The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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Cnity ' Mows IHjpBeff s
Leaving today for Camp Par
sons, Wash., to attend a north
.ret nutuner campers school this
eck rt Jerry Scott, assistant
local scout executive,, who will
take an administrative course
there, Jerry Bachle, Salem, and
Milton St. John, Gen' a is, who
have enrolled in an aquatic school,
and James Brennan. Salem, who
will attend a commissary session.
Together with Lyle Leignton. Sa-
- 1cm scout executive, who will di
rect the commissary school, the
scouts intend to return Sunday.
Eec. pop-corn poppers, $4.95,
plate may be used separately. At
kinsons Appliance Co., 2005 Fair
(rounds rd. Ph. 2-4439. '
Air-Steamhip tickets anywhere.
Kugel, 7C84. 733 N. Capitol St.
Mr. and Mrs, CT J. At wood of
Seattle are In Salem attending the
50th anniversary of .the Willam
ttte university- class of 97 of
which Atwood is a member. He
is a brother of Mrs. A- A. Lee,
. and Mrs. .Atwood is the former
Grace jPohle, a sister of Mrs. Floyd
Utter, l -
Delegates to the Girls' State! Ma). Sheldon Johnson of Tilla-
camp sponsored by the Oregon I mook. Identified by the army as
American Legion auxiliary, are I the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. L.
to disband at the Silver Creek I Johnson of Salem, was awarded
recreational area today. They will 1 the army commendation ribbon at
Seaman 17c Robert Chester Van
Eaton, 17, on leave from the coat
guard, is visiting at the home of
his parent. Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Van Eaton. 1750 N. Church t.
After Joining the cot guard in
Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, executive be replaced during the afternoon Fort Mason, Calif, for "the effi
secretary of the Marion county by more than 100 high school boys I cient and coruiderate manner in February, Van Eaton took boot
public health association, is to land girls from the Willamette I which he handled the movement training at May port. Ha, and
leave today for: San Francisco Dresbvterv. Edna Marie Moore of of war brides and children from then a course in IjOKAN at Gro-
where she will' attend the annual I Newberg has directed the girls' I England to the United States from ton. Conn. He graduated iut prior I Trap loads by care, Martin 32 pe- 1
convention of the National Tu- program - and. Dr. Chester W. May to October, 1946. The ribbon to his leave and is to rcpoit to i Hal and 30-30. 12 ga. pumps, C" i
berculosls association there June Harnblm of Salem will direct the was presented by Bng. Oen. Weal beatue lor re-aignm-nt. r. ft w rrvouers, orach ball.
Calls of neatby residents about
two boys burning grats In a va
cant lot at 13th and Hines its.
brought a city policeman Friday,
who briefly lectured the lads on
dangers of an uncontrolled fire.
Police said, however, the grata
was too green to turn rry fast.
Tbo StoWsnunv. Sclam. Orsxyosv Zander? . )aaa. 1L HC7S
For rent Floor Sunders.
tows, 450 Center St.
15-20. She will be accompanied I group for the ensufhg week. ChetlH. McKay, commanding the San
by other Oregon delegates in-1 Goodman is operating the camp I Francisco port of embarkation.
eluding Mrs. Boyd Southard, Al- for the Salem YMCA during both
bony, Linn county .Mrs. Georgia I periods.
Farmer, Oregon City, Clackamas
county, and Mrs. W. N. - Adrian, 1 Summer piano lessons. Robert
Corvallis, Benton county. Mrs. 1 Kawson. Ph. 3058.
Hitnnoll vnwta in tnm hara I
Saturday. - m h0"? lP2" MODEL CONTEST SET
ino inn if HAuu. nr n... m
RAAttM frta iiartti fi Uratf T ataef I w "
modern massage (myopathy). 543 j BIBLE SCHOOLS ENROLL
For immediate delivery Nah ra- ami Sararrn golf clubs, 24
bicycles, porkrt waU-hes. wetting
dios for 42. 46 and 47 m-dcU. Mat ' dolls, skill ui, and boo
cover, rport lites, and Nash beds
for ,41, 41 46, and 47 sedans
Marion Motor Co. Commercial
and Center.
motors, flour lifters, lunch boxes.
electric corn poppers. Nollman &
Ertgler, 3C2 Stat.
Dr. Wiles Dentist, 701 First Nat.
- m m . aa u mw ay..
Finishing 15 months Saturday
a a Marion county deputy shrr
' iff. George Hrnderspn of Salctn
; is to begin Monday as a parole
I officer with the "tale parol board.
For Immediate delivery, full ie
Members of Salem Cloud Cha- I electric ranfes. Broadway Appli
es and Model Aircraft club will nce Co- 4I errJ. Salem, Ore-
participate in a northwest U- on-
Learn Thomas Shorthand in half
'. the time. Day and evening classes
starting Monday. Merritt Davis
School of Commerce, 420 State. 1
Phone 2-1415.
