For Sale Real Estate INCOME ttXS MONTH ' Besides owner'! 4 bed room double t?urrbing houw on bus line and inodrm SB. R house In rear. Both ""t AL WTATT T7 a. C oi nr rial Ph. M$7 For Sale Farm Acreage See This Farm Home in. i 10 Arr eult. Barn, toot & ..( uw' nw rKirkvn house 20x40, as rabbit hutcne. I cow. S belters, rab- bits, chtckrn. fool. nwi hotr u furnished loci, elect, range, atn n.achine. Elect, water ytem. pnni water lmmed Poin. rash. By smner. Rt. I. Boa 163. 1 mi. ft w ft tmw.. . - . , .. Farms - Acreages tMue buy t 10i A on pavement with 1 RM how, pressure aystem. electric ity All in fruit and nuts. 175 Down. 21 . A Eota Hills. RM house. tara.- pltry hse t r A oats. 16 A hr timber. 47M. 147 A 2 rr.jlea to gand town. 7 RM home. 2 tarns, mac ahed. hog nous. pltTT. h. etc. 72 tllal- 62 A field crop., orchards, tc. 13. $6500 Srrt tkv FAR1I. A. fertile, well drained wii. 2 lg pltry bouses, brood er he. barn, fruit hewae. garage. Good svjt wn. t im shades, shrubs ana i t,t of fruit, berries, and eraoet. On pvd hwy at edge ot town i- siAtd riown. STROVT REALTY. 9S JthJUreet 41 ACRES all Will, and Amity am i urwi ihm bedrm. Dlattered home, line large barn, $ silos, hog house, machine aheda. chicken house m -..-.a r.mis all but 2 acres in cultlvatfon This la aw ot the finest farms t ae valley. $11.00. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS JtlandRdFb3jOpilf ves . 25 ACRES w:th a room. 2 bed room bouse. aoaut 23 acres clear, about II cres under cultivation: on milk route. School across paved hi-way. Has barn for 7 head and ample bay room: two chicken houses, shop and tool house, gsrace tac for 2 cars. Insulated electric pump house. Insulated fruit house ttnav for freerer unit. Tractor a machinery ihed. 2 cows. Farmall tractor. 4 section harrow, disc, disc plow. 2 bottom plow. rake, mower, sirun. manure spreader, buzz saw and all C!p. Price 810.600. No. $53. 40 ACRES. Willamette silt soil. 39 arm cuit.. 7',. acres ftaa. 7' acres gtanchen barley. II acres wheat. I ecres oats vetch. I acres fescue A stub clcvtr. Tile pump house with large pressure system; barn. hen house 4 trooder house. Very fine imrx.1 mi 7 room house finished in 24" raked makes. Plastered. Irving room. room, kitchen bath I tn i im rami ud. full basement; elec. hot mater. Oil pip furnace, laun dry travt. A beautiful modern home la a striking setting of fine shade trees and shrutohery. Price $20,000. No. 647. 120 AC7E Grade A Dairy Farm. Hew S im. home. Barn for 30 head. Milking parlor with 2- unit milking snacmn. 14 gal. per hr. Elec. water nrersur pu:r.p. 1 milk cows. 9 regis . tered; 2 r.eifers, registered sire; new Model A. John Deere Tractor, cover crops disc. 10 ft. drill, 10 ft. roller. 2 section harrow, tractor mower, wag on on rubber. Case combine. 16 in. hat cutter. A high class dairy farm. Ak atv u1 No. I! REIMAXN REAL ESTATE 2t South Htrh Ph. 6203 Eve k Suit Ph. 2821. -7J or 2-6056 1 01 ETTLE 1ST ATE 134 acres, ab. IM in cult, bal timber. dTbldfr.. 4 It mile S. Hopmere, only miles SiW-m center, pavement. Ideal place for large family could be di vided. Pn. 634 further details. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate- Broker A Fine Farm 3 acres. Irrigated, fine bare, good houx, other improvements, creek for stork. rr..le town. Always a money BMker. Or.'.y f 1I4M. X. 3 REASONER. REAL ESTATE Room 1. 