. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 22M Fairgrounds Rd- Phone 2-4M Resort Property 2 BEDROOMS Hi acres North. Keizer location. Home 2 yean old, only $4750. NEAR HIGH & JR. H1L.H 3 bedr. Hwd. firs, fireplace, full base ment, furnace. Lovely lot. la.oao. HIGHWAY COKNKK Excellent frontage on 99 E. Ideal spot cated in Deschutes County, nine miles 200 ACRE Ranch. Approximately 60 acres now under water with t REE water right from the Deschutes river. All fenced, corrals and small barn. Sprinkler Irrigating syrtem and place for $7000. Model B John Deere Trac tor and other machinery in good shape can be bought separate. Lo- for Court or other business. Joe SpuriocK witn R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1$ yrs. Hollywood DlsL 1853 N. Capitol St. Phone 3031 Leo N. Child's, Inc. Realtors OWN YOUR-OWN from Bend on paved highway. A very nice place lor a home, dairy arm or for feeding cattle. Must be aeen lo appreciate. Write or see F. Marrouller, 7 Sha,ta place. Bend. Oregon. See This Farm Home m. Act. 19 Acr. cult. Barn, tool it fruit shed, new chicken house 20x40. 39 rabbit hutche. 1 cow. 2 heifers, rab bits, chicken, tools, 9 room modern A BLOCK from the Itrarti In lirart of Otranlake 5 unit apt IxMi.r vttl. largo owner living quarter Ullta modi i n. steady summer aiul winter rentals. Will net $& per ear. Only 9000 will handle MYRTON MOORE REAL. ESTATE VERY ATTRACTIVE home 4 rental cottage, both furn. Separate garage. room for 3 more cottage will bring $75 per month as ear round invest ment. Total price lor botn suae. Liberal terms MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE OWNER'S HOME with duplet apt one cottage. I2nxlw ft lu Plenty of space for more bkdg (low to beach In center of OreanlaKe ttMt per month Income. Ittuo take llil. Only $!UO0 down, your own term MYRTON MOORE RIAL ESTATE FURNISHED Beach cottage Fire place 4 garage. Across the street from imiy sziiw wiin let man I home all furnlatied incl. elect, range ri -' ri .rtne aprmg water Immed- Possession. 94000 71 iTi . T r. " -w. "leash. By owner. Rt, 1. Box i :"'." ..J, v s w. f shsw. tllMUBimi ne.v lurnisora I - . AtSfro .n ' i.ti r3 ,i 2 bedrms. Elec heat end eiec. cook- . - -I' ing. Convenient to bus and school. oam. good three bedrm. plastered c?Aa I home, fine -large barn. 2 sflos. hog ONE Vr OLD. 3 bedrms. on one floor. hoV- mcir" hd- t,,c,ken hH i7 "1 Hininv rm and milk house, all but 3 acres in afMeSu. heit:U culttv.tlon. This .1. on. of . the finest f.7-ge; 13x24 work shop: lot about jvZ$iAMUIC 75x195. Lovely Undscsped. Close to REALTORS ENGLEWOD- Tffi Lovely comer fs?T SSS-J '-P'U,V'V" V. 13$ ac .TOta nlAlll timber Kted wall to wall: fireplace; auto. - bldgs.. 410 mi e S. Hopmere. only at? Urge garage. Immed. poaaea- t miles Satem center pavement Ideal slon. $9B0. "Terms. For theM and P - , "TST.1! a" many more call or see ACRES Excel! soil, food crop of barley, price $40UUOS. $5O00 d'jwn, 9500 90 per year. Interest 9. 'An ideal loca tion to bul.d your new home. Vt ALLACT ROAD Close tn acreage home, 3 bdrms., bus I nient. furnace, h. w. firs., good garden space, nice shruba.. 9 A. of excell. soil tn cherries, filberts and peaches. Price $12,000 TODAY'S SPECIAL Look this over for mM Mod. $ nn home with unfin. attic. Full base snent. furnace, fireplace, h. w. firs. Home in' rarell. cond. Nice yard and eVwble aaiage. Located Eaat. . CLOSE IN ACREAGE 1', A. located East. Mod. 9 rm. home, h w '.i. fireplace, full basement, 41 furnace, rurnsua rm. A fireplace aa base'Tient. Garage. A nice home. Price $12 WI a - S SALEM HOMES 9 rm mod. home In excell. cond. Located near Leslie Jr. Hi. Large tot Price 110 000., .9 rm. mod Eng. style home on cor. let. db.'e pifcg.. rumpus . rm. in base snent. auto, ijeat, home Jn nice cond. Near McKir.ley school. Price $14,750. JAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. N. VOORHEES with vtded. Ph. 9833 further details. