IB Thft SkiUinan, Solsm. Oregon, Wdnticry. Ions 11, 1917 1 For Sal For Salt Mtserlla neons IFor Sale Miseellaneons Additional CJassified . Ada on Page 9 Help Wanted Male YOUNG Man 24) to 23 for AsslsL Mgr. Capitol Theatre. Oood future. Previous enpericnce not necessary. Apply Mr. Jones, Tues. eve, p.m.. lpttoi Theatre. Miscellaneous- ELECTRIC hotplates. J speed, tin gle and double burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 W LIBERTY , STREET TOP SOIL Ph -9RQ19. - M AJLb Ml an an w.-.....,, I or middle aged man in chine lor I " LIGHTING"' fixtures lor the tome. Sew eoo t rrei-raoiy w" I office, or shop. 5 P0"-73 S"t,n:.i: I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. LOCAIT Retail lumber ft bldg. mi- 253 N LIBERTY STREET Jiurtfeave erd experience. Box 733 nwAtEReaUrT 107 207427527 atoteam-ia-. Help Wanted r enisle M1DDI-E Ared Jady for kit help. Apoiv S Portland Kd. " BOOkxrEprn umm ace 25.2s. Contact Mr Clear?. Oref on Pulp paper Co.. 3l . JLommcroai i. WANTED: Office girl with knowf redge of bookkeeping, for business In Silverton Phone 24176 Sasrm, , " AITRESS Wanted fVU time r tort tune. Ph. 1589 or 3077 Boucanler Jtevtaurant. ANnrrDTTadTCook. Ph. 24291 or M for interview: AitEffl6USYoun lady lpr Job M gallon Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY STREET River Silt t ELECTRIC Washers, one deluxe model all white. 1 gasoline War her. Always good buys at HAHT1M 8 rUKNITUU CO, 420 S. Coml. TRY US TOR BEDROOM FURNITURE We have a beautiful walnut bed room set. pea., for only 9145.00. Sin- fW. beds. New ft used. Springs. Dou ble beds, springs and mattresses. Sin gle beds ft beds with springs 15.00. ur risers ana vanity. MARTIN S I URN. CO. 420 S. Commercial PRACTICALLY New Kris bicycle. earner mciuoea. gjo. rn. ivz. IS FT- 13 rib. well built boat, with or without motor. 3240 So. . Commer cial PhMi ssna f3 1 STANDARD Underwood tVDewriter. excellent condition, too. Call or see ! Yvonne Simpson. Lausanne Hall. 9267. IISED Trombone, good cond. - Phi. 558 Jefferson. - - . ---- LADIES New tailor made ski oui- Just Received CHERRY BUCKETS GALVANIZED 10 QUART SIZE 59c Ed. sears Farm store -"- Phone tin or (333 S. Liberty St. IlACpRugs woven f 1.00 per d7 plus warp. Novelty cord rugs woven to order. Choice of size ft color. Call Mrs. Col lini 4072 between 7ft I P M. ITCHEN Sink. Like new. Ph. 8002. WHEAT ft OatsTMrt. Gladys Ditchen. RL 7. Box 31s. 1U mi. east Haxel For Rent Apartments For Sale Real Folate WILL Share 3 rm at, with Chris tian business woman. Exchange ref erences. On bus line. Write States man Box 741. r'or tteiitltouftes Mitchell Real Estate i42S Portland Rd Ph. 1-3181: Eves. 439 THE GOOD EARTH - WE a ELL IT This mk only we ran sell 70 A. of the best earth In ADULTS Only: Furnished or un futntahed. from June 13 to Sept. 4. Inquire at 3185 Garden Road. For Kent For Sale' Real Estate For Sale Real F-Uta Sand & Gravel. Concrete mix. Bos-I JL "IMlPment. size 12. Ph. 2608S. ley at Meyer. Phone 3046. , r 10 FT. Plywood boat, oars ft car-top new Bed springs, single and - I UJ" . store, nu i, oaiem. riAiim. . in iiiiiirn. -4-s. ' I )PfiaTAP.T.l!tfil.;-w-,f f.r-wrii.; 1 Green school 3-peee bed room set $149.50 1 $20. Rt I. Box 182. Ph. 6F11 eves. I WHITE Rotary sewing machine. GE z-piece bed room set ... .. $ 79 50 I 2 NEW 43021 tires $23 1 new bat-c,ectnc roaster witn stand and racks. Baby crib. i $7.50 to $ 19.75 lory $13. Carence Beaumont. 2270 Nw. DorIner" ioc m',xrc u c1r" Cook stoves ..... $22.V to " $ 6 50 I N Com! I culator, 3 different Style bed room Unfinished chests .. $5.95. to $ 13 95 I Anfrrf!iFetiTKr?Ci k ii4 I suites. 5-piece In walnut finish. Finished chests and dressers $ 24.75 I 24g78 btate Street Furniture L'rth-future. Mut e cood 5 ivoii. 9Q0 State Street' Ph. 759$ pfty tn perron. Tcague wmwr-v 1 chrome dinette set with matchinc 1 w. . . HIAWATHA Motor scooter S57h. I V. OODRVS FURNITURE MARKET N.i Liberty. SalewnjenWanieil KEXD ACREAGE SALESMAN We- need help for our acreage de partment. Capable man willing to work 1 will have full time profitable business. rrtvate telephone, desk and office paw. Leads o prospects and porper e tltin. Nelwn & NeWft Masonic Bldg. Phone 4C23 Situations fX' antral. 26112 or 2497$. BEAUTIFUL Carnation and Canter- bury Bell plants in bloom. Delphen- tum. P EMBERTON'S FLOWER SHOP 1980 S. 12th Ph. -26765 iverSilt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX - . " ' READY .MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing ' Gmmercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 1-IHtd - J-S100 the f.ii.lry tinl - I river bottom IU all Ms fine wrlfsted crops soon ready for market a A. weet corn and other valuable pro duce worth potentially $mo. Good home. There Is no extra charge for all this crop If sold by June 12. URURBAN-ktUS Near rity ItmlU N. 4 int. Utility, eav cloaed porch ell constructed, put tered, elrc. w. system garage. The bert garden we've een. fWeen. shrubbery that will sunprwe yvu All lumnure. laoM ran Ke had rtrM SUBURBAN HOME DELUXE With act ease to auit tour our 1 a at I-..- . . 1 . . 