Tho Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday, luno 28 1947 Salons Rained Oul; A's Next Cap Scrict Finishe Evrn; Jackrt Win VANCOUVER, June 25-(Special )-The rubber same of the Sa lem Senator-Vancouver Capilano i We tern International league eri was rained out here tonight, leaving the tt all square tit one game each.-The washout kxt the third-plate Solom ground in the loop race hi second-place Bremer ton and , fourth-place Victoria ame through with wins in the only circuit contest! played to- nigtit. The Bftm triumph left the Silfm 1 a games behind them, while the Vic climbed within 2 "a game of the 3rd place pot. The Solon next emhaik by Imat for Victoria where they take on the Athletics tomorrow night in the firt tilt of a four-game M-ne. winding up with a twin bill vSunday, The Brem BluejaceU snapped an eight-game losing streak which taw them drop from first place, as they tipped the cellarite Wen auhee Chief?. 8-6, Bob Williams pacing the Tar attack with a honer, triple and a triple and two . single. Victoria staged a six-run 5th frame rally to defeat the Yakima Start, 8-2. the tilt being called ht the end of the 5th frame because cf rain. The Spokane-Tacoma contest also cancelled because of the weather. Yakima 000 Of J' I 1 Victoria .... . ml tm-s 7 i MrlHer. tilmoii (J( and Peterson; fortwr and Mantro. Stars Punch Beavers, 10-6 5 Portland I In Hers Used as Series Even roftTLAND. June 25 -OP)-The Hollywood Stars clouted five Portland pitchers for 13 hits and a 10-6 victory here tonight to even the teams' current Pacific Coast league series at one game each. Ad LI ska started for the tla la trarai PRESENTING "Doc" Tally (left), veteran star of the House of David in other Coast tilts tonioht the traveling troupe, and Zell Miles (right), slogging outfielder for the Ran Francisco Seals and the Oak- Harlem Globe Trotters. Fans will have opportunity to tee the pair hand Oaks battled 14 innings be- A's Open; B's Start Tonight The 1947 JunUr league aeaaon 'A' variety made Ita start laal night with a pair of dairy clubs Curly 's and Mayflower coming through with Initial wins. The Mayflowers squrlrhed an enemy rally to lis the Kagle-s, -4. at I-elle. while C'urly's trounced Valley Motor. lt-i. on the dinger diamond. Tonight the B circuit swings Into action with fraraa and added two snore In the 4th and Ilk. The I oat enseal al a polled the gaane ot wllh four In the lh and last frame off Jim Sock. Valley Motor took an early lead against the C'urly's tot IX eonaUrs In the last three taw ing netted a win foe the Dairy men. Kay Ceorsey went the route for th winners, whir Hag 17 men. Giant Power Tells; Shea Blanks Tribe! In action vben the Davids and Trotters clash In an exhibition fra cas at Waters park Wednesday, July Z. Legions Play 2 Today Capitol Tost No. 9's American lglon Junjor baseballrri have their task cut tut for them as they this afternoon meet Mllwaukle in a district two double header at Waters park; starting time 1:30. The C-P's must sweep the twin bill to remain in serious running for the district title, and the same goes for the Mllwaukles. The two games were billed after an earlier postponement. Coach Paul Rlellrig will likely start Bob Funk In one of the tilts. Funk having last Sunday stopped Gresham with one hit. Tim Moore will