Ike Says Array 'Poor Second' To Russ Force WASHINGTON. June 28-P- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower told congre today that the army he lends is a "poor aecond" to Rus rias. As a "professional soldier," the army thief of staff testified that house fclashes of $435,000,000 in funds for the year starting Tues day would "take us well into the danger zone" where the army would lack strength to "pressure for peace" or defend the nation. Eisenhower told a closed-door senate appropriations, subcommit tee t-esMon that $375,000,000 of this must be restored, and that another $103,000,000 of new funds should be added to cover increasing costs of new fighting planes. ' The house allowed $5,280,000,- 'I Or THE BELL. l would ring WHEN I'M ALONE A NO IN THE TUB BLONDES 8Q PLENTY1? MONEY WAS ONTUflT STPING ATTACHED TO OWE OP THOSE CWS. errwn? rrvs deliberately AMOVED Ofc? WAS KKOCkTD OFF WHEN THE SIGN WAS -t MOVED. r awe a, m mm it a Did TRACT LITTLE ANNIE BOOH3T HMM'. KITTY'S NCI T BBtKR5T i EXJZZ SAWTEB WEttE'S 6O0O NEWS FOR NOU, MICKEY MOUSZ GASOLINE ALLEY BARNEY GOOGLI r r 1 r-1 rrA TV 37 IK THIS C AN AWFUL MUDDY j A BOW) FOP Y0U7EP0-T-cv CAUSE VOUR LEGS C WQ 3 AP 50 SHORT-fJ Lii.1 mt m m m tmmm fXJ WONDER J06HAID -V V6 . V.C?fJwS YTV-v ."" . . AIN'T WORRIED A90UT DO NT SLeP wlF Sf Vfi3i V. WHAT'S GONNrr HfPPN I fiflyiV "V T6RNIGHT. JUQHAID? viXJl WHrTTS R I TO KILL HANTS VDEPrHiM' HOUPR.. 7-7 riTlSTHl ' i SiLUER BULLET SPERRtTS, GOT K jl VIM V-nJ '(Kyfh "pp 000 and $280,000,000 contractual authority for the war department for the year, beginning July I. While the department esti mates do not rate war during the next 12 months as a "probabil ity," the general said, they do not "exclude such a orobabl'i''-" "The United States army ex erts today far less pressure for peace than it did when it was the world's most formidable fighting force," Eisenhower said. Applications for Vocational School Continue to Arrive Applications to enroll in the new Oregon vocational school at the Klamath Falls marine bar racks continue to arrive, at the state vocational education head quarters here, O. I. Paulson, state vocational education director, re ported Saturday. Paulson estimated that . at tendance at the school could start off with at least 700, provided housing facilities were available. WWATDOVOU SEE WITH THE SOME f?ATMER EXTENSION ODD LIGHT. MR. TRACKS. TPACYP. 0 tff. tihirii it f... IT 0OMT BOTHER ME MUCM. CAUSE I GOT BIS. LOWS LEGSH BUT I KEEP TmINKIn HOW i THIS ROAD ON MV I tivlj t I I rviTP J ItgAWWWLt sI r jXi riTL? IkWD WOULD AMP NOT BAD-tOOKWCrTHCg. f? . ... . ' . 'iT' ' '-r T -f0 100 KUEVE I ARENTT OUNEED0f AN A - BUIWO I IT, CAP-N? ATTKACTIVt STXAgPESS, g . ' ! PHVU-W P!P VOJ W. NO, I tHEnY HE NEVER VOUKTCEKEP Y tOCCOn&TO lWU.J I 6E I FORTUAT JC8 CffCKE HE 1 1 MCWTHELMN? S- I UPON I WENT AWS TO GUJEOJ I Corn Suffers 4-Ccrit Loss CHICAGO, June 28 -()- Corn suffered losses extending to more than 4 cents on the board of trade today. Selling was based on im proved weather conditions, reports of quick recovery of the crop in some areas from recent moisture and weakness in cash prices. Wheat closed