,0 Th Stat man Saltm, Oregon, Thursday. Tun 12, 1947 I fx. ! : - ) ir , " VI AVE SPLITTEBS: These three outboard aces will compete Saturday In the Portland Rose Festival races in Portland harbor. From left to right the pilots are Hockey Stone of WUlamina, Howard Nel Min of Portland and Harry Eyerly of Salem. Eyerly. president of the Oregon Outboard association a third place in the Clans C event of the Hearst trophy races at Long Beach. CaL, last year. Boat Races Due in Festival Ontboard motor boat races will share the billing la the Portland Rose festival Ka tarda jr. the races to be held In Portland harbor. Thirty to forty hot shot drivers from the Pacific Coast states and Idaho will compete, according to Charles Shirley, Jr, Oregon City, regatta chairman of the association. One of the racers will "be Harry Eyrrly of Salem who Is president of the association and last year winner of third place In the Class V -racing runabout event of the Hearst trophy races at Ienc Beach. Calif. Eyerly h now lead ing the field In the Pacific Northwest Class C service division. Other racers expected to ap- pear Sa tarda r Inclodo Hacker SUnr, ace driver front Willi mina; Howdy Murray. Albany; Bad Yea pie. Oregon tilt; Art Godfrey. N a an pa. Ida.: IJn Key and Hill Rankin. Seattle: W liber McDonald. Coos Bay: Marv Mr Kleer. Spokane: Al Benson. Seattle; Joe Rhodes. Kiamath Tails, and Howard NeHon. Port land. Inelnded In the Portland show still be a pleasure boat parade by ! boaU; an Inter collegiate crew race between crews from Oregon Slate and the C. of Washington, water ski demonstrations snd hale boat races. National Open Starts Today; Pirates Slow Giants' Surge! Iloiiaii, Locke I i Oils' Circuit Co-Favorites 166 Swinger Kraily To Chi in (Jir Tige rs Mand Senators 6-3 Defeat to Deadlock Series Ninth Inning Rally .Halted Kollitt' Along By Jerry Stone Sinovich Gets Loss; Locals Still in 3d a With the Misters of Maul apparently calling it qaJta locally for the summer, youse guys with recurrent and strong- seizures of fistic fever in other words you fans should be able to look back over the bouts of the past campaign and chirp: "Well done, Mister Sal keld. well done." The underlying melody's carried pretty well throughout the schedule a melody of kids trying their hardest, of Joes-who weren't too much under or ever-matched. Of course there's been a sour note to Intrude raucously at odd times which, after "i ''K '' ' J' I- TEX SALKELD all. has to be expected. And then occasionally there could be heard the low. deep basso -which would be Mklnh Salkeid growling at some of those anemic gates which occur with Irritating frequency hereabouts. But the broad picture 'haa been harmonious enough, which means credit is due Tex as well as the glove swingers. Well all be looking forward to nest fall when Harry Levy ring the curtain up once more with his familiar "In this cornah " And. incidentally, one lad whose gonna be disappointed at temporary shelving of the ring sport is Jim Brock. The big guy has been training faithfully for the pat several months, priming for his debut in the local ring. Brock, as we mentioned some time back, really takes the