probably also see mound duty for the loeal club. The C-P outfit can now be rated at full strength following the reinstatement to the roster of four suspended players. fore Neil Sheridan hit a homer to give the Seal a 9-7 nod. Itob Joyce went the entire route for the winners. The win enabled the Seal to remain within one game of the front-running Los Angeles Angels who loat to Sacramento 6-5. San Diego beat Seattle 6-4. Mallywaod farlUad UHOA B II OA Cox.s 4 f 1 3 Rattoj 4 0 0 1 Delstng.m 1 0 7 0 Escobar.l 110 0 Lupiert.l t J 10 0 Wenner.m 4 10 Llbke.r I f I 0 Storey J 110 1 Kelleher.l 4 3 1 0 Reich. r Vaughn j 12 1 SCorboldJ Da vu J 4 8 3 I Vtco.l Unserx 4 111 Stlvera.c Krktki.p f 1 0 0 Liska.p Hufford.p 1 0 0 0 Mooty.p , Moore. p Dobbins .a 'Sierra. p 3 110 4 S 1 S 3 17 3 4 110 1 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 fill 001 Hurlers Shine as Mootry's, Bakers Pocket Softball Wins MSmth.m 000 Blanco .p 0 0 0 0 Lazor 10 0 0 Total 37 13 27 I Totals 37 I 27 10 'Batted for Bianco In Sth. Hollywood O0O Sit 11010 Portland .. 010 000 10 0 Error Vaughn. Runs batted In Gorbould f. Kelleher 4, Vaughn X. City leazue softballers resumed action last night at Leslie with suver'a i. Two base hit. cor the fine pitching highlighting the evening's bill. The Master Breads bouM t. Lupien f, Kelleher f. Unaer. ..! I i A tVta J,.i'.rul omnia am ii.v h snkcil P nk P ie. I nrmi, nuiii I "u uuw-ii ....-. "-J , Kelleher. Storey. Stolen baa Ratio phant, 5-0, behind hte three-hit chucking of Enoch Maerz. Mootry s Double Druggists ruAed Papermakers, Wenatchee Bremertoa Cronin. rrot (Si and Peaut: Sulli van and Ronning. 2-1. 4n the American loop, as Vet 201 3U 13 0 eran Percy Crofoot made his 1947 debut a winning one. Tonights games see Rock Wool, also unde feated, clashing with Salem Navi gation and VFW mixing with Eagles. Armand Carrow's three-run 4th frame homer sewed up the Bakers contest as Maerz completely muz zled the PE hitters. Mootry's iced their frnv with two runs in the Brooklyn 000 300 030 0 4fh ,.: F,irr,0' .infflp Iacev's Pimburgh wo oio loo-f 7 f , L. turnoi imgie, ucey i Taylor and Hodge: Higbe. Sewell oouDie ana u wna inrow. ine soiu and Howell. PM tallv. also in the 4th. came on I CJW ki, UiM anrl Philadelphia . 305 100 000- 0 ore",wY" v"fc Cinctnnau 300 030 0040 14 l passed ball. Donnely. Schanz 3. Judd n,..i ammi is 1 ftchmKlt S) and Seminick: Vander- p's; 000 000 0 0 3 2 Major Scores National lacue New York 301 110 1020 11 1 Chicago 000 030 ttlO-3 4 Kotlo andjCooper: Schmlti. Wye ((), Ericknon (Si and McCullough, Capitols Face Albany Sunday play Silvera to Gorbould. Lft on base Hollywood S. Portland 0. Earned runs LUka 9, Krakauakas 0. Mooty 3. Moor I. Sierra I. Hits off Uaka 7 In 3a Inning; Mooty 4 In 2: Moor 1 In storra 1 In 1: BUnco 0 in I. Winning pitcher Krakauakaa. Loalng pitcher Llika. Umpire Orr. . Wameke and En lien. Time f .39. Attendance 4633. Four Corners annoslne Flfatrom's Ttirt i fill--.