unchanged to i higher, July $2.164-2.17. corn was 14-4 lower, July $1.V-. and oats were -Ts lower, July 95-96. . Wheat was aided by an advance in the parity on June 15 to $2.03 a bushel,, on a national average. The 1947 loan rate, bosed on this parity, was calculated by traders at $1.83. Adding 25 cents to this figure, the Chicago, loan value was estimated at about $2.08. Remodeling operations at the plant are now under way and the school will be ready for opera tion July 15, the date originally fixed by the state board of edu cation. i" grf c OH, I BEG NOUR PADOOlsl BUT ON THIS STREET! LOOK ALIKE THfSSICN SHOP HAS A DIRT FLOOR, HASN'T MM? WHAT'S OUT 8ACKP r-i yJ T .I' A' ( TWEM ID BE MUDDV AIL0VEQ, JUST UKE YOU ARE - BUT THE SUN IS SHlMIN NICE An H0T- . aw , - ' I V V f 1, x iv v I (iff , "VrA;'lj Parking Meter Take Estimated For Oregon Cities The towns of Salem, Albany. Corvallis and McMinnville were listed among 11 Oregon cities which operate 7,242 parking me ters at an- annual take of about $638,000. according to report Sat urday of the Oregon Pout War Development and readjustment commission. Salem's annual take from 1,100 meters was estimated at $90,000 per year; Albany. $25,600; Corval lis, $41,175, and McMinnville, $20,000. The meters were consid ered by the commission both as important in conjrol of traffic and production of revenue. Reference was also made in pe report to Gov. Snell of two important advances made in the Oregon chemical industry from which two projects are emerging. One is the processing of wood waste and sawdust-alcohol and another, the insecticide DDT. SETTLES AU' DDCTTV CAAU TlIC CJ lU UJi I I MAKE THE ROAD OftY AGAIN. AN THEN YOU AN ME FEEL GLAD ALL OVER- l7 I jON wth jucv THAT rr.'J f'f TM GOING ' ' PWINT THE HC y VELLOW. w ' K Blo RED SPI K3TO A HOUSE J : MTW . spots oi: rWHV, JUST THIS FIELD I AND THICKET, MC. TPACV COVEPED WITH BPUSH J aNDV WILL J I f il ill It Km ii. Vi j "THE YOUNG IDEA" Ry Maalj "W'hm knaws, maybe If I raise yair sllom sace fifty reiU a week. fm'A probably pr It U t Ik gift taxes njaiyr Temporary ross-Rivcr Line Souirlit An application for a permit to construct a temporary overhead lectric transmisnion line acrnws the Willamette river between Sa lem and West Salem h been re ceived by the war department from Bonneville Power adminis S! tration, Portland, according to war department district engi neer, Col. U. L. waish. Objections to installation of the line from the ktandpoint of river navigation should be received by Col. Wabh's office, at 628 Pittock block in Portland, by July 3, he said. Purpose of the tempoiary cro5King according to Col. WaUh, is to provide continuous service during reconstruction of an ex isting crowing located about two miles up the river west of Salem The proposed temporary cro.ing will consist of wires strung on wood pole utructuit-s set landward of the mean high water line. A vertical clearance of 71 feet is to be provided. The eroding is to be removed not later than September 15, 1847. Playground Use Mounting In spite of the recent cool, rainy spell, attendance at Salem crtT playgrounds during the week end- ing Friday climbed to 10.461, ac - cording to Vernon Gilmore ground director. Tuesd Drought 1ZJ8 swimmers Leslie pool, almost half the week's total of 2497. Attendance figures included 4972 at neighborhood playgrounds. 