1 j Wua-Dtvwtoa. $7oa LARGE ROOM HOCHE. VihuUt eroek feg. wnHWe W. rage. Ill. Ul run ged city kaeae U te wru iMtUWtM rM MSM. tho are. bt firs . rtiraW J sm. eeeeuewt NaT. Mw I" mm Pm giSJ VaaWe kmai . Ha4l 1 da, mum gmmm rmmmm mmm bwsMwea. All for 111 OUS. Larre bea.ua tis, E Wast 7$ gwe s e I rr. Nice corner VaitdMwg W4, 4oa . WiM f.M TTf nvna ft mm J v. mfm. ''! e"I teweH. ft as , an to CKk.rwMOy t Lk Yr eft. kWM A9 - ell Wwa rate d a a o Chjdee Mdc. Mark at laun. Lake LabtoSj Beaver Xtesa, It A. T.r" stt snara. aawa. g let re d. greT I u nwiUM rrCM lS A Nallt naat whs prtre ll per acre. Meat tti " ssssmsa laiMMtee) Initatawi X! A. SHtfMie tao r t $ a farm rate Uit. CW ci a. .i a. ...... . . r ' i 1 ttniei ' ai i t m. LARSEaN HOME LOAN CO. 14 S. Ceanawrrtal SL prone g3 E 1dg KELSON N E U S 1 Leslie J tSi araV. t- U. revsnrted dwUarf. y ater. . Wa. 2 A Cm'tr,, awT YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET AliWAWiTBlg stocx. - " iWoodrv's Ftimiture Mkt Ph 5110 J ft. Watklna Co products Ml Cen- ! ter st. saiem Ph 0395. Tree del Salem Watch Shop 2381 State St. Phone 2-1957 D, K. Decker, blcensed Watchmaker Prompt service Cash paid for old gold used guaranteed watcnes for sale. Ooen Eveninrs WE Buy and aell furniture, toots. 1S05- N Summer Terms. Trades - sndLowest Prices I CRUKoWTlUtriKerator and elec trie range. 594 N Liberty. "FeBTQulck TSiV; A tine-Story ft Clark piano. .A-l on4. Price only $180. Mrs. Frank Campbell. Falls City. Ore.. P. O. Box 333. OR TRXDE: Moline heavy- dutv I ELECTRIC Ranges. 3 burner, with 3, 4 or disc plow. 140 In. beam, 2S large sire oven St broiler. in. disc, in good shape. D. Beach. I iiauk aituanlz cu. RL 1. Box 370. W. of Lincoln store I 251 N. Uberty to Bethel Hta. AUTOMATIC electric irons, steam. travel, and domestic. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ZM N. LIBERTY , STREET WANT TO Buy Used Cameras, ft nt P 8357 I lenses Mrfwin Phtrtp Shop. 433 Stste your fi WELL Furn. sleeping room, close in. 737 Ceo ter St. Men only. SEE or call us for jour tool needr! Howaer Brothers. Ph. 34$. tea Edge- -A make fteservations now at Bel-Alte Cottages. W rooms lleach. Oie. Ocean view. Ph. DeLake 292. "NELSCOTT Beach cottase. bv dav ! P'umb. hrdad. llrs V B. Auto fr fur- or week. Ocean view, laise fireplace. I nace. fireplace, larre double ma. built-oil-wood range, close to stores. Houses ; Ins in kitchen Bam. rhtckea twe. 18. Catering to club or large groups. double carafe, all atth water. Itht. ProfeMor Kshe. 10. 1 cement llr . malk. dttvess. gturt. OFFICE" Space. Also secretary -book. ; nut, berries, shrubbery, lawn, pes keeper available. 115 S Liberty. I ture. corral. miW-a east on Center. " Trailer pace. modern, loo S. 21st. LOTS rLOOR Sanders.' EdKers Polishers . hv sme spiendKtiv located res for beautiful floor. Howser Brothers, wence lots One with lsn shrubberr. Ph. 3648. 802 Edge ter St. 2 aeep.na ailloas. hedge. North. Wet- WECOJJX" COTTAC EST " Fireplace . T.Ta nUJ-, . Oil Heat. Reasonable Rales, nesr Dor- , - - - II.. im lln. SI llajlrnim C . .1111 W. "or7 Ph Defsk. "iSS - " V "' RUSTIC tETTTMS 3CEAR I IJE nrKTvkiTucir rental. immf. ! ""frjl?t tlCU TZ l JIT1 ZT.T rim . t O . C. CI toner ervtre. Center A Church i . " rrour" s - -r . wmw. .wr tmmvft. gaae. troe frwns. ra rt. i tt-i..i- - a . . 4- L I ae. oarase. fas l a nee. r-- . . od heater roitowing ooarj mil is n t Summer FLOOR SAfcbtR eomerv Ward Tft ST f"V W f aj . ; M. (). IltitTiphrevs & Co. for tent Mont- , Realtors Wanted Furniture 'PH Run Gravel. garden "COMPLETE SPRAY . LAWNS rlILIP W. BEILKE ' DIAL 21203 . " CARPENTETWork. old or new. Ph. J stoves, dishes, motors, radios, electric tw can after p.m. . 1 appliances, Household good. KLICJ- .OWlNGTRsve newyo7drereUsn I MAN'S 283 N Commercial Ph 9885 rmwev mower. Herbert L. Hamann, IS ' DEGREES Cooler Inside, That's Jtt. 8. Box 1304. Ph. 2-5119. your home this summer if you Install lJR6ENrfLYTjeed hour e work. ' Pre- Home Guard Insulation now. For Free fee mother lese honvc in country. Good estimate raU Western Auto Supply ! reierence. can eveninfS after 9. 1 rn. nu. swamp top soil for fardena ft lawnsTl See1 Rues BrhTht Ph 7511 842 Edsewater. Ph, $745. IMTST have carload of used furnf- FARMERS Attention milkina ma. 1 ture. elec. stove ' ft refriaerstor. or chines, milk coolers, and home sire I what have you? Too price paid. Call milk pasteurizers, fence controllers. 1 sny time, rn zuii. sundaia ex and butter ' churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET AIR Conditioner (water cooled) 1 $89.95. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET chanf e. 894 N. Liberty. Tj S ED-FUH f-.TTt 1 H EiMTTrts"" CASH lot used piano ft other mu sical Instruments Call 4841 davs or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqtilth Music On . 191 S Huh "CXSH-For your used furniture. Ph TWM ate ! rurnlttire 1o 5tste Wanleti Miseellaneous lt18 N. Commercial. AVAOABlZ.. lor substitute office . work. Experienced. Real estate or In surance prergrred. Mrs. lsherwood. rh. 8Fn. .. ' - - GlRL 1,4 Aants summer job helping WILL BUY lor ctaii. seu ut trao guns, pistols, ammunition boats or trailers Don Msdisnn 890 No Htch PRESSURE" Cooker!' 1$ quart, for canning. 4 Qt. size for everyday use. