It The Statesman. Salra. Oregon, Friday . Jun 27. 1947 Senators Boxing Svllaftch Probe Continued m tt ie lowniesriau Game from 2nd Lead "Way to Victory VICTORIA, June 26 -(CP) Victoria Athletics took a 15-9 set bark at the home of Salem Sena tors tonight in a wild mixture that lasted more than three hours. Added entertainment was given when Salem players and Plate Umpire Day engaged in argu tnents that saw Manager Jack Wilson and two other Senators banished in the fourth inning. rmnes and Bob Moore were banished along with Wilson. The leshuffle saw Pitcher Dick Sino-vic- going to right, First Basemen Skeber taking over In left Right Fielder Lou Kubiak coming in to third and Marty Krug taking over first base Ironically enough it was the Salem subs who Jed the way. Sinovic tied the count with a three-run homer and picked up an important single. in the sev enth-inning rally, while Krug hit two doubles and - a single and walked in four trips. Catcher Bill Beard was the hitting star with four singles and a homer which drove in five runs. In all, the six Victoria hurlers ' permitted 20 base knocks, walk ' ed 14 men. hit one batsman and contributed wild pitch which plated two runners to . lose an early 6-1 lead. The Salem score would have gone much higher had the Senators been hitting in the clutch. They left no fewer than 18 men on the base paths. The first three runs came off Wandell Mossor who had to leave the game after two innings when hit on his pitching arm by Prior. Manager Wilson gave up three runs in his one-inning stand. Buzz Sporer, a righthander with a sharp curve, pitched the last six frames and never wa in serious dancer. The victory, coupled with Ta coma's twin win over Spokane, put the red-hot Senators but a half game behind Spokane in second and two games behind league-leading Bremerton. Saleta Vkterta BHOA BHOA Mfnon i 7 S 1 3 Patrsn.m-3 J 0 1 J tpwterj SIS 1 Hooper.l SSI Kur.rO 10 1 1 Whltej-m S S 0 Kruc.l S S S 0 Msatro.c-r JOT Moor J 3 11 0 rianhmn.l S S t $inovicr 4 10 0 Iensen,3-p S 1 0 Kubik.r-3 3 0 SZavalll.t 4 0 Barr.m 4 0 10 RighettiJ S 0 4 Kcrrn 1 0 0 0 rTior.p 10 0 Utbtr.M 1 3 I O VMchell.p 0 0 0 Beard.c 0 111 0 Hlttle.p 0 0 0 .o 0 o oamranp.p i v v JP Jjr ' ' ' - ' ' ; - . - S3 WAS IT TIIIS BLOW that caused Jimmy Doyle's death Wednesday or was It the severe Jolt suffered when he hit the canvas -the knockdown that proved fatal? That was the big question Friday as a coroner's Jury Investigated the circumstances surrounding the Sugar Robinson-Doyle scrap of last Tuesday which resulted in the Utter's death the following day. Doyle Is shown her falling to the canvas just after Robinson's last punch landed. Wilson. p sporer .p 0 0 0 0 Ankse,C 103, 0 0 0 0 0 o 10 0 0 Total 43 2017 10 Total 37 S 27 13 Salem 100 205 01115 Victoria 303 001 0119 Winning pitcher, Sporer; losing pitch er. MltCDWU. Ha IK Elimination Brawl Set An eight-man single night elimination tournament, the winner to get a whirl at Coast Junior Heavy Champ Herb Park's title belt (Parks regained the crown by flattening Buck Weaver in a rematch recently), will occupy the spotlight on Matchmaker Elton Owen's next mat bee at the armory, next Tuesday night. The eight gladiators will tussle in one-fall matches throughout, each limited to 15 minutes. And, according to Owen, if new Referee Buck Davidson feels it necessary he will call on the applause from the customers to determine winners in case there are no falls within the time limit. Half of the eight-man field has been signed so far and the balance will be carded Saturday. Those now in line are Leo (Steenko) Karlinko, Jack (New Zealander) Carter, Salem's Tough Tony Ross and bearded nasty Stockey Kneilsen. Now as tough as some of the rock he bores through in his well drilling biz, Ross' appearance marks the advent of comettick for him. Disagreement- Over Fatality Coroner and Doctor GiveVarying Analysis CLEVELAND, June 23 - (A Whether Jimmy Doyle died from a punch or from striking the ring floor was disputed by medical auinonues tonignt as a coroner s probe into the fatal welterweight championship fight deepened. Dr. A. F. Hagedown, physician for the Cleveland boxing com mission, said the brain injuries that caused the Los Angeles box er's death yesterday resulted from his head hitting the floor when he suffered an eight-round technical knockout by champion Ray (Su gar) Robinson. Dr. Samuel R. GerSer, Cuyahoga county coroner, previously had said positively that the principal damage had come from a blow to the Jaw or face. Gerber de clared Robinson was 'evasive' when questioned about Doyle's condition in the ring and when asked why he had asked for two postponements of the scrap. The commission previously re ported that Doyle, who suffered a concussion in a bout here in March of last year, was physicaly fit and ready when he entered the ring Tuesday night. Edward DeLaney. 20-year-old brother of the late fighter, ap peared before the coroner and said he saw Doyle last June three months after he received the ear her concussion Injury and that he appeared "completely changed and didn t want to fight any more. Paul Doyle (not related), mana ger of the boxer, however, said he acted normally and at the start of the eighth round was in bet ter shape than Robinson. Salem Legion Nine Sweeps Double-Bill Salem's Capital Post American Legion Juniors retained their place at the top of the district two standings Thursday afternoon by turning back Milwaukie in both ends of a twin bill at Waters park, 5 to 0 and 3 to 2. The wins were Salem's sixth and seventh against one defeat in district Pitching : Mossor 1 Wilson . Sporer . 3f lor ... . Mitchell Hrttle Patterson IP H RRRfSOBB 3 110 1 S 4i 0 14 1 1 0 0 Ln Prior on llankenahjp Patterson Jensen Hit by pitcher Mossor Wild Ditch Blankenshia fcaaes Salem IS. Victoria S. Errors Xunes. Kerr. Skeber,. Cava 111. Home runs . Jensen, White 2. Harahman, f-movie. Beard. Three base hits Wnttc. Two base hits Hooper, Krug 1. Runs batted in Peterson, Knir, Ftnovtc 3. Kubiak. Skeber. Beard 5, frporer. White 5. Harahman 2. Jensen. Double playi Righetti to Cavalli to Harahman 1. Time, 3:01. Umpires Xay and Slavich. Lou Stafford NCAA Winner ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 26- W)-The hottest pre-tournament favorites led a steady, true-to- form parade- into the second round of match play in the Na tional Collegiate Golf champion-r shin tviav a ihm in.mH9li. Francis (Bo) Wininger of Okla homa A and M and Bob Harris of San Jose (Calif.) State scored Impressive victories and Skinny Charley Coe of Oklahoma, No. 1 choice among the insiders, wal loped Junie Herbert of Louisiana State 7 and 6. Harris blasted out Fred Fass sacht of Northwestern 7 and 6, nd Wininger got .a hard-earned 1-up victory over Gardner Dick, in son of LSU. - Louis Stafford of Ore eon was fiVen new ranking as a title threat when he matched par for 14 holes. whipping Bill Waryan of Minne sota a and 4. SENATOR SWAT (Up B H Pet. fUrr 24 11 .458 Nunes Wilson 1 3.429 Sinovic f keber 73 20 Krug Moore 1 SO S3 JM Moasor Kubiak . 