punchin' game seriously and . m e Knn he"ll Ke a. familiar fir. re at the ol' armory next winter. YonTl like 1m. ... Hilly Bounce Hack Comeback deluxe: That of Billy Sullivan who is one of the main stays of the Pittsburgh Pirates' catching corps, after five solid years of inactivity. Billy performed for Cleveland, the Chicago White Sox and Detroit Tigers during the '30s. Now don't query, "Who's Sulli van?' Surely you guys of any years at all remember that smiling Irish kid, sire of a great ball player, who played with the old Salem semi-pro Senators under Frisco Edwards in the Oxford park days. That was Mr. Billy, though he was a flrst-sacker then. . .'. Inter esting to note, too, that Billy and Hammerln' Hank Greenberg are great pals. The two gents roomed together while In Detroit livery and both Sully and Hank counted It a stroke of fortune they they eould renew associations on the Pirate club. Yep, they're roommates again. ... Here and There Ralph Caley la back again with a coaching berth in the Junior A ball loop, and his son, Eldon, a talented chucker. Is also ready for another season's duty but not under Pa. For several years now the luck of the draw has separated 'em. We've a hunch though that Ralph'U be rooting just as hard for his yearling, even though the kid is wearing the wrong uniform, ... And Mistuh Art Hurlburt of Mayflower was getting envious glances after he drew, in two straight tries, a pair of the juniors' top chuckers Caley and BUI Amen. . . . John Varley. one of the king-pins of the Salem links staff. Is hoa- piUlited with an appendectomy. . . . Thirst for athletics Isn't alone confined to youths of male vintage. We've a concrete argument there for here's the No. 1 evidence. Fourteen-year-old Alice Lehman, after winning the coveted LaMoine Clara scholarship award at Les lie junior high with its accompanying lit, was asked what she was going to do with the prise dough. No lacy accoutrements of femi ninity, no frivolous formats, no sparkling adornments for Alice. She vowed she was coins to buy a baseball glove with that ten bucks. . . . End of sn era: Bob Schwartz, skipper of the Papermaker soft bailers, reveals that Hank Singer, after many years of fruitful hurling chores, will forsake the mound for infield duties this campaign. Hank's passed his peak as a chucker, but he'a always been capable of belting that pill. .... TACOMA, June ll-(Special)- Nipping a last inning threat in the bud, and bunching their 11 hits effectively, the Tacoma Tigers trimmed the Salem Senators, 6-3, here tonight to even the clubs' Western International league se ries at one game apiece. The So lon s held onto third place in the standings, thoiigh the fourth-place Victoria Athletics moved within, half-a-game of that slot by win ning tonight. The Tigers put away the game with a trio of two-run innings off Dick Sinovich, who Went the route for the Salems and suffered his seventh loss against three wins Alter the solons had taKen an early, lead with one in the third as Al Spaeter singled home Marty Krug, the Tacomas pushed over a pair in the 4th and two more in the 5th. The final Tiger tallies came in the 8th on Bob Hedding ton's