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY STREET 75 E. Rural. I "fiTrtVE RenaTrTne and oartaT" PRACTICAL Nurse for cay work. I Woodrv's Mkt.. 1605 N Summer St Ph X437 -QANITORWrk: exp! PhT24Sld PrL25444OR "8285"" " BUILDING -BLOCKS Drive one mile south on River Rosd 'i YOUNG white faced beef. P. 22639. RADIOS and record players, console. portable, and table models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 253 W. LIBERTY STREET 1 24 in. Craftsman He saw motor ft steel stand. Phone 21998. Box 80. Hansen Ave. OIL Circulators with r without fan I eUC. Range ft refrigerator, bed (limited supply). room. set. pn. 21L YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET MI 4W S I B, Si S SI SS w SS W PIANO TUNING Wlll8Mtlc Store. Salem " "BABY Bed in cood condition. i Phone 3848. U TxS WOOL Rue. Must be In food condition Phone 3000.3i5N.Capito2. LKJHT Pickup box. Phone, 4733. W ANTED: Medium' or larre tricycle In good condition. Phone 4800. 8PC. Walnut dining set. Ph. 24721 rAlVt Knrsver rentals reduced 12 per day with the purchase of either j 228 FklrgroundsRd. Pnone 1-4SM rullr or JZr" JrJr.. VrS ' - Y-OWKrjl Mndeta 4 B R heane regutar price. H-eoiheswftca-.JTrf-, r Kt m.. il7. Edgewater Phooa. m out heal, near achool stt at done A I MUK T & mono ljug rm arde trees eeellent ill Rent-wll h C Pufh. 44 N 17 liKHi HM1 Ptaiw H I Mitt 0-DKlVi. Tkucks OM Mlanketa furn I Si S Lihertv "FLOOR bander elec floor pohshet and lawn rwller. weed burner Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall wells store Ph 8877. Wanted to Rent S. 23 Rt Ph S344 Prsr- SSSOe arb-NICE clean' I bdim bome.'tJv'. rm kit. close ta srh ft. bus. North. CaD OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Oenwbeta 91 Phone 2-1549 Eves 2-541 Tourit (Viurt Clean, neat. new. well built, nod era In all respects MnS per month ha come. )ut right for a rou4e Mare cabins ran be added, a f il class) prasi erty located on a mam highway. Call Joe. Painting Decorating STAYTON Ffatrocx patios! walks. walls, an Quantity. Ph. 25839. loZCTRIC Fans, exhaust, desk and I -fcI.TON?hain saws a Urts now pedestal models. . , I available. Let us supply your logging YEATEK appliance co. I needs. Industrial SuddIv Co. of Salem. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET 1068 S. Com'L Entrance through alley. I orders taken and firing. 1487 Court. Sprav Painting DICK PREY ksTEEOT Aaed lad v. keep house for 1 or 2.' 1304 N. LibertyPh. 4785 XADYwnuld like care of children evening Write Statesman 737. FOR Fiflcicnt'RototUler workcaU l. Jennings. Phone 6429. ""STRAWBERRIES. Phone 3290 Broadway. - WASHING Machines full size, fit on laundry trays. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. LIBERTY STREET AT STUD Napa Flash, rcg. American ..Saddle bred Bullion, dk chestnut with white markings. Has proven himself as one I oc the outstanding . oiainons on tne 2490 I Ph. 8023. WlfJL Care for invalid or elderly I Coast. Fee for non re, mares $25 00. fienple m my home. .1315 N. 8th. I Roy H. Simmons owner. Rt. 4.. Box t ANTED : Furniture to glua and I ""'fm. Ph. 71M3 yrpair.. let pros m. Z1Z33. WASHING ft Ironing In "rty home, (35 Thompson Ave " MAY" Baling, pickup, wire machine, Itohert M. Hulst. Phone 292$. Keizer , Sand & Gravel Co. Mason sand. " Concrete mix. River silt it top soil. Road gravel. Fill (dirt. , Ph. 21749 VACUUM cleaners, tubular and up- TEACHER of China, oil. Battel, also rdera taken and firms. 1487 Court. ATEaWELLarllllng. Domestic or irrigation. Duffleid Bros- RL 9. Box 423. Phone 2-1313. Huff Real EMate Co. 341 Chemekete L Eves 2-eaas STATE Employee needs 2 or 3 bed room house. Will pav 2 montha rent In advance. Phone SS1. "OFF. Emp. wants fuin. apt. or sm. house. Ph. 3713. " STATE Emploee and tslfe urgently i Jof. I Rolime Realtor need furnlshew one or more room x,r ' "! IIC. Itrailtir apartment, -pjaseie 7508. IJ N Capital PV 8318: Eve TTI 7 LARCE Attractive room a .lh kit- 9C83o LOT 94) B JI. gyoog dowaTbal chen prtvtlegct.-yhone 5858. . $50 per mo. 3 bdris i older type hse. R . ' Lou of trees, berrtes. flowers ft shrubs, e VVartl Good loratvon. Call ED LU KIN HEAL. of $25 for unfurnished two bedroom hu-desneratelv needed for vet and family. " References and damage bend Realtors riven Phone 3727. Phone 2-1S49 2 or" 3 Bed room house In or close 4Ar-f to Salem. Write full details to P. O. sTtHKYU Box 4il.Molalla. . i ROOMor" apt. by employed girL Prefer north on bus line. Ph. 23U4. EMPLOYED Woman needs an apart- ' menu Call9181 ExL$. between 8 ft 3 YOUNG Couple desire ' furnished I house or apartment. Permanent. No j f houw. on a Urge lot with a but r1 '. Mr-. T.rA B 2 car arase This ts good rental prwp- kllMSTER, Wife. 2 children need c BlU Umwl w Oscar ZellaT apt; or house, furn. or unfurn . until . . Labor day. Rev. Carl Bangs. Ph. 4381 J .M Off I A HealtV C. V. ILL. Give 'liberal reward to any person who can find me a furnished or partly furnished 2 or more bedrm Fairmocxt imi trj nr Owrae WmM of pre- -or sns-iaa esee ar4 ri ii4 Ia. la-ee l S ak arltlie fee falare. D . K.t. b-tb, I arw. tape re --..! . .mm srreea ewe nmv4 Bwrxa. $ Mrw. ft Lsik sa fa lu.l tin su s aJ I.fWara Vw beater. sitr ra. Uusaary. CM gawage. Wetr1. Ueas ard. Shew try appMsnee wt CXJZY NOME. rTtC gETTTWO If yew lew the o-aell the (MS and awwkl baa a f-r I rrV. fed at the af firs, elder. W. sa t acre, e awd e. mmm sniy swwsee. mesa Wtua ws mm mm mmm 9 rwt, f r in mmm watee sy isss-. w-H Iswaisriai 8. atiia rmsisi s ai r sw i ,txm mt t .m rwt I WeWaat Rav 3Sa)$ NELSON I NELSON snoAunxa ut Tt-ata tvsw c as State pa. as 2 ar 8432. Se. 3-tXs SALEM REALTY' COMPANY. A GOOD VAtrX uswfy laratod )- on fist teiL Cms srwl r nasi L f a are. li'Qiais. tww 1 i a mm mm m.i anssa HEJIE IS A kAU.AI Very gwa-f t kefrssa hmmm, aa sure mm. mmmm tasratt Xe-!V e aa-hs. rmers. aod gsraea. a furlsrd. and saanedt p,mm mmm, frwm $tj4l e w-w-, wmmf arsw, asr. fisamre a ail la aider haane SALEM REI.TY CO. . SEALTCRS 149 Nartft ftigb. 