The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1947, Page 12, Image 12

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    12The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Friday. Tun 13. 1947
Solomis Tip TTBges,
4-3, in 1 Frames
Lazor Winner as Tacoma Misplay .
Fatal; Bremertons Foe Tonight
TACOMA, June 12.-(Special)-An -overthrow at first base on at
t erupted completion of a 10th inning double play which permitted
Mel Nunes to score tonight netted the Salem Senators a 4-3 decision
ever toe Tacoma Tigers. The triumph gave -the Solons the series, two
fmes to one, and strengthened!
their hold on the Western Inter
national league's third place po
sition. Tomorrow night the Sa
lem's move to Bremerton for a
four-game series with the loop
leading Bluejackets.
. Vince Lazor went the route for
Jack Wilson's crew tonight, giving
up but seven hits in registering
his fourth win against three
i 1Tne Solons opened fast with
three counters In the first frame
off Mitchell Chetkovich. That trio
came on doubles by Nunes and
Hal Summers, Bob Moore's sin
gle and an error. The Tigers came
ww with one in the fourth .via
Glenn Stetters two-base wallop
nd Earl Kuper's bingle--and
i-A it tm in the sixth on singlet
by Tedeschl, Stetter and Paton
plus a Salem error, p .
The way was paved tbr the big
w-.v in th 10th' as Nunes and
Moore singled with one out. Lou
Kubiak then hit a potential twin
kill ball on which the bad throw
Moore' topped the Senators
hitsmeh with three lor live.
Kruf 1 S Tedschlm SIT
nWiJ . I Kuper.e 4 J 1
. . a a a r 4 1 0
w.,K..k 1 4 a S 4 Pton.t a US ,
(iiimnjn S 1 J HedngtnJ 4
Peterson 4 I t 4 MlUer.1 4
Beard a 1 a 1 DtmovnJ 4 0 1
lf.P 4 Chtkvch.p a
Indians Gain
On Bremerton
By th AxoclaUd Press
The Spokane Indians, climbed
within 2 Vi games of the Western
International loop pacing Brem
erton Tars last nisht via a 10-4
win over the Vancouver ' Cap!
lanos, while the Brems were
splitting a doubleheader with tne
Yakima Stars. The Tars captur
ed the initial tilt 2-1 behind the
six-hit hurling of Hub Kittle but
lost the nightcap 6-3 as the Yaks
belted two Brem chuckers for 14
blows. The Victoria Athletics
knocked the Wenatchee Chiefs
deeper into the cellar with a 7-2
triumph, i
Wenatehe I 000 000 00 S 3
Victoria i 010 aia 10 7 11
T4ta w 1X11 Total 30 7 3014
Kalem - 300 000 000 1-4
r , OOO 102 000 0 a
metier : Lmot. earned run a. struck
out by 1. bases on bslls off J; Chetko
vsrh. eairod run 1. "truck out by 0.
tease on ball oil a. wiw piicn; uu.
rmi! Kmf. Nun. Paton. Miller,
TMwm Ift on base: Salem 0, Ta
mm s. Three base hits: Greco. Two
ttita: Nunc. Summer. Stetter,
Wta-rson. Hun baited n: Nun,
Moore. Rummer. Kuper. Sacrifice
Kuotr. Double alsrs: Donovan to Mil
lrr to Paton: S peeler to Petersen to
. Krag. Time: 143. Umpire) McDonald
nd Deftaney.
SEATTLE. June 12 -OVCen
eral Manager Earl Sheely of the
Seattle Kainiers 'announced to
night the -Pacific Coast league
team had purchased Herman
Besse, southpaw pitcher, from the
Toronto Maple Leafs of the In
ternational league.
Violins, clarinets and other mu
aical instruments are now being
made from the same transparent
plastic used during World war 11
for bomber noses.