two-jun homer. Jack Wilson's crew punished the plate for a duo in the 7th on four hits off Carl Shapely, and had their rally going' in the ninth uVin uritH torn nut TCill Beard singled and Sinovich andl Spaeter walked to load the bags. Mel Nunes' force-out ended things. The teams meet again tomor row night. Salem Tacoma . BHOA BHOA Krug.l 3 3 OTedschijn S 0 1 0 Spaeter 4 2 1 2 JoraU.r 110 0 Nunes ,3 S 11 1 2 StetterJ 3 13 2 Moore.r 2 0 1 0 Kuper.c 451 Kubiak.1 3 0 1 0 Paton.l 4,213 0 Sumers.m 4 12 0 Hednrtn J 4 1 0 S Petemon 4 1 S 1 Miller 4 0 17 Beard. c 4 2 3 2 DonovanJ 3 14 3 Sinovic.p 3 0 1 SShapley.p 2 10 Wit. W L Pel. WI.Pcl Bremertn 33 IB .MS Tacoma 2 27 491 Spokane 32 22 .593 Vancouver 23 27 S1 Salem 29 23 .337Yaktma 21 31 .404 Victoria 30 27 .32 Wenache 17 37 J1S Last night' results: At Tacoma s. Salem 3; at Vancouver 13. Wenatchee Sactos Pound Portland, 8-0 Bevot Futile Before Frcilas' 2-IIit Job SACRAMENTO. CilU.. June 11 -0P)-Tony Freitas pitched a tw. o hitter here tonight to beat Port land 8-0 and gie Sacramc-nto So lons two straight in the Iu il.r Coa?t league enc. A home tun by Joe Marty paced a 13-hit So- m.irk;lle agreement that the win Ion attack. ncr of the 72-hole me!l p'ay rrUaa4 Saerameal r)air prohably would be either BHOA n H OA Bobby lxcke, the South Afriran Ratio. 3 0 1 IRaimer m $ 4 0 frn.vation. or Little Hen Hngan. ST UHMS COUNTHY CLt'n. ST LOUIS. June 11 The bat tle of the club ended fitly ami cably today, with the US C.olf avoriation a clean and ctnpldt-ent victor oer the rtofr- nmal. and a fu Id t Ift6 player from every yxtion if the country prepared to tec off tonvtri'W in te National 0w-n at the St lnji Country rlul. S.nie of the -i.fr -lotiN were ttt.t ! l.ppy 1 dirty - nine of them, by i ffiriil count, had Iweti reiuired by the t'.lfing father t ither to "tone-dfivi n" their ll'cl iron club fct- or to throw them g out entirely. Hut all of them, in- S cluding'defendmg champion Lloyd j Mangrum. had compiled with the i rule one way or the other, and their bag were slotted with lily- uK.t. ifnil.nMlc In between an frrannil grum- ble at the "tough" attattide r-f the U S C, A . the player oicrd re- . mi c r L Socks in Vain tlrooV Ixwr, T:rr Split; Yanks SrlWL tr ftmt tt U 17 rf. net t4 the New Ycrk C.at.a ynu'te gx 4 W u-t Un- Ao tt rt V-Wty f trtrtr iti, rici at r e t-frl y a l'- P.t'.4iT r,(at tacr4 t itfuc1 ith -7 margin nr Crtrirn. 4t 1S fart tt.at "n l hit fVn C'urV. 4-4 T Gtr,t 'rin1 dd it -:. ti rxeners tmn y s;:a-t1 ?4.r.;l a-wl N ( ty iir-y M.i T CHt" Nttirir.al Wf. Ve-4 t.1 rut y t ft-T41yr. Da'fr hwwexl U Orciwi. - t', Ray aluelirt b'-!l r!ns cW.I4e O- e-Uir.g tio T l..l. de'iU l.ils bet t $: Lu Card. 5-4. sod is O . itwv im m-er h"'jc-. 