94. O. I Good I bedroom house I years old on a larre lot. Pecan floors, utility room and apartment in garare. This ss a good buy. $1159 a til handle. $8300 lent r-uauvr-a lot. Well wwrtB the pnre of 9Qna Pnone aorfrter 8 PM , $1,000 DOWN $2,100 DOWN I Bedroom II Large L4 9 bsaras so east r:i rrkre Xew I aWdraam Mows Ba-es Fl i i rs iarm l'f g, a iiii swr Hewte- Ler s-i tra- Lew 9 139 Ka-lwr Ustitrt lasuaoV Madera I Wte Piwisiia. r3 P" $".iaa. AUTO oaintina lust a ahade ftetun be Rav ETTER CaU Shrocb Motor On Hscrt WEATHER stripe Pullman PhyweV HEAVY Haultna. Excavat oo and Moad Buildina. Land Oearina Duaer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel Crushed Rnrk Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. The Real Estate Market house. Salem rrldenU of long stand- ! nice apt above with gond rental, j nr, gt fhone -493 ? Ph 2i92 mrz-r''z?"i' .r.i: furnished or unfurnished 25273 or write B. Soklow. 168 N VE tlave an " .MHimulAtinn of misL eeltanetfMia Affiee machines and nil In. righu mmt which will be sold at . barcain ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO, nnra. Here ir. some of them! Wood. I 255 N. LIBERTY STREET sj?1 JJ? j-s?1 jrr:ri ySilf? -Ewovfw Ssr-g VI .mi U ASI4CV 9HI0hTg, UUUVIT8 1 SEW. 8 A8B IVI 1UI 81 lea S. II UeST fTKBIU I ... - " - - ., . . , 1 . s - aa-taW . II and uniU of four. Rex-O-Grsph Dup- less of condition. Ph. 7671 or write W. I;,-I... sV w iLZZ 1403 N Front St Saiem Orecoa Phone 40a or 21924 MattreaseiTCapltat Bed o. Ph. 4069. l-a rW 4 -&, W- -..U m..iHf.imi " 4Ja. S23oa down. $tjsa MOOTOI JtSZ- ren IT'ZZS' Pmne1 ! Cosy It bunaalow. N E Saiem. fWwaod Da. Twks . . ' iuiIIv Sniff Smm 1 m sss-ta residents. E. It Hamilton, m. Hotel IZi.'' : 1 -. " ' Marlon. ' i T 111 7T- .""-., ..- EX-ARMY Captain 4 wife, former - m mrmatr vt i ryr m teacher desire apart, or house to rent, i V sar ' HOMES A!l IJTTtJr-A"$rj DOWN"" .r4-n.nHi . .l i. ir w w. ia.i i a. n - i wr..v I If 1,1.1 U, r by July I 3-bedrm. house unfurn.. In or out of city on bus. Excellent ref erences. Write Statesman Box 730. nriV I'sinline ' I mJ & V I ti-l.r ...) .hina Cll nA Hwwl hmnMrf IQW M llih W..l -..... IlUCIinieiia, fa.l9. rOT IlVt IWint Ralph Alsman. 1720 ' Lancaster Dr. stools.' various -heights for store, shop cttLLffiDaAife"eir7a Wi'iiam- 1 'In0"!!L.t.'0J Phone 5838. 231 Njliit Phone 1-4748 , , i , factor- Meat Slicer. Electric. Com- ! .-.i'lT r-' . I plumbino supplies, water systems. Cl'RTAlNS-TJeredr"PhT$9ll Puln scales. Small safes. Calculat- for ie N7 white Will Uke sl jiO t "d aa automata srater beat- VACANCYfor3 WecWldVnTS or. desk lamps, cs.h registers type- y". " long as it lLuT 1694 N. ComL ''"."'eiTomThJt sny aursery I have practical nursing TIif! ""til Pyrtf 9tnds. M2i. Maerr, 173 So Cowl Phone 6223 WANTED by ouiet elderly "couple. small house or unfurn. apt. by July 1st. Phone J-4740 521 So. lBlh St. THREE Elderly adults must have or 3 bed room house as soon as possible. Good references. Prefer sub urban house. Will consider lease. Boa No 720 or phone 2-4318. mi- then one mi. west w t I PLASTI-KOTE paint, cellophane like I -wslurCToai.. Dental Plate Repair T mi, then one mi. west W. 7. Boy- I Pil-riUi paint, cciiopnane "T(uwKttr VimiX in-" It. In run. Rt 1. Box 272 Ph 23183 --. n51, J Good BickinaCMd Hue! Grein Prk .'CURTAINS Washed and aUetched. mfi S 22nd. Laams Waxing and Polishing Shop Office Ai residence floor waxing. Tantj work A- window cleaning. Ph. a-- s DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg . State ft Com Ph 3311 TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST lints nrs. ior .uoors,' unoicums, nsriai, i j ,.b , nu . .Aau drain boards, walls, woodwork, sutos. 1 )? PtfTi. V,, "xi UT9n "r Brin or Msil Your Pistes for Repair YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I .JSi-SSliwe ii .11 SahiT 11. SM 255 N. LIBERTY STREET "S. "TW. 111 J"'?-8" " GLirCyl!Mer-tb rwnnure oiora. rb!JctJuhleof vSrta240 Cm L R6YAir"Anne cherries IbTyow 2l&?-y- Bick. Brlnx containers. Harold R. ADDING Machines lor immediate I Gardner Rt S R 875 Rrnwnine Ave $1 00 LES SPRINGER. 484 Court uc.iveiy. -ua smaii snip-1 HNrTTvhiif-t.hWlh Ph tfiftflt Allabt mlAmfTirUm . STal 1H A 1 US I - ' ' " we. we w-e asaswraa-s Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele, etc 1533 Court Ph 7509 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked ..B. t. I - - Dk-.- -, w luinirn sa-,ea( I sri sri ri g nwfjw ivig. r . g .,, a $w.. 3 BDRM. Ifufurn hou-,. WUlTe-. V,tn" . rr'n-rd-! or otherwise. Excellent references. , rurs . . k.i 1Mir. at. I y.-.sniT i. - I v r - i - l ww Viv A ftL . 41 VI a vw-sjp g lit. I as rMWW W V July 1st. Call E E Davis. 9058. Best of refer ences ""WANTED- to-LeaseTf-or-4"B R house. Bus. Ph. 8116. home Ph. 5441 2 BDRM. house. Will pay year's rent in advance. Ph. 439$. 1 HOUSE MOVERS Ray Simmons at Cw. Phone 1147 after ROTPXrSfl'.' ecellent for lawns 4j rsmens m. Z5819. WE Are now able to handle some I Llehtnlne calculators at 912 JkS. Boen. I , , ., ,. .nnnr service. Ph. 25584. 458 Court. F7 Electric table-lop ranges. EVERK0T Elee oven In excellent 1, 'IV 'X.V.: 5 snabtav IbviP lgtrnfM 1 04"" ! AIROFLAME Oil wlator. Urge phonograph combination. 