For Sl& Real Eataf 1 Acre KEAT bedr. hM. Oil heat. Bee. water rys. Variety of traits 4c berries. For Sale 'Real Estate R. A. Forkner, Realtor !' " 1 Acre Smtll house. Near Swegle Bch. $2759, $309 down, baL . v j R. A. Forkner, Realtor j 5 Acre I J bear, hae. U. r.. dsn. r.. Kit. 2 A terne. Excellent 4t 93004. j R. A. Forkner. Realtor J 15 Acre ! r. he. Good bam. Elee. Ground all Cull. Near School Cnurcb. flaw. j R. A. Forkner, Realtor :-' -" Farm ! 34 V 1 r. hM. Bam. 11 stanchions H i H brooder hse, t A. berries. I A. bean. IRRIGATED, 914,909. R. A. Forkner, Realtor Silverton . i 1 A. NEAT t WJ. lie. r, din. r kit., bath . nook. Wired tor range 4c ice. water heater. Variety of fruit At But. AN ATTRACTIVE PWAtt 9w R. A. Forkner, Realtor 8500 - East ATTRACTIVE t bedr. ha. AU hdwd. firm, Fireplace. Lerf L. Nce inruot JOE brURLOCll ; Re A, Forkner, Realtor ta n Hotts-wood Dtst. 19S1 N. Capitol Phone 1031 - "bbNTMisarHu one i -That -very neat. cWu 1-BR. home rflrred at a sacrifice for one week Very nice kitchen. dinette a i iht. lovely leneed yard. 18 yrs. old An eaceilent repair. New gas rang 4c Mrrulim roM Full or ice on It 350. EXCELLENT 2-B.R. 1MW DOWN . - If vou are looking for a good lata built 2-BR. home, aee this now. Nice LR, 1 large BR. down, fait bath, din ette, very convenient kitchen, utility rm. 1 ry large B.R up. attached g- - rate. Full price i7QM. ENGLEWOOO DISTRICT 1-BR. fceme. fireplace, full bate avfif, larre lot. Bus t door. 94710. tOVNlRY HOME ' ACRE - Clw in East of hole. English atyla anodrtn home. Pecan It maple flr I B R. down, unfinished upstairs. Wlr- o tor tanre. bue at doer, nr. sch. Full rice U4. HOLLYWOOD DI3TRICT 1 On of the better kuraie. 1 BJl ttdwd. fir., full basement piped fur ataoe. Vtry attractive lot WEST SALEM One of the fineat at beat constructed - $1000 Cash Puts you Into a new, modern I room homo. Ha fireplace, hardwood floor In LI vine room and dinette. Plenty of built-lns. Ed Byrkit Realtor . S3 Chemeketa St. Phone 9941 lA Down About 10 acre In Keizer with nice 4 bedroom plastered bouse, basement. furnace. Double carafe. Haa rtlberts and family orchard. WW trade for Tavern. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Phone SMI 4 BEDROOM home. North. 11 years old. ail plastered, port hardwood floors, fireplace. Venetian blinds, base meat, garage. Lot about 97 x-160. Ed Byrkit, Realtor- 339 Chemeketa St.' Phone 5991 .,$5500.00 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen. and bath, double garage, about I'.s acre with lots of trees and shrubs. Ed Byrkit, Realtor. 139 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 MODERN RANCH type home. In En glewood. hardwood floors, fireplace, nice large living and dining rooms. lovely kitchen and nook. Pull basement with automatic air-conditioning gas furnace, g bedrooms, large double ga rage.-rine lawn ana shrubbery. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 139 Chemeketa St. Phone 9991 NEW SUBURBAN Ik A. well con strutted. LR. DR Fireplace, elec heat 1 car gar.. - will take small home as down payment. 111.000. I MM ED. POSS. Late built rm. home N.E. close to Hollywood. LR. DR. Fire place, hdwd fir,., oil heat, gar., nice yard fenced. 910400. Terms. Well constructed 1 BR. home, hdwd fir-- basement, furnace. Lot 10x300 Close in. 9I2.M0. 1MMED. POSS. S BR. home, fire "Place, guest house, good lot, 90300. Larsen Home & Loan Co 1M S. Coral St Ph. 9399: Eve. 2-4011 For Sale Farms Acreage lluslness Opportunities 5 Acres Close In Immediate Possession Good variety of fruit, berries, wal nuts and filberts, pasture. Hen house. barn, garage. 9 bedrm. bouse. wired for elec. range. City water. Alao well with elec. water system. 91000 down will handle. Call Allen Jones or Mrs. Needhara Ml State St.. Rm. 4 For Sale Used Cars For Sale l)srd Cars A REAL BUY. unfin. home. 1 BR. close in. la A, 90 cherry trees. Pine soil at location. Bus at dr. $3790. 