4-0 M In tb Arrwt k an i m-1 t De trrt Tgets t-.'rte"1 te Virata A. T-l. tn t f.?t l.:t of a tt-CHll Injt o-o: tt i ltig-U-ap. 4-4J. a rta r4w Cl J j Shieb. rt.uctirf h Ir, t.sl ir. . I r league game. Wfi t'm 'v , J with rit., T Tr-rs at Victoria B. Spokane 2; at Brem erton 4, Yakima 2. Smilh.l 4 0 1 NlionJ 4 0 I I Wener.m 3 110 Mesner J 4 0 2 1 Storey J 3 0 3 1 Mrt .1 I 1 Reich.r 3 0 0 0 Zlpay.l 3 3 0 Vico.I 3 1 14 1 Ftirzo.r 8 3 4 0 Silver e 3 0 3 1 Fernadve 3 0 3 0 Radlvch J 3 0 13 Well 4 0 13 COAST I.EAC.l F. j DiBial.p 10 11 riciUn.p 1 I S 1 WLPrt. W I. Pet. ' Dobbins 10 0 0 San Fran 40 31 .343 Sacramnto 33 34 493 , Moore p 0 0 0 0 Von Anils 441 33 .348 San Diego 33 3S 4!S7 Go r bo Id 10 0 0 Oakland 37 32 .S3 Hollywod 33 3S 45S Portland 31 31 .300 Seattle 30 38 441 the former Texan hn w far ha been denied this greatest cf American golfing prie The two were ro-fa orite at ony 4-to-l agaifttt to lake the $2000 firt prire. TALTNTTD Lcse (s rtraa w k l..mt4 llip V. 1. -. lu t-ttrma. al. ' " -r " - e&lftM with O- r.l.t f . V. I. IS M4TUI Al. West Savsmttag Last nicht's results: At Sacramento . Portland 0: at Seattle 4. Oakland 3; at Hollywood 9. Los Angeles 3; at San Francisco 4, San Diego 3. Totals 2S 2 24 17 Total VI 13 2 Batted for DiBiai in Slh. Batted for Moore in Sih Portland ono or ooo - 0 Sacramento V0 71f jri a Pitcher IPAB R H ER PB SO Vv P DiBiaM & 13 4 10 4 3 0 1 Moore 3 II 2 3 0 0 0 0 AMERICAN I.F.Ar.l'E WLPct. WLPct fl:4 Sif 14t a l k aa a at "f iFrelU. 9 28 0 2 0 1 aw a v a .- a v, c c striva I i i i Boston 24 22 .522 Washlnstn 20 23 .444 Philadelp 23 24 .310 St. Louis 20 2 433 Yesterday's results: At Detroit 7-0. Philadelphia 1-4: at Chicane 3. New York 2 111 innings): at Cleveland 0. Boston 3: at St. Louis 2, Washington 4. Coast Schools Handed Fines fame- with the ! l.t at n Yotk Yankee Ul aa ll-irif frit A rV-&n - twa Asertea-8 U ' Frark She. rf New Y.ts. things iW.t the gassw slsre kia ,uffrt r .th 4rvr arriTsI la tas ewsiatry. will W ,..,, ,.. r Fr1 Sfi tr ir".rr-l r iart. 1-0 r-d WaKrjfn d mjw-j 5 L 1ji. 4-J He f Ike fatwrHe ta la Na- tUal Chs. aUrUng ThwrWar si t. Ia. Lache Kaa a i er as est II 044 aer week la gU esmlags aartag kts rWil tatts far. Errors none, l-ft on nar Portland 2. Sacramento 10 Tvko bae I hits Ramsey. Zipay. Freita Three I base hit Marty. Home run -- Ram sey. Stolen bases Riuo, Fernande. Freitas. Ramsey. Runs batted in - Marty. Zipay. Ramsey 3. Well. Fret ; tas. Double plays Well to Nelon ' to Zipay. Time -- 1 59 Umpire - , Cordon. Mutart and Sommer. Atten- NATIONAI. l.EAGl'E WLPct. WLPct N.wAWb W 1Q SfiT Dl.il.J.lnl. 1 1CI Brooklyn 27 21 53 Cincinnati 23 28 .4.M ( Chicago 26 21 .5U St. Louis 20 27 .42 ! Boston 27 22 .351 Pittsburgh 20 27 .42 ! Oakland 000 010 004-3 10 3 Yesterday- results: At New York Seattle onl joo loo 4 7 2 7. Pittsburgh 8: at Philadelphia 8. St. : Gaaway. fpw 'J'- T. HafeT . Louis 4: at Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 3: nd Raimondi Secil. Ren 9i. R.pple Babe Reaches English Finals CULLANT, Soot land. June IL-Ji-Mrv Pa be Dtrikarn Zahar las. the fe-mmine golfing machine frtm Denver. Co-or ado. dtcveard putted her ijr Into Ihe finals ef the Hritifh women's amateur gf t hampKeih:p loday and became a rr"re tax r i te to n the title fw the United States for the firrt One rf the r.'.rtett esurp'.e c velvet It trat cf a l4'h ij tury eer.brde-red rag in 1 1- or :g- of Mnjnl St- J4ry. CreterTe4, rglarvl Greco je 3 2 0 0 at Boston 0-2. Chicago 4-3. LA to Argue Major Status ill and Hemsley. Lo Anceles 07 Jon oi'l S a 1 Hollywood onl nrxi ar- 9 12 1 Adam. Dobeintc 11. 