241 SUte. Salem APPROX. U acres. Good location. Wonderful view. 10 acres filberts A walnuts, acres grain field, family orchard fine building sites. 24730. A. It Buell.- Rt. I. Box 26. Aums Vllle Ph. SaleinJWIM, NEW" 114.800 4 bedrmTHhoine. dbl. plumbed, completely furnished with new furniture, hwd. floors, new dis trict cUwe in. Bus service, .t acre. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2793 Eve. 9441 Jiy X, 4 rm. house k garage,enough lumber to rouoh in another 5 rm. house. Close In. Will consider gzooo cash or Late model car ft $1000.. Bal ance on reasonable terms. Ph. 4922 20ACRES: Olympic soil. A. wal nuts, balance In cultivation. No Drags $4500. boitia terms. Ph. 21960. Suburban $1850. HOUSE 10x20. 1st floor laid for 12x20 addition, plus A. New elec. water sys. 3935 Pleasant View Dr.. N. of aluminum plant. Suburban 3 Bdrm. House, $7500 Brand new house with private well Dble. gar, full bath, l Ac. una. 1 Acre Plus Brand new X bdrm. house No. Full price $5500. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 2284 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 SUBURBAN NEAR KEIZER 2 611 Acres with late Built S room home, wired for range. Elect water htr. elect water system, septic tank, other hides, lawn, shrubs, berries, fruit, garden, some beaverdam soil. This is a nice place reasonably priced Floyd Volkel Real Estate tttone iszi RufttneM Opporiunilir I For Salr IWil Vnrm VETERANS If you have a new and novel idea for starting a business of your own Something Different and have confidence enough In It to want to try It out. see hie. S. A. Wheat- ley. 444 state St. - Business Buys Best Offer Will Buv 1942 lfJ-T. L.W.B. Ford Truck.'Very good shape, low mileage. Will trade. S. Nrlwn. 3A4 Vista Ave. 34 ciiEv.'Tudo? r n inr ; ruv. ber. new rear end. clutch, universal, transmission ft valves ground In Lat two weeks. Student needs money to pay epair bills. Ph. 3461. iTTHEV7T615S. 22ndafter5Is Kf. 1940 BDlCk Roadmaster sedan, this black beauty Is perfect In every re spect and is fully equipped. $I6j0. In- AUTO PAINT SHOP. Lot., bldg. equipment. Main St. location. $3600. STATION, GROCERY. a A WE. Mod. RM home. Excel, locat. $8500. TRAILER PARK and home. S lots on main pvd. st. 33 trailer space wiin elect, and water service. Utility house, showers, toilets. Furnished 5 rm home and rental cabin. $13,700. TERMS. is iintt r-niTRT an a with sna ft front 0BE Mod I RM home. Beautiful conq. Kaymonq Lovelin. nark Past vnr'i income 112.000 olus. I l- Silverton Bargain at $35,000 with good terms. STHOUT REALTY. 959 S. gth Street terested parties write Statesman Box 298 for appt 1937 te SO TO 4 dr. sedan. Good cord, throughout. New tires all around. Ph. 6J91. 1683 Center. 1930 MODEL A coupe. radio, good Rt. 2. Box SERVICE Station ft Garage, fully equipped, one stop service, comer i ligation on 4 lane nienway. a mues from heart of Portland. Owner going east. Price 000., Write S. M. O'Shaughnesry, 2407 S E. Floss, Port land 2. For Salr Um-cI Car For Suit U4n! Cara KL-Il ORVAL'S USED CARS $239:.00 Salem. Oraooa. SsTttinigy. fit Xt. Iff 7 4 For Sale Uaetl Cart For Sale UrA Cara MAKE YOUR STAKE NOW Good Restaurant in town nr. Salem. Newly equipped. Long lease on bldg. available. $5500. Terms. Man Sc Wife can handle. Good income. