Cntty W&w CAR, "MOTORCYCLE CRASH A car-motorcycle cra.h in the COO b'tx k of North Commercial t. Monday morning necessitated hospital treatment for Wlllaby George Nason, 644 17th St, Cor allis, city police said. He was treated for a lacerated upper left leg and released from Salem Dearcne-s hospital. Nason was Tiding the motorcycle and Will Novotny, 635 N. Commercial st, a. driver of the other vehicle. Police said Novotny and V. R. Andcram of Corvallis, riding on the motorcycle with- Nason, were not hurt. . Standard Cleaner and Dyers, also rug and drapery cleaning, Pickup and delivery service. No extra charge. S and H green tamps. Ph. 8779. Dutch Boy Once Over wajll paint. All standard colors on hand. Ph. 4839. ; HEALTH PROGRAM EXPANDS An increased program of rhest C-rays and health education will be forwarded in Marion county ta a result of the National Tu berculous association convention In San Francisco last week, ac cording to Mr. Ruby Bunnell, ex ecutive secretary of the Marion county public health association, who has returned as a delegate from the meet. Also emphasized at the convention was the asso ciation's drive, to have all hos pitals give ch-st X-rays to every admitted patient. Ladies, if you need a new iron here's a money-saving opportun ity standard makes of-light weight, standard weight & steam Irons used as display merchan dise tpecial discount. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 4036. Dance, Wed., Crystal Gardens. KOCO STAFF INCREASED Announcement of two additions to the staff of the new Salem radio station, KOCO. which is to open about July 1, was made Monday by Owner B. Loring Schmidt Richard Nason of De troit, former public relations man at Klamath Falls marine bar racks, will be an announcer writer, and Bob Brower, former ly with KORE, Eugene, will be technician-announcer. Nason toured the state with marine bond shows in 1945. Both men have ar rived here with their families. Dance, Wed., Crystal Gardens. Fast, reasonable, guaranteed radio repairing, all makes. Douglas Mc Kay Chevrolet Co. MOTHERS LEAVE GENERAL Four mothers, each with her infant son. dismis-ed Monday from Salem General hospital are Mrs. William B. Large, Turner; Mr. Louis Cline, Detroit; Mrs. W. H. Mayfield, 145 W. Luther at; Mrs. Edward White, 500 Beck ave. Three mothers, each with her daughter, who went home Sunday are Mrs. Maynard A. Nel son, 1625 Norway st; Mrs. Lamar Bupp, Monmouth, and Mrs. Louis Gar fin, 1395 Baker st. Special sale! Clearance of all bed ding stock. Fuchsias, geraniums, etc. Pemberton's, 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-6765. SCOUT LEADERS RETURN Back Monday from a one-week camp training " session at Camp Parsons, Wash., were a group of senior scouts and leaders. Cas cade area council ficldman Jerry bcott completed a course in camp activities, and executive Lyle Leighton conducted the commis sary course. Senior Scout James Brennan, Salem, took a commis sary management course, and Milton St. John, Gervais, received a certificate for completing an aquatic school. Northern Lawn nxtwera. limited quantity P. L. Elfstrom Co. Johns-Mansville slat s u r f a c e shingles applied by expert roofers Nothing down, 3 years to pay. Buy the best at no exlra cost. Free estimates. Ph. 4642, Mathis Bros Roofing Co., 164 S. Coml. ANNA ARNOLD RE-ELECTED Anna Arnold was re-elected president of Salem's Chin-up club 1 at a Sunday meeting in the home of Lucille Garner. 