The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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Commencement Activities
Ry Jrryme Enclinh
Statesman Society Editor
Many activities are on the calendar during the commencement
festivities at Willamette university this coming weekend. Graduation
exercises will be held Sunday, June IS at the university gymnasium
at 3 o'clcok. . -
Preceding the commencement President ' and Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith will be hosts at dinner, at University House tn compliment to
Dr. Charles M. Thompson of Champaign, Illinois, the commencement
tpeiiker, and candidates for honorary degrees.
Mrs. Smith wilt entertain at luncheon at University House Satur
day noon in compliment to the wives of the board of trustees, who will
be here with their husbonds for the annual meeting.
t . -
Reception on Saturday
i One of the largest affairs of commencement wilt be the annuel
formal reception for which members of the Willamette university fac
ulty will be hosts at Lausanne Hall Saturday night for the seniors,
parents, alumni and friends of the university. Hours will be from 8:30
to 10:30 o'clock. v '
In-ihe receiving line will be President and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H McCuJloch, Dean Floyd Field, Dean and Mrs.
Lawrence A. Riggs, Colonel and Mrs. Seward P. Reese. Dean and Mrs.
Melvin Geist, Dean Olive M. Dahl and Mr. and lira. Ttnkham Gilbert
Introducing jto the line will be Dr. Helen Pearce and Mrs. W. E. Kirk.
Greeting guests at the door will be Dr. and Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, Dr.
nd ' Mrs. Charles H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Chester F. Euther. and
Prof, and Mrs. Floyd Bird.
Presiding at the urns durlnc the evening will be Mrs. Herbert
lUhe, Mrs. Lestle Sparks. Mrs. Robert M. Gatke and Mrs. Morton E.
Peck. In charge of tlie dining room will be Miss Lorena Jack. Miss
Lois .Latimer, Mrs. Arthur Bates and Lestle Sparks. Inviting to the
dining room will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Er-ickson, Dr. and Mrs. Dan
iel Schulze, Prof, and Mrs. Ray Smith and Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Lantx. V:"v; ' .v' " :
Asisting and greetinr uets about the room will be Dr. and
. Mrs. Egbert Oliver. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gatke, Dr. and Mrs. E. C.
Richards. Dr. and Mrs.' Roy Lockenour. Prof, and Mrs. Maurice B-en-iten.
Prof, and Mrs. Herman Clark, Mrs. Ellen Foster. Mrs. Elizabeth
Bigbee. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jory, Prof, and Mrs. Murco Ringnalda,
Miss Minnie Just arid Mrs. Deseret Schaeffer. . .
'Alumnae Breakfast
Th Oregon Gamma, PI Beta Phi alumnae will hold their annual
eoinmencement breakfast Sunday, June 15 at Nohlpren's at 9:30 o'clork.
Mrs. Charles Redding of ' Portland, president, will preside. SnJors
who will be Jionor guests are" the Miwes Lorraine Murdock. Pstila
Smith, The) ma Wilcox. Maryanne Wittltff, Adele Egan, Mary McKay,
Evelyn Johnson and Mrs. Ronald Runyan.
To Tour the Parks . .
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulus and sons. Larry, Tommy and Peter
are leaving today on an extended motor trip which will take them to
Utah, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Grand Canyon and Iowa.
They will return home, by way of Glacier National park.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters and their daughters, Clarice, Clau
Ka and Marilyn are also leaving today on a motor trip south to Santa
re. New Mexico, where they will visit with his sister. Miss Elizabeth .
Waters, formerly of Salem. Miss Waters has her own dance stutliOx in
the ao4rthern city and has been teaching at Colorado Springs college.