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Broker Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors "Jl years of dependable service to horn owners." rhone mi CUTE ic COMFORTABLE A Fine Farm 93 acres. Irrigated, fine barn, good house, other Improvements, creek for stock. t mile town. Always a money maker. Only 918.450. N. J REASON ER. REAL ESTATE Room 1, 341 State. Salem Large 7 rm. home located on cor. lot. near Leslie- school. Full base ment, furnace lr H. W. firs., fire place, . spacious grounds. Price 911.SO0. COLONIAL HOME Mod. 3 bdrm. home located in En- I merit, fireplace. 'hdwd. firs., .prink lr 344 State St. svstem in vard. home in excelL cond. COZY. CU Price $12,500. Just right for teacher or business 9 ACRE HOME woman. All Electric. Small Stucco. 2 bdrms.. el. heat, plbg., small bam. Beautifully furnished. 2 BR s. Lomo. poultry house, dble. garage, fruit I LR Ar Kit-. Utility Rm. Carage. Modern, house. $ miles out near Pacific Hy. I Coolerator included. $8500. Some terms. Price $0300.00 for Immediate tale. 1 4 BEDROOM HOME 4 BEDBM. HOME . ' rZ:T'n w. r V.r.' JL- "r,"r i, Arted fruit and nut trees, make an $11,900- Hi. Lot 50x170'. Rm. for hse. in rear. ENGLEWOOD'S FINEST Consider good car as part, pymt. Can Spacious 9 rm.. Calif, ranch type assume C.I. loan. 89700. Terms. home, with auto. heat. h. w. firs.. miY rOR FUTURE INCOME Acreage SPECIAL s a m f it . i a V ll-. aum thnimrt rli. r- ". "om aaiem. on pavea . " " 1 , T tV'..i .7 I rd. 4 B.R. house, double plumbing offer of what an average house will cost 19 A. North. Highly productive dark sou. Paved Rd., close to sch. and store 3 B.R. modern house, barn. chx. house flrepuce, large ya-d. beautifully land- 1 l,V a rm. hse. in business one. N. ' ?UZ:;1' scaped. Owner leaving city. f nZZZi i a rw.ihl. nlu K000 "P W00- Terms. WALLACE ROAD owner's. Could have smsirshop or of- R. V Aerelitll Realtor 19 A. of real good soil running to ... .m sin son. Afitricuini, itranui Will. River. Has very 'nice mod. rm. . . , 17$ S. Commercial Phone 8841 home with rasemt. r furnace. Nice Jj. IsherWOOfJ, ItealtOr 9"ACRe5T3 miles out. nice building yard aV shrubs, ramily fruit, barn. I ,. mJ T , tea site. 3 acres of 4 vr. fllberU. all In chicken house Cow , 49 chickena - " L U-liS; ' f-T. cult. Close to bus line. Inouire 2020 go. A real country home. GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS 134 SO. LIBERTY STREET -Phone 4131 ' Evenings 7772. 2-5089. 2-2949. 2-4457, 7973. 462 For Prompt. Courteous Service. List Your Property. With Us McKillon Real Estate Agency 199 South High Phone 5131 or 8620 SUBURBAN'S 5300 One Acre and very nice livable garage house. Bath, 1 BR. LR. Kitchen with Built ina. electric heat. Garage. 94 ft. well and electric pump, lots of water for Irrigation, bus close, schools by bus, can buy for $2000 down. $000 J BR house and t acre. Bath. LR. Dinette. Kitchen.' Builtins, Garage, bun by door, school clone, family orchard and lots of shrubbery, garden u in. pump house and electric water system, chicken house, Keizer uturict. JLK!! IJA T.- ".W irodw. v X IWI 9), mil CJlaH-sT, f CIKtlSMl Mtrwi ,- if itAcf ft I u . I .a. . . . uaeA 1 nunudt mw mtm T BS, BIUC. BUJUU BU1I "kSllywoodVSt 1 bedroom A ZJj,.Z fronU basement 'urn-ec. JlmiMdiata posses- . A ,.,,. Bru,n Colit; hou. Hollyw lasement sion. A Real Value at $7950. