1 -The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. June 28. 1947 Marion County Assessment Rolls Unfiled Al 'though most of Oregon's counties in reporting their prop erty ttMK.ment roll to the state tax commij'sion showed about 15 per cent increase in their rolls over Ustt year, figures for Mar ion county were unavailable Wed nesday up. his county's rolls have lot yet been filed. Mauon County Assessor Tad Shelton indicated this week that. among other factors, this county s Mtnent rolls were being de layed because of late in-coming school "budgets. Six other coun-1 ties, including Polk, have not filed their rolls with the tax commis sion. - Increases in the 29 counties re porting totaled more than $116, (M0,000. The assessment roll total was $1,120,333,779 last year. The $882.M7,97 roil In 1936 was low est state m&rk since the high mark of $1.129,16 $.592 in 1930. The state board of equalization has until July U to review the assessment Tolls. One of the outstanding tasks of the board of equalization, now in session here, is to place a true cash assessment on all public util ities of the state and then allocate the assessment rate to the coun ties in which utility projects are located. New England Couple Charged With Holding Negro in Slavery SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 7-rVThe federal prosecutor of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wesley Ingalls of New England colonial ancestry charged today that they held Dora Jones, negro, in slavery under threat of exposure of an alleged aair with Mrs. Ingalls' lnt husband. "The unfortunate incident oc- . t a A i - ear t f UO TSxT m Tl icurrea u years ago in wasning- Oe.'INOtC 1 rOteStS ton, ac, when Dora Jones was . I ' declared Deputy District At liomama Arrests BUCHAREST, June 29 The Romanian government re ceived from a United States rep- torney Eugene A. Tolin in his opening statement to the Jury. Mrs. Ingalls, he added, was then married to Walter Harmon. The government prosecutor said Harmon was in government em- SStoS?. Jl, tat!ePKa, Ployment, had recently retired from the lighthouse service and was presumably still a resident ment note protesting the high number of political, arrests here. The note also protested the 0f Washington. Tf S?".?. -ExceUenf Family puceo unaer pouHCii srreii sna Rfr. the trial started. Mr. sam hi. .cuuns oiw.ucn ingalls, in discussing her former plained contravened article three h''A nai, Ha frnm ,n .x Mat. Dally fraoa I p. am. -fr 10W! ..TJeyVa Wacky But Wondffvlt It- ;- a IS of the Romanian peace treaty. There was no immediate com ment from the Romanian government. husband, said he was from an ex cellent" family and was a Harvard classmate of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Council Seeks World Police Size Estimates LAKE SUCCESS. June 25-GT- The United Nations security coun cil tonight asked the big power military staff committee to try to give a tentative estimate by next Monday on the initial size of the global police force needed to pre serve world peace. Council President Alexandre Parodi, of France, announced that be was sending the request to the military committee despite Rus sian and Australian declarations that the committee was being giv en an "impossible" task. Australian Delegate Col. W. R. Hodgson expressed belief that the question involved the most im portant political issue in the en tire plan to set up the security force: "Is .the force to be large enough to be used against one of the big powers?" Parodi said this question war Crop Insurance I Cut Recommended By Scnalc Croup WASHINGTON, June 25 -(P)- L gislation to curtail