91000 will handle. Rest monthly payment 9 A. close on highway 99 E. New ground, barn elec. water system. Clean new I rm house, part plumbing. Dark soil, excel chicken ranch or truck farm. $1000 will handle $30 monthly 94600 full price. M. D. LOONET - with Win. E. Moses Phone 4993 the Remolds Ranch. S room house, barn. ZZ 331 State St. 94 ACRES known as of prunes. 9 miles S. of Salem. Would I consider offer. Price 911.00000. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR Ph. 4759 147 N. Com'l. St. 93700 10 acres with 9 acres of strawberries about 4 acres prunes. All year creek, some timber. Small cabin on the place. asMJO j acres located near sil verton on paved road, with 4 room house, outbuildings. All yesr creek. Some good bottom land, balance pas ture. 97009 9 acres located North, all Chehalis silt loam with Urge 4 bed room house, plumbing, electric water system. Large, well built bam. About S acres of fruit R OSTEIN ADOLPH, INC. 110, N. Commercial St. Phone 3030. Eves. 9314 or 14909 Farm, $85 Per Acre. M acre. 33 clt. Bal pasture. Good road. 1 ml out. Spring and creek. A real buy at 94250. No buildings. C. E. Coville, Broker Turner, Ore., Ph. 22 APARTMENTS WELL LOCATED EXTRA LARGE living quarters, plus $300 mo, income. 923.000, , cash. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 1-4791 SPECIAL $109 per mo. Income on 96009 invest ment 9 rm. house with I apart, la rear. Owner must sell Immediately. Come It aee us for further information. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 949 S. Commercial. Ptw4SM: Eves. 9M4 BODY AND PENDER SHOP 1 complete seta of tools plus all other equipment 71100 building with 4, year lease, showing good net returns szsao. PAINT SHOP LOCK. STOCK AND BARREL 1032 building, concrete floor, sll paint equipment Included, lot Is 90 110 everythmff goes for 93909. BEER TAVERN One of the beet down town locations. 4 year lease on building. Includes all fixtures and equipment 111.000. Calaha and Haberhicht, Realtors 231 N. High Street Phone U30 BTATJTt" Shop near college. Ec. location, furnished apt. m rear of shop. Priced right Write 1049 N. 9th Di., cores ll is. Ore. "BUSIN ESSipfeerty. Includine mod- ern 9 room home. Just the place for a doctor or dentist. Located at 949 Hood St Can be seen at any time. W. G. Krueger. Realtor Phone 4729 147 N. Coml. St. PROFITABLE: Learn trade of your own It small fee. It lessons Further Information Ph 7-1 wTS SHORTIES Cab Co. I947icka7d taxi. m. S77 140 Gerth. Here we go, bragging again. So would anyone else with as nice a stock of cars a- tbcr at BURGOYNE'S Center and High 1947 Pontiac Sedanctte. 7.000 milrn, IUH. like new 1912 Buick Sujirr Srdanrttc IUH 1942 Buick Social Sedanctte. IUH 1942 Chevrolet 't-Door. One owner, low mileage IUH 1941 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan. One owner, low mileage. R&H 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan. One owner, clean. IUH 1941 Nash Tudor M600' IUH. nice job brre 1941 Chrysler Windsor Sedan. IUH 1940 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan. IUH. Sccial Deluxe 1940 Plymouth Tudor, clean, IUH 1939 Plymouth Fordor. dandv. IUH ph. CORVATXIS. ORrcoN BUILDING SITES 1371 One mile north of city on WALNUT LANE Inquire of Owner 120 North 9th St. 1911 Corvallls 139 A. 99 A. In crop, rest in past at timber. Good older style home, double ! plumbing. Large barn, poultry house, i hog hse. Spring . water to all bldgs. gll.aoo. 9 Acres West Salem. View St high way frontage, all in fruit 1 Rm, house. gar., large chicken house, elec., water. IMMED POSS. 99309. ' 40 ACRES, 29 under Cult; with 4 room house. Electricity, Barn. Chick en Hse Family Orchard; Priced at 96000. . N. J. Lindgren Ed D. Potter CC!