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court St. (irocerv Store Very nice living quarters Very clean k. Hte new liatuie. meat nVH t i Inf I.11 ftlnrfi. gH4 lewwat Wa f ull pi Me ia oe Auto Court 4 units, nice living quarters. Furn. 1 ac. Hiwar frontage. Room for many more units. Full prtce 818.000. Store Bill?, to Lease treated No This is a Ige. fireproof bide Owiwr w-ill divide St remodel to suit tenant. Within reason. Please, no phone info. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 2?M Fairground Rd Phone t-4M r OH SALE SIKiP Bl'ILlil.HG Lot Is 501 IS. building Is 2SV22. con crete florr. good for repair shop, radio shop. etc. located on South 12th SU $28u0 SERVICE STATION A GARAGE Leae. stork and some equipment ex cellent location, grossing a pp. (Tooe a month Kf CREAM A SANDWICH SHOP Includes all stock and equipment. e -re 1 lent down town location. It stnol. ('alalia and Hahernirht Healtorx 231 N High St MM Etr Pltorie 3779 or J ilJS TRIANGLE Chicken 4 Steak liouae. SO Ljbertr Rd Good steady trade and tine profit. 2 dining rooms central kitchen, fine equipment IaI MaZ3W Building. buinea 9 equipment all goes for 9 HXI Fsrellent lestaons for aeiline Living quart. SHORTIES Cab Co 147 Packard Uxt Ph. 9774 144 Gerth. TV4 SlaUtmam. golawav Ortxyoav, SuaArf, fttsv St. UlTH For Sale Used Car For Sale Ued Cara . the ocean. dow n MYRTON MOORE REAL Theatre Bide . Oceanlake Ph. Delake 34 Trail 18 FT Indian trailer hmn fuiniUt ed Cumptete for 9IZJ0 Neat lo Ut trailer In row. Sam Berger. Srtad Rest Trailer Camp lie Williams Ave VACATION SPECIALS Attention Motorists w For a holiday trip you nill not forget. Tale it in one of thee fine usel rars. To prove they are ready to ff places. At no advance in prices. With each car purrh- aed from now until July 4th, we will pay for a com plete lubrication, oil change, plus a tank full of M at vour favorite tation. 1947 StwdeWkee OkeApae,. A H A ossrdiue 1949 ford Sportaeaaa cv. cwupe. R. 1949 Ford Out Cewpe 4 1949 Feed Cowpe V-t t 142 Ptysneajtb Club Cavpe I 1941 WiHys 4-Dswr. H A O D fW pljsaaatH Cewpe 1939 Ltare4a Zephyr. 4-O-ae. RAH A OD I9 Bwark 4-Dose. RAH. CanplHety naiSL 1939 reed TwaVat. ISM OMa Todee. Oias to Ommso FrM A.B.C. MOTORS 79 SOUTH 12th rttOXE 949 Wanted Used Car Hudfton SALES - SUIVICE - PAatt Pre wnwilii ossebealsnsT body aad Nodrr repair paiauag "XJhre Sbtorfe a try. well 4tew esr Shrock Motor. Co. Sale Exchange Real Estate ATTENTION: West Salem Home Owners. Will exchange 2 bedroom home in Salem tor West Salem or K in f wood Heighu home. Call B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 9FU. Wallace Rd Rt 1, Box 142 By Owner, Furnihhed $1000 Full Price Or take trailer or vacant property in trade. Near highway A bus 2 ml. from Salem. Ga. electricity, water, utility modern Call 9ti4 weekdays WlLirTftADE": Itave nk-e Iwnie. ex cellent location, beautiful lawn and shrubs, living rm.. dining rm . music rm.. sun porch. 4 bedrms . I complete bath A 2 w-ah rms. modern kit . full basement, oil steam heat. Want to trade for nice modem home. 3 bdrms. 1 or 2 acres A not over 4 ml from town Write Statesman Box 3U0 SALE or Trade for Salem property: Modern 4 rm. house, garage. 1 j acre city water, good location, one mi. E. of Dallas on t.ew Monmouth cut off. Rt. 1. Box 97. Ph. Dallas 1F3. CAUI FOR , UaaTT CAR P Automobile You repairs ad awte pasnt Saba, aee ssm. J snd J Auto Pa lot. 1IU end Mcto- Rd. Indipeadeasre. See the new Kit t'ompemom. Kit Snortmaatcr also l"araise L'iutaf tat ESTATE ' that 4th nf July nuling. JAYHAWK TRAILER SAI ES IS40 PortUnd Rd Ph 443 CLEAN 14 ft factory built, butane range, sleeps 4 9V) Sriady Rert Trailer Camp l99Wllliams Ave 2 TRAILER House! one 14 ft, "fur nished. 