The travelers will go by way of Idaho, Utah, Eryce. Zion and Grand
Canyon. They will return by way of California, hoping to bring with
them Miss Waters, who will visit in the capital for several weeks. ,
.- " Y V. - J- v - ' '
Salem Man's Betrothal Told in South
Romantic new has reached the capital from San Mateo. Calif., telling of the betrothal e.f
a Salem man, Thomas John Adolphson, son of Mrs. Albert Leo Adolphson and the late Mr
Adolphson, to Miss Betty Virginia Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Nelon of Sn
Mateo. o
The engagement was made known last week at a party t the Nelson home. Guets learned
the news when cake was served bearing the names of the engaged duo. No date has been set
for the wedding.
.Miss Nelson is a graduate of San Mateo schools and San Mateo Junior rollrire. Hrr fiance
who attended Salem school, has been at San Ma teo Junior colleje the psM e-r where the
couple first met. During the war he served in the navy for three yerfrs. Miss Ne'ltn experts
to visit In the capital this summer with her fiance and his mother at thnr Noith Summer
street home.
. '" ,'
This Year 's Housewives t.l Ltrxun h Vt s-re U-n rrvlx-rd t tutmm t4 tS n-v.-m
cWrwr and thing mhtre. -vJ the tMwnd t4 m le.k-tilw umm -14
blWs U a jtfcr r. Keet.g ov and tmAmt w jI tAjya f.U t?mr tury
4ays--ft-r Uil er's br ate IhH jeir Kouetr.
Lewa Tint iettad. who Uim JJim. WiHim nu a yrr a-, ka Srurt .
hu-hand. -h tt a law 1urVit at Wlll;nwll u ixvvitlr. ta Hr Wr-4
rhkrd finiham dir rl -hie jrn fe. Ut. Stf-lr Was vrry tmarfi Lfc a savorl
for a VMu'jiri ct'sfwr a4
Tl Rolit CrrrMT-t tir In I tikr t..t Ml,. jut f tx Th WvA.
h. a Niry WIUre bffte Uf frva-rUt. 64 rr- f t WaU.-g f.
line '-e t Hr fining lute rntkl f K iU n
Irce rr-und prdeUl leg In te renter. hti Kt. rwVt4 br N.-,ir
eft hll -htte to match hrr .tJr furn-ture Sv k-fT wilS fr a. v
r-lr rented t-ik ?d and klt,tn giotv Tie latwr W already rr-vj.rg r
couple Hh frh rrrUble.
Mrs t-e Holjeitr. te fof-mrr UtiCUtMn to rm ttr fnen Th la Sj'bvkVi
Wafhlngton. a btide a tear rn. f1d rti ng e cf rer t 4t t. SSe s u.ia
an rxiirit at tinning (huts, a th r- C tarrhe1 r-r - i7 th rcgrrtirr
inJt to hr aoartmrnt wi Nwti Kumcnrr tirt prmed.
Mrs, Hi'-ty FJel. foitnrrly lrtr IVt-nlrg. wiprt rr ftfut ?re d Ui
' n unbrWtr-td torlf. S3 keenat hnu- Hi an aparti-nrr.t at th A Mtu4f
uhile her HtrHtnl eeunt tnrey at th ba-k. A ML Ar-gO girl rr ti ng u
rlare kt July.
nh rxie M- Erwln Phlburg kirf i-rr home an ?.th H rl street s-,i
liean and t e trt f rrwVirg the td do-an ta a ariete. Cret-n u."rU ba
whM-h lorm tUka lor t ite fluffy rurtaiax and the rxVme wH'e erHi-ai
M'trad c rcor.te Jxt the tpe bcdnfn frar 1M brie. A tairMd tirger aM a ti
hiking e. Mrs. Bahlbvi. rsme here lat fall as a bride, f-he wm f ewt Ha.
bara UrutWy tf KUmath FaHa.
Dark tnd aJUtrtixe Mrs. Gordon Kiveger li a nvJ! hcM4fte anf kee-a
her small heme in ap-ple-p.e order. Here ahe stirs up ar-tt-.:r.r rH Sn her btm
tifullr equipped red and while kitchen. She is the former Cixabrllt Grant end was
a bride of lst June. S La let man aorkrty hut.grap.t ).