$VATECET linW woVlrn A It ion HrM. In Mmnl..l .iw 21-patlent capacity. For details call at no N. Liberty St For Sale Wood 119 S. REALTORS High St. Phone KQO IS Acres 4 mi. out. 4, planted to La r sen Home & Loan Co. J fhlacresIresdy topunt B?am house and pasture. Modern 4 room house. Large screen porch, deep freeze, 40 cu. ft, elec. water system, barn for Tri-City Fuel Ph. 663 2 -cord load. 910. 11" millwood Screened fresh cut fir sawdust Dry 19" slsb and edgings Heavy 4-rt. slab We Give S. c H. Green Stamps -tames mi tam-h. 1 Very spacious B R, j ?L LI. model Kitchen, large utility with wsrs It fruit cwpemerda. attach, ga- rae. Thm bouse haa IS4 sq. ft of floor rxct EWOOO DISTRICT ' Floe X-B R. home, fan lace. hdwd. Mrs . full haaemasrt. lasMtsceped garden m oartt. Utcellewt neighborhood. , CaU Jack Coleman or Ue Bacon 194 Sr Coml. St. Ph. 9389: Eve. 7440 BY"OWNEamfacre farm, stock ed A eaulDw with crop to harvest. running water, sen, bus. mall A milk truck at door. 11 miles from downtown Salem. Reasonably priced, j Write Statesman Box 747. BY OWNER :LEAVINS STATE, WILL SACRIFICE 17'. acres.-19 A. cult- good strawberry land. 4 A. prunes, 4 A. oats and vetch, 4 A. timber. 9 rma. and bath, modern, clean home, elee. water system, spring wa ter, bam, chicken house, tool and fruit ahed, family frutt 90 walnut , trees. I aallk cow. 1 heifers, chickens and rabbits. AU goes for 97900. One mile S. W. of Shew, Rt. jBox,!!. For Sale or Trade for Suburban or City Property This If A. farm has everything. 1 ft R. mod house, mostly furnished. 1 large filbert trees. 1 A. boysenberrtes. t A areharii Oate Mt nasture. 4 Chick- tiwd firs tkir-et, fireplace. n houses. 900 laymg bens. 1 reg. cows. 1 horse. Tools, machinery at a targe brooders. 9&0. Terms. SEE HESS NELSON with William E. Moses Hi's State St. ' Phone 4991 "BEST BUY In 19 A. with house, barn. elec.. orchard. 9 ml. out Good WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS tn EDCEWATER PHONE 9109 KIXGWOOfjrHElGHTS - An excellent Dutch Colonial 3 bed tm. home. 2 baths. Auto, oil furnace. The Real Estate Market U N-Htrh t Phone 1-4791 C.WNETTSA?arsELL 9l4.Siic Lovely I Mrm heme in Rose- rii.t mw. tM . i - V Bunds, large Ie4 with all kinds of frutt a tsrden. full basesnent. 1mm. Pwj. Good Terms, ' .- OlMjn iV Reeve, Realtors . Com'1 St. -Ph. 45WI- Eve. I-HM .. ""--LgoTt . We have home fee 91 ISO Down. Call ' for spiwirstment quickly now, these . yet.lart. 0mn i 4 Reeve. Realtors 9S 9. Coml St. Ph. 9509; Eve. 1-W39 ' ' SPECIAL ' 1 bdrm home all on one floor, hwd Vs. V. Bhnds. ofl heat, acre, tram, roaa- Easy Terms. 01n I Reeve, Realtors 941 8Coml St. Ph. 4SQ9. Eve. 1-5930 MaV-SlCE. fRM Home at bath, beautiful lot. bus la front of doer. 1mm. foes. Hurry t ! t Olson & Reeve, Realtors , fi 8 ConVI St. Ph. 4599; gee- 1-5939 93U0 3 BEDROOM Heme In the K edale Dist. Hardwood floors, good terms, lmm. Poss. Elee water heater. Oljn'4 Reeve. Realtors 41 Com! St. Ph. aw, m. 1-M30 liwo-ae ACRES', 1 miles out on good read. I rm hse. barn, chicken hse, 10 Acre Orrhatd. 19 acres In cultivation, ataed spring and electricity. 01?on & Reeve. Realtors 45 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4890; Eve. 9S39 -cTi - NEW 3 BDRM Keifer Dt hwd cow. Fine buy at 98730. Terms la pos session. M. D. Looney with William E. Moses 331 V, State St. Phone 4091 esaoo 20 Acres sll in cultivation, fl acres in walnuts. No Bldgs. but good site with fine view. 7 miles south. Phone Xieoo. ' 4 A. with 230 ft fronUge Silverton Rd. Just caat of Lancaster Dr. Rt 9. Box 1492. 4 ACRES. 9 miles southwest fruit nut and berry land. Some timber. County road, mail route, good view. excellent buildlnf aite. I SAO. D D. Dotson. Route 9. Box 971. Phone 22462. Suburban Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR :nt Stucco. In firs. Elec. water- sMHicr. umny rm. wwt Mry trays, gs rage. Druied weil with Jet pump, full price 9 TOW. 0Ion I Reeve, Realtors 949 S Coml. St, Ph. 4990; Eve. 9539 97MibOWN. unflntatted 9 rm hse, on paved street H Acre of cherries, full prtre 93500. Eaay paymewU. 