14 tires. 93 One 14 ft alun.lnum trailer, ateel frame. 14 tlres, furnished, $473. Call 2130 14 FT Bunsalow tralkrr kouw ttai. Fully equipped. I'aed only atx months. 194 Stale Street AT Reasonable prtcea' Two trailer Kn... 11 IllMM. It. ff. NatKmal 23 ft Bth are nearly new. I Get-Acquainted CWfc 1 . mile west nf Turner. Ore. on the I eee. C Battlecreek Rood, on the Whtuker place. MASTER Built trailer hi... tr" sleeps 4 a two rms IJ1I N Winter 14 IT.. Butane, sleeps 4 room), n aulated. light (lnlii Interior. Personal im. MADAMES Ls4a Roae. fortune letWer b syeae Ue paaa. srtwwt. fuiur. mm on aU snol tera Mrs II AM. to 19 PM e-rere day. Appoints. mmA aitsisiry. 377$ S. Ia1 Merriman Trailer Co. Wanted Real Eatate I Phone 4707 some berries cherries. $3730. One A., good 4 R. house, elec. bath room, garage, all furnMtied new elec stove, rmt nil iiaihui Eve. 971$ or 9IF21 for all. AlinVrV IC. J. JACKSON. S4I SUte St.. Salem ilUilijI , ACHE a TBEDRM HOUSE Bnnnt nM.n i.nm A v. m rich I Llv. rm.. kitchen, utility a bath. land. Elec. heat. Insulated. Many built- plattered. co -terete foundation, wired Ins. This home has a lot of possibil- to' ,ec. range elec. water heater itua for voune or old. 94300. elc- water system. 1 willow tree. 2 walnuts. strswberrlcs. garden and grapes, hen house. blk. from bus. $5&M. itiet for young or old. $4300. m WEST SALEM 3 Bedroom bungalow, fireplace, hd w. firs., full basemL furnace, nice and clean. $8450. DALLAS. ROAD Just out of West Salem. A new home LISTINGS Wanted of Salem A West Salem homes A lots. Careful attention given all listings. B. Isherwood Ph 6FI1 Wallace Rd Kt I. Box 12 A. Edge of Salem I or 2 BR. with bus service, to trade for small farm with good home Ph 2-51HI I or 2 B R lioue that 9-VW to $1000 down will buy. Ph 2-31SI Good Home in Evangelical church Diat. MITCHELL REAL ESTATE CASH Buyers are coming m. We need your listiner E M HL'lS 1 tit REAL U1A1I. 770 S Com ). Pli 25497 WANTED Liktinrs of city and auburhan homes, farms and btisinew property We offer you prompt service CALABA AND H AHEKNU.1IT. REALTORS 231 N Hich SI. Phone S39 I HAVE CASH BUYlJlS lor ail tv of city and suburban property prompt and courteous aetvtre list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker 553 N Liberty Phone 7327 WANTED so Ado: Hew kwa Could erve good beano, loekng care. left I Write to Mr. and Mrs. Jot Helen. Faireww Rur CqniIVe. Oegoo. ALCOHOLICS Aosayaasoa PO Bws 734, 3 mi east on Silvertnn Hi ay. on McCain '. mi. rich! . ml 1943 NATIONAL Trailer hmn. if ft . reduced from $1930 lo $I3M. 94 N Com'l. u-i'ce .ii. A . -1 I i - well insulated, good tires Sacrtfare if taken at once lOSi 5. IJlh. s .1 -lit e nuiiiuiuru tiraici iwi lt4, rORO Dumo true. A-l tTniversaL N n r n I Maater-bulTt. I W. J. Rmiut. VM Nomas Ave. WhirUhmil Rlob si iitrr Mobile- I ewst of fPet HMntsl OSI Center. Glide. Pacific Liner, also many makes I M0 i.MLKNAllONAL" aaggsng iriark of used trailers. Every trailer a bar-I wttn trailer, sis wheel drive. ecell For Sale Uaetl Cars See Allen Jones or Mrs. Neetlliani REALTORS 7000-Five Acres With t BR House. Bath. LR. DR. K. Nook. Builtins. plastered .. am r.M Sid I ? S'ale SI I'h 9963 tbtenor. electric cooking, garage. Bam witlt 3 stanchions, city water walks. Elec. heat. Vent fan. Every- i ACRES NORTH and also well, chicken house, fruit and nut trees, all