Anderson and Indianapolis Racer to Try
For Gold in Sunday Fairgrounds Program
Locke by One
Tcxaa Pair, HarLrrt
Hit lat Houn.1 f4Te
C Ji .I...J.. I m.m. m.M i ft. - i I . t . 1 1 L d 1 .
. ouiiujl m imiKiwuiivi u k.v i am imivru Hajvr iur wwffn m mini, iw mmmmm -- tvwn F"W1 a v
by Maestro Jimmle Ryan that Lea Anderson, 11th place finisher ta the SOO-mlle Indlaaapalls classic ' I 11 I t Oiv
definitely will be present for the Lone Oak program, and la his MesaratU Special, the same bass btuir vx,v.a c
he piloted in the Memorial day i . . , ,
girantie. Andersen and the 270- AF "; ;l,Uur - ' J7
nuns sin u vriicuiiui myi ifcum
swifty will arrive today from
Milwankle where be raced la the
nation's No. 2 auto claasle last
Sunday, finishing 11th again.
Anderson won't be the lone star
of the show, however, Del Fen
nlng of Seattle who beat eat the
rortlander for the northwest blf
car title last year will also be
present Sunday. Tanning last
Snnday wen first place in a Ya
rn program. Anderson was
Oregon HtUst In 194 S. Also, Los
Angeles drivers Pinky Hill and
Bill Anderson are now la Port
land awaiting their whirls at the
Snnday goliL.
. Lea Anderson had the second
fastest qualifying time In the
Milwankle program and for SI
laps stayed abreast of Bill Hol
land, second placer la the Indian
apolis claasle. Les cracked bis
elbow daring one maneuver, how
ever, and the injury partly para
lysed his arm, forcing him to
drive with only one hand for the
next 25 laps. When he regained
'Babe' Takes British Title;
Unknowns Early Open Leaders
History Made
1141 CHAMP: Del Fanning (above) la his own special racing rig
was the lltf northwest champion. The Seattle driver will be asoong
' those competing for the prises Snnday at the falrgronnds la the
big car program at 1 p. as,
of his ear conked oat He had lap
ped the field safflcieaU? ap anUI
then that he sUU woa 11th place.
His car mill be la top shape for
Snnday a saeeL
of the member be was la
sixth place. He moved ap late
third, passing the noted fcex
Mays, and was going strong st
the list lap when the rear end
McCollum. yroat (I) and Petut; Hit-
tie and An.
Spokane 00J 010 33310 II 1
Vancouver vzv ozv w- u
Samson and BuflUp; Hedgecock and
Tirst lame:
Yakima ..
i Sovtys Slate r Summer
Opening Monday Night
000 010 01 1
loo ooo la a e
redermcyer. Simon () and Phillip;
Kittle and Ronninf .
Second tame:
Yakima 001 013 300 a 14 I
Bremerton 003 000 001 3 I 1
Cordell and Phillip. Peterson (J).'
Manhall, Abeam () and Volpi.
Tag Team Tiff
Next, Armory
Salem's 1947 summer Softball season starts out in gala fashion
Monday night at Leslie field with four of the top clubs clashing in
inaugural engagements, and attendant festivities.
A parade is not included in the program this year announced
Business Manager Gurnee Flesher,
but there will be brief ceremonies
at 'Leslie field. Including
out of the first ball by probably
School Superintendent Frank
Slated for combat on opening
night by vote of umpires and of
ficials will be Papermakers against
either Mootrys or Campbells
Rock-Wools, and the Veterans of
Local Legions
Jc Ben- D
Tip 'Mac' 9
The oft wild-and-wooley tag
team taasle, one' of the snore
choice raaslln' morsels in the
Paul Reiling's Capitol Post No.