- -.J V-1 Mtiiimin ''' '" Hork Hptw, Hoalman and tllng with Veatera on the lalle 7ier. lot. starting time 6 o'clock. (ul, , The Mayflowers Ullied foair V Motor times In the Zd Inning of American Duo ss-: : ; Net Victims Tiger, Boox Divide Pair mm 34 Tci a. I 3 Of Doyle Dies; 'Sugar' Held CLEVELAND, (June 25 -'A") Jimmy Doyle, a game little ling campaigner fiom I Angelef. fought and lot hi Ut battle to day as he ui(umbrl to injuiim received in lat night's world welterweight championship bout with Ray (Sugar) Kobinon Death came to the 22-ycar -)! Californian )ut 17 hour after he had been floored by a left rwx.k in the eighth round of a bout he hoped would carry him to the championhip. Coroner Samuel R. Getber bk1 Robin.on would be arraignerl im mediately on a technical man slaughter charge, and police homi cide members ordered the champ ion not to leave town. Every effort waa made to r Doyle's life. He was oi.eratrtt on last night by Dr. Spencer Biadcn tp Ttw AaaawaoWd rVea Nowadays whew you tirf sra) the c4d cry. lut&rrrr' lurw. ytaj'ie ft to arv'T it u 7e-ar WIMIILTDOV. June i5 -4-Vm Gaits fatee Vm t-n Bntuh rmtxn iL.r coJUUwalrd , rrxaa-lwn rivals, the Taeeew. i ..... . .i ii n . . m k io re-ri Kre lennia inxaiefi imm v - their Bukeiy iSl and Kennedy. the United State Uartay Au- '"" ly rerteeAar m tralia IVlly SMtwII and Ig-, w tiirrum ry 1-n.l Tony Siottram exoted Tom rfTW IWVui Re flrown 4 Sn PratMiMw arl - trur..h e tKe CK Budge Patty cf Ltm Angrte tmm , Cba J4vy Wire. WtUord the meti s djUe. t-Z. 3-4. -V Mart'J and VTatkrr Conpre - 4-. 0-4. In th firat u cf the ' ror.tnrtd hnenrr io t tva Wimt4dt (harrt(4ihif T HrMfArr- ttxk. Uj' ar.ig .a) flte-aet duel flaM 1 mrt i 'K the hre t-o irrrwiu mutt atarwla w Ith 4 Ma9 ltm , lr Hin. TU lVA!yw lAs kret V 0-yar-uU Ik-marer : t r4 cf the CtU Ml Qven Mary aitUng cei tt elfe awwwj i-re ae4 tn&i4 wmms of her cir until Vor.g afwe dm- tr-w cf U.e ftrateo wtj nrr lime. -J mrVty eitt r.mwr Little Billy. mmf a KiU Pa d fir.MU ttd a) teba!l cap. I pork led c tU rlMi.4a Pr-1. drenched Court, in a ftrt-rwrtd the Amretaon Um tSe Taaa match that wo the feotute cf the rUc.X rt Trta LcurrLanx-nl'a Amm ijv..l. She- ffaTked Kia -h ti.Ur. Ml PENDING INVEJITIGA- nc4ed to un-ieettf Jl cVuble ' ramt t InMn a 4 XU inttcrer arxt rrVfuIl t4 wten- C"Vt4.fd ldtt l xi.rtm o t-t . - A "t uaai wa Yataee Miu it fa ! IIEIJ) TION ra Ray (Kugar) laM (above) world's welterweight i ,lr,- rha.a.piai foltowlauj the al ! ' ycwlerday of Jlsnany Doyle j froen Injuries tanlalned title Wool wttn KoMbmm T Uy nUhC The rnaaaa4e ROd Io)le la the eighth round of the bottle. It waa La trU In stance In wklrh a artlHat In a rhama4oataJiip boot haa died of ring lajorte. la a l m rr?:ivnesncs ions PCL Twirlcrs T)e via gave trie YarA a JS ram aif ra i f.rvt Am oner te faUa IVed wtto of wtth Dlrtat The Tifres. tartat Hal Xrahnuief. too. Te firat gatw. 42, but e1riwd te ar i M. 4-1 rhittila Atr.arlaru 5AN rRANCl.VD. Jut JS) Arf rated tho M Lv..S t-mm, San rrnrtars r lae tosAte 4Vcr.- 2 fneer. Hetkl 3, Lively 4), Erautt (8) and uititnnp. Amerlcaa Leagne Firt game: Detroit OflO 310 0004 I 0 Borlon 000 Otif 000 f 9 0 Nerour and Wan iter; Huyhron, Klmrer (Si.Murphy (7 and TebbetU. r-econa game: Detroit 100 020 0003 ( 0 tMtim . 220. UK) 00 4 S 0 Trout and Swift; ferri and Par tee. 1 Lou I ..... 000 000 200 f 1 Philadelphia 210 010 00 4 7 0 Fantord. Fannin 13). Moulder il) and T-arly; fowler, Chrlitophcr 18) and Itoaar. CleweUnd .TooO 000 0000 3 1 Xew York ... 