KtW TtXITMCIAK HIRED George A, Loudenbach has been lured at technician fr the Yam ,tutl County Artificial Inscmina tiin socittfH'i to succeed Louis D. Barnes who Is mortng to Ore gon City to work in Rancho Road side (land, ijudenbach was tech nician in Piatt and McLeoan counties, Illinois, before coming to Oregon. JOB E 15th IS FATHER'S DAY M f Natl ei fmm mnd Cd-r UUB t?MAXftOI. - ' T . ' 5a 1 in A Gooil - Place to Buy Him Smartly Styletl Expertly Tailored (SLOT IIS Is Upstairs at Your Old Friend xt Vphis on Move From Prunes To ITopyards Aphid. arc now moving from prune orchards to hop yarrKi and growers are concerned about con trol measures because thete i a shortage of nicotine sulnhate, the material normally iimi! Kntomolortsts at Oregon State Shewing A. C. Bell sad Us grand champion ball which wea. tint In the twe year eld, and senior champion to place him In the com petition for his final award at the Polk eoenty Jersey show. In dependence. Hop Growers Facing Trying Market Period Where Little Overhead and Low Rent Makes it Possible TO SAVE TEN PER CEIIT 100cc Wool W orsted SUITS, SPORT COATS, SLACKS AIID PAIJTS f Evry Wanted Fabric, Color and Pattern, in Single and Double Breasted Model. Before you buy be. jure lo try Joe's for in- per-qualiiy clolhex ai great money-saving prices. Follow the Smart Man Beca-ase He Knows. H Comas Back Again and Again to Buy More Super Qualify Clothes: at C .nnelly wrote the stale director if agric ulture. V.t in 1'cterwwi ha in turn write u We luf noti fied Mr. Cocmcllv that a murd or xi tit seed will le furmhed free of charge In tac that may xmnil a hit stingy. m--1 it o j-nt i.i an mail, tne chare f'W which I i NLa l.iicaMji ate eight dol l.ll i Hltnl The Skriouaaa. Soleca. Orawyea. ThandUrf. Jane 1L 1HT 7 Lxxiey Utra at Jrtirtann o. Jut 72 lYule-M rioyd Walherg of Oreg.jn State roUrge daily o partmerit will hea4 the Imtrur tii. All Currmey bf kVh are itil-1 t altrtwl N lm din rvr will te keited al mm J tKt llm A Newell. Miklnt munlr a(etit IMaiiv Harr o Kilter f Chirk ascfcL gjte A txxntsXj Ixao mm "Prrporwig TmaA for frwrieg at tV &m Wrigt-U. AtUTMltAg were lr. Hnit Mrs Oiftar4 GIU. Mr Tronk rrttow, Mrs. Myrow. Xm-HoImmi Mrs. Jem TimuMi. Mia Lutrr Wrigt t. Mrs CKtte I r t. Mrs. Vctar Matxn. Mr. rrrrnne llrinoiiMrahon M Wanr. Mrs. Krmkwr. rollrKe are running test on three if 'rnnuipriiu new material in an ffort t f ir .1 ' B UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP 442 STATE ST. Abore Morris Optical Co. Next Door to Nohlaren's Restaurant By Ullie L. Msdscn Farm Editor. The Statesman INDEPENDENCE. June 11 Ac Uvity on the Northwest hop mar ket remains slow, R. M. Walker, In whose family hops have been grown for 55 years, said Tues day. Stocks of 1946 hops remaining! in the hand of growers are not large and the market for spot hop is very slow. Principal market intercut centers around contract ing for new hop stocks with Ore gon growers generally showing little interest in selling seeded hops at 45 cents a pound. During March and April, a few contracts for 1947 hops were made at 40 cents. Walker reported, and in the past week some were made at 45 cents, but the market is definite ly weak, he added. Indications are that a large percentage of Oregon's 1947 crop is still un sold. Several contracts run out with the 1947 crop, although some are carried through 1948. No long term contracts are