137 SO .338 Lazor fceerd 303 S7 .332 Wyatt Antfrraon 10 3 JOO Sporer Feteraon IDS SO .2M Kerr ftpaeler 274 71 JM Eliasot) Pitching Wlawn -Moaaor Wystt ltat B H Pet. 240 04 .267 47 13 Xfl 119 55 .256 32 7 .211 39 3.103 43 3 .070 14 0.000 10 0.000 3 0.000 play, Lefty Bob Funk tossed a three- hitter at the Milwaukies in Thursday's opener, while his mates pounced on the offerings of Jack Rislove for all of their runs in a rousing first inning. Hits by Frank Osborne, Funk, Del Kleen, Cub Houck and Cliff Griod and an infield out netted the five count ers. Funk struck out 7 and gave up only 3 hits. Big Jim Moore, tne iastballer up from Leslie junior nigh, pitched the nightcap for Paul Reilings crew and gave up but five blows and two runs. One of these was a homer by first sacker Gordon Kinney in the second frame. Moore gave way to Funk with two out in the sixth and the latter retired the last four oppo nents in order. All Salem runs in the second tilt were unearned, two coming on three Milwaukie boots in the second frame and the other on two miscues in the fourth. In all Milwaukie kicked in with 10 boots in the afterpiece. Jim Williams, Girod and Houck each collected a hit, the three being Salem' total for the tilt Milwaukie 000 000 00 3 Salem 500 000 5 1 Rislov and rrizzell; Funk and Houck. Milwaukie 010 010 02 10 Salem 020 100 3 1 0 Hunt and Ztmm; Moore, Funk () ana houck. Snead Sizzles To Pace Open CHICAGO, June 26-(iP)-Sam my Snead, the Hot Springs. Va. hot-and-cold campaigner, sizzled today with an eight-under-par 63 to pace a 76-player field which riddled the course in the opening 18-hole round of the $15,900 Chicago victory national golf tourney. Snead' finished two strokes ahead of George Payton, profes sional from Hampton, Va. Tied at 66, three strokes off the pace, were Ben Hogan of Hershey, Pa., Herman Keiser of Akron, Ohio, Al Smith, the newcomer from Danville, Va., and Skip Alexander or Lexington, N. C. w L so w l so SOS Anderson 2 1 23 9 4 99ElUson 1 1 8 1 S3 Sporer 3 4 33 S 3 39'Sinovie 3 40 Beaver-Star Tilt Casualty Portland's Beavers and the Hollywood Stars were rained out of their Pacific Coast league game in Portland Thursday night and will play a twin-bill Friday night to make up for the postponement Results of PCL games played Thursday: ' laTVrsnclsco rr.. llT 3l6 Oo-l"l Oakland 100 141 OC 7 a Brewer. Rosso (5) 'and Cladd; Wllkie. Hayes 15) and Raimondl. Sacramento 000 003 Oil S 10 0 Los Angeles . 300 000 22 7 12 1 somenzi. R. Smith (1) and reman des. Fitzgerald (8); Bauers and Ma lone. , Oregonians "In the Majors B R H O A E Rbl Pesky, Red Box 51 1210 0 Doerr. Red Sox - 4 0 1 1 8 0 1 Gordon, Indians .4011300 A great athletic faa aa4 boost er: Bishop Brace Baxter. To great many the most pais as at memory af the late edarater and charrh official will b the area slaas when he. while aalverslty president taak up the vifli ea the Willamette arid bench, mm mJndfal af the mad ar the rata r the score happily shedding the dignities af his office. Tee he was really devoted to foot bait He was up on his feet to greet the gay who had Jast peel ed off a Co-yard tevchdewa Jaaat. and was as quirk to offer encouragement to the Inept sub stitute. Spec Keene and the bora always knew that Dr. Baxter would be sluing at their sides. The doctor had perhaps devel oped his fondness far the gr'rf Iron game wh'le a member of the Southern California faculty and certainly I'SC was a fer tile spot in which to develop an attachment to the sport far How ard Jones and his Trojans were running wild In those days. Dr. Baxter oftentimes humorously admitted, after coming north to take over the Willamette presi dency, that he had an awfal time quelling his allegiance to the men of Tray but In no time the Bearcats were No. 1 oa his