the federal crop insurance program was ap proved today by the senate agri culture committee. Insurance for producers of wheat, cotton, and flax, now pro vided on a national basis, would be limited to a specified number of counties. Directors of the In surance corporation, who are of ficials of the agriculture depart ment, would designate the coun- tie to be covered by Insurance Insurance would not be pro vided in any county unless ap plication was made by at least 00 larms, or one-third of the farms normally producing the in sured commodity. The program for wheat would be restricted to a total of 633 counne and for flax to counties. Baxter Dorm Title Confirmed Iliuce R. niUr residence hall for men will be the name of Wil lamette university's ntwr.t build ing, according to word Wednesday night from Dr. Q. Herbert Smith, umerity president. Mot than a majority of the trustees execu tive committee have approved the selection, he said. The title makes the dormtory, now under construction fur um eaily in 1948. a living memorial to the late Methodist bishop and former university president, who died last Friday, said Smith. C B. Spencer Wins $78,569 Refund On Income Taxes C. D. Rpencer. Salem rrdefl mho operates Spencer parking Co. plants la Lebanon and portend, won his incotne tax suit La Fort land federal court Wednesday. la. i... a r- .t tt,.t .,rw- r.r evening m Parte Trsdsy. (April 21. IMi. u orders by ) federal Judge Claude McCoiiath. ! sUTOKT t At TO CftlftltM j according to Associated Press T-o auto aresdmt which reported Spencer had reused no injurwa we im -'- claimed the refund as a reuH of I gated by city police Wedraevday (operating lose tn IMS wtuie the government mm-ndd apt ecf r owed flUU in taxes. Soviet Satellite to JoIq Marshall PUri Talks IJOXDO. June 2S -JV Te liar-shall flaa far twmpea re cwwr e-txAed ts-orUW rsx'' m in H tenant. CtcWn sk.a, Ps land. Ilurary and b4iw to day, tn the write of p.usa's agreement te diaruM t matter with Britain mi France at a r 'Ike1 Env.8.0113 Great Iakes A I lack days TIKE SAID ft TO LEX Eugene Krrbt uf 2Cli N Fmrd t, rrjxxted to police Wedrx-wiay night the theft of a tiie and istet from his car during the pt Ihiee Social Register Snubs Eleanor Dick fOt AN fVenk McHUOH ThrlU Ce-HIt! , Kebert Lowery rrnna Opens f:43 p. am. New! Twe Big H1U! Desusla Mergaa "God la My Co-Pflof Cary Grant Aranic and Old Loca" Opens f :4S p. am. New! rut Thrifts! Jee B. 'Brewm Tolo low- : Baster Crabbe "Tlqix&aq BSl Canon" Z 'Y. " .ZIa :Z1 nM,r. not Involved, however, since th who Mrs. Ingalls had brought w" . from a missionary school in Ala- f" f . ,taj; 'orce-, T"' 5' k.,- wh.n mhm auit teachin Mld' not preclude a later esU- there to rrfarrr Harmon, became I F11 on an entirely different basis. mmm m it mar - - - ana iota uie men nars. nnnun Mir .1 tt lie wtw vftpv t..- 9yrATh. of her predicament, he added, and MOtlier tlelfl lor name of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt the latter he quoted declaring: does not appear In the summer . w W.r:.Ti. A. iSSailll IsTueT today, tmes issue You go to Jail. You ow. m. YREKA, Calif..- June 23 listed her as living at the Roose- Jcur lle now, becaus you The vicious beaUng and abandon- v.it Htit in u.ri. ParV ruined mine. ment of 2-year-old Mary Jane i n r.. i ii i m . tfp. t -if. . 4K- T . . ... Jneuaun - iw iu aays xnown i 'iM cm n was a nor Lea. iqi dto- i nni, i f i . . v" ci. second of her famUy to disappear I .ecutor told the Jury, and there-1 klrm. Gener.i hosnit-i n,imi from the Register. Elliott Roose- after -Dora Jones lived in fear.