The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Statesman, Salam. Oraqoa, Toe ad cry. Junm 10, 1947
Salem Folk
Travel East
And South
Society ....Clubs
Music... The Home
The exodus of lumnwr travelers
keeps th society editors busy
keeping track of who is In town
nd who is leaving.
Mrs. Roy Mink entrains Monday
night on the Streamliner lor New
York City to attend the meeting
of the General Federation of
W omen's clubs. Headquarters will
t at the Hotel Commodore and
Mrs. Mink, retiring president of
(Nuptials Are
Performed 1
Wedding bells will ring on
Friday, June 77, for Mis Arlo
SRin 4iirhtar at Mr. mhd Mrs.
the Salenv Junior Woman's club. Thomas SeRine, to Cecil H. Ques-
wm m regisierea mv wm seth, son o( Mr and Mrs. George
Roosevelt aWf with two other o,ith Th ramie's eneaffe-
Oregon delegses. Mrs. William ment and coming marriage is be-
Cnanaiee, state presiaeni; ana
Mrs. E. Harris of Portland. '
The Salem delegate will return
home in three weeks, stopping
en route at McCook, Nebraska for
visit with Mr. and Mrs. William
Schultz. and In Washington, D. C,
Knoxville. Tenn. and Oklahoma
City, where she will visit relatives.-
. . i:
To Drive East
The marriage of Miss Lol De
Bow, daughter of Mrs. Alice De
Bow, to Daniel Pantovich was an
event of June 0 at S o'clock at
the parsonage cf the Rev. and Mrs.
M. A. Getzendaner on North
Summer street Rev. Getzendaner
officiated at the ceremony.
For - her wedding the bride
chose an aqua cutaway suit with
uink hat and accessories - and
brown alligator shoes and purse.
Pinned to her suit was a white
MUs Thelma Lady was the
bride's only attendant and wore
brown suit with white acces
sories- and- corsage of Cecile
Brunner roses. Ben Berg, uncle
of the bride, was best man.
jiiB.mM.r " IBow home. After a wedding trio
to the coast the. couple will be at
nome in Salem on North Coro-merciaJ-street
The new Mrs.
Date Set For
June Rites
elect's parents.
The ceremony will take, place
at St Mark Lutheran church
SKlX iST" to With Greer Int
officiating at 7:30 o clock. surance Airenev and h.r K,n4
mias otiuiic itici.w uci - MMth Halvnrtnn rnncfn.rfi
: . l w I T11.'l. I - asv.Mtiut.uwu
cauon. in - niutcuii, iiuuw, irv
where she resided unui several
ye!3J. Qu'esseth la . graduate of HoSteSSeS Fete
Mrs. r.. w. enmer ana ner salem high school ind Wiium- . v r rl t
brother-in-law, J. C Ititchman Utte university Law School. He MISS' V CHI OlGet
of Puerto Rico, who has oeen vis-1 a member of Phi Delta Theta
iting here the past month, are and Delta Theta Phi. national law I Mrs. George Van Cleef and Mr
leering Wednesday for a motor fraternity. The benedict-elect was I Melbern Davis were hostesses for
trip east Mrs. Lehmers destina-! also prominently " Identified with a p re-nuptial miscellaneous show
tion Is Columbia. Missouri, where athletics during his school days, er given in honor of MLts Pa
she will visit her son-in-law and (During the war he served withjtricla Van Cleef Friday night at
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. . Roswell the army air corps. He Is now the home of the. former on Hall
Bearh and daughter, Sharon, and with the attorney general's office J street. A pink and white color
southern Oklahoma, for a visit and the couple . will live in Sa- scheme waa carried out in the
with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Wat- lem following their marriage.
mi ni4 nther mrmhm ni her
?rr "" to b Mrs. Conn Will
Tli'.JS Sfc ,d Head Auxiliary
wir TrA ind Rtfan. are Vftca-
I Mf VI tt : gVk
Pupil in Recital
A piano recital by students of
Lois Plummer Schmidt waa giv
en at her resident studio June S
at 8 p.m. Those playing were
Gloria Schmidt, Kathleen
Sohmidt Albert Hanson, Rodney
Schmidt, Janie Lambert, Ramona
Powers, Sherrill Brtnkley, Edith
Vows Exchanged
In Kelso
Announcement Is being made
of the marriage of Miss Louise M.