2497 swimming at Leslie. 2489 swimming at dinner, 153 playing baseball at Olinger. 117 playmg baseball at Leslie and 233 in free play at Leslie. Highest playground attendance was 1162 at Highland, where Ei leen Rua.se II was asMgned to as sist Instructor Hilda Fox. No figures were reported for West Salem's first week of oper ation, but participation was re ported to be (rood. Junior baseball leagues got un der way. Paul Reihng. who re signed a Olinger baseball super visor due to school dutie. waa replaced by Clay F.getston. The early exeavationa at the site of the city of Troy uncovered nine successive human settlements which had existed over a period of 8.000 years. - s ( .'1 . : '' v. ' ... : I J 7 I' r'Pr -7 : 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmt djawwtMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaWamss V t, A arene fram the specUl mldnlte shawlKg of Dr. RllkUPs "Atylaaa ml Hnrrars." at the Cirand next Vrder4rT anlr. A'aa slptlKg it amid ite will be "Revetate af the Zasihs aa the aereea. lth Jafn Carradhse and Veda Aaa Barg. Tleketa are aww eat sale at the Craad aixoffice. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ora . Jun 1 Whral future not quot4 AP t'akh stain unquoted Cash cialn: Fiaiwad Cah wheal I bid I - Soft whit knft white lesrludins Meal IM: white rlub IM. weslern red 1 at. Maid red winter: Ordinary 1 IK Hard white Ilaart: It per cent IN; II per rent 1 OS Today car receipta: Wheat I. bar- ley 7. corn t; oati 1; mtl1e-d II rirun neav C7 i For Lonir Finht C7 JERUSALEM. June 21 - (T -Menachem Be i gin. commander-in-chief of Irgun Xval Leumi. de clared today his underground fighters had "no Illusions' that the United Nations would grant his organization's aims in Pales tine. In an interview at his secret hideaway the one-time Polish I lawyer, upon w hoe head the British have placed price of 18.000. allied Irgun was "ready for a long fight" and prpheid dourly "many of my feneration probably will not die in their said that the "very con struction" of the United Nations rommiMinn now attempting to work out a solution to the Holy Iand problem "makes us pevii mitu Australia and Canadian members, for instance, never will sign a report that-to be Juat mutt nereftsarily deal with the au tocracy and brutality of British rule in our land." w-rry AAA 1 ' A A A f I CO 1 i T I.r. It. C Urll PljjOf eDeceptioIl, WASHINGTON. June 2a-0Pr-A houe expenditures subcom mittee aceued the war assets ad mimxtration today of "misrepre sentation and deception" and urged that top military officials in it be replaced by civilians. In a report to the full com mittee, a necial group which in vestigated the WAA said it has lumen over lo ine Justice rtepari- meti i ana mr internal reenue bureau for furthdr examination evidence of "unconscionable"" con tracts. The committee said that in re port to congress, tha WAA "has ! been guilty of misrepreeTtaton and deception in that it has con itcnt1y rendered repot U in such , form a to te materially miaJeael- ing with repect to the results being obtained from the diapoaal program. There are eight national forests in Arizona, covering a total of 11,400.859 acres. 