0143n & Reeve. Realtors l S Com! St. Ph. 4J94- Eve. 9539 - $7S0lPEAf "uiT out" of itr,I.rgi 9a, L. rm. D. rm. t bdraaa. bath, hwd tars, large garage, reduced price, this as uviy a good euy. . 01(Kn & Reeve. Realtors W Coml. St Ph. 4590; Eve. 9339 BaWirarKOMfT beemVntToTl rumace. garsge. Now vacant.. Corner asm and a. itM Sta. W. C. Krueger,. Realtor hone ,771 147 N. Coml. St Sii6 - WW"nfTl40iTSt Xhia is a weu arranged roomy Garage Lse 90x200. 9750 ee this new 9-Room home Korth. Oil floor furnace.- Attached . raee. Large lot Immediate possession. 9400 Modern 9-Room home on Che pneketa St Has Oak floors, fireplace, basement with oil beat. Large enclos ed bark porch, 9-Car garage. 9 IS. OUO Late built I-Bit ham. 9e Hollywood. Basement, sawdust best. Attached garsge. Nice lawn at shrubs. vu J. v. nume with State Finance Co., Realtors In: H,r t Ph. 41 Jl; Eves. 1-JJ09 CLOSE TO CAPITOL It SCHOOLS u"w wt aaiem oeiser nomas, en one e aaiem s neat reatdeAtlal streets. The Real Estate Market N. High St Phone 3-4791 roads. Price 94500. 91000 down, good terms on. balance. Immediate posses iB" LFRED DUMBECK or W. A. SAUERESSIG v 147 N. Commercial St FIRST-TIME LISTED 19 A. between Ketzer St Chemawa. All in cult 9 rm. hse. with bath. A I grade dairy barn, chic hse. new mach. shed. 7 A. strawberries. 13 A. barley. Can aU be irrlg. Wm, sUt at Che. sou. if you want a good farm you aneuia tnie. CENTRAL HOWELL FARM 39.1 A. 29 A. in cult. 9 A. hops see. yr. fmly orend barley It Sudan grass. Bat In pasture 4c timber. All yr. stream. Good mod. 7 rm. hse. Barn. room for 10 stanchions. henhouse at garage. Well drained farm on the pavmt ' call Henry Torveno wiin Joe Hutchison, Realtor 451 Court St. Ph. 7696; Eves. 2-5141 FOR SALETGrade A. 14-cow dairy. 19 acres of Irr tested fist .tideland. Fully equip, with Surge milkers, elect hot water, etc. Two house.. 1 3 bed room, full concrete basement. new 2 bed room. Fruit trees. 1500 ft. river frontage. 9 miles from As toria, 9IS.500.00. Price includes stock and equipment Owner; Charles w. 1 AnUlla, Jr, Rt. I, Box 949. Astoria. Ph. Astoria FOR SALE by owner: Suburban aub- dlvision. well located. Phone 214W. PEOPLE LEAVING A nice 4 R modern Sub home, wired for rsnge, electric hot water beater. plastered. Cement found, filbert tree built on garage near bus A achool. 94900 91000 down 930 month M. D. LOONET with Wm. E. Moses Hit, State St. Phone 4993 REDUCED rOR IMMED. SAllT New 1 rm. turn. hae. 919 A. S20Sa. Ph. 21101. 39 Pleasant View Dr. aeaeaaSBBaBlBTBHBaBJBjBaBjBaTsMBB Resort Property NEW. Modern, owner's home and 4 cabins hist being finished on High way lot, i mues Bourn of Y achats. rricea at cost, not counting carpen tering. . 97300. Harry Chess, Y achats. vn-egon. 9750: Near Dorchester House. I a-room, house, 1 4-room house, both furnished, on lost 90x100. Beautiful ocean view. Write Ella Miller. Box 483. Ocean Lake. Ore. No agents. OCEAN Lake super side by side duplex on ocean front 1 with 4 rooms, shower. 1 1-room and bath, utility room, electric water heater. Interior knotty pine. Venetian shades, prop erty 100x231, room for expansion. No agents. 917.575.00. Terms. H. H Tuck er, Ocean Lake, Ore., Box 197. CaNVOn DRIVE fcELUX bZXZL FRONT Apt. Fireplaces, elee. rsnge. reing.. showers. Make reservations uetaae. ore. Ph. 2L 4-Ft. and 16-inch 'growth cord wood. Hand picked block & slab for furnace. Planer Trimmings Sawdust ORVAL'S TV tcUa, Orwyo4. TA&aj. )g 11. tUT-lt Fee Sale Used Cart For Sa1 Used Car CLEAN RECONDITIONED USED CARS T9TO Ria LOTS CASH. TRADE 04t TTSbtS 42 Pontiac Sedan Cpe. (8) 11493 42 Qiexrolet StjletnaMer Setlan IUH 1393 42 Plymouth 5 Pan, Coupe 42 Ford Super DeLuxe Se;ian (6) 42 Fonl Super Deluxe Sedan (8) 41 Fonl Super DeLuxe Sedan (8) 41 Oldimobile Sedan II j dramatic 41 Studrbaker 5 Pas. Coupe 40 Qiex rolet Master DeLuxe Sedan 40 aierrolet Special DeLuxe 2 Dr. Sedan 36 Ford Panel A. Real bur. onlr ... 