Polk, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Polk, to William L. "Phil
lips, ir, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Wil
liam L. Phillips, which took place
on June 2 at the Methodist
church in Kelso. Wash., with the
Rev. William S. T. Gray ffi
ciattng at the morning, rites. .
Mrs. Earl Martin of Kelso, aunt
of the groom, and James Phil
lips,x his ' brother, attended the
couple. Following a wedding trip
the newly weds, are now at home
at their Electric street residence.
DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. 8.
A. , Payne announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Mary, to
Melvin Kreiger of Portland. Ten
tative plans for the wedding- to
be held in September have been
made. Both young people are em
ployed by the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Co. in Portland.
Miss Wilson .
To Marry
The Fi-t Evangelical United
Brethren church will be the
rcene or tne marriage of Miss
Ldith Wibon. daughter of the 'Ar
thur Wilson, to Richard Dorn.
son of Ihe Otto Dorn. on June 14
at 8 o'clock. The Rev. W timer
Brown wi!l officiate and the Rev.
Qcar Brown will sing.
Lighting the tapers wtil be MUs
Marjory Wilson, sister of the
bride-elect, and Miss Florence
Gilbert The bride has asked Miss
Flora Schlag to be her maid of
honot. Ross Mi-Do well will serve
as bet man and ushers will be
Ammon Adams and Clifton
Boehmer.. A recepton will fol
low at the Dorn home.
SILVERTOS Mrs. llelea M.
Wrightman has returned from
several days' visit at Portland.
While there she went to St
Helens where she was a house
guest or Mrs. Leo Ballyh. past
grand chief, and attended a joint
meeting of the Knights of Pythias
and Pythian Sisters of Ava tern
pie. She also attended a district
convention of Pythian Sisters at
Vernon ia.
Employed Weaaea's GalM t
the Jason Lee church will meet
at the home of Mrs. Raynor Smith
Tuesday, June 10, at "7 JO.
Mi Vice to Marry
,Mr. and Mrs. ll M. Vice are
announcing the ecetnrftl of
ihetr daughter, Mildred, U Rob
ert Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Stmpaon of Cot Bay. Mtw
Vice is a student at Salem high
Pairings For
school. The ruupU will make
Ihrir home In Coos Bay where
Mr. Simpaun is employed.
Piano Pupils
In Recital
MUs Arm Marguerite Lutay
r resented a group of her piano
pupils In recital Monday night at
IS in hrr residence stud.o.
Taking part were Carole Clay
ton. Nancy Webb. Glenda Lee
Tox, Arlene Darr. Robert Wil
liams, Shirley Roth, Margaret
Reid, Leor Beach, Idabeile Wil
liams, Delores Picha. Nora Jane
Bowder, Bradford Nelson, Erma
Darr. Kathleen Wilkes and Donna
Lee Brunkat
Dr. aad Mrs. Harry g. Mealier
'of Palo Alto. Calif., are visiting;
in tne capital inu wecK as me
ruests of his mother, Mrs. D. H.
Mother. Dr. Mosher is on the
chemistry faculty at Leland Stan
i lord university.
Pairings far the ausnmer tour
nament for the women at the Sa
lem Golf Hub are being announced
by the captain, Mrs. Jamea Ha
ley. Golfers Quahfted last week
and tournament play will be Uus
tVa-E. HJ2: Carv k AtVni
CUm C: CreOet-Mirdrt: AJ
W.Dracw. IterraU, K JUO.