A special meeting of state con
vention delegates will be held just
before; Monday night's regular
meeting of American Legion, Cap
itol Ptt No. 9, at Legion ball.
The special session will begin at
7:15 o'clock and the meeting at 8.
Hansen's Real Estate is' having
rpen house at 1242 Ruge st, W.
Salem today; 1-6 p. m. This home
Is being reduced to sell for the
very reasonable price of $7,300.
Has; 2 bdnna., liv. rm., kitchen,
rook, bath, full bsmt., oil turn
fireplace, bdw. floor in liv. rm.
Attached garage, bus by door
Clone to school, trees & shrubs.
this home today or Ph. 24566.
Fashion Lounge now located mez
- canine floor Senator Hotel, Room
lbl-109. Madeleine W. Dyer.
N. Church. Phone 6253 , ! -i i. . j , ... I control mndl simian mnlMt
- i 1191 wr-l i j I uai , vimiinn I r - - - - , - --M, . , . m n . m... ' ... - . .
niKi- . 4 "w Sunday. June 22. at the Gervais " nl neaaquarurrs in aienv ro
B.ajwa vivneu a, uua r fiiui . - ' - n.i : K l : . a i a. a - a
(nt i. k. i aio . u:u o h h chnol vrnundc Tom Pom. rouce Mig a piing mrirr in successor na Deen selected. Mver
fare of our school system can best sored by the Salem Ministerial H , contest director, saia ri ' 'h, 1 I"' " 'w,,m -1"'"'7
ik. v I -5 j - . , I fh vnta urnnM in rvri nad pparentiy Deen sirucK by a
"Hi"" Ji . c J association, me siuaenu in nine- L . truck backinsr to the curb to un- LEAVU (UK'I Omil
Edward Maiek for director. Adv. churches will meet the niht of wi tunt classes. The meet Is the FV- "c K'n .IO,n' r"rD 7 u,n ai. n..w- u
by ; West Salem Business Men's jUne 20 at 8 o'clock in th nior opening of this year's program
Association. , 1 hi eh school for rloatnv wrvirM o( the northwest gas model asao-
arui khnuintf nf 1M. oiuor u-coniroi coniesu. fom-
. . . . - - i v Tia. va Bifwv Minsa w u a I
GO TO GKADUATifiN ini? th-noi tHoa . . eroy said.
Mrs. J. J. Tallman and herl-.
son-in-law, William C. Taw, will for immiii. auv wa., . For sale, wood kitchen rtove.
fri RhaTSw from tln dios for 42, 46 and 47 models, seat SS M'"f? Dexter sharpen, l.wnmowers at
tera son, Richard Taw, from Uni- COVers, sport lites, and Nash beds from Bal1 Br0-. Turner. Ph. 8 IX. home b 6833.
verslty of Oregon Sunday. r for 41, 42, 46, and 47 sedans.
load and the top of the device Alice Ilailey. deputy Marion
was smashed. They were firt j county clerk for the pait thre
called to the scene by witncM- ! rar- cloMd her dek In that of
who saw los near the meter and i Uc Saturday noon and pUni to
believed they were tampering cae on an extended acatHm n
with it ; California. She hs been replaced
by Mrs. Helm Mulkey.
Certificate of itwrnH buinr
- i
Mothers dismissed from Salem , iurt 5u, over bmitn tJamng to.
?"er?:.hspita,wlU.a .. Jphns-Mansville slate surface SIGNAL SOLDIERS HERE
ry." Wi .u"- i sningies appuea oy expert roofers. t- Sirt Rrt Rrrv and Pfc
vtii mp Halo: imiorarrwi ill o - -
3S0 Grove St., each with
f ant son,' and Mrs. Kenneth Han
son of 190 Lana ave. and Mrs.
James N.: Bacon of 2015 Fair
grounds rd., each with her daugh
A funeral service is a
highly personal serv
ice, and the degree of
"Individual, p e r s onal
attention given each
family is therefore of
vital importance.
fUHLRfU. Homt
N tfta -1 A
r i r . I, f o M
Marion Motor. Co.. Commercial New loc.Uon Cronise Studio, 439 l!.bJr i'Tijf Alr1 nam . ,T'P Tt? Mot,
and Center.
0 i , . - i kk ocit i t aiiu rii.
hin S,lhJi:ilil0.wn; 3 y?ar 10 Jack Gordon, touring for the
her in- Buy the best at no extra cost. Free arm- ,in,.t 'com. I win h. .t
automatic water heater. Roper and I auto and trailer park, -was filed
OKeefe Merritt gas ranges. At- with Marion county clerk Satur
kinson Appliance Co.. 2005 Fair- day by Mary A. and Leonard A.
grounds Road. Ph. 24439. i TrmmpMin and Mary J. and C. J.