3i Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan, new paint 30 Ford Sedan 2-Dr Alao other good buys 1393 1393 1393 1293 1293 1193 1193 1193 2C3 263 1(3 STEVENS USED CARS TRI COKCRETE LOT OKE BLOCK SOVTM S P. DEPOT 678 I 688 South J2th Street Saletn FOR QUALITY AM) Cl'ARANTEKI) USED CARS STOP IX0K LISTEN AT SKfeOCKS. AT CARS rklCTD TO MITT ALL POCKaTOOeiS. to thi way rrtrr cab be rvRot Atca oat YrM 1947 Ford Super Delux 9 Station Wagon . 97SM a 1947 Ford Delux 9 Tudor , ...... MM as j 1947 Studrbaker Champion Tudor UtoOe 1947 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan ... . lies as 1949 Ford Super Delux Sedan . . 194 a ' 1949 Ford Delux Tudor miss 1949 Buick Special Sedan . .. . assies 1949 Buick Super Sedan 171 as 1949 Buick Super Sedanet . PUN 1949 Dodge Custom Sedan IMN 1949 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan . SS SO 1949 Ford Super Drluse Club Cue. . IvSiaSi 1944 Chev. Sij lerraster Tudor ... . ISStt SO 1944 Ford Convertible . k jjtl 99 1949 Packard 119 Clipper Sedan . . . . ls SO 1941 Dodge Custom Sedan ... . . 1549 00 1941 Dodge Delux Sedan . ..... 144100 1941 Buick RoedmStter Sedan . a S4t SS i IMI ft 1941 M 1941 M m Cui ii i In I edav RadW a I t HdM kiii aa wad. tsSis A aowe. lews esws a 4i aWSea sra si si IMI Ddre ewarav. sww awwH IMS KeaS adst. redte. teeasr A emeu. I S Nee Cwarfc. fcaases. eeifiatal bMel U09 Hafii adat. -itr IM1 W. IMTk. tm mi tan rard ewra, Sweaee ISTI aiwd asVaw taswi ISO TeAaeJLrk' " " lf'im 13 Ford arwria. etewa TRUCKS 1X1 Oee P, I lse latt s. Orval's Used Cars Center and Cbiirrh PI mne 4702 JUnTTPIcTaT Hand picked 19 Inch furnace slab wood, I cord load $14 Ph. as3 19 IN. Ash. oak. old fir. old fir limb. Arnold Phillip. P. O. Box Ml. Turner " COOD Creen edgmga 95 SO load, double load 919. Ph. 9533. Oregon Fuel Co. "HEAVY Green slaLTl 4 fnTindrft Ph. a533. Oregon Fuel Co. Highway Fuel Co. STOVE a DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH A.B.C. Motors ALWAYS BETTER CARS 1946 Ford Sportsman Convertible 1942 Plymouth Coupe 1941 Pontiac 4-IW Sedan 1941 Plymouth 4-Door. It&H 1941 Buick Com. Coupe. R&U 1941 WiUvs 4-D.Mir. II. I overdrive 1939 Buick Secial 4-I)mir. H&H 1936 Buick 4-Door. Mill 1935 Ford I Dtwir 1930 Model A Convertible, neu ton 785 South 12th SALISBURY SCOOTERS MIDGET RACER $ AVE AT HROCK'S Oa tfee sa-d let tweeee tears C etwee Qiar A Oee-akase Lastest so KtM It 09 awi TawiAars SWw liiw asis Tbsnaday 4 sewdas rnlisl Oawwa 9lar ns 9 J9 so 9 9 We Invite Comparison 1938 Dodpe Coupe, radio, beater .1893XK) West Salem Fuel Co. 19-m DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone ; Salem t-403 13 PLY. sport coupe ITSS N Front ' VI for doc. good rend, lion nil Croae St , Apt 1 1937 Pf.YMOtmt two door. red. healer Ph Elmer Boje WOOD 19" mill block and neavy slab Caa be burned now. No sswduet, dart or edgtnrs. Good clean wood. Phono 9453 2025 South 12th St. Salem. Ore. OAK. ASMTFlr plywood cores, base ment rate. Phone 1390 Ashrraft. lNBPicTieda achRock i slab Ph. 24554 LARGE B loc k and Slab, no edgings, 99 00 per ed. Phone 4903 or stop at 1979 S. 12th St 12' A. NICE Home, every conven ience. 3'. A. In Marshall strawberries. 