9 junior league nine posted ita
Foreign Wars club lining up op- third straight win of the district
posite Master Bread. 1 two camp yesterday at Water park
Ample accomodations are avail- with a 3-1 decision over Mc-
able for fans. Monday eve's fire
works also will see the debut of I
eyes of the customers, will be I the freshly-turfed Leslie diamond.
next for the armory but Taesday .The summer league for the first
night. Matchmaker Elton Owen I time this campaign will be di
made It known last night. With vided into two loops the Amerl-
the retara of Jack (TUer) KU I can and National. At the end of
aer to local seUea next week, the schedule the two top teams In
Owea has matched him ap with each Qualify for single eUmlna
Buckk Weaver as a team. This tion play-off for the right to enter
aynsmle duet will collide with the state tourney.
a pair of nasties. 8 toe key Kneil
sea and Canadian Herb Parks.
weald team ap as they hold
little mat leve for one another.
The preliminaries will roaad eat
the bin and will be anneaneed
Minnville's aggregation, as Jim
id Canadian Herb Parks. I -vf C
had to threaten both the I llVlTITilO lTP
with fines before Utty V,A1IIi,1V k-,llC
Decision Near
Coach Paul Selling of the
Capltel Pest Legloa dab aa-
noaneed last night that Pitcher
Jim Moore. Cab Hoaek and
Ray Camming, first aad see
sad string catchers, respective
ly, and Rlghtflelder Darwla
Kerber had beea aaspeaded
from the team. The aaartct,
Keillng said, failed to show ap
for yesterday's McMlnavlUe
lllili: I
ST. LOUIS. June U-'JI-v-A
CfHirle of thourMl fan peltrl
around the SL Imts CKntrv rlcb
rruro today after lUAAiy LtVe.
the straight-shooting South Afri
can, and returned to the rlub
houe and learned that a trio rf
little-known hcrtebred had shut
equal 67' and tolm the lead ta
the national ppm golf rhamptun
Two native of a famous golfing
slate. Harry Todd and Henry Ran
som of Tesa. and Chick Ha r he rt.
the longhitter from Detroit, flatb
ed around the 6.532-yard layout
in four strokes under pr to share
the lead in the classic at the one-
! Quarter mark.
I But it could not be said that
Lorke. the solmn-fced man
with the knickers, disappointed
the great gallery that followed
him. He established himself firm
ly in the minds of many eiperts
as the player to beat by shooting
a cool 33-3568 and taking firm
Dossession of the runner-up spot.
Four players, Leland Gibeoncf
Kansas City, Marvin tBud) Ward,
the former amateur champion
from Spokane. Wash.. Dick MeU
of Arkansas City. Kansas, and
Otto Greiner of Baltimore, who
turned orofessional only a brief
time ago. were deadlocked at ii
A '
0r . i
t 1 II
tj. x; - -C-'-l
w i. Pet WLPn
Bremertn M M .SO Tacoma 30 XS 4SI
Spokane S3 n .000 Vancouvr 23 SS .473
KtWni SO 2i JU1 Yakima S3 .407
Victoria 31 37 iM WrnacSee 11 38 90S
Last nlfht' results: At Tacoma S. Sa
lem 4 110 lnnin: at Vldotta 7. Wf
rtatrhe 3. at VnnuVM 4. Spnfcane I,
at Bremerton 33. Yakima !-,
W L Prt. WtM
San-rraJl 40 334 Sacrmnto 13 37 4S4
Oakland 34 33 543 Hollywod 34 30 4M
Los Anglo 44 34 341 San Dtefo 33 3a .443
Portland 23 31 .SOS Seattle 3S 34 43
lrnt nlcht's rtill: At Sarramvnlo
S. Portland S; at HoI1.wo.m1 3. Im An
lee 0: at Seattle 3. OvSUimI I. al San
Iranclaeo 3. San Diego IS.