1940 Ford ! A 1 cond. $30. 1928 McCoy St four door sedan. R ft H. 38 Pontiae STRAWBERRIES, you pick. 7c - lb. sedan. 34 Park Avenue off Center, g ml. north on 99. turn left at Lake WATftlff?Tti"h.-. t.r. .iV.k.fl SkWlNGirnr alUrationsTArWest j !jttah honU-fim house. Herman rel type Thor.po 13jK)hady'Lare, Financial Fural. Mrs. Smith. Ph. 8387. CONTRACT" Hauling. Wsl VrnTTrTg distance truck service. Phillips Rros- a. no us. uiai o. call 88r22. PAfoTlXiUi.lSt.u: n? heater, 9-tube Airline ' .. i... v. f 1W R. s-n. iukm. Hahn. Ph. 22434.- - - - "r-v-i rT-rDTr 7v..V. 2241 MILL St. Phone 7275. Two- I nt.i .u ku. t a.nii.. ...v.-. "'"T1 ,.. '. . ' T : J AJwsys good buys at MARTIN S FURNITURE CO. 420 S. Com l. PTK CHERRIXST Ph. 2425: garden cultivator, girl's bicycle, toilet RUUD Sides rm eaa water heater I -! --ir. ' ti. . baluso wi h pickup baler. Also 'km .7i.Bk 'm mm- a'ntL "verorn.Ph2 $2$ First MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE $U WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved real estate. Salem and vi cinity, amounts $500 to $5000 NET In vestors' J Interest Mske your own , selection. Collections of all principal ft Interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. State Finance Co., 153 S. High St. snowing ft raking. Phone 109F13 or I aerzi. . - . CONTlRACTlJiG A Builder. Rernod" eitng. Painting. Cabinet Maker. J. F. Baker. R. 2. Box 12A, Silverton. Ph. and hot water tank. Ph. 24825 after S. WHITE Enamel trash burner, cire. type, like new. WASHING Machine, deluxe model. food cond.,reaonable pricePh.3540. HUbnMNS Muffle furnace. ZZ0 volt. KMAt.l. Vnl nn.i.iul i-(.fe i HUbnMNS Muffle furnace. ZZ0 vc eii-d -,H "ZZAAXtiZ: 2000 degree. $185.00. table model, with 890 Thompson Ave. Complete irrigation systems DroDer ly engineered. Come In or phone MM WarHa Van. St--. Stn Bm, West Salem Ph. 9468 or 8327 I f rrruti-t.r....'- i." r vninnn swe m. nnrwn , pn. ssau. i weSTingnouse. ideal lor restaurant. 1 " .r "- " Mike's Septic Service rheostat and pyrometer Included. Fted Anderson. 753 MU1 St., Sheridan. Ore. b&j uaveno. used, iron bed and irinrs. small ice box. 103 Marlon. TRAWB ERRIEST'y ou pick. 12c lb. MONEY FOR CVERV PURPOSE If you are capable of building 19 to 100 bouses. Salem or vicinity, during 1947 and need financial assistance. CONTACT US. We are also Interest ed tn financing one or two large apartment bouse units STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S21$ M223 153 S High SL TeL 4121 " SALEM Heir his ir Prtnsla Cirhits I farm or club house. Service. R. 9. Box 242. Phone 9873. I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. HAY Baling. Pickup baler. Ph. 4-5753. ,, 255 Liberty BABYlttin. Dial Z-9.'I0. ST Lots or sections. Choice STRAWBERRIES 8c Ib U.-P7Nlce bemes. call alter 4 P.M. Ray woelke. RL 2. SUverton, .), mi. W. of North tioweu scnooi. Money to Loan SHORT OF CASH Get $23. $50. $100 or more at Per, Br .-.nun. Dial Z-69W. I, - y-.' r"r;w 1 " rrtrttrnrnsfWI ' k.i-k .i I wr I Get 839. SOO. S1UO or more ax per- WtNfcaW: 1W fram-. a location. Inquire 423 Baker SL. Al-1 . C-OpSEBERRTES. bush-ripened. Pn. wonml 4 ot of who ask for ade U. order and Installed. Built-tna a.-.., ' KtmIIS..: i .-J -uli. k :- a loan get Itl Married or single no .mm .. uw. i . - . .. . ' .7." r. l nisiier wnat your vsr or ouainsis ft rm. repairing. Salem Screen Shop. 1444 S. 12th, CEMENT Work, sidewalks, stepsi; i 2300 Jrrvewavs. Nothing too small. Ph. Commercial trucking. 940 S, 15th. COVER Crop discing, plowing, mow- glad irons. 2J1. '''-'jy'- phons. or come m to see us if you YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I BAACI wiu warming oven ft cop- I need cash TODAY I Personal Finance 255 N. Liberty I per coils $12. 2040 S. 22nd. I r-mnn na ci.t. a-, m pv 1000 8-INCH candles, cheap. Gov. sur- STRAWBERRIES, you . Dick? T4 3191. E. Gallinier. Mgr. Lie. S 122- ius. zn N. commercial. i mues east or K-eizer -school on pave- 1 M no. FARM and CITY LOAN 4U and $ Your own terms of repayment with miles east of Keizer -school on pave- , , . . i r. i I m. . T r mM. Z . -D. AnV 4ne rjnnMniiij j4..ti.T " i. CI ". I enuize as you irriKate wiui mn- i . ..w-i.i, fwMroCrawS? awh2it tSr ntrted scientific HY-MIN Liquid NEW Admiral auto, record player Vlr sTSr C""r heel VmcXor. feTXlllzeT. ln and ell vou $28 00. Motorola. S tube midet Bort- atout n. warar rarm store, Salem. 1 aoie radio, A.c.-u.c. $30.00. Ph. 4555. 1 tn reason, caan tor Real Estate con- Ktiniins - I i-uuh lamD. a way. at siiJB. - I Muu. wood ranse. n w. tanx t u . ocvw -umto i vrATER A PPT I A Mr T. fVV I eoU. old stvle tnil.t m-nM. SHOa Contract or by the hour. Spray or I 255 N. Liberty IS. Commercial. Salem. GIBSON Garden Tractors and equip- I Ti INCH Pipe. 1'4 ft 2 inch roil . brush. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 rAUL BASSE. 11 I il-kt .b a. Am .a. .. m iw. c. l . -.BT-?0 Phone 3-23081 ygj, rWe. L C." Miller. Rickreatt. Ore I ft Howard. 1260 Howard. HIT. mTRNFRS "..MM1"" i . ----- ---- I VftM M VaVtftlskMwa, I A 4 S WW VUlUYatOT EOT XI. $-V. -4P CNG kA. marrie.. now em-L J-!f.-"tf .53 Ph"C Rt .WILLIAM C. DREW, PHONE 8395 I -.-.. yiwiuti caoinei radio. "AT LAST 4 Drawer Steel " Pijaw" vsnity ft bench. 