0rxun "i and Sarnl. Yaylian. Greory 1S1 and Cart. eron. San Diego (i out no 3 .1 San Francisco on l Wi 30 4 a r SaJvo and Rice: Mrltrn. Rom ill I and Leonard. OKrodowski Bi. SUN VALLKY. Id.hn. June II Ti All ten memler of the Pa cific Coit ctnferer.ce vcre a sesed fires for annj violation of their o n athle'ic purity code in an unusual riimax to the three dy spring meeting concluded here today. The University f California at Lo Angeles, conference fix.'t.il champion lat vear. rirc- the -tiffest tensity a f;r,e f.f $2 4oO Its crot wn rival. So.jtr-em Cal- ilfrc tofnorrow iforni.1. was .red 1 ec- Shting J9 holes in tMay ond highet m.urt C'a'.ifoir.ia .i quarter - final and Kmi - f i n I Berkeley was finer! $6.Sn Stanford round lr f trr-kr ueder rm was wf'H a WK) cijUv t'n- femr c-n tie rugged Gul'.ane ver-ity i f Oi rgtm. l.tnn. Wh- coorve. Mrs. Zaharvas f nt cc- ir.ct'-n St.itr. $.tfiO. l'tiivrtity of epred bttle Ftarvces "Runty" Washington. 1200. University of Stcf he-n. J and J. and then rjt- Moi.tana. $125. University cf Ida- ed Jean Donald. V SotLsh m aaaaMMH Expert Paklcrx Are Now AaiUllr If ow la clbm to do resiien Aal sxxkd tttdiaa trial pals to . Frss. M ho $125 nd Oregon Slate College $25 00. Totals 34 10 24 12 Totals 31 11 27 18 Salem 001 000 2003 Tacoma 000 230 02 Pitcher: Sinovlc, earned runs ( struck out by 3, bases on balls off 1; Shapley. earned runs 2. struck out by 4. bases on balls off 4. Wild pitches: Sinovic. Errors: Paton. Left on bases: Salem S, Tacoma 4. Home runs: Hed-i inrton. Three base hits: Kuper. Two base hits: Nunes. Greco. Beard. Runs batted In Spaeter. Kuper, Paton. Greco (2). Beard. Krug. Hedington 42). Sac rifice: Kukiak. Stetter. Shapley. Dou ble plays: Stetter to Kuper. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Dehaney and McDonald. At tendance: 11.228 WACtitMrrnv T 11 m Los Angeles' argument for a ma- 'aNGtlOllGl iaCQQUO jor league baseball franchise will ' be laid before the meeting of1 Naitai i-estae the baseball clubowners in Chi- Pittsburgh 7m aa oon a u capo Julv 0 ImnarH J Rnar-h f ; New York SOU leo 20 7 4 the Los Angeles county board of supervisors, said today President Clark Griffith of the Washington Senators invited him to attend the big league meeting and present the case for a weft coast franchise. Meanwhile, the Columbus, O.. dispatch reported that a syndicate headed by Postmaster General Cincinnati Robert Hannrgan is completing a deal for the purchase of the St. Tars Improve Ixkad Position By the Associated Press The Bremerton Bluejackets added Another game to their "Western international league lead and pulled out of a losing etieak as thev dumped the Yakima Stars 4-2 last, night, with Lefty Joe Suftivan chalking up his 6th win cf the year. The Victoria Ath letics temporarily halted the top spot bid of the Spokane Indians, with fcn 8-2 win. behind the four bit hul ling of newcomer Jim Arn old. Jack Harshman paced the Vies with a -homer, two doubles and' a' single. The Vancouver Capilanos i-mashed out a . 15-2 KUiy': over the la.st-plare We natchee Chiefs, with the Cap at tack featuring a pair of grand lm homers by Manager Bill Brenner and Outfielder Frank Mullen.. Wenatchee . 