1549 Broadway ft. Margaret Thome was re-elected secretary and the following new. officers were named: Vice president, Leon Fischus; treasurer, Lucille Gar ner; chaplain, William A. Sell wood. Discussion at the meeting centered around plans for the buidling campaign set for this fall. IHiiluary FIRESTONE STORE APPROVED A building permit for $8,000, to build a Firestone tire and ap pliance store at 255 N. High st, was issued to George Rhoten by the city engineer's office Monday. Initial work has already ,bgun. P. J. Bohan was authorized to build a $4,500 house at 3310 Abrams ave. Permits for work to cot $1,000 or less were issued to Floyd Volkel. 555 N. Liberty st; George B. Guthrie. 170 S. High tt and to James C. Irwin, 1285 N. Capitol st Model R100 Conlon Four-way Cabinet Ironer with new slide glide shoe (a hand ironing action shoe which glides back and forth while the roll revolves), 30" rust proof scratch-proof sohe with non-sag roll. Two-ppeed control, datable roll pressure, knee or hand control, white baker-on enamel. $189.95. Available now. R. L. Elfttrcm Co. Appliance Dept. , Oregon Barber Shop, formerly at 481 Ferry St.. now located at 615 ft. Capitol. Hair cuts 65c. THOR LODGE TONIGHT Trior Lodge, Sons of Norway. will meet at 6:30 o'clock tonight for a no-hot dinner at the home - cf Nels Tonning on Croisan creek. Members and invited friends will attend the open-air meeting and coffee and cream will be provided. Raoul Bertrand, professor of philosophy and liter ature at Willamette university. will speak on "Revolutionary As pects otr Communism" and a short business meeting will be held. Furniture Auction tonight, 7 p. m., 15 N. Liberty. Closing out Nel son Bros. Complete furniture stock. No reserve, everything goes. Lease expires. Merchandise open for inspection today. Oil your road and settle the dust. Call Tweedie, 9696 or 5769. RETIRES FROM GROCERY Dorothy Cook, Mehama. filed notice of retirement from Me fcama grocery with the Marion tounty cleik Monday. WEBB Mrs. Nellie A. Webb, late resident of route 1. Brooks, at a local no pita I. Fri day. June 20. Mother . ol Mrs. Uavid haucy ol Dundee ana Mrs. i, W. f'itta of brooks: T. C. Webb of Wichita f alls, Texas; George B. Webb of Canby, Ore., Ernest C. Webb of Bay villace. unto, and tzra S, Vvebb of Livermoie. Calif.; and sister of John Browning of Kansas and Wirt Brownin of Idaho. Also sur vived by 22 grandchildren and eight rrat-f ranclchildren. Services will be field at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, at the Clough-Barrick chapel with ' the Rev. Duotey Strain officiating. Inter ment at the City View cemetery. DISTRICT BUDGET REPORTED Estimated expenditures amount- ins to $1,800 for the year 1947-48 have been approved by the Mill City rural fire protection dis trict according to a report to the Marion county clerk Monday. The expenses include $900 for operation and repair of the equipment and a