975 Belmont. letter and legal. Roen. 458 Court. j NEW Ds veno. Hoover electric furniture. PLOWING and diarins Ford-Fareu son Herbert Hamann. Ph. 2-5119. RL BOX 1304 iGU.VG MAN, married, now em. ployed San Francisco, wishes position la Salem. Has 2 yrs. selling and whole sale experience. Write box 726 States - Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. JTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 General Finance Corp. offers money at anee en cars, trucks ire. trailer Spray Painting Would like to bid on your Dalntlni. Four own paint or ours. Pure- linseed on used. M. L. Gottenberr. Ph. 4248 Hollywood Transfer For local Mt long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent i S mtMA D ., V.HW11. c.i. Cook cover cFoo discs 'are now !T.e'Pr A-l condition. Coffee Uble. farm marrbinervt ran tracts refinanced available in all sizes with 20, 22 or I i-J 7 ' . . -. , r. and additional money advanced No M inch blades. Wards Farm Store. v""'i uonr en -signers General Finance as locaUy Minn . i nvw e. iJ n. ivui. i . i. ELECTRIC ranges commercial bur- I RE" Raspberries, fine quality. $2.23 1927 and therefore knows and can help ner and 2 burner with half grlU. also I crt, . Vu Ptp- our order I throughout she repaying of a loan Ap- CEMENT Jobs and patching. 371 S- I Rods to hane. Call 8805. 8PM. 24 Inch square restaurant grilL Z01"- Aa5re2",rm-.'1- Kites, Route piicaUona for loans made by phone YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I ' , T ' J "- '"" mnw. 255 N. LIBERTY STREET I ""-"7 norm, inen wen BiVi , .,. . ion -iaxrar no. nonn along u.E. tracn. ONE Pair rose draperies profes- -riliLcftwrn ,tv., Perfectcondition. 2325 East Nob Hill. PLENTY Strawberries 10 cents 13$ &ouh Commercial Suk, Salens Dhjw.. ai ss ' Ltcense .l' ft M -33$ XT P"t t TlTTw WT3 of g saw aw .tri y-w.T WlPap.rnaner Reason: 8 Inch steel cWgln 20 foot lenrths, Fu pick. 1 mile east of Totem a j able prices Free estimates wnndwnrth Ph 3015 PAINTING Ai Paoerhanginx W Q Crnwtv 857 KhlPDine Phone 9519 DKAIHng and designing house pians nwiK ami PiaSchool Playschool. 1381 SUta. Ages -S Part or all day Ph 8430. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. F. Hamel n3 8th Wast Salem. pnone 7404 guaranteed. i 69c per foot. baiem. Wards Farm r . I 4 lJV. etorc, 1 c: -rf) A tr-fib dT-p? :'. v- tw SJ Is aw ttli IMM 7J. waau. uua, Eiac JU. l' mile east of Brooks. Joe Henny, $ MONEY 4) SEAL ESTATB LOANS. PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Lie. 8-21$ M-22X 133 S High SL For Rent 'Rooms PART. Furn, wood range, private PIlMirrc RI1II nilVn Box 21S Brooks. a w.isav.-- uuil.tlkiu , , - vw rr .sm nnt-.r ""a,Jeclr": P01 Phoo.- UlULiV A1U liillUK Smith, iota l!f- " ith'?n 12th ST. BLOCK CO- S 12th St at I HOMtt fYTmfort inv. rnn.r Vista Ave Ph eve . 8904 . 1 water tank 815. Flat rimmed sina- CRAWFORD Elec. ranee trash burn. I f Ittinn $3. S-sallon kerosene tank nt fmp. gent. 2253 N. 5th r. At rolls, good cond. Ph. 4883. 1117 I SIS. Gas water heater $2. $30 East TO An employed lady. Breakfast Hlnes St. 1 Washington. Phone 4879. privilege. 170 West Owens South. CAMP XAmlr Ihr ... 1 Wi rt 4-s.' 1 rLOVELYTi nIetS'dlnine r-n m,t Phone 26512 $42 thousand delivered. 1000 ft. 1x12 1 Ph. 6236. COMT. Sleeping room for couple, derkine nr aldlne Ut HimiuhiI A- I ""rA rlfAB I I 1 1 1 .C I Csfe snd htis 1 VWt State Cf Workmen Professional 1 250 ft. 2x12s. 1144 Center. Ph. $630. 1 snlka tooth and h.. all I ATTRATIVirSleVoincaonrreC p- wiiuer. ..' .1 rnone z4i3 or Z4V3. t ier e-pwjrca minm coupte. new 14-foot Burch-Craft boat with CHERRIES for sale. 4c lb.. w JL1"' urk xuaranteed Windows walls woodwork cleaned Floors wax rd , insured Cleaamg Service. Phone 4457 For Salt 956South i Commercial 4hone 4217 7 R Home E Salem large garare ABRAMS a SKINNER, INC Ir Buikdtng ABRAMS 1 SKINNER, INC. 411 411 M Insurance 9819 Mortftre Lswns KING WOOD HtlGKTt ' CI 3 kwdrwv, baa is. S aatha. tww i illdT.g rmm Wim ss w g s rsLawa NORTH-EAST . Kew : T Is w3 arraas4 w aae a4 rssiasss lab-wt $-as.. Olaf Th on ad real estate mjy. s s4i eCaswt.4 at ta rtlil 12th. i WANT PERHAPS! WE CAN BUILD IT FOR YOU. COME IN OR CALL Reimann Real Estate 291 So. High St. Phcne 9303 Eve, ft Sun. Pnone 3-4T7w o g 4Sd8 G. I. Attention A 100 G I organisation, has been very sucresaful ta date as helping C. j l.'s thru I've red tape, to a number of CTTTS1M a..t -r..t...l- .r n. - -" - new nomes. wiin s nan so pay- gon niaie coiiexe. urfrnny reeat nvmls. perhaps we ran help yaw. G L small house or apartment, furnished I ho, .,. pWntlf.l. and we haven 1 mUyn"e:u,:rd, 'fj. Zn I - f-. ?ff -? . 1 we X Bias W ay snay war. al 6 gasvasssj sj iitgii ggiwj a - rMXZ ft f ACRE S rmmmm a sew air rand It tow sW fraat kst eSa S- , 4WwwAars t 1mm- t .- tmrxrg rare. We think that yaas ai9 Lae this t st.t Ks. e-xea s. t rw, borne. j Ses g axW- Sv 4 -r tmrnmi CaR O. T. Han with I"" saasurw SJ fautww. State Financfv Co. Realtors . 133 S High Ph. 41 M; F-rS I tJOS Full Price $7930 w nil esua lot. laratod at aii rsswtasa Bata. tmf mt I paved highway. CaU Carey Joe I. Bourne. Realtor 140 W Cspttol ph 9TI6; Nw 391$ tr I-soa " o iXiALETt OTrt:traiCTr" Lavans4 $ ben,- hwma . gr'.kg Tlie Real Etate Markrt 433 X, Hi Ft p-. Keizer District Kaa. CaJ farsutarv as Fur Sale?