000 000 Oil- 2 7 S Vancouver 012 003 18 15 13 1 3 I Ostermuellcr. Hifhe ill and Sulli van: Jansen. Beers 2 . Ker.ned) 1C1. Trlnkle ill and Cooper. St. Louis 3ro inn ft 4 lo n Philadelphia 5on ono no J 0 Pollet. Burkhait !i. ll.rk.nn 2. Staley (Si and Her Gara(ir.la l. Wilbur 1S1; Raffensheiter. Vhr-idt i2l. Hushes 4i. Rne id and Sem-nick. Indians Land Cougar's Kramer SPOKANE, - June IMAVWal ly Kramer, star pitcher for the Washington State college baseball team, today signed a contract with the Spokane Indians in the Western International league, Business Manager Denny Spel lecy announced. The 24-year-old Toppenish right-hander will join the Indians in Spokane Sunday for the open ing game of the Vancouver series.' SENATOR SWAT ND AllStar Club Selected PULLMAN, Wash., June 11 (VP)- The Washington State and Washington baseball team placed three players erh the. official northern division All-Star squad selected in a poll of conference coaches. Washington State offi cials said today. The All-Star team listed Wally Kramer, Washington State, pitch er; Frank Constantino. Washing ton, catcher; Sammy White, Wash ington, first base; Walter Kirsch, Oregon, second base; Chuck Bray ton, Washington State, third base; Bud Fortier, Oregon State, short stop, and Bob Santee, Oregon; Bill Taylor, Washington, and Lar ry Orteig, Washington State, outfielders. nri no4 non s ( 1 Brooklvn 00 1 010 rt?o 4 13 1 Riddle. Gun.bert nl lrrnrvn Hat ten. Chandler i. Kina iii. Urn. Louis Cardinals from the club's bardi ii and ri.rd present owner, Sam Breadon. "If . ik. w, i.. i. Firl iai.. uitr """'!." rjii.iivn.. i ius - ( hirato inroj cessful," the dispatch said, "base- Boston oon ono ow ball circles will immediately spec ulate on the possibility of the Car dinals moving to the west coast. 4 11 7 I.ade and Scheff :r. . Spahn. S John son 3i and Mii. Second fame: Chicaeo not onl 5 ) j ft Bostnn nrm non rro 7 7 1 Chipman. Kush ii and Mri'tilmuih Cooper. Shoun 1 . Wrigl.t .i and Mast. Cvs Old Arm Still Y earning C1.FVI1.AND. Jane 11,1 lenUn Tre U) Vosjng. k came ( af Ohta's hill In 4) ansl In t2 sea teas respited a string avf pitching V kUrtet w hleh prebably never lll be sarnaeaest. wanted le shew the fan In Cleve land stadlnra teday thai "I ran still threw nae arer the nan." Etghly-year-atd . wha waa Sll times daring hi career. e refted the wHn ta lea ane fraen Ihe meand daring a nee eh at heme alale a he was hanared aa "tr Yaang Itay." aat he dMn'l gel la carry It aat. a alale t an nlre Charlie FVerrr called "alay ball." trwampion. " and &. Agaimt I!- talL f re--U dirf TVabe in tnorTow"s Jg-ro'te f.nal will go Jacx)uelirte Ca?on of lnedon. a rdfing "urkno n." 343 Cossrl IX JV tTt iron American League Amerlraa leaca Filst fame. Philadelphia Of! onn ofiA- B H Pet. Anderson 5 3 .4001 Nunes Moore 1 IB 40 .336 Krug Wilson 6 2 .333; Spaeter Kubiak 174 58 .333! Bart Beard 159 51 .321 Mossor Summrs 156 47 .301 Lazor Skeber 44 13 J29S Wyatt and Brennex. Spokane OOO 010 0103 4 3 Victoria . 