special four-mill levy of $900 to be used on the purchase of a new fire truck. Plate glass now available. Brown, Elfstrom s. Don YM BOYS TO HIKE TODAY A hike around the Silver CietV Falls sUitc ;nk will Ik- m.idr to day by the 100 l.y at the Salim YMC'A's Camp Silver Cteek. ar- Public Rocords Jl hilt t t OI RT tlarar-re Ii. null-erg. Portland. ill n a lck with In -lift iranl funds.. cording to Director John Card- ; "T 1 ner. Units of younger and older i ututKi following a ptea 4 guilty. boys attend the ramp dining the po " ("w"" ir one m Mimmrr for one wtk at a time. some tinder the auMi of sev eral of Salem service clubs, which provide Mhohurhiii on the bas of the Imyj,' need. Tkm SsoWamon. Salem. OrxyetL To&rr. ftm 31 U.7 1 Births BAKBOI R To Mr. and Mr Marshall H.BatUjr. $10 S. 14th tt a daujMet. Monday, June 71, at Salem Cera-tal HARGMIR To Mr. arwJ River silt top sot and fill dirt Com l Sand Gravel Ph 21966 DISMISSED BY DEACONESS Mrs. Ray Conder. 17 Park ave.. and Mrs. Leonard Kinkaid of route 1. Salem, each with her infant daughter, were dimised from Salem Deaconess hospital Sunday. Mrs. Charles Smith of Seattle was disrnij-sed with her on. i STRODE IS PARATROOPER Pfc. Marvin L. Stnic. 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eat I A Strode, box 344. route 9. Salem recently won his wings at the 11th airborne divi sion training center at Yamoto. Japan, after making the five ic quired tiuining jumps from a C-47 airplane. Eighth aimy headquar- linnl Html. I nl lil. tua MM-ruii'S pl-eta-l guilty, iwilmum tut cn nrr u June 24 Jolin Nubrf bftikin, in .- atea. line stnutnoed on pay . I Mrs. , Paul Wargnier. 1910 S 2M in irii4inl tirt. I- M I n - fcl ?V-Tn leiM ral Imsfat I .n MMM-m oi tnutt rmis CLARK To Mr. and Mrs -"' Andius Ul. rlNtlaia- liwl Marion Clark "tli 1IUW . lor wnunr to June 74 ' a aaghter, Monday. June 21, at Jamn Holartt Krttr jtmnon. UUtn nnrtl hrartitit OX r l - tit-II I.I Mkd IiiihI UU And nu i naratroopcis . FKfiitATS- ini tr AUILHH To Mr. and le a V4-iv .i, ri (v. we Aiwim lncenomn pi-d mi i2m a daughter. Monday. June ikinc ni.i wILXABT To Mr. and Mrs J1 J4un. Mjtfe. a s4v MitJUj. Jut-? $, at SaVem Ik rennt rirpiukL RTTWART To Mr arwj R. Lett Stewart. Lynns, a duth Ut. Swrwlay, June . at Sarf I14 bf fatal HARD To Mr arl M J4Sn Hard. Sntt H.Ik, a anr Sunday, June 7X. at KaVto Gen. etal HxvgKtal. lOEK To Mr and Mrs Knv nnh 11. Yk. ruu'.e t, SaWm. a pomx, Sutsday. June Z2. t fhrm General fN rnVaL I Mrs. 1 COttt3s To Mr a Mrs, i 4WjAWe Ctwn. 1W0 N Zr4 tA, o -j aun, Sandy. Ju Z2, at Saarto I Mri K W. rit euie federal tases Datd P. Wlllaby. 640 MafWtft st estutiatrd al Si - ' I , . Urn voie ute Ed oie a on- Monday. June -J. at S GenrraJ hostnlal " - " - IjTTXM Mult 1. If WA BAAI, mm- po.mni tdminmitiM mna s I ksu , Wtn GeneTal KcMlal no Ad. II M.. M G tMMxil . RODCXllt'IF To Vlr nr...lnl ..f Ik.. f . . - " " " li. c automatic blanket a year i K ' " '."i riin-i p.. .mm iiiniiait.r ' t .. :n l. ... .i , h. . viiii'ii, win ryvaw. on inr rarmeis FARMERS SLATK TALK Gus Schlicker of Salrm. v u t- round comfort and Dlensu. limited quantity at Appliance' umon weekly isrim program i.t Dept It L. Elfstrom Co. I p. m. Wedneday on ' 1947 Na- 'tional Fanuly raimn.g Art,'" m -Dexter sharpens lawnmnwers at , cording to a Faimcrs L'nu.n pt-s your home by.nvachine. 