list Kollin' Along Dy Jeriit aastrTWted am mi aUoer soa's Battle of the BesL It look amasUealag effects by Use W tUa saette A as e meat saaa aad a crew el asatstaata srree a la weeks period U empty the bowl f estomga water to aaaae Vail play to feasible. But B4 fight la seffUtraUr wo to ea- aUe tfco local Capitols aa4 At bear U rtash ftsaday aUM la Stale loop go ale old Jupe goes Wrserk agaia. Astoth - er siege aad Cart win aellese he aad Otto Kletl buHl their sports spot over a WUa of sprtagm, that CC rla e satskfiiaisl U wortaTa Moae oiara IW first UVaUtiaas wee aaaao la IPS 4, Of ta It a Is sea are aua o snatched la ta roewrd baaaa lav. Has" lag t.l Uaat la lae 1M yard Ua bf t'KTa WykarT. sUaa foru" Jeffry. raltfaraaa Dae. Is, aad la Treiaa's peres4 apssdatrr. Mel ratsoaw Csrsnea ta Lea 4eea, six foot. II taw a high aaap aaark aKWfe a ao else hoi DR. BRI CI BAXTER Rattles Won The BarOe of the Bulge dldat have too much aa Cart Frrg a- Karo alga of eareevsv: JarkU KaUaiis i shin la third ta the Braoklya balUag order ... Atd la caae you're woaaVriag akr taooo New York C.Uata are rtgkt up there baUllag for the Natioa al leagwo lead, uke a a aider at the ra as - baUed - la ralaasa. l-X-t. tkals the Claaia Johaar Mtse. WUlard Marshall aad Walker Cooper ... A arally i Piled field aad track the Money Tmlk$ sUlrsas golf risk ptar of tk t sxaappy peo-amatea Uaks aaoeta eaaae MeWar. Jaty ?lk Tbrae e-reats, held arreral times a year, are asalxaed aad of rorUasad ad attract taw oat standing peaa af the slate aad deaeadkac out the aaaary wstarb s la the pat 0 aaaae af yea gU ksppy reata sWat Iowa have aa Idle aWUav yaWd Uke So dnaeaao with toward Ike aaJMkag af a fair pat as. why saayao yoa'd help attrarl aarh t as Cbark Coavgdoa. Ti Tlaaiirn aataers. Warald HrK aad Ted Laairwarth. aU af FonUad ukrs the Tib ar r 'Nig' Borleske Out, Whitman WALLA WALLA. June 26 -(JP) Confirmation of the ouster of R. V. (Nig) Borleske as Whitman college athletic director and coach came tonight from D. F. Baker, president of the board of trustees. Baker's announcement of the termination of the career of the man who served the college 32 years as a coach, after having been one of the outstanding foot ball backs in its history, said only that Borleske's "appointment had not been renewed" and that "the college has nothing further to an nounce concerning Mr. Borleske." Baker reported that the trus tees had recently approved a teaching major in physical edu cation for this fall and that the "athletics department will be completely reorganized." Kramer's Play Nearly Perfect American Ace Shinen III Wimbledon Meet LONDON, June 26 -(Ti- Top seeded Jack Kramer, who trams on steaks he brought from the United States, led the way into the fourth round of the Wimble don tennis championships today as the men's singles field was re duced to 16 of the world's best amateur stars. Matching the heat of a blazing sun with his mechanically per fect attack, the Los Angeles fav orite dropped only two games in cru.ohing Gianni Cucelli of Italy, o-u, o-z, o-o. Four thousand spectators, squeezed into the stands around Wimbledon's No. 2 court, stuck tot heir seats through the one sided match to watch the Amer ican champion at his best. From the vanquished Cucelli after the match came the com ment: 'Kramer, he's fantastic. Me, what can I do?" That best summed up Kramer's perfection. Most hard prewed of the top ranking players was third-seeded Tom Brown of San Francisco who Has extended to four sets before he turned back Medley Baxter of Britain, 6-2, 6-2, 10-12, 6-4. SXATTT SHORT FATCKER Wally Flager (abort) win be very mach a part af the local Stale leagae CaplUU Saadar aigbt aa the WUlaaaette Aiwiant risk elaakea srltlt Ataaay at Myrtle tWvt atartiac Uase S o'clock. Flager farsaerly perferaaid with the Saieaa Reaators aad rhiUdelpkla. Athletics. Oarsmen Drill As Race Nears Dozen Grrwn on Uaml For Seattle Regatta SEATTLE. June 2g-vvlne. 