- Real fcUtate BY OWNER: Top of Fan-mount Hill. four bed room English type bouse. corner lot. beautiful yard with fire place and patio. Double plumbed, car peted Irving room and dining room. Large party room Phone 3343 or 339 W. Superior, frtce Sll-Soo. Supers ToJT 6iR Efficient and effective sales service cell the Saiem RealtjrCo. NOW. TDR SALE " by Owner: Close" in. suburban, four bed room, large Dutch Colonial home Large fenced ard with patio and outside fireplace. Dou ble garage, half hour bus service. For more information tall Ira Fltta, Pn. 4434 or 6403. Hdw. Suburban t Bdr. Pleats re 4 haws, mm 1 acre 91 Caad elrrtrw water S ilisa. dan rage, bus, $5809, Suburban New $ Bdr. Hsaw on I. acre S Larre garage Si wwrkstsa p. reaUr at $'.83sL CiafMV 8 las a A sinm Ststaa wttb trvsng smarter. A8 esartt A ttstarea go 94eerv for $3308. Goad lean. Caol Mr. Craw lord. 114$ NCapitol Ph$21- EveT217 InintN ill- Pvas-wainn FOR SALE: 15. A 3. miles SW I " " " of Salem: beautiful vtew; good Weil; 1 Nrw8 rma. gs awtb, attarned go- 13 A. cleared: 16 A. sit a wherries. ! rage. EJe. bat water, r-ewtg af bauit- kSOOS H. Miller. Rt 3. Boa 954. Ph. I bva. Very gaad buy. ITS 2-2829 I Sttsrra garage Ksuw. La4 $2I7. aery 80 ACxt tuariTiieuatTlaisskaTar ' gaad loraitsas. saana creek on place $ae T mm. I Large hmt 9a. 13th atreet. swsttt. Small lae bed mom hauee. large $300$. CaU Mr. Car das r. lot. electric heat Price reduced to I !... r s r t, uuu i muz. itrAiiur t good for future family needs! paved street, large lot. escelletit residential location, 8X258. W'e wont have fuss home long. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor Eat Suburbm rAM-9-rw Bar Have ft awly I s mm troea mr Ir-at IA Ln. hat fceth. Wtrwd ra taeae. isiass. i tr- vl. H t. Burt Picba. Real! ors w tt w t r9wss 12.000 DOWN t Arre aa I y-ar g ,,m Asms I swm -a s p u tumtmrnt l-a re Lr. tr g Rmm t.-wite sag StAara t'l. ". m as "lsi 1. . rare Vtate SeJ g-rwr re 91 lass baarirt F4 Prwa 9siaas ABRA!.L I SKINNER, INC. ' aWruiwg V $2509. 3 Acres b rk-h soil UnfiniaAed house. Kelser dM nice 81 via de-rn. LAW HENCE REAL ESTATE Lnene ft Insurance 320 N High Ph. teg NICE" Income property, living aler ters. 9 rm. littwx and cartel ire rental. Furniture Included. Box 741 States-nan VANCOUVER COTTAGE $008 3 Rma A ab. Batn. not aid. Very rosy. Furnished If desired. WeO touted. I- CEWTtR" STREEt74bTfins" flrs full basmt. Very mod. Shown by appointment only. $13,000. 3 Lots. 3 rm. mod. hse. rtewiy oeeor ated. Wired for range Elec. water heat er, oil circ. Coes at $4500. S. COTTAGE SL 3 bdrm. mod. borne. Nice work shop. Poss. at once. F7SOS terms. ENGLEWOOD. 4 bdrms. dbi plumb Very mod. hdw. firs up it down. Full basement. Sawdust furnace. Well land scaped yard. 112.000. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court Street Phone 7898 TWO New all electric modem homes 2 ft 3 bed rooms. Completely tnsu- 1. t.t lf.rilMMl tUmmm rir.ntu W. of built-tna and closet space Interior ImnirtliatP l'oAe1011 stucco tin ah throughout. Shown by . w appointment only. 909 down. bal. $47 3d per sna. Hew R. C. LEE ft CO. Ph. 2-3422 ! rma, and bath. Auta Eire, water EWrbedoorahofneI. acri ! heater. . arte ground. Garage. Paved Ketzer d tstrtct, by owner. Ph. 25158. I toad. 1, ml East on paved road. IfcW , . ii s- T1 1 a KkkjtKJm. nouar, tvMrti wvu. ev fruit tree, electricity. Finished inside ft out. Reasonable price. Write States man BOX TZ3. t EwTTTR EERO"OMROU$EwrTH BATH: ON'. HALF ACRE: terms $3300.' C E NELSON. 485 MA DRON A AVE MONEY TO LOAN on nrst ntoft- Willamette Real Estate 1T2 S. Liberty Phone 7113 MrKlKLEY "DtsX 1 bTdTaasa riiae. lot 84x20. distant owner has drastsr- ally reduced price, srake an a ment to see N. J. Lindpren Etl D. Potter REALTORS 211 S. High 91. Phone 3C38 phane2219 377 7 Ft -f h S'reet 9SSII Lm ELY $ raa bsg ta g(W 4 Fait Iwt gaeaars tirvatara. awd firs CaU Mr WALTERS. HuU Real Etatc Co. ReaMarg Ml Oe aw arte 9t Ptssaa FT93 Ere 3-13SS) $12 AOSA RlACltOME aes- laa. tns. den, D ram. sua, www Ora. Ws. wtce bsawt, farnare. CaA Mr. WAL- TEUs Huff Real Eftate Co. Bealtorg 241 Osajtrls St. Pwww y?92 Eras 3-24S) 611 MOa FY " TOTTB i j . ',. aswa 4 sa ev CaJ tar awta.n BYRKIT 1 POTTS Immediate Por9sion imvt wmtm kre t liS sssa 9F raars, ss.iaaf Imtn SB nrsw awd kw- Earc. snef barter ptsns gaaaa. Contact Allen Jones or Mrs. Needhira r.tTo - 941 I iw at n Lovely 2 B. R. Home Tired of Renting? Want name sHa a tatS e mes on to rvaral new sa, a4 raeeOeag tn strarttsss, firrplarsw. law. lets 8. wa matw neat, spl.adid tss-atians. tt raa be pure an 6 gar as tinir as 1. to8 daara. pravtoang yawe cisd,l Iwsil ss "m toistsst. SB year asr If eWjwtfwd. ttwasedurte p " K larpe tH teg d Mf msat ft W. ar raraa. wsaa Sav. Carnee mm Lrs af tm-mm - ft - 93aa Te-ass tte rta. aw i HTt it;. T, mmm. wrnm-r. W a kn. .I" new, g. wt- e.a.tsw t .T. J " -e-w ui'ip, mm-mm s aa a Waamfc, y.9ana9 8. Sua Ceww. tw 'F B jrrfd vert raw www a' lau ft lsa mt - sr-a e-- kas pa's HIM N il ST, w Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3319 327 N. High SL Eve. or Sua. 3-3349 "ll004DOWNr: balance Uke renTTwTill buy thts well bulH. well tors led North Susnmer St residence d irect from owner. Englwh style twa bed room home, full base me nt. autamatie oil heat electric hot water heater, fireplace, ti bath and draws. See owner at laot 24. Summer dwrsng day or 85d Norway between t ft 8 PM BY OWNER: Englewood dwtrvri. lovely 3 bdrm. home. hwd. floars. fireplace, full bant , wbtia parket fence m back yard, lota af shrubbery, bus st door. Corner tot 3710a. 1318 N. 17th. 4" BDRM "HOUSE Na. 1 Walnut floor, auto gsa fur nace. 1 rooms with full readv for nartitM. utility kitchen ft bath have Inlaid hnoieum. nice butlt-lns, attached garaaV. con crete walks and driveway, lawn ft shrubbery In. fenced back yard, near bus atop. Owned leaving state, asking f78O0. 