Lind. all of 3580 S. CotnmrrxUl t
Rneco42."115 HeVry-; PrToto shop Sere Tues-
Rooting Co, 164 S. ComL rom to 5:30 m
AIR COURSES ADDED to answer questions on the army's
Capitol Air Service and Eagle Photographic technique and sig-
Air Service, both of Salem, and nal 00 opportunities.
the Silverton Flying Service. Sil- w,4. in. w r-..
Three Salem business buildings J- were approved by the SaPfc. 85197 .
mnrnvH tiirrig hv tha aiaie oo&tq. oi Aeronauucs last '
Orecon construction review com-1 wek o conduct additional courses ! Plate glass now available. Don Notice to automotive public. All i OFFICIALS REE PIPELINE
mittee. They include buildings to!'" irammg, uie ooara i tsrown, uisrroms. - memoers oi tne saiem Auu moone .-vicm anu ni rvicm city of
be constructed br E. E. Dickson. 1 """"' oaiuruay. i uc-aiers ASMx iauon are now cios- i uciais rvaiuniay morning oo-
813.000; R. E. Sullivan, grocery n... c , . . , . JLI ? , S1..k v:. '"1 12 noon each Sat. served operation of the new 100
.h w1".' dp?8'. wife and family, are visiting this TO ADD PLANS
Camping-minded Siilem f irl I K. OF C. TO MF.ET
were reminded by the YWCA j Newly elected offlccm of the
camping director Saturday that (Salem council. Knights t.f Coium
registrations to the carnp willjbtis. will be presented at Tuesday
not be accepted after June 25. i night's meeting of the council t
Grade school girls will go to camp ; ginning at 8 o'clock. Following
from June 28 to July 8 and junior I the meeting a program of te
high girls from July 8 to 18. : frohmcnts and movie is planned.
m ! Ion - rvrr . m mill rnt.anlv ruimn :
t-f,.L ,,i ... , ,ylr,t a a i wiic aim laimij, ate iiiiuii uiu iu (Uinii which will &aw nt it. .....i,,.
V7 nd UVength $6.95. Alex Jones, 121 week at the home of his parents. A meeting of all committee and i water iVl "??.
Marion County Reserve Offi-
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Prather, I sub-committees of the fir- dry weather water shortage
aiaie i. oi rrauitr u en i icrounus ct-H-oraiion rei lor JUiy
route to Montana. I 4. 5 and 6. of American Legion. '
. ... Capitol Pot No. 9. will be held'
5ve". S wp son and nil dlrL tonight at Legion hall at 7 o'clock.
progress reporu win De given.
CKEDTT MEN TtAVEL i Noruwrn Lawn mowers. limited
d f 4. . iauanutv. H Eifstrom czo.
a. lUiaiiuh j . uwiwKci vti -
the Willamette Production Credit
association, and John W. Ramage,
farm financing organisation wil lnn i0 " "old its an- Apt house electric ranges with For lmmediat, delivery ant houe
;.erri, dinn danc the high speed burner. Broadway Ap- "TTlnl
' T TIj night of June 21 at the Marion nliance Co.. 419 Fernr. Salem. L . . - " ol.7"' T ' ,
director, at Medfotd Monday nd SlSli Co.. 419 Ferry. Salem, Oregon, '
ef, .,, w a-r fcfcaax n't a v asset i
cede the dance. I Nineteen Standard Oil company
BOARD'S OATH SLATED officials from British Columbia.
The five directors of the new 32-gallon electric water heaters San Francisco. Portland and Se-
Marion county rural school dis- now $69.95. Broadway Appliance attle, will be in Salem today as
trict, to be elected for the first Co 419 Ferry, Salem, Ore. guests of T. W. Kelly, local com-
time Monday, will be sworn in . ., - pany manager.
June 26 by County Judge Grant ?nsur wvings earn more than
Murphy. The district comprises i.w" Ycuv 81 oaiem reaerai uu your road and setue the dust.
the entire county outside of first rr. 8,3 uswwuun, ooum i weeoie, voo or avow,
class districts. Liberty street, ! .....,.