Bevos Bounce
Solons, 5-3
r 7
-(JPt-A. four-run rally in the
second Inninc featurtd by Char
lie Silvers triple, enabled Port
land to defeat Sacramento S-J
heie tonight In a Pactftc Coast
league fame.
rortUnd Saeraaaefste
La i or J 4 10 0 Ramsey J 3 S
Ration 4 I 3 4KBMHtJ 4 I 4
mlth.m 10 1 OatesnetJ 4 0 0
Ilorttl 4 14 1 Mart J 3 10
HxllvrhJ S 3 4 T.ioev J 4 t 0 4 I
. . . . ... m . . . t i m
M.M-h r s I I a rMWs 10 3 tipiUhets.
KlUeroe 4 3 4 0 Wells a 4 3 4 0
kuchls 4 113 rtetrSer I 3 I
CHAMP: fttW Dsdrtaaoa Zahar-
Ua (left of Dearver poaavra at
GaUaae. IkoUaad. to aatorrasa
a card for a jeaag faa dartag
Ue BrlUsJi Uoeatea s g4' thaav
ploaaMn, The IUa Tr4ar
woa Ue title Use far lime ta
hfettory aa Amirtcaa-hara ttf
ee baa woa Use Brtiash w-ooaea's
Uara. (of") Wires .
In Links Win
CIXLAXE. fWlr2. Jo !S--P-tt
Ddr.kac Za?
t.Ul-4 up irr f4J b'j txmum
roy slak afw t-r-i today d
siar-d tajt a S and 4 raoini f
LtwK3e's JtiiJt'ut G-rm Vi
mde IS Traaa tce&Uiy u f ret
AJnetiraa-tasra eiJ'e-r r er to w la
! the? r4 t.M camer i rrvow.
Her tiWajli rksaaf avl B
Bnt. g4t trvt&y tte eity
trg! ah Ll fee a $.'.- Asrst sravei
tnay rraraW ssww H he' 1 ta U
L'cuted UW.
Her kvr lirtn.g'.! aa erl aa
l sratat rrasreritia'.e a'f ty a
teua t wsadea-rl rure oat
fath 4 FcirtS nst far frraa
the UrUt I lace of t'a gsr rae:f
d e-rer swrn. Dirtrg aeneej
rounds Mrs. Zjsha:tas ia a tt
ball ptx c C2. I r 4
stnAea taVrw t t.n-rrrs! a
for mea eM ! urtfer te
en's f fum.
Cincy Rookie
Baffles Cards
By the Aeaarteled Pi
The SL Louis Cardinal a ho
more and snore appear to be
Speed Record
Attempt Fails
June 12 -vIV 4 Maloola C.rr j
bell IcwUgM berane the first an
In hastory ta ctrtsa 0 )el-prwr J4
motor tte ersf! kut U-re-w
a huge eknad ssf at ra and le
-l a 'er-1, ur.m ly
team a hose slump ks acamrthijvg ahrsrk. llo-e--rr. h B' jemrd It.
worse than temporary, mere hand-arOr r t"d ta list to a
ed another artbark yeaterday a id laard 4 HI? sswo $e
the Cincinnati ReU LUnkrd theta. hour. tlixd and re-d .e
1-0. on the f4c-hit hurW of; il Owa Ut Cnii l
Rookie Southpaw Kent IMeraon ( Jr 1M r--a
The Card bau. fuUto ersouch aU "
season, could do r4hing with P- JndsralMano were Vcc'ght lJ.t a
teraiei ahito the Red aert U! attemtd cat raoard. a st
ta push over the one run ut the.-r MaWxra espevurg ta letat
fray In the lh Inning ft the Red J 1" -i be siae
Bird s II ram. Only tvther TiataanaJ , T l a.
ti .a. L f flfiH!
Cub rap the Pittsburgh Pirate.,
7-3. a tin the Cuba snaking the
most of It hit aft fta Uu ;
a w - 1mmmmmmmmm
Rock and Bob Funk combined to
keep the visitors in check with
1 . .