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11. Wallace Rd. Rt. I. Box 162 Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 COURT ST. PHONE 7696 RES. 2-4789 SUBURBAN HOMES B A. East. Good Soil. 4 A Oats, New 4 Rm. Hse. Berries & Walnuts. Close in - l 50. Off Wallace Rd. 4'. A. 8 Rm. House Small barn St chicken house. Family orchard MOM 14 A. South. 13 A. Cult. 7 KM. Mod ern Hse. (plastered). Barn & Chicken House $7500. 80 A. on Pudding River. 35 A. Cult. Bal. in pasture St Umber. No Build ings $10,500 iOS A. South. 85 A. Cult. 65 A. in Oats at Wheat. 6 Rm. House, am 8c Sheds. On stream $15.000. SUBURBAN Only $2750 for this 2 room home, beautiful building site., large trees. Terms. 1 Ac. Swegle Dist. Lovely 2 BR. home. Hdw floors. E. water H. Wired for range. Ven blinds. Bus by door. 27 young filbert trees. Close to school 8c stores. $7350. Only $1850 down. SEE HESS NELSON with William E. Moses 331 1 State" St, Phone 4993 FOR LEASE Downtown store bldg. Call Frank Krauger. 14F22. Independence, associ ated with Alien Jones 8c Mrs. Need ham, Realtors. 341 SUte. Rm. 4. Ph. 6963. FOR SALE. RENT OR LEASE NEW CAFE with living quarters, best of equipment, nicely located on 99 highway near Salem. A good deaL Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 HOME k. Income of $300 a mon. Electrically heated Income property consisting of three 2-rm. apts.. one 1-rm. apt. a 4 Dearms.. pius owner s apt. Walking distance of Capitol bidgs. ft business districts. 'This is a good investment at $23,500. Ph. 9307 after 1 P.M, 341 Chemeketa St Eve. 9441 Grocery Store Very nice living quarters. Very clean stock, some new fixtures, meat dept. Fast growing location, good renewal lease. FuU price $10,500. Auto Court 4 units, nice living quarters. Furn. 1 ac. Hlway frontage. Room for rnany more units. FuU price $18,000. Store Bldg. to Lease Located No. This Is a lee. fireproof bldg. Owner will divide 8c remodel to suit tenant. Within reason. Please, no phone info. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 Fxcliangc Real Estate ACsMKI0a5 10 ACRES NORTH Tsj bed room home, elect, water system. Uin. ciucken house, family trait, ruts and berries.- 1mm. posxes suon and priced to aell in a hurry. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS KK5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Open Eves. r HURRY and see this if you want acres north, with -a good 3 bdrm. house, barn, chicken bouse, garage and nut co or. 9 acres in walnuts and f uberts and one acre of real beaver slam planted with beans, all for $9500. SULLIVAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 2j Portland Rd. Ph. 3253. Open Eves. I ACRES Boysenberries and gar 4fcn. horse and eruipment, 4 room haue. furtUshed. 1210 Alder. Jaris. . -"io A. Sear "Ciaverdale school, lays . perfect, toad on 2 sides, could sub- UnrvA. with creek an each tract. 9 r m houie. all modera conveniences. Barn, poultry ft hog h'lunes. good traces. Bus for grade ft high school. Price flOXiOOO. Alfred Dmr.beck or W. A. Saueressig 147 N. Commercial St. 5 Acres Close In 2 bedroom . house, wired for elec. range. Laundry trays. 24 English wal aiuts. $ filoerts. Peaches, prunes and raspberries. $1501 down 8c $50 per naath. Call Allen Jones or . Mrs. Needham, Realtors ?41 State St., Rm, 4 SALE or Trade for Salem property: Modern 6 rm. house, garage, 'a acre city watar. good location, one mi. E. of Dallas on new Monmouth cut off. Rt. 1. Box 67. Ph. Dallas 19F3. For Sale or Trade for Suburban or City Property This It A. farm has everything. 2 B.R. mod house, mostly furnished. 