can be cultivated, thing for comfortable living and it can Two bed room home, elect, water t an buy for $1309 down. be yours for 99450. Move right In. system, barn, chicken house, family 19.909 Eighteen Acres of the finest walnuts, rranquette. Good crop this year, nine Tlf 7TM' ATo 9 craTVT lru,t nut" and berries Imm. posees- ground well worked, pertly fenced property, will take $6000 cash down LiiAS. liUlJl.lJ5 Oi SUiX JTV ana priced to sell in a hurry. payment, uutaioe el balem. arnrnM I - If J09 Ranch Style 9 BR bouse. Bath. LR, DR. K. Nook, Builtins, lot 209 by a M Hleh St Phone 2-4129 rr.atic oil heat, gsrsae. 3 large cedar lined closets, city water. Dinette I I flT4 313 Portland Rd. Ph 3253 Open Eves Set goes with deal. Insulated. . . HURRY and see this if you want I4AU9-Heae Hot for a Cape Cod. 2 BR. Bath. I.R. DR. K. Builtins. Venetian stCfi T II XT' TV I J seres north, with a good 3 bdrm. Bl.nds. fireplace, plastered Interior. HW floors throughout, electric I JU UKJ W house, bsrn. chicken house, garaae cor king and heating, garage, bus by door, school Close, Basement with NORTH, $7'.s X 133, AMONG LARGE "ui orjer. 9 acres in wamuis and 'T If 'T f r WIZ aaasesra aim wassc aws. s w VI era I ft-aswv-: firepiace, insulated and weatherstrlpped. Phone 5131 or 8620 McKillop Real Estate Agency FIR TREES. $60 DOWN PHONE EVES. 4937 . 2-9992 - 9901 T193 Many Others . Kingwood View Home arverjrthlag yon ever dreamed of In a home is here. Beautiful view from oovered petio or picture windows. 2 comp. baths with showers, oil furn. Lerf fclng -dininf room, work saver kitchen. .3 bedrooms. Owner says Call Mr. Crawford wll thia week." You can profit by this statement. Please call us today. dam planted with beans all for 9000. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. SIP At TflDC NORTH. 7 x 100. SOME OP THESE f MRS Portland Hd Ph aaiS n v.vm ARE ON A CREEK. I j ACRFJt Ri.nhrlM .rvH .... den. horse and equipment. 4 room house, furnished, lilfl AUlr rim FROM 7 x 100 TO X ACitKS. NOHTH 20 A. Near Cloverdale achol. lays OR SOUTH. ONLY 10 DOWN. perfect, road on 2 sides, could aub- REIMANN REAL ESTATE divide, with creek on each tract. $ 201 So. High Phone 9203 room hcure. all modem conveniences. Eve. Sun. Ph. 321. 9-9790 or 2-90S9 Barn, poultry a hog house, good Til nnin fences. Bus for grade a high school. rhone 3210 Price $10,000.00. $2009 DOWN ' A1rtd Dyrnbeck or W A. SauereoUg 2 Bdr. Home. 9 -years old. Nice Uwn l"-Nm.erc,J. A shrubs. Enelewood school district. I OUR BEST LISTING 2 nice houses on 9 acres, plenty of 94900 acr East Swegle Diat. 2 I food out buildings, moat modern little Rdr. Bath. Kit. LR. Elec. wtr. system, ranch in these parta and priod below AHUNU90H. I Kmimw tn. .au ttmr tmwtm Chas. Hudkins & Son Realtors Call "ELMER" $1200 DOWN $3500 $1250 DOWN. 949 per month. New house. LR DR., Kit, Bath. L. Rm., Elec. Wtr. Mr. Hdw. Or. Call ELMbH AHUniAOn. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 home. dbT. plumbed, completely furnished with 341 ChemekeU SL Eve. 9441 NEW $14300 4 bed, new furniture, hwd. floors, new dls- 259 N High St. Phone 2-4129 me 2219 ' 337 N. High Street trk-t close In. Bus service, la acre. KINGWOOD 'HEIGHTS HOMES .Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Grand view, new 2-3 bdrm. house, ranch style, large room?, 1648 sq. ft. overall construction, hrdwood floors tli mout, cedar-lined closets, fireplace, patio, j acre. Reduced $2,000 from $13,800. No. 272. 