011 022 11 8 12 0 Spitzer. Stevenson 181 and Bufflap; Arnold. Kasparovitch l" and Anske. Yakima 002 000 0002 - 6 3 Premerton 010 200 01 4 5 1 'Oait Wi'le''"n (5) and Phillips; fullivan and Vol pi. OirlV ! I'rut'lice The Cvrly's Dairy Junior, baseball club will practice on Olinger field tonight at 'clock. All team members are urged ta be an hand. -1 B H Pet. 173 45 MO 172 44.256 219 55 .256 110 27 .245 28 6.222 19 3.105 34 3 .088 9 0.000 0 0.000 Steers Enters Coast Meet DflDTI A VII r-.. T..n II 1 a uii 1 -., u unr 1 1 -m 1 e-nuadeipriia orl onn oftrt- 1 7 1 ls steers, one-time university uetrou no .no ru 7 n of Oregon track ace and holder ' Mc ,han- t'oieman .81 and R"sar. of the world s high jump record, i mV'' will compete in two coas-t meets Philadelphia nr dm fmn 4 a this week under Multnomah Ath- Detroit im mi nm a 7 2 letic club colors. Steers, who re-' 1.frh,!h nd Gl,p,r ';. c..t.ica turned to competition in the re- . ' n'1 wnr . t -V A ATT : , I : . . ... trill uirnuii rrt mtfiuiK. win rsew inn 700 ram non im J fi e compete in the Southern Pacific i-hica on non onn 01 3 10 e meeting at Los Angeles Friday rje" "1 mnYnrs"""" M"nr n1 night and at Berkeley Saturday ' mgni in me uacuic association iwwn 010 ntm mi 1 7 Table of Coastal Tides Low Time Water 11:57 ajn. 0.4 Tides at Taft. compiled by U. Coast and Geodetic survey. Portland, ior The Oregon Statesman June High Time Water 11 4:43 a.m. 4.8 6:57 p.m. 5.3 13 6:03 a.m. 4.3 7:33 p.m. 5 7 13 7:26 a.m. 4 3 8:08 p m. 6 1 14 8:45 a m. 4 3 8:46 p.m. 6 6 , 15 9:57 a.m. 4 4 9.36 p.m. 7.0 11:00 a.m. 4 6 10:10 p.m. 7.4 11:58 a.m. 4.9 10:54 p.m. 7.7 12:52 p.m. S O 11:37 p.m. 7.9 1:46 p.m. 5 2 2.7 08 20 12 1.1 16 0 2 19 spor Peterson 146 41 81EUason Pitching: W L SO W L SO Wilson 2 0 5 Anderson 1 1 15 Mossor 7 3 72 Sinovlc 3 41 Wyatt 7 4 71 Sporer 1 4 20 Lazor 3 3 25 Eliason 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 30 21 23 23 0 24 a.m. 2:38 p.m. 1:13 a.m. 329 p.m. 2:06 a.m. 4:18 p.m. 3 K1 a.m. 5:09 p.m. 1:09 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 2:10 a.m. 1 :32 p.m. 3:07 a.m. 2:20 p.m. 3:57 a.m. 1 p.m. 4:42 a.m. -0 6 3:56 p.m. 2 2 5:28 a.m. 4:46 p.m. 6:11 a.m. 3 36 p.m. 7:01 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:50 a.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:38 a.m. 8:35 p.m. 9:28 a.m. 9:28 p.m. 1020 a m. -1.1 10:44 p.m. 2 8 -13 23 -1 8 27 -2.1 28 -22 2 9 -to 2 9 -1.7 2J meet. Bomber Slates Seattle Bouts SEATTLE. June 11 -(A')- J Louis will box two foes in exhi bition matches here next Tues day night. Originally it was planned to have one opponent for the cham pion but Matchmaker Me! Ep stein ' decided today that was too much of a load for one fighter so split the exhibition bout into two sections. Bill Petersen, big Chicago fight er who has won two main events nevciana onn non non n j Harris. Ferris 181. Johnson 11 and Partee; Emhree. Feller and Mejan Washington 300 ion cin 4 a St Louis lie onn nno 1 j Wjrnn and Ferrell. Znldak. Moulder ft) and Early SG(?s Stale Bogie Session Fratare of the weekly Men's clab gathering at a lens's CVolf clab tanlght will be a Blind Ragle session over the nine hale route. A scheduled rUfle teurnev was rained out last week, lull handicap will be la effect far Ihe novelty event, with two holes detracted at the finish. Acting Tourney Director Glenn Barrlght