STOCKHOLM, June 2-Wf I Iour
The host city for the 1952 Olympic The C-Ps banged over their ln-
games will be selected st the Itial tally in the 3d as Sundborg
meeting of the International singled and scored on Gi rod's
Olympic committee starting Hon- bingle, the cbunter knotting the
day in this sports-happy capital, score as the Macs had . pushed
whose citizens sre taking advan- over their first and only run in
tage of the influx of world ath- the top half of the ,3d on three
letic leaders to demonstrate their walks and Thompson's single,
own abilities on playing fields. The Reillnw added another In
a a a a. 11 a t At . .v. . . - .
ai lean mree American ciues, me 4th on Hock's double snd a
wart i r v a 1 j I ... ....
aainneapoiis, las Angeies ana fiieder s choice snd wound up
WLPrt. W L Prt
New York 31 IS Ml Cincinnati 34 3S 443
Brooklyn 37 31 33 PhtUOelph 33 SS .431
Cbieago 37 31 53 PttUburgh 3 417
Boston 37 33 Al St. Louis 3S3S4I7
Yesterday reauHs: At Pittsburgh 3
Chicago 1: at Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 0.
(Only game acheduleOI.
WLPct. WLPrt
Detroit 17 30 J74 Chicago tS T7 .441
New York 37 33 A3 1 Cleveland IS 31 .479
Boston 34 33 in SVashtngta SO 3S A I -
Yesterday's result: (No game arhed
Uled). Yanks Tip Oils
In Benefit Go
Who Is now No. t catcher for the town les since Don Cook de-
troit, are scheduled to have dele
gates here to lobby for their na-
aarted? None other thaa Hank Bartolomel. the playreverythlng a til- tive real estate. The chief oppo-
Barihas never caaght before bat Is picking it ap
allh one of the,
tty aopbasaare.
IIHi aWfKW w .... www ,
mi A t.. tfl. .b I. '
mini irm ww kiih
easily aae of the top atility anea
la the WL snd with that 20-3. af
his probably eoald charge the hill
ad da a creditable pitching chore
etaa He weald be no stranger
there, aa he hurls batting practice
far the Wllsoas egalarly . . . .
Bat a here there la rood there is
abvo bad aa the Senator nine. In
Lefties Wandell Moasor snd Kea
ay Wyatt the clab has two right
pert pitchers - except whea they
pick ap the base-hit bludgeons.
, Thaae two gents are easily two of
the worst hitters In the lea t we,
despite say and aU propaganda
they saay affer la defense af
theaasclres ... At the time of
.the tragedy they flgared they
waald never play baseball again,
bat three af the five servivors of
the Kpakaae bas wreck are back PAUL WARREN
la tha ieaea a vsir after tha erssh that tank alna Uvea. Ren Her.
agbly ta saaaaglnr and playing- second aaek far tha i pokes aad Chief 1 34
Levi MrCarmack ta sUll In left field for them. Pitcher Pete Bart
aaff. brathrr of Brrmf rton'a homcrhUting Bill Is also with the Brem
elah. We daa't know what Catcher Irv Konopka or Pitcher Gas Hall-baerg-
are doing these days .- V . There are S4 games remaining an
the Salon home schedule and the more power-laden athletes of the
Wl saay id that stretch begin banging home rans more frequently.
Bat ap to date only eight closta have cleared the Waters walla as
agaiast If at this time a year ago. The 1141 total was it, nine shy
' af the 194f record. So far Hal Rummers with two, Bobby Jorsts
with twe aad Bob Moore. Joe Skeber, Dick Greco and Bob Williams,
all with one each, have conquered-the barricades. Since Salem's
pitching- staff ta Indexed aa one of the finest In the league, however,
the final 1547 total may be far short of the It a year ago . .
Latett Village Addition' -Paul Warren
Portlands loss. Salem's gain. This time It's Paul Warren, the
widely known football and basketball official who la moving Into
. tea a - - a hea h can find .a roost here for himself and family. Paul
ta ta he la charge of the saftey driving- program for high school
aged sate operators la .the state and will work ant of Sec'y Bob
rarrtirs office here, lie alll soon take a concentrated course la the
sebjert at Atlanta. Ga. A former athletic roach and a whistle-too ter
far 17. years. Warren recently quit bis post with a Portland Sporting
geads eeacera.