200 000 01 3 7 0 Stephen. Cromtk III and Began, tluMkowikt l Si; Shea and Berra. Maerx and Davier: Farlow and Thle. Mootry's 000 200 02 4 3 PM ....a 000 100 01 f 1 Crofoot and Wtckert; Knight and L. Singer, Table of Coastal Tides Tides at Taft, compiled by U.S. Coait and Geodetic survey, Portland, for The Oregon statesman: June 24 XI 21 ft 30 Because platinum was so heavy that lumps fit it covered with gold rould be passed of as solid gold. the Spanish-government took great precautions to prevent exporta tion of platinum from early-day America. Time 4:41 a.m. 7:37 p.m. S:00 a.m. 8:20 p.m. 9:31 a.m. I:S9 p.m. 10:43 a m. 8:40 p.m. 11:41 a.m. 10:17 p m. High Water 4 J Low Time Water 1.27 a m. 1J 12 M p.m. 2:3S a.m. I:S0 p.m. 3:33 a.m. 2:42 p.m. 4:23 a m. 3:28 p.m. 07 a.m. 4:13 p.m. 10 1.2 16 0.6 2 2 0.0 f a -0 5 29 Wlih DHrt Kletfa Xfrtli hnwl San Franclaco 400 020 100 000 02-8 IS 3 , ,T , , OakUnd .. 401 020 000 000 007 IS S groomcn into piaying fnape once Joyce and Cladd. Leonard 111): C again following a Siege With the r. Buxton l) and Ralmondi rv7 ,V j . Sacramento 010 110 3004 14 f w me-tot ounaay mgnt as me io- Lo AngeW 010 036 loo 8 If 0 Cal Capitols meet Albany. Man- Freita. Fletcher 7 and Fitzgerald ager Johnny Kolb announces that ?71.?kV!72k?M.I7, rWm he probably will start Oscar (Red) to P"ic ,, JLn1 M",on- , Miller, the veteran southpaw, on Seattle 100 002 1004 11 a the mound. ,.-",.- tTt I L".. vuuwK 1 suema (9i: seata and Kerr saw them take a walloping from Dan1 Gise4eau tTTsarawew 4Kkaw Keon W r0 good weather, Kolb hopes to whip LoU SCtS I aCC his clubbers Into shape where IWrMi J? br'"d 01 Allege (;olf In the near future Skipper Kolb counts on a regular mid-week tilt ANN ARBOR. Mich., June 23 for his crew, In part to make up ulVy ".'".""t, 80 Tnin?!r ern California Junior champion nu 1 r : o t c- t - mm if v ouu jmiiis ui oan wuac oiaic jr. ItieuailSt lOSefl stroked their way into a deadlock tmcTT a wn r,- t today for medalist honors In the WIS.. WUI1C M-UT , . . . . - Medalist Bill Eggers, Portland, f,0" 1 ., ' . . . Wa" Hrnnni VJ.t u.i.iJ tional Collegiate Athletic asso- clparhpionship play today in the P1! olt champion.hip annual Oregon junior golf tour nament at Riverside Country club. tie waa aereaied by Jay Won- aeriicn, Portland, 2 and 1. in an effort to relieve a paraly. noted Cleveland brain specialut. 1 of the? rcr.iraUry renter Seattle Crew Capital As Oar Classic Looms er. tMg Bob Cheat, iMed Tawifar cot league fufrrs today m Onvr wti wlUi 14 ada(p M4T r atT FfATTLX. Ju r -JV T against lour AefeoU TT-e r.g t Poofar tuihwi f .-vt nonoea aeetaataian, Orrtae4l ty Uat rar tatare HX1 Uat : no ma ny ruanpetrnt tiarta meet m ' mW ad rtvrl Soiwjre J4 reody foe ma)rs new. alao aJhip tJl Vtrroum tUti a erf. lrd tSe rirruit in itnliouli lTh u aiat at eaaon !Utwray fMaat Vartrvo, It. C, with 11 bua Aeae m4 to Wr It. In., Cin;Vlf. Itirei 4 mmm D Di hm rmtt, I -mm f, U Maiahy. UakU4 Ceo W 1 1 Si. It41y ivH Borleske Said 'On Way Oul' ,t . . . 1 itmrntt m mMm mm 1 Cornell. iai years winner ana Mcfut f trfmmmt tne aecond place boat at Pougn- wua SEATTLE June 2Si4,V-Scattle ruexwded Poughkeepe. NY, today as the crew capital of the world as the sweep-puller of a dor en collegiate eight-oared shells congregated here for Saturday's se cond annual Lake Washington regatta. - a .1 .0 I II .9 I 14 keepaie Ut week, was confident f Aew 11 4 si but not cocky as It came bock U the scene of ita triumph. Harvard and Yale, neither of which com peted at Poughkeepaie. were firt to get their shells eff the car and down to the canal Others of the 12 entrant are California. Co lumbia. Xfaaachuetts lntitute of Technology. rVnnylv ania. S O 4 I Oaa - m p i m 9mmrtm mm i mj . 