1 7 -sis oars and a dVn r-vt.r g launches whiried V- b.e wai ters to a frc4h today beyxtd tt L'rUverity cf WaarmfVan rj house. t-ere 12 ege crras were gettan the feel o? srevwr air and weatrrn water in prejr. alion for SaUtrday's amj Lake Washtngtan regsta Late ta getUng tmi an tr-e brrf lake yvotereay and fran lw-a4t4 by a rtaing wuad. the RjaW wrn of the fragile galleys were art Ut double arekovU today. Eight cf the head sner.tors iM seteral of tSe aaaaatar is are grown"-- graua tea of tve erty here. The cxasctae and Oer eex wains hate preve-re4 the 1H43 fneier course and iwunl u an ractory. W. Salem Nine Grabs Opener Hits were scarce, but walks and errors were abundant as West Sa- Dodgers Regain First Place, National Loop Btmixrxx. NAMro PASADENA, Calf. Jane Ct-Asa Busttfielt t-f the Ea.t a ao-ra:Wd ly irr. to-lay t.a named pevMdewt ut th XarorJ AaaonaUsa U FoutbaU Cxxr.rr.-a. oner. By the At After a dip that carried them as low as fourth place, Brooklyn's Dodgers were back on lep cf the National league today, a month after losing first place to the Chxago Cubs, New York Giants and Boston Braves who have taken turns in the top spot the past four weeks. The Dodgers clouted John- I n Sain arvrf four n!hr Rn.t I KANSAS CI I T". Jurat 2g-SV- iem ana testers sic sen on tne hurlers for 14 hits Thursday night lKoae ptUfwd a perfect rw- lid In the Junior -B" league base- to walk off with an - decision hit game to shut out the Mm- rA 1 1 ramnai tm TnnraI ar isrKt a. Persons close to affairs at Whit- Le,iie ,ieid. West Salem scored 11 runs in the last three frames to man have reported a lone stand ing personal clash between Bor leske and Dr. Winslow Anderson, college president 'ho declined to comment on the ouster. Seattle San Diego Barrett and Hemslev: Kennedy and Kerr. 001 100 I S S 1 000 000 0 0 4 3 Seattle 500 000 00. 010 IS S San Diego 003 000 301 010 13 4 Dubiel. Cecil (8 and Hemsley, Sue me (S), Stags (12); Olsen. Kerrigan (1). Caster (9) and Rice. KerrO0. (Game called on account of curfew). Survey Spots Best Angling PORTLAND, June 26-VPr-Sev- eral good fishing spots in Kla math, Douglas, Jackson and Til lamook counties were reported by the state game commission today in its weekly fishing bulletin. The survey included: Portland area Nehalem river yielding limit with bait and spin ner. Willamette valleyWillamette and Long Tom rivers in Benton county good for spiny-rayed, taken with worms. Coastal area Trout fishing very good in upper portions of North and South .Umpqua rivers: risn iaxe excellent Southern Oregon Fairly good angling in Douglas county; Rogue river good for both trout and salmon. Best catches of trout be ing made on fly; Diamond lake good, best using flashers with worms. I I The public baths of Rome were first built for poor people "who had no baths in their home, but were later patronized by the rich Hot Roihy Cycles to Cavort on Fourth 1 Speed, both four and two wheeled variety, will have its niche in the huge Fourth of July celebration ticketed for Salem next week. Racing Promoter Jim mie Ryan and Capital Post No. 9, American Legion, have joined forces for July 4-5 programs fea turing roadsters (hot rods) and motorcycles in races on the Lone Oak oval at the fairgrounds. The rods will roll on the Fourth, Starting