146 large filbert trees. 2 A. boysenberries. 1 A. orchard. Oats it pasture. 4 -chick en houses. 200 laying hens, 2 reg. cows. 1 horse. Tools, machinery & large brooders. $97j0. Terms. SEE HESS NELSON with William E. Moses 231 H SUte St. Phone 4993 Home add. 1685 N. .Church Wanted Real Estate V A. Edge of Salem. 1 or X B R with bus service, to trade for small farm with good home. Ph. 2-5181. I or 2 B. R. House that $500 to $1000 down will buy. Ph. 2-5111. Good Home in Evangelical church DISC MITCHELL REAL ESTATE OUR BEST LISTING - 2 nice houses on S acres, plenty of f oad out buildings, most modarn little such la These parts and priced below market, close In. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Btealtara Phone 3791 241 Chemeketa St. Eve. 9441 WE MIGHT have the property you desire. Try us. B. Isherwood Real Estate Phone 6F11 Rt. 1. Box 162 C ASM Buyers ara coming lnWe need your listing. . E M HUNTER REAL "ESTATE 770 S. Com l. Ph. 25497 WaTJTED- Listings of city and suburban homes, farms and business property Wa offer you prompt service. CALABA AND HABERNICHT. REALTORS 231 N. High St. Phone 5838 1 HAVE CASH BUYERS tor all ty rEr of city and suburban property. prompt and courteous set vice list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL .Real Estate Broker 555 N Liberty Phone 7327 LISTINGS WANTED " An exclusive listing is a mark of confidence; worthy of every effort and consideration Why not give us an ax elusive listing of your property? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 451 Court Phone 7696 Business Opportunities FOR SALE bv Owner: Coast Soort ing Goods ft Hardware store located trt Taft.. For details call Salem 24512. 1941 HUDSON 4 door sedan, new motorja tlresJ$975 J0OS S. 2Ut i941 TORD Coupe, has had very good care. $1145 cash. 1805 State St. 3tfCHEV. 2 door St. New tires, heat er seal beam head luht. $395 00. First ft Jersey St.,- Silverton. Ore. 37 CHEV. 4 door $55 00 35 Chev. Std. 4 door . 250 00 35 V-$ coupe 345 00 35 Hudson 4 door . 265 00 36 2 ton Dodge truck 450.00 HAMMS GARAGE pn Dallas Hiway CHEV7Farm truck, stake body, good Urea, motor. See at Willamette Pack mg Co.. West Salem 29 CHEV. Coupe. 16 in. wheels, runs good. $150. Rt. I. Box 621. on Cun ningham Lane near Liberty. WANTED: Clean cars. Square Deal Used Cars. 1155 S. 12th 1946 FORD V-8 pickup. Radio and heater. A-l condition. Like new car. Rt. 7. Box 336. 1 ml. east. . south of Totem Pole. '33 V-fSEDAN. re-cooditiuned mo tor. 41 wheels. Good tires. Twin muf fler ft radio. Alfo '30 Model A sedan in excellent cond. Must sell. Best cash offer. Ph. 2-4045. 507 N. 19th. WRECKING out 1937 Plymouth coach. 1935 Plymouth. 1934 Chevrolet master coach, 1936 Ford fordor. 1936 Wi'lys fordor. 16 inch wheels for Ford. Chevrolet ft Chrysler products. Everett's Garage. Salem-Dallas High way. Phone 24338. 1931 MODEL A 5 pass, coupe. Mo tor. bodr ft upholstering is perfect. $400. Ph. 2b568. 190 Kapphahn R1. BY-Private party : 1938 Packard con vertible coupe. Radio, heater ft good tires. Mechanically good and looks rood, at a Drice that you can afford to pav. $950. Terms. See at 2131 Cen ter St. 1940 G.M.C. -600 logging truck and 1942 17.000 lb. axle Wentwln trailer. cab rough, rubber good. $3500. 5th house on first road left of highway scales. Sweet Home. Ore. For QUALITY AM) CI J AK ANTE ED 1911 Studcbaker Tudor Champion . 