opao tu o o juo doo o a o ooo o o on O L- L o oo It Tli Statesman, Salem. Oreoon, Sunday, Tuna IS, 1947 Valley Brief s Ml. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwab and ton, Larry, left this week by automobile for . a month's trip to North Dakota and Yellowstone park. ML Ant elPat Fisher,' 8-year-eld aon of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fiher, left Thursday for Hyder, Alaska, to spend the cummer with his grandparents, Mr. , and Mrs. Frank Fisher. His father accom panied him as far as Vancouver, B. C, where he boarded the boat lor Alaska. Fisher returned to ML Angel by plane. ". " r 1 torts Grange meets Mon day, June. 16, at the grange hall. .Harvey Schueble, delegate to the state grange convention at Bend, will give his report. Mrs. Forest Edwards, Mrs. Denver Young and Mrs. Jessie Johns will be on the roffee committee. A dessert lunch will follow the grange meeting. Handmade needlework, rugs, nee- ciepoint and quilts will be dis played.' Four Corners Eleanore Trlndle, Marion: home demonstration agent, will conduct demonstration on preparation of foods for the locker at Four. Corners Commu nity hall Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. She will also show various kinds of containers. AH interested are invited to attend. The project is sponsored by Four Corners exten sion uniL . , . Roberta AmnniT the items to be voted on at the rominZ election of. Roberts school district, Monday, June is. H ton. d ' m at tne schoolhouse, is the school budget and election - of. new director. Mrs. George Higgins is clerk. Four Corners The Four Cor ers Baptist church enrolled 79 boys and girls the first day of Vacation Bible school. Those not enrolled are invited to attend -the last week of the school," June 16 through 20. v -, Detroit Mr. and Mrs. John Estey recently visited his sister, Mrs. I. A. Brown of Albany, and his aunt, Mrs. J. E. Blair of Sa lem. ; Unlonvale The Henry Kerr family visited their niece, Mrs. Howard Steingrube, while en route to McMinnvllle from North Bend where Kerr has an Interest in oyster beds., Detroit Wednesday afternoon. while operating a power saw at his home, Harry Booker cut the ends of several , fingers. He was given first aid and will be un able to work, for several days. Monmouth A' daughter, Susan Jean, was -born to "Mr. and Mrs. Donald : McEldowney - (Gloria Tomkins) t a "Corvallis hospital. Grandparents are Mrs: T. A. Mc Eldowney'. of Corvallis : and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tomkins, Monmouth. v" Detroit Mrs. Enid Bennett, Lu cile Schmidt and Gordon Brown were in Bend last week. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison and daughter, "Christine, who have been visit ing their relatives, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Dora Wright, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Steingrube and Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley, are returning to their home in Texas, Detroit House guests this week 1 of the Perry Frys are his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Fry of Van couver, Wash. Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Tarrant of White Owl, South Dakota, are visiting their rela tives. Mr; and Mrs. Fred Withee, for few, days. Red Hills Grange Will Consider Sale of Hall LIBERTY Advisability rf cell- in it hall tn a mamnlll mm. pany and building a new - hall , was discussed by Red Hills grange Tuesday. A committee to investi gate was appointed by Lewis Jud- son, master. The hall is in a good location for business on the high way diagonally across irom unit ed Growers cannery. Grounds of the grange hall will be barred to parking place for cannery workers oecause oi in