3 BEDROOM RANCH TYPE. 3 BEDROOM DUTCH COLONIAL BOTH REALLY WONDERFUL HOMES. The Real Estate Market Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL Phone 3793 Eve. 9441 ' A, 4 rm. house a garage, enough lumber to roueh in another 9 rm. house. Close in. Will consider $200 caan or bite model car a 91000. Bal ance on reasonable terms. Ph. 4922. The Real Estate Market b-ince m cultivation no bid 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 DRIVE BY 2239 A 2243 N. LIBERTY ST. I Ic 4 BEDRM. HOMES. KEYS AT REIMANN REAL ESTATE 433 N. Hlghjt .Phone 24793 XNGTfrVOOO " SCHOOt DISTRICT" 3 Bedrm. English type home with 2 bedrm. furnished home in rear. Both houses for only $18,800. The Real Estate Market 94400. Some terms. Ph. 31900. Suburban 201 South High Eve. it Sun. Ph. 3021 or 2-6054 Phone 9203 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, 2 TO 4 ONLY 745 S. COMMERCIAL Exceptionally nice 4 B R, completely modernized home that anyone certainly can be proud of. Full bsmt. with nice finished room, walk-in fruit room 4k full plumbing, exception ally Urge L R. A D.R.. lovely kitchen and large nook. 4 large bedrooma with lots of closet and linen storage, triple plumb ing. ftrrflaoe, hot water heat, well landscaped 90x300 lot If you are looking for something really nice, be sure to see this home Sunday. Full price $18,000. . SULLIVAN REALTY INC. Realtors 3364 ForUaoJ fed." ""- Phone 3233; Open Eves. $10,000 FURNISHED Excellent furniture. 9 rms. Modern. 433 N. High St. Pbone 2-4793 I "early an acre. Erne soil, fruit ber ONE OF Salem's finest homes. 14 x I r icT. J' "!? T-V 5UV llul.. 11 . Allm - I YUII LAO X U MA INDITE. vk.1... i.... n rf. n . I Nice county home, close in. 3 nice Full basement, furnace heat, double I L"reJm,'v,?u'1,in. Slumbing. Will consider 2 B.R. house I " r , ' 1 trade or arrange liberal terms. Call I Vv ll lampttp Real F'stntA us for aonolntment to see this Drooer- w "ameiie Aeai CiSiaie ty. - 1"2 S. Liberty Phone 7113 See us for FJl.A. or GX houses. from 94900 up. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 179 S. Commercisl Phone 9941 'For gain at Security Motor & Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded ml. N of l?nderpaa 33SJV Portland Rd Phone t-tlM STEEL Frame 14 In wheel trailers. 1790 N. Front. 1 ewodNMsas. tsasooabss. prrceiely Pnnne TIBJB ? ANTED: On cars, beuare Deal Used l ilt. I1U 1 lZtb IS44 EORD V-9 svksa kali m4 neater. A-l rononaam. Ltae Rt. 7. Bos SJ. I', ant. ewaL south of Toeni Prte 33 V4 iCOAKTTeMidJ For Sale Urd Cars Sell now to get Today'a Top Trie lot) ELSNER MOTOR CO. dtfrerewtiaj is7crv,94ssjK!cwa 31 OttAROLgr tin Issmi 0 Esm4 Mauw Sc a mrmmm tralM-r bou 39 CHEV. snwaawi and Wit N tbtit 1ST! IlkS Ontve I9J9 fUaCnCZm, i-mTlmZ 9X St e. Mnwe M Pw laeas isee PLYuOCTkt 4 ar ewwwat Rdeeer. e.c rw4 14 ja ISJS f-LT MOUTH 90s H C anM XI PLY s.Ot.-Trtil- 9S Pr Ave lkJ4 ft V MOrrrHTueW" dialer rtU a aheU. ISr HOArkiAtTE 9w4 nc iX ewe-iilie. ZJas tsrwaeear. P n BUT Of lee takea 0w 4 ev; A .t eertet P M Rent Offer Will Buv IMJ l,-T. L W m Foed Trwrb Vre r S atteoe. be srwae. Wtlt traAe. 4 NetMMi. X' Vwta Aee 39 ClirV.Tudee." RaIir9o wiS- Ae M. Let' aWo ' m Ksadi is- f it a. 4JB9J14M. CosllsV. PaWII'a,taif ritwi gfnimsi aa as For Sale Wood Veneer Core for Sale LISTINGS WANTED An exclusive listing is a mark of confidence: worthy of every effort and J consideration Why not give us an ex clusive limtinr of vmir pronerty? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 45S Court Phone 7M shiftiness Opportunities v lor. 41 stbeela feaod Urea. To tier 9 rsdis. Ao '2 A an esevtlewl rood Mms setl. rash offer Pn 3 SOU. 91 N th WRLCKISC out 1917 PltnMsuth eoorh. ISJ Jtymawfh. ISM Okiidki nMitf nark, lis r mrm soroar. isjb Wl'lys far Par. 19 -wcb wbeela for Old growth yellow fir. $3 per M at Eord. Chevrolet b CTwysJer aewdurts. nil Ph 1079 DrtrotL Oregon. Idonhe I """ii mTwr awwwn-sww w Veneer t o I sy rbome IVUS OAK. Ash. fir. nlT.d cores, aum- T Ptrvate parft : ISja Packard c-a- mer rale. S44 Mill Ph 33aa een ie e-une naauav swwiee e--e 14 INCH old fir 2nd growth. msoe I asecrtariaraur S 9 oak a knots P T. Decksrd. Rt. a. I " .ZT. .7.," Box 117. Ph 23140 I rLL ' ' Tri-Cit v Fuel Ph c m cr7uiix-sa 2 -cord load. 919 I4 tnillwood cab roucb. rubber 93kas fr-.b Screened fr-h rut fu sam dust I bouse on first rood bft ed bigboay Dry 19" slab and edgings I araU. Sevel Home Ore Heavy 4-ft Slab 1M1 C11EVT Tudor mAm smb rmA We Give S A H Cmm Stamps I 4 brale.-. ISO Olds 4 Or. aadao wits raoio a neaier ija Lsoage snows Otnee ears to rtinii s ti mm. Aum two cor radM fee aake - SALEM I'STO CARS Ph 7377 3ota) Perl land Rd I'ltimhers Attention Large plumbing and healing busi ness wlUi esreilerii reuii ar ' i ronlratting businew Thi Is ld com plete with stork. iptiiial-l sataw Including liiols imiuoina i l"l" machine. 100 ft. Utt with gMid bid with additional rental A escrllrnt lit -ing quarters Total price lor everything $12 .Sou. , don. your on terms on balance MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE Theatre Bldg . Oceanlake. Phone IVIake J4 aPARTMFNTh OWNER LEAVINt; HALEM WEIX. UX'ATED EXt'EU.ENT RETV'RNS ON INVESTMENT OE $Z3 Oo Tlie Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 GROCERYsT6RES 99309 TP AUTO COl'RT Delus Rental Cottares and 3 bedrm modern home. Come lo office for more Information ON THIS COURT AND OTHERS. I1S.SO0 UP. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 TOfiTSALE by Owner: Coest'Sport": big Goods a Hardware store located In Taft . For details call Salem24M2. VrftirXKS-lf you" have a new and novel idea for stalling a business of your own Something Different and have confidence enough In It to want to try it out. see me. S. A. Wheat- ley, 444 StateSt. SERVICE Station a Garage, fully equipped, one stop service, corner katton on 4 lane highway. 9 miles from heart of Portland Owner going east. Price $6000 Write S M. O'Shaughnewr, 407 S E. Eloss. Port Und 2. MAKE YOUR STAKE NOW Good Restaurant In town nr. Salem. Newly equipped. Long tease on bid available. $5500. Terms. Man tc Wife can handle. Good Income. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Wallace Rd Rt 1. Box 162 FOR SALE. RENT OR LEASE NEW CAFE with living quarters, best of equipment, nicely located on 99 hlghwsy nesr Salem. A good deal. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL Phone 3793 Eve. 9441 Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 las aeeia pee irste ! pb 3SI HMrV 1411 . 25r mhmr'YPml lMe KL'ICX tm4m else ais TVaa blorb beauis m swtiert aa e.i t rw apeel mmm ss tmlly oqji, m a. 4.S 4 Im. u isssed pwrbaa smse tn las lar ape 11: "toTO " 4 "eV i card. rKtswtrtatws. a ws orwur4J Pb 4vei. I0S9 (eeiiee. ISJa BODfX A rsvs. adsa r4 MIMnl I ana. SU 2. IJS a-H rmm. IM1 HXTSO.S' riw mmi wnmr 9 lv STTJ ao9 A Xlat 3 CllfA-. 1 (-j.- Sttew Ui'w -m-ee aeol Wji 1 K ad bga. 93a 09. Firl O irrmrj pi IOwiiml Or r. curv. 4 aw L.Z"a-io Owr. sut 4 aWe aa 3 V-9 eewwe aa Itwawja 4 4ar astao as 9 m fbiOee srwrb . Sjosw tlAMVI CAKtiit SMs tWtiaa ttwve FOR AALE b, Owswe Ibsa'tViuae' 3 Or tr4 FM JJ.wb bt 34 DOUCk Saw trwrb waef OinWr oxsr A gwad srMk atie r-w zaaja sir CT'rv. ISrrOfta'tAMns tr net mmm . tja I Aee m IH' POKTIAC" bwWf. ee4W rvbbe. I'SS ( li svftee I p 9 N Oer .