1 tw sw. sw SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS KILOCYCLES! KSLM im KODf f73. ECW IX. EXZ UU It IIIH kuin Id III I 1A I Aw m IILN IOI( Id 111 tit s.w BiSLK ai SvMt Mai fVMf fi , It a E X Km 'm lMkX( 11 It It IILM III III ll-W il.U KSLM KOI K U 111 I ik'i imnm t avallrr avatkrtu ) Kmt ! Ktn K SI M K O I N k li III I It I I.M K O I M IUII 111 Mrteekea faOTMly Hawr lyinpS y Our (luMrvaf iranwly ISywtpan Our t-kOdteaf IK t IS IWebalee fWtWter VeT Tetr : tleee Thearr M. Owtur !1. Oautaee lOarU IMmgS :Darta Oawa IILN IOIH low I I X 1 A4tnrKtvre It KSLM IOIN KOW, I I X I Adventure Autrr ICene Autj ICene iJac raar Uara Paar IDeadluw MrM Oeadlme J.-M Quia 11 'rWk Quit HLH IOIN IOW IIX Srtef OptntoK A. Tiiriti wnite Piper .IWtef OpttaK fWUU t It IIIH IOIN IOW I IX News Mas J Merry Jardaa Man Jaedaa Merry -I Irtnui Hawr .leetitng Hi It T-aptanre IILM IOIN IOW I I X trapiorwur fTaka. Leaea . Take. Leaea II law tMnitlt Jack Imtth Jack ImrtK Ptaaa (uartet rwait. Wtrarhetl X parwana aanaar F idler lit G. Hester arrtme Or. 'Headline Starr TheaUe Gauld IILM IOIN IOW I I X K2. Healer Inrtma Dr. Nen 'Theatre Guild I as M Queatiaaa it'artkaa Arctter 'jyaiphany 'Drew Pearaoa It !M Qua at man K m liaa Areher ! wiprianv Manday Mat! IILN IOIN IOW XIX tad It mea Miller I I I. M IOIN KOW I I X Ram Spadd )Ho41yaaod Or 'Vam Ipada 'Cauw'rr Hanyaand lilN K Ol N KOW 1 1 X 'eelal Hour 't-ltar rinal jNeaa McCafl Heart Had Off aUvp it u Krwpa IILM IOIN IOW I I X tSlTa ICira-s Orra Timber Tax To Begin July 1 The new law passed by th re cent legislature placing a tax of 5 trr.li on each 1.000 feet of tim- ber harvealed in the slate will go I into effect July 1. Plans for enforrernent of the I Uw have been completed by the stale rxxnmtaaion, the commiuion reported Saturday. Ech harvest er of timber or othr-r forest product for sale u requires u make returns. Sixty per cent of re.-nu. j drrived from Um U lo b, for reaearrh In utilisation of wtod waste and 40 per cent for development of new technique in rehabilitation, protection and management of .forect lands In Orecon. The first 23.000 feet of j timber or forest product harvest" ed annually exempt. by each operator U Jap Witness Ends Own Life GUAM. Jun 28-UVR leading prowecution witness rornmitted puiride with ruor lale today Iter testifying more than two days in the U. S. nary trial of 19 fellow -J apanew charged with murdering 10 American war prUoners In aeries of grueaome nedlcal experiments.' The witness, dapper Iiltka Sur- IX ShJgkMhi Nakamura, oravea uie stony sxarss oi tne 07- 1 t M m A a m . m a a lenoanu wiinout risioi raouon. but when he was returned to the marine stockade he slashed hi abdomen and throat, dotng haa beat with the means at hand to conform with traditional hari klrt methods. " American naval officers ex pressed belief that he ended his life because he had Inexorably "put the -finger" on his former commandant. Naval