9', a A. oats It vetch, bam, fine water syst' for irrigation if needed. At tnter seetion of paved rd. It new highway 99E tinder const. AU rich black sou. fine place for cabins, or store. Bus at door. School near IS mln. run from Salem. This is a wonderful opp. Terms It poss. 9290. M. D. LOONEY with Wm. E. Moses Phone 4993 ia State St. Y6URF ARM OR ACREAGE-AT 331 i BUY The Real Estate Market 433 N. Hlxh St Phone 3-4793 Aereaue l'lxchange Real Estate 9 ACRE Farm. 3 acres strawberries. S family orchard. House 3 rms. and bath. ml. west of Mecleay. for a house In Salem, valued between 94500 A 95000. within city limits. Vincent Fridrich. Rt. 5, Box 274, Salem. 3 BDRM. House, full basement, oil best N. 34th. for house la South Salem. Phone 3-9693. Wanted Real Estate WANTED Listings of city and homes, farms and business property. We offer you prompt set ice. CALABA AND HAHtlUHlCUT, REALTORS 331 N. High St. PheneMSS WANTED TO BUY FOUR BEDROOM house on t to 9 acres south or southeast. Give full particulars, location and minimum price. Box 739 ri gtatesman. Wanted Used Cars Hudson SALES SERVICE PARI I Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting "Give Shrock a try. youll know why Shrock Motor Co. phone950 UQ j CAB Ph 45e9 BARGAIN : 139 Studetaker 4 dan, radio A heeler, motor tuat overhauled, new lire Must sell. Make an offer tea tirth Ave l94fXIKCOLNerdan Pti. TurneTlJ fUl Piy"SpVctaideluse 4 dr. 9115 1939 Ply. 2 dr, new molar A trans. 94e ISM Ply. 3 dr. good Uanaporta. M ltll Chev. . M5 1B3S Ford i'a V. good meter A SO". rubher. booster brake seas SUC A RE DEAL CSED t'ARS 1155 S 121h Ph l -A3t GOOD 193iButrV sedan radio, heal. '. defrnal good rubber, good nm - mng order. CaU aner 9 P.M. 1S40 RnyslSt. 1930 STUDFHAKFH Mutt sell. Iav- inf school ts5 Chemeketa Call AiSS J9 PLYMOUTH 4 door aedan m. Rt 2. Box 199. Lskebrook Hop Farm. Ask for Curtis 1937 FORD four dr. aedan Good condition. IMS. 995 No. High St. bet A M W a 14' "1939FORO TuaoTTR-H Better than average. MeimM A Del .a pp. 4S9 So. Commercial. 194d FORO Vrplckup7if-I cwndl- like new. a Brnengel. Rt t. Box 339. 1 mile E.. mile S. Totem Pole. Wood Sawing Atkins. 1145 Tile Rd. Phone 9974. ouburbsa BB "CROSS. Ui N. th. Ph9l?t WOOD Sawing. 309 S. 19th. Personal V-Blinds. garage, chicken house, nice garden. Price 95500. or will trade for town property. CaU O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 f. High St Ph. 4121; Eves. 3-1109 ANlCE',,-acre tract with small home and eulbidg. Electricity and water pressure. 15 minutes esst. sonable terms. 93730 total price. GooDwnra mcmillin - 474 Court Realtors Phone 4707 Eve. 81 F21 990001 ACRE close in. Good Tbdrm home, piped furnace, fruit at nut trees, city water, imroed pose. Call ED LUK- WBIAb. Huff Real Estate Co. Reatt on Phone 3-1149 341 Chemeketa SL Ives. 1-A8S0 For Sale--Farma For Sale Farms pea of city and suburban property. For prompt and courteous service list Four property with FLOYD VOLKEL Heal Estate Broker 959 N . Liberty - Phone 7327 . " listings Wanted An exclusive listing is a mark of confidence; worthy of every effort and eonsuSeraUon Why not give us aa ex clusive listing of your property? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 49S Court Phone Buflinesa Opportunities Well constructed room house, fire place, basement furnace, valuable Hy wav front s a with plenty of room for business bldg. in front Located N. I Hollywood Dist Immed. poss. Bargain. 912.609. , - lahui bloo. rt. ttouywooa. mgn- wsy fronuge, on K.R., suitable for business, warehouse or todustriala. 150. 000. Will consider part trade. Immed. I am not resoonsible for any debts or lndebtement made by Mrs. Gladys Kohertaon. c k. Kobenson. ALCOtiOUCS Anoarmoue. PABoa TXS. Lost and Found LOST: Brown tipper key rase eon- laining aeverai keys. rn. 4119. Blotoreyelea 3S-41 HARLEY-Davla. good condl tlon and new paint. Call s-7.10 PJA, no wosemont. west aaiem. Indian SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motor cycle bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Trailers LEE 0HMART & CO., REALTORS . 