1947 Studcbaker 5-1 a. Coupe Champion 239.V00 1917 Ford Sedan Coupe "6" 209.".00 1947 l ord Tudor Sedan "6" 1993.00 1947 Plymouth Sp. Del. 5-Pass. Coupe 2293.00 1947 Plymouth Deluxe Tudor 2093.00 1947 Chevrolet Slvlrmastrr Club Coupe.... 2213.00 1946 Buick Sujer Sedan 1916 Buick Special Sedan 1946 Pontiac "8" Sedanet 1946 Pontiac "6M Sedan 2193.00 1946 Chevrolet Stvlemater Tudor 1993.00 1946 Dod?e Custom Sedan 2393.00 1946 Nash "600" Sedan 1995.00 1946 Chevrolet Stvlemater Coupe 1893.00 1916 Ford Convertible Coupe 2093.00 1946 Ford Deluxe Tudor 1845.00 Orval's Used Cars 1941 CHEVVTudor sedan with rad'o ft heater. 1940 Olds 4 dr. sedan with radio ft heater. 1934 Dodge pickup. Other cars to choose from. Also two car radios for sale. SALEM USED CARS Ph. 7377 - 3O00 Portland Rd. Trailers 2795.00 2695.00 2595.00 CENTER AT CHURCH ST. PHONE 4TM Buy Early For Your Holiday Trip 1910 1941 1942 1937 FOR SALE SHOP BUILDING Lot is 50110. building is 2022. con crete florr. good for repair shop, radio shop. etc., located on South IZth St. $2800. SERVICE STATION & GARAGE Lease, stock and soma equipment, ex cellent location, grossing app. $2000 a month $5250. ICE CREAM 8c SANDWICH SHOP Includes all stock and equipment, ex cellent down town location. 19 stools. Calaba and Habernicht Realtors 231 N. High St. Phone 5838 Eve. Phone 3779 or 2-5238 Phone 3210 BEAUTY SALON $900 down Balance $40 per month good going business, in live town close to Salem. Full prife $2650. CaU Mr. Picha. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High Street TRIANGLE Chicken ft Steak House. 60 Liberty Rd. Good steady trade and fine profit. 2 dinmg rooms, central kitchen, fine equipment. Lot 50x220. Building, business ft equipment all goes for $9500. Excellent reasons for selling. Living quarters. COAST Lota, good loc.. cheap. 22146. SHORTIES Cab Co. 1947 Packard taxi. Ph. 8774. 148 Gerth. CLEAN 18 ft. factory built, butane range, sleeps 4. $850. Shady Rett Trailer Camp. 150 Williams Ave. "2 TRAILER Houses, one" 16 ft., fur nished, 16" tire?. $395 One 14 ft. aluminum trailer, steel frame. 16' tires, furnished. $475. Call 21200 18 FT. Bungalow trailer house $800. Fully equipped. Used only six monthf. 1984 State Street. - A"f Reasonable prices: Two" trailer house 1 1946 Clipper 16', ft. 1 1946 National 23 ft. Both are nearly new. ' mile west of Turner. Ore., on the Battlecreek Road, on the WhiUker place. 1941 24 Ft. trailer house. New ifb tires, new daveno. new paint, fully furnished. Must sell. $1000. 2625 So. Summer. MASTER Buift trailer houe If. sleeps 4. k tworms. 1511 N. Winter 14 FT.. Butane, sleeps 4. roomy, in sulated, light finish interior. Merriman Trailer Co. 3 mi. east on Silverton Hlway. left on McCain . mi., right ' mi. 1942 NATION AL-Trailer house. 21 ft, reduced from $1850 to $1350. 888 N. Com 1 . S1095 .$ 895 For Sale Wood Veneer Cores for Sale Old growth yellow fir. $3 per M at mill.' Ph. 1078 Detroit, Oregon. Idanha Veneer Co. , fir. plywood cores, sum- 844 Mill. OAK. Ash. mer rates. 844 Mill. Ph. 3380. 16 INCH old fir 2nd growth, maple ft oak ft knots. P. T. Deckard. Rt. I. Box 117. Ph. 25140. 27 FT. Pan American. 25 ft. American. 21 ft. Bay Sute. 16 ft. Covered Wagon. Reduced price. Best buys In . town. 1984 State. HOUSE Trailer. 25 ft.. meUl body, well insulated, good tires. Sacrifice If Uken at once 1067 S. 13th. Authorized dealer for Universal. Normtl Master-built, Whirlabout. Globe Master. Mobile- Glide, Pacific Liner, also many makes of used trailers. Every tr after a bar gain at Security Motor & a Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded. V ml. N. of Underpass. 