840 S. 13th or Tel. 3-4129. 3 LOTS with S rm. house, utility room, and garase. Insulated, electric heat and hot water, pecaa flooring, fruit trees, berries and grapes. 8Ma. 2385 Oaude. off S 25lh t,Ph25512. OWNER Being transferred: Must sell modem 2 bdrm. home Immediate- r. Makeus anoffer. Ph. 28454 MiscellaneOUa lcker. forward. Navy top with side-1 pick.. H. r. ChrirtUnsen. Rt. 2. 'Box! SLP Rm. with or without boar a, ruiuus, new v-rwrsw eonnson motor, I lis, 1 urner, . mi. West Of Clover- I near otn. IJov a. 1 Jin. Vaiua 8450. Sell for 1315 Will nnt il.l. c-t, 1 tw i i ; . . I 'CZ. ew bfaI niw"w1"W1fvt. K TSSf m Wlne" hoUr -rcTR-SAtJ: Tan v.W Blltwell doorTPreteV 2 VounTmeTor lounj gu!"i Ti5"? -ITTI-w 1 . -. Chlr nd davenport $95.00. New Sealey women. Cook mg privileges. Ph. 2-18H2. NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. MONT AG Range, copper coils and mattress $35X0. G. E. electric sweeper RAVELarse downtown room" will Wnuto'suooiv8' Ph 7177- Srr?,p RV BM2;.R4ver 1500: InqtTire'.t stori .crosaTSt' shwr. with ."Aothe? XloyeTouf Western Auto Supply Co. Rd. Cummlngs Lane. Ph. 24313. Swegl scbooL man. Writ 722 f, SUtexman. gages 4 to $ Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS OeiarbeU Street Phone 981 "KEWTModern T" bed r. house never been lived in. on Roberta Ave. Milk ft garbage service by door. $3500 08. inq. S3 rairnaven Ave. next 81. east. Tel. 21121. ' FOR SALE: I A. Beautiful "view; Urge tree: miles SW of Salem. $1500. H. Miller. RL 3. Box 953. Ph. rtj, 1. 1 run vrm .. ! gatage. flowers ft shrubs. Near para- ATTRACTlVE House 4-8 yrs. old. ' t..i i d at. a hwd floors. 3 b. r. down, upstairs t Acre n Ketwwr Dtetrlrt. aaat X bdrm house, good garden, a tittle park with shade trees. $;Ml Na. 314 2600 HuWy Ave. Southeast corner Ratcliff arm we 4k Hulsey. New 4 Urge room, grand kitchen, complete plumbing, floor furnace, lea X 100 lot Paved street. $7M 91000 down $8509 Furnished REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 So. High St Phone 933 AT IMS N." Church k the twa bad HOME and Location you wl!lbe room house you nave been laakrng proud to own: 3 bed rooms. Baih. ! tnr Stop ft see rt Irving Room. Kitchen and Dinette, i BV OWKfJt: I Basement. Laundry trays. Fruit cup boards and furnace. Nice garden and flowers. Bus at door. Near Hollywood. Phone 7 1 75 BUY this duplex, have a place to live and $40 income. Double garage, laundry, cornerlot. Phone 4388. BARdAIN at $4900: 9 room house, basement garage, trees, shrubbery. Cood condition, close in. Easy terms. I. B. Stegner. 1887 M. CotUge. Phone 4092. ntan. If eesea. ma. flUrte p 'on. WILllAM L. mtOtT i neae -are pwaa, we ass i pes anaav ( Fee m haewes to seU aa Uua bss. they sail j ClCZVeUmm lass, sasuj van raws w varey. very anrw Joe I. Bourne. Realtor lift W Capitol Phone $21$: Ee TM7 $1408DOWN ms tka set $"tss 4 yr aid home. Hw-d fVs, at-lily rav at t ached garare Onhr 941 eaa. payawata. CaU Mr. WALT LAS Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Owwwkeg.ftt TO $s 9 TOSS) barn, fruit tree, bsrrii s. mum ly varw. Rt. 1. fsna. 22ClaBter d Can after. 9. $t730. $"r. old. cory 3 bdrm. home, nice Ire. rm. with raved ceiling, large kitchen with servant bar ft lata buill-m. Hdw. firs, Venetian biavda, auto, gaa heat jtmm nr rare, raa king. nice lawn with fenced la bark yard. Bus bv daor. Nice datrlrt. lose Crass. Ph. 16412 BY" OWNER: $ jr. borne. 132 Norway. Sre Tlie Values Tolav Nice Carsee Heswe. an laps 189 W4 Urated Kartkv I BAa. Caarw Kjt aad t.. elee. beat. esse, raa king. Plane grot 9 PR hse. f yr. aid. L3L Cm tot. awd Dtastss. elee rasSasd. gas w. nasi. bwlH bark af led, peTy mt run to build anather hay. to frant, tar ted Last, ptww gMMw EXCLL'SIVE LWTTwa If yaw any lai s tad Sar rewJ mhmr to a haw. ma ta H. a r ad wwU fe-uR 2 BR hams, nith I R, Kit. Kawk. Bath. fnll bass merit etl f xmace. farsptare.4 bww. fir. to LR. art. gernea. trews and nwbs bws be daor. Clase to arial IMM. P05S. This pragwrty Is red -red la sell at lh very rvowslle artre af 8-Tto. Sea thas today at 1X3 gtasw 94. IIan4-n'a Rral Estate pKne t-tvag tn Edrewater 9t ECLrw"OC3 94TM DtVT ' 9arTSwS gtorw haawe. Lrrtng ras, da tng raa. wstt to waU rwg. ba4. ftwta beat Call OMUL Huff Real. Estate Co. 9Usors 241 Chewwbeta St. Pnne -tl4$ Fees I-h1 811J4SV-3 BLKXlrssTEslr-i s.g arC 3 kSiaa. new. firepla-a. dt-astg rsa. r0 bsmt. aawdust furwans. TYua ts Stare. CaU ED LL KIN SEAL. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 OeaalrH St. 3-134S Evas. 2 -saw Tlie Real Ettate Market P nn fh 9t Psew 9-4SS Roorov Modern Home Owner Will Samfice Male Me An Offer " Ae-e srknws fVs f(i - "LEAvxvfT cTrrrnowt ros Iea x. taov. ADVERTISrca Wewlgrii AtfrwrtSslnf Rrprs se r ta 'J rew si Fra'ciss-i E-anrnt Adremiirf Crprse(-l8tr4i Oaraaw h-w a-JS Tis4 mK rrlfi C-MWt trir1p4t Burs an af AvwrriaJr.: Ene-wg ad CXe Pnatsn-i m mt fn to. Osfiaa as Sara ad Oaa Bsaa. tee rwt-iabad eiey saai n m$ es '" Snsasies. e( gig SURSCEIPT10N RATES SSeSl p dssnpnaa Itotoa to aU8 ewasa a mmtm Caepwa. Urn 9 mmmt t.sssy SSa as eawia. 9 anaa. $3 gn. I raa 9 as lwa i ga mmm s mmr Pe net t ewwnm By Oty Carrss. T$ i 98 ai a paar to srnv