6833. ' relea-e. i Knc rlat Ol C f tk- rtle Mti mt4 HI We'll make complete arrangements for you, in any distant city, if you'll simply call us into consultation, and express your wishes, as soon as the necessi ty arises. HOMflRDS FUntRftL Home HSkOtTHCMKXVlU! NOK1...367 s oaou J sVOcpm svw MORRIS Isaac Morrla. rt. 1, Brooks, In Salem June 20. Services will be held in ClouKh-Barrick chapel Tuesday, June 24. at 10; JO a.m. wltn the Rev. Vernon Zornes officiating. Interment will be in Belcrest Memorial park. Associated with the W. R. Dougnerty family of route 1, Brooks, for the pant 28 years PACK Holiin K. Page, late of 1815 S. Com mercial st., at a local hospital Saturday June 21, at the age ol 71 years, feurviv inr are his wile. Mrs. Alice Page, ana sister. Miss Albina Pane, both of Sa lem. Private services will be .-he Id Tues day. June 24. at Mt. Crest Abbey ma us oleum with trie Mev Oeorge M. awiit officiating. Direction Cloueh-Barrick company. Please omit flowers. BIRNS Wellington A. Burns, at the resi dence. li2 N. 5th st, Saturday, June 21. Survived by his wife, Grace A. Burns of Salem; two daughters, Mrs. L. II. Matters of Spokane. Wash., and Miss Doris Burns of Vancouver, Wash.: a son, Earl W. Burns of Salem; four granclchildren and a brother, B. S. Burns of Grand Forks, N.D. Announce ment of services later by Clough-Barrick company. MOORMAN John B. Moorman, late resident of 2285 M. 5th St.. at a local hospital. Mon day. June 23, at the age oi as years. Survived by his wife, Keaecca May Moorman of Salem; two aaughters, Mrs. Dcva - Armstrong of Salem and Mrs. Myrtle Schockney, Windfall, Ind.; seven sons, James Moorman of Sa lem. Louis A. and Ruell L. of Port land. Wilbur L. of Seattle. Omer L. of Kokomo, Ind., Frank L. of Greentown, Ind, and T. I Moorman of fnuaoei- ohia. Pa.: two brothers. C. Oben Moor man of Edward. Ind.. and C. D. Moor man of Wichita, Kas.; 24 grandchildren 32 ereat-srandchildren and two great- ereat-crandchlldren. Memiwr oi me Hiehland Avenue Friends church. An nouncement of services will be by the Howell-Edwards company. Mrirnn Thomas McLeod. late resident OI zjos Brevman tt.. at a local hospital. June S3, at the met of B2 year. Surviving mtm the widow. Mrs. Helen Mcieod or Salem: three daughters. Mrs. C. F. Draoer of Eugene. Mrs. wmiam t Beard of Salem and Mrs. John L. Clark of Portland; a grandson. Steven John Clark of Portland; three sisters, iwrs Marv McLeod of Fresno, cam.. Mrs Annie Mcintosh of Winnipeg. Can., and Miss Marearet McLeod of Scotland; a brother. James McLeod of Salt Lake City. Utah: several nieces and neph ews in Dundee. Scotland, member Che meketa lodge 1. IOOF, Willamette en- rumoment 2. Salem Kebekan lodge 1. Canton Capital 11. Services wiu oe announced by the Howell-Edwards company. GIFFORD In Ontario. Oregon. June 23, Ralph I. G if ford, late resident of route B, Salem, at the age of 52 years. Husband of Wanda M. Gtrrord of saiem; latncr or Ben Gifford of Salem; son of Mrs. Ra chael M. Gifford of Forest Grove; and grandfather of Cheryl Louise Gifford. Services will Be held inursday, June 26. at 1 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with concluding services in Lincoln Memorial park. The Rev. Dudley Strain will officiate. Fireworks! 