HovwrSMrK V. Perry and C
Brwsm, vha drrw byra.
ko-wMi we Mr. aad Mrs. VI
ft EjuTUaK irb weev
Mr. a4 Mn TWne It II
mof4 aad Mr. a4 Mrs. iemr4k
tL Harvey. )r of IVUsai
The pairings are as followa
ctaas A. Thocnpaon-JohAs: Haley-!
Robinson: MacLaughlin-Flantiery;
Olinger-Joaeph; Slarr-Quma; Ber-nardi-Steirena;
Sesrs-Potts; Sun-mons-Marble:
Class B; Roth-Day; WWdmer-W.
Brown; Watermaa-Mc Burnett;
Hamilton-Small; Burna-J. Wood;
Ta Start June Ida
BegMnera aad taleraaed-ata
KorVxa CKkaoaw B. K.
rtl Head aU. rasM Ct
Mr. aad Mrs. D. tL KletWfs,
and daughter. Bern ice, spent the
weekend at Timber line lodge at
Mt Hood.
For a Bang-up
lv, bob wilh binp! Lrt ut L J
your luir ind tttlc it. ;
ml to- ( N
fricnil- b
A perk
cut your
Call for an appointment
day. Four rxperimcrtl
iy orrraiora. "-r Tf
1172 State SL " FWs ZtZt
. r
decorations and refreshments
Guests were Mesdames Faye
Davies, Leona Van Cleef, S. M.
Booth, Kate Smith, Bertha Doner,
Bertha Bloomfield, Mabel Mc
Cain, Mamie Daugherty, Rose
Gruenf elder. Rosine Peters. Mil
dred Van Qeef, Betty Schrunk,
r V... a-t-. . ... &1..a.J
SndaSo Wehrll. LuciUe May. Nettie
Before returning! . ,,,hhA..u nm Davis. Jan sti.ri. -
her mother.
home in a fortnight the Casts will
isit in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Newman
are being welcomed home from a
an s clubhouse. Other of ncers 1 v, jane aturgis Jeanette
elected were Mrs. Roy Reynelds, Iaithieui. Mabel Davis, Amy
senior vice commander; Mrs. El- ?ker Hummell, Martha
mer Byer, Junior vice comman- rPole, A. W. McLeod, H. C.
vfr. nu,i v.. HummelL Eloise f!urrv anf Hush
llVl VfT f,!el -1 lain: Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, treaa- MtcC?nJMses Barbara Van
urer. Mrs. A. L. Brewster. Ute ?Icr,i "";", y. '"'J "av
executive commlttaewoman and M oue Harpole, Lucy Van
Mrs. Verne Ostrander, alternate. w s iVan.. 9,ee, Mar
Four trustees. Mrs. Stuart Johns. f?attioda'. "n Hoffman. Doro-
Mrs. William Croghan, Mrs. O. ,fr,n' hon?r uest
E. Cannon and Mrs. Keith Harris. rfJf!5 x,. - .
m j . . . . ... I The weddine of Miss Van rnr
were maue ior tne aeie- i j,-u(. r - - . -,
gates .to attend state convention I ? .Mr.and Mrs. George
at Medford June 11, 12. 13 and 14.
Attending will be Mesdames A.
L. Brewster, Stuart Johns and
Verne Ostrander.
took them to Modesto, Calif, for a
visit with their son-in-law and
dauchter. Mr. and, Mrs. Donald
Wells (Mane Ann Newman).
From there the Newmans went
south to Santa Barbara, San Die
go, Tia Juana and up to Nevada
and Salt Lake City, where they
attended the Centennial, pageant
In Boise the Newmans visited
with Mrs. George King, a former
Salem resident .
Shower Honors
Mrs. White
Circle Meetings
On Wednesday
T.e Fiat Methodist church
WSCS executive board will meet
Wednesday morning at the church
at :45 o'clock.