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Tell Wedding Plans ...
-Miss Cherie Raines, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Edward
N. Snyder of Anchorage, Alaska, will be married on Fr.d.y,
June 20 to Wallace Harry Bonefteele, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace H. Bonestecle. The rites will take place at the F.rnt
Presbyterian church with Dr. Chester Hamblin officiating at
.4 'oclock.
Miss Betty Dahlberg of Portland will be the honor maid
and bridesmaids will be Miss Marianne Bonesteele. Mer of the
grocm-elect. and Mirs Betty Paulson. John Golding Walls of
Seattle will be his cousin's bett man and usher will be Gordon
Cline of Burlingame, Calif., James Phillips and Richard llendrie.
A reception will follow at the Alpha Chi Omega house.
- The Calvary Bap? List church will be the scene for the wed
ding of Miss Dolores Hamilton, daughter of the Mollis Hamilton,
and Courtney Jones, son 6t Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones, on June 22
at 5 o'clock. The Rev. Charles Durden will officiate and Mis
Beverly Kenney will sing. Lighting the tapers will be Mis Su
zanne Small and Mrs. Edward Salstrom.
The bride-elect has asked Miss Jacqueline Torgerson to be
her maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Barbara Sundet
and Pat Agee. Bland Simmons will be best man and ushers will
be Daryl and Donald Jones, brothers of the benedict-elect, Ed
ward Salstrom and Carl Butte. A reception will be held in the
-church parlors. , . .-; .
Social Agenda Filled With Many Activities . . .
The social agenda is filled with a variety of activities durir.g the eaily svmmer aeaauv.
ine llousruarminz
Mr. and Mr. 1L G. Maiaon hMtd at a tuntriu c . ...w . -..-u t a
frien! iiillcl st tielr new txne on South Illh atrret The affair waa raa-hoat and a O.aee dtmrr was aerted.
The group picM-nled the Maioo. with dt chime Coining firn pr-rtuvnd Ice the patty were Mr and M: Th
aa Drlzell. Mr. and Mrt. JHn J. r.lhtt. Mr. and Mrs, Jur a lU-Wert. Mr. and Mrs. LmIl Krrsi. Mr. at4 Ura. Pay
mm Thomion and Mr. and Mm. Palmer McDonald
Portland Ten of Interest
Invitations have ben teceiel by a number of Salem matrtna to a tea for r.ici Mrs W. W. CUr14 W
htc? at her Portland home in Alameda 00 Wednesday artrtrmo. The affair ia be-rg arrartfd ta rinii aiaii I ta
Mrs. Gabiiera niece. Mrs. Kenneth Wilaon. who is WilJng In the sUtra with hrr davgUrr. ratrtcla. trsm Vtmj
home in Brisbane, Australia
Calling hours are from 3 to 5 o'clock. Mrs Charles HeMel. daughter e the hoateaa. will aaaist Inla-fna'.'r
ThnM' have been akrd to pour are Mrs Earl Sne'l. Mr. George Rceanan, Mrs. Earl Riary and Mrs Gear re JL.
liridal Parties
Mrs. Walter Barsch is olajining a one o'clock luncheon for Saturday aflernnon at S,Ker Creeat TaHs ladae 1
ccmplimcnt to Mr George Barnes, who ta leaving In July for the et roat, where her ttwkmege to Joa. Rene
Vincent of Brookline. NUu , will take place.
Miss Geraldine Nelson and her fiance. Robert Jahnke. who will be married on June 14. w,n be hnenred at a
party Wednesday night when Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Osborne entertain at their North Wir.trr street bnnae. A
kitchen shower will fete the couple A late supper will be served ty the nostra.
Honoring Miss Nelson and her fiance will be Mrs. R. J. Lewis tf Billings, Montana, Mr. and Mrs. A, X. Nel
son. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Parker. Mrs. Vivian Parker of Saa Franriaro, Mias Buena Stewmrt and the boats.