More reaching assignments for WU grsds. Footballer Ken Ja
rebaea la to move Into Dallas high , with Bobby Daggett and Ollie
WUlUana. basketball and baseball bass at Sacred Heart the past year
bat signed aa at Aamsvllle. Paul Cooklngham has had a couple af
berths offered him, bat so far hasn't accepted. Ren Runyan and Gor
djr Kaake already have tied ap with Ontario and Turner, respect
ively. Aad from the WU Collegian, from which we swiped the staff,
we find that Little All-Amerk Marv Goodman may tarn ta prefes
ataaal footballing next autumn. Should he remain at. WU for more
work, ssane af It will Include football, for be became ineligible' whea
the conference recently voted ant the five-year rale . . .
Anderson ts. Fanning Duel Due Sunday ; j L
Not only a ill Les (Death Takes a Holiday) Anderson be here
Sends y with his MesaratU Special for the fairgrounds races,-hat he
. win also give aa exhibition of pit stopping for gas refills and wheel
rhaagrs with the same crew which assisted him daring the Indian
apolis claasle. The Portland driver. 11th placer In the Memorial day
glgaaUe, Is a 15-year veteran of the tracks and will on Sunday race
ta the same z70-cubie Inch. Of fenhaaser powered berry which he
drove la the SQe-miler. The Oregon state champ for IMS, Anderson
will find enough competition Sunday. Del Fanning, northwest vl.amp
af '4 great Seattle also will be here, snd we bear the twa definitely
da aai like finishing behind the ether even ea route to the sapper
table. ' ,
si tion comes from Helsinki, Fin
land, for which some European
delegates are pulling.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tide at TafL compiled by UJ. Coast
and Geodetie survey. Portland. lor
The Oregon Statesman i
with one In the 5th via Kleen's
two-base blow and a single by
The Salem next meet New berg
st Waters park Monday afternoon.
McMlnnvlU 001 000 01 4
c. Post ooi no 3 e
Passy. Sully and Hermans: flock.
runs: and Sundborg.
Time Water
7:24 a.m. 4 3
S.-0S p m. S.l
S:4S ajn. 4 J
S:44 p m. 4 4
9X1 am. 4 4
0:34 pjn. 7 0
11:00 a.m. 4 4
10:10 p.m. 7 4
II Mam. 4S-
14 M p m. 7.1
13:53 p.m. 10
11 J7 p.m.. 10
1:44 pm. SJ
Merchant Nine
3.T.,-Vwr. To Organize
1 -J32- p.m.
3 S7 a.m.
3:20 p.m.
341 a.m.
3 :04 p.m.
AU youths 17 years snd over
Interested In playing baseball
this summer sre invited to turn
out at Leslie field at 6 o'clock
tonight when a Salem Merchants
team will be organized. The Mer-
4:43 a m. -0 4
3 54 p.m. I 3
S 2S a.m.. -13
4:44 p.m.- 3t
S:l a.m. -I S I Phanta rlnh U.-III nltlmst.lw 4vln
it(ue or piasy urarpnuenuy,
: 054 S.m.
S:3S p.m..
1:13 a.m.
9 M p.m.
3:04 a.m.
4:13 p.m.
34)1 a.m.
.-00 p.m.
4:03 a.m.
03 p.m..
4:53 p.m.
4:41 am.
731 pjrj.
. S9 a.m.
S J0 p.m.
SJl a.m.
S8 p.m.
4 J
' 43
B .34 p.m.