at 1 p. m.. and the 'cycles, rained out of their first effort to show la town last month, will take over next day, also starting at 1 o'clock with time trials. Both speed programs will officially be a part of Capital Post's gala three-day celebration. The hot rods and their devil-may-care pilots made their Sa lem debut on Memorial day and two California drivers, then vis iting the northwest with their hopped-up buzz-buggies sped off with nearly all the glory and gold. This time only , the top northwest drivers will compete, according to Proaacter Ryan, which will make for closer and more thrilling races. The top 'cycle riders of Ore gon, Washington and British Co lumbia will appear in the Satur day races and, like the hot rods, win tune in separately, run a hel met dash, qualifying heats and final main event After two dust-spattered ef- Vforts on the Lone Oak track this season, Ryan reports he will have the dust whipped for both the racing programs this time. The rod and 'cycle, romps will fit in with other extravaganzas booked by the Legion Post for the holidays. WI LEAGUE . WLPct. WLPct. Bremertn 41 29 .Sa Tacoma 34 34 .XX) Spokane 3S 30 .55 Vancouver 33 33 .900 Salem sa 30 Yakima ZS3S.41S Victoria 31 33 .514 Wenachee 34 44 -33 Thursday's scores: At Bremerton 4. Wenatchee 3; at Tacoma 2-11. Spokane 1-9: at Victoria t. Salem 13; Yakima at Vancouver rained out. COAST LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. Los Angls 30 38 MS Portland 37 30 .487 Oakland 48 38 .548 Hollywod 40 4 .465 San Fran 47 39 Ml San Diego 37 47 .440 Sacrmnto 43 43 300 Seattle 38 48 .439 Thursday'! results: At Los Anaeles 7. Sacramento 9; at Oakland 7. San Francisco 8; at San Dieeo 0-8. Seattle 5-8; Hollywood at Portland postponed. NATIONAL I.EAGl'B W L Pet. W L Pet Brooklyn 35 26 374 Cincinnati 31 33 .493 Boston 34 26 Ml St. Louis 30 31 .491 New York 32 25 .571 PhiladelDh 28 38 .491 Chicago 31 30 M Pittsburgh 23 36 .390 Thursdays results: At Brooklyn B Boston S; at St. Louis 3. Cincinnati 6; at Chicago 0. Pittsburgh 8. Only games scheduled. annex the Inaugural 13 to 10. FJfstrom's and Four Corners were forced to call off hostilities at Olinger beacuse of rain. West Salem 11 6 8 Yeaters 10 S 3 W. Jacob-rn. T. Akers Sl and T Akers. W. Jacobaon ill; Pearce. Huff (4) and rmUy. Shaft 14). 'Jackets Back On Top Perch By The Associated Press Bremerton's Bluejackets broke a 3-3 tie with Wenatchee in the 8th inning Thursday night, won the game, 4 to 3, and recaptured first place in the Western, Inter national league. The win pushed the Tars a game and a half ahead of Spokane's Indians who lost both ends of a twin bill to Ta coma, 2 to 1 and 11 to 9. Yakima and Vancouver were rained out Wenatchee . 000 100 002- 3 12 3 Bremerton 103 000 0014 10 1 McCollum and Pesut: Ahearn. T. Bar lsoff ) and Ronnig. Spokane . 000 010 01 4 Tacoma 100 0O1 2 8 0 Kramer and Bufflap; Shapley and Kuper. AMERICAN I.EAGL'B WLPct. Wl.PH New York 37 23 .597 Detroit 28 30 .483 Boston 33 28 .559 Chicaao 30 33.476 PhUadelo 31 29 .317 Washinetn 27 30 .474 Cleveland ze 27 .491 St. Louis 23 33 .397 Thursday s results: At PhiladelDhla 4. New York 2; at Cleveland S. Chicago i: at Washington 7. Boston 3. Only games Kneouiea. Baseball's 111 1M Boudreau, Indiana Haas, Reds Spokane Tacoma . 