1 aiukvu,ai..v wiuavwv J vmi
RETURNS FROM ROOTII l'rntin-ri mmfnrl mnA nlaait-a
ROTARY SLATES SYMPOSIUM Glenn W Prather nccicfant I limitavl eiitantit at A nnll n
As I Saw the Rotary Interna-1 manager of th Saiom rhamhrl n.nt r i. nrtimm
tional Convention at San Fran- ef Commerce, has returned from T
Cisco" will, be the topic at the Portland, where he had charge of WIRING CAUSES FIRE
groups weeklyluncheon at the Salem's booth in the Rose festival . City firemen extinguished a
Manon hotel Wednesday, which last week. small fire in the apartment of 7.
willJ feature a symposium com- A; Leach at 760 N. Church t, at
poseo oi &aiem notary memoers I wm. Bllven, U C. Cooney and C, 50 p. m. Saturday, where a
ART TILE far rireptaee, drals
boarda. store froaU. fcathra,
fthawerv abawer tloars.
"E4 Bask
Pk. S-4836 189S N. Vllater
who attended the ' convention.
- Mrs. Billy Garrison of 2605 N. i
5th st. was dismissed with her
infant daughter, and Mrs. William
Shuck, '4160 Hudson ave., "j was
dismissed with her infant son
from Salem ' Deaconess hospital
M. Craig now located at 647 N.l blaze was begun by a short cir-l
nign bt. wo parking meters. "I cult in a ceiling light fixture.
Now Have Towlc Sterling in Stock
For Immediate Delivery
Whether it's in a vine-covered
cottage or in a room-and-a-half-and-kitchenette.
It will be a' beautiful be.
ginning, if you start your family tra
ditions now I Choose one of lowje
Sterling's exquisite patterns for your
. table . , , stan with a single place set
ting if you like, and then collect your
complete set of this wonderful ulli
silver by the Towle "place-setting
plan." You'll be amaied at how lit
tle it costs for beauty for a lifetime!
(A place setting h priced as low at
$22.50 including 20 Federal Tax.)
Jeweler. ot SaUm
liberty at Su
The f Irot date .
Soft lights . sweet music TT. and aba
1 dances like a dreamt First impressions are
important ... but don't try to be too fanny
. or too smooth. And don't be over-eager !
. ..- , .... ,1
. , -'.- . '
- ? .
- I
: t !
j 1
w f
9 SfwWt fatVku
I 1D47 I
: Vhk eeairuklp or b-aalaess gagcsaeits r pi
,: sseas Is a virtaa aided hk tke Preektot. of
.Cntea time! The beaaty aad depeiMlaUe ae
ewraey of a Crei reeo aaeaW la itself I tk'
Uaeeraing Uiyer. Sm Mr array of Crmrm bbmcIs
foe aaea a ad womea, prieed fresa 653.7S, federal
lax btchtded.
Hartman Bros.
Liberty at State
Official Factory Authorized Distributors of
wtth zxnmrs txausrrt
C0DE1A 0CE AQf.l
Record too quality yo er iaaW before . i , see loadiag
tsM... faster autoasauc cbsagiag.i. pmh tMitoo coacrol
all make Zeaitk lK radio-pkooograpk ym vim. New RaU
orgaa aad 14-inch Coacen Grsad Speaker. Caaai F-M oo
both tld aod arte baads, with fade-proof Peraaeability Taaiag
v a ad bull 1-in F-M aoteaaa. Rotor Varmaact. Taad R.F. foe
greater aenaitiriry. Ia. aaadsoote cabtoat of faactiottal aaodera stBooUBUquftaik avakogsay.
Hdtl 12H094E.9 tabes pUs seaiHer
tube, plus triple-purpoM pbooo tube, plus
Catkoda Ray Indicator tube.
voi't scratch rec
ords tim H
OMci pretture
ta.llr a ac41 or
aarfaca aoi.
CHANOII gtatlf
caaagts 14 tea- or
U tK-la:h or
muntd ncoed ia 1
xcoaaa ck.
you M iiMttmm to
coatbiaacinai Wtxt
Ukt eaarl som eact
Cm waat far rr
malag pUaaura.
Open for Inspection
Sunday, June 15 10 a. zx. la 6 p. zx.
1170 It. Co Out D Stro4 o Itik
3 bodrooca bono tt3 oUclric cocEpirka? sioljras4 oaa4
arotborabippodL Inlarior atsscco. beard arood Coora. 11133.
Alao 2 boclrooca bocno. c4 tbo skubv cioao U aa-svcWo and
docorofloa lor SICLS03.
Ro C. Lee and Co.
SI si
Cool... feminine...
Easy to launder...
Pinafore pets
4 LJm
;: J . rtlf.V
with ruffles...
with eyelet trim . . .
CexdrslnfT boose bold cbores? tnarlrtlegf
YeaH look so fmb and dainty la a ImiOd
luttoa-back rnaforel Note tbe sltm art-la
vsltt; band jotlrts, dalatj trisa. Ilafb
rouat rot ton jrtie La majij stjlea. Sun
Ooxa 12 ap to 42.
MsssTkry foyosossf Atcow
1 432 Stale St,
Salem, Ore