2 stands. S. 12th St Reduce the scientific way. Latest modern massage (myopathy). 543 N. Church. Phone 6253. SILVERTON GROUP FILES Supplemental articles of incor poration for the Silverton Hos pital association . filed with the Marion county clerk Monday amend an article by including; a provision to care for the sick "ir respective of race, creed or abil ity to pay." The ai tides were filed by A. W. Simmons George Hubbs and R. A. Fhh. Ice cream, hours 11 to 11; Sun days 11 to 6. The Pike, 138 S. Liberty. Gallon cans for home freezers. We, now have Neopolitan or 3-flavor, 3-layer quart bricks. The butterfat content of our ice cream hss been 2 above pre war minimum standard for one year. Piano tuning; and repairing. Wills Music Store. - TWO PARKED CARS HIT An unknown driver left the scene after his car crashed two parked cars in front of 720 N. Commercial st, shortly after mid night, Monday morning, accord ing to Salem police. Owners of the damaged autos are Bill F. Lance and Allen D. Knight both of that address. For rent Floor Sanders. Wood rows. 450 Center St Salem Self Service Laundry. New modern washing; machines, dry ers; mangle for use. Hourly rates. 1815 So. 12th. Ph. 5607. Aiiui r J Ham ll(c rtu at float UKt I ir t Ol rt H air k A U titr !- if tr Of t r4tjiMj i.irw- and to ittti C to icj lr!rK)nta f iJ sstrrcand rrrW m fit ta WORK WEEK OPENS J AI'RORA FIRM INCORPORATES mi U.-r h.JM, b iro A group of Cascade area roun- Articles of imortoiatin lor tt.e l" M "d I' Tiui cil senior scouU will begin a sec- i Aurora aiehouc. Inc. weie i,. mlta i,u. c n i. i.m.n t ond work week at scout Camp ! filed w ith the Maiirn county n-.i.n iM n ituii ci.ird Pioneer WrHnendav Th vniit ! clerk Mnnil h Jnhn T.IH n,.lw w - Jo s rd L Jc4i will prepare the camp for occu- Todd, Anne Blair. Glen Blair and pancy and organize its facilities John Capital stock is lifted for the opening of the summer . at $100,000. camp season on July 6. I I LAMB NAMES Bl'REAl Fireworks! 2 stands. S. 12th St. Lamb'. Scaling bureau is the Hard of hearing? Fresh batteries eratcd uX 439 curt bv ir. and supplies for all hearing aid at oli c mb ,625 Neblii;kjl Salem s newest hdq See new one actordinK lo ltllua(e tllrti unit, easy to wear Beltone. James Monday with hie M-non courty Taft Sc Associates, 218 Oregon i, k 1 Diag. x ri. IIRVT nn srB urn uiutii SOCIAL PROGRAM PLANNED . t u i ..TV" ... . ewt . . . . . - sc. v . a'., O'J V I I J rl . The monthly social meeting of fr... . . . . ... Salem Townsend clubs 2 and 3 " " " .." . .. .1 Z ...:n i u-i.i i ...i uii ami iter . ""' finger was accidcnta Iv ni.ihefi P b-i on fairgrounds road at 8 p. m. , ln .. nty. , ri. . . . . , r B i.nuu. 5i twixori , a J - - .w.a . I X m , - mcnt. artd Mrs Earl lU-ienhuif. 11M i!l t . a daughter. Mortday. Jur 13. at Sale-m IVoo-a Husftal JOIINHON To Mr and Mrs WILLAMETTE TILE CO. ART TtlX le nrrtrf. 