now being of fered as was being done during the war years. Old contracts, still holding, were made for prices ranging from 25 to 80 cents. Aphlds Appear While aphids are now showing up in the hopyards, dusting and spraying will get these under con trol. Hops are growing very well. Walker said, except for a few pre mature blooms which may short en the crop somewhat in a few yards. "Generally, hops in Oregon are exceedingly good for this time of the year," Walker continued, "and our supplies have been built up already to a hop surplus some thing like that of the late thir ties. I am afraid we must have a market agreement or go into hop disaster as we did in the' thirties. Hop growers are expecting a crit ical period similar to that of a decade ago, and market agree ment plans are being discussed." Pickers' price has not been set and Walker would venture no opinion on what the price would be. He did express the thought, however, that a lower picking price than last year would be in keeping with the general trend. He added" that "with the straw berry season shortened, tho cherrv crop practically ruined from rain, and the cane berry price down where some growers may not pick their yards, we should have more and better labor in the hop field this picking season than we hav had the past five years." Large Acreage Estimates are about 21.000 acres of hops In Oregon, with 4000 of these in the Independence area. Walker has 260 acres, and his bro satisfactory ubtitute fur mm tine sulphate. Results ( the tmt are expected next week The materia . Ieing totH arc alkaloid nicotine in a 14 ir irnl dry mix. DDT-pyrethrwm ami chlorinated ramphne. Robert Every. extmin ento mologist, says that the proix-r time to apply control measure for the aphis Is after they have tort-spieled moving from pune nriharri to the hop yardi and before the hov bloom. Tho aphis normally finikh their migration by the end of June and the hops bloom in mid-July The OSC entomology department will survey hop yards to determine when the migration is completed and will send out notice. Lamued fundi and lariunc will i -je t confine the survey to hop y.trrU (lV ( in tho C'orvallis-Salem area i Oregon Seed on Way nd his bro- TV M.,U..,n, ther Dean, 300. Both live in In- dependence. Dean in the old home the Walkers have owned for more than half a century, and R. M.I known to his friends as "Mike", a ! Mew blocks away. The hop ranches aic un wc uci uuiiom U1MI111. Their father. S. B. Walker, and their uncle. W. H. Walker, known as Walker Hum ' hrititu stowum hops at IiiUepeiiitriKe 55 yrais ago. Irrigation is not ir(tiint rw1 tin hand picking of hops has beti i . followed. The Walker men have ! no fight with the mechanical I pickers, but they do not feel sure. Walker explained, that they have been proved absolutely satisfac tory for Oregon as yet. Picking, as uual, is exported to cover the period from August 15 to October 1. In reading oeniwtitiun (r hon or in He "Chii ken ( Toennc- ' row" i ontevt i jaaiel rr.frie arrive for lte 1947 context arxl lun lo he held June 27 n r -iii-ction viith the wi.iuisl meetirg n( the Oregon I'.liy Chuk - t talion al tora!li-. riort Norl IUiniion. tate chairman Kailv entries alirjtr in air llxe Itnm J H MHe. Milwu kir. I.it )ear' champion. Harold K KoKrim. Alb-mi . V WiL rtbiiiv. l.Mxalh. t"lle tlee land. HI.