The circles of the WSCS will
sheet on Wednesday at 1:15 o'clock
as follow: ' . :
Circle No. 1 Mrs. A. J. Crose,
530 Lanon: circle 2 12:S(1 r m
covered dith picnic at the home Otto Mehlhoff, Mrs. A. L. Brew
of Mrs. Merlin Esten r . and Mm 1 ter, Mrs. Kay Simmons. Mrs
Merlin Ej-tcp, jr, 850 E st, Mrs. oau Mrs. wuired WUler,
van Cleel to Gerald M. Davis.!
son or Mr. and Mrs. Melbern
Davis will take place early in
July. Mr. "Davis Is recently re
turned overseas veteran and ia
now associated with hi father at
the pavis Oil company. The cou
ple yill make their home in
'Mrs. Verne Ostrander enter- Mason Lee WFrR
wuitu m uuum mower ior airs. I f- i
Lyle White (Olene Mehlhoff) OlOteS Meet
wuuk uuiiiiace waa an eveni oi
i Sunday. Assisting here were Mrs.
Sunday. Assisting here were Mrs.
Stuart : Johns and Mrs. William
Croghan. -.
Honoring the bride were Mrs.
W. H. Evans; circle 4 Mrs. H. G
Carl. 965 E street Mrs. C. J.
Bright Mrs. O. H. Yetter; circle 5
Covered dith dinner, Mrs. W.
C. Crews, 341 N. 19th, Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, Mrs. Wade4 Ellis; circle
Mrs. Stearns Cushing, Jr 1475
Mrs. Esther Decker. Mrs. Frank
Crozier, Mrs. William Shinn, Miss
VesU Shinn, Mrs. Elmer Byer,
Mrs. Harry Rickard and Mrs. Roy
Reynelds. i
The Missionary meeting of the
Women's Guild of the First Con
gregational church will be held
Wednesday afternoon at the par
sonage on North Capital street at
9 7(1 nVlsvnfc- Mm rhl d.i.iih
Frohmader Home hir!vJ5w,:.Poitfait l a R1:
Dinner Party at
The Jason Lee Woman's Society
01 uiruuan service will meet
Wednesday in the chruch parlors.
The executive board will meet at
iu-ju o clock loUowed by the reg
ular ousinesa meeting at 11
o clock. Luncheon will be served
at 12:30 by members of the June-
uecember circle.
At the afternoon session which
convenes at 1:45 o'clock, Mrs. F.
P. Phipps wUl lead the dviv.
tions and Mrs. C N. Roberts will
give the lesson. Mrs. S. H. Handle
will be the sneaker. New
bers will be taken into the 'society-
All ladies of the community
, Mrs. Jat k Frohmader enter
tained at dinner Friday night at
her country home in honor of
Mrs. Edward Potter (Betty
will be Mrs. Seth Huntington,
Mrs. uavid Cameron, Mrs. Emil
Carlson, Mrs. Leon Lassers, Mrs.
T s9 - n t a M m.a .
SUab). Ttvsffa:r preceded the 'E? ?. r" De"
wrfn-; Th. --' J Johnsn- There wiU be a thank
Mrs. Glena Stevens will eater.
wm lead the devotions. Hostesses
wedtfing rehearsal. The couple's
marriage took place Saturday
Guests were Mrs. Porter, Miss
Barbara Crawford, Miss Evan
'feline McKiniay, Miss Mary 'Ana
Bollinger, Mrt. H. C. Straub, Mrs.
W. T. Porter, Mrs. Kay Davis and
the hostess. , .
1 f' v
: i ' s' ' i
i Mrs. A4lph Jahansoa af 811
verton mas surprised on her
birthday when 35 of her "friends
railed at her home and presented
Iter, with a gift. Attending from
Salem were' Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Mickelson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
offering during the afternoon.
Division street home Wednesday
a. jaie supper will be
served v oy the hostess. Mrs. Ho
mer Smith, jr., and Mrs. Howard
Eismann will be . additional
Mrs. J. L. Fransen HII rnlrr.