1 a 1 ia No1h f. was nrw a Le ! . I 0 0 I on 4ratrs 5rral.g agana at. . m m w , . . . e Lrsgiat. .TV Uat f4 lUfaaaU Louisiana State university. meanwhile, captured its third team championship. Oregon stood 12th in the field of 33. SEATTLE. June 25 -4V Re liable sources clone to Whitman college in. Walla Walla aid to day R. V. BorWke with the school for 32 years a coach and athletic director, wa "on the way out after refuing to resign. Borleke was on hi way to California and could not be reached for comment. Dr. Winslow Anderson. Whitman president, said in a telephone conversation he was not in pi tion to comment Ikrleke, a Whitman graduate, is rated as one of the northwest' 11-time football great. &MKlitCl 'J "- . w Myvtafiiw 1 una v ifcct.nin wningion a no Syracuw will t repreaented by their frehmen eight. huh fin ihed one-two in the froh to miler on the Hudaon. K. SanHSv. Nn-aro 8 8 l Ardlawa, Hmify a i i S 8 8 SS mimm, Oaklaaag - 8 t 84 Mi .rn tl Si Oregonians tn the Major- at o a a a a featy. IWd Sa .801410 Xd ga .III ( : Kollin' Along By Jerry Stone Since many Salvation Army gongs and. choruses have been translated into the Zulu tongue, non-Salvation Africans may be heard singing them in the streets and fields almost any time of day. SGCers Slate Feed Tonight 3 Ma! fitevens, the mnchly versatile man of sports, who ance coached. the Brooklyn football Dodgers and now is trainer for the New York Baseball Yankees, has come out with an earth-shaking opinion on what followers of the diamond trade ought to partake of In the way of edibles. Now the RED HOT well Black well, (above) Cincinnati hurler, joined baseball's no-hit stars with a C-l defeat of Boston. k - -,- t ";' 1 " L average ball player is Inclined when planting hlmseir at the ta ble,' to call lond and earnestly for the biggest steak In the house. That's bad. affers Mistuh Stev ensand perhaps he's qualified to "an opinion since he's resog nixed . - surgeon and ' traumatic specialist. , Anyhow, the steers should erect a fitting monument to Stevens for he Is adamant In his' stand. Forget the steaks and concentrate on salads and green vegetables. "W.11 ... IV. V. w " . mv mm , nuuHl i doubtless be the retort or Mr. av- I 7 erage player. "I get kick etrta eating, an' eating steaks is Just about the biggest kick there is." Some of the more assertive ball gamers might even view the sug gestion in the way of an Insult, faming that salads might be okay aaaaifge I. ; i - i - '- WIL WLPct. WLPct Spokane 39 28 382 Vancouver S3 33 300 Bremertn 40 29 .579 Taroma 33 34 .404 Salem 37 30 352 Yakima 28 39.418 Victoria 37 34 321 Wenachee 14 43 JM Lat nlcht'a result: At Victoria S Yakima 2 icalled at end Ith. rain): Bremerton 8. Wenatchee I. Salem at Vancouver. Tacoma at Spokane pot ported, rain. GLENN S TETTER JOCKEY Model Janice Cooper, (above) In costume appropriate to her selection as MonnsoaUi Tark race ' track's j'TJoekey girl," will present aw ards I tto winners of special events.. for the dolls down Hollywood way who want to slenderize but who's gonna hit homo runs en salads? - Up Manager' Alley We're afraid thisis one souabble that can see no eamnroml But It wouldn't be RTsurprisIng to see that harried group of Indl- ! viauais me Dig league managers doing some active lobbying for Mr. SteveiuT arguments. 