- nated today in the arrest of her Velt .w" dropped when he wed "The bondage kept growing on I mother. Mrs. Luriiu MiHiin hia third wUe, actress ray Emer- her untii today she is the subject 22, Df Selma. Ore, and Hugh son. I of nrofessional treatment. niimth . k, A "Even three months of freedom gon last year from Jellico, Tenn. (since the was taken from the Gilreath told SUU Police Sgt. Ingalls upon their arrest at Coro- c. R. Borrman that th mnni TFtRTTSAT.iPM Tim. 9 I nado. Lam.) nas not compieieiy discussed "disoocine of Mar Masked youths lined the route of wPed out the psychological bond- Jane when Mrs. Meddlin sepa passaga of tha UJ. investigating J-" ... rated from h husband enter- commission In tha all-Jewish city Lwyer, ed a hospiul in Grants Pass as ut"i vi-j' " w.i jvu s. (jtiiream vu nave ner iruru Massachusetts lawyer and leguiat- child. IRGUN DEFIES BRITISH t Aaru.iuiurt, june a r- General Eisenhower warned today r rung CuC'.iiuons w-ere at Ce-.- trr and Chwrvn strrrta, snivlmr.g rata drH-ew by Artr W. C wU of 22tt 5b)-vrion ed. n4 D1tb B Lambrrt H Tl fkH. mont st ; Buh and &VuUi Cm. mrrriaV rtrwrts. rari crtn ty Aletander Itaothume 4 Mrrtie Cirk and Uoyd C In t roune I. Kalnn, tolarw ssil GAS KILLS FIVE YYORKEBS MOBILE. Ala . June 25 - Five shipyard workers were killed today and nine were overcome by gas fumes when a sharp explosion aboard the former navy attack transport Waukesha discharged carbon dioxide gas Into a hold of the vessel. a new war would bring a qu k. aerial attack upon the industrial arras around the Great Lakes. He called for speedy coordination of the western hemisphere's defenses, saying cooperation will make the America's "a family of nations" Appearing before the house for eign affairs committee, he made it abundantly clear that he considers Canadian-American military teamwork to be a nva)ur must. our homeland, out with British in vaders.' of Tel Aviv today. Banners spread hv Trffiin 7.tn ImkiI 4Vt a tinfor ground group, proclaimed "thirls! or, whose family founded the town "There were too many kids 01 iynn in tov, was uusni mm mi uiniu, oergeani corgman quoi- the slavery charge through tn in- ea oureath. dictment count which alleged he participated in persuading the Ne- r.rnri gress to come from Berkeley, A-Tjp UaniageS Calif., to Coronado last October f" 1 jr . "to be held in slavery." JUUIUUI VuUlJlUr Tha Negress, now 57, whojui been in "protective custody" of the BOISE, Idaho, June 25-(;p-A FBI since she was taken from the helicopter owned by the Portland Ingalls at the time of their arrest Journal was damaged late today in Coronado, Calif., four months when it attempted to land on the ago, will be a principal govern- J Boise Federal building lawn. The plane, piloted by Joe Stein of Portland, dropped some ten feet to the ground when its tail stabil izer struck a tree. Boise Mayor Potter Howard and Stein were not injured. The pro peller and a rotor blade was damaged. The plane was part of a tri Now Showing I ifdACK jfGK) a?' aoasar ment witness, Tolin stated. ByJ.,ifi LlXf contract, but adds a p: r - a . s s m w as Amr t a sssi -siaav- t4 Dirted bv Frsdsridi 6 CORDOVA C. Predvcad by WILLIAM JACOBS Ca-Hlt! Exeitlag Ractng Tkrillal "Sport of Kings" j Cannery Workers Agree to Contract Members of Cannery Workers union local of 670, employes of sUU flight of some 55 planes from the Californu Packing corp., I Portland which Unde todiy at agreea w nuK ule Bradley Field here. the former Bill Proposes Columbia provision that . . . f-, . . wages and hours will be open for I uicriaie commission discussion next March. Union tn.cu,MPTn . memher. from other canneries I WASHINGTON, June 25 -(T) recommended that similar