49 Acre. 3S A. in cultivation; 4 bed room house; bath, basement; 39 stan chion barn; silo: all fenced; oa Pud ding River, 11100. 90 Acras S bedroom plastered house: ' electric - water system; , 19 stanchion - barn; 99 acres in cultivation: family orchard. Price 110.509 with some terms. IT Acres. Strawberries, , boysen ber ries. fUberts, family orchard. 9 bed- rooms. Lr, Dr Kitchen, bath It util ity room Wired for range and water heater, bam. garage, chicken house; mile to grade school: I mile to ; store; on paved road la North Howell -Iurtrsct. 920.000. LEE OHMART & CO. m court at REALTORS Phone 9680 or 9033 West Salem Industrial sit. 1 streets. also RJL, consisting of about 4 A. lily 000. Good cub-division for email sites. Lot at good building with 4s year lease, located Penn 4 Corners. 99500. Highway Business lot with buildings. good income, located north Hollywood. 922,000. Chain Store only 4 years old. long term lease. 122,500. Excellent invest ment Larsen Home & Loan Co. 194 8. Coml. St. Ph. 9389: Eve. 1-4 41 Highway Frontage NORTH at the Junction of Highway 99E and Lancaster Drive. Excellent lo cation for super market furniture store, auto court or any good type of business. You caa have frontage oa both 99E and Lancaster Drive. Sullivan Realty Inc." REALTORS 1 3361 Portland Bd. Ph. 3233; Eve. 7051 1 SALES AU New Trailers at Real Money Saving Prices 92391. ir trailers, 9939. : - ir trailers 9U99. 24' trailer with elec refr Sale ends Sundsy SECURITY MOTORS 3399 Portland Bd. H mile North of the underoess 14 1 FT. Trailer house, slaapa 4. bu- lane range, insulated tnruout plenty or Duiit-ms. aterremon xrstier uo. " 1942 VXKXNG 21 ft. sleeps Clwtane rang, oil heat recently recovered with Masonlt. Priced to eeU. Jamea Dempsey. 3599 S. ComX Tip Top atotei. I4S 33-foot house trailer, hot wa- ter, electric refrigerator, tandem wheels. Reaaonable price, Alao two wheel utility trailer. Good Urea. 999 M. Commercial kt Phone 9.13 Buv For Cah I Sae I9M Studebak. 14 Plymowth isrr wm. ISJS WlU. lUt Chev. 1911 Che. 1 1, lost trurk Several Model A s Theae ears at W Now wreeklrg "M Otds. eww aware. '42 Ford truck With damp body At hoist "97 Ford trurh 34 Ford aedan ORffiON AtTO WRECXFRS 90 N Camnemtl 34 FORD f dr. aedae. rWn 4 fi. 1" J''e1OaITTrro4r wKTro .CUmm rr- bajuare Deal V d Cars 1 1 5S I rth, NOW Trailers 1944 MAIN LINE trailer. Butane rsnge. oil Circulator, 90 lb. Ire box. Camp Joy Auto Park. 3311 Portland Rd lfOVEArtr Wagon "trailer. 1591 Broadway. TRAiLE R House 9A9 N. Coml II TON J4ftT YelbwTWrTflared seenl -trailer. f 9O0x29 tvee, 17 SO OS Ph. 0250. II FT. Nearly new houa trailer for sale or trade. Write Stateatnan Box 743 Is FT. Home mad Walter, partly furn. Win sell for 9159 or lees. Good tires. Located pert Saving Center on Hurhway at Shady Rest Trailer Park. Call after 9 P.M. Last trailer an row. Henry Krsllrk. 1947 Palace 29 ft- 3 rooms, sleeps 4. Butane rang, oil heat all aluminum, end elec tric brakes. Jayhawk Trailer Sales 240 Portland Rd. Phono 9043 ThATXXR House. 14 foot aluminum. steel frame, furnished, with 19 tire. gas atov and circulating healer, elec tric water beater, etc- Ideal for con struction work. Full price 941. Call 1192: . Merrimon Trailer Co. Custom built trailer house. Open Sunday's and eve. 9 mile East oa SU vert on Highway, left on McCain. irdle, right , mile. - " feTTEL Trame li In. wneei UauersT 1790 N, Front. Authorized dealer for Cnlveraal. NirniL Master -bum. Whirlabout Glob Master. Mobtie Glid. Pacific Liner, alao many make oc use trailers. Every trailer I gala at Security Motor & Trailer Sales by state and bonded. Il at N. si Underpass. Portland Rd. Phone 1-9194 Lodges Pacific Led I dr No. Ml AT. AM, M. M. deere. Friday. June utn. r oe rJL aneeta evvry sdnaeday . LOOT Visitors welcome. 2nd decree. WRECKING I 44 V-4 dump trwrk. M Dodg trwrk. M t-hev. Aedan . 