-tKctt. KiH A BUke. Eugrnr. Mi Ira I X nv M i . Junc tion l"ity..Ro Malt. Iiwet1nn. Kelly limktok. P..rtlod. and, Mar Ie Hust. 4-H memuei from 1 ' AMlea .t fie eshitntv at judg I. Reler. I'oitUnl. fed- eial tvHjIlry gradr-r. will te Iawtd-1 ifililn jln ol quality in tfie (otm of plqn Tt eshilnU will te froen and entered in tHe I regional coritet fir lte II nl- ft n ktatr to b he'. 1 in Salt Ike t'ltv III Avigllst T he (MMillry ctt-pat Imrft at U.e (ollrg will riar a Ir ii-mi fm-M-titi rnlnn lo klv U riiril quality of c r-ln c ofTipjrr-l with pure-brel with btciMt of rhikrn. F-rh i.llicul rtitijr will iiHitut f t ren drrrd liiutt 12 weeks ot I (itrti at Auiitillr aumsviuj: rarxM Tun. die. MafKt bnmo etc hhw i1 r a t tan Mrs. I. D IWwrls. Mrs fUafcvrt Mirt. Mrv DiMf Kkw. Caw fttvards. Mm Marfwi Ktr- M-. tr1rulo M Kr t4 Mrs. Gf FOR SALE Beautiful Walnut Park Home rooms, unflnlsftod vpoiodrs. Lro-place. dovUm pa SHOWN IT AJTOCfTKDfT Phone .Owner 7532 Newest rco,urt for suh- liver seed for trial cornea all the way from Madag.iu jr, J. J Ins- keep, Clackamax county ai(iit To quote In-kecp: 'The ditcc tor of agriculture there in Mada- ga-car wrote imvrlei and exwirt i er. W. J Connelly of New Yoik C ny aKlri( l.n a iiovet nnri trifolmm Militri i .mean glow nig 1 (11 t.RHHt V MI S t tt l. Ml IT nn tho red soili Cla kamat espei imetit aiea i oonty. i egon A (iuerioey kt hool witl bo hir-tei t held at jitHgnig Uo 1I FURNACES .,, All Stic Ilomr la odiL&oai to ef&deC7. oponr&oo. Pod&c rraoce e0er yom Uoture U pecsasmf. U Am vreed cat Issoi mrnpif ct&col ttoe. tout Poetic F nsoxre tsscrf be gpatcUf- tViesjod te permit roesamsp4toi el WattTw rwoJ u erotaflorwe. srVe thot U bo elL wood, eawdttet or W. W. Rosebraugh Co. Urtal PrtMlurl That ixttt' tS . I1U HUtH ftaleoa ...Sine 1912 12-Year Girl Wins Hampshire Gilt From Kvans' Farm Ruth Ottaway, 12 year old girl; from near Guthrie, has been chosen as the recipient of a regis tered Hampshire gilt donated by tho Dallas Lions club, reports Russell T. Daulton. assistant Polk county agent. The Lions club pledged money to buy a gilt to help promote interest in pig project work and tho receiver of the gilt Is to be a boy or girl not enrolled as a pig club member but on who had facilities and was interested in a pig project. Last year only two Polk coun ty club members had a pig pro ject. This year eight members are feeding 23 pigs and two sows. The gilt Ruth received was se lected from tho Jiampshite herd of Charles Evans, lndependenc-e. Polk county club members who have a pig project are Richard and Wendall Martin, Wayne and Bruce Flaming. Robert Leth, Donald Dick, Ruth Ottaway, Ir vin Jantzen, Fred Marx and Jeanette Harvel. Farm Calendai FARM STORE Trade and High Phone 7348 EXTRA STRONG ...YET Easy to Handle ! H E AV Y - D U TY S C RA P E 00 51 4-ft. bowl jMj Ward's rotary scraper is extra strong, with extra metal and bracing, for the toughest jobs yet it bandies as smootbly as your tractor! Without forcing, it dig in for big bites, comes out of ground automatically when full, and dumps . . . all controlled from driver's seat all without - skipping! You woxkfast and easy! Has load-control lever, lool See itl Gvide scraper backwards and R bwlldesesl Blade Is ' steell Moves huge amounts of earth with only a 2-plow tractor! Ask abov Wards Moarf&ry Poyiitooi Ham. Oofy 10 Dowel June 12 Washington State Jersey conignment sale. Puyal- lup fairgrounds. Juno 13 Animal