con- A.,.new interstate commission t.M. Wo ffH tn tv.ir mnlnv. with complete control over the ers I Columbia river program was pro- Several remonstrances against P08 tod? in 1 by Rep. iwnt1vnarteH Taft.Hartlev Horan (R-Wash), giving full DOW law wre made hv union mem. r over planning, promotion and ber,. I operation of the Columbia pro gram 10 a "voiumDia interstate commission composed of five PINEAPPLE 8TRIKE NEAR I members appointed by the presi HONOLULU, June 25 -(P- The I dent, with four of them nominat UJ5. department of labor offered ed by governors of Washington, today to send a mediator in Ha-1 Oregon, Idaho and Montana. waii's threatened pineapple strike. a iu state. Wyoming, would The offer came one day before to- have representation on a 53 morrow's walkout deadline and memoer aavisory council. both sides indicated they would agree to listen to him. Too Late to Classify Warner Bras.' Aesdeaay Award Winner! "A Boy and His Dog STIlt RENT Vrratt .CMam..lra .1. HJuHs. AttUB k.9 stas I rm . man prercrred. 117 Cnrrrvrkrta . sood cheat nay in api rin ij-, june a -try uuu 1 rrea lurswooa. nov imt. issued a white paper today accus ing Ruusia of failing to live up to her treaty and of blocking Chi- PflTTTTTP nese entry into Dalren and Port vUl'sUllU Airnur ever since -tapana sui i cu der. Midnite Qnly! Wed-, July 2 ptiAnimnsTEJu On tha Screen "BaTsnga) I -tha ZomUas John Camdlna Bay TIekeU Newt at tha Bex Office! O STARTS TOMORROW O Thrills and Laughter in Two Great Hits! Leva That Cculd OrJY iDsstrcy tjki AaaHMHMMaBBssMBssnsBssBsss ' aaasssBsssaa - i JO AM CRAVFOHD ran stsr jsfiirti fkW SOU M S GAOFIE hsk1totttWU k-L st. ' S C A f t VAN T J. CARHOt NA! PEGGY KNUDS IN '. f A U V ' C A V A fi A 'i H .A ! lJiirnill' iss nwiwa J. CARHdt NA!lH ' 1 a I f Pf 0 OY KNUOSfN I li Is; i ii v Iu I llal . Ends Today . "Blondia Knows Basf Gana Autry "Melody Ranch" Mr GLEII GRAY and his Cas Loma Orchestra Salem .Armory Monday, June 30lh 8 to 12 p. m. Starts Today-Opens C:45 p. aa. CAfJYOri PASSAGE asr ami toaur nut urt ataos 2nd Feature This Gun For Hire" with Alan Ladd - Veronica Iake Robert Preston Ho Collins and Eledro-Speed HlCilchen Venlilaiors FLUORESCENT BED LAMPS ' ELECTRIC IRONS TABLE LAMIS SLIMLINE LIGHTING iemsofi k Stone Phone 8605 3055 Portland Road Salem, Oregon SPEED CALIFORNIA on tlie BEAVER Popular CoachTouritt Economy Train mmX. try lW Fee treia fMsfort at taw It'a really tmm mm y traia. U isa WisCery. TW i a ad a loisaxa rat for Usrsfty la IW aJL FAST DAILY SCHEDULE 9M, U. Si.rKs UiOl L. Tmms 1157 U. Pi-slnl S OO U.UUsa CiM U.AJUsf 7s9l U. I IM AX. A. U Pm. 1 1 rSS TOSWRJL'IOSCO Ota Way 11.50 2075 (PVa) 11 MO Th fHtndly SovthttTi Podflc C. A. A7nl 44St ORE.S.D.AA ft &3rf Salem'a ReUU Parkins PUat -n A ORE.SD.A, SSI SUU SL VEAL FOR YOUR MENU - These cuts are from mUk-fted veaL ci&k ture. The roasts prorlde cm Idaal meat ior summer meals. Simply area! to and cold mVSm salad or to Lea Ramp Striata VEAl BOAST VEAL BOAST VEAL BOAST 4(0)... 45 - 1 Round Veal Chops cr rrlcaaese or VEAL STEAK FOBTEBHOUSE VEAL STET7 (SS.. 1C. 3e. Suaoaona Breaded Teal chops or steaks, freer ed wUh loacsara aoaoe end sauted ca&iosi rtssaa. TLAVORTZED" Bacoss Treeh IVbac HAIIS SQUARES PORK BOAST Hall or Whole For Seasoning Sena!! Porkers BEEF BOASTS BEEF TO BOIL T-BOKE STEAK 3S, 2. ' 4S. Meaty Piate-EXb SeaoSI Otsea PURE MP 3' ibs"1.' T4s Pure Pork Para Pork Trash UTTLE UinXS SAUSAGE GB0D1IB BEEF S0 S0- 40 Our sausage Is made from pork cuts ocdy. Ground and seasooed by goodness. There's a dlffersncs In the Caror and If a tn your iaroc Spartag tWMna; thod odds la aft PARTICULAR PEOPLE PATRONIZE THE MIDGET