4traas- sn fr Us. ktl rr.rx evtimatx pv t-4tr ini x. Suit tot d . or cr g tr e riusl arid nhuirjn lifatmrnl MARRIAGE UC'ENKE APPLICATION UunaW) Cdln Ko-dl 21 bkrry rot. floe Salem, and I'alitria Mae Ho4 inamoflh. 11. sludnt. Htxtiand Otto Wiltulm llrwer. jr. ii drnt. heitdan. and Vtlte Ruth Itl Urt. 21. fiKnt Cr Ml'MClPAL (OUT lliailes M SrW. luule SWn. no opristoi s ItrvfM c M d mlri d C'ail Brre. M Isrttfi at, (allure to slop, fined S2 M Vicior t bouel. iX) Uih at. no opei slots lkrrn purd i tail, tunmne rrd l.hl pnsfvd 2 V tail HoOrit J Mais ItXi Jin 1 . riiTitr prd tiiroufh an inlersat. Umi ptrtrti ti bail rui (j u.iicv Dallaa. lunmri id Tricje &y QER1CAI CKAIKS Ken "A Wry ft IWa" . , . It's tto trvf "waeaa iwfisrl f last assst fcensrs fm faseer tat stJi j ii a. Am4 tWy are 7 tUea! 11 m fmmm SV H Cooke Stationery Slore 370 SUIt St. 11et 1 101 latum of anti-rM.H erdinanr 12 Hi ltrr 1. Miller IMS N IS-h . total x n of anli-nutke utd irvarx f .n rd 12 jt fiere C Weed. 3WS) lltranrne mi . VKiialx.n cif ta.ic lute I.1 IIS C. t. Mule. foil land mimm of bK- i ule ptiated SI bait " V . . . . - m . . I'ltl.inn, Ut to Mop patted S2 VO tail ltji Otaile M lunard. Hiterlo. run ning ird lirhl pule4 tl Sa bail W R .. route 4 &arm mk. latKMi u( banc iu pwted ti ka il I w Oard. 1 Ju S l.ite.i ,t . fail ure to top poaled tt M hail Res Glihff.houl em. vaulatauai of bat.r lule f.ned I M Corp., has received a certificate ' ""S 'Z i, ' i" llZ'Z J"?? l'T 'V upon graduation from the cot po- : county toull Mof,dv v Ku(tu. We rations training school lor Junior j s"". runmr.f ted inhi. pwied ti executives in Portland. Sales ! TOWNSEND ( LI B TO Ml ft -t1. . . . financing was stressed in the in- i Townsend Vic tory club 17 will tunnm- red i!m piied ii va bii StrUCtlOn course. meet at 8 o'cUnk toniifht in R M Criff.n. route 1 ftaletn. rwa-! ISeftvaid J Trunk Dundee bnUt and refreshments are on the pro gram. Steinway Grand Piano, perfect condition. Wills Music Store. Insured savings earn more than ; two per cent at Salem Federal i Savings Association, 120 South Liberty street. CERTIFICATE FOR CLARK E. W. Clarke, Salem unit man- AGENT GOES TO SCHOOL James M. Claik, Salem rcpre sentatice of the A. E. Gtdenga.iri ; agency of Hankers Lite Insur ance company in week attttulcd a (iitrut training school in Dcmer. IMAT MOVE COMHLNE Gcoige Vachter, SiUeiton, was issued a pcimit to moe a n-m- conens hall, near S;lem Deacon- HEARING POSTPONED The hearing originally sched uled for Monday on a petition to the Marion county court asking it to accept a road lying between Mt Angel highway and the Young street extension near woodburn, waa postponed by the court Monday. Dr. Wiles Dentist 701 First Nat. Bank. Phone 4924. St. Paul Rodeo reserved seats on sale at Stevens Jewelry. CAR CRASH HURTS NONE No one was injured when autos operated by Harold Lyle btanlield, 875 D st. and Char lotte Bates, Turner, collided in the 100 block of South Commer cial st., Saturday afternoon, city ponce report. New location Cronise Studio, 439 tourt St, over Smith Baking Cn. A continued shortage of oil circu lators is forecast for the coming : heating season. Get yours now j while they are available. All sizes. I Hewitt, Domestic and Silent I Sioux. Ralph Johnson Appliances, valley Motor BIdg. Ph. 4038. Dance, Wed., Crystal Gardens. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capital St Moyer's Beauty Shop ICS N. Commercial St Ffcoo 72Z1 Cold Waves . . . S10X0 Machine . . . . . S 5.00 Machinclcss . . . S 750 Wc uk Vita-Fluff itli our Lrtlrr (KTinanrnU. Alx Hrallhr Entla. Ooefrd Moodora. Cxcep4 Hoedoy aUior Ha 4ik ...vv, r., v.,.. w.ur.u. hosoiti.1 l.,..l,l.T A .1 of anli-notae Ofdinane. .-lH us.! Odds and ends of various roofing j lhe d,!t' council i!l be made., ,Urt K fnderd iijs ru,. m materials for sale at bargain 1 1- a Tru n.r ... ... : u..u:. n. t, 14-e.sJ ei i.r . mauiLi oiiis. nuuiuin LO.. 164 S. Com l. West ftalem. UM bail. failure ka stop, pvated CORNETT FLIES TO KALEM State Senate President Marshall E. Cornett. here Monday to at tend a special meeting of the state emergency board, made the flight from Klamath Falls in his private plane. He reported trav eling conditions ideal. Nohlgren's restaurant will be closed on Wed. this week, due to the Eagles convention, starting Thursday. PERMITTED TO LAY PIPE A permit to lay a three-inch water pipe across Ratcliff drive in the Smith Fruit farm No. 2 was .granted to Robert V. Lorens. 315 S. 15th st, Monday, by the Marion county court. For a more enjoyable outing. In clude a portable radio. Special discounts on our display models. Also table model demonstrators at a saving to you. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 4036. Quonsct gatage at Gates is the Kendrtrks VeUetj. failure as-umed business name filed Mon- "YA.X n.sJl'L.s ' day by Joe Jooquin. Gates, iUi latum warrant, paid si bad. the Marion county clerk. H A' SIF.WERT Fred Siewert. late resident of route 1. Salem, in a Portland hospital, June 22. Husband of Mrs. Mabel Kiewcrt of 8alem: father of Miss Beverly Jean Siewert and Mrs. Opal Hornachuch, both of Salem: and brother of Mrs. Lena Hilfiker and Mrs. Ellen Cooper, both of Salem, Mrs. Hulda Potter of Salem. Mrs. Neda Schults of Richmond, Calif.. Dr. A l man siewert of Passadena. Calif., and Kaftrard Siewert of Whittier, Calif. Also survived by two grandchil dren. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick company. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for all their kindness and for floral tributes in our recent sorrow. '--T GEORGE HENNES AND DAUGHTERS, BEVERLY, and BARBARA MR. and MRS. M. C. GARDNER and FAMILY. Someone iri Your Family Drinking? niCCIIQL DESI0E cc bo RET.10UED Excessive drinking is no longer a hope test situation. Alcoholism is a disease and like any other disease will respond to the correct scientific treatment. Our clinical records prove this to be the case.Yrt, lasting results have been obtained through our short, afe, snild but effective treatment. Why be chained any longer to the worry of excessive drink ing? Send now for our FREE booklet, "The Magni ficent Freedom''. ------"-Hrtt TNIS HANDY COUPON VO BOOK LIT-- aua-ooa nospitaw m n.l iota a 14, Of i M hi ii in ....... --- AddrM City.. Zone.. Stat.. J tnojuwiei confident lot, Poos let moilad In plain envelope, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Dept F-4 v AVI1INGS OF . ALUMIIIUM Hare's eferytMaf yew ever . ) far In m aiwlwal H lats