3383 Portland Rd Phone 2-514 STEEL Frame 16 In. wheel trailers. 1790 N. Front. Chevrolet Master Deluxe Tudor (2 to choo? from) R&H Nash "600" 6-Clinder Sedan R&H. overdrive Buick Roadmaster Sedan Radio and Heater Packard Couje 2 EXTRA SPECIALS 1941 DeSoto Tudor, R&H. 1940 Ford 1 V2 Hyd. Dump . All cars listed are in excellent condition. Sell cash or terms and trade. DURAND MOTORS 540 Union Phone 2-1602 We Invite Comparison 1937 CHEVROLET TUDOR A good running, clean car. 1936 FORD TUDOR Actual mileage 22.000 1936 NASH SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive 1935 FORD SEDAN Mercury motor, good paint, clean BURGOYNE CENTER STREET -. USED CAR MARKET 1912 Buick Super Sedanette. R&H 1911 Ford Super 4-Door, R&H, fine car 1911 Chev. Sper. Deluxe. R&H 1911 Willys Sedan; here a bargain 1939 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan, clean 1939 Ford Tudor, dandy 1937 Chevrolet 4-Door. R&H 1937 Chrvtler 4-Door, R&H 1937 DeSoto Sedan. You thould ee thU one 1936 Dodge 4-Door, good olid ear 1943 Chevrolet Coupe Look! Inspect! Buy! ONE OF THESE FINE USED AUTOS 1917 Ford (Super Dlx.) Tudor Sdn. R&H $189 3 DC 1916 Chevrolet Fleetline Fordor Sdn. R&H. 1912 Buick (Secia0 Fordor Sdn. R&H .$1693.00 1911 Cadillac -62- Club Cpe. R&H $2293.00 1941 Chevrolet (Spec. Dlx.) Fordor Sdn. Radio and Heater '. $1293.00 1941 Chevrolet (Spec. Dlx.) Fordor Sdn. $1215.00 1941 Ford (Super Dlx.) Tudor Sdn. R&H $1193.00 1941 Ford VrTon Pickup. Upeed trtnu. . $ 945.00 1911 "SPECIAL" Ford (Super Dlx.) Convertible. R&H $1365.00 For Sa!e Farm For Sale -Farms LEE OHM ART & CO., REALTORS S A.: 4 room house ' with bath, ga rage; 30x30 workshop. All new build, ings 4' , miles from Salem. $6750.00. ' 26 A.; 6 room house; 600 capacity poultry house; 10 stanchion barn; I mile to grada A high achool. f 15.000.00. 9009 Acre Eastern Oregon stock farm; 400 acres Irrigated; 2 sets of ' buildings; - truck, tractor and other necessary equipment. (90.000.00. 64 Acres; 2 story. 4 bed room house; 2 springs, creek: 20 A. timber, 25 A. orchard. $32,000.00. Will take Salem property in trade, 130 acres: 135 A. river bottom land: water right for 75 acres: 22 stanchion barn. $42,000.00. LEE OHM ART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court St, Evenings, phone 7434 Phone 2-4115 or 2-4118 Tri-Ciiy Fuel Ph. 6683 2 -cord load. $10. 16 millwood Screened fresh cut fir sawdust Dry 16" slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft. slab Wa Give S. it H. Green Stamps Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR 4-Ft. and lt)-inch 2nd growth cord wood; Hand picked block & slab for furnace. Planer Trimmings Sawdust Personal LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS BERRIES' 17 acres; T acres strawberries. 8 acres boysenberries, 1 acres filberts, family orchard consisting of apples. . rrs. prunes, grapes and walnuts: bed room home, nice bath and fire place, elec cooking and water ' sys tem, barn, chicken house and garage. Vt mile from grade achool and store. Price $20,000. YEAR AROUND CREEK 101 acres with. 72 acres under culti vation and It acres under Irrigation. Modern home with 4 bed rooms, hard wood floors throughout, one tub bath and 2 showers, basement, oil furnace, aprinkling system, double garage, all spacious rooms. Also has It stanchion barn with elec milking machine, year around creek, only 6 miles from state house. Full price $42,000. With equip ment and soma livestock included $47,500. Wa will ba proud to show you this property. . PUDDING RIVER v 46 acres. 