husbandry field day. OSC. Corvallis. June 15 Linn -Benton Jersey club meet. Burls Oakly farm, route 4, Albany. June 15 Marion County Jer sey meet. 1 F. Bouyserie ranch. St. Paul. June 22 Guernsey breeders judging school, Del Looner farm. Jefferson, 10:30 am. No host luncheon at noon. Juno 27 Annual meeting Oregon Baby Chick as5ociation. Corvallis. July 27 Western Horse show. Multnomah fairgrounds, Gres-ham. Oil AUTO INSURANCE With a FARMERS "Con. tinning Form," National Standard Policy. You elim inate resale cost. 460 District 'Offices to serve you. BILL OSKO 466 Court St. Phone 5661 lldltlsffitifc.lSluaW JjL 276 BUILDINGS and STRUCTURES g AT CAMP ADAIR 7 fa NEAR CORVALLIS, OREGON For Off-Site Use b Surplus Government Buildings and Fixtures Tho following building and Bitores. stclooivo of pocaowal property, art stow available foe diaooaal to priotily boloart usdar tbo Sarploa Proporty Act of 1S44. a aaaawdod. sad War Asaots Admiiuattarioo Rcgvlauoo I sod to cortiiWrs ndar rtta Vaterana Kawrpscjr Hos Pfogreaa, aad to non-priority boldaro foe rosnoval for Off-Sito Uso ooJy. Boil4iwg will bo ootg wit a, wbotovor armaatawS ftotsooo ara lcatad caoosaw Tbaaa away lawlwSa 1 1 wM awoaaa latrical a ad rofrigaeaior syoiria, coawwouaaj mi oawh Itosws SI tosUl Istofoo. oocl fif, wotoe fif, boalov, rsaVata owd c ictiw . wIb4o rofetfrra, ttical ftatme a ad wHriwg, aoc. SALE DATES: JUNE 14 THROUGH JUNE 23, 1947 Thee Strtfctwras mrm Fmf Safai 41 ltorstsan aad Ca-aaaf tagoWf. r rf tmm 2Sb92s2SbI20 4a( 2t Maaa Malta, f - w 2 a 1 00 25 a 1 14 7 0H- QwoTor. raaM tm 19 a 1 1 to 10 a 1 14 oa. S Cword M.aaa a. 2S s 70 t. 4 gart.aks t.Ui 29 a tO aot. 1 UhMtmt, 2S a 4 ot. 2 HawoWl Comts. 24 a Jf X AOMMlftHM UtwT-artaiaa !. 2S a 70 tw. 21 a I0t . Ska. 17 14 Ma 171 11 a 941 so 7a0 loas X Immmh ead ala i iat H 2 WW Oaao-.aaa. I Wiaaili. 10 Maul 0 rw- I i. ina. ac 4lMildifS a ketders fee ed srrwereres will We available re Werh awseeiry eod aeo a-eaoeiry tWo fellewMig 10 doy peried: Jeee 14 tir.r Joe 21. 1947 rtiotiTr moidi as : r....-.. h t I. Cxawnwi 1 P ' C r lW (U t wuJ kuiaMi. t ' 4 ! ! mm 4 Mas liiiiiniiot. t CxKMfa m Wf ih VfOim Ianr M !'(' Hm oitilf ' l Solit S(ijo m !' a mi : I Sa J ( 4 ia itM'iMtM. !. m I lljlM, tf .n. r .4(tM M la tfc NON-MIOIITY HOLOftS: b..ii..(. Uim W, t .w -' 4tf will tx tmii4 CJ K kif aMfWMa.ar MSSv m ml aa anaala Ha'tl S4 imaiiwl k (Mai b.k. a:IU4 iKaii . L'i'4 S'alaa O. sa aaVa. U vrii rrt fifnMn tan (Itl ja, . ti al faa aa1 aaiaal i h a IUIMISSION OF IIDS: Ail w. -w,...4 IM i ha lUMltatc wit MUMtwH al c 0iiaai mrm a I la al aa aUaanina) i aSaVa O.aa mm aa mm aaai S 1. r u Wa ) I H ! ) r ia ml .ai ea t.aaal. Wa A mu ,-a ta -, .! Oaa a 4 mm W.4 a al a"a an ' I M ' m.:i mm . a a Sa n 4 Wax aaa ia Saj aiai a -mm mwmmrn mm iata a r lt SMS A ntumiinn tmi twa PMmi mt Crnmmf Km tw two ottn attad IO-4tw PaT a0jaeae4,4sJ OavaV Q0QQg4 la OWf 4Wf . atiaj I I n ttf. laOa ill JawO I 4 owd iwwO 2 1 bat- two taw ml iOO sw. ad 4 .10 aw. Send this coupon TODAY- PnM m4 aa mm "! m .- a4 -S-4 fa.-' . Wll AtttTt SOWIMIITSATtOM ' OS.I m4 Baal r.a..f D.aaal Saaa talaa 9. O mi, a"laal I Owlnw I I M a mmm AI4i . C-r WOIIIC CAM AD Alt. mm Ca at'. O-aaaaa AOO0.CSS ALL STtCtrrC IHCUttlQ AMD rtOTOUXS TOi 17 A R ASSETS ADMIIIl SIR jITIOH OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY DISPOSAL fD U1 SWAN ISLAND, f. 0. bOX 4041 l-OtTLAMt I. OS BOOH WTStTtl T7l