Eaaeeted la the capital tadav t!, -.f her. brl.d club
mx ... - I I I mil irvunn m itw aa a. a
for a visit will be the Rev. and brld" w?n I JT0" .
Mrs. William Cate rjanira Pat. ?Vdg wJnelay afternoon at
terson), who are driving west kIL. 5SBfrcil
from Boston, where they have 12 VnestT m nr Jr I0S
been since their marriage last pLJKS 'm Oregon City and
summer. They will be here for -
tne summer at the home of her J The Beaver Navy aaxlliarv will
parents. Major and -Mrs. Frank I entertain ,ih . 1
Patterson. The Cates will return the Mayflower haU Fridav.nlht
to Boston in the falL at 7 o'clock. Th.. affair i.
to the public and there will be no
ner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben 2llner. will become the
admission charge. The auxiliary
will serve coffee and furnish
Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold bride of Gordon Winchcomb 0fJentalwneiit and dancing.
Gardner and Dorothy and Mrs.
Carl Jeroen. Dr. and Mrs. Carl
Holm were down from Portland
for the
aaas. Tlx ariataoai
Salem Sunday at 20 o'clock at
I St Paul's Catholic church. Father
John Walsh will officiate. Mrs.
Ray Decker of Portland, sister of
the brides will be matron of
honor and Delores Boehmer of
U Angel will be bridesmaid.
Mrs. Charles A. Ratcllff wUl be
the guest speaker at the Oreeon
City-Woman's club this week. She
is chairman of the international
relations committee of the Ore
gon Federation of Women's clubs.
j On Friday ' Mrs. Ratcliff ad
dressed the Women's Civic club
in Newberg. -
Mr. and Mrs. Gene" Vandeaeyn-
de and MisY Patricia Vandeneyn-
de, who are vacationing at Nesko-
I win, had as their weekend guests
I Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Vahdeneyn-
de of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John
Steelhammer and Miss Margaret
I Wagner.
The Kalabow Girls wUl gather
for a picnic supper tonight at the
Masonic temple at C20 o'clock.
1 A short business meeting will
i follow. r . '. . '
vacationing- at Neskewla flila
week are Mrs. Glenn Wilbur and
children, Mary and John, and
Mrs. C. C. Cannon and grand-
aaugnters. busan and Jean.
't: I
. - - is
, . , t 1 )
due to this f unctlcruil
XT you're ia your "40's and this
f uncuonal Huddle-aee period pe
culiar to women is caosiag ton to
aufier from hot flashea, nervous
tmtabittty and weak, tired, hlgb
strung leenncs then do try Lydia
JSL Pinkhamt Vegetable Compound
to relieve such symptoms. This
great medicine is famout tar this!
Taken regularly Plnkham'a
Compound helps build up resist
ance against such 'middle-age'
distress. Thousands have reported
benefit 1 It's also a grand sto
machic tonic. Wort A trying.
dXA for UmtW Cww
I BVaM tm aWa Ut
J frana 14. Oalr Hm
""chawtft auabty proaWa,.
J . - stUcttd tad IrNn tM
e (rawer taatl. to
far Ura-irrai law n4 saw iiniwn
, hnfe Urn Unrad Cwiai Brana
t aur grater's
Down goes
the price...
59c under our rgu!or v-ryday 2.95 low prlco
Choice of 10 newly arrived style
long wearing, high count percales that wath
and Iron like magic
Sixes from 16 all the way to 52
Easy on, easy off xlp-front styles
Crisp, classic shirtwaists
Trim coat styles that open flat for Ironing
'TtOi2 s
Proof apaaiaat Vardabriaf
yoj top sa ving! TVeae are cat
loos that sell everyday at 2.93
fabric. Mat work
manahia, sanx ne l Onoa
from haadreJa a a variety
aaprifpStlj priau aa4 colors,
ita tha iJest aelectioe ia
the ttffl War44o-cet larfe aiars!
Coaae . . . bay sow . . . SAVE
Sues 46 to S3
ta 44