4 bed room home, 23 acres tinder cultivation. 20 stanchion barn, poultry house and silo. Located on Padding river. Total price is $13,000. CALL OR SEE MR. COPPOCK. OUR FARM REPRESENTATIVE LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS TT Con SA Phone 2-4115 WANTED to Adopt: New born baby. Could give good home. -loving care. Write to Mr. and Mrs, John Kelch, Fairview Rte.. Coquille, Oregon. RENOWNED FORTUNE TELLER It Psychic Mediums MADAME LOLA and MADAME ROSE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU Moved to 3275 S. Commercial A private confidential palm or spir itual reading by either sister will solve your problems. They will tell your past resent, future; answer au questions of ive, business, marriage, health, hap piness. etc. Appointments not neces sary; hours is a.m. to ia p.m. every day. Suburban bus leaves Coml. St State every half hour. City bus leaves Com'l. ac btate every 13 minutes. Stops with in 1 block. ALCOHOLICS Anonrmous P O Ram 72. E Lost and Found LOST: 2-2361. Trl-Delta sorority pin. Ph McCall's Used Cars Capp's Used Cars 253 Union St. (N. ide of Marion Park) Phone 61 13 Attention Motorists For a holiday trip you will not forget. Take it in one of tliee fine ued cars. To prove they are ready to go place. At no advanrr in pricr. With each car purrh from now until July tth. we will pay for a com plete lubrication, oil change, plus a tank full of gat at your favorite station. 147 ItMA la 1M6 ? 1941 lt itja tue IM 1636 SUsdrbafcer Oaaspsset. 1 a H a an-r-it Feed Iy1iiii rsmv. rasa 91 rerd Ctab Cawa Kara Cawaa V-6 Plymouth Club Cava Winn 4-om. m O O Plyarpwtii Casipe Unemin Zeastyr. 4-Dw R S It a OO sUurh 4-Dasr. I a H. Canismiy Teed Tadar. Otis Tads A.B.C. MOTORS Til SOUTH Irtn rttewt sMt 1297 State Street Dial 8108 PANELS 1947 1946 1941 DODCE Vj-TON PANEL Radio, heater and upot light .$ IK 15.00 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY $1795.00 Radio, beater and spotlight FORD SEDAN DELIVERY $1295.00 Heater ear thrmsgtMwt 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY $1015.00 JUNE SPECIAL Hand picked 1$ inch furnace slab wood, 2 cord load $14. Ph. 6663. 16 IN. Ash. oak. bid fir. old fir limb. Arnold Phillips, P. O. Box 281. Turner Highway Fuel Co. STOVE St DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH 6444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 2-4031 w ill, the party who took man watch at Olinger pool Thursday P M. please return for reward. Ph. 4077. LOST: Key ring, black Hash llcht. If found call 24427. LOST: BrowrTleather billfold. Keep money but please return papers. 565 ;e. Charley H. Loop. Bed roll, this side of Suttle lake on San t Lam highway. Reward. Ph. 61M. LOST: Downtown Monday. Russian calf billfold. Ph. 5320. 2 STRAYED Calves. Ph. 24423. Motorcycles Elmer Boje WOOD 16" mm block and neavy slab wood. Can ba burned now. No sawdust, dirt or edgings. Good clean wood.