announces the weekend fare to Be an 11 hole Sweepstakes event. Oregon Links Sfjiial)l Boils Portland. June n i- The Oregon flolf HsmkijIiihi tj.y hid only 20 Oregon Public Links' Coir association players to the OCA championship, despite the threat of public links groups to boycott the tourney unless 45 or its mem- GOLF- Practice Range 3.160 N. Portland .load 1 Vjf here by knockouts, will get the bets were invited Legion Plays Mac Nine Oregonians In the Major B R H O A EKBI Peskv. Red Sox . 4 0 0 1 2 0 0 Doerr. Red Sox 4 1 2 S 4 2 1 O'lOon. Indians .4002,500 Jfcnvtn. Giants, pitched today but ksa not uedited. to huu. . ... . . Anxious to return to action after three straight postpone ments and to their third straight district two victory, Salrrns Capitol Post No. 9 American Le gion Junior baseballers will to day take on the McMinnville en try in a five o'clock game at Wa ters park. The Macs have yet to win a game in the district com petition. Salem Is currently tied for the district lead, with Wood- burn, both teams being unde feated. Coach Paul Selling will start either Lefty Bob Funk or Leslie Junior high Righthander Jim Moore against the McMinnvilles. The New berg team comes to Sa lem for a game next Monday afternoon. Other district games due this week send Newberg to Oregon City, Gresham to Silver ton and Milwaukie to Wood-burn. assignment for two rounds then Tiger" Jack Fox of Spokane, thp former light heavyweight cham pion, will go two rounds. D U-.ll,. I II DUafta? VIII ! Tho 20 public liiiksteis. all fiom Portland, have until Fricl.iy to decide whether they, will partici pate or not. RUGS & UPHOLSTERY Goonod and Moth ProoJod In Your Home SALEM DURA CLEAN SERVICE Phono J7JI Gra.iano SelK Anotlirr rmu'tip 1 t'HICACO. June !! V. K ky ' Graziano, New York middle weight who meets Champion Tony Zale in a 15-round title bout in , Chicago stadium July 16. arrived 1 Haas. Reds 45 17 21 80.a3Shel, tiday from M mj.hu vvheie, Runs batted tn"T National lr.iue '-,t2 " '' "" k-yo over Mize. Giants. 45; Marshall. Giant. 42: j Lddie Finai last night. C.raz Torneson. Braves. 39. American league j iano raid he Would take his lirst Keller. Yankees. 3. DiMaRilo. Yan- Workout tomorrow. He will leave , kees. 34; Stephens, Browns, 31; Wil-1 , . . . , . . Uams. Red Sox. 31. Saturday for Toledo Ahcie he Home runs: National leaiue Mie. ' will meet Jerry Fiorello of New Giants. 1; Miller. Reds. 12; Marshall. York Monday in his last tuneuD Giants .11 American ileaeue before lUrting final training for. Muihn. Tigers. . Zl. 41 Court al sail laia G AH R II ITI Slaughter. Cardinals 48 IS5 2S 5S ..' Walker. Phillies . 47 1S4 22 58 J54 Boudreau. Indians 40 144 23 SI -3M DiMacglo. Yankees 4 175 33 HO 341 McUuuin. Yankees in n M 341 I Oa All Hakes HEIDER'S All vToct Caaraaleed Tcstno' fin aasuh!c rsjm pojarra have a catua!, comftmbJ gif that c3cnrt tcrNfo(ch tglminiK j. Roomy jacket and trout-en that tjoo't hnj hZt x aa llcTp. AnJ g txt-u laxarr nt the jacsrt st f.n i!cJ mith onreniWc cI'af nJ prttt.! tuft Tra tctt, cut Ki tiisp hkf tlatk. r Jvo f mvhr 1 uth cufft. In g TtrictT cf rnatciihtve ctsn t4 irtrrxu Sr A 10 D. H ewi t tS Dtitinccivc Men 1 Wrdf