surance difficulties and available parking space is only sufficient fnr the eraneen. Recent state convention in Bend was reported by Frank Judd,who was the local delegate, and John Dasch who also attended. Senti ment favored referring the toning law to the people. Frank Bennett Speaker At Father-Son Haiiqurt SILVERTON Frank Bennett, superintendent of Salem ch.wl. spoke Friday night at the annual father-son banquet at First Quia-1 tlan churth when rrvxe than 100 fathers and sons were present. Toattmafter was Perry Dowd. Other numbers included piano duet by Gary Tokatad and Dob Scarth: songs by the Four Norse men; trumpet solo by Byron Fry. Ralph Peoples gave the tribute to the sons Women of the church aerved the dinner. FURNACES For All Sire Homes In the eenttnrtien raclfje Furnace, the best feature at welded steel are eemaiaed atlla the aaaat efneteat art a I alee r fact retnboaltea, rleaallaeaa and heat dbtHaaUeei la year heme. This Is true whether yen barn all, weed, real ae saw dasL The saast eeeaamlral fael la Ore tea Is sawdasL We aaaaa ractare sawdast burners far beta beaae aad water beaUag. 17. 17. EHosebraugh Co. Since vrvB l"fcaa IMS "Metal Psoductt That IxisC ttt 8. 17th Street. ftaieaa tieys mm 10 YOUn USED TIIXES ARE VTOUTn MOIXE AT Tire stone is an LOW A5 at Wa Nad Thoutcsmii of Ud Tlrnl YooTl tm Amcrxad crt thm unnriAL. TUADE-EV ALLOWANCE YouH Ct en Nrur Flrastona Da lux a Chomploeu y- - OaaM as aad aacla Tar ear far i arts. Tea aa We run our store the way a thrifty house k re per runa her home. We don't aell on credit. We don't deliver Cash-and-carry saves a lot of money for YOU. We buy carefully, with a sharp eye for quality (nothing's a bargain if it isn't good as well as cheap). Yes, we're old hands at saving you moneys ,Our customers know it and trust us. And we wouldn't sell out that confidence for anything in the world. WHX rtetag sf art u Bis OJa Da Luxe C&aatptaaa at a Mg amort i aeat aaa Ursa far iaaiaala aa4 aeaa tf year tftree are aai aarcy wara yaaH aava aiaary ay traaUag taass aa saw. Daat aat St aaTOOKZ XX TOZXAT1 Urtf Dririt F&ifv TEN TfEADS SIHCE WE HAD Iiic! EIe?e's ProoS spmr and casuail coats AT TimilS ABJIASIING PES1ICE t ...AND THESE ARE FAR FINER! Remember what prices were in '37? Just a bit higher than depression levels and way below today's! In those days we had sport and casual coats at $7.50 but NOT SINCE THEN! Those coats were glorified wool sport shirts. THESE are TAILORED LIKE A MAN'S GOOD SUIT1 Those fabrics were Jacket flannels these are rich suitings! Here are coats a man can really feel dressed-up in broad, well-set . shoulders , . , rayon lined sleeves and body . . . flawless tailoring! if HERRINGBONE AND NOVELTY WEAVES ic GLEN PLAIDS, SHEPHERD CHECKS 1 RICH SOLID COLORS PLAIN AND PATTERN TWO-TONES These coat have (been selling for MANY dollare more. But frankly, w have too many and want ta get them on men who know value when they see it! v V' " w m. v r -jaaj aajMay 7 sr. hi va lf i ,TY ir p iii awnox xzn I- AttrseUva. safX saas4 a tttti back wna V Croup Your Purxhatts on tho EASY BUDGET PLAN Tlrtifont CONSOLE TVa taaas aa raainy a saaaaaJa aa4 Sa4i purse SSa taVa raruaar. FAT OKIT XOO A WtTX TU AWb rUa lUt Caaal Waar Cm 7irc$tone VKLON SCnEENIXC paaalla a4 araa"aaaa taataatty wtta a aa nh y : . t '- . ' S 1.T f - T- . & If r 1 1 .nh Your Choice MAIN FLOOR PENNEY'S Sakm, Ore ton Crfl fte.aag rM aa HmMI JUG 1050 reax VaaJLa Will aacsac. 1 1 al.a.ar J Xaa aa af aaalaa tyaa Hilar faat Saa aar tag. Xaaaa lataUa bat ar a fee SeaV- UU sx . VLson 3)5 Xajey arr riraa aaav fan. ITtaitaaaaa gteea, ta dapas eye atralav aWa far' yJ rtrta. VtU avat Bat, ftafct STOEES Crater and liberty rVot11CI .. tataWTaaaaf I t 4 r j i