Capt. Hiroahi IwinamL as Instigator of the atrocities. ECTIEEMCVr TTLEO RHiremrnt frofn the aaaumed busineai name of Modern Beauty college, Salem, was filed with Marion county clerk Saturday by Ortaad O. and Joan Ogdrn. Why Suffer Anr Lonprr rears ta t kaaa. Ka aaaUee a at a wet a aaaa ate sac are ainatted daaaraerv alaaaltaa, aaart. taa. Br er. XMaeya. gaa, eaawapaiiaa. plaara dtaaetea, rWawillia. iaK aad Mad aer (rear, akaa, leawate CHARLIE CHAN CattMlag Btia ' to. fMrVa Blaara ta S. Twa a. aad lat. aarfy. Paaaa 1-1 twt aAXXM. OK. z. t n. tr- !Air nMk lit lU 1B T Mm I M W t II - II S K llif rm w k t Mm i r"U; Mm ri! tusSr Hn. rw Ht rtrtwtiw leM KabkaK rrp kUliel IJI keew A1K Km I S3 fLawree Com r. !J x A n T.. An Barwr &al Kew a Cal Mr. - CreM umy Orew IMaa-f -as 'Hekf Teleahfif Wtwfs Wfi IMaw-M ii as u a e"i Trwiua Srva Trin rKew Talk I i I -M I as :tt4.e 'J trwi TUmea 'Ja A TenieaK Tred Ariea Piper MkmC HmQ Ha3 141 JMtcK Carter terK C rTawr Martta f Taay I taartiK uatc am4ltar Hav a Kale tWota Ptaata Chiarwt i riA T at lea Ctria rheatra Catld ! Oeatra Caaag S.M 'tawtetal 'C'auaa Meat I'ar paar CraeK Harrtet I at (Craeaaa 'Caapte i Meal ' I a k parr -e ttanaet IKI Or. Mwtf Cheer Caaaa Star PonUnti Urtstork POtTTLAXO. Oa. Jaa K 4 a- I ITS-DA I Cat tie tar ft re Kara ata Me ZtTI. tatal Sill: raJaaa ?M awd taaav Keea full aea. aaa aAauarhWrt iimi a adfhUr aue, (eel fen-rtCy aa-IJa tower rraaea act eady. eater I a IN xui aneaoara-tamd rri r a IJei aa feW wal M aad Maad Ita Xtat tadtaaal rta a Ma. rvnaa KtaTK. Hi Itta aiaea II aw-la rw I . aa nia-oat tea ' rtiaw Id fa new uab Ca Ad ( i awd l at-ll M. wneUa aveww I. a aa j J rat datr ty-ae ta 12 Be tuaa beef mi 11 aa-1 1 aa wT7 tt'Z" kwik. IJa-M.ay. a a r. a a.a.a - aa awlr Umm ana aa ia sar rrea Kara, aalaate taa a pb tar sari. aTtarapt awvthanced 1 fewer anaa aiemiif ttr. ly mm t . pi a ad ajwalrty. Ku a " rnaac laa-yaa Ma aet-ta naa a-wiia. Caae lat Tin. tteav.ee aad Water waa Xi Oa- rt'jew haa. aaa Oaa Ija-ax la !afr r' . lir-er weU.ta ta a a (r lit ta ta.der aara tap m ft eat., wad baa 1 as Cewwd alaa aaraetr 1 aa. eewer. late tap at aa aarte aaaws at Tl aa-M. in mmi tw ri Tl f 1 1 . aad aS-Tt twa J aa-M aa a It aa Gait- rwaaea a wa IT aa aett awrhaweed at Ja-I aa. cwta 1 ta IM. ucaiE miutsa Giro An assistant funeral director who hie not aerted hit err balm. eri appreriticehip ka ine! ble for si ate funeral direr-tear's lacenae, AMnrrvry Cenrral Ceorge Neuner held rtlday. DSS. CHAH LAM tf t T lauaj se St rwaaja M ClIIXLSf UCIEALXITI XII Karla UWrty Upatawa Pwrtiaad Caaaaat giaili'ti Ca Otfjra aaaa mmrmi away M a I JB I ta I paw. Cawaai ta' taaaa IStf f eaa Nana i 'mmmtn tl iy ii . I Revival Hawr 'Ke-tl Maaar f 'ertaJ 1ar Kapaawe kt Pram-M j HmUm I Aaat Meteer WTatlaB:ar Haar 'atxaiar Hi iar ranmwuan 'Veapeea 'Taapi 1 1 UJI II S 'Maaar ldra4 Ted Ttm ILa jOiti aialra ltaaraba iDnau laa4 I ear-ia r 4 aaarhaaidad. aWaWaaSaaBaTaTi mfmrWi aad craw) laawaa HEALTH TO TOU WKTJf a a awjBMrrWaSSi a Pyfaj.,, rraAaaa flrtwac sad ttWf Eacaal aiairiirt are Nt DawtwHalasaUaw Qasra EetWf Dr. !L Rtc4 CHale Katara- rtartolac M til N. Uaarrtr A. aVaapax, Ora