11 a m. -2 1
4 JO p.m.- 3 S
7 .50 a m. 2.3
153 p.m. S 3
:3S a m. -3 0
5 25 p.m. , 3 0
:2S a m. -1.1
S 2S p m. 3 3
1050 a.m. -1.1
10:44 p m. 3 S
11:10 a.m. -0.4
0 04 a.m. 14
rwawr a
10 0 0
0 0 10
110 0
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
No games were sheJaWd la
tha American rtrrull.
otrara .... la sat aa1 to 0
rmg . . sas as - 0 0
Etraa. ScSmoW iS aaad thWKa:
VUAr. Straw lea tt tfcaO J( ae
iti. Hmae tS aad SaaaB,
Total 34 11 H I Total 34 14 3113
BaMea foe rwtrtwe H SUt.
Batwa lor bMtlrr a 7th.
f Batted lor Dane sn Out.
Portland . . as aca 010S
Sacramento . oas as ISO 3
Winning pitcher. SLasrttl: losing aMi
er. fwtcner.
ptirtT IFAB a M a si n
0 34 S 10 S a 0
rvtrher S 31 4 0 4 1 .
' Beatley 3 10 . 3 - .
! Dm 3 1 13 1
! Oror Nekon 2. Wt Left oa
I boae Portland 0. SaTtnea 1. Two
I bote hits Viro. ttawwy. Suorhi
I Three bat hit SiWrro Bona oeMe
' In Silver a 3. Stoarttl t, Tsoow.
i Mltw I Duwble plaf Ziv
1 suted. Storer to SUduimirs, to Vkra.
NEW YORK. June 12-4VThe ! N,Uo?. '.- J'7 T,m
New York Yankees shut out the I VZa aiIwL. itri
New York Giants. 7-0. tonight in i
lh first r,f a hl.(.lKrM m I Ie Angrkr a sa ate 4 '
rA.L..." .w.r." MoUy.o-t les aa as--3 14 I
rsniuiuuii serirs iur uir joi , t ... at-a., ,i s.l v
i st tow a lass Jke as e s o
Heera aad Baa; INSnioa ad Lo- t
BaptUta Etch Srtne
The Flnt Baptists opened tSelr
senior church ecihafl tlayff aa
rea Wtlh tha Naxareraa last B-igM
at Olinger tla a 7-2 ttrtcary. 1h
rluba ail! raeet for the tUe Taes
Asy. NwMie . I0t
r4 Boe44 . 1 t I
tWaand aad May;
try. '
lo ri
Ai In ri ii a S S aa C-f lata) m
Mw If 41 XI mm IUO M
a .ii m a t wm-m tu it aa
Bwate M X. St I'Sfl al
HK ll so Jem aiwie s e aat
Swt.n las a a r -t MS aw
iwsn a IS aS lawr II I art
hwia Im j st tsr o
laww as as Ja t aaa 0 0 ass
JM SOS tVm&mrmm I I SS
Ummmmw I I tl - t SO
Wyact t I t w S t o
Um , 4 s as t j. a a a
Praclico Rango
O'Dwyer trophy. Proceeds of the
contest, witneased by 39.970 fan.
went to the New York sandlot
baseball fund and the Damon
Runyan memorial fund for cancer
relief. At New York:
New York I Al 003 100 440-1 II 0
New York INI .. .ooooosooa.a ,
Queen. Wenaloff til and Robinson.
Houk 111; Ayers. Budntck 4), Andrew
(S) and Lombard!.
and Cameron.
Oakland ISO act 433-0 13 0
Seattle , . 010 10 Sa I 1
Wllkle and Batmondt. Dwbtel. OrabeJ
(I) and Hemshry.
San XXeco 44 eat a 4 I
San rranrssro 010 104 3 4 3
TretrHel and Kerr: Lten. Seward li.
Mtltlmran ill. Jnwts ill em
ard. Ogrodowski ill.
BohI Jumps Gun
STOCKTON, Calif., June 12
W3)- The Grape Bowl, newest on
the football horizon, got head
start In the bowl business today
by announcing Ita team selection
even before the regular season
Starts. The Collere of Pacific
M -Si S-HI ? a Tigers and Utah State Agrlcul-
124 pnt io ture college will play in the first
2:34 a.m. u Grape Bowl game at Lodl, Calif
lao p.m., 14 on Saturday, Dec. 13.