- Phone 453.zoza sown lzzn su. satem. ore. HAND Picked it Inch block A slab wood. Ph. 24554. Indian SALES SERVTCX PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Phone $303 Salem Schools Wanted t Used Car NURSERY School Wed.. Thv. 1 9-12 A.M. 2-5 yrs. Ph. 9342. FrL. PRIVATE Individual wants to buy late model used car. Ph. 3797 days. g ven gigs izzo tjenter St. Automobiles Hudson SALES SERVICE PART I Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting "Give Shrock a try. you 11 know why" Shrock Motor Co. Phone $502 Salem CASH FOR LIGHT CAR. Ph 4598 XT You want good body and fender repairs a ad - auto paint ooa. aea us. J and J Auto Paint, 1 1th and Mon mouth Rd.. Independence. Lodges Wood Sawing SALEM Lodge No. 4. A. F. A A. M . Mon., June 30. M. M. degree 7 P.M. Atkins. 1148 Tile Rd. Phone 6674 I j. o. O. F. meet every Wednesday. & B CKOSS, U4 m. 171ft. Ytk. SITS. ' Visitors welcome. Orval's Used Cars Center at Church Street Phone 4702 1946 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan Radio St Heater. 1946 Buick Super Setlanette Radio St Heater. 1916 Pontiac Streamliner Sedan Radio St Heater. 1946 Pontiac Torjietlo Sedan Radio St Healer. 1946 Oldsmobile 76 4-Door Sedan Radio St Heater. 1946 Chevrolet 5-Passenger Coupe (Stylemaster) Radio St Heater. 1946 Ford Convertible 1940 Buick Super 5-Passenger Coupe Radio St Heater. 1941 Ford Super Deluxe 4-Door Sedan 1940 Ford 4-Door Sedan Radio St Heater. 1944 Chevrolet lVi-Ton Truck Stake Body. Quality Used Cars 2 Blks. N. of Underpass I Mm- rd ! CWrs raiV AT Indis-sausJ sismss la tale snosH Ml g i mo ITSe tenser 36 DODCk Im trvrk srMH Otf) sW KM A .u4 trur H 113? Cim SJnlXMi Sel.W tins. It TTit? 1M1 futD Duma Irsrt. aw rury motor, sre IBS Lawta Ar Itr. POXTlAC aaast. rsd. bse . eareUent rwbawe. $:sa Can afver I r P 4S aja N Oter iSsi rOAO TV-a insk. A . J goa. asa Mnnss A o Sx.w Hni lal mm I X HIT) 1. Ism flml la Uvrk end A-l aa Fes sale tXtm mil IM m unmfm Art ffcw nH, IALZ a-TTtad- IMS Dt nsiM R L. Pniiltaa. art. a kw lis nti Fast mm C.a ortee a P M Iftsl FORD I moot ttoiwaa. raa A bralef. new Isrea, itrm sr tlmmf 47aaj ui mm tss a IssUrwaod aJ stun ta mmr . , TT 1 r. ph rm as Now wrecking ... I 4 CKrr 6 L Sard as rw. 4 Osaa ' Fard pd wt4 artth btst 71 fia al A esarv aaa f as J THIS tTK8 BtTST BSCT9 tat lora-.g tms. caaa Ffa isaa Pt taomi Pa-a ta. lis taw 0rv. TissVat mmmm aaa tart roan 6 rsaar rasa rrar t Hvr isjs rttrv im lSI rxiisatmiiuc mmmm taa tXffn.V.1 VXlZt CAItS rmmm M7s7 less Sm, Sr i4?roitrrsVa-a es: Te K CaMt ' uonn. "rimrnmtm CsO arte P if art t IM M ' IMS tkAAYlOk AL suca Tmrm artra trasajv. aia s-tsja DAILY CROSSWORD Acmoss 1. lprraaioa) of aorrpw S. Seorrai . Wealtr 10. Lonf-rr4 rodesvt 11. Slreara ct water 12 Cboeaa II. Fjrploy li. Cpoch 17. Malt arrrat;a UCklat It. Mra 4.Twtna4 rabrara 47. Earraa of ckawcea DOWM 1. Ascend tDatfl It fetal Kl Bafa , ZrCsm&ct 2i.Brjs, XV Ersniaa miVk coal X lUctseat card . rasnou d.TatUra rrawrw aVtartftdaf .Majr-k atickajama &. Rgsterm lL Pol last CtaVTItCB T. Cumifsa carvfaDy- 29. Haskdaaai tUpdajai elbows asaf TT'-' i .,T:" t-t ? :L---iT7l. 1 't J tVEm (faatCJ rr.awrt 2. A&UrrUg 12. EUMftftt: truarct 23 KUed y Box mdnVLaesSlf 27. SUdlaf parecw (UcclL) 2.E4iUa raoUtock (TahiU) tt.Ukarakd 21. Eakar 22. Reeaae 24. PronooJi 24. PevwauaJ 2.Kal-cne4 2f. VilnrrJ Insect 40,ExAmiaA. Uorts 4r PtrtAlBtaf to Kayaa 44. t&at wttoU cmanbrr 4VF4Usrra4 CTTAlUTV IX PJver ducka 22. Matt kUaw l(.Trr 24. Chart 4U Ape. 4Xlle!f -A ; W - !I -2 r - 2 mtiyT z vAx'xx m It" ' r Kaa Baaaajgaai BaBfaTeBBV aasstkaV BaaTaaTsBsai gaa$BBjaa aajgaasWaBBM saBBBBBaai asfjaBBBBM agBBBaTsaa ff A sa 4