39 Hudaoa aedan. XI Plymouth Kedaa, body esrelWwt Model A Ford ACME ALTO TRUCK WRECKERS III Center M l939rLYMOlTH m "A- R Oood rubber. CaU 9U eva. AO day SaL A Tues 145 Nebraska 4 FOROrRad-, heeler. f"h4,t: 41 Mercury, radio, heater tall aTter 9PM Rt 7. Bos TO. CUHar Rd. M6DEL A ford truck. duaFwheeav fonrsrg speeda, aood rubber. 2M30. IM'lNTUtNTno.ViAL ioggmg trwrk with trailer, ata wheel drrr. eaeiUaal raatdnaaa, rsainatabla. prtvatoty rd Phone 9-lkte J4rCMC"DL MP truck. Rt I, lie. lil 4 CHEV. Truck. Oat bod. CaJ First bow aeuta Brwab CoUeae Thomas. 1943 OlIV. i. to truck- 4a4 mn sa- mooer, haw eslieeee. 4I3M9. MM HuiWT Are 1S37 CU TV. Soda a. Teaaoa Steljoat. unwi a i a pilot. 29 FORO toweeri.W ZuD dttlon 140 Ferry 94 lkii DODGE Ci exre4 dltioa, radio, beater, apot light 9449 1979 tnmmerruil rowpAsrr these prk-m BUY TODAY AND 1AVI 1941 Ply. Spec Wt aed. R. K. 1TM SO IMI Nash 4 ryL ad. O D It It IIM as 141 Peae4 tud m ItJl PI r mouth DeL ln Ruck Soee. 113 Packard Bed a a TRUCKS 1940 Ford dump irk. Mrd. 1SZS Ford Model A psrfcup . Merrvry mtr I H I M. net as ed. eise d. roe 90 99 II 910450 DVRAAD MOTOR! 949 Union lien 144 A UTOCA Rl 94 wtAtty trailer, Can be aee el M. A BY kWrviro, bum. Or I93T PtniOLTWUdr A boater. Oeea Inaioe a eond. Very ruwm ble Pn. tiae? lbaiDODCE Dump truck. A-l Jlooe mile RtJA Box eeaj trs. 115 1U1 PlysnouUS roup. 4 rtlaa- Sirs for can oi ay. noatmd awwee. bydraullr brakes M9 E Meyers 94. "1 33 CMXVr PHkupTll- inrh two. 140 BUS Apt- 9 35OUiedaC9-ai the. 93SA. E. L Purr It Ave. betwsa Uullj aed Drrr treen na 1931 CKraVOLTr UoMee WIu Sedan. Good road. I 9 PM. list Elm. W U VlLLTl F-iaoI Hearty now tare, sjsa aa. Cad afMe 9 PM. tnt Pranklm. W laWea ftirn fan. II U a. cenwerrtal pt. LUiCOLN -Zephyr kb r. ovdr. rod- btr. stew rec. 4-d. eed. 9199a or Btuark '44, gd. cond. 9IAJ9. Dr. CUbert I N. Sublimity. t m take sa ami. cbeep 1938 Studehakrr Snlsn, radio, hrater 1936 Nash Sedan. o,rrdri.e. radio 1936 Ford Coujk. radio, hrater 1931 Ford Couje, radio, heater 49SD0 4S0D0 293 DO 2 Wheel Trailer, like new. new pri cr. was $179-00, now . McCall's Used Cars 123 XX) 1297 State Strrrt Dial 8103 Srll now to pet Today's Top Price ELSNER MOTOR CO. rt Weekend Special rreriil9 SrOAN ...... 147 TUDEBAKta ISeStKrV. AfctX) tfilAN IS otrv n i 9X9 AN If tXHX.K AEDAN I Sit roD 9EUAM 1937 FORD (rt Artetal Miieoae Qieffinp'a Used Cars tgea a. inn t. rsowe f-Tt lTC.I3"loaA. 1 eV. W"rWe: 41 BJ. !aJ a awad Iw gj' nii.ea.4 !! j Mat SLAL BVABJC.AA t3S P1ie.ii Peot4 tiutniML aaaa bm ISM CKXummmXlM. 9 9t Eas K, Bta ( prtt A U w4 cwj last fred es aiiieia. R at 111 tew m id ir. Ilk C . 4 sat. A It Imp BALES tai Vae lee kaA law (e ISJ7 (tars IS Owe iia rwr wait HA97VVC9 BSUTOS ra xrem nrACTtTa-ia mm7UrWm tknsn biSwssra See taJB Oee. a rty. n Ken a. Kortbweat Is ry 9 eat DAILY CROSSWORD acxoss a. FaOdXusJJ Basse of ice S. Speedy t. aCxternaJ lUftf 10,roker ILK ear It U. Cotters. ss 94 fruit 14. Hot her lt.tUckce? Umbccx IT. Behold! It. Total Anaoemt Moir3i rxmTf L Ljcpifif erf a rsctftd OreeJB tCofsfaw tun CNatww. varye a. Derwated art try (arrbAic) a. Boos T.TdMt a lakLaa lrt Iw.) ILTmrng llOteeTTf-l LV A Lowlr s; aoet It OvAft ttWarthiees) avurerui (kyxew) EL Sea eae n.rxnaaegi spor tt. UrurUeiiaA pert It. Tm anaae sbie 3 L A ssdi seat) X3. Srttlrv(a SLaUlaara J7. apart 'f !!'' n V77T t itillT I . . :r tirt : - k - i I an )iim4 t i mr m "S .0 .T-r-r-!rtJ CTl ILWsraW 4X- Tr rove eapiwrBate PlArrS gmOa tl.Df-aT.ieei Cref) XLDUBOnlaTV as rotor SCrneceef cvrUvmtPt rrova4 aacxer ILCksai Et. BptritttALat aneeUhX aa. cibm Tuiie 34. Head ejovertasj eLCskluja (fya.) lMATtA9 AUTtXMtlX. . adUbacoai KArstnl 49 rroaUpATt ! lets AT.Bd&lAry iiaxory dttDerder SA.CMBSM sCsra (Abrvcs A' i r r I I' i1 1" ir r izzzz ' ' 4 ' via " z ar it- r "V 1 , , ; . y t . rf ai mmm' m . 1 L" ' y .J