001 100 223 9 12 CV2 302 40 II 13 before over 33.000 fans and took over the top rung. Ewell Black well chalked up his tenth straight victory for Con cinnati by checking the St. Louts Cardinals with eight hits to beat Cat Brecheen. t lo 3. Three Card errors helped the Reds to two of their runs. Ernie Bonham tossed his sec ond shutout in a row as the Pi rates blanked Chicago's slipping Cubs 8 to 0. New York and Phil adelphia were not scheduled. Both leaders in the American loop lost their games, New York bowing to rookie righthander Joe Coleman and the Athletics, 4 to 2. while Buck Newsom and the Washington Senators stopped Boston 7 to 3. Cleveland sup planted Detroit in fourth place by defeating Chicago S to 1. De troit and St. Louis were idle. NiUMil Leasae Boston . . ail 009 956 I 18 1 Brookln 3os lea 32- S 14 I Sain. Srtoun 6l. Laofranronl 7. Johnson ill. Beutoy iBi and Maat: Hatten. Gregg (. Casey Si. Branca (I) and Hodges. Bragaa 9). Cincinnati .. 200 001 0CS6 13 t St Louts . ail M SOI 3 8 S Blackwell and Lanvanno: Brartteea. Bur k hart and Garagtola. Pittsburgh . 003 1M 004-6 19 Chicago ere cos aoa a o o Bonham and Howell. Lade. Kush 9 and McCulknagh. neapolis Millers here tonight and give his Kansas City Btura mates a 3 to 9 art orr. No one tearbed first Local Erlerpriie ksxsssgkl Sulexa Electric Salem's Owi r 2 Jnd Arrived ! ! s? Desks - Like New A shipment of executire typ tJewLj hart arrive. The are linoleum top, wood'rv Jeka. Guarantee! la first cl& rtmditloa. Cosae ia and sre the top value ia ffka fer al tare. 4 k. ff-puier. Miller m. Forth i7i nd Bufflap; Chetkovich and Clifford. Bears, Bulldogs Set for Plavoff AaserWaa leagae V w York OKI taaaiS-t 7 t tMladliua SIS 11 SI 4 9 0 Krtnulds and Hrr. Coleman and Itosar e Chicago eoOOM9IO-t 4 I C'WvrUnd DOS SI2 II S 9 I r apish. Kigney ill nd D.ckej. Get and llegan. A . . . . a m. ... - - r.iln.v.niw. Alien . June 26 ' Boston WiGVVirgil Butler, ace California ! Washington southpaw. and Frank Qumn. right-handed curve-ball ace of the Yale mound staff, were the likelv starting hurlers when the Golden Bears and Bulldog. NCAA base ball chamipons of the Wot and East, respectively, square off in the first game of the first col legiate world series which gets under way here Friday. Butler has won five and lost one this sea son, while Quinn has a record of 141 strikeouts. Second and third games in the series will be played Saturday. . . 919 ans 116-3 II 1 BOO 03 4l-7 S 1 tton. JotMxtm ii. PameH 7. Kllnger 1S1 and Parte. Nrwswn, fer lick iS) and Kvans. fASrADOIERCSKHLFJi 1 a I mum Faille of (Ioatal Tidra Tides at Tart, compiled by VS. Ceeet and Ceodette survey. Port land. So The Oregon Stalrsnian: June High I w Time Waier Time Water 27 I OS a m 42 tSSam. 13 8 20pm. St IMpm. 16 r 931am. 42 iJlim. II 8 39pm. 6 8 3 42 P m. 22 2 19 43 am. 44 423 am. SO 9 40 pm. 87 329pm. 98 39 11-41 am. 41 8 97 am. -4S 19.17 pm. 81 4 13 pm. 2S O AB R H Pet SI 181 28 63 Mt 87 223 34 77 .343 Walker. Phillies 38 210 28 72 .343 Slaughter. Cardinals 60 213 32 73 .340 Kell. Tigers 87 216 20 71 J29 Dlkfagglo. Yankees . 39 223 41 73 J23 Runs batted In National league: Mlae. Giants. 84; Cooper. Giants. 83; Marshall. Giants. 32. American league: DiMagglo, Yankees. 42: Johnson, Yan kees. 42; Stephens. Browns. 39; Wil liams. Red Sox. 39. Home runs National league: Mlze. Giants. 19: Marshall. Giants. 14; Coop er. Giants, 14; Kiner. Pirates. 14. American league: Keller. Yankees. 13; Williams, Red Sox, 12; Gordon, Indians, aiaaa FREE LUBRICATION During the month of Jane Tea. we have decided ta carry aver a aether saaata. Our Special Free $1.50 l-ul Becaase we want every Salens aate awaer ta eaaae ta aad get acquainted and see the type af work we da. TEAG0E IIOTOB C0I1PMIY Kaiscr-Fraser US N. Liberty rbeae 1M1 Cosspoa yvmmU aaSart Look prwtry! Thai aaapof Sfkappsaa vQ ba occw rota to tb Loaf ctalatL Tboaa cxra 6ar Cm smd wall f nlah 'cam aa look fcaall I 1 1 1! 'I; I W