. as. i ii w-9
3:43 pjn. 35 I
Eagles Practice
Coach Ralph Calcy of the
Eagles team of the Salem Junior
baseball league has called a prac
tice session) for 5:30 o'clock to
night at Leslie playground park
All team personnel is urged to
be present without fail.
Upston Grabs
Bogie Honors
PORTLAND, June 12-t)-Rain
turned rivers muddy this week
and fishing suffered, the state
game commission said today.
The weekly report: Willamette Val
ley Prospecta fair for weekend In
Yamhill county. Un county poor, out
Improvement eaprctvd over weekend.
Desrhute area Wasro. Sherman and
Crook count lr poor, lower Desrhute
and Crooked river In Jatlerson county
fair. Fly flatung good on Deschutes
be low Wlckup and Ft Ingle fall In Des
rhute county. Coast area Improved
In Coo. Lincoln and Tillamook coun
ties. Good On Clatsop county. Outlook
for weekend good on basa at Coos Bay.
where fresh run has entered tower
Coo river, and good on trout In most
streams. Southern Oregon Good run
of salmon In Rogue river and many
limit catches made. Outlook poor In
Klamath. Jackson and Douglas coun
ties. Eastern Oregon Salmon angling
good In Catherine creek In Union
county, but conditions poor In rest of
the county and In Baker, Harney, Lake
and Malheur counties.
Twenty Mea'a clabbers mai
Utreega a BUad Ragle aavelly
tearaey at their weekly saeet st
the Salens getr lay -aai last night
with Art I'aatea grabblae- Ua
haaors la the alae-haie fall kaadi.
cap deal. Ue 4la aad Slh hales
beta- detracted fraea the earda at
tha nasatu t'awtaa'a eaaal
2I-7-22. Knelled la the reaaer.
ap slot were Ned lagraaa. ts-gti-
ZJ, aad Dr. Cewege llff
Next exveat oa the local Ilavks
saeaae a til be aa It hale Sweep
stakes tearaey ever the weekend.
YItho)trf gaerifkiag
- pretteflos ei cito r
- track tasartiac with m
ceitla.Iag form H)ltcy
aa yaoirly ratalt cast
reiewablt by mall. Yea
tava tha diffcrtaeta
te .... 1
., k National Standard,,
j . Non-Assessable Poficy.
466 Court St. Phone 5661
l.tae. HISUXAlICE m
Track lasaroact Ezckoagt
I YYzt TOaderf J Urd is
tsva Fe&caa, k 1 s bessk
Locks tE raaa&o al
t ). wka asscrpa trad tm hm m
i I iM t4rrVca. Wat b bel
ill I I 1 '
111 I 111 '
waa ii : i i : I i t i
ll J i l l I I
ana, ' I I I
Held Over For Two Weeks
Your new car may not be "Tost around the corner so
protect the car you now own by letting us give it a com
plete check-up in our newly equipped motor clinic A
complete) ; dlagnosU from bumper to bumper with the
latest Sun Electric Machine. Coma in and watch it oper
ate for yourself. We have had so many requests lor
.FREE inspections that we are holding our offer open tor
two- additional weeks.
This service is absolutely free to any automobile
-oicner,' Phone 3188 for appointments.
If your car neads repairs. se ua about our Budget Plan
and arrange to make small monthly payments.
Douglas IIcITay Chevrolet Co.
510 K. Commercial
Now on Air from
6:00 a. m. to 1:00 a m.
Listen to "Open Houkc two full bourn of tntinc at jour oa
rcqurst from 11 :00 p. m. to J:00 a. m. Monday through FriJaye
rTfiimrfft Valleys Mott Potcerful Station 1000 Walts
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