In seft InaHfact Hghl end flask etr..tef sfM aajt an Mm4 miit. Y as, bara's Mm - eavnlnaj tnef nctaajHe keeps imm keata 10 caalar net sanny aVrs. Ask f isw spamive, ety-Minttlt ntawlnaai Ufatkae AsmitifS wHk BAKU IN AM El falsa. ! ' cunprocf rc!r proof fireproof . ; ' ' rcs?proof - foolproof r fRII ISTIWATtS See theml Buy them at Reinholdl Cr Lewis Phone tUl S6 8. tlst St ALSO Salesman Wanted s A L E S B E P A I B S WARREN'S All Hem Make A at 2117 Fairgreands Rd. "Heart of Hellywoad" Plcksjp A Delivery Call 7CI1 t aaaW -Swa arr..l Culling 3 DELPHINIUM Oa ) am mk 3 PENTSTEMON DIANE N la i an Oca 3 ROSE DAWN 3 PAINTED DAISIES 3 SWEET Willi AM 3 SHASTA DAISIES 3 WESTRAUA DAISIES 3 KEIWAYS MARGUERITES C. a.. -r-a 3 WOOD vioin Oaaa m.m ko 3 HESPERIS 3 MYRTLE rW-alf a".1 hst.a fw -- 3 BABY'S BREATH Hl hI fir mm O O all "1 mmi -mi mtnfmm mi HOC Western Office 1326 American BIdg., Seattle 4. Washington FCJ ECTTIK S0UX3 WD RIAT USE a jl i CONLON IRONER 189.93 Now atalla tie New Feaiajrea an-ta-tW mtrntUt tn tit iarss 9 thmm la ApftUaare, pfpaetaa sasl R- L ELFSTnOII CO. 3 1 0 Covrt SL' Thtmt tm II" I ! I I 1 I f ml Laal,,!-! 1 11 I J MM t T AM dfl fyjLa-3 Tae UaH. at mm VjT j W . mailwau Ka- '"' m ' as Sf wwliiaMittUt. m mmt llia.1 i kaasa (talilil m 1 1 S tj , -f t a aa4 a a y ymm Svax ymmt taWal fcwMiaa; mmyisi FOR INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL AND FARM BUILDINGS r taaaaaalasafSastjiNi 1 mmmma IVarkman ta saber A I Hardsiare Cn. I Ui KUte Kt Fk. CMPIRt BUILDING MATERIAL CO, CI. 1m4 mm4 HaUey ferttassd 14. Os, DOCSNT TMAT I VOUN4S MAN KNOWTl I HOW TO SAV J 600 ON lOHTjT (ViA. SAV MS DOESjj a m s " i V S - a. ClllfCfWCCfC r 'Valiilil' 5 V - I FREE LUBRICATIOII During- the month of June Ye. ve have nVcldesI U carry ever another anth. Our ! prtial Frrr $1.50 Beeanse st want everr Salens ! eta ner U ennae In anal gel aeqaalnted and see the Ijpe af werk tse W. TEAGUE IIOTOB C0IIPA1IY Kaiser-Fraser 155 N. Liberty rhnne 7N1 Oregon Drivers!! DEIYEIl'S UCEHSESSH-1 TO 5H43,C:3 EXPIEE m JU1TE; K143,C31 TO SB ES,CC3 m JULY. Tan MOfT at aert ttlt Vi - rWk es area. Taa a eaisssaiWiat Ai Wat 0 aal aaaaat SVa artssv A' ataaee st; saa lanwt aia arara m aw na4. Mats tmmmt mm4 tarry Bl srtta frnm Maa. OreDrWLkaaaM Ts,Ta?lln tZslm sa I sa Stt taaaa tmmm sa tasai sa sa aaaaa mmwmm mt tl aaaas sa an aasan av tsat a saaai sa sa i sM tt Minea m ssuaaa .. rr sa iaaai sa mm taaaM sa .is1 sataaaas mm isnwa Baa samaa sa sasaa as mm IMS sa isai sa sa aa tea taea sa maat sa sa im a . St . tt sa IMaii sa sa t as 1 aa saas sa assess sa sa yaaaea . s la sa asaaas Sa sa a aaas aaaa IM sar ax Sa saisui n le a ssias sa saaaaaaa mmm. tmmt mm Mm i mi sa sa .-1 1 1 1 m c ! MsrasM sa sa asieea mr IMS sasaiaat sa iiima a. a- ims sa iaai mm tasfaaa m . a--l aa isi i in 1 1 1 . tmmt mm i sa Miarww tt taas saaa ri sa sa 'Saaas SS las sa:aae sa sa-saaaa aa . taea satsaaa sa aa-isin a mmt ta at taea EOBEBT S. FAEEELL. Jr. Secy of Slaf m Meed irir Dr. H E. Baring 1 Dr. Ran llaghea Hot your ayaa axamioeci la our modnra opflccd da part .ent soon. Glaaaaa praacrlbaa only il needed. Dignified Credit BORING OPTICAL COMPANY SIS Catrt cva mt a w - - Sittts' y) (Select 0