'Cause no few of their worry wrinkles and progressive ulcers have come about from observing the grow ing waist-lines on their, respective charges ... 4 In some ways this eould be aptly termed the Year of the riahr Finishes. There was quite some controversy over the 1-2 winners In the Indianapolis speed classic and now comes griping from several of the Poughkeepsle crew entries who maintain they finished ahead of their final placings. It's water under the bridge, lads, so better to forget It . . . Salem isn't he only burg which is providing a liberal diamond educaion for Its youth. Bremerton, the sronghold of the Bluejackets, Is also a beehive of kid ball activity during the summer months. The Naval base city boasts EIGHT Junior American Legion clubs, besides 17 clubs vlelng in loops which correspond to the loeal Junior leagues , . . , Troublei of Mr. Nenezich WIL Vmp John Nenesich, who by now should be Intently aware that there are more pleasurable occupations In life, has lately drawn the Ire of scribes up Victoria way. for his overt tendencies to thumb gents from the ball game. The main complaint holds the Nenexlch Is over-hasty In his ousting actions . . . Mr. Nenexlch endured patiently a good tongue-lashing from Victoria Skipper Ted Norbert at Waters park the ether night but didnH thumb Ted, though he later cleared the Vie bench . . . Norbert, Incidentally, argues Just like he bats. He stomps Ind shakes as If a herd of ants was up his trouser legs. Most restless gent we've ever lamped in a batting box. And the wonder is. what with his Jumplng-Jack hitting stance, that he was ever able to carry that home run reputalon which' he onee had ... Glenn Stetter, the Tacoma Tiger, who hibernates at Keith Brown's plant during the winter season, may move to the. outfield for the, Tiges after having worked the second-base spot most of the young season. Glenn Is troubled with a seml-eollapslble knee which doesn't tit well with the pivot work at the keystone bag. And that's the reason Ex-Solon Hank Bartolomel waa secured to take ever Stetter's infield berth . COAST LEAC.l E W L Pet. W L Pet Lo Angl 49 3S 33 Portland 37 39 .41 San Fran 47 38 .333 Holly wod 40 44 .444 Oakland 43 38 .342 San Diego 37 44 .444 Sacrmnto 43 42 306 Seattle 39 4S .433 Last nlsht'' reult: At Portland 8. Hollywood 10: at Oakland 7. San fran- cisco 8 114 inning): at Lo Angele s Sacramento 8; at San Diego 8, Seattle 4. AMEBICAN IE AG IE WLPct. WLPct New York 37 34 .807 Detroit 28 30 .483 Boaton 33 23 39 Cleveland 23 27 .481 Philadelp 30 29 308 Waahingtn 34 30 .44 Chicago 30 32 .484 St. Louis 23 33 J97 Yecterday's reault: At Boaton 2-4 Detroit 4-3: at Philadelphia 4. St. Louis 2: at New York 3, Cleveland 0. (Only games scheduled). NATIONAL LEACl'E WLPct. WLPct Boston 34 23 3" St. Louis 30 30 300 Brooklyn 34 26 367 Cincinnati 30 33 .484 New York 33 za .mi rntiadeipn z J -i Chicago 31 28 317 Pittsburgh 22 38 J!8 Yesterday s result: At Chicago New York 8: at Pittsburgh 2. Brooklyn 8: at Cincinnati 8. Philadelphia (Only games scheduled.) Victory Open Draws