-"MOaf L"T." e- KOs""l"w. CaU arte 9 PM. Rl t, aVra 3m r. ae"aV. resar ewd. Autotxiobilra AulntnoLilr I 1 il il 1 1 .rks 1 KS1 LWJ FOR HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT ith dira and l.Ft. and 16-inch 2nd iUM IMMEDITE UFJJVERY. Aak growth cord wood. Hand- free drmonMration! No obligation. pirkeil block & slab for Eisner Motor Co. 352 N. High, Salenu Oregon plo for a furnace. Planer Trimmings Sawdust Acreage Acreage Price Reduced by Owner New z bdrm. ranch house with knotty pine den, large living room and NELSON NEWS WE NEED ACREAGES An Iowa farm family wants to get acquainted with Salem and the sur dining room, fireplace, hardwood I rounding country. To begin with they would like a small acreage with a 3 floors, large kit. with nook. Utility I bdrm. home. The husband expects to work on farms around Salem to get room, attached garage. City water. 1 acquainted with farming practices. After he gets acquainted with Willamette mi. xrom saiem. west naiem urcnara I valley farm problems he will want to buy a farm. At the present he would not like to invest more than 97000 to 3S0O0. We will appreciate Information about property that would fit into this family's pro (ram. One of the children Is of Jr. high school age, the other Is younger. Heights Rd. Rt. 4. Box 383 K. For Sale Farm HAVE A FEW good farms, $7500 up. Willamette Real Estate 173 S. Libert " Phone 71131 NELSON & NELSON Chet I. Nelson SPECIALIZING REALTORS Theo G. NeUon Rm. 300-2 Masonic Btdg.. 499-stsSe St, Pn. 4419 ee 49X2; Eves. 3-lJb9 TCHrii'teiAr Hend ptrfced 19 snrta furnaee slab wood. 1 cord load 114 14 IN Ash. oak oWt fir. old fw limb. Arnold PbUllpa. P. O Bws Ml. TuriM-r Highway Fuel Co. STOVE A DIESEL OILS FREI4 CUT SAWDVST DWT SLAB. PH 9444 DAILY CROSSWORD Wet Salem Fuel Co. 19-174 DRY OR ORXFJN tl-A B WOOD SCltsENEO 4AWW1ST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OtX. Phone ; Salem 3-4P31 Elmer Boie WOOD 19" eafll Mock oad sta mwy stab can be aarwa now. n. eai or edgtnes. Good ctoan 94S3 -JfCi South I2th SL. Salem. Ore "HATiD PtrkedTf kach VWk ialab wood. Pb. 2434. Moloreyrles Indian SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes uasd anoSoecycies bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Phone 9303 Lost and Found WILL the party ' who took man's watch at Olinger pool Thursday P M. please return for reward, fn eon LOST: Key rine. black flash UghL If found call 24477. Reward i STRAYErr Calves. PhTluiS: Lodges saij:m ixidge no. 4. a. r. A M. Wed.. July I Stated meeting. 9 09 P M a. salxm Lodge No. A r. m ZaV. A. M. Mm. June 30. M. I O. G. f 7 ineet evwrVedoei. . VtoMtors Acmoaa I. A AocUr mark 1 Madam (shortened) Vexed 10. Prfliinlnr tothe estr 12. Doctrlnee U. Uke wLnlcr 1. Public notir IS. Boenbsvat la. Cram fabbr.) lT.IXxtt II. CmplOT 20. raasehood 2LTrarUr Z3, Extminca carrfullj 24. NaUro metal 23. Feline 25. NaUveos Finland 21. Bird 31. RUppery 32. Alao 3XW91C21 aecrrUy 24. Coin (Chin.) si-ranrg iognach 24. Music isoU 27. IUvtrbcr9le4 39. Ireland 4LBce4aman 42.8phereC action 42.Buda.aa of potatoes 44. Poor rrada of rot l oo batting- LKnowMrt ITm 2 Itoenan 2X Vaae erttJl aossey o foot 4. Low DuU3i 21. Vehirae fabbr) ti. Food t. New E.g. (aUex Vsn4 atate 24. Abraduf 1 One'9 laatrtMT.ta fathera 27. rmdart U abater ace T.Skin 2S.Lr9ptnr .Border amphibian t. A lariat 29. T nu at IL Kiaaatal top gf4 lasLnimcnLi 24. Carnrrerotst 12. Lave snaan oral U. Trick 22. Woody It lUri, black rrrftsiali wood 2V Ehore 20. rsoerer iicsoa 21.CaMrttre4 for lodger n Cpertt 4l&oakfiaa eXJewriath m I' i" r f4 r r r w WT t-- WT P wc lL IlLI 111 wL ipT n r Ipf lr w 1 1 W 1 1 h e it