Parnicn CHICAGO. June 23 4V After two weeks of twinging mainly for glory in the national open and na tional PGA tournament, the pro fessional golf brigade again will cimemtrate n cah collecting to morrow through Surxlay In the $15. POO Chicago National golf Salem Golf clabbers engage In championship. their monthly dinner party to- ! Headed by newly -chow ned night at the local dab. Food will PGA champion Jim Fetrier cf San bo the primary attraction bnt alo j ' rancisco and lour former var an the bill will be a potting tear- j tory national winner Sam Byrd ney. low 1 in a nine-hole malt- of Detroit (1943). Ben Hgan f fylng round being the competitor, llrrney. j's . (1942-41). Duk The South river road swinger, mcu or Arkansas nty, Kan, are pointing U Sunday's claah U40) and Nam SneaU or Mot with Corrallls dlTeter. final beat 1 Spring. Vt . (13 a field of of the cities' home and home 4 pro and 26 amateur will com ae rics. Inadvertently omitted from . pe'e in the 72-hole stroke pUy the No. I team listing rrleaaed eent yesterday were. Cliff Parker and W. McCallUter. Their addition Navajo Indian hogans In Art- swells the No. 2's ranks lo 2$. as . always built with the SW4 8e .411 2nd Same .488 . 1 Pilrtarr: ErawH. CsncteMkatt. aUte araat 8. hat . 8 4 8 0 I t 0 8 I 8 0 I 110 8 Expert Bcdy zzi Fender TTcrk Qualily Pahlirg ate last. AB Work Casnatfei. Hal IIiu!erx:a Vetera Owwed and t-laJTed MS K. Uberly aakrm, Or. tm that team prepares to play host to Ita Corrallls ceonterparU. The No. 1 outfits clash In the Benton coanty city. Arinv, Navv (JVt lire ak WASHINGTON. June 25 -iA- House action sent to the White House today a bill authorizing the secretaries of war and navy to send armyand navy teams to the next Olympic game. entrance facing east. Baseball's I I n n m Ssst 28 83 341 33 71 344 28 73 343 33 73 341 30 71 339 I 31 SO .33 j 40 72 J?8 COLLEGE CORDS G AB Boudreau. Indians . 31 ISl Haas. Reds . 34 218 Walker. Phillies . 14 110 Slaughter. Cardinals 90 211 Kell. Tigers . 37 216 MrVhiinn. Yankees 3S 112 DlMagglo. Yankee . 38 221 Runs baited In: Nations) league Mlu, Ciants. 34. Cooper. Giant. 13. Marshall. Giant. 32 American leaeue Johnson. Yankees. 42 DtMasrio. Yankees. 41: Mepher.s, Brans ns. 39. Williams. Red Sos. 3 Home runs: National league Miie. Ciants. 18; Marshall. Giants. 14; Coop er, Giants. 14. American league Kel ler. Yankees. 13: William. Red So. 12. Gordon. Indiana. II. trylad aifM lo aag I of a ag ' ( foK-sWd aa ragged CoaWse Ceaaaa Cases Tao ZiO fly 4 CmHt sjbbss osmbs sns oBsat oasn onsa obbbb s sbw eam enant The Man's Slioj The Store of Style. Quality and Value Mo ley and Huntington 416 State SL Salem, Oregon ev Oes I At eae 13 LODER'S BUDGET TERI1S makes it easier to have major repairs twic! Don't put off needed repairs that Invite expensive breakdowns and possible accidents . . . Loder Bros, give you up to cno year to pay for car repairs, body rebuilding and body repaint ing! Investigate! SHOP OTEN 74t A. M. HViH' m Genu i. SERVEIG SilLEII AIID VICCHTY FOR 19 YEAI1S tmmWf. Te I " it ?'J XX Jv CeeaWr 1 . 4 1 6o i I : - i i. i j Jra a sorlooo I ul i i i as ao's ' . Coaa a ty 8o M. ywo oat aaad fool iaifaiill.. Toot rasd osar a I rata a J ill sSl! Distinctive Men t Wer lllth alCocrt Hotel Senator BaiWdinr Saarsn, Orrreai j ".-"; " I . . ..... -